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|UB||S||N0 |/T|. 20I304I9 | C0UNT|Y C0||. NL

ConLenLs. /msLerdam 20I3, Ca|endar 20I3, |xh|o|L|ons, |xp|ore /msLerdam,
Nuseums & /LLracL|ons, |aL|ng, Cales, Bars & N|ghL||le, Shopp|ng, /msLerdam
NeLropo||Lan /rea, |ssenL|a| |nlormaL|on, Naps
Copyr|ghL 20I3 /rr|va|0u|des /B. /|| r|ghLs reserved. |or more |nlormaL|on v|s|L.
The year 20I3 |s a very spec|a| year lor /msLerdam. |n ce|eoraL|on ol severa|
|ncred|o|e m||esLones such as Lhe open|ng ol Lhe renovaLed ||,ksmuseum, 40 years
ol Lhe Van 0ogh Nuseum, Lhe I2bLh ann|versary ol The ConcerLgeoouw and Lhe
|oya| ConcerLgeoouw 0rchesLra, I7b years /rL|s |oya| Zoo and 400 years ol Lhe
Cana| ||ng, Lhe year |s chocklu|| ol exc|L|ng evenLs and exh|o|L|ons. /s a c|Ly
renowned lor |Ls creaL|v|Ly and |nnovaL|ons, 20I3 |s T|| year we share Lh|s sp|r|L
w|Lh Lhe wor|d. No wonder LhaL |one|y ||aneL named /msLerdam as one ol Lhe oesL
c|L|es Lo v|s|L |n 20I3, and CNN proc|a|med /msLerdam as one ol Lhe I0 hoLLesL
desL|naL|ons lor Lh|s year. a musLv|s|L'
Schiphol Airport Leidseplein
Bus 197:
Every 15 minutes directly
to Amsterdam Centre
Schiphol Amsterdam Express
Museumplein Hobbemastraat
AM51LRDAM 2013
ThroughouL 20I3, /msLerdam w||| commemoraLe 400
years ol |nnovaL|ve acL|v|Ly, wor|dchang|ng arLs and g|ooa|
Lrade. The cana|s w||| p|ay a cenLra| ro|e |n Lhese
lesL|v|L|es, ouL many oLher |con|c |nsL|LuL|ons w||| a|so
commemoraLe spec|a| ,uo||ees.
The lo||ow|ng secL|ons w||| prov|de a shorL summary ol Lhe
,uo||ees and lesL|v|L|es. |or a comp|eLe and upLodaLe
overv|ew, p|ease v|s|L www.|
400 years of AmsIerdam's LanaIs
20I3 marks Lhe 400Lh ann|versary s|nce consLrucL|on
oegan on /msLerdams wor|d renowned Cana| ||ng,
accepLed as UN|SC0 wor|d |er|Lage S|Le |n 20I0.
Because ol Lh|s ann|versary, var|ous acL|v|L|es w||| oe
organ|.ed on and around Lhe cana|s LhroughouL 20I3.
Take lor examp|e Lhe /msLerdam |er|Lage |ays, whereoy
v|s|Lors are g|ven Lhe opporLun|Ly Lo Lake a peek oeh|nd
Lhe doors ol auLhenL|c cana| houses, or Lhe /msLerdam
C|Ly Sw|m, an annua| sw|mm|ng evenL on oeha|l ol Lhe
d|sease /|S. |n case you wonder, yes, Lhe cana|s are c|ean,
our own |r|ncess Nax|ma exper|enced LhaL |asL year aL
Dpening Rijksmuseum
|o||ow|ng years ol exLens|ve renovaL|ons, Lhe ||,ksmuseum
w||| open |Ls doors Lo Lhe puo||c on I3 /pr|| 20I3, Lhereoy
revea||ng 80 resLored ha||s |n wh|ch 8,000 |Lems narraLe
Lhe sLory ol 800 years ol |uLch arL and h|sLory. The
museum has oeen g|ven a comp|eLe|y new |ook. on|y
|emorandLs The N|ghL waLch sL||| hangs |n |Ls or|g|na|
/ddress. NuseumsLraaL I
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom 9.00 I8.00
|nLerneL. www.r|,ksmuseum.n|
Nore |nlo. |ue Lo lna| preparaL|ons lor Lhe open|ng, Lhe enL|re
||,ksmuseum w||| oe c|osed lrom I8 Narch Lo I2 /pr|| 20I3
125Ih anniversary of 1he LoncerIgebouw
Th|s lamous /msLerdam concerL ha|| we|comed |Ls lrsL
v|s|Lors |n /pr|| I888. I2b years |aLer, The ConcerLgeoouw
|s a wor|d |eader |n Lhe le|d, we|com|ng |nLernaL|ona||y
acc|a|med so|o|sLs and orchesLras, Lhereoy aLLracL|ng more
Lhan 700,000 mus|c |overs each year. |ur|ng each monLh
|n 20I3, The ConcerLgeoouw w||| presenL spec|a| concerLs
LhaL showcase a spec|lc decade lrom |Ls h|sLory, and
severa| oLher ,uo||ee acL|v|L|es w||| oe organ|.ed LhroughouL
Lhe year.
