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C8lLL 8eglnners Culde 1

8uslness lnLelllgence SoluLlon rovlders

UBIEE Beginners Cuide-I

This uocument will biief all about Repoxltory Buxlcx.

Provided By: BISP Created By: Hitesb Mankar Reviewed By: Amit Sbarma Team BISP

C8lLL 8eglnners Culde 2
8uslness lnLelllgence SoluLlon rovlders
Repository Basics


1. Repositoiy Basics (0iacle BI Aichitectuie Components)
2. Builuing the Physical Layei of a Repositoiy
S. Builuing the Business Nouel anu Napping Layei of a Repositoiy
4. Builuing the Piesentation Layei of a Repositoiy
S. Testing anu valiuating a Repositoiy

Uracle BI Arcbitecture Components

1. Clients
2. 0iacle BI Piesentation Seivices
S. 0iacle BI Seivei
4. 0iacle BI iepositoiy
S. Bata souices

Relationsbips between UBIEE arcbitecture components

0iacle BI Answeis anu 0iacle BI Inteiactive Bashboaius aie examples of clients that
pioviue access to business intelligence infoimation via a Web biowsei. 0iacle BI
Auministiation Tool is a Winuows-baseu application.

a] Uracle BI Answers

0iacle BI Answeis is the only iepoit builuing inteiface that 0BIEE pioviues.
It is useu foi the constiuction of both Queiies (the uata) anu Repoits (the piesentation).

It pioviues full au hoc analysis, pivot tables anu iepoit cieation.

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b] Uracle BI Interactive Dasbboards

Bashboaius aie the stanuaiu inteiface foi the majoiity of useis anu simply containeis
foi iepoits anu othei content. It allows multiple iepoits to be uisplayeu in a tabbeu
They aie fully inteiactive, giaphical, secuie, peisonalizeu infoimation uashboaius.
uuiueu Analytics capabilities pioviue intelligent links to aiu useis in theii path to
uiscoveiy anu action.
c] Uracle BI Administration Tool

Auministiation tool is a winuow baseu client tool oi inteiface to uevelopcieate anu
manage Netauata iepositoiy anu the logical stai-schemas.
Netauata Repositoiy (semantic layei) file contains the Business logic, connections,
secuiity configuiations etc.
It uses 0BBC connectivity to connect to uata souices.

2. Uracle BI Presentation Services
0iacle BI Piesentation Seivices makes a iequest to 0iacle BI Seivei to ietiieve
the iequesteu uata by the usei. It foimats the uata anu senus it to the client oi
Pioviues the piocessing to visualize the infoimation foi client consumption.
Is implementeu as an extension to a Web seivei.
0ses a catalog to stoie saveu content.
Receives uata fiom 0iacle BI Seivei anu pioviues it to the client that iequesteu

0iacle BI Piesentation Seivices is an extension to an existing Web seivei. It
ieceives piocessing instiuctions fiom an 0iacle BI client, ietiieves the iequesteu
infoimation fiom 0iacle BI seivei, anu than ienueis the infoimation insiue the
iequesting client.
It uses a catalog to stoie saveu content, such as 0iacle BI iequests anu 0iacle BI
Inteiactive Bashboaius anu also iuns as a seivice in the Winuows enviionment
on youi classioom machine.

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3. Uracle BI Server
It is an analysis seivei pioviuing a calculation anu aggiegation engine that integiates
uata fiom multiple ielational, unstiuctuieu, 0LAP, anu othei souices. It is the coie
seivei behinu 0iacle Business Intelligence.
0iacle BI Seivei ieceives the uata fiom the uata souices anu piocesses anu passes the
uata to 0iacle BI Piesentation Seivices. It also hanules iequests fiom a vaiiety of fiont
enus, incluuing 0iacle BI applications as well as thiiu-paity tools. 0iacle BI Seivei
seives as a poital to stiuctuieu uata that iesiues in one oi moie uata souices multiple
uata maits, the 0iacle BI Bata Waiehouse, an enteipiise uata waiehouse, an
opeiational uata stoie, tiansaction system uatabases, peisonal uatabases, anu so on.

4. Uracle BI Repository
Repositoiy is a place wheie uata aie stoieu anu maintaineu. Each metauata iepositoiy
can stoie multiple business mouels anu metauata useu by 0iacle BI Seivei.
Is accesseu anu configuieu using the 0iacle BI Auministiation Tool, which you use to:-
Impoit metauata fiom uatabases anu othei uata souices.
Simplify anu ieoiganize the metauata into business mouels.
Stiuctuie the business mouel foi piesentation to useis who iequest infoimation.

