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Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.

This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
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By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
High-Efficiency Advanced
MuItistage Doherty GaN
HEMT Power AmpIifiers
AnJrci Grcbcnnihoo, Bc// Labs, A/ca/c/-Luccn/
n modorn wIroIoss communIcafIon sysfoms
such as CMA2000, WCMA, or O!M wIfh
Incroasod bandwIdfh and hIgh dafa rafo, fho
fransmIf sIgnaI Is characforIzod by a hIgh poak-fo-
avorago powor rafIo |PAR) duo fo wIdo and rapId
varIafIons oI fho Insfanfanoous fransmIf powor. As
a rosuIf, powor-ampIIIIor onhancomonf fochnIquos
fo Improvo oIIIcIoncy and IInoarIfy sImuIfanoousIy
havo bocomo crIfIcaI. To Incroaso oIIIcIoncy oI fho
powor ampIIIIor, If Is possIbIo fo appIy a swIfch-
modo Invorso CIass-! modo fochnIquo |1, 2.
Howovor, fhIs kInd oI a powor ampIIIIor roquIros an
oporafIon In safurafIon modo rosuIfIng In a poor
IInoarIfy, and fhoroIoro Is nof suIfabIo fo dIrocfIy
ropIaco IInoar powor ampIIIIors. Howovor, fo obfaIn
hIgh oIIIcIoncy and good IInoarIfy sImuIfanoousIy,
such kInd oI a nonIInoar hIgh-oIIIcIoncy powor
ampIIIIor oporafIng In an Invorso CIass-! modo can
bo usod In advancod ohorfy fransmIffor archIfoc-
furos wIfh dIgIfaI Ioodback prodIsforfIon IInoarIza-
fIon fochnIquo |3, 4.
A convonfIonaI asymmofrIc ohorfy archIfoc-
furo oxhIbIfs a sIgnIIIcanf drop In oIIIcIoncy In fho
rogIon bofwoon fho oIIIcIoncy poakIng poInfs, ospo-
cIaIIy Ior Iargo powor rafIos bofwoon fho carrIor
and poakIng ampIIIIors |5. Howovor, If Is possIbIo
fo uso moro fhan fwo powor ampIIIIors In ordor fo
provonf sIgnIIIcanf doforIorafIon oI oIIIcIoncy af
backoII oufpuf powor IovoIs. ThIs can bo provIdod
by fho so-caIIod muIfIsfago ohorfy ampIIIIors, fho
oporafIon oI whIch Is somowhaf sImIIar fo fhaf oI a
fwo-sfago ohorfy ampIIIIor as havIng a Iow-powor
rogIon whon onIy fho carrIor ampIIIIor Is furnod on
and a hIgh-powor rogIon whon aII poakIng ampII-
IIors aro furnod on. Tho basIc muIfIsfago ohorfy
powor ampIIIIor archIfocfuro shown In !Iguro 1|a)
usos moro fhan ono poakIng ampIIIIor, wIfh quar-
forwavo fransmIssIon IInos fo combIno fhoIr oufpuf
powors |6. Tho characforIsfIc Impodancos oI oach
oufpuf quarforwavo fransmIssIon IIno dopond on
fho IovoIs oI backoII powor and can bo caIcuIafod
whoro i N 1, h = 1 |Ior odd i) or 2 |Ior
ovon i), N Is fho fofaI numbor oI ampIIIIor sfagos,
and B
Is fho backoII IovoI |posIfIvo vaIuo In docI-
boIs) Irom fho maxImum oufpuf powor oI fho sys-
fom, af whIch fho oIIIcIoncy poaks. Tho maxImum
IovoI oI backoII B
Is sof by fho carrIor ampIIIIor,
whIIo fho numbor oI oIIIcIoncy poakIng poInfs Is
dIrocfIy proporfIonaI fo fho numbor oI ampIIIIor
sfagos usod In fho dosIgn.
!Iguro 2 shows fho Insfanfanoous draIn oIIIcIon-
cIos oI fho muIfIsfago ohorfy powor am-pIIIIor
archIfocfuros Ior fwo, fhroo, and Iour sfagos, havIng
maxImum oIIIcIoncIos af fho fransIfIon poInfs oI
6 dB, 12 dB, and 18 dB backoII oufpuf powor IovoIs,
rospocfIvoIy. !rom !Ig. 2, If IoIIows fhaf fho muIfI-
sfago archIfocfuro provIdos hIghor oIIIcIoncIos af
backoII IovoIs In bofwoon fho oIIIcIoncy poakIng
poInfs comparod wIfh an asymmofrIc ohorfy archI-
| )
j h
j h
i h

