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The Law of Attraction How I Got a Job at


If you believe you can fly, then you can fly. That, in a nutshell, is the premise behind what many now refer to as the Law of Attraction. Yet, I havent seen very many people flying outside my window lately. So, if the world around us, our perceived reality, is really just a manifestation of our thoughts, then why are we all not levitating objects and defying the laws of physics? Why arent we all wealthy beyond our wildest beliefs? easy payday loans and secure ! The Law of Attraction on the surface is a simple conceptthoughts are things, what you think about you get. But, as with anything in this reality, the mind does not like simple things. The mind loves complexity because then it feels useful and in control. So, just this once, lets try to appease the mind and get to the bottom of this thing called, The Law of Attraction.

How the Law of Attraction works

If you think of the Law of Attraction as a computer game, as Steve Pavlina has written, then the world around you is the computer simulation, your thoughts are the computer program commands, and your consciousness is the programmer. The biggest downside of the Law of Attraction is that the simulation takes into consideration all of your thoughts, not just the ones you purposely intend for it to recognize. By merely observing something, you are sending off a thought and the Law of Attraction calibrates and sends you more of your dominant collection of thoughts or beliefs. This is why the Law of Attraction never worked for me at first when I used to post fake winning lottery tickets on my steering wheel and chant affirmations, because I couldnt get myself to really believe that it was that easy. In the mere observation that it seemed ridiculous to have a fake lotto ticket taped up in my car, I was actually programming the simulation for the opposite of what I was hoping for, which was more money. Your thoughts are hierarchal, which means that your strongest beliefs will always trump intentions that do not hold as much weight for you.

If beliefs are the driving factor for the Law of Attraction, then it is no wonder we have so many different religions that all claim their philosophy is correct. Members of a religion believe whole-heartedly that their religion is correct, and therefore the Law of Attraction continues to show them evidence that supports their belief. Similarly, if you believe that the Law of Attraction is a bunch of hogwash, then the Law of Attraction will meet your observation with more evidence that you are correct. Our beliefs create a loop of selffulfilling prophesies. Beliefs are the lens from which we view the world around us.

The Law of Attraction in practice

For the last 7 years or so, Ive been aware of the Law of Attraction. But, even though I was aware of it, I didnt really understand it. I would follow various exercises, writing lists of all the things I wanted, cutting out pictures of desired items in magazines and putting them in a manifestation box, taping fabricated checks made out to myself for obscene amounts of money to my mirrorall of these things in an effort to attract them into my life. Yet, for the most part, they never came. That is until 2 years ago. They say that the motivating shove to start moving up in life is to hit rock bottom first. And thats what I was searching for 36 months agothe bottom. Oh, I was spinning off the planet in the most glorious kind of way, but I had little focus, and their was a self-loathing that was becoming a self-perpetuating reality. So, when the bottom was so close that I could taste it in my mouth (literally), I decided it was as good a time as any to turn things around. I dusted off some old books and gave the Law of Attraction the old college try. The first thing that I realized was that in order for this so-called universal law to work, you had to feel good. So, much of my early work in those days was spent reaching for a better feeling place. I wasnt trying to go from depression to elation in one fell swoop, but rather, I was climbing up the emotional ladder. Anger felt better than depression. Worry felt better than total hopelessness. Frustration felt better than disappointment. Boredom felt better than being overwhelmed. Eventually, I got to the point of hope, or positive expectation. From there, things started to happen quickly. Going up the emotional ladder wasnt that hard. I forced myself to sit down for 15 minutes every single day and just make a list of all the things in my life that I was thankful for or appreciated. Even if you have nothing, you can find something to be appreciative forthe mere fact that the sun comes up every morning is more miraculous than any of us have probably ever acknowledged. I did this for 30 days straight and started to get to a point of

inspiration. You see, thats how the Law of Attraction works, it is always a match to your dominant intent. So, if you are seeking for a better feeling thought, then the Law of Attraction will provide it for you. It was important for me to write down the evidence every time the Law of Attraction appeared to be bringing something into my life. This helped reinforce for me that it was actually working. All of this writing of appreciative thoughts, and making a conscious effort to actually notice my life getting better, allowed it to get better, faster and faster. It was amazing. In less than 90-days, I went from being a hopelessly depressed freelance writer, filmmaker, and marketer, to knocking several addictions, finding an amazing relationship, and landing my dream job at Google, even though I never went to college and people said it would be impossible. All in less than 90-days time. To me the turnaround was incredible, and I have never looked back. I attribute the Law of Attraction to being responsible for all of these wonderful things that have and continue to come into my life. I see synchronicities all around me on a daily basis, but Ive been a little gun shy to take it further.

