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1 | A Witch for the Burning: J.

K Tallis


A Witch for the Burning: J.K Tallis

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A Witch for the Burning: J.K Tallis

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It is a pleasure to present this book to you, it is sadness also. The events of the past, the trap, the pit, the sad journey of the planet, the miserable excuses for life that we and our forbears have suffered leaves but a bad taste on the palate and an ache in the pit of the stomach. For us to walk past these events is a sad day if we as humans do not show, sympathy and anger at the havoc that has taken place. How sick it is, the horror, the savagery and the injustice that seems to be our close


A Witch for the Burning: J.K Tallis

companions, as if it is inevitable that where there is life there has to be suffering. We see throughout this world the millions of different beliefs, faiths and philosophies that beguile the un-initiative offering sanctuary, hope and consolation. But sadness prevails. The world can take steps if it wishes to reach the Utopia that is spoken of by the seers and poets. Utopia is within the means of attainment but not without effort. If people lie down and do nothing, no advancement can take place. In the past just as in some primitive religions of the present time people were under dictatorial rules but through the brave few some countries have achieved certain rights. Is it then correct to lie down at this critical moment and do nothing at all? We need to wake up and judge intelligently what it is necessary to do. To be human they say is to err but, it is also a humans duty to correct the mistakes. I have tried every means I could over the 45 years of my mission to encourage you to an understanding, to a commitment to truth. Even if you read any of my books what will it do for you? If I were a believer in any faith I might cringe in front of the Almighty to intervene in this terrible world. Not for some retribution but to help humanity to have a purpose. I would plead with you, implore you, beseech you, and conjure you to help change the world. Whilst injustice reigns my heart cannot rest. I ask you to join me for the sake of love, for the sake of truth, for the sake of the screaming child being thrashed; the woman left with five kids, the man on the battlefield.

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You have the choice, attainment of wonders or the attainment of misery, so how about letting your tears spill on this page and then arise with trust and appreciation of this greatest and sanest of the sages and serve humanity and the world, that we will create together. The rewards will be beyond imagination. Dont let the chance pass you by, it will be a crime. Yours, Tallis.


A Witch for the Burning: J.K Tallis

The story of Angela is based on a true event that occurred in the 17th century. The ending of the story is my own invention. At the time of this happening it produced an outcry from different quarters in which even the church men joined in. However, it wasnt till the middle of the 19th century that the frenzy of witch killing began to decrease. The amount of people slaughtered by the Christian churches in this endeavour, - is not known exactly but is considered to be in the minimum of a quarter of a million up to two million. Perhaps if we add the inquisitions to this, it would be a feasible amount, but we could even deliberate another half a million to this fairly safely without going over into the world of fantasy. If on the other hand we donate out of our kindness, the fact that the estimate for the killings that the church has done, or which it has had a major or minor hand in, we would be talking into the sixty million mark and more. It would make Hitler and Stalin look like saints In the slave trade maybe something like three million people died and even this was advocated from the book which is adoringly known as the holy bible. The hell that these events caused cannot under any circumstances be estimated. The amount of lives destroyed, wreaked and killed is beyond imagination. No remorse should be lost in the ruing of the demise of the beast. Let it fall and let the green putrid stench it has for blood pour from it. It is without doubt that our present system is the result of it all, and it is because of this, that we havent eradicated the remnants of that belief. Not having destroyed the beast completely we still have to contend with it and even when it finally

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goes and is but a distant memory we will still have to contend with the decease it has left behind. Our present society is the continuation of the previous. Just a few dishes have been washed up and the rest lays rotting and stinking in the sink. A modest look at some of the causes will be of help. The events of history can be put down to the influence of religion. In 280 AD, the Romans had accepted a very strange belief that had supposedly arisen in a country called Israel. It had been concocted most probably so as to make an excuse up for the Hebrews in losing the battle against the Roman invasion that happened in 66-70 AD. None of this belief or its remarkable events was known till the second century when a few writers and historians mentioned that certain gospels were now in existence. These scanty reports though were not available till the fourth century when the great liar himself Eusibios, the first Roman Catholic Pope saw to it that certain paragraphs were conveniently placed in the history books. Wherever a convenient space allowed he inserted some evidence that purported that Jesus had been on this earth The Hebrew Warrior Messiah, as had been promised had never come, so therefore, - they said he came like a thief in the night and no eye saw him. He is going to come back to defeat the infidel. This excuse was accepted, and thus a new religion was formed. This was just another of the so

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called prophecies that the bible writers used deceitfully. In the pretence of a child being born in a little town called Bethlehem they continued the deceit in using quotes from the old writings, and causing them to prove that the character they had made up, had been prophesied. None of the so called prophesies have any relationship in any way or form to this character. The god man that ensued, was manufactured and was just a reincarnation and resurrection of some of the god men that had gone before and which were a familiar part of the peoples mental fabric and universal acceptance. The newly introduced messiah received the same characteristics as the Sun God Men, whose exploits supplied all the incredible claims, events, and miracles as were needed for this new belief. These stretched from Krishna, Buddha, Horus, Mithras and Pernithius and many others who related to all the credentials. [Son of god/sun god, they were made into men,] This, then spread to the ends of the huge Roman Empire, and from the fifteenth century onwards was spread much further covering over half the world. Since the colonization and now globalization the belief has expanded even still further. This in itself would not have created a problem except for some of the strange and wicked tenets that this religion introduced. I must point out here that the Old Testament was also used to back up the false claims for this god man, therefore the crazy evil laws it contained were incorporated or accepted and passed down as this gods desire and personality.

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Some of the strict laws were watered down or dismissed so as to suit the palate of the brand new believers. These stretched from, An eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth, to circumcision and some of the food laws such as eating pork, and the new day for worship was changed from Saturday, becoming the SUN-day, with the twelve signs of the zodiac, which were represented by the twelve disciples. His birthday was placed on the same day, as most of the virgin born, crucified sun saviors that had preceded him. These are some of the tenets that were introduced. See if you agree with any of them in principle. 1. Circumcision. This denotes the cutting of an eight day old babys penis to remove the foreskin. (Sounds sick to me!) 2. Animal sacrifice. Wow, {2 bad ones already.} 3. The cutting of an animals throat to bleed it to death. 4. The killing of people as witches. [It is getting hotter.] {I think we should add these as well, dont you?} 5. The owning of slaves. 6. The exploitation of fellow humans for personal gain. [This is capitalism as in its present state.] 7. The long working hours. 8. The crushing of womens rights. 9. Nationalism.

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10. Etc. All these can be checked out by a concordance. The New Testament also added to this, more forcefully, in the continuation of the condemnation of homosexuality. I would like very briefly to give a few other interesting, but weird details, in this brief introduction. The Old Testament says that the punishment for a man who rapes a woman is that he must marry her. ]I have singled this out, so that you wont miss it.] Although the Bible advocates the sexual union of two people in so called marriage, many of the characters of the Bible didnt adhere to this practice. For instance, we read that Solomon had a thousand sex slaves and that David had arranged the murder of a man named Uriah, and committed adultery with his wife. Jacob had married two women, Abraham committed adultery with a female servant and to top it all, Noah got himself drunk, and lay naked, in front of his sons. We could also note that Cain found himself a wife. If all humans came from Adam then he could only have committed incest. To give a little more light on the Bible, it is beneficial to consider, just a few other intricacies. There is the story of when Moses came down the mountain with the commandments, one of which said, Thou shall not kill. We read though that god, approximately two weeks later, told the Israelites to, Go out,- and kill every man,- women and child in the land I am going to give you.

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Do we have to go much further than this, before we realize the evilness of these sick statements? The story of the flood is hardly worth the attention of any sane person, however, I will just point out that the story was stolen from the Egyptians and spruced up a bit. It is too arduous, to discuss the craziness of this story and others in this short space, but my book, God On Trial, gives ample coverage of many of the enigmas and my book, The Amazing Equation is the complete, synopsis, for knowledge of the total subject. Both books have acclaim. So you can see what has shaped our history with its wicked events. The present problems, of society and that also of the world in general, have a complete connection with, the Hebrew tradition of marriage. So much so, that this last, unchallenged, unworkable, outmoded practice, inevitably is going to take the world to its finality, IF, we dont do anything about it. Could those far off long dead religious fiction writers have known what they were doing, and what hell they were going to bring on this world? Let us hope, they didnt. Modern day capitalism is also a Hebrew tenet, as is also the exploitation of one person against another. This breeds hatred, and thus has an effect, in the creating of war. It is basically a series of events, or better put, a conglomeration of intertwined, obnoxious things, that affect each other

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in different ways and produce the outcome, or the result. This book is not going to discuss this, though. For 45 years plus, through all kinds of means, I tried to informed people, of events that would come about if they continued to reject wisdom. The events are now so overwhelming that the remedy looks as if it is buried and lost under a mire of problems. A late surge of wisdom could just about avert a terrible calamity of an event that will make what has happened before, look like a vicars singing competition. If you say, Oh, its too late to do anything, you will be saying exactly, what they said 45 plus years ago. I suggest that you, if you perceive what I am talking about, get the other books in the series. And also start a Tallis club. A Tallis club is one where you meet once or twice a week for about two to three hours to discuss and possibly help in doing your part in the saving of the planet. The complete series of books will give you amazing details for an incredible existence with wonders beyond the imagination of man. The alternative we will be left with if we dont do anything at all, will be, - the continuation of this evil system with its misery, hopelessness, helplessness, poverty, suffering, ignorance and drudgery and the continuation of the worlds rush to its demise along with all its victims. This way is not difficult to put into operation for it to create a new world. It is fun and rewarding, beyond belief, and has benefits that even the author, hasnt or couldnt visualize, such is its scope, in its long reaching way.

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It probably would take a volume to get anywhere near to illustrating the advantages in total, if that were even, possible. That is because there are so, so, sooooooooooooooooooo---- many. The gift is immense, so dont criticize, or argue with it, Or be too proud to take it up, As people have in the past. There is no need to inspect it, but only, to use it. There is not a time for gaining wisdom, only a time for losing ignorance and apathy, which so many people have proudly got. You can get wisdom later and I will tell you how, but first let us deal with the problem. You are lost, if you only knew it, so now is the time to close your eyes and take the hand of one who can guide you. If you were drowning, you would grab at a twig to save your life, if this is a twig grab hold of it. But will people ever, ever wake up, from their disinterest? The answer is probably, unfortunately and sadly; - No. Pride, arrogance, intellectualism and complacency will lead to finality. How sad, that is! If people ignore wisdom, then the results will be more than tragic as can be seen by the history that humanity already has endured. Think not that the world will care, but what a waste. Leave, if you can your unfounded, unprovable, half worked-out religious beliefs, even though you think you are so gifted in knowledge, and you will have wonders. Place your feet firmly on

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the ground and bathe, in truth and reality, which will come, only with understanding. Freedom is the answer. Tallis is the only remedy, for an amazing future. Be trusting, humble and brave, and take the first step. Get behind the Master, and all will be well, and leave your ideas behind. BUT, -and this is a strict warning, if the malaise of this modern world is inbuilt in the human psyche, then we will have no chance at all, if humanity will not heed to the cause we all go to the mincing pot. We have to get past our apathy, and our pride, and then it will be easy to walk the course of sanity. Reread that please. Only the humble can do it, but where are they? Follow the leader. Good luck. The great Master, JK Tallis.

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Chapter One

It was a grayish day. The clouds had knotted up since the night before forming great masses of aspheric mountains in the high pitched red and pink colored sky, as if they were climbable even to the seat of heaven itself, where god, was supposed to reign supreme and who was looking down no doubt like the giant of Lilliput, looking at our puny efforts. The god who could see the first from the last. Perhaps he still confers with the devil over his plans such as the story in the bible of the torture of poor Job and his servants and family. The convent was in the area of Norfolk, a lazy, sleepy village, where little happened naturally, and even where the field mice were complaining of having nothing to do, and where nothing would have happened, if it hadnt been for the activity of the church, that was silently running riot, and perpetuating many foul deeds on the world. That of course doesnt mean that the toil for the common folk was not backbreaking.

