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Its Foundation And Concepts

Dr, Muhammed bin Abdullah As-Suhaym


daarulated fo
Abdur-Raafi Adewale lmaam

@Muhammad Abdullah AhSuhaym, 2OOs

K ng Fahad NationalLibrary Catalogi ng-in-PublicationData AIS uh aym, Muham mad Abdul lah. lslam:lts Foundation And Concepts./ Muhammad Abdullah Al-Suhaym.Riyadh, 2005 224p 14x21cm ISBN:996047-538-7 1- lslam-General Principles l-Title 210dc 142611239 LegalDepositNo. 1426/1239 ISBN:9960-47-538-7

lst, Edition
- 200sA.c. 1426A,H. All Rlghlr Rererved

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Its Foundationsand Concepts


Dr. Muhammadbin AbdullaahAs-Suhaym

Translated by Abdur-Raafi Adewale lmaam Translationand PublicationDivision, lslaamic Propagation And Education Committee, Al-MadeenahAl-Munawwarah www.alharamai

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

I n t h e N a m eo f A l l a a h ,th e Gra ci o us, the M er ciful

Translator'snote: All praiseis due to AllaahlMay peaceand blessings be upon tne Messenger, his household and companions. This book is undoubtedly a commendable attempt at showing the beauties of lslaamto mankind, drawing a comparison between this great religionand other world religions in spiritual, moral,social and intellectual aspectsand acquainting mankind with rts principles and fundamentals in a logical, unambiguous, convincing, frankbut gracious manner. We would howeverlike to call the attention of the readerto some pointsas regards the translation of someof the quotesand foreign names in this book.The authorquotedsome passages from the Bibleand otherbooks, whichare not originally Arabic. Thoughwe believethat the proper academicmethod in translating these passages is to referto theiroriginal sourcessincemost of them are in English, we could not however do so because of therr unavailability to the translator. lt is therefore hopedthat,translation of the passages rendered here are as close as possible in meaning, to the original texts. As for the namesof someauthors mentioned in the Bookin Arabic letters,we exertedefforts to know the correct spellingof these names in their originallanguages. But due to the fact that the
In transliterating Arabic words, the translator choseto use the double vowel 'aa', 'ee'and'oo' to indicatemadd [stretching] with fathah, kasr, a n d d a n t mr e s p e c t i v e la ys i t i s i n ' A l l a a h ' , ' l s l a a m ' , ' T a w h e e d ' , ' s o o r a h ' , etc., because; usingthis methodrnakes it easierfor non-Arabicspeaking readersto pronounce the words as closely as possibleto the way the Arabic speakers do. This way has becomestandard way of transliteration by nranyfamousMuslim writersand translators Iike Dr Bilal Philipsand others. '

Islsam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

sources, authorquotedexcerptsfrom their booksfrom secondary which are in Arabic, we could not have access to the original from Arabic. books;hencethe nameswere transliterated in this book in mentioned the namesof foreignreferences Equally, authors. may not be the exactnamesgivenby theirvarious English from Arabic. Mostof theseare translated I Qur'aan, of the versesof the Glorious the meanings ln translating and M. M. reliedon the translation done by Al-Hilali completely of the Khan and printedby King Fahd Complexfor the Printing or any addition as it is without I quoted the translation HolyQur'an. omission. if I largely reliedon M. M. Khan'stranslation As for the hadeeths, the hadeeth is reported by Al-Bukhaareeand Muslim or Alby Muslim,I quoted alone.lf the hadeethis reported Bukhaaree the hadeethsare translated Otherwise, from Siddiqi'stranslation. by my humble self. In the footnotehowever,I deem it enough to of the hadeefhin the footnote.I add the mentiononly the collector 'AA' at the end of the footnotes added by me to distinguish initials betweenthem and thoseof the author. for all and reward its author May Allaah make this book beneficial the Hereafter. world and in this abundantly Abd ur-RaafiAdewale lmaam
And Education lslaamicPropagation Committee, Al-Munawwarah Al-Madeenah

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Author's preface
All praise is due to Allaah.We praise Him and seek for His assistance and forgiveness. We seek refugewith Him from evilsof our souls and our misdeeds.No one can misleadwhosoever Allaahguidesand nonecan guidewhosoever Allaahcausesto go astray. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allaah alone. He has no partner.I also testifythat Muhammadblessings and peacebe uponhim,is Hisslaveand Messenqer. Allaahsent Messengers to mankindin orderthat peoplemay not have any plea againstHim after He has sent these Messengers. He alsorevealed Booksas guidance, mercy,lightand healing. In the past, Messengers were especially sent to their peopleand entrustedwith the preservation of their book. That was why their writingsbecameforgotten and their laws becamealtered,because they were sent tot a specificnationon a limitedperiod. Thereafter, Allaah chose His ProphetMuhammad,blessingsand peace be upon him, and made him the last of all prophets and Messengers. He says,
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"Muhammadis not the father of anyone among you, but he is the Messengerof Allaah and the last(end) of the Prophets.',1

rAl-Ahzaab 33:40

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts Allaahhonouredhim wtth the best RevealedBook which is the it and did not glorious Qur'aan;He took it upon Himselfto preserve He to any of His creatures. of its preservation assignthe obligation


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"Verily,We it is Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e., Qur'aan)and surely, We wilt guard it (from corruption)."1 blessings and peace be He also makes the Law of Muhammad, He explained one tillthe Day of Resurrection. uponhim,the lasting the belief in it, calling of his Law necessitates that the perpetuity unto it and being patientwith it. Hencethe path of the Prophet, is that of blessings and peace be upon him, and his followers withsureknowledge. Whilemaking this to the way of Allaah calling Allaahsays, way clear,

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"Say (O Muhammad).Ihls is my way; I invite unto Allaah with sure knowledge,I and whosoeverfollowsme. And Glorifiedand Exalted And I am not of the polytheists.'" be AIlaah. and peacebe uponhim, blessings the Prophet, Altaah commanded he in the cause of Allaah with harm suffered to bear whatever patience and says,

' A l - H i . ;lr5 : 9 I Y o o s u l1 108 ' 2.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


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"Thereforebe patient (O Muhammad) as did the Messengersof strong will."' patience He alsoenjoins on Muslims,
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1,,-:-'irJ.>..l.o-l "O you who believe!Endure and be more patient and guard (your territory by stationingarmy units permanenily at the places from where the enemy can attackyou) and fear Allaah,so fhat you may be successful."' In accordance with this graciousDivineWay, I write this book to invitepeopleto the religion of Allaah,deriving guidance in doing so, from the Book of Allaahand the Sunnahof His Messenger. I brieflyexplainedhereinthe story of the creationof the Universe, the creation of man and how he was favoured by sending Messengers to him and acquainting him with the situations of past religions. Afterwards, I made an introduction to lslaam as per its meaningand pillars In this book, I have provided evidences tor those who are lookingfor guidance,explainedthe way for those who are lookingfor salvation, showedthe pathto thosewho desire to follow the track of the Prophets,Messengersand righteous people. As for those who turn away from their path, such only befoolthemselves and take to the erroneous oath.

rAl-Ahqaaf46:35 2 Aal 'lrnraan 3:200

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

of each religioncall othersto it It is a matterof fact that adherents lt is also a that truthonly abidesin theirreligion. and they believe fact that adherentsof each beliefcall othersto follow their leader he does not call peopleto follow and extolhim.As for the Muslim, withwhichHe is the religion of Allaah his own ideology. His religion Allaahsays, is pleased.

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"Truly,the religionwith Allaah is lslaam"' He also does not call people to glorifya human being, for all human beings are equal in the Religion of Allaah; nothing one from another exceptpiety.A Muslimrathercalls distinguishes people to follow the path of their Lord, to believe in His and follow His Law which He revealedto the last of Messengers blessings Muhammad and peace be upon him, His Messengers him to convev to all mankind. and whichHe commanded It's on this accountthat I wrote this book in order to call peopleto with and with whichHe of AllaahwhichHe is pleased the Religion in orderto guidethosewho are looking sent His Last Messenger By AllaahlNo humanbeingcan have and happiness. for guidance through this religion and nonecan haverest happiness except real of that Allaahis the only Lord (worthy of mind exceptby believing blessings and peace be upon him, is that Muhammad, worship), of religion and that lslaamis the only acceptable His Messenger Allaah. that they Thousandsof those who embracedlslaam have testified lslaamand thatthey did not knowreallifeuntilaftertheyembraced except under the shade of lslaam. did never tasted happiness Since it is a fact that every human being looks for happiness, peaceof mind and truth,I prepare this work to helpthem achieve
I Aal 'lmraan 3:19

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

that. I pray that Allaahmakesthis work purelyfor His sake and let it be well-accepted and make it one of those righteous deeds that will benefitits doer in this worldand the next. I givepermission to translate and publish thisbookin any language to whoevermay want to do so with a condition that the personact honestlyin translating it and to do me a favourby sendinga copy to me to avoidunnecessary repetition of efforts. I equallyrequestfrom whoeverhas any observation or correction either on the Arabic text of this Book or any of its translateo versions to kindly send it to me through the below-mentioned address. All praiseis due to Allaahfirstly and lasfly, outwardly and inwardry. All praiseis due to Him publicly and secrefly. All praiseis due to Him in the beginning and the end.All praiseis due to him as much as can fill the heavensand the earth and whateverelse that Our Lord may wish. May Allaahbestowpeaceand much blessing on our Prophet Muhammad, his companions and all thosewho follow his pathtillthe day of reckoning The author, Dr.Muhammad bin Abdullaah bin Saalih As-suhaym Riyadh, Shawwaal 13,1420 P. O. Box 1032Riyadh1342, P O. Box6249 Riyadh1r1442

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Where is the Way?

things,many questions When man growsand startsunderstanding Where I from? Why did I come (to am come to his mind like: existence)? What will be my end?Who createdme and createdthe And this universe? universe aroundme? Who owns and controls likethese. otherouestions However,he is unable to providehimselfwith answersto these questions.Even modern science is not capable of providing answers to them because these issues fall within religious and different domains That is why there are numerousnarrations superstitionsand tales about them that only add to man's for man to get a satisfying confusion and is impossible he is guidedby Allaahto the true unless answer to thesequestions final decisionon these and religion that is capableof providing that for, theseissuesare amongthe divinesecrets similarissues; to and and accurate answers can givecorrect onlythe true religion and that Allaahrevealed to His Prophets that is the only religion Messengerslt is then incumbentupon man to learn the true and religion and have beliefin it in order to have his confusion Path. to the Straight doubtsremoved and in orderto be guided pages,I inviteyou to followthe StraightPath of In the following Allaah and I presentto you some evidencesand proofsthat you reflect may carefully and patiently on.

Islsam: Its Foundations And Conc

Existenceof Allaah, His Lordship (over alt creation), His Onenessand His being the only God worthy of worship
0Manypeopledo worshipman-made deities liketrees,stonesano even humanbeings; that is why the Jews and idolaters askedthe Messenger of Allaah, blessings and peacebe upon him, aboutthe characteristics of his Lord.In replyto this question Allaahrevealed,

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"Say (O Muhammad).He r's Altaah, (the) One, Attaah, the Self_ sufficient Master (whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks). He begets not nor is He begotten.And there is none co_ equal or comparableunto Him."1 He alsosavs.
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Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"lndeed your Lord is Allaah Who created the heavens and the earih in Sx Days and then He lstawa (rose over) the Throne (really in a manner thaf suifs His Majesty).He bringsnight as a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly,and (He created)the sun, the moon, the starssubjectedto His Command.S/essedbe Allaah, the Lord of all the world!"' He alsosays,
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"Allaah is He, Who raised the heaven without pillarsthat you can see. Then He lstawa (rose above) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty).He has subjectedthe sun and the moon (to continue going round)! Each running (its course) for a term appointed.He regulates all affairs, explainingthe Aayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, /essons,slgns, revelations,etc.) in detail, that you may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord. And it is He who spread out the earth, and placed therein firm mountains and riversand of every kind of fruits He made in pairs.He brings the nightas a coverover the day..."untilHe says,

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Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

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"Allaahknows what every female bearsand how much the womb falls short (of their time or number) or exceed. Everything with Him is in due proportion.AII-Knowerof the unseenand the- seen, the Most Great,the Most-High."1 Allaah alsosays,

"Say (O Muhammad): Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth? Say: (lt is) Allaah. Say: Have you then taken (for worship) protectorsother than Him, such as have no power either for benefit or for harm to themselves? Say. ts the btind equat to the one who sees? Or darkness equal to light? Or do they assign A)taah parrners who created the like of His creation, so that the creation
' Ar-Ra'd l 3 : 2 ,j , 8 , 9

Islasm: Its Foundations And Concepts


(which they made and His creation)seemed alike to them? Say: Atlaahis the Creatorof altthings.He is the One, the trresistibte."l and proofs, His signsas evidences for mankind Whileestablishing He says,
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"And from among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostratenot to the sun or the moon, but prostrate to Allaah who created them, if you really worship Him. But if they are too proud (to do so), then those who are with your Lord (angels) glorify Him night and day, and never are they tired. And among His s4lns (in this), that you see the earth barren, but when We send down water (rain) to it, it is stirred to life and growth (of vegetations). Verily, He Who gives it life, sure is Able to give life to lndeed He is Able to do all the dead (on the Day of Resurrection). things.'' He alsosays,
' A r - R a ' dI 3 :I 6 2 F u s s i l a4 t l:37-39

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts



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t -'t\^Jr-l "And among His signs is the creationof the heavens and the eafth, and the differences of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge. And among His slgnsls your sleepby nightand by day..."' While describingHimselfwith Attributesof beauty and perfection He says,
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"Allaah!None has the right fo be worshippedbut He. The EverLiving, the One Who sustainsand protectsall that exisfs. Neither slumber nor sleep oveftakes Him. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoeveris in the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures)in this world and what wiil happen

' Ar-Room 30'.22-23

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Conce.

to them in the Hereafter.And they will never compassanythingof that whichHe wills."' except Hisknowtedge He alsosays,

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"The Forgiver of sins, the Acceptor of repentance' the Sfern ln punishmeht,the Bestower(of favours)-Ld ilAha illa Huwa None has theright to be worshippedbut He.To Him is thefinat retttrn.'2 also says, He - may His praisebe exaltedii ",'ii ' 't. '









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He is Ail6h besldes whom L6 itaha illaHuwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the King, the Holy, the One Free from all defecfs, the Giver of security,the Watcherover His creatures,the (High is the Supreme.Glory be to All^hl Atl-Mighty,the Competter, '' partners with Him as associate they atl that He) a-Ooie knownto His This Wise and omnipotentLord who made Himself proofs and and signs His slaves and established for them prophetic perfection had of described Himself with attributes to existence, His to testify nature and wisdom human ordainments, be to right the having one only the being and His Lordship
I 2:255 Al-Baqarah r 40:3 Ghaafir I A l - H a s h5 r 9:23

Islaam: Its Foundations And

worshipped. I wiil -God wiiling-show that to you in the foilowinq pages. As for proofsof His existence and Lordship, they are: One: Creation of this universe and its wonderful design O man! All this universethat surrounds you, the heavens,tne stars,the galaxiesand the earth that is spread in which there are neighbouring tracts out of which differentprantsgrow bearinoail fruits,and on which you find ail creaturesin pairsl.. tni, *iuEr"u did not createitselfand could must then have a creator.who then is that creatorwho createdit in this wonderful design and perfection and made it a sign for those wno can se" save Allaahthe one, the subduerwhom there is no Lord oi o"ity worthyof worshipbesideHim. He says,

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"Were they created by nothing or were they themsetvesthe c.reators? Or did they create the heavens and t'heearth? Nay,but they have no firm betief."l Thesetwo versesimplythreequestions: 123Were they createdfrom nothing? Did they createthemselves? Did they createthe heavens and the earth?

lf their creation was not accidentar and they had not created themselves or createdthe heavens and the earth;it shourd then be affirmed that thereexistsa creator who createdthem as weil as the
' At-Toor 52:35-36

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Conc

heavens and the earth. That Creator is Allaah, the One, the Subduer. Two: The nature of the to believein the existence inclined are naturally All creatures things. all than mightier greater and rs He that affirm creator; to in the naturethan elementary is more well-rooted This inclination and does not need to be proved by any evidence mathematics except for him who has an abnormalnature; a nature that has that turn it away from what it been exposed to circumstances admit.'AllaahsaYs, should

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So sef you (O Muhammad(peacebe upon him))your face towards the religion (of pure tstdmicMonotheism) Hanif (worship none but Attah itone). Attdh's Fitrah (i.e. Attdh'slsl1mic Monotheism)with which He h'as createdmankind. No change let there be in Khalqiilah (i.e. the religion of All6h - lsllmic Monotheism):that is the retigion,but mostof men know not'* straight and peacebe upon him, said' blessings of Allaah, The Messenger ,,Every to lslaamicMonotheism child is born with naturalinclination a and it is his parentswho make him a Jew, christianor a Magian3 young whole,whereinyou find fust as the animalgives birthto its (who is the narratorof this Hurayrah Aboo Then no mutilation." (Allaah's words): "Recite you like if said: hadeeth)

' Majmoo' FatawaIbn Taymiyahl'.41 -49,'73 I Ar-Room J0:30 I AA phenomena. arethosewho worshipfire and othernatural Magians

Isloam: Its Foundations And Conc .ibJ"lr+! i

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"All6h'sFitrah (i.e. Attah'ststamicMonotheism) with which He has created mankind. No change ret there be in Kharq-irtdh(i.e. the religionof Attah - lstamicMonotheism). that is the siraight'retigrcn, but most of men know not "'1 He also said, "Verily,my Lord commandedme to teach you what you do not know of that which He has taughtme today:,Art rnon"y that I endoweda slavewith, is raMur(for n-iry.t createomy slaves naturallyinclinedto lslaamic Monotheismand it were thL devils wno came to them, led them away from their religion, made -on forbiddenfor them what I made lawiul and enjoineo inem to asso,cj?le partnerswith Me in worshipof whichi diOnot send any oroof.'"' Three: Consensus of all people All past and modernnationsare in consensus that this universe has a creatorwho is Allaahthe Lord of all the worrds, that He is the creator of the heavensand the earth and that He has no partner among His creatures as He does not have a partner in His Sovereignty. No beliefhas ever been reported from any of the past nationsthat their false deities took part with Allaah in the creation of the neavensand the earth.Rather,they all believedthat it was Allaan who createdthem and their goos, that there was no creator or sustainer besides Him and that He aloneowns the powerto brino

' A I - B u k h a a r ea en d M u s l i n r 2A h r l a d a n dM u s i i m .

Islaom: Its FoundationsAnd C,

versesof us in the following harm.tAllaahinforms or inflict benefit and guardianship, of His Lordship affirmation the idolaters'
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"lf you were to ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth and subiectedthe sun and the moon?" They will surely reply: "NEh." How then are they deviating (as polytheists and AIIAh enlargesthe provisionfor whom He willsof His disbetievers)? it for whom (He wills). Verily,Alldh is the Alls/aves,and straitens Knower of everything.If you were to ask them: "Who sends down water (rain) from the sky, and gives life therewith to the eafth after its death?" They will surely reply: "All6h."Say: "All the praisesand Nav! Mostof themhave no sense''" thanks be to Altdh!"

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"And indeedif you ask them, 'Who has createdthe heavensand 'The All-Mighty' the All-Knower the earth?' They will surely say: 'u createdthem.'

' Ma.lnroo l4:380-38i F 'atawa t A l - 'A n k a b o t 2 9: 6 1- 6 3 j A z - z u k h r u f9

Islaam: Its Foundations And Ct

Four: The reason Human reasoninevitably confirms that this universe has a great creator;for the sound reasonagreesthat this universe is a creited thing that did not bring itself to being, hence, it must have an originator. Also, man knowsthat he falls into crisesand afflictions and when he is unable to prevent them or remove them, he faces the heavenswith his heart and seeksfor His Lord'said to removehis distress even thoughhe may denounce his Lord and worshiohis idols in his normaldays. This is an undisputable fact. Even tne animal raises his head up and looks at the sky wheneverit is visited by an affliction. The AlmightyAllah informs us that man, wheneverhe is afflictedwith harm, hastensto his Lord and asks Him to removethe harm.Allaahsays,

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"And when some hurt touches man, he cries to his Lord (Altah Alone), turningto Him in repentance.But when He bestowsa favor upon him from Himself, he forgets that for which he cried for before,and he sefs up rivals to NEh.'r He alsosaysaboutthe idolaters,

Az-Zunar 39:8

Islaam: Its Foundations And

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"He it is Who enablesyou to travel throughland and sea, till when you are in the ships, and they sail with them with a favorable wind, and they are gtad therein, then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to them from all sides, and they think that they are encircled therein. Then they invoke All6h, making their Faith pure for Him Atone, (saying): "lf You (Neh) deliver us from this, we shall trutybe of the grateful."But when He deliveredthem, behold! They rebet (disobey All6h) in the eafth wrongfully. O mankind! Your rebetlion (disobedienceto AIl6h) is only against your own se/ves, a brief enjoyment of this worldly life, then (in the end) unto Us. is your return,and We shaltinformyou that whichyou used to do."' He alsosays,

;.t v:'3 ,^':'i 4.:1': 2F ]1i JEit u* .n

"And when a wave covers them like shades (i.e. like clouds or the mountains of seawater), they invoke Aileh, making their ' Yoonus l0:22-23


Isluum: Its Foundations And Concepts

invocations for Him only. But when He brings them safe to tand, there are among them those that stop in between (Betief and disbelief). But none denies Our Signs except every perfidious ingrate."' This Lord who broughtthis universeto existence, createdman In the bestform,embedded in his natureservitude and submission to Him, subjected humanreason to the beliefin His Lordshio and His exclusiveworthinessof being worshipped. lt is Allaah whom all nationsunanimously testifyto His guardianship... as He should inevitably be One in His Lordship and worthiness to be worshipped. As He has no partnerin creatingHis creatures,He shouldalso have no partnerin His worthiness of beingworshipped. Thereare numerous evidences for this,-some of whichare: 1- Thereis only in this universe one God Who is the creator and the sustainers of all. None bringsharm or benefitexceptHim. Had there been any other god besidesHim, that god would have had his own work, creation and commandand none of bothwould have allowedanotherto sharethe creation with him. Hence,one of them must have overpowered and subduedthe other. In that case, the subduedcould not have been a god and the Subduershouldbe the real God with whom none can sharethe rightto be worshipped just as noneshareswith Him His guardianship and lordship. Allaah says,

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"M son (or offspring)did AlEh beget, nor is there any il6h (god) along with Him; (it there had been many gods), then each god
I Luqmaan 3l:32 *For rnoreof theseevidences, seeKitaabut-Tawheed by Muharnrnad lbn AbdulWahhaab.

Isluam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


woutd have taken away what he had created, and some would have tried to overcome others!Glorifiedis Allah above all that they attributeto Him!"1 but AllaahWho createdthe 2- None deservesto be worshipped heavensand the earths;for, man seeks to gain the favourof the Lord Who brings him benefit and prevents harm, evils and from him and none but the One Who owns the heavens calamities and the earth is capableof doing all these. Had there been any do claim, human would have taken other lords as the idolaters ways that leadto the worshipof AllaahWho is the True Sovereign. besidesthe This is because,all false deitiesthat are worshipped and seek Allaah worship to used themselves, True Lord, they to Him alone. nearness those who want to seek nearnessto Allaah,Who has Therefore, the power to give benefitsand bestow harm, should worshipthe and the earth-including True LordWhom all that is in the heavens -do for the who are searching Let those worship. false deities the verse): truthread (thefollowing

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(peacebe upon him) to those polytheists, Say:(O Muhammad gods) (fo be associate "Caltupon thosewhomyou assert pagans) (or ant's) a small theypossessnot evenan atom's beiraes Attah, any they have nor earth, or on the eitherin the heavens weight, from among supporter any is for Him sharein either,nor there

' A l - M u ' m i n o o2 n3 : 9 1


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

them. lntercesslon with Him profits not except for him whom He permits."l These verses and others keep the heart from incliningtowards otherthingsbesides Allaahthroughfour factors. One: That those whom the polytheists worshippossessnot even the weight of an atom with Allaah, and he who possessesnot a weight of an atom cannot benefitnor harm and therefore,is not worthyof beingworshipped or beingtakenas Allaah's associate in worship lt is Allaah aloneWho ownsthemand controls them. Two: That they possessnothingin the heavensand the earth ano they do not even havean atom weightof sharein them. Three:Allaahhas no helperamong His creatures. Rather,He is the one who helps them in what is of benefitfor them and drives away from them what harms them. For, He completelyhas no need of them; it is they who are ratherwho are in absoluteneed of Him. Four: That these so-called associates are not capable of interceding with Allaahon behalfof theirfollowers and thev will not even be given permissionto do so. Allaah does not qtve permission to intercede exceptto His friends, and His friends Slso cannot intercede except on behalf of the one whom Allaah is 2 pleased with his sayings, deedsand belief 3- systematic arrangement and preciseexecution of the affairsof this universeis the strongestindicationthat its controlleris one Lord, one (King),besideWhom there is no other creator.As it is impossible for this universe to havetwo creators, so it is impossibre for it to havetwo Lords.Allaahsavs.

' saba'34:22-23 r Sec 'uyoonil-muwalihideen p.100 Qurratu

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


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"Had there been therein (in the heavens and the earth) alihah then verilyboth wouldhave been ruined."' (gods)besrdesAttah, Had it been assumedthat there was in the heavenand the earth another god besides Allaah, they would have been ruined. Because;had there been anothergod besidesAllaah,both [Allaah and have the right and the other godl would need to be autocrattc of free disoosal.That would have then lead to contentionand fightingand the ruin of the heaven and the earth would have occurredas a result. lt is impossiblefor the body to have two - how the bodywill be destroyed souls;if that happens controlling greater, is should which universe, that this imagined then can it be havetwo lords? All nationsagree of the Prophetsand Messengers: 4- Consensus most intelligent, are the wisest, Messengers and that the Prophets of what Allaah knowledgeable most sincere, most morality, in best wants and the most rightlyguided of all people,because,they from Allaahand conveyedit to people.And all receivedrevelation - right from Adam to the last Prophet Prophetsand Messengers peacebe uponthem all - haveall calledthelr who is Muhammad, peoplesto the belief in Allaah and abstentionfrom worshipping anythingbesidesHim and that He is the only True Lord.Allaah says,
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Islaam: Its Foundations And Conc

And We did not send any Messengerbefore you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) but We revealed to him (saying): La itahaitta Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but | (NEh)) so worship Me (Aloneand none else)' He also says aboutNoah- Peacebe upon him - that he told his peopre,

{tg- i,7 ' ,tn "64;ovi;17r sti;i5 { ,ri}

"T.hat you worshipnone but Allah;surely, I fear for you the torment of a painfulDay.'' Allaah - may He be glorified- says about the last of all Messengers, Muhammad,

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"Say (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) "tt is revealed to me that your ll6h (God) is onty one ttdh (God - NEh) Wiil you then submit to His Will (become Muslims and stop worshipping others besidesNEH?'S This God ,, ,n" On" who wonderfully createdthe universefrom naught;He createdman in the bestform and perfected his creation and impressed in his naturethe affirmation of His Lordship and His exclusiverightto be worshrpped. He lets him have peace of mind throughhis submission to Him and followingHis path and He ordainedit on his soul not to be at rest until it surrenders to its creator and be in continuous contact with Him. He also makes rt impossible to contact with Him exceptthroughHis straightpath,
I Al-Anbiyaa 2l:25 I Hoo<i I l:26 t A I - A n b i y a2 al : 1 0 8

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


which the honourable Prophets conveyed. He gave man which only becomesuprightand functionsproperly intelligence, Glorvbe to Him' in Allaah, when he believes soul and a believing a peaceful nature, When one has an upright securityand peace in this world heart, one achieveshappiness, But when man refusesall that, he will live in the and the Hereafter. and dividedamong its gods, alleys of this world disorganised ignorantas to who can benefithim or preventharm from him. lt is in the heart and the in order that true faith may be established Allaah makesa parable be exposed that may of disbelief ugliness - for parablesbring meaningscloserto understanding. He makes gods a parableof a man whoseaffairis dividedbetweennumerous and a man who worshipshis Lord alone.He, may He be glorified, says,

'J:'4; i:Li+*
"All6h puts fofth a similitude: a (slave) man belonging to many partners (like those who worship others along with All6h) disputing with one another, and a (slave) man belonging entirely to one master(like those who worshipAll6h Alone). Are those two equal in comparison?Allthe praisesand thanks are to All6h! But most of them know not."' to a slavewho is owned Allaahlikensthe slavewho is a polytheist and over whom they all contendwith each by differentassociates other.He is dividedamongthem and everyone of them directshim to him. He is confusedamong them and assigns responsibilities and rs always unstable.He is unableto satisfytheir differentand apart. desiresthat tear his energyand directions contradicting

' Az-7,tntar 39:29


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

He also likens the slave who is a monotheistto a slave who rs owned by a single master.He knows what his masterwants and the assignments he gives him. He is therebycomfortable and settledon a clear path. Both of these two slavescannotbe equal. For, one submitsto a single master and enjoys the pleasureof uprightness, knowledge and certainty and the otherone submits to differentand disputingmasters and is thereby punishedano distressed. He is not stableon a condition and cannotpleaseeven one of them let aloneall of them. After proofs on the existenceof Allaah, His Lordship and His exclusiveright to be worshippedhave become clear, we should then acquaint ourselves with His creation of the universe and man and knowHis wisdombehind that

And Concepts Islaam: ItsFoundations Creationof the Universe


seas,trees earth,stars,galaxies, with its heavens, This universe, by Allaah- the from non-existence thingsare created and all living and ExaltedHe savs, Glorified
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{-;, *IJt ',.Jt "Say (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) "Do you verily set disbelievein Him Who createdthe earlh in two Days? And you 'Alamin Lord of the is the up rivals (in worship) with Him? That He placed therein(i.e. the earth) (mankind, |nn and attthat exisfs,). He blessedit, and measured it, and from above firm mountains in four Days equal (i.e. all (for its dwellers) lfs susfenance therein these four days were equal in the length of time) for all those who ask (about its creation) Then He (rose over) lstawttowards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earlh: "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly " They both said: "We come, Then He completedand finishedfrom their creation(as) wittingty." seven heavens in two Days and He made in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest(lowest)heaven with lamps (stars)to be an adornment as welt as to guard (from the devils by using


Islasm: Its Foundations And Concepts

them as miss/es against the devils).Such is the Decreeof Him the All-Mighty. the All-Knower."1 He alsosavs.
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Have not those who disbelieveknown that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? And We have placed on the eafth firm mountains, lest it should shake with them, and We placed therein broad highways for them to pass through, that they may be guided. And We have made the heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. yet they turn away fromits srgrns (i.e. sun,moon, winds, clouds,etc.).'2 Allaahcreated the universe for manygreatpurposes. Thereare tn everypartof it greatwisdomand dazzling srgns. lf you ponder over a singlesign thereof, you wrllsee wonders. Beholdthe wonders of the creation of Allaahin the plantsin whichalmosteveryleaf,stem and fruit is full of benefit that human intellectcannot fully comprehend and understand its details. Beholdthe watercourses of thosetenderand weak stems, whicheyescan hardly see except by carefulobservation, how they are able to draw water from tne bottom to the top and the water then moves in those courses according to their acceptability and capacitieslt then breaksinro particles that cannotbe perceived by human eyes. Then behold
' F u s s i l a4 t l:9-12 ' Al-Anbiyaa 2l:30-32

Isluam: Its Foundations And Concepts


the fruit of a tree and how it movesfrom a stageto anotherlike the of a foetus.You see a tree movementof the conditions invincible growingfrom a mere naked wood with no coveringon it, then its Lord and Creator covers it with leaves in the most beautiful manner.He then bringsout its fruit tenderand weak after He has broughtout its leaf in order to preserveit and make it like ctothing for that weak fruit so as to protectit againstheat, cold and other for these fruits He then providessustenance harmfulphenomena. so that that can nourish through their stems and watercourses by the milk of its mother.He then them, as an infantis nourished them untilthey becomecompletely the fruitsand develops nurtures fruit out of that lifeless ripe. He therebybroughtout that delicious particle. wooden-like When you look at the earth and how it was created,you will see Allaahmakes it a that it is one of the greatestsigns of its Creator. His slaves. He place bed, and subjected it to and as a resting provision livelihood there of and sources makes their sustenance, and created therein for them ways and paths so that they can move about to meet their needs.He fixed it firmlywith mountains and makesthem as pillarsin orderto protectit againstshaking.He for the flattensit, extendsit and spreadsit, makes it a receptacle living that brings them together on its surface and makes it a after for the dead that bringthem togetherin its interior receptacle place its living is of dwelling for the and lts a theirdeath. surface interior is the placeof abodefor the dead. Then look at its revolvingorbit, with its sun, moon, stars and aroundthis world revolves zodiacs and beholdhow it continuously proper succession and see the in and this order of time till the end differencesin the night, day, seasons,heat and cold which are and the benefitsthey give resultsof these wonderfulmovements, on the earth. and all thatexists and plants to all kindsof animals Then reflectover the creationof the heavenand take anotherlook at it; you will see that it is one of the greatestsigns of Allaah in Thereis no pillarunderneath and stabilitv. exDansiveness altitude.


