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Easy to follow -Short bullet point format -Your presentation should follow the same order (so that

it is easy to understand what you are saying) -Subtitles make it easier to read -Put keywords in bold type -Make sure that all the important points of your presentation are on the handout -Don't include too much info (otherwise it can become cluttered) -Your topic should be easily recognizable -Best if it is only one side of a sheet of paper

a teaching approach. Inquiry is a recursive, ever revolving process driven by the learners ideas, questions and purposes for learning begins with personal connection. Teaching Strengths Weaknesses Aids Used The teacher knows It will be only weak if how to efficiently the teacher do not know utilize the materials. how to efficiently utilize the material and if the Visual There is legibility content is not clear aids on the content enough to students. because students can quickly and clearly Clerical errors could understand what was be also its weakness. written. Comments on Appropriateness of the Teaching Aids Used It assists the teacher in delivering her lesson, so it is appropriate to use this material for a large number of students inside the classroom and it is necessary for the teacher to use it because most of the students were visual students.

Teaching Aids Strengths Used It will be effective if it is used in a proper way such as; writing on the board must start from left side going to Chalkboard the right side and writings on board must be legible enough in order for students understand quickly and clearly.


Comments on Appropriateness of the Teaching Aids Used

The appropriateness of this It will only be material can maximize learning weak if the inside the classroom. It is teacher does not appropriate to use this during know how to activities so that students can efficiently utilize compare their answers by writing it it. on the board provided by a teachers guidance.

Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do differently if you will teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?

If I will be the teacher of that class teaching with the same lesson, I will also provide activities in order for students to have an opportunity to practice and apply their learning after learning a particular knowledge, skills and attitudes. I will also use the same teaching approach which is the inquiry approach.

If it is possible, I will integrate the use of ICT tools because the concept of computer literacy for students has been redefined (creating web pages, digitizing multimedia and the use of social networking sites) thus I have to be aware of this trends, as my own teaching effectiveness will depend on my understanding of these recent technological trends. With this reason, I will create a game through the use of projector in a way that has relation to the tropic. I will also present a power point presentation that contains my topic for that day. Through this, the students will be attentive and participative in the lesson and it brings convenience to my part. If the resources are not available, I will use the chalkboard and I will provide them an interactive activity by dividing them into groups to be followed by a short discussion, this is to facilitate the visual, auditory and bodily or kinesthetic learners. After I implement the instruction, I will evaluate students by providing an assessment method that is suited to the needs and interest of the students in order for me to measure the retention of students if they have achieved mastery, and to know if Im going to proceed or revise the instruction.

hat are the good features of a handout?

A good handout must be concise and can be understood by the readers. There must be subtitles that make it easier to read and the key words must be in bold type in order to have an emphasis. To shorten it, the use of bullet point format may contribute as well as the use of diagrams, flowcharts and etc Make sure that all the important pints of the presentation are on the hand out and do not include too much information, otherwise it can become cluttered. The content must be easily recognized and it must be sequence properly to avoid confusion. The content must have legibility.


Which of these features are present in the hand out I made?

Most of these features are present. The handout that I made was concise and comprehensive. The key concepts were emphasized because they are in bold type. I also use bullets, concept map. I contained all the important points of the presentation and I sequenced the details properly to avoid misconceptions.

The use of bullets and concept map helps me to summarize the types of chemical reactions.


Which features are not present in the handout I made?

Honestly, there was a poor legibility on the handout that I made. My penmanship was not good enough to make my handout very attractive to the eyes of the readers, yet there is a chance to enhance its legibility by using one of the applications of a computer specifically the Microsoft word office.

I did not use any subtitles because in my own point of view it is not necessary to use subtitles for that subject matter.


What difficulties, if any, did you encounter been making the handouts? How did you overcome them?

To make a handout is not totally difficult as long as I have a reliable source or references and assistance from a computer. The only thing that took time and needed brain storming is the conceptualization of the flow of the handout and the concept map that I included. So first I did was to make an outline of the content of my handout then I read several references and searching through the internet just to form my concept map.

I also find difficult in providing examples in every chemical reactions. So what I did was to read and understand the details in every chemical reaction so that I can give correct examples.

What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of handouts?

The teacher must identify first her objectives and the purpose in making the handout. Then he/she must conceptualize the flow and the content of the handout by making an outline. The teacher must also read several references so that the handout will be an informative tool for the students learning.

In terms of the content of the handout the teacher must use subtitles in order for the students to read it easily and the keywords must be in bold type in order to have an emphasis. Bullet point format and concept map must be use to summarize the content. The teacher must put all the important points in the handout and he/she must not include too much information to avoid cluttering. The teacher must know how to sequence the content in order to avoid confusions

1. 1.

What are the good features of a slide presentation?

A good slide should include transitions or effects to put emphasis on some points of the lesson, but not too many. It must have also one design or theme for whole slides to avoid confusion or any misconception. The slides must not too long, nor too short to avoid cluttering in the slides. A pictures speaks thousands words, hence photos must be included in the slides to let students know what I am talking about. The contents of the slides are important points of the lesson and must not include the whole words that I have to say for the whole discussion.

