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Ensean a un computador a leer letras directamente de la mente Los cientficos han reconstruido los pensamientos humanos con mayor

precisin que nunca al lograr ensear a un ordenador a leer letras directamente de la mente. Los investigadores de la Universidad de Radboud Nijmegen de los Pases Bajos han utilizado imgenes de la resonancia magntica del cerebro y un modelo matemtico para identificar qu letra miraba un voluntario. En este estudio, los investigadores utilizaban letras escritas a mano. Para realizar el experimento, los cientficos introdujeron en el modelo datos sobre la manera de que pequeos volmenes de voxels (partes de las imgenes del cerebro escaneadas en 3D), de 2x2x2 milmetros, se corresponden a los pxeles individuales. Mediante la combinacin de toda la informacin sobre los pxeles de los voxels, el equipo holands fue capaz de reconstruir la imagen vista por el voluntario. El resultado que obtuvieron no fue una imagen clara, sino algo difuso. Para mejorar la calidad de las imgenes que se obtenan, los especialistas decidieron 'ensear' a los computadores el aspecto de las letras, "lo que dio su resultado"

They teach a computer to read letters straight from the mind Scientists have reconstructed human thoughts more accurately than ever to make teaching a computer to read letters straight from the mind. Researchers at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands have used magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and a mathematical model to identify which letter looked a volunteer. In this study, researchers used handwritten letters. To perform the experiment, the scientists introduced in the model data on the way for small volumes of voxels (parts of the brain images scanned in 3D), 2x2x2 mm, correspond to individual pixels. By combining all the pixel information of the voxels, the Dutch team was able to reconstruct the image seen by the volunteer. The result obtained was not a clear picture, but somewhat diffuse. To improve the quality of the images obtained, the experts decided to 'teach' computers the appearance of the letters, "which gave the result"

Dey tich ei compiurer tu rid lerers straight from di maind Saintist have riconstructed juman thongs more aquirately dan ever tu echieve ei compiurer tich lerers riad directly from di maind. Riserchers hat redboind university naijmeguen in di nederlands hav iusid magnetic resonans aimagin of di brein and ei matemateshin tu aidentify which lerer ei voluntiir in dis stady riserchers iusing hanwrii leres. Tu perform di experiment, di saintist introdus in di model deida on how tu dat smoll volums of voxels (parts of imayes scaneid in tridi) of two for two for two milimilers, corespond tu indivedual pixels. Bai convaining oll di pixel informeishon of di voxels, di datch tim was eib tu riconstruct di imaye siin di voluntiir di risult obtein was not clir picture, bot somwath di fus. Tu improve di quality of di images obtein, di experts diceided tu tich compiurer di epiarens of di lerers wich gueiv riseult.

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