Isluum: Its Foundations And Concepts

it and there is no suspender over it but held by the infinite powerof Allaahwhich holdsthe heavenand the earth lestthey fall asunder. When you also look at this universe, the composition of its parts - that show the perfectomnipotence and its best arrangement of their Creatorand His perfectknowledge, wisdom and grace - you will find that it is like a constructed edificein which all rtstools ano requirements are provided.The heavenwas erectedwith its roof raisedabove it; the earth made like a placeof rest and a carpetfor its dwellers; the sun and moon which are like lamps illuminate the earth; and the stars which are its lanternsand adornmentgive directions to the travellerin the paths of the universe. The iewels and mineralsthat are hiddenin the earth like preparedtreisures are all made for the purposethat best suits them. All kinds of plantsand animalsare also preparedfor what they are good for. Some animalsare good for riding,some are good for milking; some are good for food and some are betterused as guards.And He made man theircontroller and like an authorised king above all of them. lf you also ponderover this universe eitherin every respector in a partof it, you will see a lot of wonders.lf you deeplyreflectand you are sincere with yourself and free yourself from the noose of whims, capricesand blind imitation, you will know with certainty that this universe was createdby the All-Wise, All-powerful and AllKnower,Who measuredit in the best manner and arrangedit in the best form. You will atso know with certaintythat it is simply impossible that the Creatorshould be two; He is only One Lord besideWhom there is none other worthy of worshipand that hao therebeen any othergod in the heavensand the earth,theiraffarrs would have been corrupted, theirorder disrupted and theirwelfare brokendown. lf you howeverinsiston attributing the creatron to othersbesidetne Creator, whatwillyou say of the mechanism thatrevolves arounda river whose tools and composrtionhave been perfected and excellently measuredthat the observerdoes not see any defectin it or its picture. This riveris situated in the middleof a longgarden

Islaam: Its Foandations And Concepts


in whichthereare different kindsof fruits thatget theirwaterfrom this river,and thereis in this garden a caretaker who bringsits parts together disunited and perfectly takes care of it so that nothing of it becomes defected and nothing of its fruitsbecomes decayed. This caretaker then portions out its partsto the outlets according to man'sneeds giving and necessities, eachgroup what it deserves andportioning it outin thiswaycontinuously. Will you thensay that all this happened without the handof any creator, whohasfreedom of choice and is a planner? Willyousay thatthe existence of thatmechanism andgarden is just accidental without anycreator or planner? Canyouimagine whatyourreason will tell you if all thesewereto cometo beingaccidentally? Can you imagine as to whereyourreason will directyou and counsel youabout?' Theunderlying reasons: Afterall thesereflections over the creation of the universe, we deemit fit to mention someof the reasons for which Allaah created these huge beings andastounding signs. 1. To subject them to man: WhenAllaahdecreed to createa successor on thisearth thatwould be worshipping Himandinhabit the earth;He created for him,thathe mighthave all thesethings an upright lifeand havematters of his present lifeand thatof his putright final abode forhim. Allaah says,

from differentplaces section is expunged fionr the book, "Miftaahu -269. d a a r i s - s a ' a a do a t2 . 51

I This


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

And has subjectedto you all that is in the heavens and allthat is in the eafth; it is atlas a favor and kindnessfrom Him.n He also says,

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( r'g)it"=- lrt'hJ 'All6his He Whohascreated theheavens andtheeafthandsends down water(rain)from the sky,and therebybroughtforth fruitsas provisionfor you; and He has made the shrpsto be of serviceto you, thattheymay sailthrough fhe sea by His Command; and He hasmaderivers (also)to be of serviceto you. And He has made pursuingtheir courses,fo the sun and the moon, both constantly be of serviceto you; and He hasmadethe nightand the day, to be of serviceto you. And He gaveyou of all thatyou askedfor, and if you countthe Blessings of All6h,neverwill you be able to count them. Verily!Man is indeedan extremewrong-doer, a disbeliever (an extreme 8/essrngs ingrate, whodeniesAll6h's by disbelief, and All6h,and by di2obeying by worshipping othersbesrdes Alldhand (peace HisProphet Muhammad be uponhim)).'" 2. To make the heavens and the earth and all that is in the proofsof Allaah's Lordship and signsof His Oneness. universe Because, the greatest thingin thislife,is to affirm the Lordship of And because Allaahand His Oneness. of the fact that. it is the
' A l - J a a t h i y a4 h5 :l 3 2 lbraaheem 14.32-34


a /


Islaam: Its FoundotionsAnd Concepts


greatest matter, Allaah has establishedin its support greatest proofs. and signsand provedit with the most convincing evidences beings to earth and all other heavens, the So, Allaah createdthe like, "Among for that.That is why statements make them evidences His srgns"are mentionedin the abundancelike in the following verses.

4u.l{i ?';-ui Jtt -:;-t; us )

"And among Hls SrErns ls fhe creationof the heavensand the eafth."


4 zQi;,FV*c '*'r; a:\

"And among Hrs Srgns is the sleep that you take by night and by day."
'') , rr l - i . , 1 . , , OrCt e=.t-t t t'4JaJ tif ',- ' . \ -a:+te glJ f

"And among His Signs is that He shows you the lightning,for fear and for hope."

4 ':r\J6\tr:Cat






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by "AndamongHis Srgrns ls fhaf the heavens and the earth stand HisCommand."' of the Day of of the existence 3. To make them evidences of world anda life life this life is two lives, a the since Resurrection,

' Ar-Roorn 30:22-25


Islaam: Its Foundations,And


of the Hereafter thoughthe life of the Hereafter is the real.Allaah says,



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"And this life of the world is only amusement and ptay! Verily, the home of the Hereafter - that is the life indeed (i.e., the eternat life that will never end), if they but knew."I This is because the home of the Hereafter is the home of recompenseand reckoningand there is there eternal bliss for those who deserveit and eternaltormentfor thosewho deserveit. Since man cannot reach that home except after he dies and is resurrected; its existenceis denied by those whose relationship with their Lord has been cut, whose naturehas suffereda relapse and whosesenseof reasoning has is because of this that Allaah establishedproofs and evidencesin order that souls might believe and hearts might have conviction; for reproduction of the soul is much easier than its first creationand the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the reproduction of man.Allaahsavs,



\i"+ s. *i y ,^t ,1.;-I ,tt;Ji

"AndHe it is Whooriginates the creation, repeatit (afterit therywill hasbeenperished) and thisr's easier for Him.'" Healsosays,

' Al-Ankaboot2g:64 2 A r - R o o m3 0 : 2 7

Islaam: Its Foundotions And Concepts

37 V

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"Thecreationof the heavensand the eafth is indeedgreaterthan thecreation of mankind. of mankind knownot."l vet most He alsosays,
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"All6h is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see. Then, He rose above (lstawd) the Throne (really in a manner fhat suifs His Majesty).He has subjectedthe sun and the moon (to continue going round), each running (its course) for a term appointed. He regulates all affairs; explaining the Ay6t (proofs, evidences, yerses, /essons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail,^thatyou may believe with ceftainty in the meeting with your Lord.'* After all this O man! lf this entire universehas been subjectedto you and all its signs and proofshave been shown to you, you will testifythat there is no Lord worthy of worshipexceptAllaahAlone Who has no partner. When you have knownthat your resurrection and life after death is easierthan the creationof the heavensand the earth, that you shall meet your Lord Who will call you to accountfor your deeds and you have known that all this universe
I 40:57 Ghaafir t A r - R a ' dl 3 : 2


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

worships its Lord that all His creatures glorify their Lord with praisesas confirmed by Allaah, { :,t.-=!cl-t J;)t
/ ,-, z.i .i :t7

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"Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the eafth glorifies Allah, the King (of everything), the Holy, the All-Mighty, the Att-Wise."1 That,they all prostrate for His Majestyas He says,



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"Seeyou not that whoeveris in the heavens and whoeveris on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and Ad-Dawab (moving (iving) creatures, beasfs,),and many of mankind prostrate themselves to Allah. But there are many (men) on whom the punishment is none can honor him. iustified. And whomsoeverAll6h^disgraces, Verily!Allahdoes what He wills.'' Even these beingsworshiptheir Lord in a way that suits them as explained by Allaahin this verse,


Al-Jumu'ah 62:l

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


'4"^i lii ii ; V lL i "S-;-i* fuii *r{tr,.r"*ai a c*n

"See you not (O Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) that All6h, He it is Whom glorify whosoeveris in the heavens and the eafth, and the birds with wings out-spread (in their flight). Ot each one He (AlEh) knows indeed hls Sa/df (prayer) and his glorification, (or everyoneknows hls Sa/df(prayer)and his glorification)."' lf your entire body does actuallywork in order accordingto the the heart,the lungs,the liver decreeof Allaahand His regulation: parts theirLord... of the bodysubmitand surrenderto and all other in your your between belief all this be decision after optional Will towards Lord and disbeliefin Him? Will your decisionbe antipathy and deviationfrom this blessedpath of the world aroundyou and even of your body? sane man will considerhimselffar above Actually,the completely choosing antipathyand deviationin the vastness of this great universe.

A n - N o o r2 4 : 4 1


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Creatingand Honouring Man

It was a decisionof Allaah to createa creaturethat could inhabit this universe and His choicefell on man. lt is also in accordance with His Divine Wisdom that the matter from which man was createdwas the earth. He originatedhis creationfrom clay and then moulded him on this beautiful shapethat he has now.When he has becomecompletely perfectin that shape,He breathedlife Into him through His Spirit (Angel Jibreel-Gabriel)and He made him becomeman in the best form; providedhim with the abilitvto hear, see, move and speak. Then his Lord made him live rn Paradise, taught him all that he neededto know, made lawfulfor him all that was in Paradiseand forbadehim from a sinqletree as a test for him. Allaah wanted to show man's positionand standing;so He commandedHis Angels to prostratefor him. All of the Angels prostrated but Satan arroganfly and obstinately refused to prostrate. So Allaah became angry with him for his disobedience and expelledhim from His Mercy becauseof his arrogance. Satan asked Allaahto extend his life and give him respitetill the Day of Resurrection.So, Allaah extended his life till the Dav of Resurrection Satanbecameenviousof Adam becauseof the preference he and his childrenwere given over him. He swore by His Lord that he would mislead all the childrenof Adam, that he would come to them from their front and rear, and from their left and from their rightexceptthe sincere,piousand truthfulslavesof Allaahamong them,for suchAllaahhas protected againstthe evil plansof Satan. AllaahwarnedAdam of the evil plan of Satan,but Satan tempted Adam and his wife Hawwain orderto get them out of paradiseano to uncoverfor them that that was hiddenfrom them of their orivate parts. He swore by Allaah to them that he was a srncerewellwisher for them and that Allaah had not forbidden them from that tree savethey shouldbecomeangelsor becomeof the immortals.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


Having been influencedby the deceptionof Satan, Adam and Hawwa ate of the forbiddentree and the first punishmentthat of Allaah'scommandwas that, afflicted them for theirdisobedience which that was hidden from them of their private parts became them of His warningaboutthe tricks exposedand Allaahreminded of Satan. Adam then sought for the forgivenessof his Lord. So Allaah chose him and guidedhim. forgaveHim, acceptedhis repentance, where he was He then orderedhim to descendfrom the Paradise living,to the earthwhereintherewas his abode and his enjoyment for a time. He also told him that it was from earth that he was created,that on it he would live and die and that !t is from it that he would be resurrected. Adam and his wife Hawwa then descendedto the earth and their childrenprocreated and they all used to worshipAllaah, because their father Adam was a Prophet.Allaah tells us this story in the glorious whereHe says, Qur'aan
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Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

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And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape (the noble shape of a human being); then We told the angels, "Prostrate yourselves to Adam", and they prostrated themselves,except lblis (Satan), he refused to be of those who prostrated themselves.(NEh) said: "What preventedyou (O lblis) that you did not prostrateyourself, when I commandedyou?" lbtis said: "l am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay." (NIeh) said. "(O lblis) get down from this (Paradise),it is not for you to be arrogant here. Get out, for you are of those humiliated and disgraced." (lblis) said: "Allow me respite till the Day they are raised up (i.e. the Day of Resurrectrbn)."(All6h) said: "You are of those resplted." (tbtis) said: "Because You have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your Straight Path. Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them as thankfut ones (i.e. they will not be dutiful to You) " (Neh) said (to tbtis) "Get out from this (Paradise) disgraced and expelled. Whoever of them (mankind) will follow you, then surety I wiil fiil Heil with you att." "And O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in Paradise, and eat thereof

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


you both will as you both wish, but approach not this tree othervvise (Satan) Then (unjust Shaitdn wrong-doers)." and be of the Zdtim1n whispered suggesflons to them both in order to uncover that which was hidden from them of their privafe parts (before); he said: "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become angels or become of the immortals."Andhe (Shaitdn(Satan))swore by All6h to them both (saying):"Verily,I am one of the sincerewell-wishers for you both." So he misledthem with deception. Then when they tasfed of the tree, that which was hidden from them of their shame (private parts)became manifestto them and they began to cover fhemse/ves with the leaves of Paradise (in order to cover their shame).And their Lord called out to them (saying): "Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you: Verily, Shaitdn (Satan) is an open enemy -unto you?" They said: "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves.lf You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall ' certainty be of the /osers. (Aileh) said: "Get down, one of you an enemy to the other (i.e.Adam, HawwA'(Eve), and Shaltdn(Satan)) On earth witl be a dwelling-place for you and an enioyment for a time." He said: "Thereinyou shall live, and therein you shall die, and from it you shallbe broughtout (i.e. resurrected)."' of Allaah'swork in man. He createdhim in the greatness Consider him with traits of honour like intellect, clothed form, the best figure,moderate art of speaking,beautiful eloquence, knowledge, body, ability to acquire knowledgethrough analogicaldeduction like, and thinking and ability to acquire noble characteristics to Allaah.Far is and submission acts of obedience righteousness, while he was just a drop of spermkept in the womb of his condition whilethe Angel will enter upon him in his motherfrom his creation the Paradise.

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Islaam: Its Foundations And C,

"So b/essedbe Atl6h,the Bestof Creators."l This world is a villageand man is its inhabitant. All is preoccupied becauseof him and all is made to work for his interests. All oiher creaturesare made to serve him and providefor his needs. The angels are chargedto protecthim duringday and night.Those of them.who are chargedwith provisionof rain and pllnts strive to providehim with his sustenance; orbits are made to surrenderto him and revolvein his services; the sun, moon and stars are all subjectedto move in line with his time reckoningand for the betterment of his food arrangement. The aerialworto witn its winds, clouds,birds and all that it containsis also subjected to him. so is the lower world with all its seas and rivers,its trees and fruits.its plants and animals and allthatis in it. Allaahsays,
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"Alldhis He who has createdthe heavensand the earth and sends down water (rain) from the sky, and thereby brought forth fruits as provision for you; and He has made the shrps to be of service to you, that they may sail through fhe sea by His Command; and He has made rivers (also) to be of serviceto you. And He h?s ffiade the sun and the moon, both constanttypursuing their courses, to be of seruiceto you; and He has made the night and the day, to be of service to you. And He gave you of att that you askedfor, and if you count the Blessingsof All6h, never will you be abte to count
' Al-Mu'minoon23:14

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Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


them. Verily! Man is indeed an extreme wrong-doer, a disbeliever (an extremeingrate,who denies Allah's8/esslngsby disbelief,and by worshippingothers besides All6h,and by disobeyingAll6h and His ProphetMuhammad(peacebe upon him))."' To completeHis honour on man, He createdfor him all that he needsin his worldlylife and all that he needsthat can make him He as such, revealed attainthe highestpositionsin the Hereafter. to explaining to him His Books and sent to him His Messengers him untoit. him the Law of Allaahand calling Then Allaah created for him from his own self - meaningfrom of living Adam himself- a wife,so that he mightenjoythe pleasure with her, in responseto his natural needs, be it psychological, intellectual and physical. He then found with her comfort, tranquillityand stability and both of them found in their peace, contentedness, love and mercy; becauseof togetherness and nervous composition,both of their physical, psychological them are made to respondto the desiresof each other and both are made to be in harmony in the process of producingnew and with thesefeelings generations. The soulsof both are enriched is filled with comfort for the soul and nerves, their relationship for the life and subsistence, peace for the body and mind, stability for the man and a tranquillity for souls and conscience familiarity and womanon an equalbasis. among mankindand made them Allaahthen chosethe believers to He madethem obey Him and work for Him according his frrends. He his Laws in order to make them qualifyto live in His Paradise. saintsand martyrsand Messengers, choseamong them Prophets, blessedthen in this world with the best favourthat human souls to Allaah,obeyingHim and supplicating can enjoy:worshipping that others great favours them with him. He also distinguished and happiness, cannotget - amongwhich are: peace,tranquillity truththat was know the greater is fact that they all the than this and keepsfor then in it. Allaah Messengers and believe the by brought
I l4:32-34 Ibraaheern


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

- the everlasting them - in the Hereafter bliss and great success that befit His generosity, glory be to Him. He will atso rewardtheir beliefin Him and theirsincerity to Him and willgive them moreout of His Bounty. The position of woman: In lslaam,the womanis accorded a high position, whichshe was not accordedin any of the previousreligions and which no nation will accordher but lslaam.This is because,both man and woman on equalbasissharethe honourthat lslaamconferred on mankind. Humansare equal beforerulesof Allaah in this world as they will be equalas regardsHis rewardand recompense on the Last Day. Allaahsays,

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"And indeed, We have honouredthe chitdrenof Adam."1 He alsosays,

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"Thereis a share for men and a sharefor women from what is teft by parentsand those nearestretated.'2

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' A I - l s r a al 7 : 7 0 . 2 An-Nisaa 4: 7

Isluam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"And they (women)have rights (over their husbandsas regards over them (as slml/ar(to thoseof their husbands) living expenses) reasonable."' is to what and respect) obedience regards
| ' ..tii. ' t '.tli, tt,.' . ' t i , r . f . -ie-b-r'. / ,$ c*-'t)tt Of i"Jl : Y u4r.t ;Q)l

"The betievers,men and women are Auliy6' (helpers, suppofters, of one another.'" friends,protectors)

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nonebut Him And "Andyour Lord hasdecreedthatyou worship lf one of themor bothof them thatyou be dutifulto your parents. nor otd agein your life,saynot to thema wordof disrespect, attain And lowerunto of honour. themin terms at thembut address shout and humilitythroughmercy, and say; them a wing of submission 'My Lord! Bestowon them Your Mercy as they did bring me up whenI wasyoung.u

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' Al-Baqarah2:228 2At-Tawbah 9:71 t A l - l s r a a1 7 : 2 3 - 2 4 .

Islaam: Its Foundations And C,

"So their Lord accepted their supptication and answered them (saying); 'Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female.'1




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"whoever works righteousness - whethermale or female- while he (or she) is a true believer (of rslamicMonotheism) veriry,to him we will give a good life (in this wortd with respect, contentment and lavvful provision), and we shail pay them ceftainly a reward in propottion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. paradise in the Hereafter).2
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"And whoeverdoes righteousgood deeds,mate or female,and is a (true) believer (in the oneness of Aildh (Muslim)) such will enter Paradiseand not the least injustice, even to the sizeof a speckon the back of a date-stone,will be done to them.',3 This honourthat the womanenjoysin lslaamhas no equalin any other religion,creed or law. Roman civilization had it established that womanshouldbe a slaveand a subordinate of man and that she-should absolutely has no rightsat all. Therewas even a great conference in Rome where affairsof the woman were discuised. The conclusionreachedat the conference was that, the woman
' Aal-lmraan 3 :l 9 5 t A n - N a h ll 6 : 9 7 3 An-Nisaa 4: 124

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


was a lifelessbeingand as such could not have share in the life of and that she was impure. the Hereafter In Athens,woman used to be regardedas a scrap. She would be and she was being sold and bought like any other commodity of Satan'shandiwork. regarded an abomination Accordingto the ancient lndian statutes,the plague, death, hell, poisonof serpents and fire are betterthan woman.Her rightto live as used to end with the deathof her husband- who was regarded her master.When she saw the corpseof her husbandbeingburnt, she must throw herself into it and if she did not, she would be accursed. judgementwas passedon her in the As for Judaism,the following Old Testament. "l appliedmine heart to know and to search and to seek out the wisdom and the reasonof things and to know the wickednessof in madness..and I find more bitterthan folly even of foolishness death the woman and whose hearth is snares and nets and her God shallescapefrom hell but the handsas bandswhoso pleaseth shallbe takenbv her."' sinner of woman in the ancienttimes. As for Such was the condition times, the followingevents explain medieval and contemporary that.

is hallowedand 1:25-26.It is knownthat the Old Testament Ecclesiastes and the Jews. in by both the Christians believed but ageshallow the two testaments of past and present Note: Christians as a holy book which they they only regardthe old testament nowadays, are not obliged to follow. As for the Jews,they never regardthe New as a holy book for they never believedin the Prophet[i.e. Testarnent =AA. to whornit is ascribed. Jesusl

Islaam: Its Foundations And C,

The Danish writer,Wieth Kordstenexplainedthe positionof the CatholicChurch as regardswoman when he said, ,,During the medievaltimes, the concern that was had for Europeanwoman was very limited and this is in conformitywith the view of the Catholic creed that used to regard woman as a second-class humanbeing." In France,a conference was held in the year 586 A.D. where the issue of woman was discussedas to whether she should be regarded as a human being or not. At the end of the discussion, the discussants concludedthat she was a human being but that she was createdfor the serviceof man. ln Frenchlaw, article217 says;"The marriedwoman- even if her marriageis based on separationbetweenher right of ownership and that of her husband-shouldnot give anyone ownership of anythingof her property with or withoutcompensation exceptwith the participation of her husbandin the transaction or his written consentto that." In England,Henry the Vlll prohibited the Englishwoman from readingthe Holy Book, until 1850, women were not considered citizens of England and up till 1882,theyhad no personalrights.l As for the conditionof woman in contemporary Europe,America and otherindustrial nations, she is regarded as a commoncreature that shouldbe utilized for commercial purposes, for she is a part of commercialadvertisement. This has even reached a situation where she is strippednaked in order to advertise commodities on her body.Her bodyand honourhave becomedesecrated basedon regulations laid down by men in order to make her an object of enloyment everywhere. The contemporary woman is an abject of care and attentionas long as she is able to give out her wealth,intelligence and body. But when she becomesold and loses her means of giving,the
' - D r . A h m a dS h a l a b y Silsilatu muqaaranat id l yaan a 31210-213

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


abandons her and she lives and collectively society individually lonelyin her houseor in the sanatorium. Comparethe above - althoughthey cannot be equal - with what says, the NobleQur'aan
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"Thebelievers, men and womenare Auliya'ftelpers, suppofters, protectors) of oneanother."' friends,

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"And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards tiving expenses)slml/ar(to those of their husbands)over them (as regardsobedienceand respect)to what is reasonable.'"

"Andyour Lord hasdecreed nonebut Him.And that you worship lf one of them or both of them thatyou be dutifulto your parents. nor attainold age in your life, say not to thema wordof disrespect, And lowerunto themin termsof honour. at thembut address shout and humilitythroughmercy, and say; them a wing of submisslon
' 9:71 At-Tawbah 2 Al-Baqarah2:228


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Lordl Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young.'t "And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents.lf one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect,nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour.And lower unto them the wing of submr'sslonand humility through mercy, and say: 'My Lord! Bestow on them your mercy as they did bring me up when I wasyoung." WhileAllaahhonours woman,He makesit clearto all mankind that He created her to be mother, wife, daughter and sister; and ordainedfor these roles, special regulations that are peculiarto her.

'Al-lsraa 17:23-24. ' Al-lsraa ll:23-24

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


Why was man created?

It has been discussedin the previouschapterthat, Allaahcreated Adam and createdfor him his wife, Hawwa and made them live in Paradise.Then Adam disobeyed his Lord and later soughtfor His forgiveness. Allaahthen acceptedhis repentance and guidedhim. Allaah then ordered him to go orit of the Paradiseand descend unto the earth.Allaah,glory be Him and He be exaltedhas in that, a wisdom which human intelligence cannot perceiveand which We are going to mentionhere some their tonguecannotdescribe. of thosewisdoms reasons. and underlying for the purpose 1. Allaahcreated of worshipping Him. the creation He says, t I) o-r't='J-)l ;)lj
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"And | (AlEh) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worshipMe (Alone)."' It is also knownthat the perfection of the worshipthat is required of man cannottake place in the abodeof blissand eternitybut in the The abodeof eternityis that of bliss, abode of trialsand tribulation. not that of testsand commandments. Messengers, 2. Allaahwantedto take among mankindProphets, friend and martyrswhom He would love and who would love Him. He then left them alone with his enemiesand put them to trial by them. So when they preferredHim above all other things and sacrificedtheir lives and propertiesin order to gain His pleasure and love, they attainedof His love and pleasurewhat they could So the statusof prophethood withoutthat initially. not have attained and martvrdomis of the best deqreesbeforeAllaahand could not
' 5t l: 56 Adh-Dhaariyaa


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

have attained that except by the way decreed by Allaah that Aadamand his offspring had to descendto the earth. 3. Allaahis the only True and EvidentKing.The King is the One Who commandsand forbids,rewardsand punishes; disgraces and honours;strengthens and debases.Allaah'ssovereignty therefore necessitates that he sends Adam and his offspring to an abode in which the rules of sovereignty will be implemented on them and then move them to an abodewherethere is rewardfor all that they did. 4. AllaahcreatedAdam from a handfulof all soilsof the earth:and there is good and bad and low and high in the land.Allaahknows that there are among - the childrenof Adam - those who are unsuitableto stay with Him in His House; therefore,He made Adam descendto an abode where He distinguishes betweenthe good and bad ones. Then Allaah chose for them two distinct abodes:He made the righteous ones dwellersof His Abode (made them enter Paradise),and made the evil ones dwellers of the (Hell-Fire). abodeof misery 5. To Allaah belongthe Beautiful Names.Among His Names are: Al-Ghafoor(the Oft-Forgiving), Ar-Raheem (the Most-Gracious). Al-Afuww(Oft-Pardoning), (Most-Forbearing). Al-Haleem Since the impacts of these names must manifest,the Wisdom of Allaah necessitates that Adam and his childrenmust descendto an abode where the impacts of the Beautiful Names of Allaah could materialise on them. So that He might forgivewhoever He wills, have mercyon whomeverHe wills,pardonwhosoever He wills and forbearfor whosoeverHe wills and other differentways in which His Namesand Attributes can be manifest. 6. AllaahcreatedAdam and his children from a composition that is naturallyinclinedto good and evil, responsive to the causes of lustsand temptations and to the causesof reasonand knowledge. He createdin him reasonand lust and createdin both necessary factorsso that His Will might be accomplished and that He might show to His slaves His greatnessin Wisdom, Might; and His

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


Mercy, Kindness and Benevolence in His Authority and Sovereignty.He then, out of His Wisdom sent Adam and his childrento the earth so that the test might take place thereinand impacts of man's preparedness for these factors and his to them might become manifest,and Allaah may responsiveness to whom it is due. to awardhonouror disgrace that basis then use 7. Beliefin the Unseenis the useful belief.As for the beliefin the lf people seen, everyonewill belreveon the Day of Resurrection. not have would (Paradise), they Bliss of were createdin the Abode in enjoyment that ends in the Unseen belief of the degree attained and is for this reasonthat Allaahsent them to the abode to believein the Unseen. in whichthey could haveopportunity 8. Allaah wants by that, to show His slaves on whom He has bestowedHis favour,the perfectionof that favour and its greatness so that they might thank Allaah and love Him the most and have the fullestenjoymentof the bliss, which Allaah has bestowedon them. Allaah therefore,shows them what He did to His enemies for them. He also makes that He has prepared and the punishment on them witnessthe highestkindsof bliss,which He has bestowed them, so that their joy might increase. This is an aspect of to make them achieve His favourson them. Therefore, completrng put them to test and then the earth, all this, He must send them to of mercy and kindness succeed out wills to He make whosoever He willsamongthem out of His whosoever from Him,and disgrace All-Wise. for He is All-Knower, wisdomandjustice, 9. Allaah wants Adam and his childrento go back to the Paradise whilethey are in the beststate.So beforethey enter it, He wantsto sorrowand distressof the world make them taste of the hardship, will be great so that the value of enteringParadisein the Hereafter for it is the oppositeof an objectthat shows its in their gstimation, beauty.'


I / 6-l I See:Miftaahdaaris-Sa'aadah

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

After the originof man has been made clear,it is now appropriate to explainhis needfor the true relioion.

And Concepts Isloam: Its Foundations Man's Need for Religion


Man's need for religion is greater than his need for other of life. For, man must know the things that please necessittes Him. He must also carry out Allaahas well as those that displease and othersthat can avertfrom that can bringhim benefits activities betweenthe him harm. So, it is the DivineLaw that distinguishes is Allaah's harm. That bring that those deeds that benefit and justice in Hrs creationand His Light among His servantsand it is not possiblefor peopleto live withoutDivine Law with which they between what they should do and what they can differentiate shouldnot do. lf man actuallyhas a will, he must then know what he wants.Does he want what will benefithim or what will harm him? Does he want what will reformhim or what will corrupthim? Some peopleknow of their senseof some know it throughapplication this naturally, reasoning and some yet do not know it exceptthroughexplanation and theirguidance.' by the Messengers However the atheistic and materialistic thoughts may be widespreadand adorned;and ideologiesand theoriesthrive, For will never do withouttrue religion. and societies individuals and physical for man'sspiritual can neverprovide theseideologies needs. And the more man goes deeper in them, the more he is convincedthat they cannotglve him securitynor satiatehis thirst is unavoidable. and thatthe truereligion and ErnestRinansaid,"All thingsthat we hold dear can dwindle, can and expertise knowledge freedomof usingone's intelligence, lt be effaced. to for religion But it is impossible becomeworthless. ideology material proof futility of the on wiil rather remaina living

I b n T a y m i y y a hp . 2 1 3 - 2 1 4 , by Shaykhul-lslaam S e eA t - T a d m u r i y y a h / 2 3 8 3 daaris-Sa'aadah a n dM i f t a a h u


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

that wantsto restrict man into despicable narrows of the earthly


Muhammad Fareed Wajdee said: "lt is impossiblefor religious thinking to vanish,for it is the highestand noblestof humanmind,s inclinations, not to mention the fact that it is an inclination that elevates man. Rather than dwindle, this inclinationshall be increasing. Religious natureof man willalwayspursuehim as long as he can discernwhat is beautiful and what is ugly and this nature shall continue to increase in him accordingtg sublimityof his mentalfaculties and progress in his knowledge."' So if man keeps away from his Lord, it is throughthe sublimityof his mental faculties and wideness of his knowledge that he recognizes the greatness of his ignorance about his Lord and what is due to Him, and his ignorance of his own self, what is good for him and what is harmful to him; what gives him happinessand what will cause him misery.He will also recognise his ignorance of scientificdetails like astronomy,science of galaxies,reckoning, nuclearsciencesand so is then that the worldwill abandon the stage of delusion and arrogance to that of humility and submission and then believethat there is behindthese sciencesa knowledgeable and Wise One and that there is behindthe nature an Able Creator.This realitywill then force the impartial scholarto believein the unseen,to surrenderto the uprightreligionand to respondto the call of natural instinct.But when man withdraws from this path,his naturewill relapseand he will come down to the levelof dumbanimals. - that We concludefrom all the above, that the true religiosity dependson beliefin the Onenessof Allaahand performing acts of - is a necessaryelementof worshipaccordingto His injunctions life, so that man actualizesthroughthat, his servitudeto Allaah, Lord of all the worldsand attainthroughthat, happiness and safety from destruction, hardship and misery. lt is also necessaryfor
' S e eA d - D e e n by Muhamrnad A b d u l l a hD a r a a zp . 8 7 . t t b i d .8 8 .