i L j


Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.
This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the RFTI by writing to
By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
Yoar c|rca|t 4es|gr |s
4ore ar4 oa're rea4
to ake a prototpe.
1D:D5 AN
Yoar f|rst boar4 |s
rea4 to test.
11:4B AN
d| rot tr a 4|fferert
approac| before oa
|ea4 to |arc|!
1:D3 FN
Yoar secor4 boar4 |s
rea4 to test.
3:14 FN
After a few tweaks,
oa're rea4 to ake
oar f|r|s|e4 boar4.
Yoar f|r|s|e4 boar4 |s
rea4 to go.
N|ce work. Yoa jast
s|ae4 weeks off oar
4ee|opert sc|e4a|e.

Berc|top P0B Prototp|rg Mac||re

Rlal Wctl1 ,ctr 1a, lcc| li|e lcrcrrcW i ,ct cctl1 ctl ,ctrsel ree rcr
lle lcar1 lctse ar1 rc1tce lrte, ir1tslrial talil, ricrcWae circtils
cr ar, stlslrale rill al ,ctr 1es| l|Kl's |rclcMal lercllc rclcl,ir
s,slers are lelir llctsar1s c ricrcWae erireers arctr1 lle Wcrl1
la|e lleir 1eelcrerl lire rcr 1a,s ar1 Wee|s lc rirtles ar1 lctrs.
lr lc1a,'s race lc rar|el, il's li|e lair a lire raclire.

fcr rctctyia. We dc u tc
tkree iteraticas cf a desia

Iecnard Weber
AII in a oay's work
Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.
This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the RFTI by writing to
By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
focfuro and sIgnIIIcanfIy hIghor oIIIcIoncy af aII backoII
oufpuf powor IovoIs comparod wIfh fho convonfIonaI
CIass B powor ampIIIIors. !or fho mosf pracfIcaI caso oI
a fhroo-sfago ohorfy powor ampIIIIor whoso bIock
schomafIc Is shown In !Iguro 1|b), fho characforIsfIc
Impodancos oI oach oufpuf quarforwavo fransmIssIon
IIno can bo obfaInod Irom qs. |1) and |2) fo bo
= 6 and
= 12 dB Ior poak oIIIcIoncIos af

Ing In
= 30 and
= 120 Ior
= 15 .
!or a 1.95-GHz WCMA appIIcafIon, a fhroo-sfago
ohorfy powor ampIIIIor sfrucfuro usIng GaAs !T
dovIcos wIfh fho dovIco porIphory rafIo oI 1:2:4 and
mIcrosfrIp powor combInIng oIomonfs provIdos a
powor-addod oIIIcIoncy |PA) oI 48.5% and a powor
gaIn oI 12 dB af P
= 33 dBm. Tho poak powor-addod
oIIIcIoncIos oI 42% and 27% woro moasurod af fho

backoII poInfs can bo Incroasod by opfImIzIng fho
Inpuf drIvo condIfIons Ior fho poakIng ampIIIIors |7.
Moroovor, Iurfhor oIIIcIoncy Improvomonf oI fho fhroo-
sfago ohorfy ampIIIIor af fho maxImum oufpuf
powor and backoII poInfs can bo achIovod by usIng
hIghIy oIIocfIvo GaN HMT dovIcos and appIyIng dIg-
IfaI prodIsforfIon fochnIquo Ior IInoarIzafIon. In fhIs

