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Metabolomics (2010) 6:583–594

DOI 10.1007/s11306-010-0227-6


Metabolomics reveals unhealthy alterations in rumen metabolism

with increased proportion of cereal grain in the diet of dairy cows
Burim N. Ametaj • Qendrim Zebeli • Fozia Saleem •
Nikolaos Psychogios • Michael J. Lewis •
Suzanna M. Dunn • Jianguo Xia • David S. Wishart

Received: 4 February 2010 / Accepted: 25 June 2010 / Published online: 14 July 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract This study presents the first application of grain diets. These results may have a number of implica-
metabolomics to evaluate changes in rumen metabolites of tions regarding the influence of grain on the overall health
dairy cows fed increasing proportions of barley grain (i.e., of dairy cows.
0, 15, 30, and 45% of diet dry matter). 1H-NMR spec-
troscopy was used to analyze rumen fluid samples repre- Keywords Rumen metabolic profile  NMR  Dairy cow 
senting 4 different diets. Results showed that for cows fed Principal component analysis  Hierarchical clustering
30 and 45% grain, increases were observed in the con- analysis  Barley grain
centration of rumen methylamine as well as glucose, ala-
nine, maltose, propionate, uracil, valerate, xanthine,
ethanol, and phenylacetate. These studies also revealed 1 Introduction
lower rumen 3-phenylpropionate in cows fed greater
amounts of cereal grain. Furthermore, ANOVA tests Dairy cows have evolved through a close symbiotic rela-
showed noteworthy increases in rumen concentrations of tionship with a vast ensemble of rumen microbes (i.e., the
N-nitrosodimethylamine, dimethylamine, lysine, leucine, microbiota). These microbes give dairy cattle important
phenylacetylglycine, nicotinate, glycerol, fumarate, buty- metabolic capabilities including the ability to digest cel-
rate, and valine with an enriched grain diet. Using principal lulose-rich feedstuffs and to convert them into a wide range
component analysis it was also found that each of the 4 of compounds important for body maintenance and milk
diets could be distinguished on the basis of the measured production. Keeping a stable and healthy rumen microbiota
rumen metabolites. The two closest clusters corresponded is also critical for maintaining healthy cows (Nocek 1997;
to the 0 and 15% grain diets, whereas the 45% barley grain Emmanuel et al. 2008) and high milk quality (Jenkins and
diet was significantly separated from the other clusters. McGuire 2006).
Unhealthly levels of a number of potentially toxic metab- Today’s intensive dairy management systems encourage
olites were found in the rumen of cattle fed 30 and 45% the inclusion of large amounts of cereal grains in the diets
of dairy cattle to support high milk yields and enhance cost
efficiency. Barley grain, a cereal characterized by rapid
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s11306-010-0227-6) contains supplementary degradation of its starch in the rumen, is widely used in
material, which is available to authorized users. Western Canada and elsewhere as one of the main energy
components in the diets of dairy cows (15–40% in diet dry
B. N. Ametaj (&)  Q. Zebeli  S. M. Dunn
matter) and beef cattle (40–85%). Yet, these feeding
Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5, Canada practices often lead to the accumulation of large amounts
e-mail: of short-chained fatty acids (SCFA) and to the acidification
of rumen fluid. This often leads to a pathological condition
F. Saleem  N. Psychogios  M. J. Lewis  J. Xia  D. S. Wishart
commonly referred to as acute or sub-acute rumen acidosis
Departments of Biological Sciences and Computing Science,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E9, Canada (ARA or SARA; Nocek 1997). Moreover, feeding diets
e-mail: rich in readily available carbohydrates is associated with