Islsam: Its Foundations And Concepts


perfecting aptitudein man. lt is only throughit that the theoretical the intellectualhunger can be satiated, and its highest goals attained. of the soul elementfor purification Equally,religionis a necessary power, find in the sentiments for noble of emotional refinement and religion an abundantspaceand a springwhose water does not dry find theirgoals attained. up where noblesentiments of will power because elementfor the perfection It is a necessary great gives impetus and majormeansof through it it of the support of desPair. elements resisting In view of this, if there are some who say that man is civil by for man has by nature", nature,we must also say: "Man is religious power. His power will and powers: speculative scientific two and will completehappinessdependson perfectinghis scientific power and the perfectionof his scientificpower cannot take place the following: exceptby knowing 1. Knowingthe True Lord Who is the Creatorand the Provider, on him favours. and bestowed Who createdman from nothingness and all that is due to Him 2. KnowingHis Names and Attributes Names on His slaves. of impacts these the and understanding the way that leadsto Allaah,may He be glorified. 3. Knowing and harms that preventman from 4. Knowingthe hindrances knowingthe way and the greatblissthat the way leadsto. 5. Having a real cognisanceof your own soul, its needs, what is good for it and what is harm to it, and knowing recognising defects. and its oualities his scientific theseftvethingsthat man can perfect It is by knowing power occur will cannot and of his scientific power.And perfection and His slaves upon Allaah rights of the except by respecting carrying out these rights sincerely,truthfully,accordtngto the and peacebe upon him, and as blessings Sunnahof the Prophet,

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd

a testimony of His favouron him. There is no way to perfection of these two powers except by His help. He thereforeneeds to be gurded to the Straight PathwhichAllaah guidedHisfriends.l After we have known that the True Religionis the Divinesupport powersof the soul,we shouldalso know that religion for different is the protectiveshield for the society.This is because humin life cannot be alright except through mutual cooperationand this cooperationcannot take place except through a system that regulates human relationships,defines their obligations and guarantees their rights.This system is also in need of a curbing and restraining authoritythat can preventthe soul from violating the system,encourageit to preserveit, guarantees its relevance and preventsmen from desecrating it. What then is this power? There is not on the face of this earthany powerthat can matchthe power of religiosityor even close to that in guaranteeingthe respect for order, societalcohesion,stabilityof it,s system and harmonising the meansof comfortand tranquillity in the society. The underlying reason for this is that, man is distinguished from otherlivingthingsin that,all his voluntary movements and actions are controlled by an inaudible and invincible element. Thatelement is faith, which refines the soul and purifiesthe limbs. Man, is therefore, alwayscontrolled by a true or false belief.lf his beliefis correct,everything in him will be correct,but if his beliefis corruot. everything in him will be corrupt. Faith is a spontaneous watcherover man; and it is - as noticedin all men - of two types: - Belief in the value of moral excellence, human dignityand other ordinaryconceptsthat high-minded people will feel shy to violate even if they were free from externalconsequences and material recompense.

A l - F a w a a i d| 8 , 1 9 .

Islgam: Its Foundations And Concepts


- Beliefin Allaah- may He be Glorifiedand Exalted- and the of the secretsand knows all that is fact that He is Ever-Watchful the lslaamic and prohibitions fromWhoseCommandments hidden; feel Law derivesits power and beforeWhom the sensesprofusely mortifiedout of love for Him or fear of Him or both. There is no doubt that this type of faith is the stronger of both in exerting the authorityover human mind. lt is also the strongerin resisting quicker in and sentiments of of whims and inconsistency tornadoes people leaders. and their minds of the leavingimpactson It is because of this that religion is the best guarantorfor the among peopleon the basisof justice of relationships establishment which is a necessityin any society.There is no and impartiality, wonder then that religion occupies in the human society the position of the heartin humanbody.' - and what we see in generally of religion lf this is the position and creeds, where each of religions today's world is multiplicity to it - what then is tenaciously and holds belief group rejoices in its mind what it the human for can achieve that religion true the of the True Religion? yearnsfor? And what are the generalcriteria

' S e e :A d - d e e n p . 9 8 ,1 0 2


Islaam: Its Foundations And ConcEtts Criteriafor ldentifyingTrue Religion

Every adherentof a creed believes that his creed is the true one, and all followersof a religionbelievethat their religionis the ideal one and the most upright path. When you ask the followersof adulterated religionsor followersof man-madecreeds about the proof for their belief,they argue that they found their fatherson a faith and are just followingtheir paths.They then relatenarrations and storieswhose chainsof transmitters are not soundand whose texts are not free from faults and defects.They only depend on inheritedbooks whose authors,recordersand even their original languages and theirsources are unknown. They are onlymixed-up stories concocted together, magnifiedand inheritedgeneration aftergeneration withoutany scholastic verification of theirchainsof transmitters and precisechecking of theirtexts. These unknownbooks, narrations and blind imitations cannot be taken as evidencesin matters of religionsand beliefs.Or is it possible that all theseadulterated religions and man-made creeds are true or false? It is impossible that all thesereligions are true,for truthis only one and cannot be is also impossible that all these adulterated religions and man-madebeliefsare all from Allaahand thereforetrue. Then, since there are numerousreligionsand the true is only one, which of them is then the true religion? There should,therefore, be criteria for distinguishing the true religion from the false. lf we find that these criteriafit a religion, we know that it is the truereligion; and whenall or one of thesecriteria is lacking in any religion, we knowthat it is a falsereligion. The criteriaby which we distinguish the true religion from the false onesare: One: That the religion must be from Allaah,revealed throughan angelto one of His Messengers in orderto conveyit to mankind. For the true religion is Allaah's, and it is He Who will recompense

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


on the Day of Resurrection His slavesand take them to reckoning to them.He says, that He revealed the religion concerning






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"Verily,We have sent the revelationto you (O Muhammad(peace be upon him)) as We sent the revelation to N1h (Noah) and the Prophets after him; We (also) sent the revelation to lbrdhim (Abraham), lsm6'il (lshmael), lshdq (lsaac), Ya'qlb (Jacob), and '/sd (Jesus), Ayylb Al-Asbat (the twelve sons of Ya'qlb (Jacob)) (Job), Y1nus (Jonah), Hdrin (Aaron), and Sulaimdn (Solomon), and to Dawld (David)Wegave the Zablr (Psalms)."' He, may He be glorifiedalsosays,

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"And We did not send any Messengerbefore you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) but We revealed to him (saying) LA il6ha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshippedbut I (NEh)) so worship Me (Aloneand none else).'" that is brought any religion Basedon the aboveversesand criteria, to himself and not to Allaahis definitely by any man and attributed a falsereligion.
I A n - N i s a4 a: 1 6 3 2 Al-Anbiyaa 2l:25


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Two: That the religion shouldcall to the worship of Allaahalone; shouldprohibit Shtrk(polytheism of any form)and all that can lead to it. This is because: the call to the Onenessof Allaah is the primarymissionof all Prophets and Messengers. Every Prophet toldhis people,

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Worship Allah! You have no other ll6h (God) but Him. (Ld il6ha iltaltdh:none has the right to be worshipped but NeD.'r Three: lt shouldbe in agreement with the principles unto which all call their peoplewhichare to worshipAllaahalone the Messengers and to avoid polytheism, unruliness to parents,killingof a person unjustly and all otherimmoral things,be they hiddenor apparent. Allaahsays, t'z \ ,*t +)t.-fy, )J l*j ,s1i9l3 trl )l 4-Jl U 'i-i -' -'".i'i,


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"And We did not send any Messengerbefore you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) but We revealed to him (saying): Ld ildha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshippedbut I (NehD so worship Me (Aloneand none else).'" He alsosays,

' A l - A ' r a a fL l 3 t Al- 2r:25

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


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"Say (O Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) "Come,lwill recite what your Lord has prohibitedyou from. Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children becauseof povefty - We provide susfenancefor you and for them; come not near to Al-Fawdhish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly; and kill not anyone whom All6h has forbidden, except for a just cause (accordingto lsldmic law). This He has commandedyou that you may understand."' And He says, ut*lt J.




"And ask (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) those of Our Messengerswhom We sent beforeyou: "Did We ever appointaliha (gods)to be worshippedbesidesthe Most Gracious(NEh)?* Four: lt shouldnot be self-contradicting by commanding something and contradicting it by shouldalso not forbidsomething

I A l - A n ' a a r6 n: l 5 l 2 Az-Zukhruf 43:45


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

and then allowwhat is similarto it withoutany reasonor prohibit Allaahsays, something for some groupand permitit for others.
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"Do they not then consider the Qur'6n carefully?Had it been from other than All6h, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction."' for people, Five: The religionshouldincludewhat can preserve their belief, honour, properties,lives and offspring through its prohibitions, deterrents and moralsthat it ordains commandments, to protect thesefive generalfactors. Six: lt should serve as a mercy for mankindand save them from their own injusticesand the injusticesthey commit against one anotherthroughusurpingothers'rightsand the generalamenities Allaah the weak at the handsof the strong. or throughmisleading the mercythat the Torah,whichwas givento says whileexplaining entails, Prophet Moses,


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"And when the anger of M1sd (Moses) was calmed down, he took up the Tablets;and in their inscriptionwas guidanceand mercy for thosewho fear their Lord."'

I An-Nisaa 4:82 2 A l - A ' r a a f7 : 1 5 4

Islasm: Its Foundations And Concepts


us aboutthe message of Jesus,peacebe He also says informing onhim.

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"And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us."' Saalih, He saysaboutProphet
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He said. "O my people! Tell me, if I have a clear proof from my Lord, and there has come to me a Mercy (Prophethood)from Him, AlEh, if lwere to disobeyHim?"" who then can help me against He says aboutthe Qur'aan,
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"And We send down from the Qur'6nthat which is a healing and a '3 mercy fo fhose who believe(in lstilmicMonotheismand act on it) to the Law of Allaah,and teach Seven: lt shouldentailguidance of Allaahby that Law. lt shouldalso be able to man the intention Allaahsays aboutthe tell man his originand his finaldestination. Torah,
I M a r y a ml 9 : 2 1 2 H o o dI l : 6 3 I l7:82 Al-tsraa


Islaom: Its Foundations And Concepts

4.'jj: u'"^ WL-,?i uS;i-(,yy

'Verily, We did send down the Taurlt (Torah) (to MIsA (Moses)), thereinwas guidanceand light."' He says aboutthe lnjeel(the Bookgivento Jesus),

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"And We gave him the lnjeel (Gospel),in which was guidance and tight.'" He saysaboutthe Qur'aan,

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"lt is He Who has senf His Messenger (Muhammad (p^eace be upon him)) with guidanceand the religionof truth (lsl6m).'' The true religion is the one that includes guidance to the Law of Allaah,gives peaceand tranquillity to the mind,protect it from all answers insinuations, all its questions and resolves everyproblem. Eight: lt should call to noble characters and deeds like honesty, truthfulness, modesty, chastity and generosity. lt should also prohibitbad conductslike disobedience to parents,killing innocent souls,all kindsof immoralities, lies,injustice, aggression, and sins. stinginess

I Al-Maaidah 5:44 2 Al-Maaidah 5:46 r 9:33 At-Tawbah

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


Nine: lt shouldbe ableto provide happiness for thosewho believe in it. Allaahsays, ct* a}iL iO 4t }



"Te-Ha. We have not sent down the Qur'6n unto- you (O Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) to cause you distress."' It shouldalsobe in harmony with upright nature. Allaahsays, "That (lslaamic Monotheism)is the nature upon which Allaah has createdmankind.'It shouldalso be in harmonywith sound reason,because Allaah ordains the true religion and creates the soundreason as is thereforeimpossible that the Law of Allaah and the creatureof Allaahshould contradict eachother. Ten: lt should lead to the truth, warn against falsehood,keep peopleaway from error and lead them to the StraightPath where there is no crookedness. Allaahspeaksaboutthe jinn that when they heardthe Qur'aan beingrecited, someof themtoldothers,
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"They said: "O our people! Verily, we haue heard a Book (this Qur'an) sent down after Mlsa (Moses), confirming what came before it: it guides to the truth and to a StraightPath (i.e. lslam)."'

tTaaHaa2}:l-2 r 30:30 Ar-Room


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

It shouldnot call to what will bringmiseryupon people, as Allaah says aboutthe Qur'aan,

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"Te-He. We have not sent down the Qur'dn unto^ you (O Muhammad(peacebe upon him))to causeyou distress.'" The true religion what can causethem shouldnot enjoinon people destruction. Allaahsays,

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"And do not kill yours-elves (nor kill one another).Surely,Allah is you.'' MostMercifulto It shouldnot distinguish between its adherents on the basisof race, colour Allaah says, or clan.


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"O mankind! We have createdyou from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes,that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with All6h is that (believer) who

'Al-Ahqaaf 46:30 2 Taa Haa20:l-2 r 4:29 An-Nisaa

Islaam: Its Foundotions And Concepts


has At-Taqw6 (i.e. he is one of the Muttaq.0n(fhe pious. See V.2:2).Verily,AllAhis All-Knowing, All-Aware."' Therefore, the recognised criterion for givingpeopleprecedence in the truereligion is piety. After mentioning the criteriafor distinguishing betweenthe true religion and the falseones and citingevidences from the Qur'aan that these Criteria are general in the case of all truthful Messengers sent by Allaah,it is then very appropriate to mention typesof religion.

A l - H u j u r a a4 t 9 :l 3


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts Types of Religions

Mankindare dividedas far as their faiths are concernedinto two categories: There are a people who have a Book that was revealed to them like the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims. As for the Jews and the Christians, the Books that were revealedto their Prophetshave been lost as a resultof their ignorance of what was in their Books;theirtakingof men as gods besideAllaahand the long time that had passedbetweenthem and their acquaintance with these Books. So their priestswrote some books, which they claimedto be from Allaahwhile they were not from Allaahbut only wrongassumptions of fanatics. of liarsand distortion As for the Book of the Muslims(the NobleQur'aan). it is the last DivineBook to be revealed and the strongest and firmest. Allaah Himselfguaranteedits preservation and did not delegate that to mankind. He says,

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'Verily We, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qufan) and surely, We willguard it (from corruption)."' The Qur'aan is thereforepreservedin the people'shearts and in the Book,for it is the last Book,which Allaahhas guaranteed for the guidance of mankind. He has made it a proofagainst them till the Last Hour and has decreedits perpetuity. He providesfor it in its limits everyage thosewho willobserve and words,act by its law and believe in it. Further explanations aboutthis Bookwill be qiven in a latersection.

' A l - H r 1lr 5:9

Islaam: Its Foundstions And Concepts


There is another section of religious adherentswho have no revealed Book from Allaah, even though they possess an rnherited book,whichis attributed to the founder of the religion like Hindus,Magians,Buddhists, Confucians and Arabs before the adveno t f Muhammad. There is not a nation that does not have some knowledgeand carry out some activities by which their worldly interests are This is the generalknowledge achieved. which Allaahendowed everyhumanbeing,even animals; for the animalis alsoguidedas to how to attain what benefitsit like food and drink and to avert what harmsit; and Allaahhas createdin it the lovefor the former for the latter. He savs, and aversion

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"Glorifythe Name of your Lord, the Most High, Who has created (everything),and then proportioned it. And Who has measured (preordainments for everythingeven to be b/essed or wretched); then guided (i.e. showed mankind the right as well as fhe wrong paths,and guidedthe animalsto pasture)."' us of what ProphetMoosaa(Moses) He also says,informing told Pharaoh / ..- ,


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"OurLordis He Whogaveto eachthingsitsformand nature, then

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(Abraham u s a b o u tP r o p h eltb r a a h e e m Allaah a l s oi n f o r m s t) h a th e saidof His Lord,

I A l - A ' l a a 8 7 :l - 3 r Taa Haa 20:50.


Islaom: Its Foundations And Concepts

{ rOu;+# ,A:- a'it,Y

"Who hascreatedme and it is He Who guides me."l It is knownto everysane person- who has the leastreflection and sense of thinking- that adherentsof religions are betterin useful deedsthan those with no religion. sciencesand righteous There is no good thingfoundwith non-Muslims therefore, amongadherents of other religionsexcept that the Muslims possesswhat is better and more perfect,so the adherentsof religionspossess what For sciences othersdo not possess. and deedsare two types: First: That whichis achieved throughintelligence and reasonlike medicalsciencesand vocations. astronomy, Though adherents of religions and atheists are equalin possession of thesethings, the adherentsof religions are better in them. As for those things that cannot be known throughmere reason like theologyand religious sciences, theseare prerogatives of the followers of religions. There that which logicalevidences are amongthis kind of knowledge can prove. lt is the Messengerswho guided men unto how logical proofthat;which is both logicaland legal. evidences Second: Things that cannot be known except through the given by the Messengers. information This kind of knowledge and deeds cannotbe achievedthroughhuman reason,like knowledge about Allaah,His Names and Attributes, the bliss that is in the Hereafter for whoeverobeys Allaah and the punishment for those who disobey Him, the explanations on His injunctions and the information aboutthe past Prophets and theirpeoplesand so on.'

' Ash-Shuaraa2618 S,e e : Al-Jawaab A s - S a h e e4 h, P a g e 9 7 2 4 p.210-211. S e eM a j m o o ' I . a t a a w aS ah a i k h ulls l a a m

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


Gonditionsof the existingreligions

Great religions, their old books and ancientlaws have become people,an objectof mockery and fraudulent easy preysto frivolous and and targetsof bloodyincidences for distorters and hypocrites great calamities so much so that they have lost their spiritand were to be resurrected and prophets shape.lf their first adherents to be now, they would surely have denied them and proclaimed ignorant of them. - today- has becomea set of ritualsand traditions with Judaism. peculiar to a no spiritor life.Apartfrom this,it is an racialreligion particularrace and carries no message for the world, nor any missionfor the peopleor any mercyfor mankind. creed, which is This religionhas been afflictedin its fundamental its motto among other religionsand nations.And it has been a which noble religionwhile it was the religionof monotheism, (Abraham) commanded lbraaheem and Ya'qoob(Jacob) Prophets from theirchildrento follow.The Jews had adoptedmany concepts the beliefs of corrupt nations with whom they shared they had been subjected. or underwhose authority neighbourhood They had also adopted a lot of pagan customsand traditionsof have confirmed this. In Jewishhistorians these people.Unbiased we can read in it what approximately Jewish Encyclopaedia, means, "The prophets' that wrath over the worshipof imagesdoes indicate idols and false deitieshad crept into the heartsof the worshipping lsraelites and that they had embraced the polytheisticand

see the book, "lfhaam al-Yahood"by Samuelbin For further reacling, to Islaam. He YahyaAl-Maghrabi. was a Jew who reverted


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

superstitious beliefs.The Talmud also testifiesto the fact thar paganism has a particular attraction for the Jews."1 - whichthe Jews extremely The BabelTalmud2 hallowand prefer to the Torah,was widelycirculated among the Jews of the Sixth Century, and whichcontains a lot of strange manifestations of their simple-mindedness, absurd sayings,insolentbehaviour towards Allaah,scorning the reality and gambling with religion and human - showsthe extentto whichthe Jewishcommunity intellect of this age hasdegenerated intellectually and religiously." As for Christianity", it is also afflictedsince its earliestdays with distortions of extremists, alterations of the iqnorant and paqanism of the Romans who claimed to be ChristiansJ All these distortions, alterations and paganismhave becomethe heap underwhichall greatteachings of Christ were buried and the light of Monotheism and sincereworshipof Allah were hidden behind theseclouds.

I S e eJ e w i s h E n c y c l o p e d iV ao l . X L L . P 5 6 8 - 5 6 9 ' The word 'Talmud' means, 'Jewish book of religious and moral teachings'.It is a compilationof footnotesand cornmentaries on their 'the law' according book'Mishna' which means, t o J e w i s hs c h o l a r s of differentgenerations. ' R e a d f o r i n f o r r n a t i o n",A l - Y a h o o d a l a a H a s a b a l - T a l m u d " ,b y D r . R o h l a n g ea n d i t s t r a n s l a t i o n frorn French to Arabic in "Al-kanzul marsood fee qawaaidit-talrnood" by Yoosuf HannaNasrullaah. For details,read,"Al-jawaab as-Saheeh liman baddaladeenal-maseeh" by Shaykhullslaam Ibn Taymiyyah;"lzhaar al-Haqq" by Rahmatullaah Al-Hindee and "Tuhfatul-Areebfee radd 'alaa ubbaadAs-Saleeb",oy AbdullahAt-Turjumaan who was a Christian reverl. " See "The Struggle betrveen R e l i g i o na n d S c i e n c e " ( ,p.a0-al) by the well-known Europeanauthor Draper ( Note: The translatordoes not k n o w t h ea c t u a l n a m eo f t h i s b o o k i n i t s o r i g i n a ll a n g u a g n eo r t h ec o r r e c t s p e l l i n go f t h e n a m e o f i t s a u t h o r b e c a u s e both were translated and transliterated respectively from Arabic).

Islaom: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


A Christian writerspeaksabout the extent,to which the trinityhad gone in the Christian society sincethe end of the FourthCentury afterChrist 'The beliefthat one God consists godheads of threedifferent had penetrated into the innerlife of the Christian worldand its thoughts since the last quarterof the fourth centuryand had become the officialrecognised creedin all partsof the Christendom ever since. Also, the development of Trinityand its secretwere not revealed untilin the lasthalfof the nineteenth A D."1 century A contemporary Christian historian2 discusses in a book,"History in the Light of Modern Science",about the of Christianity appearance of paganismin the Christian societyin different forms and shapesand the Christians' diversity in adopting religious rites, customs and pagan heroes of nationsand religionsthat are ancientin idolatryunder the pretextof imitation, admiration or ignorance. He said, "Paganismhas ended but has not been completely eliminated. Rather,it has penetrated the heartsand everything in it has been tolerantly allowedto continue in the name of Christianity and under its cover.Thosewho abandoned theirgods and heroestook one of their martyrsand gave him the title of their former gods then erecteda statue in his name. This is how polytheism and idol worshipare transferred By the end of that untotheselocalmartyrs. century, worshipping of the martyrs and saintsspreadall over the Christendom and formeda new creedthat teachesthat saintshave Thesesaintsand hallowed divineattributes. men were thus made intermediaries betweenGod and man and pagan festivalswere given new namesuntilthe ancient paganSun festival was turned in the vear400 A.C." to Christmas

' S e eN e w C a t h o l i c E n c y c l o p a e d iT ah , e H o l y t r i n i t yV o l . l 4 P . 2 9 5 . I Rev JarnesHouston Baxier, History of Christianityin the Light of ModernKnowledge", Glasgow1929p. 407.


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

As for the Magians, they havebeen knownsincetime of old to oe worshippers of natural elements, the greatest of whichis fire.They havelately adhered to its worship and builtfor it altersand temples so much so that fire houseshave becomewidespread in all places and all otherreligions in theircountry and faithsdisappear except fire worshipand hallowing of the sun. The religion, according to these people has become mere rites and traditionsthat are places' practised in special The Danishauthorwho wrotethe book, "lran duringthe reign of their religious Sasanids", describes leadersand their functions, "These functionaries must worshipfire four times in a day. In additionto this, they also worshipped moon, fire and water. They had an order that they shouldnot let the fire die out or let the fire and water meet each other or let the metalrust,becausethev also hallow the metal."2 These Magianshave practised dualismall the time and that has becometheirmotto.They believed in two gods;god of lightor god of good which they called"ahurmazda"or "Yazdan"and the other god is god of darkness or evil,and this they called:"ahur man". The war and conflict are continuouslygoing between both of them.3 As regardsBuddhism, the religion that is widespread in Indiaand MiddleAsia, it is a paganism whereofits adherents carrywith them idols whereverthey go. They build templesfor these idols and erectthe statueof "Buddha" wherever thev qo and settle.a

' Read the book, "lran during the reign of Sasanids" by Professorof Eastern Languages at Copenhagen University,Denmark,and a specialist on the historyof lran. Seealso,"History of lran" by the Magian,Shaeen Makareus. 2 Iran duringthe reignof Sasanids, p. I 55 ' l r a n d u r i n gt h e r e i g no f S a s a n i d s p . . 183-233. ' See "The Ancient India", by AishuraToba, a professor of Hindu C i v i l i z a t i o na t t h e U n i v e r s i t yo f H a y d r a b a d a ; n d " T h e D i s c o v e r yo f

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


with a of India,it has beenpopular the religion As for Brahmanism peak in the sixth its paganism had reached lot of deities.Their million reached 330 deities of their number when the A.C. centurv gods.1-Everything according to Brahmanism has become has becomeusefuland a deity to be and everything wonderful Duringthat age, the art of rdolmakingbecamehighly worshipped. carvedso many idols in different profitable and many idol stylists shapes The Hindiwriter,C. V. Vidya,wrote in his book,"The Historyof the era of KingHarash(606-648 whilediscussing Hindu" Medieval of lslaamin Arabia, the advent whichis the era thatfollows A.D.), "Hinduismand Buddhism are equally pagan religion though The origin in paganism. Hinduism mighthavesurpassed Buddhism of any Lord but it gradually was denialof existence of Buddhism adopted Budciha(its founder) as the greatestdeity. lt later on Paganismhas reachedits added other deitieslike Bodhistavas. name Buddha became the that so so much oeak in India lt is languages." eastern in some statue idol or with synonymous without doubt that Paganism has become widespreadin the world.The whole world from the Atlanticsea to the contemporary Pacific ocean is greatly immersed in Paganism. The matter and Buddhism the Semiticreligions becomesas if the Christianity, like racing idols of hallowing glorification and are competingin horses.' thatthe Hinduism", Hindusaid in his book,"The Prevailing Another to idols continued yet, but small art of makingidolshad not ended 'deities great throughout numbers in complex' join the existing

India" by Jawaharlal Nehru, the former Indian Prime Minister. p 20 l202. I Hinduism", S e e" A n c i e n tI n d i a " b y R . D i t , 3 1 2 8 7a n d " T h e P r e v a i l i n g M . alleyp.6-7. by L.S.S.O t l92l) l induVol.I (Poone o f M e d i e v aH C . V . V i d y a :H i s t o r y


Isluam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

differenthistorical periodsthat they have becomean innumerable and an uncountable thongof deities.l This is the condition of the worldreligions. As for civilized countries where great governments were estabrished, where many sciences flourishedand which were the bedrock of civilization, iniustry and arts, they have becomecountries with no rerigions; countriei tnat had lost their origin and power, in which theie are no righteous reformersand teachers,where atheism is publicly proclaimeo, corruption of all kindproliferated, all standards havebeenchanoed and the man has becomevarueress to his own serf.That is rirrrv there are many cases of suicide, severanceof family ties, disruption of socialrelations, increase in the numberof patienrs who visitpsychologists' clinics and establishment of the marketof magictricksters. In these so-called civirized nations,man tries out every enjoyable thing and followsevery inventedand innovated creed, seeiing to satiatethe demandof his soul,to make himselfhappyanO live himselfpeace of mind. But ail these enjoyments, and a[ these creedsand theories failedto achieve thesegoalsfor him, and he shall continuein this psychological misery and spiritual torment untilhe establishes relationship with his creatorand worships Hrm accordingto the way He is pleasedwith and with which He sent His Messengers. Ailaahsays,whiredescribing the condition of the one who turns away from his Lord and seeks for guidance from othersbesides Him,
-ii : i1 "'-' A^:-_eJl -t32 tor.z.3g ,,4-9

\ 1i-?

"But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e., neither believesin this Qur'annor actson its teachings). Verity,for him is a
I S e e" A s - s e e r a t u n - n a b a r v i y yb a1 h,", A b iH l asan An-Nadwi p. l9-2g.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


life of hardshipand We shalt raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection."l also informsus aboutthe life of the Allaah,may He be glorified, lifewhen He says, in thisworldly and theirhappiness truebeltevers R .:. JJ-!# eriryt
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"lt is thosewho believe(in the Onenessof Allah and worshipnone but Him Atond and confusenot their belief with Zulm (wrongi-e. by worshipping others besldes NEh), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided.'" is greatalsosaYs, He,Whosepraise


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"As for those who are b/essed, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein for atl the time that the heavens and-the eafth endure, exceptas your Lord witts;a gift withoutan end.'' to all these religions of the true religron lf we applythe criteria as we willsee thattheyare shortof all thesecriteria exceptlslaam, it is clearfromthe aboveexposition. are short of, is The greatestelement,which all these'religions othergods with associated have For their adherents Monotheism. do not religions these fact that the to in addition in worship Allaah
I T a a H a a2 0 ' . 1 2 4 . r Al-An'aar6 l :82 'Hood ll:108.


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

providepeoplewith a law that can be applicable in all placesano at all times and that can protectthem, their lives,faith, honour, offspring and properties. Thesereligions also do not guidepeopre to the Law of AllaahwhichHe ordersto be followed neither do they give theiradherents peaceof mind and happiness, as a resultof theirinherent contradictions. As regards lslaam, you wiil come to know in the following chapters that it is the true religion of Allaahwhich He is pleased with and whichHe has chosen for mankind as theirreligion. At the end of this section, it is appropriatethat we define the essence of prophethoodand the need of mankind for it, and explain the foundations of the mission of the Messengers and the realityof the lastand everlasting messageof lslaam.

And Concepts Islaam: ItsFoundations The essence of ProPhethood


thingthat man mustknowin this lifeis the knowledge The greatest aboui his Lord,Who createdhim from nothingand showeredhim And the greatestpurposefor which Allaahcreated with blessings. Him alone. is to worship the creation But how can man know his Lordas it is due? What are the duties bindingon him? How can he worshiphis Lord? and obligations of life,provide Man can find who will assisthim duringvicissitudes givingsome medicine, for an ailment, for his needslike treatment to builda house and so on and so forth;but he cannot assisting peoplewho can make him knowhis Lordand find amongordinary exolain to him how to worship Him This is because human know what Allaah intends,he cannot independently intelligence of his fellow human being perceive intention the cannot even How can he then knowwhat intends. he what him he tells before Allaah means? Further,it is also because,this matter is only restrictedto the Messengersand Prophets whom Allaah has chosento conveythe Messageand to those who come afterthem who and the heirsof the Prophet, guidedleaders amongthe rightly their convey to help Path and follow their way, take to their message. This is because, human beings cannot receive theirability. is beyond from Allaahas its bearing directly revelation says, Allaah



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"lt is not given to any human being that All6h should speak to him unless (it be) by Revelation,or from behind a veil, or (that) He



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sends a Messengerto reveal what He witts by His Leave. Verily, He is Most High, Most Wise."1 There shouldthereforebe an intermediary and an envoy who can conveythe law of Allaahto His slaves,Those intermediaries ano envoysare the Messengers and prophets.The angelwill carry the message to the Prophet and the prophet will convey it to the people.The Angels do not carry the messageto men direcfly, for the world of angelsis naturally different from that of humanbeings. Allaahsays,
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"Allah choosesMessengersfrom angels and from men.'" The wisdom of Allaah necessitates that the Messengershould come from the raceof thosewhom he is sent to, so that thev could understand him because of their ability to speak witn nim. lf Messengers had been sent to mankindfrom among the angels, they could not have been able to face him or learnanvthino irom him.Allaahthe exalted savs.


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"And they say: "Why has not an angel been sent down to him?,, Had We sent down an angel, the matter would have been judged at once, and no respite would be granted to them. And had We
' Ash-shoora a 42:5l.

t dt-uail zz]s.

