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Disc ussio n wit h a Buddhist abo ut jihad in I slam

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I am part icipat ing in an email argument about recent event s in t he war in Af ghanist an, and t he person who I am arguing wit h has made t he f ollowing claim: "All Muslim clerics who are t rue t o Islamic/Mohammad t eaching preach t hat anyone ot her t han Muslims are inf idels and subject t o t he sword." I don't believe t his claim, but I am not a Muslim, and I know very lit t le about Islam, so I don't have t he f act s t o count er t his person's claim. What is t he Islamic t rut h here? How should I argue?. Praise be t o Allaah. Your quest ion t o is indicat ive of a sincere desire t o f ind out t he t rut h, but bef ore t hat did you not ask yourself : why am I cont ent wit h t his lit t le t hat I know about Islam? Why dont I get t he f ull pict ure about t his religion f rom it s f ollowers, even if t hat means t hat I have t o t ravel t o t hem? People of t en t ravel t o earn money or f or pleasure, or f or ot her mat erial purposes, or even f or f oolish purposes.

She does not have a place to live; where should she

It is t he mat t er of ones et ernal dest iny. Is it not possible t hat t his t rut h t hat you are seeking is t o be f ound in t hat which you do not know about Islam? It is even more serious t han t hat , f or it is t he mat t er of et ernal Paradise or et ernal Hell. But in addit ion t o t hat sincere desire t o discover t he t rut h, you also need an even more sincere desire t o f ollow it and t he will power t o adhere t o it , even if it runs cont rary t o what you were accust omed t o bef ore. Moreover, by asking t his quest ion you seem t o be like a sick person who looks at t he surgeons knif e and it s sharpness, and f orget s t he disease t hat is killing him, or curses t he caut ery f or it s burning and f orget s t he leprosy t hat is consuming him. T his is not t he way of t he wise. First of all you should underst and t he mot ives f or jihad in Islam, bef ore asking about who deserves t o be killed. T hese mot ives were summed up by Ribi ibn Aamir and ot her companions of t he Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and were st at ed t o Rust am, t he commander of t he Persian army, in t he bat t le of al-Qaadisiyyah, when he asked t hem one af t er anot her, f or t hree consecut ive days bef ore t he bat t le t ook place: What is t his t hat you have brought ? T he answer came: Allaah has sent us t o bring f ort h whomsoever He wills f rom t he worship of people t o t he worship of Allaah alone, f rom t he hardship of t his world t o it s ease, f rom t he injust ice of ot her religions t o t he just ice of Islam. He sent His Messenger wit h His religion t o His creat ion. Whoever accept s it f rom us, we will accept it f rom him and will go back; we will leave him and his land alone. Whoever ref uses, we will f ight him unt il we end up in Paradise or in vict ory. T his religion has always and cont inues t o and always will be f aced wit h resist ance based on deviant belief s and f alse ideologies, wit h polit ical, milit ary, social, economic and racial obst acles. All t hese obst acles combined may produce an at t it ude t hat reject s Islam alt oget her and prevent s people f rom f ollowing it . If verbal discussions and debat es, arguing in a way t hat is bet t er, address deviant belief s and ideas, t hen t he jihad movement addresses ot her, mat erial obst acles, f oremost among which is t he polit ical power t hat is based on t hose combined f act ors. It aims it s st rikes at t he milit ary and polit ical powers t hat enslave t he people t o somet hing ot her t han Allaah i.e., rules t hem by means

