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Meeting minutes 8/24/13

-parents need to read over and initial health history forms -need to talk about product sale(s) -garden -plans for upcoming year 1. S.M.A.R.T. Goals Goals should describe accomplishments, not activities. First, lets look at what the S.M.A.R.T. acronym means... Specific: Goal objectives should address the five Ws... who, what, when, where, and why. Make sure the goal specifies what needs to be done with a timeframe for completion. Use action verbs... create, design, develop, implement, produce, etc. Example: resolve accounting discrepancies within 48 hours. Measurable: Goal objectives should include numeric or descriptive measures that define quantity, quality, cost, etc. How will you and your staff member know when the goal has been successfully met? Focus on elements such as observable actions, quantity, quality, cycle time, efficiency, and/or flexibility to measure outcomes, not activities. Example: secure pledges from ten new donors by the end of each week. Achievable: Goal objectives should be within the staff members control and influence; a goal may be a stretch but still feasible. Is the goal achievable with the available resources? Is the goal achievable within the timeframe originally outlined? Consider authority or control, influence, resources, and work environment support to meet the goal. Example: obtain the XYZ professional certification within two years. Relevant: Goals should be instrumental to the mission of the department (and ultimately, the insti- tution). Why is the goal important? How will the goal help the department achieve its objectives? Develop goals that relate to the staff members key accountabilities or link with departmental goals that align with the institutional agenda. Example: develop and implement a diversity recruitment plan that increases the number of diversity candidates by ten percent.
S=M=A=R=T= Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound
SMART Goals Handout Updated: 10/5/2007

Time-bound: Goal objectives should identify a definite target date for completion and/or frequencies for specific action steps that are important for achieving the goal. How often should the staff member work on this assignment? By when should this goal be accomplished? Incorporate specific dates, calendar milestones, or timeframes that are relative to the achievement of another result (i.e., dependencies and linkages to other projects). Example: check the fire alarms and emergency lighting in all buildings every six months. Lets look at some more examples:

For an organization or department... Not SMART Improve our student service. SMART Achieve and maintain an average student service rating of at least 4.0 (out of a possible 5.0) on our annual survey by 11/20/08. For an exempt staff member... Not SMART SMART Not SMART SMART Create our 2008 strategic plan. Create our 2008 strategic plan, obtain final approval from the Budget Committee, and discuss it with our department so individuals can begin setting their performance objectives by 8-29-07. Improve project management skills. Take the Project Management Essentials workshop on 10-18-2007, report what was learned to our team by 11-01-2007, and apply the relevant concepts while implementing our 2008 marketing plan. For a nonexempt staff member... Not SMART SMART Not SMART SMART Send out welcome letters to our new students. Produce and distribute personalized welcome letters, error free, to all new students in our department by 9-26-07. Be more receptive to coaching suggestions and feedback. At our monthly progress meetings, ask for feedback on what you are doing well and what things to improve. Keep a notebook with this information, try out the suggestions, and document each week what worked and what didnt. For an exempt or nonexempt staff member... Not SMART Keep our departments Website up-to-date. SMART Solicit updates and new material for the Website from our department managers on the first Friday of each month; publish this new material by the following Friday. Each time material is published, review the Website for material that is out-ofdate and delete or archive that material. Remember the S.M.A.R.T. acronym when establishing goals and objectives. This formula for goal- setting helps ensure that both supervisors and staff members share the same understanding and clarity on goals set during the performance management cycle.
SMART Goals Handout Updated: 10/5/2007

Emma has agreed to set up a troop website; she will research options by 5 pm on 8/25 and let the troop know. Maureen will get 3 girl guide books on Monday, 8/26; Maureen will drop

one off The troop agreed to 28% profit and patches vs. 25% with the stuff Emma suggested letters for donations The troop has decided to give up the garden plot Maddie will contact Shelter from the Storm to set up dog walking ; explore other options other than SftS??? The troop decided to volunteer 1-2x/month and we will put the dates on the calendar Please come to the 9/8 meeting with 2 ideas for the coming year. 9/8 meeting at Maddies house 5/7/13 It was decided that we will contact Pinney branch library to see if we can place a bin or barrel there to collect additional toiletry items to finish the Fitness to Fashion badge Maggie will find out who to contact at the library We will need to ask them when we can place the bin and how long it can stay there In order to finish earning this badge, we agreed to try again with the toiletry drive and put together virtual directories of skin care tips Meeting with the Art Director is still in the works Maddie will contact Shelter from the Storm to set up dog walking We will NOT participate in the community bridging workshop or ceremony. Once we have a definite idea who is bridging, we will schedule a ceremony with just our troop Upcoming dates to remember: Sunday, May 19, 9:30-10noon we will kick off the garden project with the churchs Sunday school children: building benches? Friday, June 7th volunteering at River Food Pantry, meet at Cucos about 4:50 pm 2/27/13