Islaam: Its Foundotions And Concepts


appointedhim an angel, We indeed would have made him a man, and We would have certainly confused them in which they are alreadyconfused(i.e. the Messageof Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him))."' He alsosays,

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"And We never sent before you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) any of the Messengersbut verily,they ate food and walkedin the markets And We have made some of you as a trial for others: witl you have patience? And your Lord is Ever All-Seer (of everything).And those who expect not a Meeting with Us (i.e. those who deny the Day of Resurrection and the life of the Hereafter),said: "Why are not the angels sent down to us, or why do we not see our Lord?" lndeed they think too highly of and are scornfulwithgreat pride.'* fhemse/ves, H e a l s os a v s .
' L tt . s x dl uy lQ: {t"le - . uL;,lciY "

' Al-An'aar6 n:8-9. t 25:20-21 Ai-Furqaan

Islaam: Its Foundutions And C,

"And We sent not (as Our Messengers/before you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) any but men, whom We inspired,(to preach and invitemankind to believein the Onenessof Attah)."1 He alsosays,

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"And We sent not a Messengerexcept with the tanguage of his people, in order that he might make the Messageclear to them.'2 These Messengers and Prophets possessed completeand perfect reason, sound nature, truthfulnessin words and deeds, and sincerity in conveying what was put in their trust. They also possessedDivine immunityfrom all that could tarnish human conductand physical appearances that are free from all thingsthat are repugnantto sights and repulsiveto sound human taste.3 Allaah purifiedthem in their personsand manners.They are the most perfect in manners, purest in souls and most generous. Allaahcombined in them good mannersand excellent conduct as He combinedin them deliberateness, knowledge, magnanimiry, generosity, bravery and justice. By these qualities,they were distinguished amongtheir peoples. The people.ofprophelSaalih told him as Allaahinforms us in His Book,

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' A n - N a h ll 6 : 4 3 . 2 lbraaheeml4:4. r S e e :L a w a a m i ' ua l nwaar al bahiyyah Vol. 2 pp. 265 and,,,Al-lslaam , b'y Ahrnad Shalabe p e . I 14.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


"They said: "O Selih!You have been among us as a figure of good hope (and we wished for you to be our chief) till this (new thing which you have brought that we leave our gods and worshipyour God (Allah)Alone)! Do you.(now) forbid us fhe worshipof what our fathers have worshipped?"' told him, of Prophet Shu'aib us of whatthe people He alsoinforms
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"They said: "O Shu'aib!Doesyour Sal6t(prayer)commandthat we give up what our fathersused to worship,or that we give up doing what we like with our propefty? Verily,you are the forbearer, right'* minded!"(They said this sarcastically). The Messengerof Allaah, Muhammad,blessingsand peace be upon him, was also popularamong his peoplewith the title "Aleven before he receivedthe revelation, Ameen" (the trustworthy) him saying, His Lorddescribes


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"And verily, you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) are on an exaltedstandardof character.'u the best ones among are therefore, and Prophets The Messengers chose them to carry His and He selectedthem Allaah'screatures. and, it to mankind, and convey Message
' H o o dI l : 6 2 . 2 H o o dI l : 8 7 . r 68:4. Al-Qalam


Islasm: Its FoundutionsAnd Concepts

"AllAhknows besf with whom to place His Message."l Allaahsays,

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"Allah chose Adam, N?h (Noah), the family of lbr1him (Abraham) and the familVof 'lmrdn above the 'Alamin (mankind and jinn) (of their times).'" These Messengers and Prophets- in spite of lofty qualitieswith which Allaahdescribed them and the excellent conductsfor which they were known - are nevertheless humanswho sufferedwhat other humans suffer; they suffered hunger and sickness; they slept, ate, marriedand died. Allaah says, addressingprophet Muhammad.

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"Verity,you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) wilt die and verily,they (too) willdie.'r Allaahalsosays,

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' Al-An'aarn 6:124 r Aal 'lrrrraan 3:33 t Az-Zumar39:30.

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Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


"And indeed, We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad) and maclefor them wives and offspring."' many of them were They were even subjectedto persecution; killed or expelled from their homes. Allaah says addressing Muhammad, Proohet



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"And (remember) when the disbelieversplotted against you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) to imprison you, or to kill you, or to get you out (from your home, i.e. Makkah); they were plotting and All6h too was plotting; and Alldh ls fhe Eesf of those who plot.'" in this worldlylife But to them were the end, victoryand authority Allaahsays, and the Hereafter.

"All2th witl help thosewho hetp His(cause).'3 He alsosays,

i,i i-i^;ty

' Ar-Ra'd 13:38. 2Al-Anfaal 8:30.

' l.t-uaiizz:lo.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

"All6h has decreed: 'Verily! lt is I and My Messengers who shallbe the victorious." Verily,AltAh is Att-Powerful,All-Mighty.m

'Al-Muiaadilah 58;21.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Conce

Signs of Prophethood
is a means by which the noblest of all Srnce Prophethood and most honourable and the greatest can be acquired knowledge deeds can be carried out; it is of Allaah's mercy to give these Prophets the signs by which they could be known and through though, every one of those who which they could be identified, that has mission some signs and conditions have a claimedto if he is a or otherwise if he is truthful his truthfulness could indicate of whichare: liar. Thesessignsare many,the mostimportant of Allaahaloneand shouldcall to the worship 1 The Messenger Him. For this is others besides of worshipping to the abandonment for whichAllaahcreatedthe creation. the purpose in him, and put his to believe shouldcall people 2. The Messenger practice. His Messenger, Allaah commands message into blessings and peacebe uponhim,to say, Muhammad, ( tl.n'*^lt
' -'. -1, .i ' ,.,1..!:-'.,'t{ti -p } gt Js*s U] -rtJt ', ' -,

"O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Nteh.'t 3. He must be supported by Allaah with various signs of prophethood Amongthesesignsare the versesthat the Prophet Muhammad,blessingsand peace be upon him, broughtfrom or produce its like. couldnot repudiate Allaahand whichhis people Anotherexampleis the sign of ProphetMoosaawhen his rod who healed Eesaa(Jesus) turnedto a snake;the sign of Prophet and the signof of Allaah, and the leperby the permission the blrnd Muhammad b l e s s i n ga sn d p e a c eb e u p o nh i m ,w h i c hi s t h e G r e a t


A l - A ' r a a7 f :158


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Qur'aan, in spite of the fact that he was an illiteratewho could neither readnor writeamongmanyothersignsof the prophets. Amongthesesignsis the clearand vividtruthwhichthe prophets and Messengers broughtand which their opponentscould not disproveor deny. Rather,their opponentsknew that what the Prophets had broughtwas the truththat could not be resisted. Among the signs also are perfectconditions, beautifultraits and magnanrmousconduct with which Allaah distinguishedthe Proohets. 4. His message should agreein principles withthe fundamentals to whichall Messengers and Prophets called.l 5. He shouldnot call othersto the worshipof himself or to direcr any act of worship to him. He should also not call to the glorification of his tribe or clan. Allaah commandsHis proohet Muhammad, blessings and peacebe uponhim,to tell people,

"Say. I do not tell you that with me is the treasure of Ailah, nor (that) | know the Unseen; nor^l tell you that I am an angel. I but follow what is revealedto me."' 6. He shouldnot ask from people any of the thingsof thisworldas a wage for his mission.Allaah says, informingus about His Prophets Noah,Hood,Saalih, Lootand Shu'aib, thatthevtotdtheir people,

'See: Malrnoo'Fataaw an T a y r n i y y aV Ib ho l . 4 p . 2 1 2 - 2 1 3 . 'Al-An'aam 6:50.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


q J'it'sii'ul ri:r 4" t't;iu; Y { ::':cnj;ii

"No reward do t ask of you for it (my Message of lsllmic 'Alamin Monotheism); my reward is only, from the Lord of the jinn and all that exlst$. "' (mankind, and peacebe uponhim,alsotold blessings Muhammad, Prophet his people,

{ :lr ;+5ii 3r\i ct ri :-, ;L l'tit


"Say (O Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) "No wage do I ask of you for this (the Qur'6n),nor am I one of the Mutakallifln (those who pretend and fabricatethings which do not exist).'" whom I have told you something and Messengers These Prophets are many.Allaah and signsof their prophethood, of theirqualities says,

"And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (communitY, All6h (Alone),and nation) a Messenger (proclaiming):"Worship

' A s h - S h u ' a r a2 a6 : 1 0 9 ,1 2 1 ,| 4 5 , 1 6 4 ,l 8 0 . 2 38:86. Saad


Islaam: Its Foundetions And Concepts

avoid (or keep away from) Tagh0t (all false deities,etc. i.e. do not worshipTAgh0t besrdes AlEh).""' These Messengershave made mankind happy; the history recorded their stories and the injunctions of their religionwere repeatedly transmitted, that they are the truth and just. Likewise, repeatedly narrated is the victory withwhichAllaahhonoured them and destruction of theirenemies, likethe destruction of the people of Noah with flood, drowningof Pharaoh,punishment for the peopleof Loot;and the victory of Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, over his enemiesand the spread of his religion. Whoever knows this will know certainlythat they broughtfor mankindgood and guidance; that they directedthem to all that couldbenefit them and warnthemagainst all thatcouldbe harmful. The first of them is Adam and the last is Muhammad. oeace be u o o nt h e ma l l .


An-Nahl i6:36

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Co

Mankind's need for the Messengers

to His slaves,they convey are Allaah'sMessengers The Prophets to them, they give them glad tidingsof the His commandments bliss which Allaah has preparedfor them if they obey His punishment if they warn them of the everlasting Commandments, disobeyHim and tell them the storiesof the past nationsand what and tormentin this world because befellthem of the punishment of theirLord. the commandments theydisobeyed cannotbe known and prohibitions These DivineCommandments that is why Allaahordained by human reasoning, independently as a honourfor and prohibitions commandments and prescribed For peopletend to obey their mankindand to protecthis interests. desires,therebyviolatingforbiddenthings,attackingother people and usurpingtheir is thereforeout of the utmostwisdom every among mankind, too that Allaahshouldsend Messengers of of the commandments now and then,who would remindthem them recite to disobedience, Allaah, warn them against admonitions and tell them the stories of past generations. Because, when wonderful stories are heard and marvellous conceptsawakenthe psyche,the sense of reasonembracesthat, The more man and has right perception. in knowledge increases listensthe more he thinks;the more he thinksthe more he reflects; and the more he the more he reflectsthe more he understands Messengers is sending So, he acts. understandsthe more if the truth is to be for them is no alternative there inevitable and established.l Shaykhul lslaam lbn Taymiyyah2said, "Divine Message is of man in his worldly life and his final necessaryfor reformation if he for him in his Hereafter well-being be will not abode.As there
' Al-Mawardep e. 33. by'Alee bin Muhammad A ' l a a n .A , n-Nubuwwa t H e i s A h n r a db i n A b d u l - H a l e e m p,o p u l a r l y k n o w na s l b n T a y m i y y a h . H e r v a sb o r n i n t h e y e a r6 6 I A . H a n d d i e d i n t h e y e a r7 2 8 A . H . H e w a s books. and the authorof many valuable Scholars one of the greatIslaarnic


Islaum: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

does not followthe message,there will also not be well-being for him in his worldly life if he does not follow the Message.He is therefore, bound to follow the Law of Allaahfor he lives between two movement: a movementby which he seekswhat benefitshim and anotherby which he wards off what harmshim The Law of Allaah is then the light that shows him what can benefitor harm him. That is the Light of Allaahon the earth, His justice between His slavesad His fortress whichprovides safetyfor whoeverenters it. What is meant by the Law of Allaah is not physicaldistinction betweenthe harmfuland useful;for even the animalscan do that. The donkeyor camel can differentiate betweenbarleyand sand. What that means is to be able to distinguish betweendeeds that can harm theirdoer in his worldlylife and his Hereafter and deeds that can benefithim in his woddly life and his Hereafter. Like the benefit of faith, belief in the Oneness of Allaah, justice, righteousness, kindness,honesty,chastity,courage, knowledge, perseverance, enjoining all that is good,forbidding all that is evil, beingkindto the kithand kin,beingdutifultoparents, beingkindto neighbours, fulfilling purifying obligations, putting deedsfor Allaah, trust in Him, seekinghelp from Him, beingpleased with His predecrees, submissionto His rule, believingin Him and His Messengers in all thatthey informhim and all otherdeedsthat are beneficial to man in his worldly life and his Hereafter. In the opposite of the above lies his miservand harm in his worldlvlife and his Hereafter. Had it not been because of the Divine Message,the human intellect would have not been guidedto the detailsof what could benefitor harm him in his worldlylife.Among the greatestfavours of Allaahupon His slavesis that He sent His Messengers to them, revealed to them His Booksand showedthem the Straight Path. Had it not been for this, humanswould have been like catile or even worse. So, whoever accepts the message of Allaah and standsfirm on that is amongthe bestof all creation. But whoever relects it and deviatesfrom it, such is among the worst of the creation and worsein condition thanthe dog and pig and the most contemptible creature. Thereis no way the inhabitants of the earth can surviveexcept by the effectsof the messagethat is existent among them, for when the impacts of the messaqe become

Islasm: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


exterminatedfrom the earth and the signs of their guidance becomewiped off, Allaahwill dismantlethe heavenand the earth and bringforththe Resurrection. Further, the dweller of the earth'sneedfor the Message is not like their need for sun, moon,air and rain,and it is also not like their need for their own soulsor like the need of the eye for the light;or like that of the body for food and drink. Ratherthe need for the Messenger is greaterthan all that and all otherthingsone could think of or assume.The Messengers are the intermediary between Allaah and His creatures as far as His commandmentand prohibitions they are the envoysbetween are concerned; Him and His slaves. The last of them,theirleaderand the dearest of them Allaahsenthim as mercyfor mankind to Allaahis Muhammad. and all that exists.He makes him a proof for the followers of the right path and a proofagainst He commanded all creatures. His slaves to follow, love, respect and honour him, and to give him all obligations due to him.Allaahtook covenants and pledges from all other Prophetsand Messengersthat they would believe in and followhim (if they were to meet him or hear of him) and He also ordered them to take the same covenant from their believing followers. Allaahsent him at the threshold of the Hour.With him, He guided many from error,rescuedmany from ignorance, and opened throughhis Messageblind eyes, deaf ears and sealed hearts. He lightenedthe earth through his message,after it had been in darkness and united with it the separated hearts. He straightened with the Messenger the crookedfaith and explained through him the bright path Allaah opened for him his heart, raisedhigh his fame and subjected removed from him his burden, and disgrace. He sent thosewho were againsthim to humiliation of the sent Messengers him after a break in the succession and revealedBooks; extermination of the impactsof the previously when words had been twisted and the law altered,when every nation relied on injustice in their opinions, made decisions regarding Allaahand betweenHis slaveswith their own corrupt sayings and was then that Allaah guided mankind throughhim and showedthem the rightway, He broughtpeople with him, from darkness to lightthroughhim and made distinction success and thosewho were sinners. thosewho deserve between


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

guidedand whoever will be rightly Whoeverfollowshis guidance deviatesfrom His Path will go astrayand such has only oppressed on him and all himself. May Allaahbestowpeace and blessings otherMessengers and Prophets.' We can now summarise man's need for the messaoe in the points. following creature 1. That man is a nurtured and it is inevitable for him to know his Lord and Creator;to know what He wants from him and why He created him. Man cannot however know all that independentlyexcept by knowing the Prophets and the Messengers and knowing the guidanceand light, which they brought. 2. Man is a component of bodyand soul.The nutrition for bodyis whateveris available of food and drink,but the nutrition of the soul has been prescribedby the One Who created the soul; that and righteous nutrition is true religion deed. So it is the Prophets and Messengers true religion and guidedto righteous who brought deed. which 3. Man is religious by natureand he must havea religion, he must practice, and this religionmust be the true one. So, there is no way to know the true religionexcept through belief in the in all thattheybrought. Prophets and to believe and Messengers 4. Man is in need of knowingthe way that can lead him to the of Allaahin thisworldand to His Paradise and blissin the oleasure Hereafter. And no one can guide to this way exceptthe Prophets and Messengers alone. weak and manyenemies lay in wait for him. 5. Man is in himself him,evilcompanions makebadthingsfairSatanwantsto mislead him to do evil.Hence,he seeming to him and his base self incites needswhat can protecthim against the evil plansof his enemies

rQaa'idah hy I b n T a y r n i y y a hS , e e :A l f e e w u j o o b i ll ' t i s a a mb i r - r i s a a l ab Fataawaa 19 p.99-102.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


who guidedman to thatand and Messengers and it is the Prophets it to him. explained clearly withpeopleand his relations his meeting 6. Man is civilby nature, with them thereforeneed a law by which justice and equalitycan among people- the absenceof which can make be established Also,this law must be ableto humanlife be likethat of the jungle. protect the right of every one without excessivenessand negligenceand none could bring such perfect law except the and Prophets. Messengers and 7. Man needs to know what can give him tranquillity psychological securityand guide him to means of real happiness. This is what the Prophets and Messengersguided to. After explaining why the creation is in need of Prophets and it is now appropriate to discussthe final returnand Messengers, that. the proofs and evidences thatsupport explain


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

The Final Return

Everyman knowswith certainty that deathis inevitable. But what is his fate afterdeath?Will he be happyor miserable? Many peopleand nationsof the world believethat they will be resurrected after death and called to accountfor all their deeds; that they will.earn good rewardif they do good and punishment if they do evil.' This issue- the Resurrection and accountability are confirmed by sound reasonand supported by is basedon threefundamentals: 1. Confirmation of the perfectknowledge of the Lord, may He be glorified. 2. Confirmation of His perfectOmnipotence. 3. Confirmation of His perfectWisdom.2 There are many textualand logicalevidenceson the confirmation of the final returnsome of which are: 1. Drawingevidenceon the resurrection of the dead throughthe creation of the heavens and the earth. Allaahsavs,

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"Do they not see that All?th,Who created the heavens and the earih, and was not wearied by their creation, is Able to give life to the dead? Yes, He is surely Able to do all things."'
I S e e :A l - J a w a a b u s - S a h e e h Vol. 4 o. 96. i S e e :A l - F a w a a i d b y I b n a l - Q a y y i m p . 6 - 7

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

He also says,
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"ls not He Who created the heavens and the earth, is Able to create the like of them? Yes, indeed. He is the All-Knowing SupremeCreator.'2 2. Drawingevidenceof Allaah'sabilityto reproduce the creation once more from His abilityto originatethe creationwithout any previousexample.So, He, Who is able to bring somethinginto existence,should be able to reproduce it with greater reason. Allaahthe Exaltedsays,

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"And He it is Who originatesthe creation,then will repeat it (afterit has been perished); and this r.seasier for Him. His is the highest description(i.e. none has the right to be worshippedbut He, and there ls nothingcomparableunto Him).'" He alsosays,

rAl-Ahqaaf46:33. 2Yaa 36:81 . Seen 3 A r - R o o m3 0 : 2 7 .

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Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

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"And he (man) puts forth for Us a parable, and has forgotten the factsof his own creation.He says, Who will give life to these bones after they are rotten and have become dust. Say (O Muhammad): He will give life to them Who created them at the first! And He is the All-Knowerof every creation."l 3. He created man in the best shape and in this perfect and complete form. He endowed him with limbs, power and with flesh, bones, veins and nerves;with outlets, characteristics; tools. sciences.wishes and industries. There is in all this the greatest evidenceof His abilityto resurrect the dead. 4. Drawingthe proof of His abilityto resurrectthe dead in the Hereafter,from His raising up of the dead in this worldly life. Storieshave been narrated of this in the DivineBookswhichAllaah revealedto his Messengers.Examplesof this is raising up the dead by the permission of Allaah at the hands of Prophets 'Eesaa,may peace lbraaheem and be on them - among many others. the dead from His 5. Drawingevidenceof His abilityto resurrect abilityto bring about thingsthat are similarto the scenesof the Day of Congregation and Resurrection like: a. Allaahcreatedman from a drop of spermthat was scattered all over the body - that is why all parts of the body enjoy the - Allaah collectsthis drop from all parts of the body, intercourse the man. lf all then makesit go to the womb and created therewith these parts were scatteredand He gatheredthem togetherand createdfrom them that man, then if they become scattered once again after death, what can prevent Him from bringingthem together once more.Allaahsays,

Yaa Seen36:78-79

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


t :ir i<"ri;n*tA*i; :ZilF y e;ji >

"Then tell Me about the semen that you emit. ls it you who createit (i.e., make fhis semen into a perfect human being)? Or are We the Creator?"' of their shapes- fall into b. When the plant seeds - regardless the fertile land and water and soil overwhelrnthem; the logical is that they becomerottenand decayed;for, any of consequence the water and soil is enough to make the seed rotten and the of both will can it so with greaterreason.But the fact combination When the the is that, seed will not decay but remainspreserved. the seed breaksopen and from it comes out a humidityincreases, plant. Does that not point to a perfectpower and comprehensive wisdom? Will this All-Wise and All-Able Lord be incapableof partsof man and reconstituting his limbs?Allaahsays, collecting

"Then tell Me about the seed that you sow in the ground. ls it you that make it grow, or are We the Grower?'" saying, is Allaah's versein meaning A similar

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Islasm: Its Foundations And Concepts

"And you see fhe eafth barren, but when We sent down water (rain) on it, it is stirred,(to life) and rt swe//s and puts fofth every lovely kind (of growth)."' 6. The All-Able, All-Knowledgeable and All-Wise Creator is deemedfar from producing the creationfor fun and leavingthem in vain.He says,
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"We creatednot the heaven and the earth and att that is between them without purpose! That is the assumption of those who disbelieve! Then woe to fhose who disbetieve (in lslimic Monotheism)from the Fire.'2 Allaahcreatedthe creationfor greatwisdomand loftypurpose.He says, .. J, ..i7. ii ,. (':f),.r:'t"'J. )].F)lj JJ'l{-,aI- ti } t,t'-r r ' '.i:

"And I (NEh) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worshipMe (Alone).'" It is therefore not becoming of thisAll-WiseLordto regardas equal thosewho obeyHim and thosewho disobey. He says,

2 Saad38:27. 3 Adh-Dhaariyaa | :56. 5t

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Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

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"Shall We treat those who believe (in the Oneness of AllAh lsllmic Monotheism)and do righteous good deeds, as Mufsid1n (those who assoclate paftners in worship with All6h and commit crimes) on earth? Or shall We treat the Muttaqln (the plous - see V.2:2),as fhe Fujjar (criminals,disbelievers, the wicked)?"' it is of His PerfectWisdomand Great Powerto raise up Therefore, in order to recompense the creationon the Day of Resurrection and every human beingfor his deed; and to rewardthe good-doer punish the evildoer.Allaahsays,
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"To Him is the return of all of you. The Promise of All6h is frue. /f rs He Who begins the creation and then will repeat it, that He may reward with justice those who believed (in the Oneness of All6h Isl1mic Monotheism) and did deeds of righteousness. But those who disbelieved will have a drink of boiling fluids and painful tormentbecausethey used to disbelieve.'"

I Saad 38:28. t by A mentioned ,l-Fawaaid Y o o n u sl 0 : 4 . F o r a l l t h a th a sb e e np r e v i o u s l y b y A r - R a a z eV e ol. 2, p. r l-Kabeer I b n a l - Q a y y i mp . 6 , 9 ; a n dA t - T a f s e eA I 1 3 - l1 6 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Belief in the Last Day - the Day of Resurrection - has great impacts on individuals and the society. Among its impacts are: 1 lt makes man endeavour to obey Allaahseekingfor rewardof that Day and keeps him from disobeying Him out of fear of the punishment of thatDay. 2. Beliefin the Last Day consoles the believer on the bliss and pleasure of thisworldthat he misses with the pleasure and reward of the Hereafter, whichhe hopesfor. 3. lt is throughthe beliefin the Last Day that man knows his fate after deathand knowsthat he will get good rewardfor his deed if it is good, and get punishedif it is evil. He knowsthat he will be made to standfor reckoning; that revengewill be taken on him for those he wrongedin this world and the rightsof those he wronged or oppressed wouldbe takenbackfrom him 4. Belief in the Last Day actualisespeace and securityfor mankindespecially in this time that there is inadequate security and wars ragewith no end - because, beliefin Allaahand the Last Day makes man abstain from doing evil to others privatelyand publicly. That belief even penetrates his heart and makes him -if he has any. dismiss evilintentions 5 Beliefin the Last Day detersman from doinginjustice to others and violating theirrights. lf peoplebelieve in the LastDay,they will be safe from wronging one another and their rights will be orotected. 6. Beliefin the LastDay makesman lookat thisworldly abodeas just one of the stagesof life and that it is not the reatlife in itself. To concludethis section,let us quote the words of "Win Bet" the American Christian who used to work in one of the churches ano then embraced lslaamand foundthe fruitof beliefin the Last Day. He says,"l now knowanswers to the questions that had very much

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


are.Who am l? What do.l want? my life.The questions occupied And what is my destination?"' Why did I cometo thisworld?


p.37. N o . 1 7 2 2 ,1 9 - 9 ' 1 4 2 0 Magazine Ad-Da'awah

Islaam: Its Foundations And Con

Fundamentalsof the Messengers'Mission

All Prophetsand Messengers were unanimousin their call to general fundamentals' like beliefin Allaah,His angles,His Books, His Messengers; beliefin the Last Day and in pre-decree, its good and bad; and like command to worship Allaah alone without ascribing any partnerto Him, to followHis path and not to follow dissenting paths; like prohibiting the four kinds of sins: all evil deeds, the apparentand the hidden; sins; unjust oppression; partnerswith Allaah in worshipand worshipping associating idols. They also agreed on deeming Allaah far from having a wife, children, associate or equalas theyagreed on prohibition of saying about Him what is not true; on prohibition of infanticide, kiiling unjustly, eating usury; usurpingof orphan'swealth.Thev were unanimous on enjoining the fulfilment of covenants and giiing full scale and weight, being dutifulto parents;doing justice between people; being truthful in sayings and deedi; prohibitionof squandering and arrogance as well as eatingup people's wealth unlustly. lbn Al-Qayyim2 said, "All Divine Laws are unantmousin therr - even if they differ in any other things. The fundamentals goodness of theselawsare firmlyrootedin the humaninteiectand had the lawsnot come in thisform,theywouldhave been unwise, unbeneficial and merciless thoughit is impossible that thev should comein any otherform.Allaah says,

\ :-84 .r:,r.t\:


p't*i 7;19i 3:ti 61 ;: V

These g e n e r aflu n d a m e n t aa ls r ei n d i c a t e d i n S u r a t uB l aqarah 2.2g5,2g6, a n dA l - A n ' a a m 6 : 1 5 1 ,1 5 3 ;A l - A ' r a a7 f : 3 3 ; A l - l s r a la j : 2 3 , 3 : . H i s n a m ei s M u h a m m a d b i n A b e eB a k r b i n A y y o o bA z - Z a r , e eH . e was b o r n i n 6 9 1 A . H . a n d d i e d i n 7 5 I A . H . . H e w a s o n e o f t h e q r e a rI s l a a m i c scholars and he authored many greatbooks.


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"And if the truth wouldhave been in accordancewith their deslres, verily, the heavens and the eafth, and whosoever is therein would have been corrupted."' that the Law of Allaah How can a wise man deem it permissible its Who is the Best of judges shouldcome in a form differentfrom presentform?'" This is why all Prophetspracticedone religionas confirmedby Allaahwhen He says,

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"O (you) Messengers ! Eat of the TaiyibAt(all kinds of Hal6l (lawful) foods (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk producfs, fafs, vegetables,fruits,etc.), and do righteousdeeds. Verily!I am Well' Acquainted with what you do. And verily! This, your religion (of is one religion,and I am your Lord, so keep lsllmic Monotheism), your duty to Me.'' He alsosays,




' A l - M u ' m i n o o n 2 3 l..1 2 ao h l . 2 , p . 3 8 3 . S e ea l s o :A l - J a w a a b u s - s a h e e h M i f t a a h ud a a r i s - s a ' a a dV eo el . 2 , p . 2 6 3 . ay r A s - S a f a a r e e nV V o l . 4 p . 3 2 2 , L a w a a n i ' u l - a n w ab I A l - M u ' m i n o o2 n3 : 5 1 - 5 2 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

"He (Alldh) has ordained for you the same religion (tst6mic Monotheism)which He ordained for N0h (Noah), and that which We have revealedto you (O Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) and that which We ordainedfor lbrahim (Abraham),M1sa (Moses)and '/sii (Jesus/ saying you should esfab/ish religion (i.e. to do what it orders you to do practically), and make no divisions in it (religion) (i.e. varioussecfs rn religion)."' The purposeof religion is to make mankindattainwhat they are created for: to worship their Lord alone without associatingany partnerwith Him.2He ordainedfor them riteswhich they mus-t fulfil and guaranteed for them obligations. He also gave them means that can make them attainthat good, so that they can achievethe pleasureof their Lord and happinessin this world and the Hereafter according to a DivineWay that does not tear up man or afflict his person with deadly diseases that can cause a clash between his nature and souland the worldaroundhim. All Messengerscalled to the Divine Religionthat presentsman with creedai foundationin which he shou'idbelieve,and the law which he shouldfollowin his life.That is why Torahwas a creedas well as a law and its followerswere requiredto make it judge between them.Allaahsays, J- rlJ l"Jl
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"Verily, We did send down the Taurdt (Torah) (to Mlsa (Moses)) therein was guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submittedthemselvesto All6h'sWill,judged for the Jews. And the

' Ash-shoora 4a 2:13. ' Majrnoo' Fataawaa Y ol.2, p.6.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


rabbis and the priesfs (too iudged for the Jews by the Taurat (Torah)after those ProPhets),"' with him the Gospelin which Then came the christ who brought of the Torah that in therewas guidanceand lightand confirmation preceded it. AllaahsaYs,

4.3i: ,St^ 1., _[+jl '/sd (Jesus), son of Maryam "And in their footsteps, We sent ( Mail,confirmingtheTaurdt(Torah)thathadcomebeforehim, 'ana in which was guidanceand rye gave hii the tnieel(Gospe/), light.'" and peace be upon him' came with blessings Then Muhammad, the final Divine Law and the completereligionas a witnessover the laws that had come before it and to abrogatethem. Allaahgave of the Divine Books that had him the Qur'aanas a confirmation come beforeit. AllaahsaYs,
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"And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) the Book (this Qufan) in truth, confirmingthe scripture that camie before it and Muhaymin (trustworthy in highness and a So iudge among them by what wltness) over it (old Scriptures).

' 5:44. Al-Maaidah 'z 5:46. Al-Maaidah


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

All6h has revealed, and fottow not their,vain desires,diverging away from the truth that has come to you.,' Allaah also explainsthat Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, and the believers who were with him believe in Him as all Prophets who were beforethem had done.He says,
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"The Messenger (Muhammad (peace be upon him)) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers.Each one betievesin Att6h,His Angets,His'Books,and His Messengers.They say, "We make no distinctionbetweenone another of His Messengers"- and they say, ,,Wehear, and we obey. (We sbek) Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to you is the return (of all).'n

I Al-Maaidah 5:48. 2 Al-Baqarah 2:285.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


The EverlastingMessagel
of Judaism, of the conditions explained All that has beenpreviously situation of shows the Zaradashtiyah Christianity,Mazdaism, became religion when the A.D. 6th century in mankind2 the were conditions socialand economical and all political, corrupted at a time when bloodywars becamewidespread, also corrupted; This emergedand mankindlived in stark darkness. dictatorship situationled to the darknessof the heartsas a resultof disbelief honoursand rights Moralsbecamedegenerated, and ignorance. becamethe orderof the day in the land were violatedand mischief was so terriblethat if any wise man and on the sea. The situation ponder over it, he would have realisedthat mankind- in were to that age were dying and that they were headingfor abyss of no who was returnhad Allaahnot rescuedthem with a great reformer in order and the lightof guidance the torchof Prophethood bearing and guidedthem to the Straight the way for mankind to illuminate Path. At that time, Allaah permitted that the everlasting light of shouldemanatefrom Makkahin which there is the Prophethood had beenlikeotherhuman environment The Makkan GreatHouse. injusticeand ignorance, in terms of polytheism, environments from other place with exceptthat it was distinguished autocracy some of whichwere: manyqualities that had not been affectedby the 1. lt was a pure environment lts nativesused to stainsof Greek,Romanor India philosophy. enjoy deep-rooted eloquence, lively minds and exceptional dispositions. in the heartof the is in the middleplace 2. lt is situated factorthat makesit Asia and Africa,an important betweenEurope, message to spread quickly and reach easy for the everlasting in a shortperiod. thesecontinents
I Mubaarakpuri br yn Ar-Raheequl-Makhtoo see: reading F o rd e t a i l e d 2 'Condition r e l i g i o n si'n t h i sb o o k . o f t h ee x i s t i n g S e es e c t i o n :


Islaam: Its Foundqtions And Concepts

3. lt is a secured place. Allaah protectedit when Abraha (the Abyssinian King) wantedto invadeit. The neighbouring Roman and Persian empires also were unable to conquer it. Even its commercewas securedin the north and south.That was a herald for the advent of this Noble Prophet.Allaah has reminded the inhabitants of thiscityof thisgreatfavour when He says,

a..e$ L; il ;'+ t-v e| ;i Si tii >

"HaveWe nof esfab/lshed for thema secure sanctuary @akkah), to whicharebrought fruits of allkinds.'l

It is a desert environment that has preservedmany of her good and commendable traits like generosity, good neighbourliness, earnestconcernfor honouramongotherqualities that qualified her for beingthe best suitable placefor the clan of euraysh which was well known for eloquence, oratoryand honourable traits and held the positionsof honourand leadership. Allaah chose His prophet Muhammad, blessings and peacebe upon him, to make him the lastof all Prophets and Messengers. He was bornin Makkahin the 6'" centuryA.D. approximately in the year 570. He grew up an orphan,for his father died while he was still in the womb. His motherand paternalgrandfather laterdied while he was six years old. So, his uncle took care of him and he grew up an orphan. Signsof extraordinary brilliance manifested on him;and his habits, manners and traits were differentfrom those of his people. He never lied in his speech and never hurt anyone. He became popularwith truthfulness, chastityand sincerityso much so that manyof his people wouldentrust him withtheirvaluable properties and he would keep them as he would preservehis own life and wealth. This made them confer on him the tifle "At-Ameen', (the trustworthy).