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The church as a whole was so big, that it thought of itself as a country within a country, a kingdom within a kingdom, the supreme ruler of everything it perused and observed, and it was. Everything was under its yoke and dominion. So big was it, that it was a law to itself. It ruled by a bitter sweet iron rod, that was put gleefully onto the populace, and which burdened it with incredible suffering, misery and harsh financial hardship. Little did they care that their creeds and dictates, were the cause of the misery, the hell, loneliness and helplessness of the people, who honored it and held it in such high esteem, and probably many of the clergy didnt know anyway. For this you have to have lateral thinking, not to the greatest degree, but certainly more than they had. They didnt need to rock the boat anyway as they had a great supply of sex, many of the nuns, being the willing victims, or even the parishioners, plus the female or male slaves that were bought on the pretence that they were servants. They had the best of produce and local delicacies and the best of education and prestige. The vicarage was a nice place to live, with a roaring fire, in nice grounds, and a very easy life went into the deal as well. The headquarters under normal circumstances and sometimes the dignitaries that visited a parish were feasted from solid gold vestibules and eat venison, quail and swan with silvery utensils. Common life had little concern to the church, except as a mild interest, but the grinding, huge crushing relentless wheel, and machinery were all important. It was the custodian of the world, a mighty, mighty, mighty power, even having as much power as the god who it gave a pretence of worshiping, -

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no, - even more so. Its god never intervened, and if he had, it would probably have been told to mind its own business. It would have been so sad, for his, so called servants to have been told that they were a load of religious scum, and that he, the almighty controller of the universe, was just a little peeved off with their fanaticism. However his interference never came about. He had rested on the seventh day and perhaps was still resting. They made the excuses up, and they had plenty of them, Oh, he has left it to man now, his job is finished, we have to live holy lives, and then he will come and live with us. Would their god, if he had existed, at all, have banned the inquisition, the witch burnings, and the subjugation of women, the harsh working conditions, and the threat of hell? It was power, and they ruled supreme, by the might of Rome, that once great empire, that had bitten the dust, and that had given way to an even greater and more deadly evil. Its rule became sadistic, and tyrannical, and gloating. As the church flexed its gigantic muscles, the hierarchy glorified, in its amazing, greatness. The church, now, made world decisions, even greater, than the parliament of the country, and the king. In fact the king and the parliament were subordinates; they had to listen, and had to jump at the presence of the beast. It ruled from the ends of the earth, but it wanted more. It wasnt satisfied. It wanted more land and more human souls,- more wealth, more, cathedrals and lodges, estates and

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retreats and more power. It was run well, in fact very well, from the mighty powerful smiling benevolent man, himself, i.e. the pope, to the cleaner in the local priests cottage. The rewards were enormous; money flowed like treacle down the side of a tree. The churchs coffers were full, and overflowing; full to the brim with gold, but the charitable image, was enough, so as to give the impression of poverty, and piousness. The men, in black considered they deserved prestige, wealth, esteem and power. Hadnt Pope Leo, said to one of his henchmen, What amazing blessings, this myth has given us? It was no good becoming pious, just take the rewards, and be happy that people were so nave as to think that there was a good god that cared for them as they took their thin starving bodies off to the fields for another back breaking day, or to the long queues, waiting at factory gates, for a mediocre wage. Wasnt it right that they should hope for a better place. Wasnt it right that when the mother was dying of cholera, typhoid, the pox, or dysentery, and that three babies had died in childbirth, that a thought of a better world should be considered? Dont get conscientious or rock the boat, was the motto and dont question your privileges. Let the people, have their fantasy. We have taken the rest from them; let us not take away their dream of a better place, after this. Many of the priests knew secretly, it was a load of nonsense, the thinking ones had doubts that it was. Dont pray so hard, father John, take it easy, it is a job, be a career monk or priest, dont end up like them. Why, take away the working classes one hope. Dont be conscientious as a former priest, Father Jennings had done, saying, There is no truth

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in that which you believe, and thus he was threatened with excommunication, the inquisition, and the possibility of eternal perdition to the flames. What did he used to say? There is unlikely to be a god and that the scriptures are so shaky that to put any credence, into believing them, was about as wise, as thinking, you can walk on water. So the machine ground on. The king had been subdued, on the pretence that he was not allowing people the freedom of religious belief. Freedom of religious belief was that you were to believe only in the one true church. The church was gloating over this. Now they had the complete power, and those, in the Vatican were planning their next move. What was needed was freedom for religion, so that a person could worship the god of his choice, And that god had to be, the tyrannical war god, called, Jehovah, And Mary his virgin mother. Or else!

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Chapter Two

The nun standing there, sweet, nave to the point of sheer obedience without question and obeying every command without considering the consequences and results, or even how things effected other things, sometimes detrimentally, i.e., an average demented, half witted foot slave, in her sweet way, and with her sweet artificial countenance, and, Arent I so cooperative, attitude? Gazed at the Abbess in unquestionable trust. It was the world, their world, their little cloistered narrow strip of understanding and reality. They of course received news from the religious sources and even a bulletin was placed on the corridor wall for keeping the sisters informed of current events. It would talk about what the Holy Father was doing, to the local church, and to the community. A man had been burnt for witchcraft and two women had been taken to the inquisition,

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the Black Death was still prevalent and thousands were still dying. Sister Angela, how long have you been here? Since, I was two, I think Mother. Why did you become a nun? Because I love God and Jesus. Did you ever want a man? At one time I did, but I prayed. You are a beautiful girl; your mother was a prostitute, did you know that? You were born out of wedlock; you were taken from her and brought here. She was put in a workhouse, and then into an asylum. Do you ever play with yourself? In what way? Angela looked, askance and perturbed and she knew it showed. Do you ever put your fingers down here, and move them? No, never! These are your knickers, are they not? The young nun went over and surveyed the article Yes, they look like they are mine. Then what are these marks, on them? I dont know, mother. Come on, you cant deny this? But I do, she said, becoming slightly stressed and assertive In a way she was wondering about the outcome. So there were marks on her knickers, and the way it was sounding, was as if she would be shortly in the inquisition. Nothing is more worrying than not to know, what a punishment will be; even should it be for a minor offence. The Mother Superior kept her stony looking face, as she asked. Do you know much, about your body?

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No. The young girl uncomfortably shifted. Would you like me to show you? Not really. But this is so disgusting. Come, here, child. Yes. Sit on my knee. Mother, I dont want to do that. That is an order, Angela. Alright, but Mother dont do that, please dont do that. It is pleasant child. Open, open. Open! I said. The Mother Superior a fairly large woman of reasonable countenance, with an ample bosom, and a surprisingly slim wispy waist, thrust her tongue, into the uninvited crescent, of the younger sister. Her fingers, then found their way forward, and up, like a drowning person, seeking air. Her tongue warm and wet penetrated and the lips, of the Mother Superior, sampled the moist arid aperture. And then, withdrawing reluctantly and prematurely, she said, You liked that didnt you young sister, and you didnt retreat, But its strange, mother, Ive never thought of doing anything like that, before. So how do you feel? A bit excited and a bit dirty. It is an initiation for you. All things are righteous to the innocent, Angela. These knickers, I should punish you, but I will let you off, this time. You have been a nice girl. Make sure, it doesnt happen too often, the laundry ladies, have a hard enough time already. Also make

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sure you keep to the rule of silence. God likes a peaceful existence, you realize that dont you? There is no need to confess your sins to God, he has already seen them. I think, I will keep these knickers, I can then decide what punishment will fit the crime in the future. Ok, child you may go, but I would like to examine your knickers now and again whenever you change them. Angela proffered that she changed every day. Well, I will tell you when I want to inspect them. And Sister, you have a very nice body, very fitting for a young girl of your age. Thank you Mother. The cell that Sister Angela went back to was baron and drab except for the bare essentials, but with a fair amount of imagination it was home. The walls needed another coat of paint and the only furniture it had was a bookshelf holding three books, The conduct of a nun, Spiritual journey and the last fifteen writings of the Bible. The bed was made of aged wood with a thin straw mattress; a straight back chair occupied a corner of the room. The first thing Angela did was to sit on it, legs straddled and to stare vaguely at a spot on the wall. Her mind tried to contemplate the proceedings of before. It was so sudden that she had not been in control. She felt slightly annoyed that the Mother Superior would ever dream such a thing, that she, a devoted follower of Jesus would play with herself. But those stains where did they come from and how did Mother Superior get hold of her knickers? Was it a policy of the convent to inspect knickers? Even though she considered the facts from all angles she couldnt quite make up her mind. She stayed for a while sitting on the chair feeling quite

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amazed at the events that had taken place and trying to equate them with the roll she had chosen. She felt quite sore down below and with tentative fingertips so as not to make any pleasurable arousal she explored the area for any sign of injury. Her fingers felt moist and warm as they penetrate the mat of cropped hair, and she thought that she had possibly stayed there just a few seconds longer than was needed. With feelings of guilt she withdrew her hand which now shone with a kind of translucence. She didnt feel as much guilt as bewilderment. She had read many times the book, Conduct of a Nun, and she was not unfamiliar with Rule five, You must under all circumstances obey the Mother Superior. How could she have guilt? It was impossible. She wiped her hand unconsciously on the small hand towel, straightened her habit and walked down to the dining room to join the nuns who were deep in prayer before lunch. A short while later she was at the trestle table sampling a well desired meal of some type of stew with bread, an apple for deserts and a small cup of coffee. An hour later she was back in her room sitting reading the Bible. Whatsoever you ask in my name you will receive. Dare she ask for anything? Hers was a life of deprivation; she had made the vows of poverty and chastity. By her own will she had resigned herself to this life. She admittedly though knew that religion had been pumped into her from an early age, from the first day of her schooling and even before. To say

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schooling, was a little extravagant, as it was mostly to do with the bible and religion. She had learnt that there was a god and a devil, a heaven and a hell and if you tried to do well you would go to heaven. She didnt know where heaven and hell was. Was it on another planet? She felt drowsy as she was reading but was not allowed to rest on the bed so she leaned back on the hard back chair and allowed her eyes to close and then drifted in an exhaustible stupor amongst demons, angels, God and the devil. It was as if they were beckoning to her, Come to me Angela, come, come, come. One hundred and sixty years before, the convent of the Lady of Virtue, had been the site of a farm, but in 1634 it was the home of eighty nuns. There were six buildings in the grounds, an orchard, a small pond, a place for children to play on swings, a roundabout and seesaw, and the grounds themselves were attractive with trees, different types of flowers and grass lawns that allowed the nuns at times to have a picnic or have a fete that would bring money in for the upkeep of the premises. The caretaker and gardener, a fairly rough looking man who also made a gargantuan effort not to be too coarse in front of the nuns, wasnt adverse to a flagon or two of ale. With muscles that bulged like cannon balls from under his rolled up cuffs, he made a wonderful job in producing tranquility to the place. At the perimeter of the setting a small stream of clear water bubbling over stones gave an almost heavenly atmosphere. When there was little work to do or when she was allowed to have a break she would slip down to the stream and lay there in the sunshine.

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It was hot on the day in question; almost not a cloud to be seen and Angela sauntered to her remote special spot. It was a tiny trek, and enjoyable, if heaven was like this then she wouldnt complain too much. HERE The sun was hot, and it was humid, the sweat dripped down her arms and she could feel it dripping down between her breasts, making a funny sensation as if she were being tickled. She noticed a couple of butterflies, one a Red Admiral, looking beautiful and it wobbled its way through the air and she noticed the new saplings of the small trees there, their green brown hue, fascinating her. The grass was longer here and she lay relaxing. She had done her chores today having helped wash the dishes and having cleaned the dining room. Now she was free, free as the bird that whistled in a tree just a few feet away. However it was so warm, too warm and the habit clung to her body like seaweed draping on a rock. Feeling jaunty and carefree and feeling at her freedom, she peeled the habit from her body and laid down in this heavenly paradise and gazed at the sky and felt happiness and joy at the life she had. Didnt she have everything, food, clothing, little chores to do which she enjoyed, sometimes and outings to the seaside with the other nuns, company and the occasional picnic? The Mother Superior had not contacted her for over two weeks and the taint of that experience had disappeared and she felt clean and holy. Why didnt everybody choose this sort of life? Sure, sometimes the praying and the bible reading

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were monotonous especially as she could almost quote the whole Bible from heart, but the food was acceptable and basically she didnt have any enormous responsibility. She lay contemplating, thanking God for the wonderful things he had made, brushing aside at times one of his wondrous creatures, a blue tail fly that seemed fascinated by a small cut that Angela had acquired when she had banged her shapely leg against a table and which had nearly refused to stop bleeding. She lay basking there in the sun which warmed her spirit. Her breasts bulged as if beckoning the sky. The nuns were not allowed to wear bras and for the nuns who were oversize in that department it was a slight handicap. However the deportment of Sister Angela was not in that category but could be considered as ample. She rose from her position and gracefully walked to the stream which at this part was fairly deep and slipping out of her knickers she slid slowly into its depths feeling the cold damp moisture bringing the blood to her skin. The cold was most noticeable around her armpits and under her crutch but with determination she bore the chill and a short while later her body acclimatized to its embrace and she felt a latent release of her feelings. The current acted in a way like a massage, as if a million friendly hands were groping her, were fumbling and toying with her and trying to awaken a lost memory or a feeling that had sunk below her mentality. She knew so little about the world. All she knew was that a civil war was going on and that the Cavaliers were fighting the Roundheads and that a new king had been crowned.

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She knew the poverty of the towns and cities and much of the injustices, of thieves getting hung or put into the stocks to have their fellow kin aim missiles at them, or prostitutes being sent to the colonies, she heard of the witch burnings, the slavery and the inquisitions. But she knew so little of the families that would go to the dumps to pick up the morsels that the pompous rich threw away, or go to the slaughter houses and beg for the bones, fat and gristle so that they could make a stew. She knew that some whole families would work for fifteen hours a day in the fields picking potatoes or cabbage for a pittance but about the miners, dock workers and those queuing up for a job at the factory gates in drenching cold rain she knew nothing. She had witnessed the children and adults in rags and had been into their slums. No wonder men thieved and women became prostitutes. The priests, large fat people who were given to a nice bottle of wine at times and mixed with the elite and the prestigious, were of little consolation. She thought that if she were a priest she would make her grand priory a house for the homeless. How could they even consider themselves, to be human? The water flurried around her neck in ripples and eddies and now and then she would dip her head and take a mouthful of that delicious tasting water. Dare she do it, dare she? And before she was aware she had put her head fully down under water, seeing quite a distance around her and then like an urchin or a water sprite her legs came up and she swam into the depths of the stream? Down, down she went touching the bottom

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with her hand, the only thing that could possibly be seen from the surface, her tight buttocks and the long slim white legs, fluttering like a joyous butterfly. And then jubilant she surfaced, out of breath, lay back on the water with just a flicker of her hands and her feet to keep her position. She took a breath of the air. She had often been warned that nudity was evil and so it was done with a certain reservation. But no one was around and the only one that could possibly see her was God. She was glorying in her beauty and her supple bodily attributes. She felt like she was offering her body to God in a way, not immorally, but if you like, as a sacrifice. She knew next to nothing about the relationship of sex. Was a man like a woman, had he a vagina with hairs around it, and breasts. What did they do? She was so ignorant. Did they put their fingers into the crevice as did Mother Superior? She wanted to know. It was as if the sun was shining even brighter as she came out of the water. She lay down on the grass and the sun in its friendliness bathed her water speckled body, drying the droplets. However nature called and rising she went to a tree squatted and blessed the daffodils. She returned and lay in abandonment with appreciation at Gods goodness, gazing to the sky in wonder. She hadnt noticed the dirty shirt on the torso, the grubby hands and the slightly unshaven face that seemed intent on her. Then she turned and saw him, the muscles rippling under his shirt and the cannonball shaped balls of arm muscles flexing, showing the slight blue of veins that had seen much work. He had the neck of a bull and a closely cropped head of a fairground wrestler. He never spoke, just standing there like an oversize Adonis,

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his slim waist leading down to tight trousers and muddy boots gave a pirate look to him. Sister Angela courteously arose and cautiously made apologetic gestures for the lack of her apparel. However before Sister Angela had time to explain she found herself on the ground, the huge man deftly unfastening the belt that straddled his waist, the trousers dropping in unison and Sister Angela beginning to sense a situation that might be beyond her capability of handling lifted her foot and slammed it solidly towards the midriff of the debacle that paraded before her. The shot was good, connecting like a slug from the muzzle of a blunderbuss. The toes first tasted soft skin and then something akin to hard bone. She felt her toes curl up as if they had been subjected to having kicked the side of a horse. As the pain eased she took account of the situation and became aware of the mans face distorted with agony and noticed his hands clasped around his crotch. If she had paid to see one of the many concerts that were put on in the town she would have been cheated in comparison to this. As far as she knew she had never been one to revel in peoples suffering and indeed had brought two beggars to the convent once to receive food but somehow this ideal didnt seem to apply and she scooped up her cassock along with her rosary beads and made a beeline back to more acquainted pastures. The summer went and in its place the world took on a new face, one of brown leaves, bluebells and the sheep in the fields growing their new coats.