1. 2.

Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made?

The features that are present in my slide presentation that I have made are the transitions, effects, only one theme or design for the whole slide and also pictures that help students visualize their thoughts or ideas. My slide presentation was not too long or too short and I give emphasis on the contents because they are the important points of my lesson. 1. 3. Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made?

All those good features of a slide presentation that I have cited are present in my slide presentation. I did not mention the sound effects and music, for me it is not essential to use all the time because it brings distraction to my discussion. There are times that music and sound effects are highly needed especially in presenting a video presentation Before I give the topic or activities to be searched by students, I must ensure first that those topic and activities are consistent in my learning objectives. I must also give proper instruction to the students before they search such websites by explaining to them the learning goals to be achieved before searching any websites so that the students will stay focused during the activity. When students get confused, I must provide guidance and directions, guide questions and

activities or scenarios. It is also important to have a follow up discussions to make some generalizations for that topic. Using the internet as an information tool is good and effective. Upon surfing on the internet, I saw many websites that have programs to make learning fun and effective. Some of the websites have games and other has tutorial programs but aside from those benefits, internet access may also be dangerous to the learners. From the websites I visited, some of the learning is incorporated with violence games and pornographic photos and videos which are not good influence to the students. Using internet as an information tool is good and effective but proper supervision of the teacher is highly needed and before giving the topic or any activity to be searched, I must check first the websites and choose those that are safe for the students. Over All Reflection As a future teacher someday, I will always bear in my mind that learners are rich in learning capabilities. The process of learning are highly unique and individual, this means that in a classroom there are individual differences that I must consider. I need to assist my future students to define and to make explicit to themselves the approaches they ordinarily use so that they can become more effective in problem solving and learning. I learned that one of the riches resources for learning is the learners himself. Each learner has an accumulation of experiences, ideas, feelings and attitude which comprise a rich vein of material for problem solving and learning. I consider learners as the richest resources for learning because they have their own aptitude which are their innate talent or gift , interest which express deep feelings for objects or actions and made their stay pleasant and enjoyable, they also have their own ability which pictates the prospect of success in any purposeful activity, attitude which is the learners perspective and disposition and last their family or cultural background which is their socioeconomic background. I also learn that learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance of ideas. As a future teacher, I will only facilitate my learners and they are the one who will give the meaning of a concept. Just like for example, my topic is all about the leaf of a plant. I will let them have field trip outside the classroom to observe the leaf of a plant. I will guide them and I will demonstrate first and give some information about the leaf and its parts after that, they will give their own meaning or understanding about the leaf and its parts. Learning is gradual its because it is by stages or levels so as a future teacher someday I must extend my patience. To be good teacher someday I must have passion to both my work and to my students, I must have also humor in a way that has connection to the topic, also values and attitude, fairness, sincerity and honesty, and professionalism.

Before I give the topic or activities to be searched by students, I must ensure first that those topic and activities are consistent in my learning objectives. I must also give proper instruction to the students

before they search such websites by explaining to them the learning goals to be achieved before searching any websites so that the students will stay focused during the activity. When students get confused, I must provide guidance and directions, guide questions and activities or scenarios. It is also important to have a follow up discussions to make some generalizations for that topic.

Using the internet as an information tool is good and effective. Upon surfing on the internet, I saw many websites that have programs to make learning fun and effective. Some of the websites have games and other has tutorial programs but aside from those benefits, internet access may also be dangerous to the learners. From the websites I visited, some of the learning is incorporated with violence games and pornographic photos and videos which are not good influence to the students. Using internet as an information tool is good and effective but proper supervision of the teacher is highly needed and before giving the topic or any activity to be searched, I must check first the websites and choose those that are safe for the students.

Over All Reflection

As a future teacher someday, I will always bear in my mind that learners are rich in learning capabilities. The process of learning are highly unique and individual, this means that in a classroom there are individual differences that I must consider. I need to assist my future students to define and to make explicit to themselves the approaches they ordinarily use so that they can become more effective in problem solving and learning. I learned that one of the riches resources for learning is the learners himself. Each learner has an accumulation of experiences, ideas, feelings and attitude which comprise a rich vein of material for problem solving and learning. I consider learners as the richest resources for learning because they have their own aptitude which are their innate talent or gift , interest which express deep feelings for objects or actions and made their stay pleasant and enjoyable, they also have their own ability which pictates the prospect of success in any purposeful activity, attitude which is the learners perspective and disposition and last their family or cultural background which is their socio-economic background.

I also learn that learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance of ideas. As a future teacher, I will only facilitate my learners and they are the one who will give the meaning of a concept. Just like for example, my topic is all about the leaf of a plant. I will let them have field trip outside the classroom to observe the leaf of a plant. I will guide them and I will demonstrate first and give some information about the leaf and its parts after that, they will give their own meaning or understanding about the leaf and its parts. Learning is gradual its because it is by stages or levels so as a future teacher someday I must extend my patience.

To be good teacher someday I must have passion to both my work and to my students, I must have also humor in a way that has connection to the topic, also values and attitude, fairness, sincerity and honesty, and professionalism.

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