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Understanding the Performance of Streaming Applications

Deployed on Hybrid Systems

Joseph Lancaster, Ron Cytron, and Roger D. Chamberlain

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis,,

Abstract An important class of applications that can effectively

exploit the capabilities of hybrid systems is streaming ap-
Significant performance gains have been reported by ex- plications. Here, data to be processed are streamed into the
ploiting the specialized characteristics of hybrid computing system, a variety of pipelined computations are performed
architectures for a number of streaming applications. While on the data, and the results are then streamed out of the sys-
it is straightforward to physically construct these hybrid tem. Examples of streaming applications include sensor-
systems, application development is often quite difficult. We based signal processing, media (audio and video) process-
have built an application development environment, Auto- ing, and many data-intensive scientific codes [3].
Pipe, that targets streaming applications deployed on hy- The Auto-Pipe development environment [2, 4] sup-
brid architectures. Here, we describe some of the current ports the design and deployment of streaming applications
and future characteristics of the Auto-Pipe environment that on hybrid systems. Auto-Pipe already contains a feder-
facilitate an understanding of the performance of an appli- ated simulation infrastructure [5] that provides timestamped
cation that is deployed on a hybrid system. data traces for each arc in the dataflow representation of
a streaming application. Here, we describe the principles
that are guiding our runtime performance monitoring sys-
1. Introduction tem that is currently under development.

Recent years have seen the emergence of a number of 2. Streaming Applications and Hybrid Systems
differing computing technologies. Single-processor sys-
tems have yielded the mainstream to multi-core versions Generally, streaming applications can be thought of as
of general-purpose processors (GPPs), chip multiprocessors course-grained dataflow computations in which computa-
(CMPs) with many cores are now available [12], heteroge- tion blocks, or kernels, are interconnected by arcs over
neous CMPs are used both in gaming systems and for com- which data is communicated. An example application
putational science [9], graphics processing units (GPUs) topology is illustrated in Figure 1. Block A is a data source,
are used for general-purpose computation [1], and field- the output data stream from block A is delivered as an input
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been used to ac- stream to block B, etc.
celerate many applications. We refer to systems constructed
using a variety of the above technologies as hybrid systems.
Each of the above technologies has its own architec-
ture, memory subsystem, language for authoring applica- A B E
tions, performance capabilities and limitations, algorithmic
strengths and weaknesses, and communities of proponents D
and detractors. Our research focus is on enabling applica-
tion development across a hybrid system, allowing the ap-
Figure 1. Sample application dataflow graph.
plication developer to assign portions of the application to
appropriate subsystems that are well-suited to the computa-
In most streaming languages (e.g., Brook [1],
tions assigned.
StreamIt [11]), the computation within the blocks and
This work was supported by NSF grant CNS-0720667. the interconnections of the blocks are all expressed in a