garden: what next? Find another troop; do an additional sustainable project? A group of kids from the church. Well stick with the tires. Build a bench or two; wood burner from Danielles grandfather; flower box on the back with perennials? Sunday school kids to help take care of it and take it over Build a bench Try to donate more of the food we grow Isabells dad has a worm connection for a possible compost bin Maddie shared that her parents arent too much into the idea because she lives far away. She thinks we shouldnt do it. Michele, Art Director for BonTon (Boston Store) will come to speak with us on Saturday, May 18th: confirmed, so please mark your calendars

Isabell is available the weekends of: April 5th April 19 May 3rd May 17th May 31
Road trip Toronto; Europe; no 3rd world countries; Chicago; New York Right now New York seems to be the frontrunner, but each girl should think about alternative destinations for the next meeting . Maureen had the idea that we could consider asking business(es) for donations to help raise money; or perhaps grants Isabells dad, Tyler, sent a link to a film about youth prostitution in Madison. I will forward the link in a separate email. Parents, please preview the film and decide if youd like to share it with your daughter. 2/13/13 compared fashion magazines: too skinny; unrealistic fashions; too much emphasis on make-up and nails; received a fitness log baked a thank you pie talked about food pantry for next meeting, we need to talk about the garden: what next? Find another troop; do an additional sustainable project? A group of

kids from the church. Well stick with the tires. Build a bench or two; wood burner from Danielles grandfather; flower box on the back with perennials? Where to donate toiletries: Project RESPECT; YWCA; other ideas???

Project RESPECT 1. What is prostitution? Prostitution is violence against women. It is sexual exploitation, one of the worst forms of womens inequality, and a violation of any persons human rights. Prostitution is a system that includes casual, brothel, escort agency, mail order bride selling, sex tourism and trafficking in women. All prostitution exploits women, regardless of womens consent. Prostitution is sexual exploitation that can prey on women and children made vulnerable by poverty, and women who have been victims of childhood sexual abuse. It affects all women, justifies the sale of any woman, and reduces all women to sex. Sexual exploitation includes prostitution, rape, incest, battering, pornography and sexual harassment. 2. What is Project RESPECT? Project RESPECT is a womens center that provides advocacy, case management, counseling, crisis intervention, transitional housing and peer support group services for women with prostitution histories that have changed or want to change their lives. We provide a safe and non-judgmental place to meet and talk with other women with similar histories. We assist women to have increased options available to them and reach their goals. Women served include: survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, women with chemical dependency and vocational issues. 3. How is prostitution related to trauma? For many prostituted women, prostitution replicates the sexual abuse suffered in the home. (Silbert, 1982) While there is not simple cause-effect relationship between child sexual abuse and prostitution, prior sexual abuse, particularly when it has been sustained over time, predisposes women and makes them vulnerable to other sexual exploitation and to not fighting back. (Barry, 1995) 4. Is prostitution a problem in our community? Yes. Anywhere that you find family violence and gender inequality you will find prostitution. 5. How does Project RESPECT work to end prostitution in our community? RESPECT cannot end prostitution. Prostitution is a community issue that requires a broad community response. Ending prostitution must be included in our community discussions to end all forms of violence against women. RESPECT staff serve on state (Office of Justice Assistance, Violence Against Women Act, AntiTrafficking Committee), county (Dane County Commission on Sensitive Crimes) and city level groups to address issues faced by prostituted women. 6. Are prostituted women protected by the Federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act? Yes. The Federal TVPA protects persons trafficked in domestic prostitution. The TVPA protects you whether the coercion is physical or psychological, whether the threats of violence are acted upon or not. 7. Why should I care about prostituted women? Because prostituted women could be our sisters, daughters, mothers, and friends. The sexual exploitation of women victimizes women both within and outside prostitution. 8. How do I make a referral? How do I start? Contact 283-6435 for an intake appointment and assessment with a case manager. Appointment hours can be arranged to meet individual needs and schedules. Selfreferrals and referrals from human service agencies, law enforcement, departments of corrections and others are welcomed. Individual service plans are developed with each woman to meet her needs. Individualized goals for each woman may include: successful family reintegration with children, finding employment or other lawful source of income, securing safe/affordable housing, accessing substance abuse treatment and/or mental health counseling. What can you do to help? Expand your definition of sexual assault and violence against women to include prostitution. Work to change attitudes, behaviors and values in our society that support or tolerates sexual exploitation. Support Project RESPECT. Donations of adult and childrens clothing, small and large household

