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 Mr.

Longo United States History I CP Final Review Sheet  chapter 7-13

Mass production

Industrial Revolution

Sam Slater

Francis Lowell Cabot

Eli Whitney

Interchangeable parts

The American System

Henry Clay

National Road

Erie Canal

Tariff of 1816

John Marshall

Gibbons v. Ogden

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

McCulloch v. Maryland
John Quincy Adams

Rush Bagot Treaty

Adams Onis Treaty

Monroe Doctrine

Tallmadge Amendment

Cyrus McCormick

Robert Fulton

Era of Good Feelings

Election of 1824

Election of 1828

Old Hickory

Spoils System

Indian Removal Act

Trail of Tears

John Calhoun
South Carolina Exposition

Webster Hayne Debate

The Monster


Nicholas Biddle

Pet Banks


Martin Van Buren

Kitchen Cabinet

Protective Tariffs

Rachel Robards

Panic of 1837

Specie Circular

Force Bill

John Tyler

William Henry Harrison

Peggy Eaton

Jackson’s Legacy



Dorothea Dix

Horace Mann


David Walker

Frederick Douglass

Nat Turner

Seneca Falls Convention Declaration of Sentiments

Susan B.Anthony

Cady Stanton

Mt. Holyoke College

Sojourner Truth

Harriet Tubman
Lowell Mills

Temperance Movement



Issac Singer

Elias Howe

Charles Goodyear

Samuel Morse

Erie Canal

John Deere

Cyrus McCormick

Manifest Destiny

Trails West

Joseph Smith

Brigham Young
James Polk

Stephen Austin

Santa Anna

The Texas Revolution

The Alamo

Sam Houston

Zachary Taylor

Winfield Scott

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Gadsden Purchase

The Election of 1848

The Gold Rush

Differences between the N & S

The Compromise of 1850

Popular Sovereignty

Stephen Douglass
Zachary Taylor

Millard Fillmore

Fugitive Slave Act

Personal Liberty Laws

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The Kansas Neb Act

Bleeding Kansas

John Brown

Preston Brooks

Charles Sumner

Crime Vs Kansas

Franklin Pierce

Know Nothing Party

Free Soil Party

Dred Scott Ruling

Lincoln Douglass Debates

Freeport Doctrine

Harpers Ferry

The Republican Party

The Election of 1860


Jefferson Davis

Fort Sumter Strengths of the N and S

Jefferson Davis

Anaconda Plan

Picnic at Bull Run – effects

Stonewall Jackson

Gen Irvin McDowell

Merrimac / Virginia

George McClellan


Ft Henry / Ft Donelson

David G Farragut

Battle of Shiloh

Second Battle of Bull Run

Robert E Lee


Battle of Antietam

Emancipation. Proclamation

Role of Black Troops

Role of Women in War

Dictator Lincoln

Bounty Jumpers

Problems Lin / Davis

The Draft

Battle of Chancellorsville

Battle of Gettysburg

Joshua chamberlain

George Meade

Total War

Sherman and his march to sea

Appomattox Ct. House

“A Rich Man’s War But A Poor Man’s Fight”

Amnesty Act

John Wilkes Booth


Share Croppers

Force Acts
Black Codes


Freedmen’s Bureau

Ku Klux Klan

Ulysses S Grant

Tenure of Office Act

Wade Davis Bill

Reconstruction Act

Jim Crow Laws

Plessy v Ferguson

Majority Plan

Ten Percent Plan

Poll Taxes

Literacy Tests

Grandfather Clauses
13th & 14th& 15th Amendment

Johnson’s impeachment

Boss Tweed

Thomas Nast

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