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Obsah / Contents

A  ÚSTNA ČASŤ: Maturitné témy a konverzačné úlohy ....................................  9

Lekcia 1: Family (Rodina)...................................................................................................  15
Lekcia 2: Culture and Art (Kultúra a umenie)............................................................... 20
Lekcia 3: Sports and Games  (Športy a hry)....................................................................  25
Lekcia 4: Housing (Bývanie)............................................................................................... 30
Lekcia 5: Shopping and Services (Obchod a služby)..................................................... 36
Lekcia 6: Health Care (Starostlivosť o zdravie).............................................................. 42
Lekcia 7: Travelling (Cestovanie)...................................................................................... 48
Lekcia 8: Education (Vzdelanie)........................................................................................  55
Lekcia 9: Jobs (Zamestnanie).............................................................................................  61
Lekcia 10: People and Nature (Ľudia a príroda)............................................................. 68
Lekcia 11: Science and Technology (Veda a technika)..................................................  73
Lekcia 12: People and Society (Ľudia a spoločnosť)......................................................  79
Lekcia 13: The Young and Their World (Mládež a jej svet)..........................................  85
Lekcia 14: Food (Stravovanie)............................................................................................ 90
Lekcia 15: Hobbies, Leisure and Lifestyle (Záľuby, voľný čas a životný štýl)............ 96
Lekcia 16: Multicultural Society (Multikultúrna spoločnosť).................................. 102
Lekcia 17: Towns and Places (Mestá a miesta)............................................................. 109
Lekcia 18: Fashion (Móda)................................................................................................  115
Lekcia 19: English-speaking Countries (Anglicky hovoriace krajiny)..................... 121
Lekcia 20: Slovakia – My Homeland (Slovensko – moja vlasť)................................. 127
Lekcia 21: Human Relationships (Medziľudské vzťahy)............................................. 133
Lekcia 22: Communication and Languages (Komunikácia a jazyky)......................  141
Lekcia 23: Mass Media (Masmédiá)...............................................................................  148
Lekcia 24: The Book – The Friend of People (Kniha – priateľ človeka)................... 154
Lekcia 25: Idols and Celebrities (Idoly a celebrity)...................................................... 160
KEY (kľúč k ústnej časti – oddeliteľný) .........................................................................  165

B  GRAMATIKA (Otestuj sa v gramatike) ........................................................ 171

Nouns – Podstatné mená ................................................................................................  175
Adjectives – Prídavné mená ............................................................................................ 185
Adverbs – Príslovky .......................................................................................................... 193
Pronouns – Zámená ......................................................................................................... 196
Grammar Tenses – Gramatické časy ............................................................................ 205
Modal Verbs – Modálne slovesá .................................................................................... 234
Prepositions – Predložky ................................................................................................. 238
Fixed Expressions – Ustálené spojenia ......................................................................... 241
Conditional Clauses – Podmienkové vety ................................................................... 250
Passive Voice – Trpný rod ............................................................................................... 254
Indirect (Reported) Speech – Nepriama reč ............................................................... 258
Conjuctions – Spojky ....................................................................................................... 264
Numerals – Číslovky ........................................................................................................ 267
British and American English – Brtiská a americká angličtina .............................. 269
Irregular Verbs – Nepravidelné slovesá ........................................................................ 270
KEY (kľúč ku gramatike – oddeliteľný) ........................................................................  275

C  PÍSOMNÁ ČASŤ ............................................................................................  292

LISTENING TASKS (úlohy na precvičenie počúvania s porozumením) .............. 293
Tapescripts (prepis nahrávok – oddeliteľný) ............................................................... 300
LANGUAGE IN USE (úlohy na precvičenie anglickej gramatiky) .......................... 305
READING TASKS (práca s textom) ..............................................................................  315
WRITING TASKS (úlohy na precvičenie písania) ..................................................... 326
Writing – Examples (ukážky písania vybraných žánrov v angličtine) ................... 328
KEY (kľúč k písomnej časti – oddeliteľný) ................................................................... 334