items, office equipment and supplies, and financial support to help meet basic needs is greatly appreciated.

1/6/13 For 1/9 meeting: write email to MA people for 1/30 meeting to bring toiletries draft text/email to Christie and Michele inviting them to help us earn this badge make lip gloss compare fashion magazines look for a fitness log Silver Award plan Call self defense guy Hi Christie, We are working on a badge Fitness to Fashion and one of the requirements is to learn about different jobs. We know that you are a hair stylist, knowledgeable about makeup and very fashionable and we were wondering if you could talk to us and give us some ideas. We would be more than willing to come you if thats more convenient. We are excited to learn about your job and different hairstyles that might work for different hair types and lengths. Sincerely, Troop 2796: Danielle, Emma, Isabell, Maddie, Maggie, Maureen and Angela Hi Michele, We are working on a badge Fitness to Fashion and one of the requirements is to learn about different jobs. We know that you are an art director for Bon-Ton stores, we hear that you are artistic and that you are fashionable. We were wondering if you could talk to us about your job. We are excited to meet you and learn about your job. Sincerely, Troop 2796: Danielle, Emma, Isabell, Maddie, Maggie, Maureen and Angela Dear MA 13: We are working on the Fitness to Fashion cadette badge. One of the

service projects is a toiletry drive within our council for women in need in our community. We would appreciate it if you could ask members of your troop to collect toiletries (travel/trial and full size) as well as feminine hygiene products. Our leaders will be at the January 30th meeting and we ask that you bring donations to them there. Sincerely, Troop 2796: Danielle, Emma, Isabell, Maddie, Maggie, Leaders: Maureen Marshall and Angela Junga Please feel free to hand out the attached flyer.

12/10/12 -talk about food pantry: Friday, 1/11 meet at Cucos parking lot at 5:15 and we will all ride together. We will call when we are on our way back for pick up at the same place. -talk about cookies and how to thank Regan bake Tagalong Brownie Pie on self defense Sunday: -badges: Fitness to Fashion p. 28 Angela will ask Michele if she would come for a weekend day -garden: what next? Find another troop; do an additional sustainable project? A group of kids from the church. Well stick with the tires. Build a bench or two; wood burner from Danielles grandfather; flower box on the back with perennials? -Self Defense Sunday (1/20): meet beforehand at 1:30 to back pie for Regan followed by self defense course at Council Danielle will be next with My Way scheduled to start around end of January 11/7/12 Discussion of election results and how the election might affect the countrys issues. 10/10/12

Maggie lead the meeting with her My Way topic centered around politics and the issues relevant to this years election: Mock election for president was held with each troop member voting for a candidate based on each candidates ideas on key issues Cookie updates: We will sell at Gander Mtn on Sunday, 11/25 from 10a-2p. Well do two shifts there. Other ideas for cookie booths are Farm & Fleet; Hilldale mall wrapping station (East Towne is already booked); Summit Credit Union on Cottage Grove Rd. Vegan cookies: Thanks-A-Lot, thin mints, Lemonades, peanut butter patties

Fundraising updates: Black Friday fundraiser: hot chocolate and/or coffee at Best Buy or Wal-mart or some other store that will have long lines. Or we could try to set up a cookie booth at one of those stores. Maureen will check with Steep and Brew to see if they would donate to us. A craft of some kind (ornaments?) to be made during the sleepover and sold at Wisconsin Craft Market, a boy scout gathering or somewhere else The girls are going to discuss further ideas amongst themselves

