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Hello. name is Ed Snowden.

owden. A lillie over one month ago, I had fam< ly, a home in paradise, and I li ved in great comfort I also had the
capabili1\" without any warrant 10 seard1 for, seize, and read your corrl!l'N.J nications. Anyone's corrl!l'N.J nications at any time. That is the power 10
enange people's fates.
is also a senous v;olation of the law, The 4th and 5th Amendments 10 the Constitution of my country, Mde 12 of the Universal Dedaration of
Human Rights, and numerous statutes and treaties forbid suen systems of mass<ve, pervasive surveillance. While the US Constitution marks
these programs as illegal, my govemment argues that seaet nJ li ngs, whienthe woM is not permitted 10 see, somehow legiti m<ze an
illegal alr" ir, These nJ li ngs corrupt the rTI05t basic notion of j ustice - that it must be seen 10 be done. The immoral cannot be made moral
through the use of se""'t law.
I believe in the pnndple dedared at Nure mberg in 1945: "lndiv;duals have intemational duties whien transcend the national obligations of
obedience. Therefore indiv;dual dtizens have the du1\" 10 v;olate domestic laws 10 prevent oimes against peace and humani1\" from oo::umng.
Accordingly, I did what I believed nght and began a campaign 10 correct this wrongdoi ng. I did not seek 10 ennen myself. I did not seek 10 sell
US seaets. I did not partner with any foreign govemment 10 guarantee my safe1\". Instead, l took what I knew 10 the public, so what alfects all of
us can be discussed by all of us in the light of day, and I asked the woM for j ustice.
That moral dedsion 10 tell the public aboutspy; ng that alfects all of us has been costiy, but it was the nght thing 10 do and I have no regrets.
Since that time, the govemment and intelligence services of the United States of Amenca have attempted 10 make an example of me, a
waming 10 all others who m<ght speak out as I have. I have been made stateless and hounded for my act of political express<on. The United
States Govemment has placed me on li sts. demanded Hong Kong retum me outside of the framework of its laws, in direct v;olation of
the pnndple of non-<efoulement - the Law of Nations. has threatened with sanctions countri es who would stand up for my human nghts and
the UN as\'1um system. has even taken the unprecedented step of ordenng m< litary allies 10 ground a Lati n Amencan president's plane in
seard1 for a political refugee. These dangerous escalations re pre sent a threat not j ustlO the digni1\" of Lati n Amenca, butlO the basic nghts
shared by every person, every natiOl1, 10 li ve free from perseCUtiOl1 , and 10 seek and enjoy as\'1um.
Yet even in the face of this historically disproportionate aggress<on, countri es around the woM have olfered and as\'1um. These
nations, ind uding Russia, Venezuela, BoI iv;a, Nicaragua, and Ecuador have my gratitude and respect for being the nrstlO stand against
human nghts v;olations camed out by the powerful rather than the poweMess. By refusi ng 10 comprom<se their pnndples in the face of
intim<dation, they have eamed the respect of the woM, is my intention 10 travel 10 eaen of these countries 10 extend my personal thank5 10
their people and leaders.
I announce today my formal acceptance of all olfers of or as\'1um I have been extended and all others that may be olfered in the future.
With, for exarrl!>le, the grant of as\'1um prov;ded by Venezuela's Pre sident Maduro, my as\'1ee status is now formal, and no state has a basis by
whienlO li m<t or interfere with my nghtlO enjoy that as\'1um. A!< we have seen, however, some govemments in Westem European and North
Amencan states have demonstrated a willi ngness 10 act outs;de the law, and this behav;or pers;sts today. This unlawful threat makes it
i"'!><>S5ible for me 10 travel 10 Lati n Amenca and enjoy the as\'1um granted there in accordance with our shared nghts.
This willi ngness by powerful states 10 act re presents a threatlO all of us, and m<Jst not be allowed 10 succeed. Accordingly, I ask
for your assistance in requesti ng guarantees of safe passage from the re levant nations in secunng my travel 10 Lati n Amenca, as well as
requesti ng as\'1um in Russ<a unti l suen time as these states accede 10 law and my legal travel is permitted. I will be subm<11i ng my requestlO
Russia today, and hope it will be accepted favorably,
have any questions, I will answer what I can.
Thank you.

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