978-1-4244-1694-3/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Hewlett-Packard via the HP Labs Research Library. Downloaded on May 25, 2009 at 05:32 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
common language. In the Auto-Pipe environment, block the hybrid system. The figure also shows the timestamp
computations are expressed in a language suited to the trace files collected by X-Sim. At an outbound arc depart-
computational resource(s) onto which the block may be ing a device, the times that data elements are available are
allocated. For example, blocks that may be allocated recorded in the file labeled Tout . Associated with inbound
to traditional processor cores are coded in C/C++ while arcs are timestamp files that record the time data elements
blocks that may be allocated to FPGAs are coded in are available, Tavl , and the time data elements are con-
VHDL or Verilog. The interconnections between blocks sumed, Tin .
are expressed in a coordination language, X [4], which is
independent of the block expression language(s). Tin
Tout Tavl
Streaming applications are well-suited to execution on Tout Tavl Tin C
hybrid architectures, in part because hybrid systems fre- A B E
Tout Tavl Tin
Interconnect D
quently have distributed memory infrastructures, and the Model
Device 1 Device 2 Device 3
explicit expression of required data movement inherent in
streaming languages enables the memory to be effectively
utilized. Today, it is fairly straightforward to physically Figure 3. Data traces collected with X-Sim[5].
construct a hybrid system. Figure 2 shows an example of a
hybrid system constructed using dual-core AMD Opterons,
an off-the-shelf graphics card connected to HyperTransport X-Sim can be used to verify both functional correctness
(HT) via a PCIe bus, and an FPGA card connected via a and performance characteristics of the application by exam-
PCI-X bus. Note that while the DRAM memory on the pro- ining the trace files created as part of the simulation execu-
cessors is generally accessible by all of the GPP cores, the tion. Essentially, the simulator provides complete observ-
memories associated with the GPU and the FPGA are seg- ability into the communication arcs of the streaming appli-
regated (both from the main memory and each other). cation. (Note that while the example illustration only shows
traces being created for inter-device communication, there
DRAM DRAM are mechanisms available for tracing interior arcs as well.)
HT Once the application developer is happy with what can
be learned from simulation, the task moves to actual de-
ployment, executing the streaming application directly on
HT HT the hybrid system. In the Auto-Pipe system, the devel-
oper specifies which application blocks are to be mapped to
PCI-X PCIe which devices in the hybrid system, and Auto-Pipe provides
DRAM the appropriate communications infrastructure to effect the
FPGA GPU necessary data movement. In the example above, data from
a processor core to the FPGA was moved across the PCI-X
SRAM bus. Data delivery between two processor cores uses the na-
tive shared memory, data to/from the graphics engine uses
PCIe, etc.
Figure 2. Example hybrid system.
While the Auto-Pipe system ensures the data is deliv-
ered correctly, it is not uncommon for an actual deployment
By associating device numbers with each of the compu-
to have performance characteristics that differ in some way
tational components of the hybrid system, one can explicitly
from the simulation model. This might be due to lack of
map blocks in the streaming application to devices in the
complete fidelity in the models of the computing devices,
hybrid computer. Figure 3 illustrates a circumstance where
the interconnection networks, or possibly their interactions.
block A has been allocated to Device 1, blocks B, C, and
Whatever the reason, to support the developer’s understand-
D have been allocated to Device 2, and block E has been
ing of the actual performance realized on the deployed sys-
allocated to Device 3. If, for example, Device 1 is one of
tem, observability of runtime, dynamic performance char-
the processor cores and Device 2 is the FPGA, the Auto-
acteristics is required.
Pipe environment automatically provides the infrastructure
for data delivery from the output port of block A to the input
port of block B, moving the data across the PCI-X bus. 3. Understanding Runtime Performance
Prior to actual deployment on the hybrid system, the X-
Sim federated simulation tool, which is part of the Auto- For non-streaming applications and relatively monolithic
Pipe environment, provides a simulation model of the platforms, performance is typically understood via instru-
streaming application as mapped to the various devices in mentation that generates statistics at runtime. The relative

