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Bzurn Knehgkn Hcligr {zenr | tjuolhjr 7)

Cg{julgh kj {ugeg`n tgug hnr gtujiklbjr)

Nerjuvgblnijr tujvlgr Liklbgblnijr rneuj hg tun{jbbli bni{ug gbblkji{jr kj {ugeg`n 7) Olighlkgk kjh knehgkn 5) Ajuugclji{gr( gtgug{nr | cwzligr rjhjbblnigkgr 2) Tunbjklclji{nr ji jh cg{julgh ;) Egrjr tgug jh bhbzhn :) [bilbgr kj {ugeg`n kjh knehgkn

Nerjuvgblnijr tujvlgr
Jh tujrji{j cg{julgh jr{ tujvlr{n tgug hg lir{uzbbli ji tunojrlnijr( knikj rj kjeji gkwzlulu agelhlkgkjr | bgtgblkgkjr erlbgr kjh {ug{n | cjbgilpgkn kj hcligr( {zenr | tjuolhjr) Jh cg{julgh kjrbulej hg ujghlpgbli kj klojuji{jr {bilbgr kj {ugeg`n kjh knehgkn bni ajuugclji{gr( gtgug{nr | cgwzligr) Hgr egrjr ijbjrgulgr tgug jh bhbzhn rj gbhgugi ji j`jcthnr)

Liklbgblnijr rneuj hg tun{jbbli bni{ug gbblkji{jr kj {ugeg`n

Fjijughcji{j {ljiji vghlkjp hgr ujfhgr wzj rj kjeji {jiju ji bzji{g tgug hg tun{jbbli bni{ug gbblkji{jr kj {ugeg`n ji hgr {bilbgr kj {ugeg`n cgizghjr kj cgu{lhhjn | kj jikjujpgkn) Rj kjej tujr{gu g{jibli g hnr rlfzlji{jr tzi{nr jrtjblghcji{j= # Jcthjgu rnhgcji{j cgu{lhhnr elji grjfzugknr # jh bgen kjh cgu{lhhn kjej jr{gu elji gbzigkn bni hg bgejpg kjh cgu{lhhn' # Jhjflu hg egrj kj fnhtjgclji{n bnuujb{g( kj gbzjukn g hg onucg kjh knehgkn # rj ijbjrl{g zig rztjuolblj liohjqlehj | kzug) # Hgr tljpgr kj {ugeg`n g {jirlnigu kjeji rju elji grjfzugkgr ji hnr cjklnr {jirnujr( kj {gh onucg wzj in rjgi jqtzhrgkgr bni jh jojb{n kj hnr fnhtjr' # Fnhtjgu rljctuj bni{ug hg cnukgpg ol`g kjh {nuilhhn kj egibn( kj {gh onucg wzj in rj kgj jh azrlhhn kjh {nuilhhn kj egibn' # Bzgikn rj {ugeg`g ji hgr tujirgr rj kjej tujr{gu g{jibli tgug tun{jfju hgr cginr | hg bgejpg' # Hnr {ugeg`nr bni jh rnthj{j kj rnhkgkzug rj ujghlpgi rnhgcji{j kjrtzr kj hg lir{uzbbli g{ugvr kjh tunojrnu' # Tujr{gu g{jibli rljctuj g hg tun{jbbli bni{ug libjiklnr( {jiju rljctuj gfzg kj jq{libli g klrtnrlbli( in {ugeg`gu bjubg kj cg{julghjr bncezr{lehjr' # Hnr tjuolhjr | hgr hcligr bni zi jrtjrnu rneuj 1 # 74 cc kjeji rju knehgknr rnhgcji{j ji jr{gkn bghlji{j( gr bncn {gceli hnr {zenr rneuj 7.5 tzhfgkg' # Bzgikn rj knehgi {zenr ji bghlji{j rj kjej jcthjgu rnhgcji{j gujig rjbg bncn ujhhjin( bni jh oli kj jvl{gu hg

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G {ugvr kj klojuji{jr {bilbgr kj {ugeg`n rj {ugironucgi hcligr( {zenr n tjuolhjr( bni jh oli kj tujvjju tljpgr kj {ugeg`n bni onucgr gifzhgujr n ujknikjgkgr bni zig olighlkgk kj{jucligkg)

Olfzug 7 Knehgkn Jh knehgkn rj jcthjg ji vgulnr bgctnr kj gbgegkn tnu ugpi kj rz vgulgelhlkgk ch{lthj0

Jhgenugbli kj tjuolhjr bnu{nr( bgighjr( ujbltlji{jr kj bagtg( gr bncn cgubnr | bnir{uzbblnijr tnu{gi{jr kj tjuolhjr)

Jhgenugbli kj ujozjupnr ji hnr enukjr kj ujbltlji{jr( tujtgugbli kj zilnijr knehgkgr)


Jhgenugbli kj zilnijr kj bagtgr | kjonucgblnijr kj hnr enukjr ji ujbltlji{jr( tujtgugbli kj zilnijr knehgkgr)

Jhgenugbli kj zilnijr kj bagtg ji ujbltlji{jr | {zenr)


Jhgenugbli kj gtzi{ghgclji{nr kj hg bagtg ji ujbltlji{jr | ujvjr{lclji{nr kj bagtg)


Jhgenugbli kj bagtgr genvjkgkgr tgug ujbltlji{jr | {zenr( gr bnin kj tjuolhjr bzuvgknr)

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Curso Doblado Lminas tubos y perfiles 1

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Published by ezefamo Seguir

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Guardar iTunes App Store | Google Play Store de 47 Readcast Secciones Tweet 1. Finalidad del doblado 2. Herramientas, aparatos y mquinas seleccionadas 3.1. Influencia de las propiedades del material 3.2. Influencia del radio de doblado 3.3. Influencia del calor 4. Bases para el clculo 5.1. Plegado de lminas 5.2. Replegado de lminas 5.3. Rebordeado de lminas 5.4. Doblado de lminas 5.5. Acanalado de lminas 5.6. Redondeado de lminas 5.7. Redondeado de perfiles 5.8. Redondeado de tubos 5.9. Rodadura de lminas 5.10. Rodadura de perfiles

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