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The routine stayed fairly much the same, the same procedure, each day with a nine oclock curfew, lights out and a four oclock call for prayers, the following morning. Perhaps the only thing of note was that the Bubonic Plague was becoming a terrible epidemic and it was thought to have been so rampant due to the churches ordering the extermination of all the cats. The rats that transmitted the parasites became so numerous in the towns and cities that the ground became a heaving carpet. Many horses shied their riders or broke away from the shafts of the carriages, because of fear. Even the dogs would not risk their skill against this overwhelming mat. The churches considered that the cats were the helpers of witches and they had them drowned, crucified, buried or burnt alive. People were being paid a lot of money to ferry the dead in carts from the houses to the open graves. There was though something else that increased and that was the frenzy of the witch hunters who blamed the plague on witches and as the common folk knew no better they would report to them every little detail of each other, even to the hanging of clothes on a hawthorn bush at night. Many rumors went abroad of people flying through the air on brooms, talking or even having sex with the devil and many there were who were burnt alive screaming as the skin seared from their naked bodies, some still alive after the whole of their rib cage had been burnt bare. There were also a group of people named, The sufferers. Because of the epidemic and the problems, these people would go to town to be

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flayed and tortured thinking that this would appease God and things would get better. The Sisters of the convent knew these details because they were warned to keep at a safe distance from the suspected areas. However some towns began to introduce quarantine and would put a barrier around them that could not be crossed without an eight day period of isolation. This was the case in Wavesham where the convent was.

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Chapter Three

The epidemic seemed to decline about the spring of the following year. The authorities had decided to import cats from other places to contain the rats and a marked decrease took place in the rat population making many rats flee to the countryside as well. It was noted; fewer rats, less plague and thousands of cats were brought from different parts of the world and made some ship owners very rich. However the witch frenzy didnt abate. One hundred so called witches were burnt one after the other in a town not far from Wavesham. When the helpers of the witch hunters ran out of stakes to strap the screaming women to, they tied them in groups and dragged them onto the flames.

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Sister Angela, will you come to my office in twenty minutes, I have something I would like to discuss. Yes mother. The sight that greeted Sister Angela was unexpected especially as the Mother Superior had summoned her in such a serious way. The Mother Superior was flayed out in an almost grotesque position on a chair. Her head covering was pulled back displaying a shaven head, her open smock from the top to the bottom, her white oversized pants hanging on her feet and the rest a vivid display of almost impertinent white flesh except for a foliage of straight black hair that partly hid a proportion of what looked to be the position of her vagina. You seem surprised, my child? For a moment Angela could not quite find her words. She stood quivering looking at this shocking sight. The breasts protruded like oversized gun turrets topped by nipples the size of acorns. The flesh around the nipples was of purplish red. This in itself would not have led to the paralysis of Sister Angela except that protruding from her vagina was the end of a riding crop. Lock the door Angela please. I dont want to stay, Mother. Why? Because I am frightened. Frightened, how strange? Yes, she whimpered. But lock the door; do you think I want the world to see me like this? Ok, but I dont want to do anything. Sit on that stool, Angela. I want to talk to you. Do you know what virtue is?

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I have a slight idea, Mother. The Mother Superior withdrew the riding crop apologizing. I am sorry I shocked you. I should not have used this. She got up from the chair. Play with me Angela, play with me. Where? Here and here. She lay on the floor and forced her womanhood into the struggling mouth of the younger woman. Angela could think of nothing more than to become an unwilling partner in this drama, although a part of her said, No, the other half wanted to know life, to know what bodies could do. How could anyone be pure if they did not experience sin? If they knew what sin was then any effort to keep away from it would be worthy. The Mother Superior was if anything very versatile and Angela in her innocent way was left aghast at some of the inventiveness of this matronly woman, Angela in innocence and possibly daring, inserted the crop until she could hardly distinguish it through the able covering that nature had placed, as a curtain. There was warmth about the big woman. As Mother Superior exploded, she sunk to her knees her teeth buried deep into Angelas enclosure and on her collapse tore a perceptible piece of Angelas carcass. She lay on the floor gasping and shouting, Thank you, God, thank you. Angela was a close runner up, the crop working faster than a water mill, delaying slightly due to Angelas apprehension and due to the over eagerness in meeting whatever

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there was at the end of the tunnel. However, Mother Superior was there for her. She extracted the crop and with able expert knowledgeable fingers slowly, methodically and without haste brought her to a crescendo. Angela felt her legs tighten like the grip of a master horseman and then as if nature wanted to display a sense of humor she had a tiny organism that gently brought a glow to her body and her face and just as she was deciphering the experience her body jerked in five to six savage thrusts and her feet slammed into a chair, overturning it. Her body straightened as flat as a paving stone and her vultures nest emanated jets of sheer contentment bathing the now moonlit room in phosphorus from the gods. The Mother Superior came over and clasped the head of Angela in her hands bringing her lips down to hers and slowly they lowered their limbs to the floor and Mother Superiors mouth went to the still throbbing organ and kissed it with passion, her tongue gently licking up the pungent sweet juice. A harmony of love, of the essence of life, a meeting of the inner chamber, the feast of the elect that is how Angela began to see it. Mother Superior got to her knees; the bare torso reflecting the nail marks that had been made by Angelas clawing talons and the magnificent mammary bulging with bruising from her clenched hands. The wide thighs and buttocks had a cherubim appearance in the half light. Her hand still explored the crevice and the bulging breasts and Angelas hands did the same, holding onto them like they were peaches from out of heaven, and did she hear angelic voices, did she hear condemnation?

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She fingered the protruding nipples and held them in her fingers, her mouth seeking the other woman and her hand feeling glory, of happiness and wonderment. We will pray now sister. Angela got to her knees conscious of the glistening moisture that trickled down her body and the sound of her grating breath. We thank you Lord for all the good things you have given us. We thank you for the coming of the Lord Jesus and we put our lives safely in your domain, Amen. It was cold as Sister Angela found her way back across the graveled ground to her room. She lit the oil lamp without fear of being told to put it out. Everyone was now asleep. She took her habit off, wrapped it neatly, placing it on the back of the chair. She took the cotton night dress from the hook and lowered it down over her body, the course fabric being cruel to her womanly skin. She put the lamp out and lay there with open eyes peering around the darkened room. Her mind was still reeling from the nights experience. Surely she thought the crucifying of the body and desires were not as beautiful as this. What she had felt tonight must have been heaven, it must have been! When she walked or talked in the morning in leisure time with the other sisters, wouldnt she have a glow, exuberance in her step, and wonderment in her eyes? Wouldnt it have been wonderful for everyone? She could just imagine Mother Superior saying,

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Now my beloved, we will glorify the name of the most high and thank him for his love for us, and as if in unison they would peel away their garments and partake of this wonderful experience, the old and the young, a frothing mass of surging bodies, that made music for the King of glory. What sexless monster wrote the bible, what an unthinking, unthankful heathen? Is this where people got their conventionalism from, the shall and the shall nots? What sort of god was it that wants humanity to be so staid and pious? Was it a faade? Was it authority, you do what we tell you, or else, you will suffer? We are in control? Sister Angelas hand found her warm throbbing friend and fondled it, her index finger slowly, gently sliding across the crease, soothing like balm, like the gentle breeze that blew in the summer air bringing the fragrance of the accumulated scents to her senses, gently, gently, gently, and then the sweet wonderment of release as the labia of her companion moistened and gave out its reply and she drifted into a sleep of absolute contented peace, where dissenters cannot and will never be able to go.

The witch hunters are coming to the town in two weeks sisters. That was the news the next day, grown up news, news to do with adults, witches! They asked to stay here but I told them that there was no room. However Father Ferguson

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wishes to give a talk on the reason they are coming and he will be here today at 6 oclock. The Mother Superior troop out and the Sisters made their way to the different chores. Sister Angela once again was assigned to the kitchen to help with the dishes and to plan the evening meal. At six oclock they were waiting for Father Fergusons speech. He was a big man six foot tall, broad shoulders and a broad rather pleasant face. The black cassock he wore hung to the ground. Sisters, it is a pleasure to see you all again although I know you make frequent visits to the church. He went on to describe how the witch hunters had come down from Scotland from town to village, sifting, as he put it, Out the evil in our country. Twenty five women had been burned or hanged in Sheffield that had been collected from the surrounding areas but over a hundred had been found guilty by the Church Courts and thirty by the law courts. However Norfolk had produced many cases. The priest went to say that since the purge, farmers had better yields to the crops and milder more clement weather. He described in a vivid way the work of the witch hunters and how they went about extracting confessions some of which led to the arresting of other people. I think that many more are being investigated at the moment. At the end of the speech he asked, Is there any questions?

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Yes, father. A young nun rose probably out of politeness to him. What sort of people are normally witches? The father smiled genially at the sister. We find that they are in many cases widows or women who have been left on their own for long periods. Maybe the husband is in the army or at sea. Someone else stood. Father what happens to their property, I believe the church accommodates it. Thats correct. We have to sanctify the homes and surroundings, and the church to do this has no choice but to take possession. This helps pay for the wages of these dedicated people as well. The meeting was informative but left many of the Sisters with disturbed thoughts. Reports were going around that villages were emptying of people to avoid the hunters when they came. The villages around about, Sheringham, Norton, Cromer and Stanton were now suspect areas and much activity was going on. A train of slaves were brought through the center of the town a week before the expected arrival and it was said that it had been the best sale ever seen in the town. These people who were considered as some type of apes were stripped naked and many of the buyers were feeling their genitals and looking into their mouths to get an idea of the health of these creatures. A few churchmen also bought slaves as a help in the parishes and some it was believed bought girl or boy slaves for their discreet sexual appetite. These were usually chained up while the priest was about his duties. It was easy to put a shawl on them to make them look like servants when the church dignitaries gave their functions.

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The witch hunters arrived and attracted much fearful fascination. A huge army of soldiers escorted them and as they entered the market place a band marched in front playing drums and trumpets and carting red banners and a large cross. In the center they were received by the mayor with his large black floppy hat and regalia of gold chain and a medallion and his benevolent face. The jugglers, acrobats and contortionists began their acts and traders, sold toffee apples, fudge and treacle-buns. A few of the nuns were privileged to be able to witness this grand affair, but perhaps only Sister Angela had reservations. The chief witch hunter she noticed was a little man with a solemn morbid, in a way, evil face lined with deep gorges, his eyes though lively, looking cruel and sadistic. He wore black from head to foot and the only distinction was some chain which encircled his neck and some shining medal or insignia that could be seen. To the people he was a hero fighting for God against the whole regime of Satans Kingdom. The festivity went on long into the night and the following day all was quiet except a little bated conversation and gossip, a few murmurs and some fear. Have you ever seen a burning sister Angela? No Gertrude. It is horrific, she said in a sobbing voice. I saw three witches burned in Cromer five years ago. I will never ever forget it. Their screams will haunt me even past the day I die.

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There was one girl of fourteen years tied by her two hands and pulled onto the fire, naked, she was screaming. It was so terrible, I nearly fainted. For ten minutes I saw her dancing in the flames. In the end, it was like her face burst open her eyes hanging out, the skin burning from her arms and legs. She collapsed into the fire sitting there for a few minutes. You could still hear her cries from the terrible pain, and then she fell backwards. The other two were older women, one of them I knew. She lived with her sister in an old hut in the forest. They used to make brooms out of the brushwood and weaved garments on a spinner. I knew them well. They were beautiful people. There was a witch hunt and the villages, began rumors. One sister ran away but the other stayed. The witch hunters tortured her so much to make her confess and she implicated the other woman and they found her. That is horrible Sister, but surely the witch hunters know what they are doing. There seems to be an epidemic of witches and surely they must be dealt with in some way. But this way sister, surely not, the inquisition means even those who they released as innocent, which are few, are never the same again. And why is it always women who are found to be associating with devils, why not men as well? Its a mystery, and its sad. How long have you been a nun, Sister Angela? Two years Sister Gertrude, from when I was sixteen. However Ive been here since I was two years old. I was taken from my mother; she was a prostitute, so I was told. They put her in an asylum. And you never saw her since?