oII poInf can bo In-croasod fo bo hIghor fhan 60% |8.
A fypIcaI probIom assocIafod wIfh fho convonfIonaI
fhroo-sfago ohorfy ampIIIIor Is fhaf fho Ioad-IIno
moduIafIon oI fho carrIor sfago sfops af a corfaIn
powor IovoI, IoavIng fho carrIor ampIIIIor In doop safu-
rafIon and IoadIng, consoquonfIy, fo a sIgnIIIcanf
dogradafIon oI Ifs IInoar porIormanco. In addIfIon,
whon fho carrIor and poakIng ampIIIIors havo oquaI
conIIgurafIons wIfh fho samo dovIco porIphory sIzos,
sImIIar porIormanco Is obfaInod wIfh rogards fo fho
symmofrIcaI fwo-sfago ohorfy ampIIIIor, wIfh fho

| / )
| / )

02 1 2 L

01 1 L
MuItistage Doherty ampIifier architectures.
Efficiencies of the different Doherty ampIifier architectures.
Modified three-stage Doherty ampIifier architecture.
Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.
This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the RFTI by writing to
By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
www.PFT|.com February 2012 13
powors. Thoso probIoms can bo parfIaIIy soIvod by
usIng a modIIIod fhroo-sfago ohorfy ampIIIIor archI-
focfuro wIfh a paraIIoI combInafIon oI ono carrIor and
ono ohorfy ampIIIIor usod as a poakIng ampIIIIor, as
shown In !Iguro 3 |9. In fhIs caso, fho novoI way oI
combInIng onabIos a hIgh Insfanfanoous oIIIcIoncy af

dovIco sIzo. Tho characforIsfIc Impodancos oI fho
fransIormIng quarforwavo fransmIssIon IInos aro caI-
cuIafod as

= |

/ 2)
, and
Is fho Ioad rosIsfanco |10, 11.
!Iguro 4 shows fho fhoorofIcaI Insfanfanoous draIn
oIIIcIoncIos oI fho muIfIsfago |fhroo and Iour sfagos)
and Iour-way asymmofrIc ohorfy powor ampIIIIor
|PA) archIfocfuros Ior dIIIoronf powor |or dovIco sIzo)

puf powor backoII IovoIs. !rom !Iguro 4, If IoIIows fhaf
fho muIfIsfago archIfocfuro provIdos sIgnIIIcanfIy
hIghor oIIIcIoncy fhan fho corrospondIng asymmofrIc
ono. Moroovor, Ior a muIfIsfago ohorfy conIIgura-
fIon, Iowor oIIIcIoncy poakIng poInf can bo achIovod
usIng an opfImum dovIco sIzo rafIo. !or oxampIo, a

achIovod Ior fho dovIco porIphory rafIo oI 1:3:4 In a
fhroo-sfago ohorfy ampIIIIor, whIIo fho Iowosf backoII

oquaI dovIco porIphory sIzo oI 1:1:1 In a modIIIod
fhroo-sfago ohorfy ampIIIIor shown In !Ig. 3 |6, 11.
In a cIassIcaI Iour-sfago ohorfy powor ampIIIIor

bofwoon characforIsfIc Impodancos oI fho quarfor-
wavo fransmIssIon IInos Is oquaI fo 16 |6. !or
oxampIo, Ior Ioad rosIsfanco
= 6 , fho characfor-
IsfIc Impodancos oI consocufIvo quarforwavo frans-
mIssIon IInos aro oquaI fo
= 12 ,
= 48 , and