584 B. N. Ametaj et al.

major alterations to the rumen microbiota, which are amounts of barley grain on rumen metabolite patterns in
accompanied by significant changes to the rumen meta- lactating dairy cows.
bolic pathways (Tajima et al. 2000; Khafipour et al. 2009).
Several lines of evidence support a role for altered
rumen metabolism, (due to the feeding of high grain/low 2 Materials and methods
fiber diets) in the development of several pathologic con-
ditions including laminitis (Nocek 1997), fatty liver All experimental procedures were approved by the Uni-
(Ametaj et al. 2005), systemic inflammation (Emmanuel versity of Alberta Animal Care and Use Committee for
et al. 2008), and milk fat depression syndrome (Jenkins and Livestock, and animals were cared for in accordance with
McGuire 2006; Zebeli and Ametaj 2009). Although the the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care
interrelationships of rumen metabolism and host health (1993). Data related to concentration of endotoxin and pH
status are widely accepted, it is not yet clear which of the of the rumen fluid, plasma acute phase proteins, and milk
compounds generated by the activity of rumen microbiota, production for this experiment have been reported previ-
under conditions of diet-induced stress (i.e., high grain ously (Emmanuel et al. 2008; Zebeli and Ametaj 2009). In
feeding), are significant to a cow’s health. Moreover, little this manuscript, we reinterpret previous data collected on
is known with respect to microbial-mediated changes in rumen pH and endotoxin in the context of the metabolomic
rumen metabolism during the feeding of graded propor- profile changes evaluated in this research.
tions of cereal grain in the diet. So far, most conventional
studies addressing rumen metabolism, have focused on 2.1 Animals and diets
dietary effects on a single class of rumen compounds, such
as SCFA, and have not attempted a comprehensive meta- Eight clinically healthy, rumen-fistulated primiparous
bolomic characterization of the rumen of dairy cattle. Holstein cows (60 ± 15 days in milk) at the University of
Metabolomics is an emerging field of ‘‘omics’’ science Alberta’s Dairy Research and Technology Centre were
that uses high-throughput approaches, such as 1H-NMR used in this study. The original experimental design of this
spectroscopy, coupled with multivariate analysis to extract research was a replicated 4 9 4 Latin square design with
comprehensive metabolic information and measure meta- four 21-day periods (Emmanuel et al. 2008; Zebeli and
bolic phenotypes in mammals, plants, and microbes Ametaj 2009). However, because of the complexity of the
(Vinayavekhin et al. 2010). Metabolomics has opened new study only the rumen samples collected during the first
perspectives in the field of nutrition research, allowing experimental period were used in this report. The first
scientists to explore the complex metabolic pathways in 11 days were used for adaptation to the experimental diets,
response to diet (Wishart 2008a). To our knowledge, only a and the last 10 days for collection of rumen fluid samples.
few studies have used modern metabolomics techniques to Based on previous similar feeding experiments, an adap-
address nutritional issues in ruminant animals. One study tation period of 11 days was considered sufficient to allow
looked at the effects of intra-ruminal infusion of SCFA in wash-in of the experimental diets before the measurements.
non-lactating heifers (Bertram et al. 2005), another study Cows were fed one of the total mixed rations (TMR)
investigated the metabolism of rumen epithelial tissue of containing increasing proportions of rolled barley grain
newborn calves (Bertram et al. 2009), and a third study (i.e., 0, 15, 30, or 45% on a dry matter basis). Thus, 2
used metabolomics to look at the quality of marketed milk different cows were randomly allocated to each diet. All
(Boudonck et al. 2010). Recent research has also shown diets were formulated to meet the nutrient requirements of
that metabolomics can be used to characterize metabolic a 680 kg lactating cow as per NRC (2001) guidelines.
profiles at the gut level. These studies allow one to explore Ingredients and nutrient composition of the 4 TMR are
the symbiotic complexity between the host and its micro- presented in the Supplementary Table 1.
biota as affected by diet, and to unravel the effects of diet
on the development of metabolic diseases (Dumas et al. 2.2 Rumen fluid sample collection
2006). Given this potential we hypothesized that the use of
metabolomics would provide a more comprehensive view For this study, samples from rumen fluid (100 mL) were
on how rumen metabolism changes during the feeding of obtained on days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 of the measurement
graded proportions of cereal grain. Such a study could period (i.e., days 12, 14, 16, 18 and 21 of the experiment) at
improve our understanding of diet-related rumen metabo- 0800 h. All rumen fluid samples were collected through the
lism and give further insight into metabolite-disease asso- cannula using a tube fitted with a strainer and a syringe into
ciations in dairy cattle. For this investigation we used a 140-mL plastic container. The pH of the rumen fluid was
H-NMR spectroscopic profiling along with multivariate determined immediately after collection by a mobile pH
statistics to determine the influence of feeding graded meter (Accumet AP61, Fischer Scientific, Ottawa, Ontario,