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No. Is she still alive? I dont know if she is. I dont even remember what she looked like, but I would like to see her. And what about you? I felt I had a calling from God. I was seventeen when I decided to join the convent. My brother and sister tried to deter me. My father was a businessman. He made jewelry and they all wanted me to enter the business. We had a nice house and servants and really wanted for nothing. Sister Gertrude had a sweet face and an open countenance and while she talked she used her hands a great deal in gesturing. Do you ever regret becoming a nun, sister? Angela asked. In a way I have. I had a fondness for a young boy and I felt that we might eventually marry. She looked a bit downcast as she said this. It was a terrible struggle for me to leave him. I remember the first time I entered here when they were cropping my lovely hair and then I began to be uncertain. That night when I lay on that hard mattress looking at the bare whitewalls, I cried. I didnt know what to do. I suddenly realized that I had lost everything. My father, my mother, my brother and sister, the good food and company. My beautiful clothes were sent back to my home and then this. I cant say I didnt feel sadness. And now in a way I am resigned to my destiny, to get old and then to die in this place. Dont say that. So how do you feel about God? Angela directed.

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I dont know any god. I thought I did. I think it was the sense of adventure. At that age the passions can get the better of you. She began to wring her hands together. Maybe it was that I wanted to be noticed or even to make a protest. God never became real to me. In a way the more I read the Bible the less I believed in it. They had reached a cluster of trees and Angela beckoned for them to sit on the bench. You wont tell anybody. Will you? Of course not. Do you ever miss mens company, Sister? All of the time, Gertrude said. I wonder what it would be like to be in bed with a man, to have his arms around me. I really miss it. The knowledge of what it is like, I will never ever know now. But why dont you apply to the Pope, perhaps you can be freed from your vows. Maybe. she said downcast. Do it. You are not supposed to be like this. Probably your destiny is in another direction. I will ask you something Gertrude and I also would like you not to say anything to anyone. Okay. Her eyes showed honesty and interest. Do you ever fantasize about men sexually? I mean do you ever play with yourself, sister? In what way? When you go to bed, do you put your fingers underneath? Whether Gertrude was playing ignorant or was unaware, Angela didnt know. So Angela said, Like this. She put her hand on the dress above her vagina and moved her hand.

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Yes, often. Often. Often? And do you like it? Yes. Do you ever feel guilty? All the time. What do you think about when you do it? Boys, men, the gardener, my previous boyfriend. Gertrude, what are boys like down there, is it the same as us? Gertrude smiled at her ignorance. Oh Angela. You dont know? They have something like a - er rod, soft and supple and beneath that two balls wrapped in flesh. When they get passionate the rod extends and become as solid as a branch of that tree. But why, what happens? You honestly dont know? I would not ask if I did Gertrude. Oh, you are so ignorant. When it becomes hard they put it in there where you pointed and they go up and down. And stuff comes out which is white. What for? I dont know that, but I think it is to do for making babies. It sounds interesting. I also fantasize about boys as well, when I played with myself, but I didnt know what you have just told me. Do you ever think about going to bed with a woman? No, Ive been told it is wrong to do that. It is not natural.

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Wouldnt it be nice Gertrude for us both to have a boy this afternoon? Would you put your mouth around it? I would eat it, but dreams are just dreams. Indeed. Why dont we abscond from here? Perhaps we can find some ordinary clothes. We could leave and go to another town. Dont dream, Angela. But look at that bird. It is free; we could be as free as that, dont you realize that, look at it, it has no conventions, it doesnt have any fear of any god or a devil, and, it doesnt have a cage like we have it is totally free, isnt it? Dont dream. Gertrude repeated putting her arm around Angelas shoulders. Her eyes were smiling, but there was despair about them as well. We are trapped, so dont kid yourself love.

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Chapter Four

The following day, a storm blossomed, its fingers of lightning slamming the surrounding hills and the roar like that of a snorting bull amplified a million times. The tempest came all of a sudden, taking the whole of the area by surprise, a ton of water a minute deluged from the sky; it was black and sinister as if the devil himself was the instigator. The winds tore through the town ripping roofs to pieces, fences crashing and uprooting trees, lying across the cobbled streets. Around the convent all hell was let loose. The gentle stream became a torrent reaching a few of the buildings, the nuns covering under the low tables as the lightning crashed over their heads. Slowly over two days of torrential rain it abated and as the afternoon of the third day approached the sun appeared through the blackness and then a certain amount of damage could be seen through the windows. It was as if a lake had suddenly appeared on the lawn. A couple of garden sheds lay in the now tranquil scene smashed

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like matchwood and to top it all, a flock of ducks had decided to rest and add to this weird scene. It wasnt till the following day that the nuns ventured outside. The sky was still threatening but through the course of the day it gave signs of becoming more clement. After a few hours most of the wet and damp had been dealt with in the accommodation and the nuns, weary of the effort were not so joyous. However, an air of excitement arose at the discovery that one of the nuns was missing, Sister Angela Perez. They thought that she could have been drowned in the flood or was stranded somewhere. However, Angela Perez was now dressed in an illfitting dress that had been commandeered from an empty house and with a cloth wrapped around her shaved head had been gone for as much as three days. Although she wanted to stay dry, her instincts told her to move on. She knew to the south were the walls of the great City of London. And by walking and by lifts she received from the small amount of traffic that dared to brave the tempest, her journey gave her about the distance of a hundred and fifty miles. She was wet and hungry and had to ask the drivers to give her food. Her excuse for the journey was she had been parted from her husband and children and was on the way to meet them. Her excuse also procured a few coins from a couple of sympathetic carriage drivers, one of whom had also gone out of his way so that she could reach her desired destination. It took her ten days to reach the bustling hectic chaotic city and amongst this chaos she felt safe from detection.

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Her hair had slightly grown and though it looked strange for being so short, with a little bit of dirt on her face, she looked fairly like an urchin girl and so didnt attract a great deal of attention. It was cold, and sleeping in strange places wasnt comfortable. She found with a bit of begging she was able to buy some welcoming soup in the mornings and by raiding a dump was able to get a certain amount of leftovers that a tavern threw out each night. She became more adept at begging and with the few coins she received was able to get a coat and also more food. However, the people she was associating with were vagabonds, thieves and dropouts and some just unfortunates, psychologically disturbed. She had heard that she had to be careful as although the streets were teaming with all types of people it wasnt unknown for homeless women to be put in a workhouse for the care of destitute women or to be even raped. Because of this she decided to change her appearance and managed to buy some makeup and a little mirror. She felt happy with the effect. Drinking tea in a caf she looked up to see quite a nice looking man looking at her. He walked over. Hello. She looked at him without answering although her attitude was not one of off-putting. My name is Andrew. You look slightly lost. I have been looking at you. Are you in need of help? I am hungry and I am homeless. Why?

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Circumstances. Can I treat you to a meal? I would appreciate that. Then come with me. She rose and followed him to a fairly posh restaurant and sitting at the table she felt very conscious of herself in front of the other diners. You havent told me your name. Angela. And why havent you a home? Its a long story, Andrew and I am so tired. Eat well. He said, would you like some wine? A little please. Why did you speak to me, Andrew? Because I could see you were lonely. I have a large house not far from here and if you want to partake of my company until you feel better you can stay there. My father is a merchant. Well the whole family is in business. I am glad that this is the case. I wont be in the way? No, and you can have the whole run of the house. Im out a lot of the time. Youre very kind. Why? For you. I was born into wealth. It is my little bit of appreciation, if you like. Any strings attached? Not one. I wouldnt sleep tonight if I looked after someone with an inner motive. Are you religious? Never have been, probably never will be. What I have seen of religious people hasnt impressed me. Many are mean, self-centered and the songs they sing in the meetings leave me in tears. Whatever kindness many do comes from the belief

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that they are pleasing their god. The best is when it comes from the desire to help someone. She finished the meal and sat drinking the wine. This is absolutely beautiful, she said. It is adequate, not the best, but it is the best they have here. Ok, lets go. He paid the waiter and hailed a carriage and gave directions. The house was a two storey building spread out over an extensive bit of ground at Richmond. It had a well cared for lawn and the end of it reached to the bank of the Thames. He showed her a room and asked the black maid to make available any necessities that Angela asks for. And then he went. Sitting on the side of the comfortable bed Angela couldnt believe this had all happened. Was it the makeup that had attracted the young man? She went to the mirror and wasnt certain. The ill-fitting dress that had seen a lot of washing but no ironing wasnt very feminine and if anything she didnt look very attractive. She shrugged, miracles do happen, and then she lay back on the bed and fell asleep. It was nightfall when she became aware of the shadow in her room. At first she gave a start but then was presented by the beautiful black face that looked at her through the gloom. The oil lamp was lit and the beauty in front of her revealed her smile. Her teeth were like rows of pearls and her eyes wide and intelligent. You slept well, Angela! I come from Ghana Ghana? Yes. Africa.

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I was a slave. Perhaps I still am. I am lucky to be alive. We were packed in the boat, more than one hundred. Sixty died in the filthy hold. They were thrown overboard. They used to drop bread down through the grill and there was little fresh water. I think the traders packed us in hoping that most were alive at the end of the voyage. However, if the seas are rough or there is no wind for a while the journey can kill everyone. We came into Plymouth naked and cold. We were taken to the different parts of the country. And Andrew bought you? Angela queried, sympathetically. I was lucky. They supplied us sacks to keep the cold out but when we got to the market they ordered us to strip off. A few men were looking at me and fingering me. However because they thought I was beautiful the price they were asking was too high for most of them. There were homosexuals in the crowd and they began to play with the mens genitals and one actually had sex on the platform with one of the men whilst the crowd was laughing. A few other women were mauled besides me. The dirty swines hands groping breasts and was nearly ripping a womans vagina to shreds, I felt so sorry for her. HERE Why did Andrew buy you? I dont know. He has never once made a play for me. He wouldnt have to, because by law Im his property. I thought once he might be showing interest but he seemed to draw back. Arent you lonely? I am, she smiled, Very. But I am hoping one day She didnt finish the sentence. So Angela added,

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That he wants you. Yes, yes. Anyway, what are your needs young lady? Well I would like a nice meal with a good wine and you will join me. Is any of that unattainable? No nothing. Then lets get to it. By the way, what time does Andrew get back? It depends, at different times. Usually not till late. Andrew is a bit of a playboy. Rich and good looking and fond of life. And girlfriends? Many. The meal was well prepared. Dressed in a skirt and blouse that Annabel had given her along with an expert hand to the makeup and some very sensuous smelling perfume, Angelas mind forgot the hardship of the last few weeks. Annabel was more than just an acquaintance. They seemed to have a rapport and on some occasions both started to say the same thing at the same time. It was then no surprise when Annabel rose and walked behind Angela, her large lips reaching out to Angelas and the ebony hand reaching below the dress she wore. There had been no signal. Annabels large luscious lips found their way beneath the dress gently pulling the colorful briefs down and pressing her mouth into that appreciative waiting reservoir. Angela felt the clef swelling with longing for this black skinned eminent nymph.

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She peeled her clothes off throwing them to the floor and with her tongue and teeth working in unison cradled the black thrusting breasts in her hands, the teeth chattering and playing like bongos on the nipples of this ravishing beauty. And then the black girls tongue long and stiff entered her body tasting, as if drinking liquid honey, forcing its way across Angelas clitoris, nibbling, sucking, licking, and then her hands reached the breasts of Annabel whilst the younger girls hands searched the pants of this black wonder. Annabel rose up, the knickers and skirt falling and the top part of her dress deftly taken off as if by an expert stripper and there stood a black Venus. The black hair on her vagina thick and glistening allowed just a glimpse of the aperture that was now starting to spout venom. Angela sank to her knees and cradled that throbbing wonder in the fingers of her left hand, the right hand reaching for the black buttocks and finding their way into the inner chamber and then she came twice like the exploding of a melon, gushing down the black legs leaving grey streaks on the background. Angelas head went down partaking of the sumptuous feast like a vampire at a carcass. The juice oozed like ectoplasm over Angelas hand anointing it in ecstasy and then as if in the throes of a frenzied fiend Angelas body jerked in an extraordinary way, her hand pressing against the wall, her body upright and with just her head bent forward to witness the volcanic eruption emanating from the glistening allure that exploded beneath her. The nectar poured or rather sprang out like the spout on a whales back, teeming, clinging like the thick dew, spouting, spouting, spouting and then she

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was done, purring with delight as if in a hymn to her maker. They didnt talk but they came together as one their lips meeting and lying in each others arms like a baby nestled against its mothers bosom. Annabels tongue entered the mouth of Angela licking the teeth and the gums, sucking like a blood sucking parasite, her mouth finding Angelas nose, holding it between those wondrous lips. Her hand going down again to the dainty little mouse and her head lowering taking in the younger womans groin, sucking, sucking and then as if by some magical elixir Angela opened the reservoir once again, not this time as a flood but as an explosion from deep within her, a kind of delayed mechanism. Her body shook from head to toe, the willing aperture distorting like the wave of a piece of cardboard in the wind and slowly as if rising to the surface it reached her vulva and with the knickers of Annabel in her mouth and sucking at the crutch piece, the heavens opened as if God was saying, With this your misery disappears. And then it came thick and mucky, repugnant in a way, musty, and Angela watched as the essence slowly oozed from her pipe. Not five seconds, not a minute but five whole minutes the spectacle secreted, and she rose, dressed and kissed Annabel. Should we finish our meal now darling? She asked.