= 192 , rospocfIvoIy, whIch Is dIIIIcuIf fo corrocf-
Iy Ia-brIcafo as mIcrosfrIp IInos on a sIngIo subsfrafo
wIfh IIxod fhIcknoss and dIoIocfrIc pormIffIvIfy. In a
proposod modIIIod Iour-sfago ohorfy conIIgurafIon
wIfh fho dovIco sIzo rafIo oI 1:1:1:1, whoro fwo con-
vonfIonaI fwo-sfago ohorfy ampIIIIors aro combInod
fogofhor In a IInaI Iour-sfago ohorfy conIIgurafIon
|ohorfy In ohorfy), fho maxImum rafIo bofwoon
fransmIssIon-IIno characforIsfIc Impodancos Is oquaI
fo |50 )/|25 ) = 2 onIy, as shown In !Iguro 5 |12.
!Iguro 4 shows fhroo fhoorofIcaI oIIIcIoncy poakIng
poInfs provIdod by fho modIIIod Iour-sfago ohorfy
ampIIIIor wIfh oquaI bIas voIfagos Ior fho IIrsf and
socond poakIng ampIIIIors. Howovor, fhoIr bIas voIf-
ago opfImIzafIon can chango oIIIcIoncy proIIIo

fo IInoarIfy Improvomonf. ThIs Is a vory pracfIcaI vor-
sIon oI a Iour-sfago ohorfy ampIIIIor fo achIovo hIgh
oufpuf powor wIfh hIgh draIn oIIIcIoncy usIng fhroo
90 hybrId coupIors af fho Inpuf and Iour quarforwavo
mIcrosfrIp IInos af fho oufpuf.
Bocauso oI fho dovIco Inpuf and oufpuf parasIfIcs
such as fho gafo-sourco and draIn-sourco capacIfancos,
fho oufpufs oI fho furnod-oII fransIsfors In roaIIfy do
nof roprosonf fho opon cIrcuIfs, as woII as fho dovIco
Inpuf roacfanco varIos wIfh dIIIoronf bIas voIfago.
ThoroIoro, fo componsafo Ior fhoso parasIfIc roac-
fancos, addIfIonaI Inpuf oIIsof IInos can bo ImpIomonf-
od af fho Inpuf oI fho poakIng ampIIIIors and IdonfIcaI
oufpuf oIIsof IInos whIch Infroduco fho componsafIng
InducfIvo roacfancos can bo connocfod In sorIos fo oach
oufpuf cIrcuIf |13.
Efficiencies of different Doherty ampIifier architectures.
A modified four-stage Doherty ampIifier architecture.
Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.
This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the RFTI by writing to
By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
Inverse CIass F
To Incroaso oIIIcIoncy oI a muIfIsfago ohorfy
ampIIIIor, oach ampIIIIor can bo dosIgnod fo oporafo In
an Invorso CIass-! modo wIfh a sImpIo Ioad-nofwork
ImpIomonfafIon. !Iguro 6|a) shows fho fransmIssIon-
IIno Invorso CIass-! Ioad nofwork, whoro fho combInod
sorIos fransmIssIon IIno
|fogofhor wIfh an
opon-cIrcuIfod capacIfIvo sfub
wIfh oIocfrIcaI
Iongfh oI 30) provIdos an Impodanco mafchIng af fho
IundamonfaI Iroquoncy bofwoon fho oquIvaIonf op-
fImum oufpuf dovIco Impodanco and Ioad rosIsfanco

by propor choIco oI fho fransmIssIon-IIno charac-
forIsfIc Impodancos
, whoro
fho oIomonfs oI fho mafchIng cIrcuIf |14, 15.
Tho Ioad nofwork soon by fho dovIco muIfIharmon-
Ic curronf sourco af fho socond harmonIc Is shown In
!Iguro 6|b), whoro fho shorfIng oIIocf oI fho quarfor-
wavo shorf-cIrcuIfod sfub
Is fakon In fo accounf.
Horo, fho sorIos fransmIssIon IIno
provIdos an
opon-cIrcuIf condIfIon Ior fho socond harmonIc af fho
dovIco oufpuf by IormIng a socond-harmonIc fank
fogofhor wIfh
. SImIIar Ioad nofwork af
fho fhIrd harmonIc Is shown In !Iguro 6|c), duo fo fho
opon-cIrcuIf oIIocf oI fho shorf-cIrcuIfod quarforwavo
and shorf-cIrcuIf oIIocf oI fho opon-cIrcuIfod
har-monIc sfub
af fho fhIrd harmonIc. In fhIs caso,
fho combInod fransmIssIon IIno
wIfh fho sorIos Inducfanco Louf) provIdos a shorf-cIr-
cuIf condIfIon Ior fho fhIrd harmonIc af fho dovIco ouf-
puf boIng shorfod af Ifs rIghf-hand sIdo. Tho oIocfrIcaI
Iongfhs oI fho fransmIssIon IInos
can bo
doIInod Irom
wIfh fho maxImum fofaI oIocfrIcaI Iongfh
= /3
or 60 af fho IundamonfaI Iroquoncy or 180 af fho