Rumen metabolomics 585

Canada). Subsequently, rumen fluid samples were centri- acquired spectra. All spectra were randomly ordered
fuged at 6,0009g for 15 min (Rotanta 460 R, Hettich (within acquisition batches) for spectral fitting using
Zentrifugan, Tuttlingen, Germany), and the supernatant Chenomx Profiler. For each spectrum, the compounds
was stored at -20°C until it was analyzed for metabolite identified were sorted by decreasing concentration and then
and endotoxin content. fit for concentration and translation in that order. The three
test profiles were compared with the corresponding profiles
2.2.1 Rumen fluid sample preparation for NMR to test for consistency. Each compound concentration was
spectroscopy then normalized by dividing the measured concentration
into the total concentration of all metabolites in that sample
Rumen samples were thawed at room temperature and (Weljie et al. 2006). We also used sample spiking to con-
centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 140 min to remove macro- firm the identity of several spectral signatures seen in our
molecules (fine feed particles and microbiota). The super- NMR spectra. This was conducted by adding 50–500 lM
natant was collected and passed through 0.2 lM syringe of the presumptive compound to selected rumen samples to
filters (Fischer Scientific, Fairlawn, NJ). Subsequently, test if the corresponding 1H-NMR signals changed as
35 lL of D2O and 15 lL of a standard buffer solution expected.
(0.16 mM DSS [disodium-2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-
sulphonate], 10 mM imidazole, and 0.02% NaN3 in H2O) 2.5 GC-MS compound identification
were added to 300 lL of filtered rumen sample. Subse-
quently, these samples (350 lL) were transferred to a An additional step for compound identification was per-
standard Shigemi microcell NMR tube for subsequent formed, by selecting 2 rumen spectra from 0% grain diet for
NMR spectral analysis. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analy-
sis. The samples were extracted separately to obtain separate
2.3 1H-NMR spectrum acquisition pools of polar and lipophilic metabolites using previously
reported protocols (Wishart et al. 2008). Derivatized polar
All 1H-NMR spectra were collected on a 500 MHz Inova extracts and lipophilic extracts were analyzed using an
(Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA) spectrometer equipped with Agilent 5890 Series II GC-MS instrument operating in an
either a 5 mm HCN Z-gradient pulsed-field gradient (PFG) Electron Impact (EI) ionization mode. For GC-MS analysis,
room-temperature probe or a Z-gradient PFG Varian cold- 2 lL of extract were injected using a split/splitless injector
probe. 1H-NMR spectra were acquired at 25°C using the with a split ratio 5:1 onto a DB-5 capillary column (Agilent
first transient of the tnnoesy-presaturation pulse sequence, J&W Scientific, 30 m 9 250 lm 9 0.25 lm). The injector
which was chosen for its high degree of quantitative port temperature was held at 250°C and the helium carrier
accuracy (Saude et al. 2006). Spectra were collected with gas flow rate was set to 1 mL/min at the initial oven tem-
64 transients and 4 steady state scans using a 4 s acquisi- perature of 50°C. The oven temperature was increased at
tion time and a 990 ms solvent presaturation. A spectral 10°C/min to 310°C for a final run time of 26 min. The full
width of 5,997 Hz was used for collecting 24 k data scan mode of the quadrupole MS was used at a mass range of
points. Spectra were processed using the Processor mod- 50–500 m/z, with a solvent delay of 6 min. The MS ion
ule of Chenomx NMR Suite 6.0. The free induction source temperature was set to 200°C.
decays (FIDs) were zero filled to 64 k in the frequency The AMDIS spectral deconvolution software (Version
domain, and multiplied by an exponential weighting 2.62) from NIST (National Institute of Standards and
function corresponding to a line broadening (0.5 Hz) Technology) was used to process the total ion chromato-
before Fourier transformation. Spectra were referenced to gram and the EI-MS spectra of each GC peak. After
DSS (0.0 ppm) and manually corrected for phase and deconvolution, the purified mass spectrum of each of the
baseline distortions. trimethylsilylated metabolites was identified using the
NIST MS Search program (version 2.0d) which was linked
2.4 Sample fitting to the NIST mass spectral library (2008). In AMDIS, each
search produces a list of library spectra (‘‘hits’’), which is
Processed spectra were imported into the Chenomx ranked by the similarity to the target spectrum according to
NMRSuite 6.0 software for quantification (Weljie et al. a mathematically computed ‘‘match factor’’. The match
2006; Wishart 2008b). In total, 46 compounds were factor indicates the likelihood that our spectrum and the
quantified from each spectrum. Briefly, test spectra were reference NIST spectrum arose from the same compound.
chosen and concentrations for each compound were aver- In the current case, we considered hits with a match factor
aged over the test profiles. These averages were used as the of[60% and a probability[20%. These cutoff values have
starting concentration vector for fitting or refitting all the been shown to yield consistent results with synthetic

586 B. N. Ametaj et al.

mixtures containing known compounds and with samples averaging all the nine samples collected at 0%. After this
independently analyzed by NMR. Retention Indices (RIs) normalization step, all samples were normalized against
were calculated using a C8-C20 alkane standard solution this reference sample using probabilistic quotient normal-
(Fluka, Sigma-Aldrich). ization procedures (Dieterle et al. 2006; Xia et al. 2009).
The compound normalization was conducted using auto-
2.6 Rumen endotoxin scaling, which made all compound variance equal to 1.
Hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) with Euclidean
Concentration of cell-free endotoxin in the rumen fluid distance measures and an average linkage method was
supernatant was determined by the pyrochrome Limulus performed to explore the presence of clustering patterns
amebocyte lysate assay (Associates of Cape Cod Inc., East among the rumen fluid metabolites. Pretreatment of the
Falmouth, MA), as described previously (Emmanuel et al. data in HCA included data normalization (x - m/std),
2008). Briefly, 10 mL of rumen fluid samples were cen- where x denotes given values, m is the mean, and std
trifuged at 6,0009g for 15 min and the supernatant stored indicates the standard deviation of a certain variable, as
at -20°C until analysis. For the assay, the supernatant was well as conversion to log base 2 ratios. The expression
thawed and 1.5 mL centrifuged at 10,0009g for 30 min. patterns and a heat map of each variable were categorized
All samples were tested in duplicate, and the optical den- using an average linkage hierarchical clustering program
sity values were read on a microplate spectrophotometer (Seo 2005).
(Spectramax 190, Molecular Devices Corporation, Sunny-
vale, CA) at a wavelength of 405 nm. The inter- and intra-
assay CV were controlled to limits of \10%. 3 Results