Oct. 20th sleepover at Emmas house: bring sleeping bag/pillow, wear PJs, bring a food item, stuffed animal and toiletries Self Defense class for Nov. 1st will be rescheduled to Sun, Jan. 20th in the afternoon or Monday, Jan. 21st in the late afternoon or evening 9/23/12 At the sleepover, Emma will trial different foods and Maggie will organize a knitting project Maggie will prepare her My Way topic for the next meeting. Something related to the election. 8/19/12 Agenda:

-finalize camping plans -grocery list: Maddie will prepare it and possibly email it to the rest of the group for input -pick a date for grocery shopping: Woodmans east, 7:00 pm on Fri. 9/7 -Meet at Emmas house, 9:00 am on Saturday morning, 9/8. -BRING: sleeping bag/pillow, flashlight, change of clothes (long pants, jacket, sweatshirt), pajamas, toiletries, walking shoes, socks, bug spray, sunscreen, stocking cap for night, items for decorating buckets Please look at the camping badge requirements and be sure to check the weather ahead of time. buckets: rectangular 11 5/8 x 9 3/8 (10.5x 12.5) vs. round (12 in. diameter), both from Wal-Mart Con-Tac paper with fabric scraps, duct tape accents Pillow sewing on 9/3/12 from 4-6 pm at Maggies house; Emma should bring sewing machine. Each girl should bring 1/3 to yard for her pillow The troop will provide Con-Tac paper (10x12x18 for rectangular) and Velcro -discuss what activities to do this year: 10/20 sleepover; 11/10 trip to Portage; spa day on 1/12 At 9/12 meeting we will plan Silver Award presentations. Nola agreed to contact Jodi about the Spirit group. -whos next for My Way? We will decide in the upcoming weeks though Danielle, Maggie and Emma said they could possibly be ready to start on 9/26 Budget $30 camping $65 Native people $60 spa day $48 self defense groceries $100 Badgerland Bucks credit

7/24/12 Current balance ~$200 Maggies dad is willing to talk with Danielle about microbiology Maddie would like to tent camp. She will look into GS properties; Camp Brandenburg is the 1st choice; Echo Valley is 2nd choice. She will send an email soon with the decision and hopefully a firm date. Danielles dad has access to boy scout camping stuff if we need it; her grandpa has a 5-person canoe Tie-dying, crafts, fishing bucket stool, learn to build a fire, hike Menu: breakfast banana bread made ahead; lunch Pudgie pie meals? Done: Angela will make copies of badge requirements and send them out: Conflict resolution A to V Fitness to fashion Camping Eco action Campus girl scouts as an option to join us 7/9/12 My Way projects: Danielle has an adventure scout contact who is also a microbiologist; science; science direction Maggie space stuff; planetarium or observatory Elkhorn?; NASA teachers resources; both Carol and Helen have information; Bronwen media production; Madison Media Institute; connection through the Jungas: and also
Emma recycling, renewable energy; check for compost article in Isthmus Maddie camping; survival skills; archery (Wendricks have a connection Bristol Club); Upham Woods. Maddie will start first with the hope that we

can go camping in September or early October We discussed: o Community garden festival participation o Fundraising for (international) travel o Recurring volunteer work to food pantry/bank Danielle will ask her dad about archery and let Maddie know We will volunteer at River Food Pantry on Friday, July 27 th at 5:00 Angela has let them know this Our next meeting is on Tuesday, July 24th at 6:30 at Maddies house. 6/6/12 For next year: Have It Your Way each girl chooses a theme which the troop will focus on for a certain amount of time (2 or 3 meetings, especially if we meet during summer and parents are willing to help with research/prep work) Meeting in summer; visit from Carol Dinner for 100th: pizza, pasta or Red Robin? Next meeting: May 1st 4/12/12 Catch up and share, make flowers for 100th celebration Century celebration -where to eat: ians, Unos, Noodles, any other ideas? -matching shirts or bags or headbands/hair things?: hair things -agenda for the day To get to the site, go to, click on the 100th tab. On the left side of the 100th page you will see a link to Century Celebration Participant Information. You will need to sign in to get details. The signin information is: User Name: 100th

