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Relative Pronouns

o qual cujo Quadro dos Pronomes Relativos Variveis Masculino Feminino os quais a qual as quais cujos cuja cujas Invariveis quem que onde

No Ingls
What That Who Whom Which Whose Where

This is the house that Jack built

Independent clause = This is the house Dependent adjective clause = that Jack built Relative pronoun = that Adjective clause is modifying = house

What (o que)
Ligao de duas oraes
I know what they wanted here. I dont have what you want.

That e Who (que, quem)

That pode ser usado para referir a pessoas, animais e objetos. That usado em casos onde h definio do sujeito The birds that live here are very beautiful.
Who s usado para pessoas. The woman that/who is speaking is a scientist. Juliet is the girl that/who Romeo loves. I told you about who lives here. (Sem definio) Do you know who I am? (Sem definio)

Whom (que)
Whom s usado para pessoas. Quando a pessoa objeto direto da ao. Pode vir depois de preposio.
The boy with whom I spoke drew that picture. The policeman whom Robert saw yesterday is my uncle. I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference.

Refere-se tanto ao sujeito quanto ao objeto, porm s utilizado quando essas palavras se referirem a animais ou coisas, nunca a pessoas.
Where is the book which I left here? dont have more My dog, which is getting old,doesnt black fell.

Whose (cujo)
Refere-se a pessoas, animais ou coisas, indicando posse. Sempre vem uma pessoa depois de WHOSE.
Do you know the boy whose father is bald? Betty, whose daughter I meet every Sunday morning, is your teacher.

Relative Adverbs Where

Refere-se a um lugar
Thats the school where I studied in 1998.

Refere-se a um tempo
She didnt work last week, when she studied to he exam.

Alguns pronomes relativos do ingles podem ser omitidos em alguns casos em que o pronome no essencial para o total sentido da frase.

I know what they wanted here. I dont have what do you want. The birds that live here are very beautiful. The woman that/who is speaking is a scientist. Juliet is the girl that/who Romeo loves. I told you about who lives here. Do you know who I am? The boy with whom I spoke drew that picture. The policeman whom Robert saw yesterday is my uncle.

I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference. Where is the book which I left here? My dog, which is getting old, doesnt have more black fell. Do you know the boy whose father is bald? Betty, whose daughter I meet every Sunday morning, is your teacher. Thats the school where I studied in 1998. She didnt work last week, when she studied to he exam.

Is this the fish you saw under the boat?

Politicians and diaper the must be changed frequently, for the same reason.

(Ea de queiroz)

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