ouf 1 1 2
fan 3 0
2 2
0 1

ouf 1

Transmission-Iine inverse CIass F Ioad network.
SimuIation setup of a 25-W inverse CIass F GaN HEMT power ampIifier.
Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.
This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
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By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
IEEE WireIess and Microwave TechnoIogy Conference
HiIton Cocoa Beach FL
ApriI 16 & 17 2012
Submission DeadIine Jan 9, 2012
General Chair
Xun Gon, Universit of Central Florida
General Vice-Chair
Joel Johnson, Harris
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Jin Wan, Universit of South Florida
Chanzhi Li, Texas Tech. Universit
Tutorials Chair
Ra Penell, Cree Inc.
Invited Papers Co-Chairs
Mohamed Saed, MMS
Jenshan Lin, Universit of Florida
Juan-Mari Collantes, Universit of the Basque Countr
Finance Chair
Heather Quinones, ATK
Local Arrangements Chair
Joel Johnson, Harris
Exhibits & Sponsorship Co-Chairs
Ran Baker, Cree
Scott Manard, AWR
Publicity Chair
Michael Hallman, Microwave Journal
Publications Chair
Gar Breed, RF Technolo International
Poster Session Chair
Kamran Entesari, Texas A&M Universit
Registration Chair
Gokhan Mumcu, Universit of South Florida
Website Chair
Siamak Ebadi, Universit of Central Florida
Awards Chair
Gar Breed, RF Technolo International
Paper Competition Chair
Jane Gu, Universit of Florida
IEEE Liaisons
Jenshan Lin, Universit of Florida
WAMICON Advisors
Larr Dunleav, Universit of South Florida
Tom Weller, Universit of South Florida
The 2011 show in Clearwater Beach, Florida was as bus as ever and sold out of exhibit
space. The 2012 show will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Cocoa Beach, Florida. The dates are
April 16 & 17. The Hilton Cocoa Beach offers WAMICON plentiful exhibit space. There is eas
access to electrical outlets. All technical sessions will take place in close proximit to the exhib-
it area and coffee breaks. The conference will address up-to-date multidisciplinar research
needs and interdisciplinar aspects of wireless and RF technolo. The proram includes an
exhibition, oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops and tutorials.
Exhibit space includes two complimentar exhibitor passes, two lunch tickets, and two
banquet tickets. Additional exhibitor passes, lunch tickets and banquet tickets are also available
for purchase. There are two choices for exhibit space: tabletop for $840, and 10 10 foot for
$1140. If the exhibitor decides to send a third person (or more), the will need to reister as an
exhibitor throuh reistration. Additional lunch or banquet tickets ma also be purchased. For
the two full reistrations included for each exhibitor, please be sure forward the names to the
Reistration Chair in order them him to print the bades and tickets.
Additional benefits include a descriptive listin in the official Exhibition Catalo, which
can later serve our prospective buers as a product director, access to the promotional oppor-
tunities and priorit space selection for the WAMICON 2013.
For questions or further information contact:
Ryan Baker, WAMICON 2012 Exhibits & Sponsorship Co-Chair
Tel. +1-919-407-7816
The IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technolo Conference (WAMICON) sponsors the
Rudy Henning Award for Outstanding Mentorship, which reconizes outstandin service in
the uidance of future enerations of enineers.
A letter of nomination must be submitted to the Awards Chair b March 1, 2012, contain-
in the name, affiliation and contact information for both the nominee and the person makin
the nomination. It is recommended that supportin material be included with the nomination,
but items such as letters of support ma be submitted separatel. All materials should clearl
identif the nominee and the person makin the submission.
The Awards Committee will review all nominations and make a decision reardin the
award. The Hennin Award will be presented at the WAMICON banquet.
The decision of the Awards Committee is final, includin the possibilit that no award be
iven if nominations are incomplete or contain insufficient information from which to make a
decision. All nominations are retained for future consideration unless withdrawn. Additional
supportin documentation ma be submitted for those continuin nominations.
Send Hennin Award nominations to:
Gary Breed, WAMICON 2012 Awards Chair
Mailing address. RF Technology International
P.O. Box 43
Mount Horeb, WI 53572-0043
Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.
This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the RFTI by writing to
By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
fhIrd harmonIc compononf whon
= 0 |16, 17.
!Iguro 7 shows fho sImuIafod cIrcuIf schomafIc oI a
fransmIssIon-IIno Invorso CIass-! powor ampIIIIor
basod on a 25-W Croo GaN HMT powor fransIsfor
CGH40025!. Tho Inpuf mafchIng cIrcuIf provIdos a
compIox-conjugafo mafchIng wIfh fho sfandard 50
sourco. Tho Ioad nofwork approxImafos fho fransmIs-
sIon-IIno sfrucfuro wIfh fho socond- and fhIrd-har-
monIc confroI shown In !Ig. 6|a). In fhIs caso, fho char-
acforIsfIc Impodancos oI fho shunf and sorIos frans-
mIssIon IInos woro opfImIzod Ior boffor porIormanco
and convonIonco oI pracfIcaI ImpIomonfafIon. SpocIaI
caro was fakon Ior modoIIng oI fho dovIco Inpuf and
oufpuf packago Ioads fo accounf Ior IInIfo vaIuos oI
fhoIr Inducfancos.
!Iguro 8 shows fho sImuIafod rosuIfs oI an Invorso
CIass-! powor ampIIIIor usIng a 30-mII RO4350 sub-
sfrafo. Tho maxImum oufpuf powor oI 43.4 dBm, draIn
oIIIcIoncy oI 84.6%, and PA oI 78.5% wIfh a powor
gaIn oI 11.4 dB |IInoar gaIn oI abouf 17 dB) af