Authorized licensed use limited to: Hewlett-Packard via the HP Labs Research Library. Downloaded on May 25, 2009 at 05:32 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
lack of diversity on such platforms simplifies the infrastruc- approach appropriate for this problem domain.
ture required to generate statistics, and shared storage can One popular (and sensible) approach to monitoring the
suffice for collection of data. Hot spots in the code are performance of a program is to aggregate performance in-
found by program-counter sampling or by procedure log- formation over the entire run of a dataset. This can typi-
ging. While every instruction and every event could be cally be done incrementally, minimizing the impact of the
sampled to provide the greatest detail, the overhead of col- performance monitoring task on the dynamic behavior of
lecting, storing, and processing such information would be the application itself. The aggregate information is output
overwhelming. Instead, a reasonable balance between fi- at the end of the run and shown to the developer. Aggre-
delity and overhead is typically struck. The overhead of gate results can truly be beneficial to the user: they can be
tracking an application’s performance is then some accept- used to check the validity of analytic models or simply alert
able use of processor and storage resources to develop and the developer to unexpected performance issues. Unfor-
store the performance data. tunately, this approach misses a key piece of information:
However, developing a reasonable global view of a dis- when or where (causally) do performance anomalies occur
tributed application’s performance is not as straightforward. during the run. This information can inform developers of
Distributed applications do not typically share storage, nor real-time systems of performance-related issues which are
is there a universal program counter that accurately reflects considered bugs.
the state of the application. In this paper, we propose meth- On the other hand, one can imagine a system where ev-
ods for understanding the performance of streaming appli- ery datum is accompanied by meta-data that describes its
cations on diverse (ergo distributed) platforms. performance at every step of the algorithm, as is the case in
Ideally, we would like to have timestamps for every da- simulation systems such as X-Sim. Attempting to monitor
tum as it flows through the system, much like the current programs at this granularity is an infeasible task but for the
simulation system offers, but operating at full system speed. most trivial of programs and performance metrics because
Additionally, this information should come at no overhead of computational and bandwidth restrictions in real systems.
cost so the measurements are believable. Achieving this is The above two approaches can be viewed as being at op-
impossible on most real systems as the bandwidth and stor- posite ends of a spectrum of information resolution. Ag-
age constraints are the limiting factors. Given that we are gregate statistics have very limited information concerning
bound by this restriction, what is a reasonable thing to do? the temporal properties of the application, while per-datum
One approach is to enable significant customizability meta-data has complete information. Fortunately, as system
into the specific performance data to be collected, allocat- designers, we are not limited to either end of the spectrum
ing resources targeted directly at the performance question and in fact we believe the system should allow flexibility as
of interest. An example of a system of this type is described to where in that spectrum the user wishes to operate. We as-
by Hough et al. [8], which instruments a soft-core proces- sert that one can craft a healthy balance between the quality
sor deployed on an FPGA. Alternatively, one can deploy of temporal information and precision of the performance
numerous performance counters across a chip (e.g., as on metrics.
the Cell [6]). The above techniques, however, are generally In order to manage temporal performance information
focused on an individual computing resource. Our interest we borrow a concept of framed computation from the me-
is in the complete hybrid system, composed of a collection dia compression literature. Instead of measuring over the
of computing resources. entire execution of a program, the measurement is divided
In massively parallel compute clusters, the dominate pro- into measurement “frames.” A frame is simply the length
gramming paradigm is via message passing (typically using of an individual measurement in time or the size of a mea-
MPI). In this environment, there are tools that collect and surement defined in datum count. Statistics are initialized
present each message [7]. These tools, however, can sig- each time a new frame is encountered and the results are re-
nificantly impact the temporal properties of the executing ported at the end of a frame. In this way, the user is given
program, thereby altering the target they wish to measure. an ordered set of performance metrics from which he/she
Here we offer a method of performance monitoring in a can reason about the behavior of the application. The cardi-
hybrid streaming system that allows for excellent data char- nality of the set for a given run length is determined solely
acterization and flexibility in trading-off temporal resolu- by the chosen frame size. The set of frames, or a subset
tion for higher precision performance metrics. In addition, of frames, can also be aggregated in many cases to provide
the system is focused on offering quantitative measures of performance information about the entire run if the user so
the uncertainty present in both temporal and performance desires.
metrics so the user can draw statistically-sound conclusions In an ideal environment (without resource constraints),
which can then guide future implementation choices. Next, the user could specify a frame size of one datum, since this
we describe the salient features that make this monitoring provides the most information about the execution of the ap-