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Chapter Five

Spring time in any country is beautiful but especially so in the South of England. The grass takes on a new type of hue and the insects, birds and animals seem to exclaim a new birth, a birth of seeking, of reaching. The air is laced with expectancy. The new life comes about, lambs frisk in the fields, the rabbits peep their heads from their burrows and the swallows and martins come back from their long excursion in some warmer land. It is like the air has vitality in it, an undiscovered ingredient that heralds the summer. Angelas stay had been for over two months and not once did Andrew mention it to her. She didnt want to leave, she felt it was her home but it began to weigh on her mind. She had eaten Andrewss food, drank his wine, been seduced by his servant and received a bit of money from him each week. This is for your needs, he had said. She didnt see Andrew many times and did not know what kept him so occupied. Angelas room

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was just down the corridor from his and she often heard him come in but in the morning before she arose, he was gone, she didnt know where and she hadnt enquired. The only sign of him having been there was a half drained cup on the table and the plate that he had eaten from. Sometimes he would be away for a few days, however on the 25th of April of that year; the weather had come with slight drizzle. It was surprising to see Andrew at home working on some papers. He looked up as Angela entered. Oh, hello, I am sorry I dont see you often. I feel very unsociable Annabel came over and kissed Angela on the cheek. Breakfast for you both in a half an hour. Eggs, tomatoes, sausages, beans and toast. Traditional, how about that. Any qualms? Andrew looked up and then back at the pile of papers. If you say so. I do say so, Master Andrew, she said strictly but with a smile on her face. Andrew looked at Angela. Angela, Annabel, tells me that you often help her with the cleaning and such. I dont know if you are interested but if you want I can hire you as an extra maid. What do you think? Well I am amazed. I would love that Andrew. I will write out your duties and we can arrange payment. Wonderful and when can I start? Today, if you wish. Fantastic. I will be around more from now on because the business I had abroad has been taken over by

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another organization that will see to its running. This will give me much more time. Thank you. How do you like your eggs? Both sides. Angela went out to the kitchen and kissed Annabel on her cheek. Move over Miss Sunshine, we share the chores. The breakfast was good, good food washed down with coffee and a fine wine and then Andrew settled down to his work on the papers and Angela and Annabel made the beds, washed the dishes and set about the laundry. When they reentered the lounge Andrew was relaxing, the papers now lying neat on the table and a large cigar being puffed appreciatively, the smoke drifting easily to the ceiling and giving out a pervading aroma. Annabel brought the coffee in and Andrew partook and invited them to join him. Finished, he said, pointing to the pile. Do you like business Andrew? Angela asked With reservations. What do you do? Textiles, machinery, tea, furniture, not manufacturing, but transport. A bit like a delivery service if you like. But with the hiring of ships or with my own fleet. How many do you have? Three Master Riggers, eight Clippers and six barges. That is apart from seventy that I rent. Perhaps one day you would like a voyage but I wouldnt recommend a long trip. It would be too

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arduous. So Angela tell me about where you were born and your life. I cant Andrew my life is hidden, lost if you like. Like a horse disappearing into the mist. Andrew replied. A bit like that. I dont want to keep anything from you Andrew but I have had to forget my past. I am only thankful for what youve done for me. Andrew drew on the cigar. None of us are perfect Angela. And then Angela in a way broke down, and then she cried. I was a nun; I ran away, that is why my hair was so short when you met me. I lived in Norfolk in a convent. I was there from the age of two. The authorities put my mother in an asylum and me into the care of the nuns. I know hardly anything about the world. I felt trapped. There was a severe storm and I left the convent, then I found an old dress and I got lifts from some of the travelers. Does that make any difference, Andrew? I didnt want to lie to you Annabel sat startled eyed and Andrew remained looking at his cigar. Then he said, Another coffee, please Angela. She brought the coffee over and as if changing his mind, he said, do you smoke? Ive never tried it. He got cheroots from a box and pointed to the cabinet. The Crotona, the best wine in the world, please get it. She walked to the cabinet and in the far corner saw a very huge bottle which she took out. A gold band encircled the bottle and she read in English,

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The wine created by the gods, drank by connoisseurs. Its more expensive than the best champagne. Three glasses, please, Annabel. Andrew said, We will drink to your new future Angela. He poured the drink that shone like the sparkling spring rain and said. Before we drink there is a ritual. He turned the bottle around and gave it to Angela. She read; Drink not in excess, but substantial for the lifting of the spirit and for the renewing of the soul. He or she who drinks this nectar will be damned, if unworthy. Drink to your health, to the well being of all living beings and for the knowledge of life, and the words appeared, YA KA SAMA TABUNDO. She put the bottle down and stared at the clean sparkling liquid in the glass and then at Andrew. Its a drink from Southern Bengal. It is made from the bark of pine trees and some say from elephant dung. The process is secret. No one knows what the words mean, but they were issued by a great holy man. Ok, lift and repeat, YA KA SAMA TABUNDO and sip slowly. The taste is astonishing, Andrew, Angela said, she sipped again to make sure she was tasting right, and then with just a little left in the bottom of the glass she stared at it in fascination. And then she said. Andrew I would like to toast you and also Annabel for the love you have both shown me, thank you.

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You are welcome, Angela. Ok, now what would you two ladies say if I invited you out for a meal and a show this afternoon? I think I would say, yes Andrew, And me also, Annabel said. That night Annabel and Angela sat in the kitchen. It had been a wonderful day ending with a concert of musicians. Verdis opera, it was spectacular, the different singers and different scenery. Angela went over to Annabel. Annabel, I want Andrew, I want him. Will you share him with me? What? I dont know anything about love, about lying with a man, but I have never in my life found anyone like him. He is so beautiful. It was this afternoon; I suddenly realized I love him. It was while I was sitting next to him at the concert, I knew then that I wanted him. It was like looking at a different person. I have never felt like this. And you want me to share him with you? Yes. I dont want him on my own. You are my good friend. I hope we never part. But it is not done, it isnt right. But how can we do it? First off Annabel I must say that I know nothing about loving a man, not one thing and I must admit it frightens me terribly. I literally dont know what to do or what a man does. I just dont want to have sex with him; I want to show my gratitude, to return something if you like. But on top of that as I have said I knew I must have him. In a way, I need him. So what do you suggest? Angela sat there for a long moment and by the look she had she wasnt sure how she could go about

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it. Give me a while to think, there must be some way. Suddenly she said, I know. When he returns we get up and go and jump in bed with him. Does he leave his bedroom door unlocked? Yes, but he might be upset. Ok then, what we do is to take our knickers off that we are wearing and leave them on his bed, what will he think about that? I dont know but it will have some effect. It has got to. But maybe he doesnt find us attractive. He mixes with the elite, you know? Hmm, but we can try. I need some time to think about this. Just some time to think. Angela turned and kissed Annabel on the lips, I love you too Annabel, We lay together now. Yes, but I dont want any activity, I want to save it all for tonight. Ok Angela? We will do that. Angela said mischievously

It was late that night when Andrew returned. He took a drop of wine and a cigar and then went to the basin to wash and shave. On entering his room he lit the lamp and went over to his bed and sat down and finished the cigar, drawing deeply. He had on his mind a number of things. His father had a slight bit of ill health but was still involved in the business. His mother was in fine fettle as healthy as ever. His brother was showing signs of overwork but wouldnt ease up and he had trouble with a crew on one of his ships who were

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refusing to pick up a cargo in Brazil because of the recent animosity against the British. He placed the butt of the cigar in the ashtray and lay back on the bed, his shiny shoes pointing to the ceiling. Perhaps he was overworking too much. He considered his life. His grandfather had started the business and when he died it was left solely to his father. His father was now reaching sixty and the toil was showing. Andrew himself was a socialite sought after by many of the daughters of the rich. He could easily sell his share of the business and would be able to live in luxury and splendor. He was feeling tired of the effort with sometimes fifteen hours a day work and he wasnt sure how long he could go on. He thought of Debra and Janice two beautiful women who were both at his whim and he couldnt decide who he preferred most. He didnt fancy the idea of marriage, especially to these types of women. Beautiful, rich, full of sex, fun and endless vacations, but possibly demanding. He lit another cheroot and watched the smoke drift to the sky, the grey twists reflecting from the light of the lamp. His thoughts turned to the two girls sleeping just a couple of rooms away. God, they were a temptation! If he were ever to take a wife it would be someone like them. No airs and graces, pure to the bone, not demanding or bitchy, easy going and natural. He pulled his mind away from the fantasy. No way would he entertain thoughts towards them for his own gratification. When he went to the slave market it wasnt to buy a slave, it was to release one. He would have liked to free them all. He didnt buy Annabel because she was beautiful. He didnt see

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her beauty at the time, just a young girl with hell in her eyes and bowed head, Angela the same, lonely, distressed, confused and heading for hell. He drew deeply on the cigar. He had the choice of all the rich half brained bitches and they wanted to be laid. They liked itlaying down, standing up, across the table, on the decks of their posh yachts, even in the sea. You couldnt take advantage of people like that. And many of them liked it with manacles, ropes or whips. The more they screamed in pain the more orgasms they had, especially, Debra. He could handle a score of nymphomaniacs but she was insatiable. It would take a man a week to get over the bite marks on his body. He stubbed the cheroot out and stood to undress, flexing himself as he usually did before entering bed and then he saw them, two pairs of knickers, draped over the side of the bed, one green the other pink. He picked them up bemused. How on earth did they get there? And then the note. Andrew, Annabel and I want to thank you for your kindness to us. But more to the point, we love you. Please dont feel obligated, and if you dont come, we wont mention it at all in the morning. However we will feel despondent and sad for a while because we honestly do love you. Angela.

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He stood there for a while reflecting, Oh, God, the temptation was so strong. He nearly had the compulsion to go to their rooms. However he lifted the knickers one after the other to his nostrils, taking in the smell of the crotch pieces. He sat down for a while fondling the knickers in his hands, feeling the satin-like quality, the smooth feel of them. He studied them over duly as if he were studying a leaf through one of those new magnifying machines that everyone was talking about. He once again put the crotch pieces to his nose, going from one to the other. There was a slight difference, one strong and potent with a tang of mustiness but wholly appetizing and the other a lesser smell, a little of urine and the rest of a tangy aroma that seemed to cling to the side of his nostrils. He held the knickers to his chest for a while in confused thought and then he rose went to his small desk in his room and wrote two notes.

My friend, I feel privileged and honored that you have offered such a wonderful gift to me. I cannot entertain the idea. You owe me nothing. I ask you to dismiss this illusion as your virtue is more than I am prepared to take. Do not feel embarrassed or sad. Thank you.

He didnt even sign them. He wanted the whole issue to drop. He put the notes under the door shacking with the thought of it, and the knickers on the floor outside.

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Chapter Six

London was bustling, full of people scurrying like rabbits going nowhere and then returning. He reflected on this great big mouse trap that forced people into being ruthless and brutal. The business man, monocle on his nose, smiling as he took your last bit of money, the pimps, the prostitutes, the landlords and ladies, the vagabonds, the rich, the poor, the lonely and hungry. Was this what life was about? This great hubbub of a city that was grinding people to death. He made his way to the office and alighted from the coach, saluting the doorman on the way and entered, being confronted firstly by the young girl who sat so prettily in a chair sorting the mail and acting as a personal relations officer and adviser to the myriad of people who walked or scurried through the complex. It was big, two storey high and over twenty two offices, rest rooms, canteen and a large conference hall. The girl stood up, Good morning, Mr. Mathews, Good morning, Annie. Is there much mail? A lot. I have passed the essentials along to the managers office, one from your partners in France. They talk about increased work and ask if they can take on more staff. Holland is asking when we can move the carpets and furniture. Ok Annie, he bent over and kissed her on the side of her face, see you later. He put his coat on the stand and went to the office that said, MATHEWS SHIPPING.

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There were about ten people there, not all employees, bustling around, with one person very irate. Are you Mr. Mathews? I have been waiting over a bloody week for that consignment of rice, where the bloody hell is it? Who am I speaking to? You are speaking to the Secretary of the French Food Corporation. He said this as if he were talking about the department of God. I will see what has happened. I can wait. If we dont get that bloody shipment before the end of the week, we lose a bloody fortune. He shouted. One minute I will see, I am very concerned. When did you order the boat? Last week, we have one week left to dispatch it. He called one of the boys over. Henry, will you go to the administration office and take this gentleman with you. Find out what is happening and report to me, thank you. Andrew walked away. He found his way to his personal office and sat down looking out of the window. Could he take any more, accountants, bankers, dealers, cargoes, shipments, claims? He looked at the sun still rising in the distance, a large hazy ball of light rising through the clouds, its golden light just reaching the inside of the office and reflecting on the brass plates and from the polished furniture. He ate, slept, and dreamed the business. Even when he went to toilet it was on his mind. He woke up with it and went to bed with it. God what was it doing to him? Twenty seven and feeling like an old man.

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He picked his pen up, stabbing the point on the desk. What the hell was he continuing for? He had enough money for ten lifetimes and still he would come to the office to be verbally abused, to be harassed to have to go through a thousand papers a day, to skimp his meals and his relationships. He locked the door and ignored the rapping, that had begun and that constantly went on. DEAL WITH IT, he shouted, DEAL WITH IT The purser wants the ship unloaded. I am not satisfied, have you got the files for Mr. Watson? Yes, I bloody have, he can pick them up off the moon next week. I want to see you in person, Mr. Mathews, so please open the door. Wheres my bloody brother? Harry, he shouted, I am leaving, I have had enough. I am walking out. You cant do that. Ill, go as well. Then you will lose the bloody business. But where are you going? I am going to a land called peace, have you ever heard of it? For fucks, sake, you just cannot leave, with all the orders we have. Out my way Harry, otherwise I will kick the poop out of your arse. Please Andrew; grandfather built this up, three generations, what the hell are you doing? Harry, I will tell you something and youd better listen. Look at these bloody workers on a pittance, because you objected to a rise for them.

