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4531/2 Fizik Kertas 2 OGOS 2013 2 jam

Penyedia soalan Cik Nurul Aesyah Abd Wahab

Ketua Panitia Sains Men. Atas Pn. Nabillah Ab Rahman

GKMP Sains & Matematik Pn. Lim Lay Kuan

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 26 halaman bercetak bercetak NAMA: . KELAS:




dalam kurungan pada hujung tiap-tiap soalan

1. Tulis nama disediakan. Kertas soala Calon diben sebahagian atau bahasa Mel Jawapan ke ruang yang d Rajah tidak Markah ma


Penggunaan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan adalah dibenarkan.

2. 3.


Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa Bahagian Soalan Markah 1 2 3 4 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5. 6.


Jumlah Besar

Section A [60 marks] Answer all questions in this section. Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. 1. Diagram 1 shows a voltmeter which has two scales on it. Rajah 1 menunjukkan sebuah voltmeter yang mempunyai dua skala di atasnya.

Diagram 1 Rajah 1


State the physical quantity that can be measured by the voltmeter. Nyatakan kuantiti fizik yang dapat disukat oleh sebuah voltmeter.

. [1 mark]



What is the reading of the voltmeter when the terminal P and R is connected? Berapakah bacaan voltmeter bila terminal P dan R disambung ? 1 markk


What has to be done to the reading obtained in (b) (i) if the voltmeter has positive zero error? Apakah yang perlu dibuat kepada bacaan yang didapati dalam (b) (i) jika voltmeter mempunyai ralat sifar positif? 1 mark


Diagram 2.1 shows the arrangement of Youngs double slit experiment. A white light source is passed through a blue filter to produce a monochromatic light. Diagram 2.2 shows the pattern of the fringes formed on the screen when a blue filter is used. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan susunan bagi eksperimen dwicelah Young. Satu sumber cahaya putih dilalukan menerusi penapis biru untuk menghasilkan cahaya monokromatik. Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan corak pinggir-pinggir yang terbentuk pada skrin apabila penapis biru digunakan.

Diagram 2.1

Diagram 2.2 (a). What is the meaning of monochromatic light? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan cahaya monokromatik ? [1 mark] (b). Why bright fringes and dark fringes are observed on the screen as shown on Diagram 2.2 ? Mengapakah pinggir cerah dan pinggir gelap diperhatikan pada skrin putih seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2.2? [2 mark] (c). In the experiment, the screen is placed at the distance of 1.5 m from the double-slit. The separation distance between the double-slit is 0.5 mm while the total separation of four successive dark fringes is 4.05 mm. Calculate the wavelength of the blue light. Di dalam eksperimen ini, skrin diletakkan pada jarak 1.5 m dari dwicelah. Jarak pemisahan antara dwicelah ialah 0.5 mm sementara jumlah jarak pemisahan bagi empat pinggir gelap berturutan ialah 4.05 mm. Hitungkan panjang gelombang bagi cahaya biru tersebut.

[4 marks]


Diagram 3.1 shows a mirror that is fixed in certain area in a mini market. The purpose of the mirror is to help the owner of the mini market to monitor their customer. Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan sebuah cermin yang di pasang pada tempat tertentu di sebuah pasar mini. Tujuan cermin ini dipasang adalah untuk membantu pemilik pasar mini mengawasi pengguna.

Diagram 3.1


State the type of mirror used. Nyatakan jenis cermin yang digunakan. .............................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


What is the advantage of the mirror as mentioned in (a) compare to plane mirror? Apakah kelebihan cermin ini seperti yang dinyatakan di (a) berbanding cermin satah? .............................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


In Diagram 3.2, C is the centre of curvature and F is the focal point of the mirror. Pada Rajah 3.2, C ialah pusat kelengkungan dan F ialah titik fokus suatu cermin.

Diagram 3.2 (i). In Diagram 3.2 , draw a ray diagram to show the position of the image. Pada Rajah 3.2 lukiskan satu rajah sinar utnuk menunjukkan kedudukan imej. [3 marks] (ii). State the characteristics of the image formed Nyatakan cirri-ciri imej yang terbentuk . [1 mark] (d) What happens to the size of image if the curvature of convex mirror is decreased? .. [1 mark]


Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show an experiment to study the relationship between pressure and volume of air trapped in an air-tight container. Rajah 4.1 dan Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara tekanan dan isipadu udara yang terperangkap di dalam satu bekas kedap udara.

Diagram 4.1 (a) State the function of Bourdon Gauge. Nyatakan fungsi Tolok Bourdon.