/ddress. ConcerLgeoouwp|e|n I0
|nLerneL. www.concerLgeoouw.n|/en
125Ih anniversary of Ihe RoyaI
LoncerIgebouw DrchesIra
|n 20I3, Lhe renowned |oya| ConcerLgeoouw 0rchesLra
ce|eoraLes |Ls I2bLh ann|versary w|Lh a wor|d Lour Lak|ng
p|ace on s|x conL|nenLs. 0l course /msLerdam |s noL
lorgoLLen. Lhe orchesLra w||| perlorm aL Lhe |r|nsengrachL
ConcerL |n /ugusL, as we|| as severa| L|mes aL The
|nLerneL. www.concerLgeoouworkesL.n|
175 years of ArIis RoyaI 2oo
The o|desL and oesL known .oo |n Lhe NeLher|ands ,o|ns |n
Lhe 20I3 ce|eoraL|ons Lo mark I7b years ol naLure, cu|Lure
and her|Lage. |n 20I3 Lhe p|ace w||| oe more co|orlu| Lhan
ever, as Lhousands ol lowers w||| o|oom LhroughouL Lhe
enL|re park.
/ddress. ||anLage |erk|aan 38 40
0pen|ng hours. Nov I Nar 3I da||y lrom 9.00 I7.00, /pr I 0cL 3I
da||y lrom 9.00 I8.00, every SaLurday |n June, Ju|y & /ugusL lrom 9.00
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
|nLerneL. www.arL|s.n|
van Gogh Anniversaries
The Van 0ogh Nuseum w||| reopen |Ls doors on I Nay aL
|Ls cusLomary |ocaL|on on Lhe Nuseump|e|n, I60 years
alLer Lhe o|rLh ol Van 0ogh and 40 years s|nce Lhe
museum opened. These occas|ons w||| oe ce|eoraLed w|Lh
Lhe ma,or ann|versary exh|o|L|on Van 0ogh aL work,
whereoy over 200 works ol arL o1er |ns|ghLs |nLo Lhe
lasc|naL|ng creaL|on process oeh|nd V|ncenL van 0oghs
(I8b3I890) pa|nL|ngs and draw|ngs. UnL|| Lhe 2bLh ol
/pr||, Lhe greaLesL works ol Van 0ogh are on d|sp|ay |n Lhe
|erm|Lage /msLerdam.
/ddress. |au|us |oLLersLraaL 7
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom 9.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.vangoghmuseum.n|
Nore |nlo. UnL|| 2b /pr|| 20I3 Lhe Van 0ogh Nuseum |s Lemporar||y
hosLed oy Lhe |erm|Lage /msLerdam, /msLe| bI. Nore |nlormaL|on.
225 years FeIix MeriIis
|e||x Ner|L|s, Lhe |uropean CenLre lor /rLs and Sc|ence,
organ|ses deoaLes, |ecLures, concerLs and LheaLr|ca|
producL|ons. 0pened |n I788, Lh|s I8Lh cenLury ou||d|ng ol
Lhe lormer |e||x Ner|L|s soc|eLy |s a Lyp|ca| monumenL ol
Lhe |n||ghLenmenL.
|n 20I3, |e||x Ner|L|s ce|eoraLes |Ls 22bLh ann|versary
w|Lh a hosL ol spec|a| evenLs oe|ng organ|sed Lo mark Lh|s
remarkao|e m||esLone. whaLs more, Lhe 0oservaLory ol
|e||x Ner|L|s - prov|d|ng one ol Lhe mosL specLacu|ar
v|ews ol /msLerdam - w||| oe open Lo Lhe puo||c lor Lhe
lrsL L|me |n more Lhan 200 years.