Al-Qasas 28:57

Islasm: Its Foundations And Concepts


nakedin front He was modestand shy and nevershowedhimself piousand was innocent and He of age. he came since of anyone alcohol idols, drinking worshipping felt hurtwhen he saw his people with them only in those innocent blood.He related and shedding deeds of theirs which he loved and was pleasedwith and kept acts and in their shameless away from them when they indulged sins. He would help the orphansand the widows and feed the hungry. When he was close to forty years of age, he became seriously that was around by the corruption and inconvenienced constrained him and started going for seclusionto worship his Lord and he Path.Whilehe was on this to the Straight wouldask Him guidance upon him with a revelation one of the angelsdescended condition, him to convey this religionto from his Lord and he commanded aloneand to shun Allaah of the worship them to to call mankind; Revelation of ordainments Then besides him. of others worship the day after day and year after year untilAllaah and rules continued perfectedthis religionfor mankind and completedHis favour on of Allaah,blessings After the Messenger them with this perfection. his duty,Allaahcausedhim to and peacebe uponhim,had fulfllled and years; forty before prophethood die. He lived for sixty-three Messenger. as a Prophetand twenty-three of the Prophetsand studies Whoeverpondersover the conditions that therewas no way in which their historywill know with certainty exceptthat the of any Prophetwas established the Prophethood peace be upon him, and blessings of Muhammad, Prophethood you on how the reflect lf more. that way the in was established 'Eesaawas transmitted, you will know Moosa and of Prophethood in which But the succession in succession. that it was transmitted and peace be upon blessings of Muhammad, the Prophethood him, was transmittedwas greater, stronger and more recent in which their miraclesare transmitted the succession Likewise, were similar but that with which the miraclesof Muhammad, for is greater, and peacebe upon him, were transmitted blessings Glorious greatest is the of that and the his miraclesare many

Islaam: Its Foundotions And Con

whichis continued Qur'aan to be transmitted successively in voice and in letter.l Whoever makes a comparisonbetweenwhat prophets Moosaa and 'Eesaabroughtand what was broughtby prophetMuhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, of sound belief, wise ordainments and usefulknowledge, will knowwith certainty that all of them emanated from a singlelamp:the lamp of prophethood. Whoevercomparesbetweenthe conditions of the followers of the Prophetsand followersof Muhammad,blessingsand peace be upon him, will knowwith certainty that the followers of Muhammad, blessings and peacebe upon him,were the bestof all peopleano the most of the Prophets' followers in impacton those who came after them. They have spread the lslaamic Monotheism. justiceand were merciful propagated to the weak and destitute.2 prophethood, lf you want additional evidences of Muhammad's I will quote to you the proofsand signsthat were found by ,Aleebin Rabbanat-Tabaree when he was a Christian. He later embraced lslaambecause of thosesigns. Theyare: 1. The Messenger called to the worshipof Allaah alone and shunning the worship of othersbesideHim. In this,he agreedwith all otherProohets. 2. He showed clear signs which only prophetsof Allaah can snow. 3. He predicted the future eventsand they came to pass as he had predicted. 4. He predicted the occurrence of many eventsof the world ano its countries and theseeventscame to passas he had predicted.

1 -.,

S e es p e c i as l ection a b o u t h eQ u r ' a a n i n t h i sb o o k . p . M a l n o o ' a l - l - a t a a w aV a o l . 4 p . 2 0 1 .2 l l ; a n d I f h a a r n u yl a h o o db y S a m a w ' aA l l - M a g r i b ip . 5 8 - 5 9 .


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


blessings That the Book broughtby Muhammad, and peace be for it is the upon him, - the Qur'aan- is a sign of Prophethood man who could most eloquentBook, sent down unto an illiterate the oratorsto produce neitherread nor write, but yet challenged of the fact the like thereofor the likeof a Soorah"in it, and because preserved its preservation, the correctbelief that Allaahguarantees with it, guaranteed it as the perfect divine ordainment and withit the bestcommunitv. established 5. That he is the seal of all Prophetsand that had he not been who gave glad tiding of his of the past Prophets sent, prophecies adventwouldhaveturnedfalse. about him beforehis advent 6. That all Prophetshad prophesied his mission, his countryand sincea longtime. They had described They submission of othernations and kingsto him and his nation. alsomentioned the spread of his religion. 7. His victoryover nationsthat waged war againsthim as a sign for it would be impossiblefor a man who of his Prophethood; falselyclaimsto be a Messenger of Allaahand yet be strengthened prevalence over enemies,spread Allaah victory, authority, by with for all this cannot of his followers; of his messageand abundance happenexceptin the hand of a truthfulProphet. 8. His religious rites and acts of worship, his decency, manners All character, and ordinances. truthfulness, commendable exceptin a Prophet. thrscannotbe foundtogether After mentioning theseproofs,this guidedman then said,"These are illuminating traits and sufficientproofs.Whoever is endowed with them must be a Prophet; such a personhas hit the targetand prospered;and the belief in him is mandatory. Whoever rejects

it is a section degree. Islamically, of the glorious literarymeans a group of verses that may or may not be relatedin that contains Qur'aan do translateit as a chapterwhich is quite meanings. Some translators o f p a r a g r a p his n which a c h a p t e ri s a c o m b i n a t i o n i n a c c u r a tb ee c a u s e A.A related i s s u ea s r ed i s c u s s e d


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

these proofsand deniesthem has incurredloss in his effortsand losthis worldly lifeand Hereafter."l At the end of this section,I will narrateto you two testimonies: that of the former roman King who was a contemporary of Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, and that of our contemporary Christian Evangelist JohnSaint. The First Testimony: That of Heraclius: Al-Bukhaaree reportedthe storyof Abu Sufyaanwhen the Roman Kingcalledhim.Abu Sufyaan saidthat Heraclius sentto him in the company of some Qurayshee riders who went to Syria for commerce,at a time that the Messenger of Allaah,blessings and peace be upon him, was in a trucewith Abu Sufyaanand euraysh pagans. They cameto Heraclius whiletheywere at llya.' Heraclius invitedhim to his court and with him were great men of Rome. He calledthem and his interpreter. "Whichone of you He then askedAbu Sufyaan and his company: is closestto this man who claimsto be a Prophet?" Abu Sufyaan said,"l am the closest to him in blood." "Bringhim closeto me and let his Heraclius then told his retinue, companions stand behindhim."He then told his interpreter, "Tell them.I will ask this(AbuSufyaan) aboutthe man who claimsto be a Prophet, so, if he liesto me, you shouldrefutethat." Abu Sufyaansaid, "By Allaahl lf not becauseof the shame of havinga lie being recorded againstme, I would have lied about him. The first question he asked me about him was: How is his

Ad-deenwad-dawlafee ithbaatinubuwwatiMuhammad,by ,Alee bin Rabban A t - T a b a r a n ep e. 4 7 . A l s o s e e : Al-lslaam by Al-Qurtubee p.362. 'A townin Syria.


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"He is of noble lineageamongstyou?" Abu Sufyaananswered, amongus." lineage He then asked,"Has anybodyamong you ever utteredthis word beforehim?" "No." I said, beena king?" He said,"Hadanyoneamonghis forefathers " N o" I said, noblemen or weak people?" He said,"Are his followers I said,"Weakpeople." or decrease?" He said,"Do they increase I said,"Theyincrease." after in annoyance his religion He said,"Did any of them renounce it?" havingembraced I said,"No" He said,"Doeshe betray?" I said "No. But we are now in a trucewith him and we do not know what he is goingto do " "Thrsis the onlystatement lcould say against added, Abu Sufyaan him." "Drdyou go to war withhim?" asked, further Heraclius I s a i d ," Y e s l "

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Conce

He said,"Howwas yourwar withhim?" I said,"lt was an alternate victory.He won sometimes and we won sometimes." He said,"Whatdoeshe command vou to do?" 'Worship I said,"He sard, God aloneand do not associate anything in worshipwith him and shun what your fathers say.' He enjoined on us prayer, truthfulness, probity and kindness to the kithand kin." Heraclius "Tellhim. thentold his interpreter, I askedyou of his lineage and you saidthathe has a noblelineage among you. That is the case with the Messengers. They were sent fromthe noblelineage amongtheirpeople. I askedyou: Had anybody amongyou claimed what he claimsand you said, No. And I say: lf anyonehad said beforehim what he says now, I would have said that, he was repeatingwhat others have said beforehim. I askedyou: Had any of his ancestors beena king?And you said, No. lf any of his forefathers had been a king,I would have sardthat he is asking for the Kingdom of hisfather. I asked you: Have you ever suspected him of tellinglies beforehe said what he said and you answered, No. I then knowthat h could not haveshunned lyingto people and tell lie against God. I asked you whetherthose who followhim are noble men or weak people, and you answered that his followers are weak people yes, thoseare the followers of the Messenqers. I askedyou if they increase or decrease in numberand you said that they increase.That is how faith does until it becomes completed.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


his faith in l a s k e d y o u , i f a n y o f h i s f o l l o w e r sr e n o u n c e d it and you said,No. Yes' that is embraced afterhaving annoyance the hearts. how faithdoes afterhavingpenetrated and you said,No. That is how Messengers I askedyou if he betray do. Theydo not betraY. And I asked you about what he commandedyou to do and you Allaahaloneand associate that you worship saidthat,he enjoined nothingwith Him in worship,that he enjoinedon you prayers, idols.lf that he forbidsyou from worshipping chastity; truthfulness, all that you told me is true, he shallcontrolwhere I am standing willemergebut I did not thinkthat now.I knowthat sucha Prophet he would be from amongstyou. Had I known that I would meet him, I would have sufferedhardshipto meet him. And had I been with him,I wouldhavewashedhis feet." blessings of Allaah, He then calledfor the letterof the Messenger rulerof to the with Dihya which he sent and peacebe upon him, presented it. read There he and Heraclius letter to the Basra. He letter; in the was ln the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.From the ruler of of Allaah,to Heraclius, the Messenger Muhammad, guidance. I am inviting the follows Rome. Peacebe upon him who you will be safe lslaam, lslaam. Accept of you with the invitation you turn away, your But if you twice. give reward will and Allaah you will bearthe sinsof Yarisin. "O peopleof the Scripture! Come to a word that is just betweenus none but Allaah (atone)and that we worship and you, that we and that none of us shall take partner with Him, no associate if they turn away,say: Bear Allaah. Then, lords besides as others thatwe are Muslims."' witness


of revelation. th Al-Bukhaaree , eb o o ko f b e g i n n i n g


Islaam: Its Foundstions And Concepts

The Second Testimony: Thatof the contemporary Christian Evangelist John Centwho said, "Aftercontinuous readingabout lslaamand its principles that serve individuals and society,and its justice in establishing a society based on foundations of equalityand monotheism, I found myself embracinglslaam with all my sense an spirit and I pledgedto - that I would be a propagator Allaah,may He be glorified of lslaam, and an evangelist to its guidance in all partsof the world." This man has arrived at this certainty after having studied Christianity and beecamewell-versed in it. He found that it could not provide answers to many questionsof human life. So he starteddoubtingit. Later, he studiedcommunismand Buddhism but yet could not find what he wanted there, he finallv studied lslaamdeeply, then believed in it and calleduntoit.1

Ad-Deen Al-Fitree Al-Abadee by Al-Mubashshir At-Taraazee AlHusaynee 2 p.319.


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


The Seal of Prophethood

the discussed, It is clearto you from what he has been previously its signs and proofs and the signs of realityof Prophethood, on the Beforewe start discussing of Muhammad. Prophethood a not send Allaah does that, you must know seal of Prophethood, following reasons: of these for one except Messenger meantfor a 1 That the messageof the Prophetis specifically Messenger is not obliged peoplein whichthe concerned particular and thatAllaah nations, to the neighbouring to conveyhis message nation. another message to with special a Prophet sendsanother extinct, has become Prophet of the previous 2. That the message in which case Allaahsends anotherProphetwho will reformfor people theirreligion. Prophet is validonly for its time 3. That the Law of the previous periods, then Allaahsends for subsequent and no longersuitable with another Law that will be suitablefor the anotherMessenger time and place.The Wisdomof Allaahhowever, anotherparticular and peace blessings that He sendsMuhammad, has necessitated is suitable for all Message that a mankind with him, all to be upon altering and interpolating it against timesand placesand to protect by which people hands,so that it can remainHis LivingMessage will live and that will be pure and free from stainsof interpolations lt was for this reasonthat Allaahmade it the seal and alterations. of all Messages.l Muhammad, Among things with which Allaah distinguished and peacebe upon him, is that He made him the sealof blessings all Prophetsafter whom there would be no Prophet.This is endedwith him with him all Messages, Allaahcompleted because,

r A l - A q e e d aA h t - T a h a a w i . vp , p.269,211 un l w a a r2 , y a1 5 6 ;l - a w a a r n i ' a m a n dM a b a a d i ' u l - l s l a a P .6 4 .

Islaam: Its Foundations And C,

all Laws, perfectedwith him the structureand actualisedin his Prophethood the Prophecy of JesusChrist when he said,,,"1 The Reverend lbrahimKhaleel- who has become a Muslim_ regarded thistext as an equivalent of the sayingof the Messenger of Allaah, blessings and peacebe upon him,,,lndeed, the example of me and that of the Prophets beforeme is like that of a man who has perfectlybuilt a house and adornedit except the place of a brick in a corner which he left unfilled.people went round it and admiredit and said:Why not fix up this brick?He said,,l am the brickand I am the sealof the Proohets.' "2 It is for this reason that Allaah made the Book brought by Muhammad, blessings and peacebe upon him, as a witnesl over all previous Booksand an abolisher for them all. Just as He made the Law of Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, the abolisherof precedingLaws. Allaah guarantees the protection of his Message,hence,it was transmitted successfully. The eur'aan was transmitted in succession. The practical implementation of the teachings of this religion and its acts of worship, sunnahand rules were also transmitted in succession. Whoever readsthe biography of the prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, and his Sunnahwill know that the companions had preservedfor humanity all situations, sayings and deeds of Muhammad. They transmitted his acts of worshipfor his Lord,his strifein His cause,his remembrance of Him and his seeking for His forgiveness. They transmitted his generosity, courage, his relationship with his companions and those visitinghim. They transmittedhis joy, sorrow, journeys, sojourn, manners of his eating,drinking and clothing and how he kept awake and slept. When you know all this, you will know with certaintythat this religion is guaranteed protection by Allaah's and you willthenknow
I Matthew2l:42. : S e e ," M u h a m m a d in the Torah,Gospeland the Qur'aan" by Ibraheem K h a l e e lA h m a d , p . 73. The hadeethis reporled by Al-Bukhaareeand Muslirn.

Islsctm: Its FoundutionsAnd Concepts


for Allaah has that he is the last of all Prophetsand Messengers; He says, is the lastof all Prophets. toldus thatthisMessenger

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"Muhammad(peace be upon him) is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messengerof AIl6h and the last (end) of the Proones.
, ,,1

and peace be upon him, also said about blessings Muhammad, "l all mankind and I was made the seal of all sent to himself, ,am "' Prophets pillars sources, Now let us definelslaamand explainits essence, and degrees.

I 33:40. Al-Ahzaab I A h m a da n dM u s l i m .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Meaningof the Word: lsfaam

When you consultthe dictionaries, you will find that the word lslaam means submission, obedience, surrender and compliance with the command and prohibition of the commanderwithout 'lslaam' objections. Allaahhas namedthe true religion, for it is an obedienceto him, submission to His Commandswithout any purifying resistance, acts of worshipfor Him, believing in His words and havingfaithin Him. lslaamthen becamea propername for the religion brought by Muhammad. Definitionof lslaam Why this religionwas named 'lslaam'?Adherentsof various religions all over the world have namedtheirreligions, eitherwith the name of a man or a particular race likeChristianity, whichwas named after JesusChrist;and Buddhism namedafter its founder Buddha; and Zaradashtismnamed after its founder and flag banner, Zaradasht. Judaism also emergedamong the tribe of Judah and so on. lt is only lslaam that is not attributed to any particular man or nation. lts nameindicates a special characteristic that the meaning of lslaamdenotes. lt is evidentin this name that no man has any rolein bringing this religion intoexistence and that it is not peculiar with any nationto the exclusion of others. lts only goal is to make all people of the earth have characteristics of lslaam So, whoeveris characterised with the qualities of lslaam peopleand contemporary just among ancrent peopleis a Muslim, as he shallbe calleda Muslim, anyone who possesses its qualities generations amongthe coming The realityof lslaam It rs knownthat everything in thisworldsubjects to a particular rule and established norm.The sun,the moon.the starsand the earth are all subjected to a general rulewhichtheycannotmarchagainst or deviate from even for a hair's breadth Even man, when you ponderover him verywell,rt will be clearto you that he absolutely

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


submitsto the Laws of Allaah.He cannotbreathor feel a need for light and heat except accordingto the water, food, nourishment, his life; and all parts of his body DivineDecreethat regulates submit to this Decree, The functionsthat these parts perform cannot be carried out except accordingto what Allaah has prescribed for him. to which man surrenders DivineOrdainment This comorehensive -right from the planetin the and from which none in this universe seed in the sand of the earth- can escape heavento the smallest the of the Magnificent, Divine Ordainment from obeyingis the in heavens is the lf that Lord. all All-Powerful the and Sovereign and the earth and all that is in betweenboth surrendersto this that means the whole world submitsto and DivineOrdainment, Who createdit. In this aspect,it Sovereign obeysthat All-Powerful is then clear that lslaam is the religionof the whole universe.For to the commandof the and obedience lslaammeans,submission as it has been withoutobjection and His Prohibitions Commander earth all surrender and the moon previously The sun, the asserted. to Him; heat, all surrender and darkness light, water, to Him. Air, Even the man the tree, the stone and the animalsall surrender. and signsor who does not knowhis Lordand deniesHis existence worshipsothers besides Him, or associatesothers with Him in to Him. by nature worship surrenders lf you haveknownall that,let us now havea lookat man,you will to wtn his attention. find that two factorsare struggling to Allaah,lovingto like submission One: His naturalinclination; what He loves of Him, loving to nearness seeking Him, worshrp evil, truth, good and honesty;hatingwhat He hates of falsehood, and wrong;and other naturalfactorslike:love for money, injustice family and childrenand desire for food, drink and sex and that. physical thatfollow functions necessary to Two: Man'sfree will and choice.Allaahhas sent Messengers truth between Booksso that he mightdistinguish hrmand revealed guidance and error;good and evil. He gave him and falsehood,


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

mental power and understanding so that he can make his choice with sure knowledge. lf he so wills, he takes to the good path that leadshim to truthand guidance; and if he so wills,he takesto the evil paththat leadshim to evilandperdition. lf you therefore, look at man in the perspective of the first factor, you will find that he is createdto submit to Allaah,conditioned to adhere to that submission without making any deviation just likeany othercreature. whatsoever, But if you look at him in the perspective of the secondfactor,you will find him as a free creature, who chooseswhat he wants. He may choose to become a Muslim or to become an infide,... "Whetherhe be gratefulor ungrateful."l Hence,you find peopledividedintotwo categories: A man who knowshis Creator, and believes in Him as his Lord and God whom he worships alone and follows his Law in his life voluntarily. He is also conditioned to submitto his Lord,from Who he cannotdeviateand Whose ordainments he follows-such a man is the complete Muslim whose lslaam is perfect and whose knowledgeis sound; for he knows Allaah, his Creator and Fashioner, Who sent Messengers to him and endowedhim with the powerof knowledge and learning. Suchhas had soundreason and correct opinion; for he has made use of his thoughtand then decided not to worshrp but Allaah Who blessed him with understanding and soundopinions in matters. His tonguespeaks onlythe truth;for now,he only believes in One LordWho is Allaah, the Exalted, Who gave him powerto speak. lt now becomesas if nothing remains in his life but the truth; for he follows and surrenders to the Law of Allaahin that whichhe has free will;and there existsbetweenhim and othercreatures in the universebond of familiarity and friendliness, for, he worships nonebut Allaah, the All-Wise,All-Knowledgeable, Whom all creaturesworship,and unto Whose Commandments and Ordainments all surrender ano
' A l - l n s a a7 n6 : 3 .

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


submit.And Allaah has subjected all these creatures to you, O man!


Isloam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Realityof disbelief
is anotherman, who was born in submission On the contrary to Allaahand livedall his life in submission to Allaahbut neverfelt this submission or had any idea of it. He knew not his Lord,nor believedin His Law or followedHis Messengers. He did not use the knowledge and intellect that Allaahgave him to recognize his Who carvedfor him his ears and eyes. He ratherdenied Creator he disdained His worshipand refused His existence, to submitto His Laws in mattersof his life in which he is given the right of dispositionand choice. Or he associatedothers with Him in worship and refused to believe in His signs that indicate His Oneness.Such a man is a Kaafir,For the meaningof 'Kufl in the language, is'to coverand conceal'. So this man is calleda'Kaafil for he conceals his nature and covers it with ignoranceand insolence; and the natureof the world and that of his own self are hiddenfrom him. You therefore, see him usinghis intellectual and logicalpoweronly in that which contradicts his nature.He would not see anything but that whichcouldcorrupthis nature. lt is now left to you to estimate the extent of deep error.and clear transgression to whichthe disbeliever has degenerated.' This lslaam which you are requiredto practiceis not a difficult matter,but very easyfor whomsoever Allaahmakes it easy. lslaam is the reliqion whichthisentireuniverse follows.


4ti ;ai b

"And to Him submittedall creaturesin the heavens and the eafth, witt ingly or unwitt ingty'2 Allaahsays,

' M a b a a d i uIls l a a r n 3,4 2 n: 8 3 . A a l ' l r n r a a3

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


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'Truty, thereligionwith Attah is tstAm."1



to Allaah as He, Great is His praise It is man's total submission asserts,

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"So if they disputewith you (Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) say: "l have submittedmyself to All6h (in lsl6m), and (so have) those who follow me.'' and peacebe upon him, also of Allaah,blessings The Messenger your of lslaamwhen he said,"lt is to submit the meaning explained give (in to your worship) and Allaah face to heartto Allaah, to direct Zakaah"' the obligatory and peace be of Allaah,blessings A man asked the Messenger 'Whatis lslaam?' uponhim.: and peace be upon him, The Messengerof Allaah, blessings 'lt yourheartto Allaah; and that Muslims answered, is to surrender and hand.' be safefromthe harmof yourtongue should The man said.'Whichlslaamis best?' 'TheFaith(Eemaan)' He answered: 'Whatis Faith?' He asked.
I n: 1 9 . A a l ' l r n r a a3 2 'lmraan Aal 3:20. I Ahrnad a n dI b n H i b b a a n


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

'To believe He answered: in Allaah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers and to believein Resurrection afterdeath.'' The Messenger of Allaah,blessings and peacebe upon him, also said, "lslaam is to testifythat there is no deity worthy of worship exceptAllaahand that Muhammad, blessings and peacebe upon him, is the Messenger of Allaah,to observethe prayers, to give the Zakaah, to fast in the month of Ramadaan and to perform pilgrimage to the Houseif you are able to."2 He also said,"The Muslimis the one from the evil of whosehano and tongueall Muslims are safe."3 - the religion This religion of lslaam- is the one besides which Allaah accepts no other religion,not from former generations or later generations. For all Prophetswere Muslims.Allaah says aboutProphet Noah,
, .1.:. t'-i 2",. a GA.J') d:ti- _;.=lcF ob o| :>"+ -yrd. Jl" t) -'z .



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"And recite to them the news of N?h (Noah). When he sald to hrs people: "O my people, if my stay (with you), and my reminding (you) of the AyAt (proofs, evidences, yerses, /essons, signs, revelations,etc.) of Allah is hard on you, then I put my trust in AtEh." Till He says,

A h m a d .S e e :F a d l u lI s l a a m b y I m a a mM u h a r n m a d bin Abdul-Wahhaab o. 8. l Muslim. t A l - B u k h a a r ea en d M u s l i m .

Isloam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

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"...and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims(i.e.those Will)."' who submit to Al16h's The Almighty alsosaysaboutAbraham,

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"When his Lord saidto him, "Submit ( a Muslim)!" He said,"l have submitted myself (as a Musltm) to the Lord of the 'Alamin jinn and all that exlsts). "'" (mankind, He saysaboutMoses, ' . t 1 2 . , ' t>Sr.=l'r ,.i2.-',:. 1,.1 :',.:2 t .f. Ja.J-J,i +t-.'a-'; ,.S ol f'.a-2.r*r, Jt3: !

"And M1sa (Moses) said: "O my people! lf you have believed in Allah, then put your trust in Him if you are Muslims (those who '' submit to All6h'sWill) He has the following to say aboutJesusChrist,
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' Yoonus l0:71-12 2A l - B a q a r a 2h :l 3 l r Yoonul s0 : 8 4 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

"And when I (NEh) revealed to Al-Hawdrieen (the disciples)(of 'lsi (Jesus)) to believe in Me and My Messenger, they said. "We believe.And bear wifnessthatwe are Muslims."' - lslaam- derives This religion all its laws,beliefs and rulesfrom the DivineRevelation. the Qur'aanand Sunnah.I will give you a briefinformation aboutthem.


A l - M a a i d a5 h: l I l .

Islaom: Its Foundations And Concepts


Sources of lslaam
It has been a habitfor adherents of abrogated religions and manmade creeds to hallow their inheritedbooks, which were written sinceancienttimes and whose authorsor translators or the time of their writing may not really be known. They were just written by some people who used to suffer from what other human beings suffer from like weakness. defect. whimsical desires and forgetfulness. As for the Qur'aan,it is differentfrom all other books in that, it dependson the true sourcewhich is the DivineRevelation. the and Sunnah. Followino Qur'aan is the briefintroduction of both: A. The GloriousQur'aan: You have known previously that lslaam is the religionof Allaah, that was why Allaah revealed the Qur'aan to His Messenger, Muhammad, blessings and peacebe upon him, as a guidance for the pious,a Law for the Muslims, a healing for the disease that is in the heartsof those whom Allaahwants to heal and a lightfor those whom Allaah wants to give success. lt .contains the fundamentals for whichAllaahsentthe Messengers.' The Qur'aan was not the first Book to be revealed nor was Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, the first Messenger to be sent. Allaah has revealedthe Scriptures to Abraham;Torah to Moses and the Gospel to Jesus. All these Books were revelations from Allaahto His Prophets and Messengers. But the contents of most of these Books have been lost and have becomeextinct,and interpolation and alterations have enteredthem. As for the Qur'aan, Allaah Himselfguarantees its protection and makesit the witness and abolisher of earlier Books.He sayswhile blessings addressing the Prophet, and peacebe uponhim,
A s - s u n n a hw a r n a k a a n a t u h a f ia t - t a s h r e e ' iIls l a a m i b v M u s t a f a A s S i b a a ' ep e. 3 7 6 . '


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

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"And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) the Book (this Qufdn) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and Muhaymin.(trustworlhy in highness and a witness)over it (old Scriptures)."' He describes the Qur'aan as an explanation of everything,

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"And We have sent down to you the Book (the Qufan) as an exposition of everyth ing.'2 He callsit guidance and mercy,





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"So now has come unto you a clear proof (the Qufan) from your Lord, and a guidanceand a mercy.'u He describes it as thatwhichguides to uprightness when He says,
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this Qulan guides to that which is most just and right."l

I A l - M a a i d a5 h: 4 8 . t An-Nahl 6:89. I Al-An'aam 6:157.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


path in all The Qur'aanguides mankindto the most righteous asoectsof theirlife. Whoeverreflects on how the Qur'aan was revealed and how tt was preserved will give the book its due estimation and purify his intention for Allaahalone. Allaah, the Exalted says,

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"And truly, this (the Qur'6n) is a revelation from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exisfs), Which the trustworthy R?h (Jibril (Gabriel)) has brought down Upon your heart (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) that you may be (one) of the warners,'* So the One Who revealed the Qur'aanis Allaah,Lord of all the worlds; and the one who brought it is the trustworthy spiritGabriel; and the one in whose heart it was revealed is the Prophet, blessings and peacebe uponhim. The Qur'aanis an everlasting miraclefor Muhammad. lt contains signsthat shall abidetill the Day of Resurrection The signs and miracles of previousProphets usedto end at the termination of the Prophets' lives,but Allaahhas made the Qur'aan the everlastinq proof. lt is the extensiveproof and dazzling sign. Allaahchallenges the mankind to produce the likethereof or ten soorahs likeit or even a singlesoorahthat resembles it, and they are unableto do that in spite of the fact that it is composedof lettersand words and the

' Al-lsraa l7:9. t A s h - S h u a r a 2I6 9.2 -l g 4 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

people on whom it was first revealedwere people of eloquence Allaah savs, and rhetoric.

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"Or do they say: "He (Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) has forged it?" Say: "Bring then a S?rah (chapte) like unto it, and call upon you can besrdes Altdh, if you are truthfu!!."1 whomsoever Among the things that testify to the fact that the Qur'aan is a revelation from Allaahis that it containsstoriesof the past nations, prophesied futureeventsthat came to happenas it has prophesied and the fact that it mentionsmany scientificfacts that have not Anotherproofof its beinga Divinely untilrecently. been discovered Prophet on whom it was revealedwas Book is that the revealed unknownwith anythingsimilarto that or reportedto have known Allaahsays, similar to the Qur'aan. anything
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"Say (O Muhammad(peace be upon him)) "lf All6h had so willed,I should not have recitedit to you nor would He have made it known to you. Verily, I have stayed amongst you a life time before this. Haveyou then no sense?'" who neitherread nor wrote. He did not He was ratheran illiterate or men to produce the like of the Qur'aan. also,visitany Shaykh Allaahsavs.
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Islaam: Its Foundotions And Concepts

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"Neither did you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) read any book before it (this Qu/6n), nor did you write any book (whatsoever) with your right hand. ln that case, indeed, the followers of falsehoodmight have doubted."l

in the Torahand the man who has beendescribed This unlettered Gospelthat he would not read nor write,was visitedby Jewishad of the Torah and the monks- who had some remnants Christian and they Gospel- and asked about issuesby which they differed, would request for his arbitration in matters in which they the description of Muhammad, Allaahsays,explaining contended. and peacebe uponhim,in the Torahand the Gospel, blessings

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Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write (i.e. Muhammad (peace be upon him)) whom they find written with them in the Taurat(Torah)(Deut,xviii, 15) and the tnjeel (Gospel) (John xiv, 16), - he commands them for Al-Ma'rlf (i.e. lslamic Monotheismand all that lslam has ordained);and forbids them from Al-Munkar (ie disbelief,polytheismof all kinds, and att that lslam has forbidden);he allows them as lawful AtTaiyibdt((i.e. all good and lawful) as regardsthings,deeds, beliefs,
' A l - ' A n k a b o t 2 9. 4 8


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

persons, foods), and prohibitsthem as unlawfulAl-Khab6'ith(i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs,persons, foods)."1 Allaahalso says,whilespeaking aboutthe question the Jews and the Christians asked the Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him,
' < i 1' r - i - r t 1 : - ' . 'l ; i -' r/.'-<J - t-'t:! .i t .L^Jl ,r L.i fdo U Ul--6Jl J'^l -t-.ll:^.^.rF "The People of the Scripture ask you to cause a book to descend upon them from heaven.'"

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"And they ask you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) concerningthe R?h (the Spirit).'"

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"Andthey askyou about Dhut-Qarnain.'A

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Islaom: Its Foundations And Concepts


"Verily, this Qur'6n narrates to the Children of lsrael most of that in which they differ."' Reverend Abraham Philips, has had a failed attempt, in his doctoratethesis to underminethe Qur'aan.The Qur'aan rather overuvhelmed him with its proofs,evidencesand signs. The man proclaimedhis own weakness,surrendered to his Creator and embracedlslaam.' When one of the Muslims presenteda translatedcopy of the meaningof the Noble Qur'aanas a gift to the Americandoctor, Jeffrey Lang, he found that this Qur'aan was addressinghim, and removing the barrierbetweenhim and answering his questions Who revealed the Qur'aan His own soul. He said,"lt seemsthat^He knowsme morethan I knowmvself."" the Qur'aanis the Creatorof man, and Yes, the One Who revealed He says, He is Allaah, may He be Glorified. { ,:i.r;+t. ;.l-Ul,tJ &r J" d4 )l } "Shouldnot He Who has createdknow? And He is the Most Kind and Courteous(to Hiss/aves)Alt-Aware(of everything).'A of the meaning of the So, the man's readingof the translation NobleQur'aanled him to lslaamand to the writingof his bookfrom whichI am quoting.
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I An-Naml27:76. ' See: Al-Mustashriqoonwal-rnubashshiroon fil-'aalamil 'arabeewal IbrahimKhalil Ahmad. Islaamee, 3 "struggle of Faith",by Dr. Jeflley Lang; Arabic translation in the Cause b y M u n d h i rA l - ' A b s e ep 3 4 . " A l - M u l k6 7 : 1 4 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

The Qur'aanis comprehensive to all that man contains all fundamentals of faith, legislations, human interactions and manners. Allaahsays,

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"We have negtectednothingin the Book."l In the Qur'aan, thereis call to beliefin the Oneness of Allaah, and mention of His Names, Attributes and callsto belief in the authenticity of what the Prophets and Messengersbrought. lt affirms the Resurrection, reward and reckoningand establishes evidences and proofs for that. lt narrates the stories of past nations, the punishment metedout to them in this world as well as the torment and exemplarypunishment that awaits them in the Hereafter. It also containsmany proofs and signs that dazzle the scientists and that is suitable for all generations and ages; and in which many scholarsand researchers find what they look for. I will give only threeexamples that revealsome of thesefacts. 1. Hissaying,

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"And it is He Who has let free the seasi one palatable and sweet and the other salty and bitter; and He has sef a barrier and a n them."1 completepartitionbetwee


Al-An'aam 6:38.