of somet hing ot her t han t he laws of Allaah and t hat prevent t hem f rom list ening t o t he t rut h and f ollowing it wit h absolut e f reedom. T hus t here is a need f or bot h dawah and jihad in order t o f ace t he real obst acles of lif e. See Maaalim f il-Tareeq, p. 59 f f T hus it becomes clear t hat t he basic principle of f ight ing as prescribed in shareeah is jihad, and it s purpose is t hat all religion should be devot ed t o Allaah, and t hat t he word of Allaah should be supreme. Whoever t ries t o prevent t hat is t o be f ought , according t o t he consensus of t he Muslims. Wit h regard t o t hose who are not involved in resist ance and f ight ing such as women, children, monks, old men, t he blind, t he chronically ill, and so on t hey are not t o be killed, according t o t he majorit y of scholars, unless t hey f ight in word or deed because we are t o f ight t hose who f ight us, if we want t he religion of Allaah t o prevail, as Allaah says (Int erpret at ion of t he meaning): And f ight in t he way of Allaah t hose who f ight you, but t ransgress not t he limit s. Truly, Allaah likes not t he t ransgressors [al-Baqarah 2:190] It was proven t hat our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) passed by a woman who had been killed in one of his bat t les, and t he people were st anding around her, and he said: T his one was not a f ight er. And he sent a man t o Khaalid ibn al-Waleed who was a general at t he head of his army and commanded him: Tell him not t o kill any children or hired workers. Perhaps what is meant is t hose who were not bearing arms. Narrat ed by Abu Dawood, 2669; al-Albaani said: It is hasan saheeh; Saheeh Abi Dawood, 2324. Allaah has permit t ed killing t o what ever ext ent it is needed t o bring people t o t he right pat h, as He says (int erpret at ion of t he meaning): and Al Fit nah (t umult and oppression) is worse t han killing [al-Baqarah 2:217] i.e., alt hough killing involves evil and mischief , t he evil and mischief caused by t he f it nah of t he disbelievers (t he t umult and oppression t hat t hey cause) is worse t han t hat . Wit h regard t o t he person who does not t ry t o prevent t he Muslims f rom est ablishing t he religion of Allaah, his disbelief harms no one but himself .

Al-Siyaasah al-Shariyyah by Ibn Taymiyah, 165-167. Here t here is an import ant point t o be made: f ight ing, aggression and oppression are old problems t hat af f ect mankind so long as people are inf luenced by greed and by whims and desires, and so long as bot h good and evil exist among men. Ibn Khaldoon said: Wars and all kinds of f ight ing have exist ed f rom t he moment Allaah creat ed mankind. T heir origin is t he desire t hat some people have t o wreak vengeance on ot hers T his is somet hing nat ural in man and no nat ion or era is f ree of t his... Moreover, what do t he Muslims have t o do wit h t he t errible wars t hat have t aken place bet ween various Christ ian groups in t he past , and what bef ell t he Prot est ant s at t he hands of t he Cat holics? What do t he Muslims have t o do wit h t he t wo World Wars, or wit h Hiroshima and Nagasaki? We have t he right t o say, along wit h Count Henri de Christ ie: It is more correct t o say t hat t he peacef ul nat ure and gent leness of t he Muslims is t he reason why t heir st at e f ell. Allaah t he Almight y has spoke t he t rut h: T hose who have been expelled f rom t heir homes unjust ly only because t hey said: Our Lord is Allaah. For had it not been t hat Allaah checks one set of people by means of anot her, monast eries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, wherein t he Name of Allaah is ment ioned much would surely, have been pulled down. Verily, Allaah will help t hose who help His (Cause). Truly, Allaah is All St rong, All Might y [al-Hajj 22:40] T hink about t hat , t hen list en t o t he words of t he Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): Allaah wonders at t hose who will ent er Paradise in chains. (Saheeh al-Bukhaari, 3030). And he said: [T he verse] You are t he best of peoples ever raised up f or mankind [Aal Imraan 3:110] means, You are t he best f or t he people, as you bring t hem wit h chains on t heir necks t ill t hey embrace Islam (Narrat ed by al-Bukhaari, 4557) i.e., when t hey f ight ot hers, t hey may t ake some of t hem prisoner, or ot hers may submit t o t heir rule, t hen t hey come t o know Islam and ent er int o t he f ait h, even t hough t hey

disliked it at f irst . Perhaps if you do t hat , you will kiss t he hand of t he doct or, even if t he scars of his scalpel are lef t on your skin. And Allaah is t he Source of st rengt h.
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