Password: Century100 Next year: Maggie has decided not to be part of the troop, but will continue with the Silver Award project Next few meetings May 1st: duct tape bow for each girl to wear in her hair during the 100 th celebration for easy identification, committee reports 1 meeting in May, TBD: Action Item: Second Harvest: M, T, Th shifts are 4-7 pm; Sat 9-12 sorting/inspecting food, rebagging, inspecting and labeling things. Tour before shift begins I sent an email tonight to find a day 3rd meeting: Spirit group presents on their project???? We will still go to Shelter from the Storm, date TBA 2/21/12 craft project 15 min. committee time 15 min. Amaze book 15 min. Choose three activities of the Interact Challenges on pp. 12-15 of the Amaze book finish quiz on pp. 102-105 in the Amaze book share p. 110 with your parents


Girls received incentives for cookie sales and received magazine/nut sale materials. Girls made their incentive choices right away. The sale begins this Friday, 2/10 Collect money NOW, make checks payable to GS of Badgerland Council. Money and order forms are due to Jodi on February 27 when we go to the Humane Society Action item: List of houses/duplexes/homeroom Ashley will email to Mrs. Jabs:

For next meeting: Choose three activities of the Interact Challenges on pp. 12-15 of the Amaze book finish quiz on pp. 102-105 in the Amaze book share p. 110 with your parents Current account balance: $676 1/24/12 Meeting with Junior Troop at Messiah Lutheran

100th anniversary celebration: talk about the options cost to attend this event: $264 ($64); current balance: $564.14 DINNER ideas: Ians pizza, Melting Pot, Noodles, Subway, bring a picnic to eat on campus, Monona Terrace, for dinner It was decided that we will attend the full event (rally, march, camp-in), discussion re. dinner to follow Jan. 24th: groups to talk about making friends at Sennett and other Sennett-related topics, open question/answer; get together in summer to talk about Houses Action item for Jan. 24th: List of houses/duplexes/homeroom - Ashley Spirit Report Will be soliciting donations from different stores March 6 demonstrating crafts Body Report Reported on service experience at Luke House and suggested the whole troop serve on Feb. 2nd (details to come)

Action item for Angela: what should Mrs. Jabs troop provide? Gingerbread person for each girl; her troop should bring candies for decorating, cups/plates; our troop will provide gingerbread cookies, frosting, hot cider and bags

Action item for Angela: 100th anniversary celebration: watch for email Spirit Report 4 kits: Popsicle stick frames, gimp, duct tape and beaded bracelets next step: do the math, including checking with local stores about donation of materials or price cuts, possibly donations of CDs or DVDs 1st: collect materials, 2nd: make the videos Body Report Will focus on animals during the winter months: donations to Shelter from the Storm and the Humane Society Will focus on people in the spring: volunteering in the garden(s)

activity for Jan. 24th meeting with 5th grade troop -gingerbread houses: reduced after Christmas -gingerbread people decorate your own and have hot chocolate; short activity report/decision on selling bookmarks at LVM: Friday, 12/16 or Monday 12/19 after school Emma Thursday the 15th at pack meeting: everyone from 6-8:30 at the VFW, parent help needed. Rhonda Humane Society: last Monday in February Second Harvest: M, T, Th shifts are 4-7 pm; Sat 9-12 sorting/inspecting food, rebagging, inspecting and labeling things. Tour before shift begins Shelter from the Storm: we need to let Danielles aunt know what day wed like to come: Sunday or Friday afternoon?

-discussed decision-making/reaching a consensus consensus: for bigger decisions; vote: for quick minor decisions

-where to donate cookies: Ronald McDonald House or food pantry decided to donate to Second Harvest Action Item: food bank tour: look into this. Maggie will check into whether or not our troop can volunteer at Second Harvest, time when we can tour -presented model for action project: consensus was reached Action Item: Danielle will contact her aunt re. volunteering at Shelter from the Storm Spirit Report -will make craft bags/ instructive videos to donate to C.H.: pillow making with fleece, beading, duct tape, stuffed animals, hand knitting, origami, nail art?, -will get stuff together for 3 crafts and teach them to the group -Emma offered her flip video camera Body Report -promoting health/nutrition for the whole family; helping families get the right nutrition Action Item for the group: p. 40 of Amaze book, share 1 thing they did share what happened at the meeting with your family Places to sell bookmarks???? Used book sales at libraries Pack meetings (2nd Thursday; Dec. 15th) Action item for Angela: Put in LVM staff lounge: ask Pat; take orders VFW Friday night fish fry Beads of Hope?? Fill the Bowl at Kohls Center on Sat. Jan. 28 th ($1 for kids/$3 for adults tickets for UW womens hockey)

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