Taking the Law of Attraction a step further

I have great relationships, an amazing job, my family is awesome, and Im finding a level of creativity in myself that Ive been searching for for a long time. But As great as life is for me, right now, I sometimes feel like I might have plateaued at this particular level of awesomeness. Ive spent my entire life trying to get to balance, to stability, to comfort. Now that Im here, its a little hard for me to believe that it could get better. But, it can always get better, and by even bringing this up, Im deluding myself and severely limiting how the Law of Attraction might serve me. I have to get rid of my fear that this is it. I have to let go of my limiting beliefs that I dont deserve more than this. I have to give a swift kick in the rear to the idea that getting to the next level will be harder than it was to get to this one. If we are to truly believe in the Law of Attraction, then it is no harder to go from good to awesome, than it was to go from bad to good. In fact, it should be much easier, but our limited beliefs tend to get in the way.

The $4,000/mo Law of Attraction Challenge

So, just like with fear, rejection, or any other limiting belief, Ive decided that the best way to eliminate my limiting beliefs is to take them head on. Ive decided to change my beliefs and to actualize my desires for more. Using the Law of Attraction, Im going to do a couple of things by the end of the year: 1. Create a new stream of income that generates $4,000/mo for at least 1 year without being an over-the-top sleazy marketing scheme 2. Get a promotion or bonus from my job at Google, and continue working on the best projects at Google (Update: See how things changed, and why) These are pretty lofty goals and I wont lie, it makes me a little uneasy putting them down on paper for all the world to see. But, Im glad that I am, because just in putting them out there, Ive discovered another limiting beliefa fear of failure. What happens if I dont meet either of these goals? What if I really have hit an awesomeness plateau? I cant accept those limiting beliefs anymore. I have enough know-how, experience, and passion that these goals should be easily attainable. Getting rid of the limiting beliefs is the hard part. Now, I just have to go out and make it happen. Ill naturally be documenting my progress, here at They Laughed at Jules Verne. If you would like to follow along, or if you too are interested in getting rid of a limiting belief and using the Law of Attraction to create a residual income, then I encourage you to subscribe to this blog. We can reach for the stars together. Im excited, and Ive only just started to scratch the surface of how the Law of Attraction actually works. If youre a details kind of person, then Ive gone into the nitty gritty below.

How do you view your own reality?

When most people think about reality, they usually perceive themselves as being in a human body with a brain and thoughts, surrounded by other humans, who are separate from themselves. Using this understanding, it is very difficult to perceive how something that is merely a thought from the human mind could affect anything outside of the human body. This is the primary limiting belief that many people get hung up on when confronted with the statement, You are the creator of your own reality. If that were really the case, that would mean that everything that you like and everything that you dislike in your existence is of your own creation. And as well see, it very much is.

It can be easier to understand the Law of Attraction if we alter the way that we perceive our reality. Subjective reality is a concept that proposes that we are not our human self, but rather a higher-consciousness version of ourself temporarily focused into our human body, and everything in our reality is just a projection of that higher consciousness channeled through the lens of our human perception. Put in simpler terms, reality is kind of like a dream within a dream, with your higher-consciousness (the true You) being the dreamer, and your human body being the avatar you control in the dream. Everything in this dream is a manifestation of what we are thinking. In a dream, you often perceive yourself in the first person, taking on the characteristics of the person or avatar in the dream. But, if youve ever gone into a lucid dream, where you can control the dream, you realize that you are in fact the dreamer and can become any of the characters in that dream reality. In a lucid dream, your thoughts manifest the world around you. The dream world is actually just another dimension with different physical laws, which is why things manifest so quickly in the dream world, but your dreams are still just a manifestation of your thoughts. The physical reality you are in right now is no different.

Your Body of Consciousness

In subjective reality, there is only You. Not the you in your physical body, but the You which is a conscious spiritual being. Just like in a dream, you are creating the world around you. Everyone who you perceive to be a separate entity than you, is actually just a projection of You. Think of yourself as one cell in the human body, and everyone else that you perceive as being another cell. Just because there are two different cells, does not mean they are not a part of the same body. You would not say that your foot is a different entity than your hand. They make up pieces of your whole body. This is how your reality works. As well see below, your body of consciousness or Christ-consciousness is made up of every possible potential or scenario that you could ever possibly experience. There are infinite potentials for your life, because there is always one potential that states, you can create new potentials in the moment.