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Look at me Harry, what do you see. A bloody wreak, someone trapped to the treadmill. What are we working for Harry for figures on a sheet? We dont need the money, but these poor bastards do. Dont shout so loud, Andrew. Look maybe we can sort this out. Like you sorted out the rise for these poor sods? Lets not talk about it now Andrew, go and do what you want to do. And tomorrow I will try to get time to come and see you. You are right, Harry, however I think I am out. Dont be hasty, wait just a while. Alright Harry, see you tomorrow. Andrew left to a chorus of agitated disgruntle clients balling for attention. He ambled through the back streets of the city where the urchins were shouting, Toff, toff, do you eat toffee apples, Toff? Lets do him; he looks pretty flush with cash. He got a carriage, Richmond, he said and sat back contented at his vent, he hadnt felt so good for years. He watched the houses go past, the tenements, the shops, the slums, lumps of old slats and wood, the ram -shackles that the down and outs lived in, the dirty roads and the rags on lines having been washed in the filthy street water. He turned his head away in despair. Are none of you capable of changing this world, he thought. He alighted for a while to try to get his thoughts together and looking over the big green expanse called Streatham and then boarded again for the final drive home. He was greeted by Annabel; she had heard the carriage on the drive. Hello Andrew. Can I get you anything?

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Yes, please, Annabel. Where is Angela, I want to talk to you both. Gone to the market for food, she should be back very soon. He said to her, slapping her behind, You have a nice arse, Annabel, Tea please. Ok Sir? Did she have a little extra swivel to her hips as she went for the tea? Andrew thought so. He watched her return and Andrew said, Annabel, come here, sit on my knee. Yes, Sir? Do you doubt I can make love to you? No. But I might be impotent. After all I have two beautiful women living in the house and I turned them both down. Wouldnt only someone who is impotent do that? You have your reasons. How would you like to be rich, Annabel? To be able to go anywhere, to live in luxury? I am happy, here with you. I dont want anything else. Do you want me, Annabel? Of course I do, you know that. Then today you will have me. Right darling pour the tea, till Angela comes. I have got news for you, if you are interested, but you have a choice. Both choices will be ok, for you. You mystify me, Andrew. She said her huge eyes lighted with curiosity, if not a little hope.

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Today, ten lumps of sugar instead of one, he said flamboyantly. Today the sky will open and the golden chest of treasure will be revealed. Annabel got off of his lap and knelt at Andrews feet. Andrew, I have always loved you from the first time you put your cloak around my naked body, in the slave market. If my heart could speak it would tell you more than my lips could ever do. Arise wench, Andrew said, The anointing awaits, and I can hear the other she-devil entering the fold. Where do you find that attraction that melts kings hearts and sends men to their doom? Is that Shakespeare, Andrew? No, it is Andrew Mathew ESQ. Hi, you beauty, enter, the lions mouth is ready. What goodies have you got apart from those in your hands, fair maid? Fair maid enter at your leisure, for the stage is set, but the actors are away. Come fair maid and partake of what the good lord has decreed. Angela came in. That was heavy. You should have gone by carriage. I wanted the walk. Right Angela, sit down please. Andrew got up and poured another tea and gave it to her and sat looking at the two girls. He took a while, as if measuring up what he wanted to say and how to say it. He had a gleam in his eye that was purposeful and determined. Angela, Annabel, today I have thrown in the towel, Mathews Shipping Company will never see my face again. I will sell my share of the business and will give a bonus to my employees and I will go and live in a beautiful sunny country.

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That sounds fantastic for you, Andrew, Angela said. But I have a problem. What is that? I am in love and I dont want to go alone. It can get terribly lonely even bathing in a beautiful sun swept sea. I want you and Annabel to accompany me. What do you say? Wherever my master goes this driveling excuse for humanity will follow as long as my master casts me a glance now and again and his shadow passes over me, my reward is immense. Then you will come? You as well, Annabel? Angela was surprised. Annabel approached Andrew and knelt down, her sumptuous lips reaching for his and she murmured, my lord, all I have is at your command. And then they enclosed in an embrace as Angela had never seen before. Angela walked over, Andrew, I love you too, she said. Angelas night of bliss was everything she could have dreamed of. It was as if the main actor had come on stage, and was wooing the audience with his charms. With two oil lamps burning giving enough light to highlight the silhouettes, Andrew received blessings as even the gods wouldnt ever have experienced. Angela was grateful for the initiation into knowledge, into the inner chamber, the Akashic record hall where the entire world went for wisdom. It was like a genie at the bottom of the bed having been summons and then was rubbing the lamp continuously to keep the wonders coming.

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Annabel mounted Andrew, her beautiful black body rising and falling in the flickering light her little shrills of delight uttering from her mouth, her breasts bouncing like balls filled with water, her nipples large and strong, bulging out as Andrews hands fondled them. She sustained it for a good time, that rhythm, that fabulous movement, the black behind rising and falling; rising and falling like a pendulum of a clock and Andrew turned her with the ease of a wrestler, probing her, her knees in the air. Annabels hand reached for Angelas breast, her fingers griping tight and then she expired like the breath of a dying person, but she wasnt done. She came to Angela rubbing her essence over her chest as Andrew mounted. She felt his manhood enter as if in slow motion, she felt the excitement flooding into her being. Her hand went down to explore the animal that was burrowing itself into her feelings, an untamable savage animal and the gonads that gave it its power. And then a sudden pain so sharp that she screamed clenched her teeth and she lay in abandonment, her breath emanating at every thrust, being forced out of her, being pushed from her. And then Andrew doubled over, his knees jerking upwards and his manhood shivering like a leaf in the autumn wind. Annabel took it between her hands and with mouth agape took the full volume like a child with fresh cream. She turned taking Angelas sweet fruity center into her mouth whilst Angela took over from the other woman in a kind of cleanup operation on Andrew, and then with her teeth slowly and gently chewing the prism of splendor, she collapsed in ecstasy. Whatsoever, you ask in my name, you shall receive.

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As if motivated by an inner power she got out of bed and knelt and said, Thank you God, for all your wonders, Amen, and then she thought she heard the words, Fear not little flock for it is your Fathers goodwill for you to have the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

It had been a heavenly day and month and still they were not ready to make any move to sunnier climes. They went out quite bit to places of interest, resorts, parks and the country and Andrew even rented a boat for a fishing trip. Their bodies were reaping the healthy life, and it was most noticeable especially with the women where their thighs showed a great deal of change. Even Andrewss hunky lithe torso gave an extra sign of excitement as from his waist down, his muscles tightened with all the walking that they were doing. Horse riding as well, which Annabel adapted to so quickly. The summer passed into winter and still there was no mention of their trip abroad and little was spoken of it. Harry visited as often as he could and he had said he had taken on a good partner to make up for Andrews absence. And then one day he broached the subject. We have a boat being made ready for you, It will be available one month from now. He looked at the ladies, You happy about that?

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We are, they chorused, with Annabel adding, Very happy, so it was set.

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Chapter Seven

Your name is Angela Mendez. Yes sir. You are charged this day in contrivance of the law 163 of the religious act of society as laid down by the church of our Majestys reign which states that those who by design or by chance, associate in an intimate way with demons or any type of dark spirits shall be judged and sentenced accordingly. In being found guilty their bodies will be given over to the living flames of the inferno. Please give account of the arrest and details of the crime, sergeant. On Saturday, February the 17th of this same year, the accused was found in Park Side Street in Richmond she had been attacked by thieves. She had a bag of food at her side some of which had evidently been taken by a gang of thieves that were operating in that area, at that time. We took her into the barracks to clean her up and one of the soldiers recognized her as Sister Angela Perez who had fled

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from a convent in Wakefield in Norfolk. He informed us that charges had been made against her in her absence in regards to the devilish activities of an act witnessed by the gardener a Mr. Jeffrey Potter Is she still a nun, prosecuting counselor? No, Sir, a man stood up dressed in a black cloak. She has been excommunicated. So, I will address you as Miss Mendez. The judge said. How do you plead to these charges? Not guilty, Sir. Ok, is Mr. Jeffrey Potter here? Yes Sir. Would you please come forward and take the oath. You are the gardener in the grounds of the convent of THE LADY OF VIRTUE in Waveham, is that correct? That is correct, Sir. Please tell the court the details of the day in question. Yes Sir. In the execution of my duty at the convent as a caretaker and gardener, I walked to the stream to get a couple of buckets of water for some plants which I was planting in the Sisters vegetable patch. I came across this despicable woman on the ground naked. I couldnt believe my eyes What time was that Mr. Potter? About mid-afternoon, Sir. Right, and then? She was as naked as the day she was born, sir. I hid behind a tree as I felt embarrassed at her nudity. I watched for a while because of her strange antics. And what were they? Her breasts were moving as if someone was fumbling with her, as if by unseen hands, and her

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hands were like they were holding a large penis. Her back was arching off the ground, her knees in the air and she was shouting, Satan, Satan, I dont know whether I can repeat what she said, sir, it was so terribly disgusting. The court must know! Ok, Sir, she was shouting, Satan, Satan fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck my fanny Satan, I love you, I am yours forever, my master. A cold murmur went round the courtroom. How long did you stay there for? Half an hour Sir. Her mouth was frothing, it was terrible. I am sure it was Mr. Potter, and then what happened? I left, I was so very disgusted. Hmm, ok, and your version Miss Perez? I went to the spot to rest, it was hot and I could see that I was alone. I stripped and went into the water. When I came out I lay on the grass in the sun to dry, sir. Then this man came up and was staring at me. I tried to apologize for being naked and he began to strip his pants down and came towards me and I kick him in his groin. He was in pain on the ground. I picked up my habit and then ran. You have a rule about nudity dont you? Yes, Sir, it is not allowed. Then why did you do it? It was hot, Sir. And then you ran away from the convent, why was that?

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I have been there all my life; I wanted to see what the world was like. You came to London? Where have you lived? On the embankment of the Thames. But I have a report which said you had jewelry on you, bracelet rings and that you were smartly dressed. So how did you get these articles? Prostitution. You had clients, in other words? Yes Sir. Mostly around the embankment. How did you manage to keep as smart, as you were, sleeping in such bad circumstances? By changing my clothes. So you were earning good money, are you lying to protect somebody that you lived with, or someone who put you up? Nobody. So what do you say to Mr. Potter in regards to his accusation? It is complete lies. But you were nude. Yes I was. Did you actually run away because you were frightened of what Mr. Potter claims he saw? No Sir. I would like to speak to you, Mr. Potter. You said you were behind a tree for half an hour; the woman was presumably having sex with Satan. Have you ever had sex Mr. Potter? Yes I have, Sir, I am married. Then without being personal how long does it take you to ejaculate? Five to ten minutes.

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Would you consider Miss Perez as attractive? Reasonably so. Could you have looked at her because you were interested in her? No, I didnt. Is it possible that you made the story up because you were so suddenly deterred? No. So do you think she was actually being seduced by Satan? Yes, I do. And Satan, I believe has great power, I would understand. So would he know that you were there? I dont know about that. I dont believe your story Mr. Potter. But I need to talk this over with my colleagues. Court is adjourned for half an hour. The court arose and the judge went out. On his return he said, I have talked this over with my learned friends. They have decided that Miss Perez should be examined by the members of the counsel to ascertain her guilt or her innocence. I wish for the accused to appear in front of me in three days time.

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Chapter Eight

So thats it child, shit you have got hell coming. The guard, who was probably trying to be friendly, about forty years old, smiled sadly. They dont come out like they go in. When they start, no one is innocent. The witch hunters, the inquisition, no one comes out innocent; you are so young as well. Oh fuck, Oh fuck. No, need for you to worry, is there? I have seen over five hundred of the poor sods. You cant recognize them on the second appearance in court. Oh fuck, I can never take it. It breaks me. Anyway come, I have to do my job. What do you do? Just deliver you. Oh fuck. Well, do your job; it is not your fault. The problem is that there is no way out for you. In what way?

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You die, if you dont confess and if you do confess you will supply entertainment to the town folk. By burning, I assume? Yes. What will be, will be? Where do we go? To that black coach, fuck. Are you like that with everyone, soldier? Most. Dont worry I have had happiness, something that many people do not receive. Where are the remains of my jewelry? They will be taken to the jail. They keep it; it goes into the coffers of the church. Would you be able to get my ring for me? That is not in my power. At the jail which was surrounded by soldiers and about two of the witch hunters along with the priest of the parish, she turned and thanked her escort. Are you married soldier? Yes, with two children. Tell them they have a great father. He turned and saluted a man on horseback and made his way out of the gate. She was taken into a dingy room and she lay on the floor waiting for her fate to take place. A small amount of food came, two apples, a piece of bread and a tumbler of brownish water. She contemplated the things that would take place, and nonchalantly for a while she looked at a spider trying to climb the whitewashed wall, she thought, Trapped, but free. Trapped in this dungeon that man has made, but completely oblivious to his wiles. She ate the apples and took the water to quench the parchness of her throat. She could hear voices in the distance that seemed to echo through

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the building. She then began to feel terrified, terrified of the events that lay ahead. She hadnt felt like this before, somehow the fear was kept at bay. She was quite aware of the seriousness of her situation. She had concentrated on the proceedings with the hope that she wouldnt wet herself or let her bowels burst. She knew she had to stick up for right and not let these nave, vindictive, misguided evil people who were caught up in the machinery of the prejudice, have pleasure in her suffering. Thou shall not allow a witch to live. Test the spirits to see if they are from God. The scriptures had read. She had read it all so many, many times in the bible. What was a witch and why were they so dangerous? Why was the Hebrew religious hierarchy so concerned about them? Was it because they considered that they were a challenge to them or did witches actually bring bad weather and plague? Was it a witch, or a curse from someone engaged in the black arts which was responsible for one of farmer Jones cows dying, or Brenda Goodfellow dying from cholera? She now started to feel her bowels moving and she was so sad, she was letting herself go. She went to the far corner of the small room and relieved herself and she realized now that she was sobbing in terror. Her hair straggled down her face across the shoulders; she felt the cries coming up from the depths. Her eyes were sore, her mouth seemed to go into grotesque shapes, she didnt know what it would do next, and with her mind jittery she found it

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terribly hard to concentrate. The only feeling now was chronic dread. She thought of Annabel and Andrew, both beautiful, beautiful people and then there was the thought of going away with them both to some lovely place where they could be happy. Were they looking for her? She remember the lovely times she had with Annabel draped across the bed, her black torso heaving with passion and flushing great floods of nectar over her, her hands groping and her mouth grabbing mercilessly at any flesh that came within her reach. Her, I love, you-s, were echoing in her mind now. And Andrew, that herculean body, the body of an Adonis, strong, persistent and genuine, thrusting the life into her being and also that of Annabels, screaming with passion, like a banshee, proclaiming the end of existence. She felt her hand going down to her crutch and fondling it, but then she was thinking, I will be dead soon, if not in here, at least in the fire. And the ring, -the ring given to her by Andrew, it was not there now; it was gone, taken, maybe by the one of the guards. She looked down at her bare finger. Oh, God, let me have my ring. She heard a rough voice outside. The witch general is not here yet, I think he has been delayed, but tomorrow I think he will come. There was a grunt of acceptance from the other person. I need a rest anyway so I dont mind waiting. I am fed up with these bloody people, they are much more trouble than the thieves. The thieves can be dealt with easily and sent to the colonies or given a whipping. So, simple, but, these, bastards, so much trouble - the testing and the court proceedings are a damn, bloody nuisance.