Islaam: Its FoundutionsAnd Concepts

He alsosaYs,
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in a vast deep is like the darkness "or (the stateof a disbeliever) by dark topped by waves, topped waves with sea, ovenrvhelmed out stretches man a if upon darkness: darkness of) (layers clouds, not has Alldh for whom he it! And see hardly can ie hand, his '' light,for him thereis no ligh. appointed and peace be upon blessings that Muhammad, It is well-known therein his time was neither sea on a sea by travelled never him, that could have helped to discoverthe the materialinstruments deoths of the sea. who else could have providedMuhammad, and peacebe upon him,with this data if not Allaah? blessings 2. AllaahsaYs,
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"And indeed We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water andearlh). Thereafterwe made him (the offspringof Adam) 'as a Nutfah(mixeddrops of the male and female sexualdischarge
I 25:53. Al-Furqaan r A n - N o o r2 4 : 4 0 .


Islaam: Its Foundotions And Concepts

and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman). Then We made the Nutfah into a crot (a piece of thick coagutated btood), then we made the clot into a titile tump of flesh,the-nwe made out of that little lump of ftesh bones,then we ctothed the boneswith flesh,and then we broughtit lorth as anothercreation.So g/essed is Allah, the Bestof creators.',1 The scientistsdid not discover these subile details about the stagesof embryonic development untilrecenflv. 3. Allaahalsosays,
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"And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (ail that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whateverthere is in t'he tand and in the sea;not a reaf farts, but he knows it. Thereis nota grain in the darknessof fhe eafth nor anything freshor dry, but is iritten in a Ctear Record.'2 Mankinddid not have this all-encompassing knowledge and hao neverthought aboutthesethingstet aloneh-aving tne loitity to oo it. lf a groupof scientists observea plantor insectand they record their findingsand discoveries we all become dazzledwith that, though we know that what is hiddenfrom these scientists in thrs plantor insectis morethan what they observein it. The French schorarMaurice Bucairehas maoe a comparison between Torah,the Gospeland the eur'aanand between modern
' A l - M u ' m i no on 2 3 : 1 2 - 1 4 2A l - A n ' a a m 6:59.

Isloam: Its Foundations And Concepts


the creationof the heavens,the concerning discoveries scientrfic agree that these moderndiscoveries out found and man earthand On the otherhand,he foundout that with what is in the Qur'aan. today contain the Torah and the Gospel that are in circulation the of the heavens, aboutthe creation information many erroneous earthm , a n a n da n i m a l s . ' B. The PropheticSunnah: to him and revealed the Qur'aanto the Messenger Allaahrevealed the explains that sunnah Prophetic the is which like thereof peace be upon and blessings Allaah, of Messenger The Qur'aan. "2 him, said, "lndeed,t im given the Qu/aai and iis like with it particular Allaah has permittedhim to explain the general and AllaahsaYs, versesof the Qur'aan. x .!, 3-::f';c'- $
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"And We have also sentdown unto you (O Muhammad(peace be upon him)) the Dhikr (reminder and the advice (i.e' the Qu/6n)) thatyou iay exptaincleartyto men what rs sent down to them, and that theymay give thought.'' The sunnah is the second source of the religionof lslaam. lt and peace means all that is reportedfrom the Prophet,blessings chain of authentic and with well-connected be upon him, qualitieslt and confirmations deeds, sayings, of his transmitters Muhammad, His Messenger to Allaah from revelation a is also and blessings and peacebe upon him, for the Prophet, blessings Allaahsays' peacebe uponhim,did not speakof his own desire'

See: "The Torah, the Bible and the Qur'aanin the light of modern revert. 3He was a Christian B u c a i l ep . 1 3 3 - 2 8 . s c i e n c eb " y Maurice r Ahmad and Aboo Dawood. t A n - N a h ll 6 : 4 4 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

does he speak of (his own) desire. tt is onty a Reveration revealed.He has been taught (this eufan) by one mighty in power (Jibril (Gabriel))"1 The Prophet,blessings and peace be upon him, only conveysto people whathe is commanded to convey. Allaahsaysabouthim,


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"l only follow that which is revealed to me, and I am but a plarn warner.'n The pure sunnah is the practicalimprementation of the rules, beliefs,acts of worship, kinds of relationship and manners that lslaamenjoins.The Messenger of Ailaah,bressings and peace be upon him, exemplified what he was commanded, explained it to the people and commanded them to do like he did. He says, for "Prayas you see me praying."3 instance, The All-MightyAllaah has commandedthe believersto emulate him in all his deedsand sayingsin orderthat theirfaith mightbe complete. He says,
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' An-Najm 53:3-5. - Al-Ahqaaf 46:9. 'Al-Bukhaaree.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Conc

"tndeed in the Messengerof Allah (Muhammad(peace be upon him)) you have a good exampte to fottow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Atlahand the Last Day, and remembersAllah much."t his sayings and transmitted The Proohet'snoble companions also transmitted and these after them, came deeds to those who recordedin the was then lt them. after who came them to those had been strict with books of sunnah. The sunnah transmitters it and would make a condition those from whom they transmitted of those from whom they themselves that they be contemporaries would be reoortedthat Sunnah,till the chain of transmission Allaah, of Messenger the to connected right from the narrator it a condition made They also him.2 and peacebe upon blessings must be trustworthy, that all-the men involvedin the transmission of integrity. just,sincere and people of implementation as the practical The sunnah,as it is regarded and it, on comments makes the Qur'aan, explains also of explainsversesthat have generalmeaningsThe Messenger and peace be upon him, used to do all this, Allaah,blessings sometimes with his words, sometimes with his deeds and sometimeswith both. The Sunnah may' in some cases, glve that are of some rules and legislations explanations independent not in the Qur'aan. that they are the and Sunnah one must havebeliefin the Qur'aan and be followed must that lslaam of of the religion primary sources prohibitions their be obeyed, must both of iurnedto. The command must be believedone from and theircontents must be abstained the Names, Attributes of contain both what in believe must also
' Al-Ahzaab . 33:21 2 As a result of this unique acade*ic 'rethodologyand accuracyand w a s i n t r o d u c ea d m o n gt h e , science h e S u n n a ha i n t r a n s m i t t i ntg precision 'ilm mustalahul'ilmul-jarh a n d wat-ta'deel' Muslirnst . h a t a r e k n o w na s a r e a m o n g t h e e x c l u s i v eq u a l i t i e so f t h e h a d e e t h 'T . he two sciences thenl bd efore M u s l i r n sw . h i c h n o n ep o s s e s s e

Islaam: Its Foundations And C,

and Works of Allaah; what He has providedfor His believinq friends and that with which He threatenedHis disbelievini enemies. He savs.


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"But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith,until they make you (o Muhammad(peacebe upon him))iudge in att dispu{es between them, and find in themselvesno resistanceagainstyour decisions, and accept(them)with full submission."l He alsosays,


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"And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad (peace be upon you, take it; and whatsoeverhe farb'ids you, abstain (from it).'" Aftergivingan introduction aboutthe sources of this religion, it rs appropriate for us to discussabout its degreeswhich are: lslaam, Eemaanand lhsaan.we are also going to talk on the pillarsof thesedegreesin brief.

' An-Nisaa 4:65. 2 A l - H a s h5 r 9:7.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


The First Degreel

that there is no deity lslaam:lts pillarsare five,they are: Testifying and Muhammad, blessings that and but Allaah worship worthy of performing prayer,paying peacebe upon him, is His Messenger; and Pilgrimage. fastingtn the monthof Ramadaan Zakaah, One: Testifyingthat there is no deity worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, is His Messenger. deity meansthat,there is no rightful The first part of the testrmony He only true is the Him alone. beside in the earthor in the heavens means, false ones.' lt also Him are besides all deities God and purifyingall acts of worship for Allaah alone and keepingthem cannot away from othersbesideHim. The uttererof this statement from it untilhe has two things: benefit and lovefor it. conviction 1. To say it out of belief,knowledge, Whoever Allaah. besides in all that is worshipped 2. To disbelieve all that is in disbetieve not does and statement says this him ' will not benefit Allaah, thisstatement besides worshipped

"Al-Usooluth-Thalaathah", For more detailssee, "Kitaabut-Tawheed", ilas-Salaah"by Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul"Aadaabul-mashyi Wahhab. Al-Umar; "Maalaabudda by Abdur-Rahmaan See also: "Deenul-Haqq" 'Alee al-Arfaj; "Arkaanul bin Muhammad by min ma'rifatihianil lslaam" "SharharkaanilIslaamwal Eemaan" lslaam"by AbdullahAl-Jaarallaah; Al-Jibreen. by ShaykhAbdullaah andreviewed by a groupof students 2 D e e n u l - H a qp q. 3 8 . p,. 6 0 . m Qurratu'uyoonu l uwahhideen



Islaam: Its Foundations Ancl Concepts

Testifying that Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, is the Messengerof Allaah means, to follow him in all that he commands, to believein all that he informs,to abstainfrom all that he prohibitsand warns against and to worship Allaah with only what he legislates. one must also know and bear it in mind that Muhammad,blessingsand peace be upon him, is Allaah's Messenger to all people,that he is only a slave of Allaah and should thereforenot be worshipped,but rather be obeyed and followed,that whoever follows him enters paradiseand whoever disobeyshim entersFire. one must also know and bear it in mind that, lslaamicinjunctions in mattersof belief,acts of worshipwhich are commanded by Allaah,systemof law and mattersof leqislation and moralsin area of building a family,or in area of alldwing or forbiddingthings cannot be receivedexcept through this noble Prophet, blessingsand peace be upon him, for he is the Messenger of Allaah, who conveys His Law to mankind.l Two: Prayer.2 Prayer rs the secondpillarof lslaam. lt is rather the pillar of lslaam, for it is the link betweenman and his Lord.He repeatsit five times in a day with which he renewshis faith,purifieshimselffrom stains of sins and which stands betweenhim and obscenethings and sins.When he wakesup from sleepin the morning, he appears in front of his Lord pure and clean before he starts engaging in mattersof this world. He magnifieshis Lord, affirmsHis absolure rightto be worshipped by prostrating, standing and bowingfor Him five timeseach day. Before he starts performing this prayer,he must purifyhis heart, body, clothesand place of his prayer.The Muslim must perform this prayer - if that is easy congregationally with his fellowMuslims for him - whilethey all face their Lordwith their heartsand face the honoured Ka'abah, the Houseof Allaah withtheirfaces.praverhas
F o r r n o r ed e t a i l s , r e a d , " K a y f i y y a t u lS a l a a t i n - N a b i y y b"y S h a y k hb i n Baaz. 2 Deenul-Haq pq . 5l-52. '

Islaam: Its FoundotionsAnd Concepts


in the best form in which the CreatorrequiresHis been prescribed with all creationto worship Him; for it contains His glorification parts of the body; from word of the tongue,deeds of the hands, legs,head,sensesand all otherpartsof his body,each parttaking his shareof this greatact of worship. The sensesand limbs take their portionfrom it and the heartalso of Allaah,praising takes its share. Prayercomprisesof exaltation Him, glorifyingHim, extollingHim. lt also containsgiving the of the Qur'aan,standingin front of of the truth,recitatton testimony oneselffor Him in this the Lord Who controlshim, then humiliating His nearness. and seeking positionby beggingHim with devotion prostration sits down,all position, and then goes to bowing He then in submission,humility and showing helplessnessfor His greatnessand His Might.The heartof this slave becomesbroken, his body becomes humble and all his limbs surrenderswith humility to his Lord. He then concludeshis prayer with giving thanks to Allaah and praisingHim, and invokingpeace and and peace be blessings on His Prophet,Muhammad, blessings good of this world things of the his Lord upon him, and finallyasks Hereafter.' and the Three: Zakaahz Zakaah - obligatorycharity - is the third pillar of lslaam. lt is on the rich Muslimsto pay Zakaahfrom his is compulsory a very littlepart of his wealththat he gives to the poor and needy to it. and othersamongthosewho are entitled willingly'He should Muslimsmust pay Zakaahto its due recipients of that nor harm him in whateverway neitherremindthe recipient on accountof it. He must pay it seekingfor the pleasureof Allaah; not desiring by that any recompenseor thanks from men' He

For more, read "Risaalalaanifiz-zakaatiwas-siyaam" by Shaykh lbn Baz. 2 2:384. Miftaahdaaras-sa'aadah


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd

shouldratherpay it for the sakeof Allaahnot for showing off or for any fame. Paying Zakaah brings blessingsand gladdensthe hearts of the poor, the destituteand the preventsthem from begging and it is a compassion on them and protection against negligence and povertythat could have afflictedthem if they are left by the wealthy.Paying Zakaahwhen it is due is a qualityof generosity, magnanimity, altruism, philanthropy and also means freeing one self from traits of stingy, avaricious and valueless people. lt is by Zakaah that Muslims support one another,that the wealthyshows mercy on the poor, so that there will not remain in the community - if this rite is properly - a poor destitute,a subdueddebtor or a traveller implemented who has no moreprovisions withhim. Four: Fasting It is to fast in the monthof Ramadaan from the dawnto the sunser. The fastingMuslimabandons food, drink,sexualintercourse and similarthingsas an act of worshipfor Allaahand curbs his own soul from fulfillingits desires.Allaah has relievedthe sick, the traveller, the pregnant woman,the nursingmotherand a woman who hasjust delivered a babyfromfasting. He ordained for eachof them rulesthatsuithim or her. In thismonth, a Muslimcurbshis own selffrom his desires and thrs act of worship will bringhis soul out of the animal-like worldto the worldsimilar to that of angelswho are nearto Allaah. The situation of a fasting Muslimmay reacha stagethat he thinkslikesomeone who has no need in thisworldmorethanto achieve the oleasure of Allaah. Fasting enlivens the heart, makes one renounce the world, encourages one to seek what is with Allaah,and remindsthe wealthyof the poor ones and theirconditions so that their heans may have sympathy for them and know that they are livingin the favour of Allaahand therefore shouldincrease in qratitude to him.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


Fasting purifiesthe soul and creates in it the fear of Allaah. lt and the socretyfeel the control of Allaah on makes individuals and in publicand secret;where the them in bliss and hardship month observingthis act of worship and whole spends a society of its Lord; while being spurredby the fear of being conscious Allaah,the Exalted,by a belief that Allaah knows what is hidden standbeforeHima day in which thatman willinevitably and secret, He willask him aboutall his deeds:minorand major.' Five: Hajj2 on every Pilgrimage to the Houseof Allaahin Makkahis obligatory Muslim who is adult, sane and capable;who possessesor can afford to hire means of transportationto Makkah and also possesseswhat is sufficientfor him to live on throughouthis journeywith a condition should be an excess of that his provision He shouldalso be of thosewho are his dependants. the provision sure that the road is safe and must ensure security of his dependantswhile he is away. Hajj is compulsoryonce in the lifetimefor whoeveris able to performit. repent to Allaahin orderthat his to do Hajjshould Onewho intends soul can be free from filth of sins. When he reachesMakkahand otherholy sites,he carriesout the ritesof hajj as an act of worship as well He mustknowthat the Ka'abah for Allaah. and glorification for they beside Allaah, worshipped not be as other sites should Allaah not know had also that He harm. should nor neither benefit to that House,it to embarkon pilgrimage the Muslims commanded to do that. for any Muslim wouldnot havebeenproper The Muslims wearstwo white garments. the pilgrim In pilgrimage, gather from all parts of the world at one place, wearing one betweenthe garmentand worshipping One God;with no difference
' 2, p. 384. See"Miftaahdaaras-sa'aadah" 2 " D a l e e l u l - H a jw j a l m u ' t a m i r "b y a g r o u p o f s e e : r e a d i n g d e t a i l e d For perlaining t o l l a j j a n dU m r a h " n m a n yi s s u e s scholara s n d " E x p l a n a t i o ni s lbn Baz. by Shaykh


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

leaderand the led; the rich and the poor;the white and the black. All are creaturesof Allaah and his slaves.There is no superiority for a Muslim overanotherMuslim exceptby pietyand gooddeeds. By Hajj,Muslims achieve cooperation and mutualrecognition, they remember the Day that Allaahwill raiseall of them up ad gather them at a singleplacefor reckoning, they therebypreparefor what is afterdeaththroughacts of obedience to Allaah. Worship in lslaam:1 It is to worship Allaahin meaning and reality. Allaahis the Creator you are the slaveand He is the One that and you are the creature; you worship.lf that is the case, man must then followthe Straight Path of Allaah in this life and follow His Law and the Path of his Messengers. Allaah has ordainedgreat laws for His slaves like belief in His Oneness, performing prayers, paying Zakaah, fastingand performing observing Hajj. However, the above mentioned are not the only acts of worshipin lslaam.Worshipin lslaam is more comprehensive. lt is all that Allaahlovesand is pleased withof deedsand sayings, apparent or hidden.So, every work or sayingthat you do or say that Allaah loves and He is pleasedwith is worship.Even, every good habit that you do with an intention to please Allaahis worship. Yourgood relationshipwith your father, family, spouse, children and if you seek by that the pleasure neighbours of Allaahis worship. Your good conduct at home,in the marketand office, done for the sakeof Allaahis worship Fulfilling the trust,beingtruthful and just, from harmingothers,giving assistance abstention to the weak, earning from lawful means, spendingfor family and children, the poor,visiting consoling the sick,feeding the hungryand aiding the wrongedare all acts of worshipif done for the sake of Allaah. So, all deedsthat you do eitherfor yourself, familyor the society or your countryin whichyou intendto win the pleasure of Allaahare actsof worshio.
' " y S h a y k h uIl s l a a r n S e e" A l - u b o o d i y y a hb Ibnl'ayrniyyah

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


passionin a lawfulway is worshipif you Evento fulfilyour personal good The Messenger of Allaah,blessings intention. do that with a his and peacebe upon him, said,"Evenif anyoneof you satiates that is an act of charity." desires, sexual of Allaah!Would any of us said, "O Messenger The companions get a reward?" lust and still his satiate own "Tell me if he had done that in an unlaMulway He answered, if he does it in a lawfulway, would not he have sinned?Likewise, he wouldget a reward."' and peacebe upon him, also said,"Every blessings The Prophet, Muslimmustpay charity.' "How if he doesnot findwhatto paycharity with?" He was asked, He said,"He works with his two handsbenefitshimselfby that and then pay charity." "Buthow if he is not able?" He was askedagain, the needywho is wronged." assist He said,"He should "Buthow if he is not able?" He was againasked, "He enjoins all thatis good." He answered, And he was asked once more, "But how, if he is not able to do that?" "He refrains from doingevil,for that also is for him, He answered, act of charity."l an




Islaam: Its Foundations Ancl Concepts

The Second Degree2

Faithand its six pillars: Beliefin Allaah, His angels, His Books,His Messengers, beliefin the Last Day and beliefin pre-decree. First: Beliefin Allaah. You must believein His Lordship; that He is the Lord,the Creator, the Possessorand the Controllerof all things. you must also believe in His right to be worshipped, that He is the only True Deity,that all deitiesbesides Him are false. You must believein His Names and Attributes,that He has Beautiful Names and perfectSublimeAttributes. You must also believein His Onenessin all must believe that He has no partnerin His Lordship, nor in His right to be worshipped or in His Namesand Attributes. He says,
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\ .:, ** "Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, so worship Him (Alone) and be constant and patient in His worship. Do you know of any who is similar to Him? (of course none is similar or co-equal or comparable to Him, and He has none as
' Bukhaaree and Muslim. t For more, read,"Sharhusool al-eeman" by Ibn 'Uthaymeen; "Kitaabul eernaan" by Ibn Taymiyyah;"Aqeedatul ahlissunnah waljamaa'ah,' by Ibn 'Uthayrneen.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


pariner with Him). (Thgre is nothing like unto Him and He is the AIIHearer,the Att-Seer)."1 You must also believethat neither slumber nor sleep overtakes and that to him Him; that He knowsall that is hiddenand evident; the He says, earth. heavens and of the the sovereignty belongs

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"And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in the land and in the sea:not a teaf falls,but he knows it. Thereis not a grain in the darknessof the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Ctear Record.'2 You must also believethat He - may He be exalted- rose high over His Throne above His creation,and that He is with them by His knowledgeand He knows their conditions,hears their theiraffairs.He provides sees their placesand controls utterances, for the poor, gives rellefto the dejected,gives authorityto whom it from whom He wills and that He is Able to do He wills,withdraws a l lt h i n g s . " of beliefin Allaahare the following: Amongthe benefits 1. lt lets man love Allaahand glorifyHim and as such carry out and abstainfrom all that He forbids.lf man His commandments

I M a r y a ml 9 : 6 5 . 2 6:59. Al-An'aam 3 ' A q e e d a t ua l hlissunna w h p. 7' I I ha l j a m a a ' a" S e e :"


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

does that, he attains perfect happinessin this world and the Hereafter. 2. Beliefin Allaahcreatesin the mind self-esteem and dignity, for through it, man will know that it is only Allaah who is the True that thereis no bringer Possessor of all that is in this universe, of makeshim dispenses harmor benefit exceptHim.This knowledge of all that is besidesAllaahand removesfrom his heartthe fear of others besidesAllaah and he will not hope exceptfor Allaah and willnot fearexceptHim alone. in the heart;for man will 3. Beliefin Allaahcreateshumbleness know that whateverfavourhe has is from Allaah.Satanwill not be and arrogant able to deceivehim, nor will he becomeoverbearing or boastwith his poweror wealth. 4. The believerin Allaahwill have certainknowledge that there is no way to successand salvation exceptthroughgood deeds that pleaseAllah. Some people,howeverhave false beliefthat Allaah that His son be crucified as an atonement for the sins commanded that these of mankind; some have a beliefin false deitiesbelieving will do for them what they want while actuallythey can neither who do not believein benefitnor harm; while some are atheists, the existenceof Creatorat all. All these beliefsare mere wishful meetAllaahon the for whenthosewho holdthesebeliefs thoughts; and they see the reality, they will realisethat Day of Resurrection they have been in clearerror. 5. Belief in Allaah createsin man great power of determination, steadfastness and trust in Allaahwhen he courage,perseverance, strugglesin lofty mattersin this world to achievethe pleasureof that he is puttinghis trust in Allaah.He will be on perfectcertainty the Possessor of the heavensand the earth and that He will help in his him and guide him. He will then be firm like mountains and in histrustin Allaah.l oatience. steadfastness

l h l i s s u n n aw p. lslaam a ha l j a m a a ' a hp . 4 4 a n dM a b a d i u I S e e :' A q e e d a t u 8 0 .8 4 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Two: Beliefin the angels:


A Muslimmust believe in the angels, that,it is AllaahWho created them and describes themas,

i 3&- -:ru, et )ii'n+r5.'i g -al *"'A y' lr et ;e'i 4 1 i;ia.'ti "ri* L;'r,r*i,;;
, ., {:'!i e+ij' 'They (whom they call children of All6h i.e. the angels, 'lesa (Jesus/ son of Maryam (Mary), 'Uzair (Ezra)) are but honored s/aves. They speak not until He has spoken,and they act on His Command. He knows what is before them, and what is behind them, and they cannot intercede except for him with whom He is pleased. And they standin awe for fear of Him."I Allaahsays, of the Angels, In another description

{ .:i 'They (i.e. the angels) are not too proud to worship Him, nor are they weary @f His worship).They (i.e. the angels) glorify His Pralsesnight and day, (and) they never slacken(to do so).'' them from our eyes,so that we do not see them. Allaahconceals But Allaah sometimesshows some of them to some of His Prophets and Messengers.
' 2l:26-28 Al-Anbiyaa t 2l:19-20 Al-Anbiyaa


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Angels have functionsassignedto them. Jibreel is assigned to which he bringsfrom Allaahto whosoeverHe wishes Revelations Among them is also an angel assignedto of His Messengers. to the foetusesin takingthe souls,amongthem are thoseassigned of the wombs, among them are those assignedto the protection of their to recording mankindand among them are those assigned deeds. Every person has two angels "one sittingon the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions)not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher by him (or her) ready (to record it)"' Benefits of belief in angels for from stains the beliefof the Muslim of polytheism, 1. lt purifies when a Muslim believesin the existenceof angels whom Allaah he will be free from beliefin the assignswith thesegreatfunctions, existenceof imaginarycreaturesthat some people claim have a sharein the runningof the affairsof the universe. 2. lt lets the Muslimsknow that, the angelsneitherbenefitnor harm, but that they are honouredslaves,who disobeynot Allaah when He commands them but rather do what they are commanded.He will not worship them, nor direct his affairs to themor depend on them. Three:Beliefin the Books To believe that Allaah revealed Books to his Prophets and in orderto explainthe truthand call to it. Allaahsays, Messengers,


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Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"lndeed, We have sent Our Messengers with ctear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice), that mankindmay keep up justice."' These Booksare many.Among them are the Scripture of prophet lbraaheem, the Torah of ProphetMoosaa,the psalms given to ProphetDavid and the Gospel which was broughtby prophet JesusChrist,rnaypeacebe upon all of them. Beliefin the Previous Bookslies in betieving that it is AllaahWho revealed them to His Messengers and that they contained the Law that Allaahwantedto be conveyed to peopleat that time. All these Books,which Allaahinformsus about have all become extinct.The scripture of Abrahamdoes no longerexist.As for the Torah,the Gospeland the Psalms, even thoughthey do exist by name in the hands of Jews and Christians, they have become altered, interpolated and adulteratedand many of their original contentsare missing.That which are not part of them have been includedin them, and they are attributed to thosewho are not their authors. The Old Testamentfor instance,has more than forty books,and only five of them were attributed to Moses.As for the existinggospelsof today, nothingof them is attributed to Jesus. The last Book revealed by Allaah is the Qur'aan which was revealedto ProphetMuhammad, blessings and peace be upon him. lt has always been and still is protectedand preservedby Allaah. No change or alterationhas crept into any of its letters, words,vowelsor meaninqs. The Qur'aanis different from all previous Booksin manyways: 1. The past Books have been lost; changes and interpolations have crept into them, they have been attributed to those who are not their rightfulowners;many commentaries and exegesishave been addedto them and they containmany thingsthat contradict DivineRevelation, the reasonand nature. As for the eur'aan it rs
I A l - H a d e e5 d7 : 2 5 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

by Allaah,with its lettersand words in which still being protected nor addition Neither alteration themto Muhammad. Allaahrevealed has crept into it; for Muslimshave been eagerto let the Qur'aan remainfree from all defects.They do not mix it with anythingfrom or the Prophet'slife history,or the historyof his companions pertaining to acts of worship rules or of the Qur'aan commentaries and humanrelations. authorityfor the ancient 2. Today, there is no known historical books. Even, nothingwas known about those on whom some of them were revealedor in which languagethey were revealed. Some of them are even attributedto others beside those who them. brought actually it from Muhammad, Muslimshavetransmitted As for the Qur'aan, blessingsand peace be upon him, in a successivemanner, verballyand in writtenform. And at every age and country,there who know this Book by heartas there of Muslims are thousands are thousandsof its copiesas well. lf the oral copiesdo not agree for copieswill not be recognised, with writtencopies,the divergent in agreement people be always should of what is in the memories with what is in the writtencoPies. orallyin a way that nothing was transmitted Aboveall, the Qur'aan method Even this particular of the booksof thisworldhad enjoyed. The alone. Muslims among except found cannotbe of transmission The goes way: student this preserving the Qur'aan of methodology who had in learnsthe Qur'aanby heartat the handof his teacher; The teacher teacher. his own hand of the heart at by it learnt turn also gives the student a certificatecalled"ljaazah"in whtch the teachertestifiesthat he taughtthe studentwhat he himselflearnt from his own teachersone after another,each and everyoneof these teachers will name his teacher from whom he learnt the Qur'aan in successiontill the chain reaches the Messengerof Allaah himself.This is how the chain of teachersgo in oral and of Allaah,blessings till it reachesthe Messenger succession peacebe uponhim.

Isluam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


There exist many strong evidencesand historicalproofs - with - on the knowledgeof every connectedchains of transmitters soorah and every verse of the Qur'aan as regardswhere it was revealed and when it was revealed to Muhammad. 3. The languages in which past Books were revealed had becomeextinctsincea long time. No one in this age speaksthe languages and very few peoplecan now understand them.As for the languagein which the Qur'aanwas revealed, it is a living language spokentoday by tens of millions of is taught and studiedin every countryof the world. Even the one who does not study it will find everywherethose who can teach him the meaning of the Qur'aan. 4. Each of the previousBooks was meant for a particular time nation;that was why it contained and sent to a particular rulesthat were peculiarto that nationand that time. Whateverbook that has is not suitable for all mankind. thesecharacteristics it is a Book meantfor all times and all As for the Great Qur'aan, places lt comprises of ordainments, ruleson how humansshould relate with one anotherand manners that are suitablefor every to mankind in general. age,for it is addressed In view of the above, it becomesclear that it is not possiblethat proofagainsthumanity Allaah's shouldbe in bookswhoseoriginal no one in the worldof copiesno longer existand whoselanguages today speaks,after they have been altered.Allaah'sproof against and safefrom addition, His creation shouldbe in a Book,protected defector alterationlts copiesshouldbe spreadin every placeand written witha livinglanguage that is readby millions of people, who This Bookis the can conveythe Message of Allaahto all mankind. MagnificentQur'aan which Allaah revealed to Muhammad, blessings and peacebe upon him, and that is the witnessover all the previous Books and it confirms them - before they were interpolated. lt is the Bookthat all mankindmust follow,so that, it guidance healing, and niercy. Allaahsays, can be for them,light,


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

4,'*r.r#l "5:,1\pii$u 3t;J "tsi:-.s ri;; F

"And this ls a b/essed Book (the Qufan) which We have sent down, so follow it and fear All6h (i.e. do not disobey His Orders), that you may receive mercy (i.e. be saved from the torment of Hell)."' He alsosays,
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"Say (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) "^Omankindl Verily, I am sentto you alt as the Messengerof Allah.'" Four: Belief in the Messengers to His creationin order to To believethat Allaahsent Messengers give them glad tidings of Paradiseif they believe in Allaah and if they and to warn them of punishment believein the Messengers, Allaahsays, disobey.


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"And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship All6h (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) TdgQ1t(all false deities, etc. i.e. do not worshipTAgh0tbesrdesNEh).'"

I Al-An'aam 6:155. 2 pa h , e e :A l - A q e e d a t u - s - s a h e e h A l - A ' r a a f7 : 1 5 8 .F o r a l l t h e a b o v e s p . 2 2 ; M a b a a d i uIls l a a mp . 8 9 . w ahlis-sunna ha l j a m a a ' a h Aqeedatu r An-Nahl 6:36.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

He alsosays,
,t4r7'-.t!'t i1', ,.,,. i..,.,. J+ 4"* 9l Je .rU- o-f" tf. q*: " J*_ll -.t



U47* l:iy

as bearers of good news as well as of warning in order that mankind should have no plea againstNEh after the (comingof) Messengers."' These Messengers are many.The first of them was Noah and the last of them is Muhammad.There are many among them, those whom Allaah told us storiesabout like Abraham,Moses, Jesus, David, John, Zakariahand Saleh. There are also some about whomAllaahtellsus nothing. Allaahsays,


fri {t " u 6 "r?:.-X, I l-:i & u -1)L "&;28 u y-:i y

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"And Messengers We have mentioned ^to you before and MessengersWe have not mentionedto you.'" All these Messengers were humans created by Allaah. They possessed nothing of the qualitiesof Lordship or Godship. Therefore,no act of worshipshould be directedto them; for they could avail themselves of any harm or benefit.Allaah says about Prophet Noahthat he said.

,i: h j) Jli 'li i-li '1;i 'Js 4.", (t:. ;ri bi,- ,.s )+ E 3roi

I An-Nisaa 4:165. 2 An-Nisaa 4:164.