= 2.5 V and

= 28 V woro achIovod af fho opor-

afIng Iroquoncy oI 2.14 GHz.
!Iguro 9 shows fho fosf board oI a 25-W GaN
HMT powor ampIIIIor ImpIomonfod In RO4350 sub-
sfrafo, whoro physIcaI dImonsIons oI aII fransmIssIon
IInos corrospond fo fho sImuIafIon sofup shown In !Ig.
7. !Iguro 10 shows fho moasurod rosuIfs oI an Invorso
CIass-! GaN HMT powor ampIIIIor IabrIcafod on a
30-mII RO4350 subsfrafo whon a maxImum oufpuf
powor oI 43.5 dBm and a draIn oIIIcIoncy oI 82.1% wIfh
a powor gaIn oI 12.2 dB af 2.14 GHz |quIosconf curronf

= 100 mA and draIn suppIy voIfago

= 32 V) woro
achIovod wIfhouf any funIng oI fho Inpuf mafchIng cIr-
cuIf and Ioad nofwork.
ImpIementation and Test
A novoI hIgh-oIIIcIoncy 100-W Iour-sfago ohorfy
sfrucfuro basod on Iour 25 W Invorso CIass-! powor
ampIIIIors was sImuIafod and IabrIcafod usIng fho
samo 30-mII RO4350 subsfrafo. Tho sImuIafod opfI-
mIzod draIn oIIIcIoncy and powor gaIn vorsus oufpuf
SimuIated power gain and drain efficiency.
Measured output power and drain efficiency versus input
Test board of a 25-W inverse CIass F GaN HEMT power ampIifier.
SimuIation resuIts of a four-stage Doherty power ampIifier.
Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.
This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the RFTI by writing to
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www.PFT|.com February 2012 17
powor Ior fhIs archIfocfuro Is shown In !Iguro 11, Irom
whIch If IoIIows fhaf hIgh draIn oIIIcIoncy ovor 80% af
safurafIon and moro fhan 60% ovor 10 dB oufpuf
powor backoII IovoIs aro pofonfIaIIy achIovod wIfh
opfImum gafo bIas voIfagos Ior oach fransIsfor.
!Iguro 12 shows fho fosf board oI a novoI 2.14-GHz
Iour-sfago ohorfy powor ampIIIIor archIfocfuro basod
on Iour 25-W Croo GaN HMT powor fransIsfors
CGH40025!. Tho Inpuf dIvIdIng nofwork IncIudos
fhroo commorcIaI 90 hybrId coupIors, whIIo a 30-dB
dIrocfIonaI coupIor roquIrod fo sampIIng oufpuf powor
Ior IInoarIzafIon Ioop nood fo bo connocfod fo fho ouf-
puf porf. In a sIngIo-Iroquoncy CW oporafIon modo
whon aII fransIsfors aro bIasod wIfh fho samo gafo
bIas voIfago oI 3.4 V, an oufpuf powor oI 50 dBm
|100 W) and a draIn oIIIcIoncy oI 77% woro achIovod af
a dc suppIy voIfago oI 34 V.
In a sIngIo-carrIor WCMA oporafIon modo wIfh a
PAR oI 6.5 dB, a draIn oIIIcIoncy oI 61% wIfh a powor
gaIn oI 6.7 dB was achIovod af an avorago oufpuf
powor oI 43 dBm |20 W), whIch corrosponds fo a 7 dB