Diagram 4.2

..... [1 mark] (b) Based on Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2, Berdasarkan Rajah 4.1 dan Rajah 4.2, (i) compare the volume of the gas in the air- tight container bandingkan isipadu gas dalam bekas kedap udara [1 mark] (ii) compare the reading of Bourdon gauge bandingkan bacaan Tolok Bourdon . [1 mark] (iii) compare the temperature of the gas in the air tight container Bandingkan suhu gas dalam bekas kedap udara itu . [1 mark]


Using your answer in b(i) and b(ii) state a relationship between volume of gas and the reading of Bourdon Gauge. Menggunakan jawapan anda di b(i) dan b(ii) nyatakan satu hubungan antara isipadu gas dengan bacaan Tolok Bourdon. . [1 mark]


Name a physics law involved in the above observation Namakan satu hukum fizik yang terlibat dalam pemerhatian di atas. [1 mark]


Using The Kinetic Molecular Theory explain your answer in (c) above. Menggunakan teori kinetic molekul, terangkan jawapan anda di (c) di atas. [2 marks]


Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show identical copper rods placed on bare copper wires in the magnetic field. Rajah 5.1 dan Rajah 5.2 menunjukkan rod kuprum yang serupa diletakkan di atas dawai kuprum tidak bertebat di dalam medan magnet.

Diagram 5.1

Diagram 5.2 When the switch is on, the pointer of the ammeter deflects and the copper rod is moved to the final position as shown in the diagrams. Apabila suis dihidupkan, jarum ammeter terpesong dan rod kuprum digerakkan ke kedudukan akhir seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah-rajah tersebut. (a) What is the meaning of magnetic field? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan medan magnet? ....................................................................................................................... [1 mark] (b) Observe Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. Perhatikan Rajah 5.1 dan Rajah 5.2. (i) Compare the deflection of the pointer of the ammeters. Bandingkan pesongan jarum bagi kedua-dua ammeter itu. .................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


Compare the final position of the copper rods. Bandingkan kedudukan akhir bagi kedua-dua rod kuprum itu. ................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


Relate the final position of the copper rod to the magnitude of electric current. Hubungkaitkan kedudukan akhir rod kuprum dengan magnitud arus elektrik. .............................................................................................................................. [1 mark]



Explain why the copper rods moved in the direction as shown in diagrams when the switch is on. ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................. [2 marks ]


Name the rule used to determine the direction of the copper rod. Namakan petua yang digunakan untuk menentukan arah rod kuprum itu. .................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


State one other method that can moved the rod further. Nyatakan satu kaedah lain yang boleh menggerakkan rod dengan lebih jauh lagi. ........................................................................................................................... [1 mark]


Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show circuits consists of 3three identical bulbs arranged in two different ways. Each bulb has a resistance of 4 . Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan dua litar yang mengandungi tiga mentol yang sama jenis disusun dalam dua cara yang berbeza. Setiap mentol mempunyai rintangan 4 .

Diagram 6.1 (a). Name the circuit arrangement in Diagram 6.1 Namakan susunan litar pada Rajah 6.1

Diagram 6.2

.............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (b) (i) Calculate the effective resistance in each diagram. Kira rintangan berkesan bagi setiap rajah.

[3 marks]


State which circuit will produce greater brightness of the bulb Nyatakan litar manakah akan menghasilkan kecerahan mentol yang lebih cerah ................................................................................................................. [1 mark]


Give two reasons for your answer in b (ii) Nyatakan 2 alasan bagi jawapan b (ii) [2 marks]


Diagram 6.3 shows an illuminating torch light. Rajah 6.3 menunjukkan sebuah lampu suluh yang mengeluarkan cahaya.

Diagram 6.3 It is found that the torch light is not bright enough even when new cells are used. A modification is required to make it light brighter. Cahaya daripada lampu suluh ini tidak cukup terang walaupun bateri yang baru digunakan. Satu pengubahsuaian diperlukan untuk menjadikannya bercahaya lebih terang. Suggest the modification that needs to be done through these aspects: Cadangkan pengubahsuaian yang perlu dibuat melalui aspek-aspek berikut: (i) Number of cells Bilangan bateri ................................................................................................................. [1 marks] (ii) The way the cells are arranged Cara susunan bateri ................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (iii) Internal resistance of the cell Rintangan dalam bateri ................................................................................................................. [1 mark] Give a reason Berikan satu sebab ................................................................................................................. [1 mark]

7. The following Diagram 7.1 shows a simple wave motion.

Rajah 7.1 ialah pergerakan gelombang.

Diagram 7.1

a) (i) What is meant by a wave motion? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan gerakan gelombang?

[1 mark]

(ii) State whether the wave is a transverse wave or a longitudinal wave. Nyatakan samaada ia gelombang melintang atau gelombang membujur

[1 mark]

(iii) Give a reason for your answer in (a)(ii). Nyatakan alasan anda

[1 mark]

(iv) If the wave has a frequency of 1 Hz, mark on the diagram 7.1 the distance, D, travelled by the wave in 2 second. [1 mark] Jika frekuensi gelombang ialah 1 Hz, tandakan atas rajah 7.1 jarak, D yang dilalui gelombang dalam masa 2 saat.

b) The following Diagram 7.2 shows water waves being generated by a linear dipper oscillating in a ripple tank with a deep area and a shallow area as indicated.

Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan gelombang air dihasilkan oleh pencelup linear yang bergetar di dalam tangki riak dengan kawasan yang dalam dan kawasan cetek seperti yang ditunjukkan.

