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(Mdulo 9)

Prueba Terminal Especfica de Certificacin

Nivel Intermedio

Apellidos y nombre del alumno/a:______________________________________ D.N.I. ___________ Tutor del programa: __________________________ L M X J V Hora: ___ : ___ h.

Da de la semana de la tutora:

Estructura, puntuacin y duracin de la prueba.

Destreza Comprensin de lectura Comprensin oral Texto A Texto B Parte 1 Parte 2 N preguntas 5 5 5 5 Puntos por pregunta 1 1 1 1 Puntos totales 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Total destreza 10 Duracin 60 minutos 30 minutos 60 minutos 10 a 15 minutos


Expresin / Interaccin Escrita Expresin / Interaccin Oral

Interaccin (100 palabras) Expresin (100 palabras) Interaccin (100 palabras) Expresin (100 palabras)



El alumno/a deber alcanzar una puntuacin mnima de 5 puntos en cada una de las destrezas evaluadas.

Atencin: Slo se admitirn para su correccin los exmenes escritos con tinta azul o negra.


Comprensin de lectura
Por favor, lea estas instrucciones detenidamente antes de empezar a hacer esta seccin del examen. Usted deber leer dos textos para as poder evaluar el grado de comprensin lectora que posee. Lea cada tarea atentamente para saber qu se pide y cmo contestar. Seale claramente sus respuestas en la Hoja de Respuestas o Answer Sheet. No se admitirn respuestas ambiguas, ni dos respuestas en la misma pregunta, ni respuestas anotadas en otro lugar que no sea la Hoja de Respuestas o Answer Sheet. Los ejemplos dados a continuacin describen y/o ejemplifican cmo se ha de contestar en la hoja de respuestas y estn tomados de los textos que conforman esta seccin.
Texto A Tarea 1. - Elija la mejor definicin para la palabra en negrita marcando A, B o C en la hoja de respuestas. Example. 0. Geeks are people who... a. use computers b. write a lot. c. are experts in one thing, but have few social skills. Answer Sheet

Marque T (true) o F (false) en la hoja de respuestas si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas o falsas segn la informacin dada en el texto. Adems deber escribir la seccin del texto que justifique su respuesta. Example. 0. It took a long time before ordinary people started to write and read blogs. Answer Sheet Write evidence from the text.


The blogging craze exploded very soon: almost everyone read blogs, or was a blogger.

Texto B Tarea 2. - Complete las oraciones marcando A, B o C en la hoja de respuestas segn la informacin dada en el texto. Complete las oraciones segn la informacin dada en el texto. Example. 0. Sending an email of complaint may not be a good idea because someone in the shop... Answer Sheet 0. someone in the shop can delete or manipulate the email.

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pg. 2 de 12



Texto A
To blog or not to blog?
Only a few years ago, a web log was a little-known way of keeping an online diary. At that time, blogs (as they quickly became known) were only for serious computer geeks or obsessives. The blogging craze exploded very soon: almost everyone read blogs, or was a blogger. In fact, it was estimated that ten new blogs were started somewhere in the world every minute. Today, blogs are seen as important and influential sources of news and opinion. Nowadays, so many people read blogs, that it has even been suggested that some blogs may have been powerful enough to influence the result of Obamas presidential election. Blogs are very easy to set up all you need is a computer, an internet connection and the desire to write something. The difference between a blog and a traditional internet site is that a blog is one page consisting mostly of text (with perhaps a few pictures), and very important space for people to respond to what you write. There are blogs about politics, music, film, sport, books any subject you can imagine has its enthusiasts typing away and giving their opinions to fellow enthusiasts or anyone else who cares to read their opinions. So many people read blogs now that the world of blog writers and blog readers has its own name the blogosphere. But how influential, or important, is this blogosphere really? One problem with blogs is that many people who read and write them seem only to communicate with each other. When people talk about the influence of the blogosphere, they do not take into account the millions of people around the world who are not bloggers, never read blogs, and dont even have access to a computer, let alone a good internet connection. It seems that the blogosphere exists only to influence itself, or that its influence is limited to what is actually quite a small community. Blogs seem to promise a virtual democracy in which anyone can say anything they like, and have their opinions heard but who is actually listening to these opinions? There is still little hard evidence that blogs have influenced people in the way that traditional mass media (television and newspapers) have the ability to do.

Tarea 1. Choose the best definition for the words in bold.

1. The blogosphere is... a. another planet. b. a place where bloggers live. c. the virtual blogging community. 2. A craze is... a. a type of software that bloggers use. b. when a lot of people get excited about something. c. a slang name for a computer expert.

Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the information given in the text. Write the evidence from the text that justifies your answer.
3. Blogs directly affected the outcome of the US election in 2008. 4. The main difference between blogs and ordinary web pages is that people can send their own ideas, comments and opinions to blogs. 5. According to the article, bloggers do not reach many people around the world.

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pg. 3 de 12



Texto B
There are different ways of complaining: face to face, by phone, by email or by letter. In order to conclude which way is the most effective, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. Imagine you have bought a faulty item from a shop and you take it back to complain. You go directly to the shop assistant and tell them your problem. They say they cannot help you, which makes you so angry that you even start insulting the poor shop assistant. This reaction will not help you get any compensation, or even a refund. If you go directly to the first person you see within the shop or organisation you are complaining about, you may be wasting your time as they may be powerless to take any action or provide you with a solution. So the important lesson to be learnt is to make sure firstly that you are speaking to the relevant person, the one who has the authority to make decisions. Perhaps you dont have time to actually go and see the relevant authority in person so you decide to make a phone call. The problem with complaining by phone is that you may be passed around from department to department, making you more and more angry until you finally give up. The same applies to emails too, which can also be deleted, or even manipulated. This leaves us with the traditional letter. When we first make a complaint the usual response is a request to write a letter: Can you put that down in writing please? The advantages of writing a letter of complaint are that:
Written records are still very important, e.g. in legal matters as opposed to a fax or email. You have complete control over what is being said, and you can present evidence. You are able to keep copies of anything sent in writing.

Once you decide that a letter is the best way of complaint, make sure that your letter...
...states what went wrong exactly, when it happened and what was said or done. It is very useful for your complaint if you provide concrete evidence, with documentation, for example a receipt, where possible. Make sure you keep copies of all correspondence, including relevant documentation. Photographic or video evidence can be very beneficial for your case. ... states what you expect from your complaint. ... states a time limit for when you expect a reply. ... is addressed to the relevant person.

This will be more likely to ensure that you will achieve a satisfactory outcome from your complaint.

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Tarea 2. Complete the sentence with the best option according to the information given in the text.
6. The most important point about complaints is... a. speaking to the first person you see in the shop or organization where you want to present your complaint. b. that you complain at the person who can really solve your problem. c. that you write everything that has happened. 7. The problem about complaining by phone is that... a. nobody usually answers your phone call. b. you may waste your time. c. in the end you contact the wrong person. 8. Sending your complaint by fax or email... a. is very important if you take legal action against the shop or organization. b. is as useful as written letters of complaint. c. is worse than sending a written letter.

Complete the sentences with words or phrases according to the information given in the text.
9. When you send a letter of complaint, it is advisable to include... 10. Regarding the complaint letter and all the documents that you send, you... Before sending the complaint letter and all the relevant documents, you (should)

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pg. 5 de 12



Comprensin oral

Por favor, lea estas instrucciones detenidamente antes de empezar a hacer esta seccin del examen. Usted deber escuchar dos secuencias de audio para as poder evaluar el grado de comprensin auditiva que posee. Cada secuencia se reproducir tres veces. Seale claramente sus respuestas en la Hoja de Respuestas o Answer Sheet. No se admitirn respuestas ambiguas ni dos respuestas en la misma pregunta, ni respuestas anotadas en otro lugar que no sea la Hoja de Respuestas o Answer Sheet. Lea cada tarea atentamente para saber qu se pide y cmo contestar:
Secuencia 1 Tarea 1. - Complete las oraciones marcando A, B o C en la hoja de respuestas segn la informacin dada en el dilogo. Rellene los huecos con una sola palabra. Slo se puntuar si se da la palabra correcta en ambos huecos. Example. 0. __________ will be more important than ever as the job market becomes more ___________. Answer Sheet 0. Education / competitive

Secuencia 2 Tarea 2. - Marque T (true) o F (false) en la hoja de respuestas si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas o falsas segn la informacin dada en el dilogo. Complete las oraciones segn la informacin dada en el dilogo. Example. 0. If Jack wants to see a film. Answer Sheet he goes to the cinema.

Seale claramente sus respuestas en la Hoja de Respuestas o Answer Sheet. No se admitirn respuestas ambiguas ni dos respuestas en la misma pregunta, ni respuestas anotadas en otro lugar que no sea la Hoja de Respuestas o Answer Sheet.

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pg. 6 de 12



Secuencia 1 Tarea 1.

What will work be like in the future?