2.7 Statistical analyses 3.1 Outcome of ANOVA tests

Parametric analysis of the data was conducted using the Results of the ANOVA tests with Bonferroni and FDR
MIXED procedure provided by SAS (SAS Institute Inc., corrections with regard to metabolites measured in the
Cary, NC, Version 9.1.3). The model included the fixed rumen fluid are presented in Table 1. Our data showed that
effect of treatment and the ‘‘random’’ effect of the individual feeding dairy cows increasing proportions of barley grain
cow. The measurement day was considered as a repeated was associated with statistically significant increases of
measure with a first-order autoregressive covariance struc- several rumen metabolites including methylamine (MA),
ture, which assumes that the covariance of measurements for glucose, alanine, maltose, uracil, xanthine, and phenylac-
the same animal decays with time (Littell et al. 1998). etate. Moreover, the analysis of variance indicated greater
Instead of raw P values, the Bonferroni correction and the levels of rumen endotoxin and acetate. ANOVA also
false discovery rate (FDR) were applied to counter the effect indicated potential increases in the concentrations of pro-
of multiple hypothesis testing, since they are considered pionate, ethanol (EtOH), valerate, N-nitrosodimethylamine
more appropriate for analyzing the multivariate results (NDMA), dimethylamine (DMA), lysine, leucine, pheny-
found in metabolomic data (Broadhurst and Kell 2006). lacetylglycine (PAG), nicotinate, glycerol, fumarate,
For multivariate analysis, data were imported into the butyrate, and valine, whereas rumen fluid pH was lower
MetaboAnalyst software (; with increasing dietary grain (Table 1). On the other hand,
Xia et al. 2009). Principal component analysis (PCA), greater proportions of barley grain in the diet resulted in
which is an unsupervised pattern recognition method, was lower concentrations of 3-phenylpropionate (3-PP) in the
performed to examine the intrinsic variation in the NMR rumen fluid.
data set (39 in total; n = 9 for diet 0% grain, and n = 10
for the other dietary treatments), and to reduce the 3.2 Multivariate analysis of rumen metabolites
dimensionality of the data. A score plot was used to show
the similarities and differences among the data sets. In a Typical 1H-NMR spectra of rumen fluid corresponding to
score plot the data sets exhibiting similarities are clustered diets with 0, 15, 30, and 45% barley grain are shown in
together and those that are different are placed further Fig. 1. All NMR spectra were collected on samples
apart. The loadings plot shows the variables responsible for obtained on day 18 of the experiment (day 7 of the mea-
the variation within the dataset, and the correlations among surement period). Although there were some day-to-day
individual rumen fluid metabolites corresponding to the differences in the responses of rumen metabolomic profile,
first two eigenvalues (i.e., PC 1 and PC 2). Sample nor- the day 18 spectra were considered as typical responses of
malization against baseline concentration at 0% grain diet the cows to the different diets due to relatively long time
was done by first creating a dummy baseline sample by that the cows were under the feeding regimen.

Rumen metabolomics 587

Table 1 Concentrations of rumen metabolites and endotoxin measured in rumen fluid of lactating dairy cows fed graded amounts of barley grain
Itemb Barley grain proportion (% of diet dry matter) SEMc Statisticsa
0 15 30 45 BON FDR

Metabolite concentrations (lM, unless otherwise stated)

1,3-Dihydroxyacetone (1,3-D) 15.6 7.2 7.9 6.4 5.64 1.00 0.731
3-Hydroxybutyrate (3-HB) 44.8 60.6 46.7 77.1 11.8 0.96 0.517
3-Hydroxyphenylacetate (3-HP) 36.1 56.7 45.7 42.9 6.88 0.51 0.499
3-Phenylpropionate (3-PP) 446 396 322 328 29.2 0.04 0.031
Acetate (mM) 47.6 43.8 41.4 56.5 2.04 \0.01 0.003
Acetoacetate 49.5 47.1 54.1 58.0 10.1 1.00 0.914
Alanine 197 212 397 415 26.8 0.10 0.040
Aspartate 157 164 201 123 23.1 0.65 0.522
Benzoate 36.9 37.4 53.9 38.2 6.22 0.69 0.396
Butyrate (mM) 7.97 6.89 6.42 19.3 1.22 0.40 0.280
Cadaverine 73.2 56.2 93.6 110 19.7 1.00 0.639
Caffeine 15.3 10.8 15.7 13.7 3.36 1.00 0.928
Choline 17.2 14.7 16.9 19.8 5.49 1.00 0.943
Dimethylamine 4.36 7.59 29.5 33.7 10.8 0.77 0.344
Ethanol 131 176 203 341 50.9 0.49 0.357
Ferulate 4.41 11.8 3.91 11.9 2.88 0.71 0.439
Formate 321 337 320 258 36.7 1.00 0.950
Fumarate 1.64 5.82 1.42 6.44 0.57 0.33 0.255
Glucose 400 580 720 2090 120 \0.01 0.002
Glutamate 317 342 442 425 62.3 1.00 0.589
Glycerol 93.9 99.1 148 170 26.7 0.77 0.410
Glycine 104 105 158 150 24.9 1.00 0.470
Histidine 31.8 29.7 35.2 24.8 4.35 1.00 0.641
Hypoxanthine 87.9 134 219 220 59.9 1.00 0.538
Isobutyrate 1280 1283 1216 1430 121.8 1.00 0.723
Isoleucine 144 124 222 148 29.9 0.47 0.307
Isovalerate 891 720 932 998 98.1 0.82 0.539
Lactate 124 122 228 133 28.5 0.34 0.149
Leucine 109 99.2 164 155 19.8 0.92 0.442
Lysine 116 105 125 197 24.3 0.41 0.246
Maltose 49.9 53.7 51.7 124 21.1 0.19 0.072
Methanol 24.1 22.9 28.0 71.9 23.8 1.00 0.512
Methylamine 34.3 136 202 608 45.8 \0.01 0.001
N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) 67.9 49.3 86.8 97.0 9.87 0.22 0.207
Nicotinate 21.5 24.7 35.7 32.2 3.60 0.32 0.220
Phenylacetate 241 363 371 443 33.6 0.01 0.010
Phenylacetylglycine (PAG) 62.1 55.0 80.1 88.7 11.4 0.38 0.305
Proline 130 117 165 141 30.2 1.00 0.808
Propionate (mM) 15.0 17.9 18.0 27.6 2.45 0.12 0.100
Ribose 237 238 298 219 46.4 1.00 0.846
Succinate 82.0 84.5 103.6 80.7 15.4 1.00 0.827
Tyrosine 46.5 41.3 52.2 50.6 8.90 1.00 0.902
Uracil 92.6 149 193 224 16.2 \0.01 0.026
Valerate (mM) 1.41 2.03 2.51 2.70 0.30 0.26 0.355
Valine 109 109 166 173 25.2 0.91 0.291
Xanthine 68.7 101 137 155 8.79 \0.01 0.002