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She then saw the shutter on the door move and a pair of dark eyes gazing at her. I think shell keep until morning, if she doesnt, its too bad. We dont have a lot of people dying in our care and anyway the graveyard is next door. So what are you going to do this afternoon then, Thomas? I think Ill have a couple of drinks and then sleep for a while, or play cards, that bloody arsehole Bart, he beats me every time. I dont like sleeping; I always wake with pains in my legs. This place could give anyone, arthritis. I have been here too long and my wife wants me to retire. I have just enough money to buy a bit of land and grow some vegetables. Might be able to live off it with the small pension I will get. The voices faded into the distance and her mind began to concentrate on other things. She was amazed that this was the case. How could the mind do that knowing of what was to come? She had a sort of serenity, an acceptance, of something she had no control over. It was out of her hands. It was in the lap of the great god that she had been brought up to believe in. in fact she bent to her knees,Dearest god, take this cup away from me, but not my will, but yours. Was that someone she heard from another cell, there was the crying, the snorts of sobbing, the harsh intake of breath? It sounded like a young girl, the voice was shrill, high pitched, even coming out, grotesque, Witch, I am, and witch, I will be, and my father is the devil, arrrrrrrrr.

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She heard the banging of the door, A thousand curses on you all, you shall die in pain and be cast into my masters prison. A thousand curses on you, you god fearing hypocrites. HYPOCRITES, HYPOCRITES, HYPOCRITES, she shouted. You shall all die, all of you with the plague and my master will have you, ha- ha, ha-ha, ha-ha. She heard the rumbling of the door being rattled now like the rumble of thunder. You shall die you evil malicious filth, YOU SHALL DIE, YOU SHALL DIE, YOU SHALL DIE.

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Chapter Nine

The night came and she felt serenity and peace, the wind blew into the grating on the wall and spots of rain came, splashing across her face. She put the cup outside through the gap and allowed the water that was spilling from a gutter to fill the glass that she had. She then lay on the cold floor, her back aching and her mind playing games for her with the shadows. The events of her life flittered through her brain,But it is pleasant child. Do you know what men do Gertrude? Have they got the same as we have down there? Oh, you are so ignorant My name is Andrew. I have been looking at you, are you lost? I come from Ghana, I was a slave, and I guess I still am. This is for your needs. Annabel, I know nothing about loving a man.

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I want him too; will you share him with me? Andrew, I love you too. Wherever my master goes, this driveling excuse for humanity will follow. `The figures were real, as if they were there, blackened and slightly mysterious in the gloom of the cell. I will always love you both, she said, always, always, always, always, always, always. She saw Annabels gorgeous big eyes staring at her with love in them and Andrews arms stretched out towards her. Somehow she managed to sleep \ and waking the next morning she yawned and stretched before beginning to contemplate her situation. It is this one next, a voice said. She heard a group of people coming. They unlocked the door and two of them, in black hoods grabbed her and pushed her to the door. She was escorted to a large grey and foreboding room, as if the walls themselves were echoing the cries of the many hundreds of people that had entered its evil voluptuous mouth. Strip off. I will not. Take her clothes. It is no good struggling, Miss Perez. Two of the guards stepped forward and she stood there silently and with terrible fear inside her. One of the people in a mask pointed to the priest. Father Elias, will you bless and witness the procedure. Will you conduct it, father? Yes, He stepped forward.

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We ask you, Father God for your protection against the dreadful forces of evil. Amen. He then went around the room sprinkling water muttering as he went. He stopped. He nodded at the masked men who grabbed her arms dragging her like a ragdoll across the floor. They tied her against a cold slab by her hands with her legs splayed out and her feet in two moorings at the bottom of the slab. The priest said, I think she looks absolutely astonishing, its a shame that the devil has had her first. Youre a filthy bastard Elias. I dont know how on earth you ever got this job. The priest turned, You cant do this job properly by being meek, and you ought to know that. I hope you change when you preach to your flock. Should we start the proceedings, Father Elias? Not yet we are waiting for the witch hunter. He is very interested in this case.Besides he is a dab hand, an expert. You wont sleep tonight. Why? He is the master. Will he let us, you know what? What do you mean? Well, she is beautiful. You might get your chance but not before we remove the Devil. We are dealing with power. Demons move out when you kick their arse, but not the big fellow, you ought to know that, we dont want you to be contaminated, do we. I would not like to work on you.. If you have her now, you

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wont get the possibility of getting rid of him, and that is what we are here for, dont you agree She is a good looker, if my trousers werent so tight? Quiet. The door opened, Good afternoon, he took his hat and coat off and placed them on a stand with his case. You havent proceeded yet? No, we have been waiting for you, Sir. Would you like refreshment? Just water. Have you done the sanctification, father? Yes we have Sir. Then we can begin. He pointed to two instruments that hung on the far wall. These are called extractors, Angela. Now, I am not sadistic. I dont get satisfaction from hearing people scream, especially women. It hurts my ears. There was a chuckle. Confess that you fucked with the devil and you will save yourself from terrible pain. Oh, fuck you shit! You say you work for God. Youll rot in hell. If I fucked the Devil he was pure compared with you. Well as I was saying sweet Angela, these instruments can be used on teeth or in the case of a man, on the testicles. When a man realizes he is going to lose his manhood they always confess, but you havent got any, but you have very nice nipples. He nodded to the two men and said, Slowly. We dont want the fun over too fast. The clamp of the instruments fastened around the two red projections and the chief witch hunter, said,

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Do you want to lose the chance of having the Devils baby? You will not be able to feed it. (He gave the order to the two men, Slowly, slowly You bastards. That is one thing I am not He said, But I understand you are, more. Now the pain was unbearable, Angelas teeth began to chatter and her bowels gave out. She began to riff screaming with the pain. No, no. Please, please, please Remove the pincers. You wouldnt fancy a woman without nipples. I see you have had a shit on us Angela. Wipe this up! We dont want to run out of entertainment. Do you feel like fighting the Devil, father? I see you are eager. You evil bastards. You call yourself holy, you are depraved and wicked. Force with force dear Angela. Father do your bit. We get the vibrations with this toe- clamp. Ive been told it sets you off. The priest stripped to his undergarments. Id like to acquaint myself, chief witch hunter. And then, he forced his way through the matted air. You evil sod. You have the devil, not me! Okay, he said as he boarded. The masked men placed the thongs on the left foot of Angela, the pain was incredible. It was like the toe had been sliced off. She screamed, her wrists ripping with the tightness of the rope, bucking first this way and then that and the priest forcing his way into her. Over those minutes of agony she hardly knew this sick fiend was on her, and then the priest

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panting and gasping withdrew. Shit that was incredible. Her fanny contorted in all shapes and sizes, wow, wow, wow, that is something to remember. No wonder the devil liked her. Angela was sobbing. The sounds coming deep from her chest, her chest rising and falling as the pain slowly subsided. Shit that was good, he said again. Did you find any devil? No one can fuck like she can without the devil being in her. How do you feel sweet Angela? the witch hunter said. I want to confess. But not so quick. But I am a witch. I admit it. Did you hear anything? The witch hunter turned to one of the men. No sir, I didnt. When is she going to confess? I dont know if you will like this next one, sweet Angela. It is not that impressive but I have been told it is very unpleasant, see what you think? No more, Ill tell you everything. We all want to fuck you, Is that alright? Yes. She is a willing little bitch. Later we will bless you. The tackle please, Bert. The hooded man lowered down the hoist, undone the rope from the slab and dragged Angela into the air. Can I give her a mouthing? the man in the mask said.

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The chief hunter nodded. But mind the devil, he might pop out. However, as the mans head neared so did Angelas knee. It hit the mans forehead like a battering ram against an oak door. Suddenly, he shot back smashing against the wall. You bitch! He shouted. The witch hunter said, Later it will be juicier. Wind her up and put the weights on. A board was tied under her legs. Okay. Continue, fifteen, sixteen. Thats one hell of a weight, Reverend. Any more will pull her in half. Perhaps she can break the record. Shes looking awfully long and thin, dont you think? Right! Bring her down and lay her back on the slab. Then came the real pain. As they laid her back the pain entered her nearly numb body as the joints tried to resettle. Gasping, her face white, her eyeballs bulging and her teeth biting through her lower lip, once again her bowels gave out and urine gushed from her vagina. Its a good spectacle, aye, John? Angelas fingers scratched wildly at the slab, screaming in sharp squeals like that of a whale in the sea. Ten minutes of hideous pain ripped through her body. Her vaginas spurting fluids. Thats some sight! I told you, youll not get a good sleep tonight, didnt I? The chief hunter said, Now for the finality. When you thought that it couldnt get any better. He nodded. Get the sprit and pump the fire. The

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fire was on a type of a trolley and with some bellows the smoldering embers glowed with white flames. She was strapped to the pole, her arms and feet tied both sides, with a huge leather belt around her waist holding her to the sprit. The fire was then pushed under her body. I understand you like sunbathing, sweet Angela. Slowly she was turned, the big man with the mask turning the handle. A bit nearer, the witch hunter said. As she was turned the other man released the grips that held the pole. The heat seared. You look so tanned, Angela. Her vagina gave out again. It was like every pore in her body was giving out some sort of pungent smell as the sweat boiled. I think shes had enough. Take her down. She lay on the slab. It was like the angels had come for her. She saw the cloud of blackness closing and now and again she saw faces peering through. She wasnt aware of the man on top of her. She wasnt in the world anymore. They could do what they liked with her body. She thought she saw Jesus standing there with outstretched arms, a kind of crimson golden sky above him, but the image faded. She seemed to see her mother, Andrew and Annabel. Is she dead? I dont know. The witch hunter said, I am going now. When she comes too, get her to sign this. Thank you sir. Bye bye.

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Chapter Ten

It wasnt the same woman who entered the court. Her face drawn, her lips thin, the shoulders stooped the hair lanky. The dress rubbed against the red burned skin and her legs walked zombie fashion as a sleepwalker might walk towards a cliff. She stood there hardly hearing the judge. You have confessed to having had sex with the devil. It is therefore my duty to order on you the ultimate punishment this court can give. Death by fire. Is there anything you wish to say? Yes sir. I beg of you. I will go to my death willingly, but please Sir, I ask one thing from you. And that is? Sir, when I was caught they took the rest of my jewelry. I dont want any of it, except my ring Your ring? Yes sir, they forced it from me. I go to the fire, but please just this one request Sir, I plead with you. The judge looked at the sergeant.

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Do you know where it is? No, sir. Then you find it, I want that same ring on this womans finger this afternoon, otherwise you may just suffer very serious problems. He turned to the girl. Where did the ring come from? From someone, I love, Sir. Sergeant go and get it. Suddenly Angela couldnt contain herself. She fell to her knees, the tears bursting out of her. Thank you, thank you, thank you, sir. Thank you. The judge said, You will wait in my office till they bring it. But she might escape, Sir? No, she wont, only the guilty escape. The notice said, The Diocese announces the death sentence of the witch, Angela Perez an excommunicated nun. The charge is that she had sexual contact with Satan. The order will be carried out at three in the afternoon Wednesday at the park opposite the Church of The Risen God. Only one. The man looked so disappointed. That is a right let down. The witch hunters must be slackening. The other man said. I heard there were hundreds in Norfolk. Anyway it is a bit of a spectacle. Spectators are already arriving. They havent seen a witch burning here for thirty years. She was an ex nun. Shes quite beautiful as far as I know. Fancy having sex with the Devil.

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The mans companion said, How the hell do you have sex with the Devil? Well the authorities know all about that. I cant say myself. I think the trial stated she lay naked near a river or something and that she had sex there. Look Jake, Im going to take my place as near as I can to the fire. Ive never seen anything like this, there will be crowds coming, everybody in London, I reckon. They are putting up tents, bloody hell they should make it a public holiday. I think it is one. If not, at least a few people will get rich here. I will stay overnight so I can have a good place. They burn her naked as well. I reckon youre sick, she is only young, and I dont see how she having been a nun could change like that. It isnt possible. I dont like these courts; they say no one comes out free. Maybe the whole lot is rubbish. Who knows if this guy ever lived, this Jesus fellow? Look at our lives; they are so pathetic, and useless, just working and that is all. And look at these priests all living in comfort and with good food.