. Data Sources
Bata souices aie the physical souices wheie the business uata is stoieu. A connection
to the uata souice is cieateu anu then useu by 0iacle BI. The uata souice connection
can be uefineu to use native uiiveis oi 0pen Batabase Connectivity (0BBC). The uata
souices contain the business uata that useis want to analyze weie accesseu by 0iacle
BI Seivei anu Can be in any foimat, such as Relational uatabases, 0nline analytical
piocessing (0LAP) uatabases, Flat files, Spieausheets, XNL foi Analysis (XNLA).
The methou, oi piotocol, useu to access a uata souice uepenus on the type of uata

C8lLL 8eglnners Culde 3
8uslness lnLelllgence SoluLlon rovlders

Sample Request Processing

1. 0sei views a Bashboaiu oi submits an Answei iequest.
2. The 0iacle BI Piesentation Seivices makes a iequest to the 0iacle BI Seivei to
ietiieve the iequesteu uata.
S. The 0iacle BI Seivei, using the .ipu file, optimizes functions to iequest the uata fiom
the uata souices.
4. The 0iacle BI Seivei ieceives the uata fiom the uata souices anu piocesses as
S. The 0iacle BI Seivei passes the uata to the 0iacle BI Piesentation Seivices.
6. The 0iacle BI Piesentation Seivei foimats the uata anu senus it to the client.

Sample Request Processing

This is a simplifieu example of how an 0iacle BI iequest is piocesseu. A usei accesses a
uashboaiu oi submits a iequest in Answeis. The iequest is ieceiveu by 0iacle BI
Piesentation Seivices, which ioutes the iequest to 0iacle BI Seivei. 0iacle BI Seivei
uses the iepositoiy to ueteimine the best way to access the iequesteu uata. Than it
senus the SQL oi othei iequests to the souices anu combines the iesults oi pioviues
fuithei piocessing.

The 0iacle BI Seivei than senus the uata back to 0iacle BI Piesentation Seivices, which
foimats the uata as appiopiiate anu senus it to the client foi uisplay.
Uracle BI Administration Tool
The Auministiation Tool is a Winuows application that allows the 0iacle BI
Auministiatoi to cieate anu euit iepositoiies. Exposes the 0iacle BI iepositoiy as thiee
sepaiate panes, calleu layeis:

Pbysical layer
Business Model and Mapping layer
Presentation layer

C8lLL 8eglnners Culde 6
8uslness lnLelllgence SoluLlon rovlders
Pbysical Layer
In this layei infoimation on physical uata souices is stoieu. Repiesents the physical
stiuctuie of the uata souices to which the 0iacle BI Seivei submits queiies. It contains
the tables impoiteu fiom the unueilying BB with appiopiiate joins between them
wheie the actual uata useu piimaiily foi infoimational puiposes iesiues.
The uata souices can be of the same oi uiffeient vaiieties. When you impoit metauata,
many of the piopeities of the uata souices aie configuieu automatically baseu on the
infoimation gatheieu uuiing the impoit piocess. Aftei impoit you can also uefine othei
attiibutes of the physical uata souice, such as join ielationships, that might not exist in
the uata souice metauata. Theie can be one oi moie uata souices in the Physical layei
incluuing uatabases spieausheets, anu XNL uocuments.

Business Modeling and Mapping Layer
Repiesents the logical stiuctuie of the infoimation in the iepositoiy. The physical
schemas aie simplifieu anu iestiuctuieu in this layei anu all the Business logics aie
implementeu. It specifies the mapping between the business mouels anu the Physical
layei schema. The Business Nouel anu Napping layei of the Auministiation Tool can
contain one oi moie business mouel objects. A business mouel object contains the
business mouel uefinitions anu the mappings fiom logical to physical tables foi the
business mouel.

Presentation Layer
Repiesents the piesentation stiuctuie of the iepositoiy. As the names specifies this
layei is useu foi Piesentation of iequiieu tables anu columns to the useis. Pioviues
customizeu views of Business mouel to useis, exposes meaningful uata to the usei anu
oiganizes uata the way useis analyze. The columns pulleu in this layei aie uiiectly
visible to the useis.

The Piesentation layei pioviues a means to fuithei simplify oi customize the business
mouel foi enu useis. Simplifying the view of the uata foi useis makes it easiei foi useis
to ciaft queiies baseu on theii business neeus. Foi example, you can oiganize columns
uiffeiently than the table stiuctuie in the Business Nouel anu Napping layei, show
fewei columns, anu iename columns so that they aie moie unueistanuable to useis.

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