588 B. N. Ametaj et al.

Table 1 continued
Itemb Barley grain proportion (% of diet dry matter) SEMc Statisticsa
0 15 30 45 BON FDR

Endotoxin (mg/L) 0.64 0.81 6.31 7.90 0.80 \0.01 0.001

Rumen pH 6.81 6.70 6.85 6.52 0.08 0.32 0.210
BON Bonferroni correction, FDR false discovery rate (Broadhurst and Kell 2006); Significances were considered at p = 0.05
Rumen fluid for the analysis was collected shortly before the morning feeding, and the cows were fed once daily at 0800 h
SEM standard error of the mean

Fig. 1 Typical 500 MHz 1H-NMR rumen fluid spectra (0–9 ppm) isopropanol; 27, 3-hydroxybutyrate; 28, acetoacetate; 29, 3-hydroxy-
from dairy cows fed 0% (a), 15% (b), 30% (c), and 45% (d) barley phenylacetate; 30, N-nitrosodimethylamine; 31, methanol; 32, valine;
grain. Numbers indicate metabolites, as follows: 1, acetate; 2, 33, lysine; 34, dimethylamine; 35, glycerol; 36, maltose; 37,
propionate; 3, butyrate; 4, valerate; 5, isovalerate; 6, DSS; 7, imidazole; 38, formate; 39, uracil; 40, nicotinate; 41, tyrosine; 42,
3-phenylpropionate; 8, alanine; 9, isoleucine; 10, glucose; 11, proline; benzoate; 43, histidine; 44, hypoxanthine; 45, phenylacetylglycine;
12, isobutyrate; 13, phenylacetate; 14, glycine; 15, cadaverine; 16, 46, xanthine; 47, ribose. The intensity of the aromatic region
aspartate; 17, ethanol; 18, leucine; 19, succinate; 20, glutamate; 21, (5.1–9.0 ppm) is 4 times higher than that of the aliphatic one
methylamine; 22, lactate; 23, choline; 24, fumarate; 25, acetone; 26, (0.0–4.2 ppm)

Figure 2a shows the score plot of the first two principal and 15%, whereas the cluster of cows with 30% grain in
components (PCs), extracted in this study. The 4 ellipses their diet is located between the clusters corresponding to
indicate 95% bivariate normal ellipses that summarize the diets with 0, 15, and 45% grain (Fig. 2a). As shown in
distribution of the principal component scores for the 4 the responses of specific cows at 5 different sampling days,
different diets. Inspection of this figure shows clear clusters the PCA revealed certain inter-day variation, whereby the
corresponding to cows fed different amounts of barley responses of the last day (day 10) of the measurement
grain, which appeared to be well separated by both PC 1 period were clustered closer to each other, near the lower
and PC 2. The ellipses corresponding to the responses of central region of the graph (Fig. 2a).
diets with 0 and 15% grain strongly overlapped with each Loading plots, showing the individual rumen fluid
other. However the responses of cows fed 45% grain are metabolites responsible for the variation of the first two
clustered further apart from those corresponding to diets 0 eigenvalues (PC 1 and PC 2), are given in Fig. 2b. This

Rumen metabolomics 589

gives a graphical representation of the extent to which each

factor accounts for the variance in the data and shows the
relationship between the different rumen variables. Deter-
minants with the same distance from 0 and with similar
directions are positively correlated. Those in the opposite
direction are negatively correlated. The first PC essentially
shows a contrast between amino acids and glucose degra-
dation products as well as rumen pH. The second PC
highlights the contrast between the primary amines and
branched chain fatty acids and aspartate (Fig. 2b). The
metabolite methylamine (MA) appears to play an important
role in the separation along the PC 2.
The results of hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) are
presented in Fig. 3. This dendrogram shows the presence of
different sub-clusters having different numbers of metab-
olites with various degrees of similarity. The responses of
each variable, to four different diets, are indicated with
changes in the color intensity on the heatmap. The vari-
ables with higher similarity are positioned near the top of
the dendrogram. Interestingly, the HCA revealed the
presence of one cluster consisting of the amino acids gly-
cine, valine, leucine, glutamate, and isoleucine as well as
lactate and a semi-volatile organic compound such as
NDMA. Another cluster included the branched chain fatty
acids isobutyrate and isovalerate as well as tyrosine and
phenylacetate. A distinct feature of the HCA was that
rumen metabolites positioned on the top (i.e., from glycine
to succinate) of the heat map showed a much more variable
response, whereas the cluster that included metabolites
from alanine to butyrate showed a clear increase with
increased grain in the diet. Except for 3-PP that decreased
with increased dietary grain, the heat map for the remain-
ing metabolites (i.e., from ferulate to rumen pH) seemed to
be independent of the amount of dietary grain (Fig. 3).