Frequencies, Vibrations, and Potentials

Everything in your reality has its own frequency or vibration. If you think about a guitar string being plucked, you hear the sound resonate in your ears while it is at a frequency that you are able to physically hear, then it appears to stop vibrating. But, actually the string never stops vibrating,

because at a sub-atomic level, everything is just vibration. So, what we have is a reality full of vibrations that we can either interpret with the mind, or not. Just because we cannot interpret a vibration does not mean it doesnt exist, it just means that it is outside of our physical perception, currently. Your thoughts act like a radio or television receiver, attracting and interpreting them like frequencies. With a radio/TV tuner, you change the frequency of the receiver and as the frequency shifts, you are able to pick up different radio stations or channels. In a similar fashion, the dominant thoughts or better said, feelings, that you are giving off at any given time are bringing a like frequency into your reality. This is where potentials come into the mix. Potentials are possible outcomes. They are infinite. If your thoughts and feelings are the radio receiver, then potentials are the possible radio stations that you can listen to or perceive. In the dimension that You have setup for yourself, you have infinite potentials. Similarly, everyone that you perceive as other people also has infinite potentials. As an infinite being and body of consciousness, there is no time, only experience. So, if there is no time, then there is no past and there is no future. There is only now. And now. And right now. Your reality is one dimension, in which you are attracting to you and experiencing the potentials of yourself and those around you, which you perceive to be outside of yourself, but are really the potential versions of outside persons that resonate with you. This means that as a higher consciousness, you can explore any and every potential available to you. You merely setup a new dimension and focus your consciousness into the physical container of that dimension. Simultaneously from a place of higherconsciousness, you could experience what it is like to turn left or to turn right at this very moment. Now, in your physical form, you would perceive each of these scenarios linearly, but your higher body of consciousness or Christ-consciousness can experience them both at the same time. Every possible scenario and every possible outcome, no matter how outlandish, exists as a potential for you and for those you perceive as outside of you. Because every potential exists, you can tune to whatever potential you want to see in yourself and in those you perceive as outside of you. In doing this, you are not controlling the people around you, you are merely calling forth the potential within them that matches your dominant thought and belief. Their own reality dimension sits on top of yours, and they in turn, are attracting the potentials in you that are the best fit to their thoughts and beliefs. This is the underlying meaning of the adage, Be the change you want to see in the world. If everything in your reality is just a projection of You and your thoughts and feelings, and youre just calling

forth the potentials of others that are a match to you, then the world can be whatever you want it to be. This means, that your reality dimension is one of over 7 billion other reality dimensions (these are actually infinite) all sitting on top of each other on Earth right now, drawing to them the potentials of the others that fit each realitys dominant belief or intent. To simplify, lets say that every time you interact with someone, there are 26 potential ways (one for each letter of the alphabet) that they could respond. In reality, there are near infinite potentials, but well go with 26 for this analogy. Each of these potentials is its own dimension. When you approach someone, the Law of Attraction is bringing forth the dimension of the other person that is the best fit for your current vibrational frequency or thought-pattern and placing it on top of your current dimension. You are living in your reality dimension, but everyone else is dimensionally dancing with you, as you bring forth one of infinite potential dimensions. Now, we start to understand how and why The Law of Attraction might be possible. If potential A is the best possible potential in other people, and I am always resonating at a vibrational frequency to potential A, then everyone in my reality will be lovely and amazing. More likely, youll have a mashup of potentials A through Z, and this dimensional dancing is how the Law of Attraction works the way it does.

Alternate dimensions and co-creation

Everything that you perceive in your human container is one dimension. Within the dimension that you call your reality, you are creating everything based on your dominant belief system. It is impossible for outside stimuli to alter your reality, because there is no outside stimuli, only your perception. What you are perceiving as other people is really You attracting to you their potentials that are a match to your current vibration or thought. That doesnt mean you are alone, though. Yes, everything you perceive is just a projection of you, but it is a projection of you only in the sense that you are attracting to you the potentials in others that are a match to your dominant beliefs. The infinite potentials that you call to you, are a cocreation of collective consciousness. Now, we start to see what an infinite being is really all about. Infinite beings or consciousness are the collection of every possible outcome and scenario that could ever be. So, every time we create a new potential for ourselves in physical form, consciousness as a whole expands, because consciousness is just the collection of every possible outcome.