D  LITERATÚRA ................................................................................................  337
LITERARY TERMS (literárne termíny) ....................................................................... 338
SOME ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WRITERS (vybraní angl. a amer. autori) .... 339
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (rozbor) ................................................ 342
The Old Man and the Sea (rozbor) ................................................................................ 348
KEY (kľúč k literárnym úlohám – oddeliteľný) ........................................................... 354

E  DOPLNKOVÝ MATERIÁL ...........................................................................  355

(anglicky hovoriace krajiny a Slovensko) ................................................................ 356
THE EUROPEAN UNION AND NATO (EÚ a NATO)............................................ 370
(niektoré užitočné frázy a výrazy) ............................................................................ 372
SHORT DIALOGUES (krátke dialógy) ........................................................................ 378
WORD FORMATION (slovotvorba) ............................................................................ 383
BASIC PHRASAL VERBS (základné frázové slovesá) ............................................... 386

Types of sports and games (typy športov a hier)

Popular sports and games in Slovakia, England, the USA TRACK
(obľúbené športy a hry na Slovensku, v Anglicku, USA)
Asking questions (kladenie otázok) 04
Interviewing a famous sportsman (rozhovor so známym športovcom)

i  Discuss the following questions in class. Then read the text below.
1. Give the names of some British sports.
2. What sports are you interested in?
3. Who is your favourite sportsman/sportswoman? Why?

T here are indoor and outdoor sports. Gymnastics is a typical indoor sport.
  It can be practised all the year round in gyms. Athletics, cycling, hiking and
most aquatic (water) sports, like sailing, regatta, water-skiing, diving, wind-surf-
ing and others are outdoor sports practised mainly during the summer. Swimming
is also a typical summer sport. In winter it is possible to practise it in indoor pools.
Sportsmen practise winter sports, such as skiing, skating, snow-boarding and to-
bogganing. Skiers can practise the giant slalom, downhill racing or ski jumps in
ski resorts where there are good snow conditions. In Slovakia there are a lot of ski
resorts in the High and Low Tatras.
Games are played by at least two players. The most popular games are football,
rugby, hockey, tennis, golf, cricket, basketball, volleyball, badminton, squash and
handball. The British are sport-loving people. The Cup Final is the most impor-
tant football match of the year in England. It is played at the Wembley Stadium
near London. The Slovaks are good at hockey. A lot of Slovak hockey players play in
American and Canadian National Hockey League teams. Becoming a professional
hockey player is one of the most frequent dreams of Slovak boys. Tennis, another
popular game, is played on courts. The most famous tennis tournament is held at
Wimbledon every year. The championships are watched by thousands of people all
over the world. The most popular games in America are baseball, American foot-
ball, rugby, basketball, tennis, squash, boxing, wrestling and ice hockey. Squash is a
game for two players played in a four-walled court with a special racket and a soft
Most people do sports because it is good for their body and mind. Some sport
activities, such as aerobics, jogging, swimming or body building, are preferred by
those who want to lose weight. Doing a sport is a good way of spending free time.
Professional sports are often connected with overtraining or doping. During im-
portant competitions, such as the Olympic Games, sportsmen are tested and may

easily be disqualified. This has a negative impact on their career. Success in profes-
sional sports is nowadays connected with money and popularity.

After reading the text, answer the following questions.

1. Name three summer sports and three winter sports.
2. What is the difference between sports and games?
3. Which sports and games are popular in America?
4. Where does the best tennis championship of the world take place every year?
5. Name some negative phenomena of the professional sport.
6. Which sports and games are favourite in Slovakia?


A Which sports from the list below are individual sports and which are played in teams?

triathlon   tennis   squash   marathon running   100 metres  

rugby   handball   golf   ice hockey   cricket   cross-country skiing
basketball   baseball   badminton

B Which sports and games can be practised in these places?