4 Discussion

In this study 1H-NMR-based metabolomics was used to

evaluate whether feeding different proportions of grain in
Fig. 2 Principal component analysis (PCA) of the rumen metabolo-
the diet would affect rumen metabolism. We also wanted to
mic profile. a The PCA score plot distinguishes the metabolic profiles
of rumen fluid in cows fed 0% (open triangle), 15% (plus), 30% investigate whether the observed metabolite changes could
(times), and 45% (open diamond) rolled barely grain in the diet. The give further insight into the role of grain feeding on the
first number in the data points represents diet (0, 15, 30, and 45), the etiopathology of diet-related diseases in dairy cows.
second is about the cow number (1–8 cows), and the third indicates
Our results clearly showed that these four different grain
sampling day (1, 3, 5, 7, and 10). b Loading plot showing the
correlations among individual rumen fluid metabolites of the first two diets could be easily distinguished on the basis of rumen
eigenvalues (PC 1 and PC 2). This gives a graphical representation of metabolites. Our data demonstrated that cows fed on 45%
the extent to which each factor accounts for the variance in the data barley grain had greater concentrations of MA, endotoxin,
and shows the relationship between the different metabolites.
propionate, glucose, and EtOH in their rumen fluid. On the
Variables with the same distance from 0 with similar positions are
positively correlated. Those in the opposite direction are negatively other hand, cows fed 0 and 15% barley grain fell into two
correlated. For abbreviations of rumen fluid metabolites see Table 1 similar clusters characterized by lower concentrations of

590 B. N. Ametaj et al.

Fig. 3 Hierarchical clustering

analysis for different rumen
fluid metabolites measured
before morning feeding in dairy
cows fed four different diets
(0, 15, 30, and 45% barley grain
inclusion in dry matter). The
expression patterns of each
parameter (shown in each row)
were categorized by an average
linkage hierarchical clustering
program (Seo 2005). The bars
indicate the normalized fold
change levels, with lighter grey
boxes denoting an expression
ratio greater than the mean and
darker grey boxes denoting an
expression ratio below the
mean. White boxes denote an
intermediate level. The tree
clusters and their shorter
Euclidean distance indicate
higher similarities. Similarity
between two metabolites is
represented by branch height,
therefore the lower a node is
vertically, the more similar its
sub-tree. Minimum similarity is

PAG, xanthine, NDMA, acetate, and leucine and greater production of methylated amines is the presence of an
3-PP. The potential health implications of altered metab- acidic media. Indeed, the data from our study showed that
olite levels in rumen fluid, due to different proportions of cows fed 30 and 45% barley grain had a rumen pH below
barley grain in the diet, are discussed further below. 5.8 during 6–12 h post-feeding (data not shown). This pH
One of the most interesting observations from this study is at levels typically seen during SARA. The importance of
was a multi-fold increase in the concentrations of methyl- methylated amines to the health of dairy cows is related to
amine (MA) in the rumen of dairy cows fed with the the fact that if they are absorbed into the blood circulation
highest proportions of grain (i.e., 30 and 45%). To our they might be degraded by semicarbazide-sensitive amine
knowledge, this is the first report of such an association oxidases. This degradation process leads to the production
between grain consumption and MA levels. Several of harmful metabolites such as hydrogen peroxide and
investigators have shown that bacterial decarboxylation of formaldehyde, both of which are toxic and both of which
amino acids such as glycine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine are associated with diseases such as diabetes, vascular
(Davis and De Ropp 1961; Hill and Mangan 1964) and the disorders, heart failure, and Alzheimer’s disease in humans
degradation of plant lipids, rich in choline (Hill and (Yu et al. 2006). To our knowledge, there is no information
Mangan 1964; Neill et al. 1978), contribute to the pro- about the role of methylated amines in the etiopathology of
duction of methylated amines in ruminant animals. In metabolic diseases in dairy cows. It would be of interest to
addition, research conducted by Hill and Mangan (1964) explore their role on health issues of dairy cows. Intrigu-
indicated that an additional contributing factor in ingly, Hill and Mangan (1964) and Neill et al. (1978)