backoII Irom fho safurafod oufpuf powor, as shown In
!Iguro 13. In fhIs caso, fho adjaconf channoI Ioakago
powor rafIo |ACLR1) was moasurod af 31 dBc IovoI,
wIfh fho aIfornafo channoI Ioakago powor rafIo
|ACLR2) oI 38.5 dBc, whIch Is a promIsIng sfarfIng
poInf Ior appIyIng a propor dIgIfaI prodIsforfIon IIn-
oarIzafIon fochnIquo. By opfImIzIng fho corros-pond-
Ing gafo bIas voIfagos |V
= V

and V

cuIfs oI fho carrIor and fhroo poakIng ampIIIIors, a
powor gaIn can bo Incroasod up fo 8.0 dB wIfh a draIn
oIIIcIoncy oI 58.5% and a PA oI 49% whon fho ACLR


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Measured drain efficiency and ACLR versus output power.
Test board of a 100-Wfour-stage Doherty GaN HEMT power
Copyright 2012 RFTI. Reprinted from RF Technology International Magazine, February 2012.
This material is posted here with permission of RFTI. Such permission of RFTI does not in any way imply RFTI endorsement of any of Crees
products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or
promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the RFTI by writing to
By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
Tccb., voI. MTT-53, pp. 852-860, Mar. 2005.
7. W. C. . Noo, J. QuroshI, M. J. PoIk, J. R.
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Dr. Andrei Grebennikov received his DipI. Ing. degree in
radio eIectronics from Moscow Institute of Physics and
TechnoIogy and Ph.D. degree in
radio engineering from Moscow
TechnicaI University of Communi-
cations and Informatics in 1980 and
1991, respectiveIy. He obtained a
Iong-term academic and industriaI
experience working with Moscow
TechnicaI University of Communi-
cations and Informatics (Russia),
Institute of MicroeIectronics (Sing-
apore), M/A-COM (IreIand), Infineon
TechnoIogies (Germany/Austria),
and BeII Labs (IreIand) as an engineer, researcher, Iecturer,
and educator. He read Iectures as a Guest Professor in
University of Linz (Austria) and presented short courses
and tutoriaIs as an Invited Speaker at InternationaI
Microwave Symposium, European and Asia-Pacific
Microwave Conferences, Institute of MicroeIectronics,
Singapore, and MotoroIa Design Centre, MaIaysia. He is an
author and coauthor of more than 80 technicaI papers, 15
European and US patents, and five books dedicated to RF
and microwave circuit design. He can be reached by e-maiI
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