Diagram 7.2

(i) State two changes when the wave moves toward the shallow area. Nyatakan 2 perubahan apabila gelombang bergerak ke kawasan cetek


(ii) If the frequency of the oscillating linear dipper is 9 Hz, the wavelength of the waves in the deep area is 9 cm and the wavelength of the waves in the shallow area is 4 cm, calculate the speed of the waves in the deep area and Jika pencelup linear bergetar pada 9 Hz, panjang gelombang di kawasan dalam ialah 9cm dan di kawasan cetek ialah 4 cm, kirakan halaju gelombang di kawasan dalam dan the speed of the waves in the shallow area halaju gelombang di kawasan cetek [2 marks]

8. Diagram 8 shows a step-down transformer.

Rajah 8 ialah transformer langkah-turun

Diagram 8

(a) (i) Suggest one suitable metal to be used as metal X in the transformer.

[1 mark]

Cadangkan besi yang sesuai digunakan sebagai besi X dalam transformer

(ii) Explain the reason for your answer in 6(a) (i) . Jelaskan jawapan anda

[1 marks]

(iii) The number of turns on the primary coil is 2000 and on the secondary coil is 125. Calculate the output voltage of the transformer. [2 marks] Bilangan lilitan di gegelung primer ialah 2000 dan gegelung sekunder ialah 125. Kirakan voltan yang dihasilkan transformer

(b) The Diagram 6.2 shows three identical bulbs of "12 V, 24 W", each connected in series to the secondary coil of a transformer. The input voltage is 240 V from the mains supply. Rajah 6.2 merupakan 3 mentol sama 12 V, 24 W, setiap satu disambung secara sesiri di gegelung sekunder transformer. Voltan input ialah 240V dari bekalan utama.

Diagram 6.2 The primary coil has 3600 turns and secondary has 540 turns . The three bulbs are lighted with normal brightness. Gegelung primer mempunyai 3600 lilitan dan sekunder 540 lilitan. Ketiga-tiga mentol menyala dengan kecerahan normal. (i) What is meant by normal brightness? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kecerahan normal? [1 mark]

(ii) What is the output voltage of the transformer? Apakah voltan output transformer?

[1 mark]


(iii) ) If the transformer is 100% efficient, calculate the current in the primary coil. [2 marks] Jika kecekapan transformer ialah 100%, kirakan arus di gegelung primer.


1 (a) (b) (c)

Voltage 0.8 V Subtract with reading of zero error

1 1 1

(a) (b)

Lights with one colour or one wavelength Constructive interference takes place and bright fringes are observed. Destructive interference takes place and dark fringes are observed.

1 1

(c) = 1.35 mm = 1.35 x 10 m



ax D -3 0.5 x 10 x 1.35 x 10

1 1 7

1.5 = 4.5 x 10 meter Total


(a) (b) (c) (i)

Convex mirror It can provide a wider field of view than plan mirror

1 1 3

(ii) (d)

Virtual, upright and diminished Size of image increase


1 1
7 1 1 1 1 1

(a) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (c)

To measure gas pressure Volume in Diagram 5.1 is higher The reading of Bourdon Gauge in 5.1 is less Temperature is constant When the volume of gas decreases the reading of Bourdon Gauge increasing Boyles Law When the volume of gas decrease, the collision per unit area increases The pressure of gas will increases.

(d) (e)

1 1 1 8


(a) (b) (i) (ii) (c) (d) (i)

The region where a magnetic material experiences magnetic force Diagram 6.2 > Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2 > Diagram 6.1 When the magnitude of current increases, the final position of the copper rods increases 1. the combination between the magnetic field due to (permanent) magnet and magnetic field due to current in the copper rod (conductor wire) 2. produces the resultant force that pushed the copper rods // catapults field Flemings Left Hand Rule Use stronger magnets Total

1 1 1 1 1 1

(ii) (e)

1 1 8 1

(a) (b) (i)

Series circuit Diagram 7.1 Re = R1 + R2 + R3 = 4 + 4 + 4 (Substitution) = 12 (Answer wlth unit) Diagram 7.2 1 = 1 + R R1 1 + R2 1 R3

Re = 4 3 = 1. 33 (ii) (iii) Diagram 7.2 is brighter (c) (i) (ii) Total Effective resistance is lower in parallel circuit // the current flow increase Voltage across bulb is higher

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

More In series


Lower Voltage lost (voltage drop) will decrease

1 1 11 1 1 1

Total 7 a I Ii Iii iv
Wave motion is the transfer of energy from one location to another location without the transfer of matter. Transverse wave The direction of vibration is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave motion. D

- Wavelength becomes smaller. - Speed becomes smaller. - Amplitude becomes bigger. v = f = 9 x 9 = 81 cm s-1 v = f = 9 x 4 = 36 cm s-1 Total


2 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 8

I Ii Iii

Soft iron core easily to magnetized or demagnetized

V/240=125/2000 V = 15V Normal brightness means the voltage supplied to a bulb is the same as the voltage ratings on the bulb. 12 3 = 36 V Power input =Power output I (240) = 24 X 3
I = 0.3 A

I Ii iii


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