Rumen metabolomics 591

demonstrated that methylated amines are converted into feeding. In our study the amount of EtOH in the rumen
methane by rumen microorganisms. Methane is a green- fluid of cows reached the greatest concentration (i.e.,
house gas that contributes to atmospheric pollution. It is 341 lM) on a 45% barley grain diet. The lower concen-
well-known that a variety of factors, including the level tration of rumen EtOH in our cows, compared to previous
and the nature of dietary carbohydrate fermented in the reports, might be due to collection of rumen samples prior
reticulorumen and the ratio between acetate and propio- to the morning feeding. Note that the cows in our experi-
nate, affect the amount of methane emitted from cattle ment were fed only once per day, at 0800. Although there
(Johnson and Johnson 1995). Our data suggest that meth- are no indications for the involvement of EtOH in the
ylated amines might be an additional source of methane etiopathology of metabolic disease in dairy cows, human
that arises from the feeding of high-grain diets. research implicates EtOH in multiple pathological states
Although the concentration of NDMA was not signifi- (Estruch et al. 1993). Intriguingly, Enomoto et al. (2001)
cantly different, explained by low statistical power, data showed that chronic exposure to EtOH increases gut per-
analysis indicated that cows fed the higher proportions of meability and portal vein translocation of endotoxin.
barley grain (i.e., 30 and 45%) potentially had greater Additionally, research conducted by Pruett and Pruett
concentrations of NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine). (2006) demonstrated that EtOH was not able to initiate an
NDMA is a semi-volatile compound released in the rumen acute phase response in C3H/HeJ (TLR-4 mutant) mice,
fluid due to the interaction of ingested nitrites or nitrates indicating that the response is mediated through the
with amines such DMA and TMA (Lijinsky 1999). Gas- endotoxin receptor, TLR-4. We also reported that cows fed
trointestinal NDMA has been reported to be a strong with larger amounts of barley grain (30 and 45% diet DM)
hepatotoxic compound in sheep (Koppang 1964) and is developed an inflammatory state with greater plasma con-
known as a powerful animal carcinogen capable of centrations of serum amyloid A, lipopolysaccharide-bind-
inducing benign and malignant tumors in a variety of tis- ing protein, and C-reactive protein (Emmanuel et al. 2008).
sues including liver, kidney, lung, and the nasal cavity Recently, Khafipour et al. (2009) suggested an unknown
(Souliotis et al. 2002). The reason for elevated levels of physiological factor that might affect gastrointestinal bar-
NDMA in the rumen fluid of cows fed higher proportions rier functions and facilitate translocation of endotoxin into
of grain is not well understood presently; however, our blood circulation and initiate an inflammatory response
HCA revealed presence of a metabolite cluster that inclu- during feeding of high-grain diets. It is postulated that
ded NDMA and the amino acids glycine, valine, leucine, rumen EtOH might be the agent that facilitates transloca-
glutamate, isoleucine as well as lactate. This association tion of endotoxin through rumen and colon walls
suggests that higher concentrations of NDMA might be contributing to endotoxin-related disorders during feeding
related to microbial degradation of the aforementioned of high-grain diets to dairy cows.
amino acids and lactate. Indeed, Davis and De Ropp (1961) Another interesting cluster of metabolites that was
reported that feeding rats with levels of glycine doubled the associated with high-grain diets and deserves further dis-
amount of MA (a precursor to both DMA and NDMA) cussion was that of xanthine, uracil, alanine, and endo-
excreted in the urine. Interestingly, Hashimoto et al. (1975) toxin. All four of these metabolites were elevated with
reported that only pathogenic bacteria from human, rat, and increasing amounts of dietary grain. Interestingly, all four
sheep intestines were able to catalyze the formation of metabolites are degradation products of rumen bacteria.
NDMA from DMA and nitrate in vitro. This suggests that McAllan and Smith (1973) showed that bacterial nucleic
the feeding of large amounts of cereal grains to dairy cattle acids (i.e., RNA or DNA) incubated with rumen fluid were
might create favourable conditions for the growth and rapidly converted into xanthine, hypoxanthine, and uracil.
activity of pathogenic bacteria in the rumen. It is also known that the death of both Gram-negative and
Our results also indicated a more than 2-fold increase, Gram positive-bacteria is associated with the release of
although not statistically significant, in the amount of EtOH endotoxin and alanine (Trent et al. 2006). It is well
in the rumen fluid when cows were fed 45% barley grain in established that the decrease in rumen pH in dairy cows fed
the diet. This is in agreement with previously reported data high-grain diets is associated with significant changes in
on ruminants (sheep) that indicate that overfeeding with microbiota composition. Many microbial species are not
wheat grain is associated with EtOH concentrations as high able to survive the stress of a low pH and lack of nutrients
as 8 mM (Allison et al. 1964). Kristensen et al. (2007) also (Slyter 1976). For example, Khafipour et al. (2009)
reported rumen EtOH concentrations above 2 mM in dairy reported a decrease in the number of Gram-negative Bac-
cows fed a TMR containing *54% corn silage and teroidetes in rumen as a consequence of a high-grain diet.
*13.5% rolled barley grain. Moreover, Kristensen et al. Therefore, the increased concentrations of xanthine, uracil,
(2007) also reported that the EtOH concentration in rumen alanine, and endotoxin in the rumen fluid of cows fed high-
fluid increased 5-fold within 1–3 h after the morning grain diets appear to be biomarkers of widespread bacterial

