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Regulations to be followed when dissecting: Safety glasses, latex gloves, a lab coat,
rinse the specimen carefully, and use the sharp instruments with caution.
(1) What general terminology (list & define) should one be familiar with before
beginning a cat dissection?
Lateral-Towards the side
Medial-toward the midline
Proximal- Near or toward the point of reference
( e.g. midline of body).
Distal- away from the point of reference
( e.g. midline of body).
Dorsal- toward the back
Ventral- Toward the belly
Anterior (Cranial)- Towards the head
Posterior (Caudal)-Towards the tail
Sagittal plane- divides the body or organs into left and right portions. A mid-
saggittal section has equal right and left halves.
Median Sagittal plane- divides the body into equal right and left halves
Transverse Plane- Perpendicular to the long axis. All sections cut along transverse
planes are cross sections.
Frontal Plane- divides the body into dorsal and ventral portions.

Unit one- External Features- 10 points

(1) List two interesting observations/discoveries. Two interesting discoveries that we

made from contemplating our cat was as followed: The cat was skinned and did
not have a tail.
(2) Define: Vibrissae, Pinnae, Tori
Vibrissae- long hairs around its eyes stout, mouth and cheeks.
Pinnae- external ear structures
Tori- found on the undersurface of the foot are epidermal thickenings called
friction pads.

Unit two- The Skeleton- 29 points

(1) #2 Describe the movement allowed by the axis-to-atlas joint and the atlas-to-skull
joint. The movement from axis-to-atlas is rotation of the neck and atlas-to-skull is
# 4 Give the articulating surfaces for the following forelimb joints: shoulder,
elbow, wrist. The Scapula of the cat articulates with the humerus bone. The elbow
articulates with the radius and the ulna. The wrist articulates with the metacarpals.
#5 Give the articulating surfaces for the following hind limb joints: hip, knee,
ankle. The hip articulates with the femur. The knee articulates with the fibula. The
ankle articulates with the phalanges.
(2) Explain the differences between the axial and appendicular skeleton in terms of
Structures and functions. The axial skeleton balances the head at the end of the
Vertebral column. The axial consist of the skull, mandible, vertebral column, ribs
And sternum. The appendicular is the pectoral girdle, forelimbs, pelvic girdle and
Hind limbs and also helps in movement.

Unit Three- The Muscles (& Endocrine/Lymphatic Systems)- 55 points

(1) List two interesting observations/discoveries.

Our cat has four layers of muscles and it’s interesting how different colors can be
on different layers of muscles.
(2) Define: tendon, aponeurosis, origin, insertion
Tendon- A collagenous band that connects a skeletal muscle to an element of the
Aponeurosis- A broad tendinous sheet that may serve as the origin or insertion of
a skeletal muscle.
Origin- In a skeletal muscle, the point of attachment which does not change
position when the muscle contracts; usually defined in terms of movements from
the anatomical position.
Insertion- A point of attachment of a muscle; the end that is easily movable.


(4) Define: Superficial fascia- Outer layers of fibrous tissue covering and separating
(5) Endocrine System/Lymphatic System- Explain the purpose of both thyroid gland
And the lymph node.
The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body burns energy, makes proteins, and
how sensitive the body should be to other hormones. It is connected to the pituitary
gland which produces the hormones regulating homeostasis needed by your body.

The lymph node: The lymph node is an important part of your immune system. Your
lymph node filters fluids, catching viruses, bacteria, and other unknown materials. Then
your unique white blood cells destroy the unwanted materials.

(6) Describe how the endocrine system works as one of the two major controlling
systems in the body. Be sure to discuss its means of communication, length of effect, and
response time. In addition, outline an example of a feedback mechanism involving the
endocrine system.

(7) Explain the interrelationship between the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. In
addition, list the main structures of the lymphatic system and their function

Unit Four- The Digestive System- 85 points

(1) Answer the Questions & Activities- #3

#3 Cut open the stomach and describe its internal appearance.
(2) List three interesting observations/discoveries.
(3) Diagram the Digestive System

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