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As we continue our work during the interim, I want to thank you again for your support. MALC continues its work protecting voting rights, our members continue to help their constituents and develop forward-thinking policy at the state level, and we continue to study policy issues that affect the Latino community and all Texans. We have the capacity to accomplish our goals thanks to our partners and sponsors. Through your continued support, we are able to champion the causes of Latinos in our state and work towards a state where all Texans have an opportunity to succeed. I would like to remind you about our 15th Annual Fall Golf Classic taking place Friday, October 4, 2013. I invite you to join us for all our events from October 3-5, 2013, as we celebrate 40 years of the Caucus leadership and service and spend the weekend at the gorgeous TPC courses of the JW Marriott Hill Country Resort and Spa in San Antonio, Texas. Every year we strive to make the tournament bigger and better. This year, by popular demand we have a Friday golf tournament! Now you can take advantage and spend the weekend with MALC at the JW Marriott. Bring your whole family and join us for fun in the sun at MALCs


202 W. 13th Street Austin, Texas 78701 512.236.8410 phone 512.236.8402 fax

Summer Luciano Director of Operations Emmanuel Garcia Director of Policy Jose Ramirez Legislative Assistant Nathan Burkhart Media Director

poolside activities. Take advantage of the River Bluff Water Experience, which offers six acres of heated pools, fountains, waterfalls, rivers, and an abundance of poolside lounges to soak in the sun. The MALC tournament always sells out, so get your forms filled out, call the MALC offices to secure your spot, and get that golf swing in shape. Golf teams fill up quick and prime spa slots at the Texas largest spa facility, the Lantana Spa, are always highly coveted. Sponsorship packets for our 15th Annual Fall Golf Classic are now available on our website. You can also register your golf teams online through our Golf Team Registration form. Additional information is available online at the MALC website or through the MALC offices at 512-236-8410. Come spend the weekend with MALC and join us for our 15th Annual Golf Classic and Legislative Ladies Spa Day. As always, MALC remains committed to leading the way in all issues concerning Texas Latinos. Thanks to your support, we have become a leading Latino policy organization and we strive to be among the best policy caucuses in the Capitol. Sincerely, Trey Martinez Fischer Chairman

Lyndsey Rodriguez Intern

News Clips:
Houston Chronicle: Despite Supreme Court Ruling, don't trust Texas with election maps Houston Chronicle: Texas water crisis Texas Tribune: In Absence of TRBs, Universities Delaying Improvements Amarillo Globe-News: New Texas laws go into effect Sept. 1 Amarillo Globe- News: Rangel: Don't circle the date for 2014 primaries yet Austin American Statesman: Study shows Texas kids segregated by language Burnt Orange Report: Hispanics Stand to Gain the Most from Health Reform, But Are Also the Hardest to Reach New York Times: U.S. Workers Are Grounded by Deep Cuts Texas Tribune: Redistricting Plan Set, But Legal Debate Isn't Over Texas Tribune: More Texas Cities Promoting Bicycle Use San Antonio Express News: Road funding problem far from resolved San Antonio Express News: Major teacher evaluation, pay reform come to Bexar County New York Times: A Brighter Line on Immigration Policing North Dallas Gazette: Attorney Genera Abbott is wrong on voting rights San Antonio Express News: Voters viewed as key to solving Latino problems

Members Corner - Promising Legislation for the Latino Community and all Texans

State Representative Terry Canales

State Representative Terry Canales was elected to the House of Representatives in 2012 to represent District 40, which encompasses the heart of Hidalgo County in South

Texas. His father, Terry A. Canales, was the first Hispanic State Representative to represent Jim Wells County, serving from 1973-1977. His sister Gabriella Gabi Canales served in 2002. He is also the sixth member of his extended family to serve in the Texas House of Representatives. During the regular session of the 83rd Texas State Legislature, Representative Canales passed bills relating to public safety, judicial access and transparency, and the rights of the accused. House Bill 2090, for example, amends current law relating to a written statement made by an accused party as a result of custodial interrogation. The bill requires that a statement signed by the accused be made in a language that the accused can read and understand. The United States Constitution provides protection, under the 5th amendment, that no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. While procedural safeguards under the US Constitution as well as federal and state statutes protect this right, the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure does not require a written statement that is signed by an accused person to be written in a language that they can read and understand. Thus, a non-English speaker could potentially sign a statement in English without understanding the content of the statement and, as a result, could be compelled to be a witness against himself or herself in violation of the individual's constitutional right. This is especially important in areas like the lower Rio Grande Valley where substantial portions of the population are primarily Spanish-speaking. In areas like these, with large nonEnglish-speaking populations, the language used throughout the judicial process can play a significant role in ensuring that individuals receive substantive due process.
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