592 B. N. Ametaj et al.

cell lysis and a fundamental change in the rumen 1982; Burlingame and Chapman 1983). Interestingly, our
microbiota. HCA revealed the formation of a sub-cluster among
There are also two other mechanisms to explain the phenylacetate, tyrosine, and the branched chain fatty acids
higher concentration of alanine in rumen fluid. The first isobutyrate and isovalerate. These branched chain fatty
one might be related to greater availability of glucose and acids are also synthesized from deamination of the amino
pyruvate due to the degradation of larger amounts of acids valine, isoleucine, leucine, and proline (Andries
starch, coupled with higher levels of ammonia. This et al. 1987). On the other hand, 3-PP formed a cluster
assumption is supported by data of Örlygsson et al. (1995), with benzoate and 3-HP, suggesting the presence of dif-
who determined that alanine is produced via an amination ferent origins of 3-PP and phenylacetate in the rumen of
of pyruvate via a transamination reaction coupled to ala- cows fed with increasing amounts of barley grain. Over-
nine aminotransferase. This suggests that the presence of all, our data indicated that deamination processes for
high levels of pyruvate and ammonia favour the production various amino acids were favoured in the rumen for cows
of alanine by rumen bacteria (Örlygsson et al. 1995). The on high grain diets, and this is reflected by a strong
second reason for higher alanine content might be related positive association between high-grain diets and rumen
to the fact that feeding high amounts of readily available phenylacetate. The low concentration of 3-PP in a grain-
carbohydrates to cattle is associated with lowering of enriched diet might also be related to the changes in the
rumen pH and the sporulation of certain rumen bacteria to rumen microbiota and the availability of other compounds
survive the adverse conditions (Rieu-Lesme et al. 1996). in the rumen fluid. For example, Turlin et al. (2001)
Sporulated bacteria use L-alanine to germinate; however demonstrated that the expression of genes coding for key
when rumen conditions are not favourable for growth they enzymes involved in 3-PP production such as 3-phenyl-
convert L-alanine to D-alanine to postpone germination. propionate dioxygenase and 3–phenylpropionate-20 ,30 -di-
This process is known as autoinhibition (Gould 1970). D- hydrodiol dehydrogenase were strongly repressed in the
alanine is used by both Gram-negative and Gram-positive presence of glucose. Note that we found that glucose was
bacteria in the biosynthesis of their cell wall components significantly increased in the rumen of cows fed higher
(peptidoglycan and lipoteichoic acid) (Hoogenraad and amounts of barley grain. Other than a role of 3-PP in the
Hird 1970). It would be of interest to further explore the growth of rumen bacteria and their protection from oxi-
latter hypothesis. To our knowledge, there are no known dative stress, there are no data to relate changes in the
health implications for high levels of alanine in the rumen concentrations of 3-PP and phenylacetate with the health
or gastrointestinal tract of dairy cows or other livestock of dairy cattle (Turlin et al. 2005).
animals. Our study confirms previous findings with regard to
Our study showed opposing responses of 3-PP and higher concentrations of VFA with increasing the propor-
phenylacetate to the amount of dietary grain in the diet. tion of cereal grains in the diet. These VFA observations
Thus, the concentration of 3-PP linearly decreased with were made using traditional analytical methods such as GC
increasing proportions of grain in the diet, whereas an and HPLC (Iqbal et al. 2009). Previous research has indi-
opposite effect was observed with regards to rumen cated that feeding cattle with diets rich in readily degrad-
phenylacetate. Research conducted in forage-fed sheep has able carbohydrates, such as barley grain, is associated with
shown that the latter two compounds are the predominant increased concentration of VFA in the rumen fluid. These
aromatic acids, with 3-PP and phenylacetate accounting for changes in the VFA profile arise from changes in the
about 50.8 and 13.5% of total aromatic acids in the rumen propionate and valerate anabolic pathways (Bugaut 1987).
fluid, respectively (Pagella 1998). Our results demonstrate Accumulation of VFA in the rumen fluid is known to be
that the ratio between these aromatic compounds can be associated with the development of ARA and SARA and a
changed by increasing the amount of grain in the diet. chain of other related metabolic disorders in dairy cattle.
In the rumen, 3-PP and phenylacetate are generated by Interestingly, the rumen concentration of lactate in our
the activity of ruminal microbiota on plant constituents, study did not differ among diets despite large variations in
namely via the hydrogenation of phenolic compounds such the amount of readily fermentable carbohydrates. This
as p-coumaric, ferulic, and caffeic acids, followed by a result also agrees with previous reports (Nocek 1997; Iqbal
dehydroxylation process (Chesson et al. 1999). The con- et al. 2009). Evidently lactate is rapidly converted to pro-
centration of ferulate in the rumen fluid did not change in pionate via the acrylate pathway, found in several lactate-
this study, and was generally low. This could be attributed utilizing rumen bacteria (Satter and Esdale 1968). Overall,
to the time of sampling, which was always done before the the consistency of our data with those reported by con-
morning feeding. An alternative origin of 3-PP and phen- ventional analytical techniques shows that NMR-based
ylacetate is also possible via the deamination of aromatic metabolomics is a reliable approach for the evaluation of
amino acids such as tyrosine and phenylalanine (Martin rumen metabolic events.

Rumen metabolomics 593

The appropriate amount of cereal grains to feed dairy Wishart, which was supported financially by the Alberta Agricultural
cattle is a hotly debated issue among ruminant nutritionists Research Institute (AARI; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), the Alberta
Livestock Industry Development Fund (ALIDF; Edmonton, Alberta,
and health scientists. On one hand, cereal grains are nec- Canada), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
essary dietary ingredients to support high milk production. of Canada (NSERC; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). The technical assis-
On the other hand, large amounts of grain may adversely tance of D. G. V. Emmanuel, R. P. Pandian, and S. Sivaraman
affect rumen metabolism as well as the health and pro- (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) is highly
appreciated. We also are grateful to the technical staff of Dairy
ductivity of dairy cows (Nocek 1997; Iqbal et al. 2009). In Research and Technology Centre at the University of Alberta for their
this regard, rumen data from this study clearly suggests that help and care to the cows used in this study.
diets containing 30 and 45% cereal grain generate a whole
variety of metabolites that have been or might be impli-
cated in the etiology and pathogenesis of different meta-
bolic diseases in dairy cows. Interestingly, the diet References
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Acknowledgements We acknowledge co-leading of the project Rothwell, A., et al. (2006). Metabolic profiling reveals a
entitled ‘Profiling of Dairy Cattle Metabolome’ by Drs. Ametaj and contribution of gut microbiota to fatty liver phenotype in

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