You will hear a description of how people will work in the future. You will listen three times. Complete the sentence with the best option according to the information given in the dialogue.
11. In the future, people... a. will not work in the same place for a long time. b. will have the same job in the same company for years. c. will do a series of projects for the same company during their working life. 12. People will be self-employed... a. but will do jobs for a single company. b. and will work for different companies. c. and will offer their services to one or two clients. 13. There is some false information in option... a. It will be easier to work at home. b. Technology will provide people working in different company departments with a better communication. c. People will be contacted in a variety of ways from anywhere in the world.

Fill in the gaps with one word according to the information given in the dialogue.
14. People will need to ____________ in __________ languages. 15. ___________ will help us to work more quickly and easily, but ___________ will be the most essential thing.

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Secuencia 2 Tarea 2.

Do you watch TV?

Jane and Jack talk about the advantages and disadvantages of watching television. You will listen three times. Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the information given in the dialogue.
16. According to Jack, when you watch TV, you just watch TV. 17. Jane listens to the radio in the morning on her way to work . 18. Jane thinks that there are some programmes that you can only enjoy if they are on TV .

Complete the following sentences according to the information given in the dialogue.
19. When you see a film on TV, you... 20. For Jane, television is very useful when...

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pg. 8 de 12



Hoja de respuestas
D.N.I. ___________

Answer Sheet

Apellidos y nombre del alumno/a:________________________________________ Tutor del programa: ___________________________

L M X J V Hora: __ : __ h.

Da de la semana de la tutora:

Tache la casilla correcta.

Comprensin de Lectura Tarea 1 1. A 3. 4. 5. T T T B F F F C 2. A B C

Write evidence from the text.

Tarea 2 6. A 9. 10.



Comprensin Oral Tarea 1 11. 12. 13. Tarea 2 16. 17. 19 20. T T F F 18. T F A A A B B B C C C 14. 15. __________ / ___________ __________ / ___________

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pg. 9 de 12



Expresin e interaccin escrita

Por favor, lea estas instrucciones detenidamente antes de empezar a hacer esta seccin del examen. Usted deber redactar dos escritos para as poder evaluar el grado de expresin e interaccin escrita que posee. Tache completamente o cubra con corrector todo aquello que pueda interferir con la lectura lineal de su texto. No se admitirn dos opciones en ninguna frase. Deber cuidar la presentacin: escriba con letra clara y evite, en la medida de lo posible, los tachones. Deber redactar los escritos en sus correspondientes hojas las hojas establecidas para ello. Ajstese a la extensin del texto que se le pide. Si necesitara ms papel, solicite un folio adicional a su tutor/a. Lea cada tarea atentamente para saber qu se pide y cmo contestar: Interaccin
Tarea 1. - Redacte una carta solicitando alguno de los empleos ofertados en el anuncio.

Tarea 2. - Redacte un texto describiendo el sistema poltico espaol. Podr incluir informacin sobre los asuntos sugeridos.

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pg. 10 de 12



Interaccin escrita
Apellidos y nombre del alumno/a:________________________________________ D.N.I. ___________ Tutor del programa: ___________________________
L M X J V Hora: __ : __ h.

Da de la semana de la tutora:

Tarea 1.
While you are reading the newspaper, you see this job advert by Disneyland Paris . You like one of the offered jobs, so you decide to write a letter applying for that job. Write 100 words.

is looking for self-motivated individuals to join our team. Vacancies are offered in the following areas: restaurants (waiters and cooks), hotels (receptionists and cleaners), casting (actors and dancers). Candidates must have a positive attitude, good communication skills and be active members of work teams. All applicants must have good level of English, French and any other third language. Send your CV and a picture to For vacancies in the casting area, applicants must send a DVD showing their acting and dancing skills.

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Expresin escrita
Apellidos y nombre del alumno/a:________________________________________ D.N.I. ___________ Tutor del programa: ___________________________
L M X J V Hora: __ : __ h.

Da de la semana de la tutora:

Tarea 2.
Write about the political system in Spain. You can give information about the electoral system, the Parliament, the major political parties or peoples general view on politicians. Write 100 words.

Comprensin de Lectura Comprensin Oral Expr. / Interac. Escrita Expr. / Interac. Oral

Puntos Tarea 1 Puntos Tarea 1 Puntos Interac. Puntos Interac.

Puntos Tarea 2 Puntos Tarea 2 Puntos Expres. Puntos Expres.

Puntos totales Puntos totales Puntos totales Puntos totales

Apto Apto Apto Apto

No Apto No Apto No Apto No Apto

a rellenar por tutor/a

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pg. 12 de 12


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