Angela, will you come please? The young man in uniform took her hand. Is it today? Yes, come.

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Whats your name? Thomas. How long have you been in the army? Just six months, maam, it is a living, didnt fancy working on the land. You are so young, have you ever done this job before? No, he said quietly. You are the first one. Will you be there when they burn me? I think so. They say there is quite a crowd. It is as if the whole of London has turned up. So, am I famous then? Yes. They say they havent had a witch around here for years. The whole world seems to be talking about it. Do you think, I am beautiful, Thomas? Very beautiful, Mam. I want to look my best. After all, it is a big occasion, she whispered. How far is it, from here? About five and a half miles. I think there will be crowds along the route so we will have to have a fair amount of soldiers with us. Come maam. Okay. Thats the carriage, the driver in black. Wonderful outfit. Yes, jump in maam. With three more soldiers with muskets on the top, the carriage set off. She could hear the shouts of people. Witch! Witch! Witch! The young lad said to her, Are you really a witch, maam? No, I was tortured to confess. The inquisition, Thomas. Tears came to her eyes. It is

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the church, Thomas. You look around to see the poverty and the suffering, and the injustices. People glory in ignorance and because of this, they think low. She could hear the stones they were being thrown against the carriage. Have you ever been in love, Thomas? Not really maam, I am still a virgin. It will come. You have been in love then? Yes. It must be beautiful. It is, Thomas, it is. Witch! Witch! Hear the people, how lost, they do not know the truth, Thomas. What is the truth maam? Truth? Maybe to wait for the truth, to want the truth. Are we there yet? Maybe two miles more. What would you do if I tried to escape? I dont know, Ive been expected to contain you. Orders. Maybe I will shoot you. It would be a better death than what you are going to. I could if you try to jump out. Youll be dead in a second. I would be prepared to take the blame. No. But thank you. The wheels are making a hell of a noise. They always do over these roads maam. I think we are nearly there Angela. He leaned over and clasped her hand. I am proud to have met you.

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The horseman whoo-ed the horse to a stop, their metal hooves now silent but the noise of the crowd was immense. Angela come, come! The soldier said. She stepped out, the light hurting her eyes. She looked into the sky as if it was the first time. Thomas, she said. Thats wonderful, isnt it? The troop of soldiers took her, walking each side and clearing a path. Out of the way there, out of the way! The huge bonfire was ready to be lit. There was a small platform and she could see the outline of a priest. Angela, the young man said. You must have this rope on your hands. I dont want it. I will not run. Please, for me. I will not tie it tight. Okay. We have to go to the platform, so come. As she reached the top step she heard the priest praying. He then stopped and said, Do you wish to make your peace with God? I have peace already. But you will meet your Maker. In that case when I get there, I will ask mercy for you. Take her; she will get her just desert. She walked down the steps and the band began to play a tune that she didnt recognized but she felt an air of importance, this was her big day. Everyone had come to see her. Some had even stayed overnight. As far as she could see the people were in droves, some even hanging on the branches of the trees and the little kids staring through the legs of their relatives. She could hear the cries of the

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vendors and also a group of catholics that were praying for her soul. Great merciful master, save her from her iniquity, let Satan be defeated. They were suddenly shocked when Angela whirled around and curling her lips back, gave a snarl at the same time pretending she was going after them. They recoiled in terror Mary mother of god, protect us, they shouted. Protect us woeful sinners. The army cleared an area pushing the crowd back and then the Sergeant, said, Miss Perez, we must put this rope on your arms, we will pull you so that the hottest part of the fire does a quick job. No, I dont want that. You can put the ropes on, but I will walk in front of you. You will not drag me. We will walk a little bit behind you. So, when I say off, just start walking. Before that I have something to do. This ring. She looked down at it, and then burst into tears, holding it. I love you, I will always love you. I will always love you. She watched as the fire ignited. Slowly the embers glowing red, the breeze feeding it along with the Fire Fanners who made the fire into a slow developing inferno. Right, let us go Angela. The fire now loomed in front of her, the brightness so vivid she could hardly keep her gaze on it and then the searing heat, so hot it shocked her

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and she nearly turned away and ran. Some of the crowd was roaring and some others had their hands cupped over their mouths and were pensive, shock and frightened. She hesitated just slightly and then slowly and deliberately, with her head held high, her hair flashing in the light, he face angelic, she walked to the fire. One hundred yards away she could feel the heat as it wafted on the evening breeze. The heat was so intense that she could feel her skin beginning to cook and the hair shriveling. How was it possible to go further, it wasnt and yet she had to? She stopped for just a few seconds and then she continued. The fire stopped her in her tracks and the soldiers had to pull her the rest of the way. The silhouette stood there with composure as the flames licked their deadly effect across her skin. The fire ignited her flesh, peeling it in great bubbles, before they exploded; her feet burning, the pain so terrible that her screams could be heard above the crowd. And slowly she sank. Her neck burned away and the whimpering coming out from the hole in her neck. Her legs, especially inside the thighs burst with rapidity, the veins and sinews, sagging like pieces of string. She sank to her knees as the fire engulfed her body, the flesh burned from her mouth, the teeth set as if in a grin and then she collapsed and died.

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Chapter Eleven

Wake up, wake up, whats wrong with you sweetheart? I am not a witch, I am not. Of course you are not darling. What is wrong, have you had a dream? Andrew, I am not a witch. I did not have sex with him. Who? Andrew turned, Annabel, go and make some very strong tea immediately. Ok, Andrew. Hold me Andrew, Im not, Im not, Im not. No, of course. What happened? Have you been dreaming? They made me confess. Who did? The church, they tortured me, she cried. Darling look, I dont know what you are talking about but you are with me and Annabel. Annabel, give me the drink. Drink it.

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Ok. Slowly! What has happened, did you dream? I dont know, I think so Andrew. Look I want you to rest. Annabel get in bed with us. We will stay with you darling. Andrew put his arm around her and snuggled into her. Do you love me, Andrew? More than anything. Do I have to say? And you Annabel? Of course, I do. You will never leave me, will you? Of course not. I swear on my life that I have come home Angela. I have been looking all my life and I have found more than I could ever have hoped. But look at my feet, Andrew, my legs, look they are all burnt. Darling, relax now. We will stay with you. She lifted her arms and put them around Andrew and Angelas neck. Will we be together always? You bet angel darling, you bet.

Spain, Italy, Greece or France, we have a choice. Of course, Annabel said. Italy, and then, she said Portugal. No, Spain. Lets go. Just like that? But what about the house?

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Sold it, last week and my brother has my share of the business as you know, so what I keeping you. We are free. Beautiful, OK, then. Do we buy property there? Not necessarily, we can rent or we can live in a hotel. They have hotels there. We are living in the 17th century, sweetheart. But do they have beds big enough? Annabel asked concerned. I am sure. So pack the bags. Oh, Andrew, Annabel said, how many more surprises? I will see if I can think of anything? We have ten hours to get to the docks. My brother has put a boat on for us. A carriage will be here in two hours. We have a long journey. You will find some boxes in the shed for packing. So lets do it. The journey took a decent time but with just a half an hour to spare they came up next to the ship, a three rigger, that was painted the strange color of yellow. Hello Harry. Hello Andrew. Lets get the crates on board. Andrew turned to the girls. My brother will escort us to our destination. Thanks Harry. We have to vacate this wharf by eight tonight otherwise we pay more. You were never one to waste money, Harry. Andrew said. Harry turned to a few of the crew. Jump lively lads, hanging around on the guard rail

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gawking at these beauties is not going to get us moving. I dont blame you though, he said. They laughed and then they came up, still humping the boxes. Well, lets go. Cast off you lads, give us a bit more sail, Jed. Mainsail and studs if you want. Steer five degrees port. Aye, aye Sir. Jack take watch, lights on in two hours. The captain came over. Good to see you all. Excuse me, he shouted, Tighten the jib, it is rattling like a horses hooves, cant hear yourself talk. Welcome aboard, I am Captain Jeffries, at your service madams. Here its fairly calm because we are running leeside but when we reach the channel it will be rough. It will also be rough when we hit the Atlantic, but that wont be for a few days. Depends on the weather, a bit of a wind and we will make good time. Excuse me you men, put these crates down into the galley. Pardon, - we will go to my cabin and celebrate your passage. Excuse me again, southeast, and complete sail, load up the sails, past Ailtinss point, southwest. Aye, aye, Sir. You will find it a bit unsteady ladies so hold onto the rail. Just around here there are a few troughs. The waves break across by the cliffs and then there is a running sea. Angela said, A running sea? Oh sorry, I mean the waves are breaking against us. It sort of sucks the boat down a bit and makes it sluggish. Right, come in and sit down. Whisky, rum, brandy? Now, the reason I am stalling you is because I have my men finishing off your cabin.

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What do you mean, Captain? Harry said, I thought it was complete. It was, Mr. Mathews, till the storm the other night. Took us by surprise, forty foot waves, it banged us around a bit. We took on water which flooded the lower deck. The North Sea can be a hell. I have been in practically every sea you could imagine, but the North Sea can rate with the worst. But as you know, the boat can take a typhoon, if it is needed. Built by the Hudson Company. Right, Harry said, So how long will my companions, have to wait? Maybe half hour, Sir. Ok, by the way, this young lady is called Annabel and this one, Angela. The captain offered his hand. Welcome aboard ladies. Annabel said, Thank you so much, captain. It is a pleasure Mam. Annabel said. Have you put this boat on especially for us, Harry? In a way yes and in a way no, this boat was assigned a cargo on the coast of Africa, we pass Portugal and Tenerife on the way. It isnt out of our way very much. You are not picking slaves up; Angela said and then realized her mistake, Sorry Annabel. No, we have never been into that. Oh, that is a relief then, Angela replied, smiling. The captain turned, In a while I will show you your quarters, we are making good headway, at the moment, you can see the straits and over there

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the Camion rocks, he said pointing through the starboard cabin window. I will take you down now He showed them to their cabin. Not the best, he said, We had to make some changes, we only now and again carry a passenger or two, Angela replied, It is fantastic and thank you. Well you get settled in and I will see you in an hour because I want to talk to you. Ok, Angela smiled. It is fantastic What does the captain want to talk about Andrew? Well, when we see him, he will fill us in on some details. Before that I wish to talk to you myself. Annabel came over and kissed him, but Andrew pulled away. I have something to say, he said seriously. So if you two ladies would like to sit down Ok, Annabel said. I er, I want er, to, er talk erm, I have never been so happy er, in my life as er, I am now and er, and I er, I I- I and I want to know if our relationship is er, Get on with it Andrew, Angela prompted. Well er, is our relationship serious? Of course, Angela replied. Will you both, marry me? You know well we would, but that is not possible, is it darling? The captain can marry us, if you are interested. How? That is one of the capabilities of a captain of a ship, didnt you know that? Not at all.

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But I want to be sure that we really want each other. You know thats true, dont you? In that case I want to propose to you two young ladies. I offer my complete love to you and I ask you if I can have the honor of your hands? Of course Andrew, Angela said, We both love you. Right. What the captain has told me is that he is going to anchor just of the coast in a short time and he will do his duty for us. Till then lets get the place, the way we want it and a drink will go down well. Annabel walked to the cabinet, What would you like Andrew? This is a good day for me, Andrew said. Bottoms up. I mean with the drink, he smiled. The clanking of the anchor told them that the boat was now at rest, and Andrew said lets go sweethearts. As they came out of the cabin it seemed the whole crew was there. The first thing that greeted them was riotous applause. The captain stood in the center of the galley and said, Would you like to come forward? Do you have a best man? Harry walked forward, Yes, captain. You have the rings? Yes Sir. The captain said, Is there anyone here who knows any reason why these people should not be married. Ok, so forever hold your peace. Now it is not possible for reasons of which you are aware in that you can be married legally, or even in the eyes

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of the church. However this ships wedding and it is recognized by my crew and me, and may I say God. This is probably the first wedding ever to be conducted for the marriage of three people. Now I want to have a serious word with you all. A marriage is an agreement. I have a crew here and they are my friends as well. However when I give an order they know I am serious. I dont like doing anything without the right result. Therefore if you have any doubt about this you must tell me. They shook their heads. No doubts, Annabel said. Right, as the captain of this ship I ask you to come forward. He turned to the crew, thats Jed, been with me twenty years. Jed grinned. Bert, Jake, Manuel, Thomas, Nick and Jon. They are my witnesses. Now Angela I ask you, do you promise to remain faithful and true? I do. You Andrew? Yes, You Annabel? I do. Will the best man step forward, you are? Mr. Harry Mathews. And your profession, sir? Owner of Mathews Shipping Company. Ok, would you three sign this contract for marriage? And now you may place the rings on their fingers Harry. Now, friends, before we finish this occasion, I want to say that Mr. Harry Mathews has volunteered to raise your wages by more than a quarter and is also going to increase the wages of those of the other members of the company. The captain turned to the crew and said any objections?

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You bet not, captain, Jake said, thank you Mr. Mathews. The captain continued. People of this ship, the Dainty Rose, I now pronounce these people as a married trio. Congratulations. The partying went on for five hours and then they made headway to a new future. The row boat put out from the Dainty Rose with five of the crew rowing to the shore. They then dragged the boat up to the sand. Harry said, Andrew, no one could love a better brother or friend as you. I am really blessed and I want also to say, I am really blessed with you Angela, and you Annabel. Harry walked towards Andrew and put his arms around him. Bye Andrew. Bye, bye Harry. They kissed each other and then the crew played the Jolly Rodger on their flutes. The boat was pushed out and Harry shouted, I will drop off now and again to see you. Dont forget, and we will come see you to. They watched the boat as it went and then Andrew said, Lets go darlings, life is a-waiting.

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