1. on the ice rink 3. in gymnasiums 5. in ski resorts

2. on the courts 4. in indoor pools 6. in a four-walled court

C Which sports and games are described below?

1. It is a racquet sport which is played by two players in a four-walled court with a

small rubber ball.
2. It is a sport played on the ice rink by two teams of six players. They use long sticks
to hit a puck to score goals.
3. It is a sport played by two teams of five active players who try to score points by
shooting the ball through the basket from above.
4. It is a game played between two players or two teams of two players. Players use
a racquet to strike the ball over a net into opponent’ s court.

Which are the qualities of a good sportsman/sportswoman? Choose from the list below
and discuss them in class. Start like this:

Example: A good sportsman/sportswoman should be…

physically strong   healthy   competitive   fair   responsible   open

famous   clever   hard-working   representative   brave   modest
creative   selfish   successful   careful   ambitious   friendly  

Match the questions and answers from an interview by a sports reporter with a profes-
sional badminton player.
Example: Will you come to the tourna- a) I train about four hours a day.
ment next year?  c b) When I was a small boy.
1. Do you think that this tournament is c) Hopefully, yes.
well organised?  d) Because I wanted to become the
2. When did you start playing badmin- champion.
ton?  e) I feel fine. Thank you.
3. Why did you start playing badmin- f) I will, I hope.
ton professionally? 
g) Yes. I think so.
4. How much do you practise? 
5. How are you feeling before this tour-
6. Who will win today? 


  Task 1  See useful phrases on page 372.

Look at the pictures below. Name the sports people are practising. Compare
them and say:
■ when people can practise these sports,
■ where people can practise them,
■ which of them is risky and why,
■ which of them is more interesting for you and why.


  Task 2 
Talk about the qualities of professional sportsmen/sportswomen. Talk about
the advantages and disadvantages of being a professional sportsman/sports-

  Task 3  Role-play 
You: You are a sports journalist from the magazine called Sport. You want to write
a short article about a well-known Slovak ice hockey player Jozef Stümpel. Make an
interview with him and find out about the beginning of his career, teams he played
for, biggest life success and his future plans.
Your partner: You are a well-known Slovak ice hockey player Jozef Stümpel. A sports
journalist wants to write an article about you for the magazine called Sport. Answer
his questions.


 NOUNS aquatic – vodný

article – článok brave – statočný
body building – kulturistika careful – opatrný
career – kariéra clever – bystrý
champion – víťaz competitive – tu: ctižiadostivý; konkuren-
championship – šampionát cieschopný, súťaživý
competition – súťaž connected with – súvisiaci s
court – kurt creative – tvorivý
Cup Final – finále o pohár fair – čestný
diving – potápanie famous – známy
doping – doping four-walled – so štyrmi stenami
downhill race – zjazd (napr. na lyžiach) friendly – priateľský
jogging – beh hard-working – usilovný, pracovitý
giant slalom – obrí slalom healthy – zdravý
gym (gymnasium) – telocvičňa indoor – vnútorný
hiking – pešia turistika outdoor – vonkajší
ice rink – ľadová plocha (klzisko) risky – riskantný
impact – dopad known – známy
indoor pool – krytá plaváreň modest – skromný
interview – rozhovor representative – reprezentatívny
magazine – časopis responsible – spoľahlivý
mind – myseľ selfish – sebecký
pool – bazén successful – úspešný
race – preteky
regatta – regata, veslárske preteky   VERBS
sailing – plachtenie to find out – zistiť
skating – korčulovanie to fit – hodiť sa
ski resort – lyžiarske stredisko to hold – usporiadať, organizovať
success – úspech to lose (weight) – schudnúť
tobogganing – sánkovanie to practise – trénovať; vykonávať
tournament – turnaj to take place – konať sa
water-skiing – vodné lyžovanie to win – zvíťaziť
wrestling – zápasníctvo
 ADJECTIVES all over the world – po celom svete
ambitious – ambiciózny hopefully – snáď, dúfajme

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