As consciousness, we create many different dimensions, for various purposes, but in each physical incarnation, we are exploring our potentials and others to merely experience them, take in the data, and create new experiences based on that data. We are all connected and co-creating together, but our perception of this physical reality is determined by which channel we select or thoughts we continue to think. Our thoughts and beliefs are the remote control to our reality receiver. This is why Jesus says, Love your neighbor as yourself, because in subjective reality, your neighbor is yourself, or rather, the potential that matches who you are in this moment. By seeing the best in everyone, seeking to notice their greatest potential, you are giving the subjective reality simulation positive feedback, which in turn, renders more positive scenarios of a similar making. There are many people that say that if the Law of Attraction really allowed you to manifest everything you desired, then everyone would be greedy and only look out for themselves. This is not true, though, because when you are an asshole, usually the person that youre being an asshole towards is going to get upset with you, which wouldnt be fun. And since the mere observation of something is providing feedback to the simulation, the Law of Attraction would begin to bring you more people that were upset with you, which would in turn create more things that just werent any fun. The Law of Attraction works best for each of us when we are operating from a place of compassion for others, because then in turn, that positive feedback goes into our reality simulation and we experience more of the same. This argument of Law of Attraction creating greedy, self-centered people is also coming from a belief that there is such a thing as good and evil, which is a dualistic notion that breeds conflict, and thus, the simulation spits out more conflict.

How does manifestation work

The remote control metaphor used earlier allows us to see that if we want to see something in our reality, we simply have to select the right channel. This process of deciding what we want to watch and then changing the channel to watch it is often called manifestation. Manifestation is the end result of the Law of Attraction in our physical reality. Every time you think about something that you dont want, your Christconsciousness is able to take that information and determine what you do want, even if youve never really thought about it in your human mind. What happens is that your Christ-consciousness sets up an alternate dimension and in that dimension everything that you desire instantly manifests. So,

every time you think a negative thought, youre actually sending the opposite of that thoughtthe thing you wantto another dimension, where it manifests instantly. In the meantime, your negative or dominant thought begins to manifest in this physical reality. Manifestation is the process of bringing the things you desire from a nonphysical dimension to this physical dimension. In order to do that, though, you have to be a vibrational match to what you are wanting to manifest. This is where the Law of Attraction gets its namethat which is of the same vibration must attract itself. This is why if youre having a great day, things just seem to get better and better. But, if youre having a terrible day, things tend to keep getting worse. To get the things that you desire, you have to bring them in from the dimension where they have already manifested. Think alternate dimensions and everything above is just crazy talk? There is a handful of physicists that are starting to believe that photons of light might actually have consciousness, because while monitoring them the light particles are here in this reality and then all of a sudden they are gone. Then, they will return, or new photons will just appear out of no where. While photons are not really conscious, they do respond to consciousness, which allows them to travel between dimensions. This might account for all of the dark matter in this universeit cannot be seen with the naked eye, because it is sitting in alternate dimensions of the omniverse. Interdimensional manifestation is really just a matter of tuning yourself to the proper frequency. Or rather, untuning yourself from the frequencies that repel your desires. One of the biggest advantages of meditation is that it helps you release resistance, and without resistance, it is much easier to bring your desires into this physical reality.

Living on default vesus creating intentionally

Whether you are actively participating in the Law of Attraction or not, its taking place. Just as you dont have to think about gravity in order to not fall up, the Law of Attraction is always present. By setting forth deliberate intention throughout your day and feeling into potentials, you are creating your own reality. Otherwise, you are creating by default and fall victim to the whims of mass consciousness. Mass consciousness is just a collection of all of the potentials in your physical reality that are a match to your current dominant vibration. By being a mere observer of the world around you, you fall victim to creating a loop of feedback into the reality simulation that renders as what you see is what

you get. So, the more you notice something that you dont like, the more of what you dont like will show up in your life. Your perception of the reality around you creates direct feedback that affects and alters the reality around you. When you are creating on default, you are an observer and nothing more. You have zero control over your reality. But, when you take control of your thoughts and remove limiting beliefs, then you are able to affect the simulation in a way that serves you. Decide to see the best in peoplein the worldand more of that will show up in your reality. This is how you become the creator of your own reality.

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