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“777, The Tree of Life, Crowley, Oz and the 9/11 Mega Ritual”

On September 11, 2001, the world witnessed a tragedy on a scale that the human
imagination would never have imagined before. Yet, this is no accident. As I have stated in an
earlier article, the September 11 attacks are not done by alleged, “Arab terrorists” or a cell of
fanatic Muslims who hate America. It is, as I ought to reiterate, done by America to itself by its
own government to achieve its own goals. There were political goals that needed to be achieved
through the 9/11 attacks such the war on, “terrorism,” which, as I have stated many times before
and still do so, makes no logical sense. “Terror” is a natural part of war, and an integral part of,
“life,” since we may all, one way or another, feel, “terrorized” when our, “precious status quo,”
is questioned beyond imagination. None of us wants to really, in all honesty face our fears and
demons when it comes to how we react to the real, true nature of society.
September 11 shook the foundation of western civilization. While we may have asked
ourselves why, “we” were attacked, the truth is, we are simply attacking and terrorizing ourselves
for our own sake because we are insecure. We would rather follow the herd than to wake up from
our illusion of this supposed, “real world.” The truth is, this, “real world” is just one level of
reality. There is another, more subtle, more subliminal, and more seductive than anything we
could ever dream of. It is a world of magic, both Black and White.
In this essay, I will explain the more subtle aspects of the 9/11 attacks. There is a lot more
symbolism to the September 11 attacks than we suspect. After all, should we not ask ourselves,
why, of all skyscrapers in New York City, the, “terrorists” would ram the planes into the Twin
Towers? Why the Twin Towers? Why New York City? What does it all mean on a larger,
spiritual level? We know about the political consequences already; the War on Terror, and a
world dominated by American hegemony.
As an acolyte of the occult and esoteric subjects such as numerology, astrology, tarot and
Qabalah, I can say with certainty that the September 11 attacks in 2001 were rituals to pagan
gods of fire and that such a ritual would usher in a, “New World Order” ruled by British and
American minions and their neophytes.
Behind our world’s theatrical shows and props, there is always a plan. The plan is one of
occult nature, aimed at nothing less than the slavery of humanity under Satan or Lucifer. The
Shadow Masters ensure that those who are part of the plan are groomed into position and are
related to ancient kings and queens by blood. This is the case of George W. Bush who is a direct
descendant of Charlemagne, Queen Elizabeth, King George III, and the great grandson of
Aleister Crowley. He is the 13th cousin of Queen Elizabeth. George W. Bush has the most royal
blood, hence, why he is chosen as the President during the 9/11 events. Ballot is irrelevant, all
that matters is bloodline. Further, Bush is related by blood to almost 75% of the former
Presidents of the United States such as F.D.R, Nixon, Kennedy, Hoover, Washington, and
Lyndon B. Johnson. Bush can further trace his ancestral blood to Caesar and Augustus. Probably
as far back as the Trojan Wars and the birth of the Roman Empire; Bush’s blood was as pure and
royal as royalty and, “divine rights of kings” can get.
So, why did 9/11 occur on a spiritual level? It occurred to trigger the War on Terror for
one, and also to open up a Stargate, a super metaphysical time machine that would prevent the
End Times from occurring. The elites of the planet and the evil forces of nature do not want man
to advance beyond the material level of existence. To do so, requires the use of dark magick, a
propaganda machine that fuels ignorance, and enough power to charge the event on an astral
level so as to achieve that goal. Blood, power, and esoteric knowledge are the keys to fulfilling
the spiritual goals of this major ritual event known as the 9/11, “terrorists” attacks on,
First, we ought to deal with the number system of ancient times. The number seven (7) is
of particular importance. There are 7 chakras in the human body, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 days
of the week, 7 auras that surround the human body, 7 wonders of the world, the seven seas,
Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon, Floor 77 that was hit by Flight 93 in the South Tower, and the
77th parallel West where Washington D.C and The Pentagon are located…further, to add to the
mystery, the 7 pointed triangles on the crown worn by the Statue of Liberty on an eleven pointed
star called, “Liberty Island.” Another 7 is 7 World Trade Center that collapsed long after the
collapse of Towers 1 and 2. Further, the letter, “Z” is derived from two 7s, one inverted and
reversed on its side to join with the diagonal of the first 7. So, what does all this mean, and what
does the letter, “Z” got to do with Bush, New York, and the 9/11 attacks?
The answer lies in the meaning of the number seven (7). Seven means mystery, God,
since, “G” is the 7th letter of the alphabet. G relates to geometry, god, and gnosis (pure knowing,
the thing-in-and-of-itself). Further, G, also means “Gate,” as in, “G8.” Interestingly enough, the
G7 is 77.
George W. Bush is the great grandson of Aleister Crowley, and he wrote a book titled,
“777 and other Qabalistic Writings.” The letter Z, is of importance since it resonates with the OZ
phenomenon. Remember the Wizard of Oz? Crowley resonates with Oz since he wrote the book,
was a magician, an occultist, and performed a dark ritual at the Millennium Hilton in New York
City (the Black Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke). New York is related
to OZ because of the arrangements of the alphabet in order:

N aligns with Y, forming NY. O and Z are aligned, forming OZ. From the point of view
of those who are skeptical about this, one may say this is mere coincidence and surely cannot
mean anything too significant. But it does. It proves the NY-OZ connection with Crowley and his
The Qabalah details the Tree of Life, with its 33 components and the sum of the whole. It
details the spiritual evolution of mankind and it is often used by covens in witchcraft and the
circles of initiates to denote degrees or grades. Thirty-three is also an important number in occult
circles, but this will not be discussed due to space constraints. Anyhow, when the Seriphoth Tree
is seen by itself, we see two, three vertical lines on either side of the tree itself. This symbolizes
the Twin Towers. This also relates to Freemasonry as Crowley was a 33rd degree Freemason, as
he even confessed in his, “Confessions of Aleister Crowley.” When the, “Tree” is toppled on its
side, we see the roman numerals hidden in subliminal view, “IX/XI,” meaning “9/11.” The two
towers are like trees, when they fell, it was on 9/11/01, the new millennium. From a Tarot
perspective, the Tower is the 16th card, adding up to 7 once again. The Tower card is struck by a
massive lightning force. Like 9/11, the Towers in New York were struck by a massive force…the
aircrafts and collapsed, like the Tower Card in the Tarot. The High Priestess, the III card in the
Tarot, or (11 in binary code) is between two towers, Jachin and Boaz. These further ties in with
Jacob’s ladder from the Bible; used prevalently in the First through Third Degree Tracing Boards
of Freemasonry. J and B forms the first and last two letters of Jacob’s name. The ladder is a
There is even a French Masonic painting of Liberty standing with a flaming torch and in
the background the Twin Towers, with Pyramids at the background with All-Seeing Eyes
surrounding her carried by, “angels.” Pyramids. Pillars. A Passageway to the Stars?
The Tree of Life is the number 777, and resonates further with Pan. We all remember the
picture of Bush reading the story of “My Pet Goat,” the goat relates to Pan. Pandora anyone? Pan
is lesser version of Hermes, and is believed by Christians to be the devil. This is all true, in one
way or another, since Bush is related by blood to Crowley, who considered himself Satan. He
even cherished the title of 666 given to him by major news media outlets about his abusive and
horrific nature as a drug addict, wife beater, and a psychopath. His interests in black magick and
his ties with the military-industrial complex, allowed the building of The Pentagon on September
11, 1941. His student who initiated The Pentagon-777 ritual was a man named Parsons who was
involved in secret science research as well as the occult and esoteric. Parsons was a student of
Crowley’s and dedicated the Pentagon on September 11, 1941, 60 years before it is rammed by a
missile of its own making. The Pentagon is important in occult symbols since it is the basis for
the pentacle and the pentagram. The former symbolizes Lucifer, Sirius, Venus, the Blazing Star,
Paganism; the latter symbolizes Satan, Devil, and Black Magick. Either way, both are evil in
intent since it is the home of the world’s bully and police. It is the home of the global police
state, as it is the spiritual home of the Devil himself. This can be proven by a picture drawn by
Eliphas Levi that shows the Devil with his pentagram, his rod with serpents, and his
pagan/satanic gesture.
I must further reiterate the importance of 777 or 77. The Statue of Liberty on its 11
pointed star with its crown of seven points equals 77 as well, it too symbolizes the OZ
phenomenon and OZ-Crowley synchronicity. July 7, 2005 occurred 911 days after September 11,
September, a word that once meant the seventh month in the old Roman calendar. In essence,
then, September 11 is both 11 and 77. The significance of the story of the Pet Goat and Crowley
is that Bush invoked the devil and his minions onto New York and the world on that fateful day.
When the Dow Jones collapsed 777 points on September 29 (2 + 9 = 11), 2008, the
Crowley-OZ mega ritual was once again repeated. The Tree of Life was once again activated to
bring about this, “New World Order.”
July 7, 2007 further strengthened the power of the occult, although everyone was
ritualistically involve, because they consider the number 7 to be a lucky number. It is often used
in slot machines to this day. In reality, 7 is the number of God, as is 72, or (7 7), the number of
names God has in Hebrew, as well as the number of years for the sun to move one degree
through the ecliptic cycle.
On a personal level, however, 777 resonate well with me. My name contains 7 letters, and
I consider myself to be tied in with the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life grows where X marks the
spot. From 2001 to 2008 was my seven years of bliss and modest happiness, meaning that I was
happy with my life and I had plenty of friends. After 2008, when 2009 started, this happiness
ended, briefly, and still has some effect on me…but I am starting to slowly to manage get out of
my personal rut. One my friends first name contains 7 letters, his name means Guardian Angel,
the guardian of God perhaps? The guardian of the peace?
The letter G is also of major significance as it resonates with Gate or G8. It the Star Gate,
as the 911 mega ritual also signifies through the arrangement of the twin towers and building 7.
When the World Trade Center Memorial is accomplished on September 11, 2011, another ritual
shall take place that resonates further with the 911 Star Gate initiation and opening. The 2012
skyline of Freedom Tower and the Twin Tower memorials exactly resemble the alignments of the
pyramids of Giza, the Orion Belt Constellation, hence, furthering the Star Gate.
Buildings 1, 2 and 7, when the numbers add up equals 10, or X, X means the location, the
final position of something. We think of it where a treasure is hidden. This is important because
X is one letter shy of IX and XI, the 911 mega ritual itself.
Together, 777, Oz, New York, Crowley, The Tree of Life, Qabalah, and 911, 7/7, and the
777 drop of the Dow Jones together symbolize that something deeper is going on behind the
scenes of politics and history. There is another force behind history. That force is Freemasonry,
the occult schools, the mystery schools, Satanists, ignorant New Agers, and New World Order
advocates. Unless we learn about the occult, we will never able to escape the prison that the
elites of the planet are planning to put us and themselves through for personal gain. It is about
time we advanced.

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