Islanm: Its Foundations And Concepts

"And I do not say fo you that with me are the Ireasures of All.ah, northat I know the Ghaib (unseen),nor do I say I am an angel."' Allaah also commandedMuhammad,blessingsand peace be uponhim,to say,

-i j)3 3ji7i;3i '&i7i 4,i K l,r;f U I JJ? Ls).t 4-'3iL


'l "Say (O Muhammad(peace be upon him)) don't tell you that with me are the treasuresof AIl6h, nor (that) | know the Unseen;nor I tellyou that I am an angel.'" And to say,

'ti fr ;o.jr-J-.JU I 4i,i ;G c 7162

Say (O Muhammad(peace be upon him)) "lpossess no power of benefitor huft to myselfexcepf as All6h wills'" The Prophetsare thereforehonouredslaves,whom Allaah chose and honouredwith the Message and describedas His slaves. any otherreligion will not accept is lslaamand Allaah Theirreligion it. Allaahsays, besides

"Truty,the retigionwith Altdhis ls!6m.'a

I H o o dI l : 3 l . 2 6:50. Al-An'aarn I 7:188. Al-A'raaf 4 3:19. Aal 'lmraan

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


The basic messagesof the Prophetswere one but their Laws differ.Allaahsavs.


ct;; St Y

"To each amongyou We have prescribed a Law and a clear way."1 The final of all these Laws is that of abrogatesall otherprevious laws.His Messageis the lastof all DivineMessages and he is the last of all Messengers.Whoever believes in a Prophetamong them should believein all of them and whoever deniesanyoneof them has deniedall of them;for all Prophets and Messengers call to the beliefin Allaah,His angels,His Books,His Messengers and the Last Day and becausetheir religionis one. So, he who disbelieves in othershas disbelieved in all of them; for everyone of them calledto beliefin all Prophets and Messengers.t Allaahsays, -^5.-*t

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4 -4:3; ti 3;:t",'i 't -4:li -*5i

"The Messenger (Muhammad (peace be upon him)) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers.Each one believesin All6h, His Angels, His Books,and Hls Messengers.They say, "We make no distinctionbetween one anotherof His Messeneers.'u He alsosays,

I Al-Maaidah 5:48. ' See, Al-Aqeedatus-saheehah p p.25. waljarnaa'ah " Al-Baqarah 2:285.

17; Aqeedatu ah lus-sunnah


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

-l:":i ,4,i A i;'i v

-,tt 'orft oi J_r:L.j: -l::, 4i l_r.. V ',;a4 34'tt;i;\ri$, oi itr-.; oi ij*_i ,;i "4. + :l !y' (rn s-;5JJ.6iii)'u-sr';Ki *. ri,=:

'Verily, fhose who disbelieve in All6h and His Messengersand wish to make distinction between All6h and His Messengers (by believing in All6h and disbelieving in His Messengers) saying, "We believe in some but reject others," and wish to adopt a way in They are in truth disbelievers. befuveen. And We have preparedfor a humiliatinatorment."l the disbetievers Five: Belief in the Last Day: Sincedeathis, inevitably, the end of everybeingin thisworld,what then is the fate of man after death?What is the end of the unjust people who escaped the punishmentin this world? Will they What about the escape the consequence of their injustices? righteouspeople who missed their share of the reward of this world,are theirrewardsgoingto be wasted? Indeed, mankind shallcontinue to die, generation aftergeneration, untilwhen AllaahgivesHis permission that thisworldshould come on the face of the earthdie. Allaahwill to an end and all creatures resurrect all creatures in a day that will be witnessedby thereafter all; a day in which Allaah will gather all former and later generations. He will then call men to accountfor all their deeds either good or bad which they had earned in the world. The believerswill be led to Paradise and the disbelieverswill be marchedto Fire.


A n - N i s a4 a: 1 5 0 - 1 5 1 .

Islsam: Its Foundstions And Concepts


Paradiseis the abode of peace which He has preparedfor His friends. Thereare in it all kindsof blisswhichno one can believing describe. lt has degrees and every degree will have dwellers according to the degreeof theirbeliefin Allaahand theirobedience to Him. The lowestin degree of the dwellersof Paradisein bliss will be equal to tenfoldof the Kingdomof one of the kings of this world. Hell is the abodeof punishment whichAllaahhas prepared for him who disbelieves in Him. lt has all kinds of tormentwhose mere mention is terrifying. lf Allaah will allow anyone to die in the Hereafter the dwellers of the Firewill certainly die at mere sightof it. - what every man will do or Allaahknows- by His Pre-Knowledge say of good or evil, secretly or publicly. He assignedto every man two angels:one recordshis good deedsand the other his evil ones and nothing escapes them.Allaahsays,

( r:l)j.* (*.: i.-t I )i o, L4- Cy

"Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it)."1 All his deedswill be recorded in a bookthatwill be oivento man on the Day of Resurrection. Allaahsays,
,r i:.. l-i:-a JL U)1L- 63J9at * .,. --?' t^: U-'h4-W.7*ll ^,-. 4 . .'i1







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Q a a f5 0 :l 8


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

"And the Book (one's Record) will be placed (in the right hand for a believer in the Oneness of All6h, and in the left hand for a disbeliever in the Oneness of All6h), and you will see the Mujrimln (criminals, polytheists, sinners), fearful of that which is (recorded) therein. They will say: "Woe to us! What sort of Book is this that leaves neithera smallthing nor a big thing,but has recordedit with numbers!" And they will find all that they Qid,placed before them, and your Lord treatsno one with injustice."' The man will then read his record and will not deny anything thereinand whosoeverdenies anythingof his deeds, Allaah will give power of speechto his ears, eyes, hands,legs and skin, so thattheycouldcontradict him.Allaahsays,

'e'1r &+lt ;irt t,;l-.,ii;Jti t1J! )^J ,.;,*'"Jt',-tbti Cerp.\jsiy

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tt w tlii6i'bi ril g#:j+'t3-'tri 4t:toitrt:.'And they will say to their skins, "Why do you testify against us?" They will say: "Alldh has caused us fo speak - He causes all things to speak: and He created you the first time, and to Him you are made to return. And you have not been hiding yourselves (in the world), lestyour ears, and your eyes,and your skinsshould testify againstyou; but you thought that Alldh knew not much of what you were doing.'" - was preached Beliefin the Last Dayt - Day of Resurrection by all Messengers and Prophets. Allaahsays,

' A l - K a h fl 8 : 4 9 . 2 Fussilat4l:21-22. 'i l-or moreevidences aboutresurrection, seepages 84-90ofthis book.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts







" (.5Jl

"AndamongHrs Srgns(in this),that you seethe eafth barren;but when We senddownwater(rain)to it,it ls sffred to life and growth (of vegetations)Verily,He Whogivesit life, surely,is Able to give lndeedHe is Able to life to the dead(on the Day of Resurrection). do allthings."l He alsosays, Jt y+
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"Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and was not wearied by their creation, is Able to give life to the dead?'' for Allaah did not This is what the Divine Wisdom necessitates: create His creation in vain or leave them for fun. The weakest personin intelligence actionwithout cannotcarry out any important having a purposefor it. How can this not be imaginedin case of man and then think that Allaah only created His creationfor fun and that He shall leave them in vain. Far and HighlyExaltedis Allaahaboveall thattheysay.Allaahsays,

I Fussila 4 tl : 3 9 . 2 A l - A h q a a4 f 6:33.


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

"Do you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose)and that you would not be broughtback to tJs?"l He alsosays,
nt..: (', 2i . l3r"e5 u,-Jl *,!X-'t ,'.2 ..i



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"And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them without purpose! That is the assumptionof those who disbelieve! Then woe to those who disbelieve (in lslimic Monotheism) from the Fire.'2 All wise men testifyto the necessity of beliefin the Last Day; for that's what the intelligence and reason necessitate and what the soundhumannatureagreesto. When man believes in the Day of Resurrection, he knows why he should abstainfrom what he is orderedto leave and do what he is orderedto do, hopingfor what is with Allaah. He will also know that, he who does injusticeto people will inevitablyhave his recompenseand that those he wrongs will take revengeon him on the Day of Resurrection. He will also know that man must havea reward:good rewardfor good punishment deeds and commensurate for evil deeds,so that each soul shall be rewarded for what it strivedfor and DivineJusticecan be established. Allaahsavs,

I Al-Mu'ntinoo 2n i: I 15. 2 Saad 38:27.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"So whoever does an atom weight of good sha// see it; and whoeverdoes an atom weightof evil shall see it."' No one amongmankind knowswhen the Day of Resurrection will come.This is a Day that is knownto neither a sent Prophet nor a favouredAngel. Allaah keeps the knowledgeof that to Himself alone.He says,

it qy-ttq,# i jt -'.+&



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"They ask you about the Hour (Day of Resurrection): 'When will be its appointed time?' Say: 'The Knowledge thereof is with my Lord. Nonecan reveal its time but He.' 'n He also says,
, -.,zirr 4-eLJl t. 'cJ+ ."al.rlU 4, _, ,


"Verily All6h,withHim (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour.'r Six: Beliefin Pre-decree: You must believe that Allaahknowswhat happens and what shail happen;that He knows the conditions, deeds, life spans and provisions of His slaves. He says,

{ :n1j; ,3, 5.'Ai'olY

'Az- Zalzalah 99:1-8 2 Al-A'raaf 7:187. r Luqmaa n l:34. 3


Islaam: Its Foundotions And Concepts

"Verily, All3his theAll-Knower "' of everything. Healsosays,

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"And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in the land and in the sea;not a leaf falls,but he knows it. Thereis not a grain in the darkness of fhe earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record.'2 He registers all that in a Recordwith Him. He also says,

'Al-'Ankaboot29.62. t Al-An'aam6:59. Had not therebeenin the Qur'aan but only this verse,it would have beenenoughas a clearevidence and decisiveproofthat it is fiom Allaah; for mankind, in all their ages- even in this age, where knowledge is widespreadand man grows arrogant- have not thought of this comprehensive encompassment, let alonehavingthe ability to do any of that. The highestextentto which their efforts could carry them is to closely observea tree or insectin a particularenvironment, in order to revealto us a part of its mysteries. But what is hiddenfrom them in that tree or insectis greater. As for comprehensive think and encompassment, it is a matterthat mankindhavenot known or havethe abilitv to know.

Islaam: Its Foundutions And Concepts Book."1 Clear He says,


"And all things We have recorded with numbers (as a record) in a

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Know you not that All6h knowsall that is in heavenand on the that Verily Al-Mahf1z). in the Book(Al-Lauh it is^(all) eafth?Verily, ls easyfor All6h.'' He alsosays,

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;L'rit^:1 'I;ta oi fo' sr'ril;t Y

'Verily, His Command, ^when He intends a thing, is only that He 'Be'and it is!'" says fo it, all things, it is also He Who As it is Allaah Who preordained He says, allthings. Created

4.t:'i l*'^At

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"Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine as writtenin the of all thingsbeforetheir creation, Preordainments "' Book of DecreesAl-LauhAl-Mahf0z).


2 tt-uailzz:lo.

36:12. Y a as e e n

3Yaaseen 36:82.

He alsosays,

Islaom: Its FoundntionsAnd Concepts

t '..f J-4 6L> urt y "Allahis the Creatorof all thinqs.'2 He createdmen in order to worshipHim and made that clear to them. He commanded them to obey Him, forbidden them from disobeying Him and made that clear to them. He gave them power and will by which they could carry out the Commandments of Allaahand get reward;and by which they could perpetrate acts of disobedience, and get punished. lf man believes in the DivinePreordainment, he will achievethe following: 1. He will dependon Allaah while makinguse of the means;for he knows that the means and its causes are all by Divine predecreeof Allaah. 2. Peaceof mind and tranquillity; for when he knows that it is Allaah Who gives that and that the preordained detestable thing shallhappenno matterwhat,he will have restof mind and he will be pleased with the decision of Allaah.Therewill not be anyone who will be more pleasedand have more peaceof mind than him Who believes in DivinePreordainment. 3. He wilt not be arrogantwhen he attainswhat he aims; for he will knowthatthe attainment of thatblessing is fromAllaahthrough the means of good and success He has pre-decreed. He will therefore thankAllaahfor that. 4. He will not be sad or distressedwhen the desired goal is missed or when the unwanted happens; because of his knowledge that it happensthroughirresistible Decreeof Allaah.For no one can resistHis Commandor appealHis judgement. What he has
' A l - Q a r n a5 r 4:49. 2 Az-Zunar 39:62.






Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


be patientand pre-decreed will inevitably happen.He will therefore get the rewardthereoffrom Allaah.Allaahsays,

oi F , -i'+ ,., jl 'S-Li e 'li u.t'lt C i=; o: +Vi C y q \;i.i; Fd (. & \;U iK. r.:i,>"*+. ;ri JL s.t:;:'o1'Gif, '"est;
4,a.E) t-*' 96 5lj't :uit
in but is inscribed "Nocalamitybefalls on the earlhor in yourselves Al-Mahflz), before We bring it into the Book of Decrees(Al-Lauh Verily,that is easy for All6h. ln order that you may not existence. overthat whichhas grieveat things thatyou fail to get, nor reioice ."7 tikesnotpridefulboasters. beengivento you And Attdh

on Allaah.For the Muslimknows that, it 5. Completedependence is only AllaahWho has the powerto cause benefitor harm. He will then not fear any powerfulperson becauseof his power and will to do good deedsout of fear of any man. The Prophet, not hesitate and peace be upon him, told lbn Abbaas:"Know that if blessings you, they cannotbenefit on benefiting are unanimous all mankind you with anythingexceptwith that which Allaah has pre-decreed on harmingyou, they cannot for you. lf they are also unanimous foi you."2 has pre-decreed you which Allaah exceptwith that harm

I Al-Hadeed57:22-23. p. l9; Aqeedah as-saheehah See:Al-Aqeedah l aqq p. 18. a h l i s u n n aw h a l j a m a a ' a hp . 3 9 a n d D e e n u H 2 Ahmad and At-Tirmidhee.


Islasm: Its Foundations And Concepts

The Third Degree

The thirddegreeis "/hsaan"(utmostsincerity and perfection in acts of worship). lt implieswhich meansthat you worshipAllaahas if you are seeingHim, and if you do not see Him, He sees you. One must worshiphis Lord with this quality. That is, to bear it in mind that Allaahis closeto him; that he is standingbeforehis Lord.This conditionmakes man have awe, fear and great honourfor Allaah. It makes man sincerein acts of worshipand gives him courageto strivemore towardsits oerfection. The slave is consciousof his Lord while observingact of worship and reminds himself of His nearness to him as if he is seeingHim. lf he cannot do that, let him be consciousof the fact that Allaah sees him and knows his secretand publicaffairs,and that nothing is hidden from Him.1 The slavethat has reached this stageworships his Lordsincerely, not lookingto others besidesHim. He neitherexpectspeople's praisenor fears theirblame;for it is enoughfor him that his Lord is pleased with him and praises him.This is a man whosepublicand privatedeeds are the same. He worshipshis Lord in privateand publicwith certainfaiththat Allaahknowsall that is in his heartand goes on in his mind. The faith has overpowered his heart and the consciousness of his Lord is manifeston him; his limbs then surrender for he will not use them exceptin what pleases to Allaah; Allaahand in thatwhichHe lovesand in submission to Him. Sincehis hearthas beenattached to his Lord,he will not seek help from any creature,for Allaah sufficeshim; he will not complainto any man,for he has approached Allaahwith his needsand enough is He as a Helper. He does not feel lonelyin any placenor does he fear anyone, for he knows that Allaah is with him in all hrs conditions. He is enoughfor him and He is the BestHelper. He will not abandonany order that Allaahcommandshim to carry out and will not perpetrate any sin,for he is ashamed beforeHim and hates
I J a a m i u 'lu l o o mw a l - H i k a m o . 1 2 8 .

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


him to do or finds in what He Commands that He findshim wanting him where he forbids him. He will neitheroppress nor wrong anyone or take anyone'sright for he knows that Allaah is seeing for all his deeds. him,and that He shallcallhim to account He will not cause mischiefin the land; for he knows that all good things that are in the earth are propertiesof Allaah which He subjects for His Creation. He will take of these good things them for to his needs and thank his Lord for facilitating according him. to you in this bookletare only All that I havetold you and presented pillars great in lslaam.Whoeverbelievesin importantmattersand has becomea Muslim.lf not, by them and acts fundamentals these and worldly; a worship lslaam- as I have told you - is both religion and perfectDivineOrder and a way of life. lt is the comprehensive and the all that the individual in its ordainments that encompasses political, economical, societyneed in all aspectsof their religious, social and security life. Man will find therein principles, and rules that regulatepeace and war and binding fundamentals preserves the dignity of man, bird, animals and the duties; and him. They also explain to him the that surrounds environment after realityof man, the life and the death; and the Resurrection with of relating death.He also finds in lslaamthe best methodology of Allaah, people aroundhim;suchas the saying

,7bt nr:tiii'V
"And speak good to peopte"l And His saying,
, ,1,i .,'i1. r


iJe etrttJtJ f

2:83 Al-Baqarah


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

"And thosewho pardon men."' And His saying,

J:]i ; \S*i'\ ; )i *i ln ti',oLr "".::"-ur't, y 4.u'jr1x.

"And let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety; and fear All6h.'" After we have discussed the degrees of this religion and the fundamentals of each degree, it is appropriate that we discuss briefly the beauties of lslaam.

I Aal 'lmraan 3 :| 3 4 . 2A I - M a a i d a h 5:8.

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


Some of the Beautiesof lslaaml

The beautres of lslaam are beyondwhat pens can fully write and enoughexpressions cannotbe foundto describethe virtuesof this religion; because it is the religion of Allaah. Just as the eye cannot encompassthe perception of Allaah and man cannot encompass His Reality on Knowledge, so can the pen not encompass His Law in description. lbn Al-Qayyimsaid, "lf you reflecton the dazzling wisdom in this Upright Religion,this pure faith and the Law enactedfor mankind,which no expression can perfectly describe, whose description cannot be perfected, the likenessof which the wisdomof the wise cannotpropose- even if all wise men are to be as perfectlywise as the wisest one among them, whose beauty and virtues are perceived and attested to by the perfect and honourable intelligence, that the world had not known a law better and greater than it even if the Messenger blessings of Allaah, and peace be upon him, had not broughtany proof in supportof it, all that would have been enough an evidencethat it is from Allaah. Every aspect of this religion shows perfect knowledge,perfect wisdom, expansiveness of mercy, righteousness and kindness, absolute inclusionof all that is hidden and manifest and the knowledge aboutthe beginnings and also showsthat it is one of the greatest favours that Allaah has bestowed on His slaves,for He bestowsnot on them a favourgreaterthan the fact that He guidedthem to this religion, madethem its adherents and chosen it for them. Hence,He remindsHis slavesof the fact that He ouided themto it. He savs.

read Ad-Durratulmukhtasarah fee For moredetailon this section, sil a a m e e A ;nd m a h a a s i n i d d e eIn b,y S h a y k h Abdur-Rahmaa ns - S a ' d e ea A b d u l A z e e zA s - S a l m a a n . Mahaasinu ls l l a a mb , y Shaykh



Isloam: Its Foundations And Concepts

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"lndeed All6h conferred a great favor on the believers when He sent among them a Messenger(Muhammad(peace be upon him)) from among themselves, reciting unto them His Verses (the Qu/6n), and purifying them (from sins by their following him), and instructing them (in) the Book (the Qu/6n) and Al-Hikmah (the wisdom and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) (i.e. his legal ways, statements,acts of worship)) while before that they had been in manifesterror."' He also says, makingHimselfknownto His slaves,reminding them of His great favour on them, and callingthem to thank Him for makingthem amongits adherents,

( ;a; ,st JjKt i'Ai Y

"Thisday, t have perfectedyour retigionfor you.'2 part of showinggratitude It is therefore to Allaahon this religion, to mentionsome of its beauties: 1. lt is the religion of Allaah which He has chosenfor Himself. sent with His Messengers and by which He allowedHis slavesto worshipHim. His religionis not comparable to human statutesand man-madereligions. As Allaah possessesthe qualityof absolute perfection,so does His religion has an absolute perfectionin providingordainments that reform the worldly and eternal life of mankind; encompasses the rightsof the Creatorand obligations of

I Aal 'lmraan 3:164. 2 Al-Maaidah 5 : 3 , S e e :M i f t a a h u daaris V. l, p.374-375. Sa'aadah

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


of one towards anotherand His slaves towards Him; obligations the rightsof each one of them upon another. 2. Comprehensiveness:One of the most prominent

beautiesof this religionis that it takes care of every aspectof humanlife.AllaahsaYS,

r v ?4i ad"j (. > 4.-,.

"We have negtected nothingin the Book."1 all that has to do with the Creatorlike This religionencompasses His Names,Attributesand rights;and all that has to do with the This manners and relationship. creatureslike laws, obligations, religion also encompasses the stories of former and latter generation, stories of angels, Prophetsand tells seas,treesand aboutthe heaven,the earth,the orbits,the planets, the goal and aim of creationand its end; lt mentions the universe. and Fire and the final abode of the believers talks about Paradise and the finalabodeof disbelievers. and creedhas 3. lt links man to his Creator:Everyfalsereligion is prone to man that with another the characterof linking man link man to even Some incapacity and diseases. weakness, death, a person who has died since hundreds of years ago and had becomemere bones and dust. lslaam,on the other hand, has the quality of linking man to his Creator directly;with no priest nor betweenthe reverendand no holy secret.lf this directconnection that links the heart with its Creatorand the created;a connection Lord and it thereby gets light, guidanceand loftiness;seeks for and debased perfection; and deems itselfhigh above insignificant is more its Lord link with no that has heart things. For every thananimals. erroneous


6:38. Al-An'aam


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

It is a communication between the Creator and the creatureby which he knowsthe wish of his Creatorand then worshipHim with the knowledge, and gets to knowthingsthat pleaseHim and seek for that, and things that annoys Him and shun them. lt is a communication between the All-Mighty Creatorand the weak and destitute creature, that enableshim seek for aid, assistance and successfrom Htm,and ask Him for protectron agarnst evil planners and evildeedsof devils. 4. lt caters for the benefits of this world and those of the Hereafter.The lslaamicLaw is basedon protection of the benefits of this world and the Hereafterand on perfection of good morals. As for the explanation of the benefitsof the Hereafter, the religion of lslaamhas explained all that and left nothing of it untaken care of. lt explainsit in detail so that nothingof it may be unknown. lslaam promisesthe bliss in the Hereafterand warns aqainst its torment. Concerning the benefitsof this world, Allaah ordainedin this religion what can protect for man his religion, life, property, posterity, dignity and intelligence. honourable Concerning conducts, lslaamenjoinsthat overtlyand and forbids covertly manners. Amongthe apparent debasing noble conducts that lslaamenjoinsare cleanliness and purification from all kinds of impuritiesand dirt. lslaam recommendsusing of perfumeand outwardadornment; it forbidsfilthy behaviours like and fornication, adultery consuming alcohol, eatingdead animals, bloodand pork flesh,and enjoinseatingof lawfulgood wastefulness alsoprohibits and extravaqance. lslaamprohibits As for innerpurification, undesirable conducts and encouragescommendableones. Among the forbidden manners are: lies,obscenity, anger,jealousy, stinginess, debasing oneself, love of prestige and this world, arrogance,haughtrness and hypocrisy. Amongthe commended behaviours are good conduct, good companionship to all peopleand beingkind to them,justice and fairness, humility, truthfulness, magnanimity,generosity,

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


fear of Allaah, in acts of worship, sincerity on Allaah, dependence gratltude.' patience and showing 5. Easiness: Easinessis one of the unique qualitiesof this and in everyact of worshipis religion. ln everyritualis easiness Allaahsays, easiness.

4 Cr ut J.'.lJt C5)' any hardship'a "He has notlaiduponyou in religion



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in lslaamis that;anyonewho wantsto becomea The firsteasiness of or a confession Muslimdoes not need a human intermediary past sins. He only needs to cleanse himself and utter the I testifythat there is no deity worthyof worshipexcept statement: and peacebe upon blessings that Muhammad, Allaahand I testify of in the meanings of Allaah;and to believe him, is the Messenger this statement and act by its implications. by easinessand Further,every worshipin lslaam is characterised lf a man travelsor is sick, the rewardof the deed that alleviation. to be will continue he usedto do when he was at homeor healthy recordedto his credit.The whole life of the Muslim is easy and is conversely while the life of a disbeliever filled with tranquillity, and toil. Also, the death of a Muslimis easy filledwith hardship where his soul comes out of his body as a drop of watercomes out Allaahsavs, of a vessel.


by wal-awhaam, minal fasaad See:Al-'l'laambimaafee deenin-nasaaraa p. 442-445. Al-Qurtubee


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

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"Those whose lives the angels take while they are pious saying (to them):peace be on you, enter ParadL'se becauseof that (the good) which you used to do (in the world)."1 As for the disbeliever, the sternand harshangelswill be presentat his death beating him with lashes. Allaah says about the disbeliever,





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"And if you could but see when the Zdlimln (polytheists and wrong-doers) are in the agonies of death, while the angels are stretching forth their hands (saying): "Deliver your souls! This day you shall be recompensed with the torment of degradation because of what you used to utter against Alldh other than the truth. And you used to reject His Aydt (proofs, evidences, yerses, /essons, signs, revelations,etc.) with disrespect!'' He also says,

' A n - N a h lI 6 : 3 2 . 2 Al-An'aam 6:93.

Islsam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

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"And if you could see when the angels take away the sou/s of those who disbelieve (at death); they smite their faces and their backs (saying):Tastethe punishmentof the btazingFire."1 is Allah injunctions the lslaamic 6. Justice:The one who ordains of all people:blackand white,male and alone.He is the Creator justice and mercy. female. Men are equal before His judgement, He ordainsrules that suits each of the male and female. lt then becomesimpossible that the Law of lslaam favours male at the and do injustice to expenseof femaleor gives female preference and male. lslaamalso does not endow white man with qualities deny that to the blackman.All are equalbeforethe Laws of Allaah and no differencebetweenthem except by piety. 7. Enjoining all that is good and forbidding all that is evil: which is enjoining The religion of lslaamhas noblecharacteristics, all that is evil.This duty is incumbent all that is goodand forbidding on everymaleor femaleMuslimwho is an adult,sane and able to and according to the to his or her ability according enjoin and forbid He or she should degrees of the enjoiningand prohibition. commandor forbid with hand, if not able to do so then with the of tongueand if not able then with the heart.By this all members in the community. willbe supervisors the Muslim community is negligent to do good whoever should command Everyindividual deed,and forbidwhoeverdoes wrongto desist,be he eithera ruler or ruled; each accordingto his ability and in accordancewith thatcontrol this matter. lslamic regulations

upon individual This matter- as yoL can see - is compulsory thisto whatthe contemporary according to his ability Compare
rAl-Anfaa 8 l: 5 0 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

political orders proudly claim that they give opportunity to oppositionpartiesto monitorthe governmentactivities and carry functions. out official These are some of the beauties of lslaam.Had I wantedto go into details,I would have stoppedat every rite, every obligation, every commandment and every prohibitionin order to explain the wisdom,decisiveordainment, extensive impressive, unique and matchlessperfectionthat lie therein.Whoever ponders over the ordainments of this religion, he will know with certainty that it is from Allaahand that it is the truth that is free of any doubt and a guidancefrom error. lf you therefore want to go back to Allaah,to follow His Law and to follow the path of His Prophets and Messengers, the door of repentance is open beforeyou and your Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most -Merciful. He calls you in order to forgiveyou,

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


and peace be upon him, said, of Allaah,blessings The Messenger "All children sins and the best of the sinners of Adam do commit who repent."' are those and is Man by natureis weak; he is weak in his aim and resolution of his sins and misdeeds.So unable to bear the consequences Allaah out of kindness, makes matters easy for man and He prescribed for him repentance. is to abandonthe sin becauseof its The essenceof repentance - out of fear for Allaah- and out of desirefor His Mercy;to ugliness regretover what one has done, to determinenot to go back to the sin againand to spendwhateveris left of one's life in good deeds.2 As you can see, repentanceis a deed of the heart that is only job for him. lt is betweenthe slave and his is not a difficult just a deed of the heart:to abandonthe sin, and not to go back to and peace of mind in abstaining it. There is actuallywell-being from all that Allaahforbids."' You do not need to repentat the hand of a man who will reveal your secret and manipulate your weakness. lt is only a communicationbetween you and your Lord; you seek His and guidanceand He forgivesyou. There is nothing forgiveness like an expected sin in lslaam,nor is thereanything like inherited by the AustrianJewish mankindsaviour.lslaam,is as discovered revert to lslaam, MuhammadAsad who said, "l could not find it of man'sneedfor salvation. any mention in the Qur'aan anywhere sin that stand first rnherited of the is no concept there lslaam, In because, his fate, man and between

' a n dl b n M a a j a h . A h m a d ,A t - T i r m i d h e e 2 Al-Mufradaatfee ghareebil Qur'aan,p. 76, quotedfreely. 3 I b n A l Q a y y im. b y Al-Fawaaid


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

{,O.i; u itu-Y A Y
'Man can have nothingbut what he does (good or bad).'1

lslaam does not require from man to presenta sacrificeor kill himselfin orderto havethe door of repentance openedfor him and to be savedfrom sins."'Allaahsays,

1i Y { :iD.sii ta'ai1'r,j
"No burdened person (with sins) shall bear the burden (sins) of another.'u Repentance has greatbenefits and impacts, someof whichare: 1. lt makes man know expansiveness of Allaah'sforbearance, and magnanimity in concealing his misdeeds. Had He willed,He would have hastenedto punishhim and disgraced him in front of peopleso that he would not be able to live comfortably with them. But Allaah honouredhim by concealing for him his sins, covered him by His forbearance and endowedhim with energy,provision and sustenance. 2. lt lets him know his real self, that it is inclinedto evil and that whatever comes from it of sins, misdeedsor negligenceis an indication from forbiddendesires,and that, it cannot dispenseof Allaah - for even a twinkle of an eye - for its purification and guidance. 3. Allaah prescribes repentance in order to seek with it the greatestcauses of happinessfor man, which is creating refuge with Allaahand seekingHis assistance; and also to bring about different kinds of supplication; showing one's submission,
' An-Najnr 53:39. 2Road to Islaam d sad p. 140 b y M u h a r n m aA r An-Na.;m 53:38

Islaam: Its FoandationsAnd Concepts


showing helplessness to Allaah, one'slove to Allaah,one'sfear of and hope in Him; then the soul moves closerto its Creatorin a and specialway which will not occur to it without repentance escaping to Allaah. forgive him his pastsins.Allaahsays, 4. lt makesAllaah +.JL Jr U )4 ?4tt45,
. .',. .i,z ,i.:'.t', .. t' t


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"Say to those who have disbelieved,if they cease (from disbelief) their pastwittbe forgiven."' turnsone'sevildeedsto goodones.Allaahsays, 5. Repentance

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"Except those who repent and believe (in lsldnic Monotheism), and do righteousdeeds; for those,All6h will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'" when they harm him,as 6. lt makesman treathis fellowhumans, his own misdeeds and he wouldloveAllaahto treathim as regards with the type of deed.So, if is in accordance sins;for recompense he treats people rn this good manner,he will also be treated by Allaahin the like mannerand Allaahwill be kindto him regardless of his evil deedsand sins,just as he does with his fellowhuman beings. this 7 . lt enableshim to knowthat he is full of faultsand defects; fromspeaking aboutthe faultsof otherpeople will makehim refrain

I A l - A n f a a8 l :38. 2 25:70 Al-Furqaan


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

with reforminghis own self instead of and will be preoccupied aboutthe faultsof others.' thinking I would like to concludethis sectionwith the story of a man who came to the Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, and said, "O Messenger of Allaah! | have not left any small or big sin but I had committed it." The Messenger of Allaah, blessings and peacebe upon him, said, "Don't you testify that there is no other deity worthy of worship exceptAllaahand that Muhammad, blessings and peacebe upon him,is the Messenger of Allaah?" He asked him this questionthree times and the man answered eachtime,"Yes." He then said, "yqrr testimonyhas erased all that (you have committed of sins)"' In anothernarration, the man came to the Prophet, blessings and peacebe upon him,and said,"Tellmel lf a man committed all sins but has not associated anythingin worshipwith Allaah,and yet did not leaveany smallor big sin uncommitted, can his repentance be acceoted?" The Prophet, blessings and peacebe upon him, askedthe man, "haveyou embraced lslaam?" The man answered,"As for me, I testify that there is no deity worthyof worship except Allaah, that He is One and has no partner and thatyou are the Messenger of Allaah."