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plication. Realistically, the frame size should be carefully that do not have fixed input-output relations. This example
chosen to provide the sampling frequency that barely ex- closely mimics the behavior of a block we developed for
ceeds the Nyquist frequency of the variability of the system accelerating BLAST in our previous work [10].
in order to minimize interference with the execution of the A reasonable performance metric to observe is K’s filter
application itself. Note that in many cases, even this basic strength, SK , defined as the number of input datums con-
condition may not be feasible. sumed for each output datum generated. SK is a desirable
Collecting performance information in frames essen- metric to know since it establishes the input to output data
tially aggregates only the data within the frame instead of volume ratio for K. Also, it may be represented by an av-
the data over the entire run. Hence, the developer will re- erage, a histogram, or some empirically-informed model.
ceive temporal information about the behavior of the sys- One might want to know SK to determine the bandwidth
tem. Some information is still lost, however, for frame sizes requirements for both the inbound and outbound links con-
greater than one datum. To help the user understand the sig- necting the computing resource that is executing K to its
nificance of reported performance results, we propose quan- upstream and downstream neighbors.
titative measures of the uncertainty of aggregated statistics Let Tf be the period (in seconds) of a performance
so that the trade-off of larger frames can be more easily eval- frame. Let us also assume SK is characterized by collecting
uated. a histogram HK,i of observed values during each frame i.
For instance, assume that within a frame one collects the Each histogram HK,i has two parameters, Ni , the number
average time a datum spends in a particular stage of an al- of bins in HK,i , and Wi , the width of each bin.
gorithm. A frame size of one would tell exactly how long Now let us examine the bounds on the error inherent in
each datum resides in that stage. Collecting only one frame HK,i . Let R be the range of the data in the measurements.
over the entire run will give the overall average execution Then the maximum quantization error of HK,i is defined
time of that stage. In a realistic system, the operating point as Eq,i = Ri /Wi . Similarly, the maximum error due to
will likely somewhere on the continuum between the two. aggregating temporal performance data (assuming a fixed
If the performance behavior of the application is highly de- frame size) is simply the period of the frame, Ef,i = Tf .
pendent on data-driven effects, the frame size must be small We propose that, at a minimum, these error bounds ac-
enough to capture the essence of this property. Hence it is company each point on the performance graphs. Let’s as-
extremely important that the quality of the statistics be care- sume that the data from an execution of our example appli-
fully evaluated by the developer. cation is presented as frame times on the x-axis and filter
strength on the y-axis as shown in Figure 4. On the x-axis,
In the above example, a simple statistic, the mean execu-
Ef,i are shown as horizontal error bars. These bars show the
tion time, was used as the performance metric. We believe
maximum amount of uncertainty in time that the user will
that flexibility in the metrics being measured is paramount
expect from the chosen frame size. On the y-axis, Eq,i are
to the utility of the system. Unfortunately, not all perfor-
shown as vertical error bars. The vertical bars show the up-
mance metrics require the same amount of data to report.
per bound on the errors due to the aggregation of individual
A simple mean execution metric may only take 4 bytes to
statistics within a frame.
report per frame; a histogram of blocking probabilities may
require on the order of kilobytes or more per frame. As a The two uncertainty measures can be conceptualized as
result, the choice of an appropriate frame size depends not a rectangle bounding the error both in time and value. Re-
only on the variability of the application executing on the source constraints of the system such as buffering capacity
system but also on the choice and resolution of performance or outbound bandwidth create a minimum area of the rect-
metric(s) collected. Again, we would prefer to not impact angle. Under this constraint, an automatic choice of Tf that
the program’s behavior by using only the extra available minimizes the perimeter of the rectangle (the sum of the
system bandwidth for performance monitoring. This raises two uncertainties) is appropriate. However, in some situ-
the question of how does one choose between the quality ations the user may benefit by decreasing the uncertainty
of the temporal information and the quality of the measured of one axis and trading-off accuracy on the other axis. In
performance metric(s) with the goal of providing the “best” this case, the area of this rectangle is still at least as large,
performance information to the developer. the shape is simply altered. Providing direct user control is
clearly required.
To develop a quantitative analysis of the performance
monitoring system, let’s explore the implications of these
trade-offs using an example. Consider a streaming block 4. Conclusions
K that has one input stream and one output stream. K has
the property that for each input there is some probability In this paper, we have presented the current and future
0 ≤ PK ≤ 1 that it will generate an output. Block K is rep- capabilities of the Auto-Pipe application development envi-
resentative of many real-world applications, such as filters, ronment focused on performance understanding of stream-

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