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WASS which shows your current location, users who r logged in, your terminal
type and log name?

2. WASS that asks for your name & then displays a welcome message


3. WASS that asks for your name, your enrolment number, subjects (5), program,
and semester and display all the details?

4. WASS where you read a number n, if the number is less than 10 display discount
5% and if number is greater than 10 then display discount 20%?

5. WASS that asks for your name, age, department, course & address & display

6. WASS to read the number & check whether it is even or odd?

7. WASS that checks whether a particular file exists or not. If it exists then copy its
contents to another file.

8. WASS that checks whether the file exists or not. If yes then rename that file to

9. Enter 2 file names in the command line then copy the source file to target file?

10.WASS that checks whether the file exists or not. If yes then rename that file to

11.WASS in which you have to copy a source file to target. This source & target are
given by cmd line if this copy is successful then echo the msg “Successful copy
of the source file” else “File not copied: Error.”

12.WASS that display the date in the desired format “Year-month-date-day”?

13.WASS that accepts the existing directory name as a parameter and open the
directory, check the location and create a file and list the directory?

14.WASS that checks the total number of parameter passed to a shell script?
15.WASS that add, subtract, multiply, divide and modulas when A and B values are

16. In a company an employee is paid as under. If –

a. Salary HRA DA

b. <15000 40% 89%

c. >=15000 54% 92%

d. The employee input is through the keyboard WASS to find his Gross
17.WASS which takes the name, roll number, marks and calculate percentage of the
student. If percentage is greater than equal to 75% then display “DISTINCTION”,
greater than equal to 60% then display “1st Div”, if greater than equal to 50% “
2nd div”, if greater than equal to 40% display “3rd Div”, less than 40% display

18.WASS where you enter a year and check whether its leap or not?

19.WASS to calculate the sum of the digits of a 5 digit number and display the
reverse of the digit?

20.WASS to find the area and circumference of a circle?

21.WASS to find the area and parameter of a rectangle?

22.Enter a file name frm a command line that checks whether it is an ordinary file
or directory file. If it is a directory file then echo the message and check the
required permission to list the directory or if it is a ordinary file. Then check the
required permission to display the content of the file.

23.Enter a file name, take the input as a file name. Check the whether the file is a
directory and check the required permission to create a subdirectory in that
directory and if it is not a directory check the required permission to edit the file.
If permissions r there then echo the message and append the file. If permission
is not there then give the permission and append?

24.Find the factorial of the given number through argument or within the program.

25.Find the Fibonacci series till the last output is 300.

26.WASS which checks the name of each file in your directory & if it is an ordinary
file rename it to filename.logname if it’s a directory rename to

27.WASS where you display the table of a number entered through command line.

28.Write a menu driven program which works with the foll. Choices:-
Choice 1. Display the current working directory.

Choice 2. Display the date in format


Choice 3. Display the longlisting of current directory.

Choice 4. Display the longlisting of current directory with these only-

filename, userid, groupid, link & size.

Choice5. Display the list of all the files in your directory in reverse
sorted order.

Choice 6. Display the list of all the users who have logged in at that

Choice 7. Display the process id of the current shell.

29.Write a menu driven program. With the specified choices:-

Choice 1. Display a welcome message to the login.

Choice 2. Ask for 2 numbers & do Addition of 2 numbers.

Choice 3. Subtraction of 2 numbers

Choice 4. Multiplication of 2 numbers

Choice5. Exit

30.Write a menu driven program. With the full specifications:-

Find out from current date

If the day entered is Monday, Display the message – It is a formal dress


If the day entered is Tuesday, Display the message – Meeting at 9 a.m.

If the day entered is Wednesday, Display the message – Sports day.

If the day entered is Thursday, Display the message – Meeting at 4

with the director.

If the day entered is Friday, Display the message – Day to take backup
of all the files.

If the day entered is Saturday, Display the message – Movie day.

If the day entered is Sunday, Display the message – It is a family picnic


31.WASS using case structure which checks

a. Whether the name entered begins with a vowel or consonant.

b. Whether the name entered starts with small case or upper case.
32.WASS using case structure where you enter a character & check

If the entered character is a vowel, display the message accordingly.

If the entered character is a consonant, display the message


If the entered character is a special character, display the message


If the entered character is a digit, display the message accordingly.

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