' Muftaahu d a a r i s - s a ' a a dV ah o, l. l, p. 358-370. 2 Reported by Aboo Ya'laa;At-Tabaraanee; and Al-Maqdisee

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


The Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, said, "yesl Do good deedsand refrain from evil ones,so that Allaahmav turn all thoseevildeedsto goodonesfor you." The man said,"Evenmy actsof treachery and my sins?!" The Prophet, blessings and peacebe uponhim,said,"Yes." The man said,"Allaahu Akbar (Allaahis the Most-Great) and he kepton saying thatuntilhe disappeared."r lslaam therefore erases whatever sin one might have committed and sincere repentance also erases whatever sin one might have committed as authentically reported from the Prophet, blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him.


Ibn Abee'Aasim:At-Tabaraanee and Al-Bazzaar.


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts Repercussions of Rejecting lslaam

As it has been made clear to you in this book that lslaamis the religionof Allaah,that it is the true religion;that it was the one Allaah has prepared preachedby all Prophetsand Messengers; in for whoeverbelieves greatrewardin this world and the Hereafter in it with severetorment. whoeverdisbelieves it and threatened Since Allaah is the Creator, the Possessor and Disposer of this entire universe,and you, man, are just one of His creatures;He ordained to you all that is the universe, createdyou, and subjected His Law for you and commandsyou to obey Him, lf you therefore and abstain from all that He believe,obeys His Commandment you of the everlasting forbidsyou, you will attainwhat He promises and you will be happy in this world with all bliss in the Hereafter that He will endow on you of all kinds of favours;you will then be like the wisest men and the purestof them in soul; the Prophets, peopleand the favoured angels. righteous Messengers, and disobeyyour Lord;you will lose your But if you disbelieve, worldly life and your Hereafterand expose yourselfto His wrath You will then be in this world and the Hereafter. and ounishment like the most wicked of all creatures,the most defective in and the most debased in mind: the devils, corrupt intelligence just to mention a few. peopleand falsedeitiesand transgressors, in of disbelief Let me now tell you somethingof the consequences detail: completesecurity 1. Fear and lack of security. Allaahpromises who in Him and for believe Hereafter those in this world and the He says, followHis Messengers.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"/t is fhose who believe (in the Onenessof Alldh and worshipnone but Him Alone) and confusenot their belief with Zulm (wrong i.e. by worshipping others besrdes NEh), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided-"' Allaahis the Giver of security, the Watcherover His creatures, the Possessorof all that is in the universe.lf He loves a slave of His becauseof his belief,He gives him security, tranquillity and peace, but if a slaveof His disbelieves in Him, He withdraws tranquillity and security from him and you will not see such a personbut afraid of his fate in the Hereafter, afraidfor his own self from calamities and diseasesand afraidfor his futurein this world.That is why the insurancemarket insureslives and properties for lack of security and lackof having trustin Allaah. 2. Difficult life: Allaahcreatedman, subjected to him all that is in the universe and portion out for every creature his share of sustenance and lifespan Hence you see the bird going out of its nest to look for its provisionand then picks it. lt moves from a branch of the tree to anotherand sings in most melodioustone. Man is also one of these creatures for whom Allaahhas oortioned out his provisionand lifespan.lf he thereforebelievesin his Lord and standsfirm on His Law, Allaahwill give him happiness and stability and He will make his matterseasy for him, even if he does not possess morethanthe leastmeansof livelihood. lf he howeverdisbelieves in his Lord and feels too big to worship Him, He will make his life straitenedand make him suffer from sorrow and distress even if he has all means of comfort and enjoymentat his disposal.Don't you see the great numbers of suicide victims in countriesin which all means of affluenceare guaranteedfor their citizens?Don't you see all kinds of furniture and mats used for the enjoyment of this life? The cause of all this extravaganceis the vacuity of the heart from faith, feeling of constraint and hardship and an attempt to dismiss all theseworries with all different means. Allaahsaysand truthreally is HisWord,
' Al-An'aarn 6:82

..-i-...i'i.-. '.,^sl ll*J.Jl ty

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

.. " l - i . 2 : K,..a i ij-; 'or:3j . ,'t.,: : ,"J .r,G G r4t . ..4".. ,to ,.er"l V: b


"But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither in this Qur'dnnor actson its teachings.) verily,for him is a believes life of hardship, and We sha//ralse him up blind on the Day of Resurrection."' war with self and the world around: 3. Life in perpetual soulis created uponlslaamic Monotheism. Thisis because; man's Allaah says,

4.'\loj"di'*t a.,;,i;p.V
"All6h'sFitrah (i.e.^All6h's lsldmic Monotheism)with which He has createdmankind.'n Man's body surrenders to its Lord and it moves accordingto His however,insistson going againsthis own order. The disbeliever, nature,and living his voluntarylife in rebellionagainst his Lord. Althoughhis body surrendersto the will of the Creator,his own voluntary will is in opposition to the will of his Lord. He will be in constantwar with the world aroundhim in the sense that, all this universeright from its greatestgalaxy to its smallest insect,moves according to the way which Allaah has ordainedfor it. Allaahsays,

' TaaHaa 20:124. 2Ar-Room 30:30

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"Then He (rose over) lstawd towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said:"We come, willingly.'"' The universeloves him who agreeswith it in submission to Allaah and hateshim who opposesit. The disbeliever is the recalcitrant in this universefor he makes himselfan opponentto his Lord and contenderwith Him. That is why it is appropriate for the heavens and the earth and all other creatures to hate him and his disbelief and atheism. Allaahsays,

6:r) r(j Jryi iiilqy r6;,L,.rai 3t4 '.a61G,*'&


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"And they say: "The Most Gracious(Alldh) has begottena son (or offspring or children) (as the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of All6h, and the Christianssay that He has begotten a son ('lesa (Christ) (peace be upon him)) and the pagan Arabs say that He has begotten daughters (angels and others.))" lndeed you have brought forth (said) a terribleevil thing. Whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the eafth ls splt asunder,and the mountainsfall rn ruins, That they ascribe a son (or offspring or children) to the Most Gracious (NEh). But it is not suitable for (the Majesty of) the Most Gracious (AlEh) that He should beget a son (or offspring or
I Fussila 4 tl : I l .



Islaam: Its Founclations And Concepts

children). There is none in the heavens and the earth but colnes (Atlah) as a slave."I unto the MostGracious and his hosts, He saysaboutPharaoh

\ .Il .rI-J ir( t3.Pt\iS is''i'&'S-':t

"And the heavens and the eafth wept not for them, nor were they given a respite.'z 4. A life of ignorance: because lt is ratherthe greatestignorance; is ignorance. Disbelief is ignorantof his Lord. He sees this universethat the disbeliever was createdby his Lord in the most wonderfulway, he sees in of the of Allaah'sdeed and yet he is ignorant himselfthe greatness of his own self; is this and the Constructor Creatorof this universe ignorance? not the greatest 5. A life of one who wrongs oneself: This is because;he subjectedhis own self to purposesother than that for which he was created.He does not worship his Lord but is to put a thing in a placeto which it does worshipothers.lnjustice acts is greaterthan directing and whichtype of injustice not belong; of worshipto those who do not deservethem. Luqmaanhas told of polytheism, the avvfulness his sonwhileexplaining

'+L',.tt:A;;i :-;fii 4;:D

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' M a r y a ml 9 : 8 8 - 9 3 . t 44:29 Ad-Drkhaan

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


"O my son! Join not in worship others with Altah. Verity joining others in worship with All6h is a great Z0lm (wrong) indeed.,,1 It is also injustice for the peopleand other creaturesaround him; becausehe does not acknowledge the right of Him to Whom right is due. On the Day of Resurrection, eveiy man or animalhe has wrongedwill stand beforehim askingAllaahto avengefor him. 6. Exposing oneself to Allaah's wrath. He exposeshimselfto the calamities and afflictions as immediate punishment for his disbelief. Allaahsays,
. " . - 7 , - tt cf))t ;rf errr'Jr ;-e4Ut : t 7. ./

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3:ti'&j'by *? ;* 4. r:g':,=J
"Do then those who devise evil plots feel secure that All6h wilt not sink them into the earth, or that the torment will not seize them from directions they perceive not? Or that He may catch them in the midst of their going to and fro (in their jobs), so that there be no escape for them (from All6h'spunishment)?Or that He may catch them with gradual wasting (of their wealth and-health). Truly! your Lord is indeed full of Kindness,Mosf Merciful?'r' He also says,

'Luqmaan3l:13. t A n - N a h l1 6 : 4 5 - 4 7


Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

"And a disasfer will not cease to strike those who disbelieved becauseof their (evil) deeds or if seff/es close their homes, until All6h breaksnot His the Promiseof All6hcomes to pass. Certainly, Promise."l He says in anotherverse, S^i oiti Y { :DirJ 4 ,# u::('&+.U

"Or did the people of the towns then feel secureagainst the coming of Our punishmentin the forenoonwhile they were playing?'' This is the fate of every man who turns away from Remembrance who of past nations of Allaah.Allaahtells us of the punishments were disbelievers,
, -. ' ; r'i i ^>-.4)t attetv,+1J+v ,:1 '. .. '1 . t. ,' 'i-^


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"So We punishedeach (of them) for hls srns; of them were some on whom We sent Hasib(a violentwind with shower of sfones) (as the people of LIt (Lot)) and of them were some who were overtaken by As-Saihah (torment - awful cry. @s Thamld or
' A r - R a ' dI 3 : 3I . 2 A l - A ' r a a f7 : 9 8 .

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Conc

Shu'albb people)) and of them were some whom We caused the earth to swallow (as Qdrln (Korah)) and of them were some whom We drowned (as the people of N?h (Noah), or Fir'aun (pharaoh) and his people). lt was not All6h Who wronged them, but they wrongedthemseIves."1 7. Failure and loss will be his lot: Because of his wrong, he looses the greatestthing with which the heartsand souls enjoy, which is knowing Allaah,meditating in Him and feeting tranquiltity with Him. He also loosesthe world,for he livesthere a wretched and confused life and he looses his own soul for which he amassesthe wealth of this world;for he subjectsit for a purpose differentfrom that which it was createdfor. He therebydoes not attainwith it happiness in thrsworld,for he makesit livedin misery and causedit to die in miseryand it shallbe raisedup amongthe miserable. Allaahsays,


'11' r.

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{ :::) "And as for those whose scalewittbe light, they are those who witt lose their own selves (by entering Hell) becausethey denied and rejected Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, yerses, /essons, signs, revelations, etc.).'' He will also loosehis family, for he livedwith them on disbelief rn Allaahand they will also be like him in miseryand hardship and theirfate will be Fire.Allaahsavs.

I A l - A n k a b o o4 t 0:9. I A l - A ' r a a f7 : 9 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

"Ihe /osers are those will loose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection."l they will be led to Fire,and evil is it as On the Day of Resurrection, a restingplace.AllaahsaYs,

i,._li-at, gt ,.:rj dr, :I,l o1r;-t9'S





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(,ef.rJ t'tu ;-))

'(lt witl be said to the angels): "Assemble those who did wrong, together with their companions (from the devils) and what they used to worship insteadof Alldh,and lead them on to the way of flamingFire (Hell).'8. A life of disbelief in Allaah and denial of His favours: Allaah created him from nothingand showered on him favours, and thank othersbesidesHim? how can he then worship,befriend heinousthan this? greater more and is Whichingratitude purposeful life: This is and real of a deprived 9. Being becausethe man who deserveslife is the one who believesin his Lord, knows his goal, recognizeshis fate and is certain of his He therebygives rightto whom it is due. He does not resurrection. He then livesthe life of happy suppresstruth nor harm a creature. Allaah peopleand attainsgood life in this wodd and the Hereafter. says,
,-:..; :,.. o3,=> ,a-a.:,:J3Uy *i J"tit ht t a.=," t/. - (,'s -.t -t . ,:l-i : i


'bb i>

- whethermaleor female- whilehe "Whoever worksrighteousness verily,to him We (or she)is a truebeliever(of lsl6micMonotheism)
' 39:15,Shooraa42'.45 Az-Zumar 2 37:22-23. As-saaffaat

Islaam: Its Foundations And

will give a good ljte (in this world with respect, contentment and lawfulprovision)."' And in the Hereafter, his rewardwill be,
.. . . i.-; t ,-- t r. l- :i.i .,r.1 ,/ { ':!l i:F t jtsJI rll-', ,ti-pci} C + ;<:-.t y ,i.i c -.

"Pleasant^dwellings in Eden Paradise;that is indeed, the great '' success. Butwhoever livesin thisworldlikeanimals, suchdoesnot know hisLord or hisgoalandfate. Hisonlyaimis to eat,drink andsleep. Whatthenis the difference between himandotheranimals? He is evenin greater errorthananimals. Allaah says,

"And surely, We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. They have heafts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewiththey see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like c?ttle, nay even more astray; Those! They are the heedlessones,'' He also says,

' A n - N a htl6 : 9 7 . ' A s - s a f f 6'l1 2 . t Al-A'raaf7:179


Islsom: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

"Jr&.;i <r;;.i;-f e-J $3:\({t e il

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"Or do you think that most of them hear or understand?They aye only like cattle - nay, they are even further astray from the path."' the disbeliever 10. Living in an infinite torment:This is because moves from a tormentto another.He goes out of this world- after - to the Hereafter. In he has tasted all its agoniesand afflictions the angelsof deathcome upon him the firststageof the Hereafter, and beforethem come the angelsof tormentwho will give him his punishment. Allaahsays, deserved
, .,..-i.. t. t -'4^t t -, ...'-? :,.ii'i,: ; trsr+ .

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"And if you could see when the angels take away the souls of those who disbelieve (at death); they smite their faces and their backs.'2 Then his soul departsand when he is put in the grave , he meetsa greater of Pharaoh, Allaahsaysaboutthe People torment. t1f >t a-ctAt1tt: 1V-t Qbi l.9-'r-i, VJ" {t:** )at b


''i"'i ( '!) '-'l't''J | -t ' t

The Fire, they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon.And on the Day when the Hour will be esfab/ished(it will be said to the

' Al-Furqaan 25:44. 2 A l - A n f a a l8 : 5 0 .

Islasm: Its Foundations And Concepts


angels): "Cause Fir'aun's (Pharaoh)people to enter fhe seyeresf torment!"' On the Day of Resurrection, when the creatures are raisedup and the deeds are exposedand the disbeliever sees that Allaah has accurately enumerated all his deeds in that book about which He says,
r '. : t-,'a rt' r'i'. ejt- u"4* ". i :'' ' ,' " t^: et:_LWf*)l
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"And the Book (one's Record) will be placed (in the right hand for a believer in the Oneness of All6h, and in the left hand for a disbelieverin the Onenessof Alldh),and you will see the Mujrimln (criminals, polytheists, sinners), fearful of that which is (recorded) therein. They will say: "Woe to us! What sort of Book is this that /eayes neither a small thing nor a big thing, but has recorded it with numbers!"2 Here,the disbeliever willwishto be dust.Allaahsays,

( :::) L; .-s cri lrri J*.ii6;:'it

t- i?i j'itry

"The Day when man will see that (the deeds)which his hands have sent forth, and the disbeliever will say: 'Woe to me! Would that t were dust.' 'u Because of the horrorof that Day, man will wish that he owns all that is in the earth,so that he can ransomhimselfwith it from the torment of thatDay.Allaahsays,
I Ghaafir40:46. t Al-Ka'f r8:49. t An-Naba 78:40.

206 \-.iiJit

Isluum: Its Foundations And Concepts

,'iJ\iG-9*1'li Ct i# ,!na


in the and disbelievers "And those who did wrong (the polytheists and therewith as is in earth all that had Onenessof AllAh),if they "' much again,they verily,wouldofferit to ransom. Allaahalsosays, 4L i----...' ')i : .1. v.
:.. tCJ:-t) "Ji t - t1i a'--Jl
\ J .




( ii3) *::' a-r g-e'i t *ii

"The Mujrim, (criminal, sinner, disbeliever) would desire to ransom himselffrom the punishmentof that Day by his children, and his wife and his brother, and his kindred who sheltered him, and all that are in the earth,so that it might save him.'" and not of wishfulthinking. For, that abode is that of recompense get a rewardfor his deed, if it is good he gets Man must therefore, good reward and if it is evil, he gets rewardedwith punishment. may meet on the Day that a disbeliever And the worst punishment different is that of Fire in whichAllaahhas provided of Resurrection kinds of retributionfor its dwellers so that they can taste the tormentof theirdeeds.Allaahsays,
-fi'1 ..,.i ,,.t..r'"..1!. (, . -:I.' ,:t;;+ ! . .uui a. i*:b.. .!'.oyi)r t +F dl 19- -:*, F . t.ri'i..,1.?t ...

' . Az-Zumar39:41 r Al-Ma'aar7 i j 0 :I l - 1 4 .

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


'This is Hell which the Muirimln (polytheists,criminals, sinners) denied. They will go between it (Hell) and the fierce boiling water!."1 of Hell, of the dwellers us of the garments He alsoinforms
-, '.='. 4t .i1 t . r,'.' t rr.'-ti''ii.i tt t-l. g=:i) gf .t: :-p; )L Jt Qq e c--+; t,f-+ t:;',i;;

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"As for those who disbetieved,garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water witt be poured down over their heads. With it wilt mett (or vanish away) what is within their bellies,as wel/ as (their) skins. And for them are hooked rods of iron (to punish them).'"

' 55:43-44 Ar-Rahmaan t :t9-21. Rt-Ha.2 12 .1



C o n cl u si o n
O man! You were beforea non-existent. Allaahsays,

( :!l 6j, .t; )t J1 .,:'t*

ti 3;li e*,tii

"Doesnot man rememberthat We createdhim before whitehe was nothing?"1 Then He createdyou from a mixtureof male and femaledischarqe and madeyou hearing, seeing. Allaahsays,
,-i1 2.,i [il-; bl ;;].tt.l.eS-u l=., ofi d;-""^l)r il r^*l' G-;9 dr*)i.p t t.1.s,r., -a,-,.u ... .i.-

J U^ I

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"Has there not been over man a period of time, when he was nota thing worth mentioning? Verily, We have created man from Nutfah (drops) of mixed semen (sexualdischargeof man and woman),in order to try him: so We made him hearer and seer.,2 Then you moved graduallyfrom a state of weaknessto strenqth and you shall be returnedto a state of weaknessaqain. nttaln

)7 b t;1{:i.#

6 citij,ioy 4.:!)r-ai:,-Fi i:, t^"c,gL"*s fu fi )1; b J+ l#;

I Maryan 19:67. t Al-lnsaa7 n7:l-2.

Isluam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


"Altdhis He Who createdyou in (a state of) weakness,then gave you strength after weakness, then after strength gave (you) weakness and gray hair. He creates what He wills. And if is He Who is the Atl-Knowing, the AlFPowefful (i.e. Able to do all things)."1 Then the end is death and you, throughthese stages,move from nor can you cannotavertevil from yourself weaknessto weakness; you bring about benefitfor yourselfexcept by using the strength that Allaahgave you. You are, by nature,poor and and provision needy.Manyare the thingsthat you need to keepyou alivewhich haveand sometimes you do not possess or whichyou sometimes that are usefulto you things are deprivedof. Many are also those and you achieve sometimes which you have and like to would and do not achieveothertimes.Many are thingsthat harm you, ditch and your hope, waste your effortsand bring on you tribulations whichyou wouldlike to avert;and whichyou sometimes calamity to avert.In view succeedin avertingand which you fail sometimes your your needto Allaah? and helplessness of this,do you not feel Allaahsays,

,( :i::-r=*;ji.,:i;

ait {J Jlll};i l:i'o6i

4.ti * I

O mankind!it is you who standin need of Allah. But All6h is Rich (Freeof attneedi),Worthyof all praise.'2 You are exposedto a weak virus which you cannotsee with your nakedeyes,and that causesyou painfuldiseasewhichyou cannot preventand you then go to a weak human being like yourselfto the treat you. Sometimes the medicineworks and sometimes your become you then you and doctor and both doctorfailsto cure confused.


Ar-Roorn 30:54.
haatlr J): | ).

Islaam: Its Foundations And Conce

O man! What a weak creatureyou are when the fly snatches something from you and you cannottake back from it! Allaahsavs the trLfth when He savs,

t q +qiJi'&s"ot, ,:nt;-Gi li 61',Iri&j v L2l-+.:,. (;=).:iLiii< 'l+

"O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so /lsfen to it (carefulty): Verily those on whom you callbesrdes AllAh,cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snafches away a thing from them, they will have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought."1 lf you cannot take back what the fly snatchesaway from you, which then of your affairsdo you have controlover? Your forelock is in the hand of Allaah,so is your soul. Our heart is betweentwo of His fingerswhich He turns round as He wills. Your life, death, happiness and misery are all in His Hand. Your undertakings and sayingsare by the permission of Allaahand His Will. You do not move exceptwith His permission and you do not performany act exceptby His Will. lf He leavesyou to yourself, He leaves you to weakness,negligence, sin and misdeed;and if He leavesyou for others,He leavesyou with the one who cannot you avail you of any benefit, harm, death, life or resurrection. cannotdispenseof Allaahfor a twinkleof an eye. You ratherneed Him in every aspectas long as you live.You inviteHis wrath with sins and disbelief thoughyou seriously need Him in all aspects.


At-naJJ tz: | )

Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts


You forgot Him though,your return is to Him and it is in front of Him thatyou shallstand.' to shoulder and your inability O man!As a resultof yourweakness to lighten (the the consequences of your sins, "A//aah rlrrishes burden) for you and man was created weak.'" He sent Messengers,revealed Books, ordained Laws, establishedthe Straight Path before you and established signs, proofs and a sign that shows His Oneness, and made in everything evidences But in spiteof all this, and His solerightto be worshipped. Lordship you block the truth with falsehood, take Satan as a friend besides Allaahsays, Allaahand arguewith falsehood.

t :!:'i.-






Sf-; )

"Man is ever more quarrelsome than anything'g Allaah's favours in which you move and enjoy have made you and end! Don'tyou rememberthat you were forgetyour beginning that your returnwill be to a createdfrom a mixedsexualdischarge, will either be grave and that final destination after Resurrection or Fire?Allaahsays, Paradise

l'ri t;Ai cir


, 19

'^Ji,'Jt . li '.^i 'o'; I: -"\ - -. ._' J tJ y y ; r

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' by lbn Al-Qayyirn From Al-Fawaaid 2 4:28. Al-Nisaa t A l - K a h fl 8 : 5 4 .


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

"Does not man see that We have created him from Nutfah (mixed male and female sexualdischarge- semen drops) yet behold he (sfands forth) as an open opponent.And he puts forth for LJsa parable, and forgets his own creation. He says: "Who will give life to thesebones after they are rotted and have became dust?,,Say: (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) "He witt give tife to them Who created them for the first time! And He is the All-Knower of everv creation!"1 He alsosays,


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"O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous? Who created you, fashionedyou perfecily, and gave you due proportion. ln whatever form He willed, He put you together.'' O man! Why are you denyingyourselfthe joy of standingbefore your Lord,meditating with Him, so that He can enrichyou out of poverty,heal you from your ailment,relieveyou of your sorrow, forgiveyour sins, remove your harm, help you when you are guide you when you are confusedor go astray,give you wronged, knowledge when you are ignorant, give you security when you are frightened, show mercy to you when you are weak, drive away yourenemies and provide for you yourlivelihood." O man!The greatest blessing that Allaahendowed man with after that of the religion is the blessing of intelligence, so that he can distinguish with it between what benefits him and what harmshim,
I Yaa seen36:17-79. 2 M i f t a a hd a a r i s - s a ' a a dla , hp . 2 5 1 . r Miftaah d a a r i s - s a ' a a dla , hp . 2 5 1 .

Islaam: Its FoundutionsAnd Concepts


and prohibitions to understand the commandments of Allaahand in order to know by it, the greatestgoal which is to worship Allaah Allaahsays, aloneWho has no partner.

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"And whatever of b/essrngsand good things you have, it is from All6h. Then, when harm touches you, unto Him you cry aloud for help. Then, when He has removed the harm from you, behold! Someof you associateothersin worshipwith their Lord (Allah)."' O you man! The wise person loves lofty matters and abhors debased ones. He loves to emulate every righteous and magnanimous and pious peopleand yearns amongthe Prophets to join them even if he cannot reach their status.The only way to that is what Allaahdirectsus to when He says,

"lf you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept lsllmic Allah will love you Monotheism,follow the Qulan and the Sunnah), and forgiveyou your sins."' lf man can do this, Allaah w i l l make him join the rank of the t h e Martyrs and righteous people. Prophets,the Messengers, Allaahsays,

' A n - N a h ll 6 : 5 3 - 5 4 r A a l ' l r n r a a3 n: 3 1 .

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Islaam: Its FoundationsAnd Concepts

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"And whoso obey All6h and the Messenger(Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) then they will be in the company of those on whom AIl6h has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqln (those followers of the Prophets who were first and foremost to believe in them, like Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him), the martyrs, and the righteous. And how excellent these companionsare!"' with yourself O you manl I advise you that you go into seclusion and think deeplyof the truth that has come to you reflectover the proofs and evidences;if you find it to be truth hastento follow it Know that your and do not be a slave of customsand traditions. own soul is dearer to you than your friends, companionsand heritage of your fore-fathers. Allaah has admonished the with this and calledthem to it. He says, disbelievers


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"l exhort you to one (thing) only: that you stand up for All6h's sake in pairs and singly, and reflect (within yourselves the life history of the Prophet (peace be upon him)) there is no madness in your companion (Muhammad (peace be^uponhim)) he is only a warner to you in face of a severe torment.'n you standto losenothing. Allaah O man!When you acceptlslaam, says,
I 4:46. An-Nisaa 'saba34:46.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts


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"And what /oss have they if they had believed in Allah and in the Last Day, and they spend out of what Allah has given them for sustenance?And Alldh is Ever All-Knowerof them."' lbn Katheer said, "What would have harmed them had they way, believed in believed in Allaah, followed the praiseworthy for him who did Allaah hopingfor His promisein the Hereafter good deeds and spent out of what He has given them in ways which He loves and is pleasedwith? He knowstheir good and evil intentions; he knows who deservedsuccessamong them so that and appoint He might give him successand show him guidance pleased. good with which he is He also knowswho him for deeds deservesdisgraceand expulsionfrom His DivineAffectionwhich whoever is expelledfrom the door of Allaah has failed and lost in thisworldand the Hereafter."2 Your lslaam does not stand betweenyou and anythingthat you want to do or to have among the things that Allaah has made lawfulfor you. Rather,you will be rewarded for any good deed you do in which you seek the pleasureof Allaah even if that is in the your wealth or portionor rnterestof your worldly life or increases fame. As for the lawful things that you use, when you restrict yourself from unlawful to them and you abstain things,you will be and peace rewardedfor that. The Messenger of Allaah,blessings your "There is in satiating be upon him, said, an act of charity Will "O Allaah! The of desire." companions said, Messenger sexual anyone of us satiate his desire and still get rewardfor that?" He wav, will he be answered."Tell me. if he satiatesit in an unlawful

' 4:39. An-Nisaa r l. 497 S e el b n K a t h e e r


Islsam: Its FoundotionsAnd Concepts

committing a sin by that? Likewise,if he satiatesit in the lawful way, he will have rewardfor that."' O manl The Messengers have broughtthe truth and conveyedthe will of Allaah, and man needsto knowthe Law of Allaahso as to live his lifewith sure knowledge and to be amongthe successful in the Hereafter. Allaahsavs.

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"O mankind! Verily, there has come to you the Messenger (Muhammad (peace be upon him)) with the truth from your Lord. So believe in him, it is better for you. But if you disbelieve, then certainlyto All6h belongs all that is in th^e heavens and the earth. And All6his EverAtl-Knowina. All-Wise.'" He alsosavs.

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Say: "O you mankind! Now truth (i.e. the Qur'dn and Prophet Muhammad(peacebe upon him)) has come to you from your Lord. So whosoeverreceivesguidance,he does so for the good of his own self,and whosoevergoes astray, he does so fo his own /oss,

'Muslirn. I A n - N i s a4 a: 7 0 .

Islaom: Its Foundations And Concepts


and I am not (set) over you as a Wakil (disposerof affairsto oblige you for guidance)."' none but yourself, O manl lf you embracelslaam,you benefit and you harm none but your own self.Allaahis in no if you disbelieve need of His slaves.Sin of the sinnersdoes not harm Him nor do acts of obedienceof the obedientones benefit Him. He is not disobeyedunlessby His knowledge and He is not obeyed except with His permission. Allaahsays in what was reported from Him by His Prophet,"O My Slaves! | have made injusticeforbiddenfor myselfand I have also made it forbidden amongstyou, so do not wrong one another.O My slaves!You are all in error except him whom I guideso seek guidance from Me, I will guideyou. O May slaves!All of you are hungryexceptwhom I feed so seek food from Me, I will feed you. O My slaves!All of you are naked except him who I clothe;so seek clothing from Me, I will clotheyou! O My You commitsins by day and night,but I forgive slaves! all sins.So you.O My slaveslYou can seekforgiveness from Me, I witlforgive never be able to harm Me; and you can never be able to benefit yourselves, Me. O My slaves!lf the firstand the let alonebenefiting lastof you,and all the jinn and mankind amongyou were to be as pious as the most pious one among you, that adds nothingto My Kingdom. O My slaves!lf the firstand the last amongyou, and all of you are to be as sinfulas the most sinful the jinn and mankind you,that decreases from My Kingdom. nothing one amongst O My slavesl lf the first of you and the last among you were to stand at one place and ask Me and I grant to each and everyone his nothingfrom My Kingdomexceptlike what request, that decreases a thread reducesfrom the ocean when it is dipped inside it and then withdrawn.O My slaves! These are only your deeds that I for you, and upon which I give you reward. enumerateaccurately So whoeverfinds good reward,let him thank Alliih, but whoever findsanything else,let him not blamebut himself."'

' Y o o n u sl 0 : 1 0 8 . I Reported by Muslim


Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts

Lordof the worlds.Peaceand blessings All praiseis due to Allaah, our Prophet be upon the noblestof all Prophetsand Messengers, and companions Peacealso be uponhis household Muhammad.

Islaam: Its Foundations And Concepts Table of contents


Translator's note.. . Author'spreface. Where is the way?

. .. ... ..2

(overall creation), Existence of Allaah,His Lordship His Oneness and His being the only God worthy of worship. ....10 Creation o f t h eu n i v e r s e . . . . . The underling reason. Creating and honouring man The position of woman W h yw a s m a nc r e a t e d ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Man'sneedfor religion Criteria for identifying the truereligion Types of religions Conditions of the existing relig rons... The essence of Proohethood. Signsof Prophethood. Mankind's needfor the Messenoers .62 . . .. . . . 7 2 75

29 33 40
46 .53


T h e F i n a lR e t u r n . .

Islaam: Its Foundutions And Concepts

. . .1 0 0

Mission. Fundamentals of the Messenoers' M ge s s a g e ....... TheEverlastin T h eS e a l o fP r o p h e t h o o d . . . . . o f t h ew o r d :l s l a a m . Meaning of disbelief Reality of lslaam. Sources D e g r e eo sf R e l i g i o n . -The FirstDegree. - T h eS e c o n d Degree. - T h eT h i r d Degree. S o m eo f t h e b e a u t i eo sf l s l a a m - l t i s t h e o n l yr e l i g i o c nh o s e n b yA l l a a h -Comprehensiveness. -lt linksman to his Creator

. .. . .11 3 .......123 .......126 . . . ..1 30 .. 135 ..........149 ....149 ........156 ............178 . . . .. . .1 8 1 .....182 . . .. . .. 1 8 3 . . .1 8 3

- l tc a t e r s f o r t h e b e n e f i to .r .........184 s f t h i sw o r l da n d t h e H e r e a f t e -Easiness... -Justice. ....185 ........187

Islaom: Its Foundotions And Concepts -Enjoinin a n df o r b i d d i n ag l lg o o d ag l le v i l . . .

Repentance.. Repercussions of rejecting lslaam.. -Fearandlackofsecuritv... - D i f f i c u| li t fe...... -Lifein perpetual war withselfand the worldaround.. - A l i f eo f i g n o r a n c e . . . - A l i f eo f o n ew h o w r o n o s himse. lf .. wrath... Exposing oneself to Allaah's -Failura e n d l o s s . ...
- A l i f e o f d i s b e l i e fi n A l l a a h

221 .......187
189 . . . . .. 194 . .......194 ........195 ...196 . . . . .. . .. . . 1 9 8 . . . .. . .. 1 9 8 199

.. . .. . .. . . 2 0 2

-Being life... . of a realand a purposeful deprived -Livrng in an infinite torment Conclusion.



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