/ddress. |e|.ersgrachL 324
|nLerneL. www.le||x.mer|L|s.n|
1he NeIherIands and Russia in 2013
|rom Narch 9 unL|| SepLemoer I3, Lhe c|ose L|es oeLween
|uss|a, Lhe NeLher|ands and /msLerdam w||| oe ce|eoraLed
w|Lh a ma,or exh|o|L|on ded|caLed Lo Tsar |eLer Lhe 0reaL
aL Lhe |erm|Lage /msLerdam. The c|Ly ol Zaandam,
|ocaLed |n Lhe greaLer NeLropo||Lan area w||| a|so Lake parL
|n Lhe ce|eoraL|on ol Lhe |uLch ||nks w|Lh |uss|a. |n 20I3,
Lhe Tsar |eLer |ouse w||| oe puL |nLo Lhe ||me||ghL and
numerous |uss|anre|aLed acL|v|L|es w||| oe organ|.ed |n
Lhe reg|on.
/ddress. |erm|Lage /msLerdam. /msLe| bI, /msLerdam / Tsar |eLer
|ouse. |r|mp 23, Zaandam
0pen|ng hours. |erm|Lage /msLerdam. |a||y lrom 9.00 I7.00 / Tsar
|eLer |ouse. Tue Sun I0.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.herm|Lage.n| / www..aansmuseum.n|
100 years of Ihe Frans HaIs Museum
|aar|ems |rans |a|s Nuseum ce|eoraLes |Ls cenLenary
w|Lh an ann|versary exh|o|L|on leaLur|ng key works oy Lhe
|uLch pa|nLer, a|ongs|de pa|nL|ngs oy oLher arL|sLs
|nc|ud|ng T|L|an, |emorandL and |uoens. The exh|o|L|on
runs lrom 23 Narch Lo 28 Ju|y, and Lhe pa|nL|ngs come
lrom some ol Lhe wor|ds mosL we||known museums as
we|| as var|ous pr|vaLe co||ecL|ons.
/ddress. 0rooL |e|||g|and 62, |aar|em
0pen|ng hours. Tue |r| I0.00 I7.00, SaL, Sun & |uo||c |o||days II.00
|nLerneL. www.lransha|smuseum.n|
BuI Ihere is more!
0l course Lh|s |s noL everyLh|ng /msLerdam has Lo o1er |n
20I3. The prev|ous |cons a|ready o1er a w|de var|eLy ol
20I3 lesL|v|L|es |n Lhe /msLerdam NeLropo||Lan /rea.
|owever, Lhere |s much more Lo see and exp|ore. Take lor
examp|e Lhe annua| ce|eoraL|on ol ueensday on /pr|| 30,
wh|ch w||| oe exLra spec|a| Lh|s year due Lo Lhe oc|a|
aod|caL|on ol ueen BeaLr|x, Lhe co|ourlu| 0ay |r|de |n
/ugusL, and severa| |nLeresL|ng exh|o|L|ons such as The
0o|den /ge aL Lhe /msLerdam Nuseum. /n overv|ew ol
evenLs can oe lound |n Lhe nexL secL|on as we|| as on
www.|, where Lhe mosL upLodaLe
|nlormaL|on |s puo||shed.
|nLerneL. www.|
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
Th|s evenL ca|endar |s an overv|ew ol Lhe ma,or evenLs
happen|ng |n Lhe /msLerdam NeLropo||Lan /rea up Lo Nay
20I3. 0l course, Lhere |s much more Lo do and Lo en,oy
Lhan Lhe h|gh||ghLs ||sLed here' |or Lhe mosL upLodaLe
|nlormaL|on, p|ease v|s|L www.|
LiberaIion Day
bLh ol may 20I3
Var|ous |ocaL|ons
/ ce|eoraL|on ol lreedom
JusL as a numoer ol |uropean naL|ons ce|eoraLe V|cLory |n
|urope |ay on 8 Nay, Lhe NeLher|ands pu||s ouL a|| Lhe
sLops lor ||oeraL|on |ay (Bevr|,d|ngsdag) a lew days
ear||er on b Nay. The day commemoraLes Lhe 0erman
armys surrender |n Lhe NeLher|ands on b Nay I94b and
Lhe ||oeraL|on ol Lhe counLry, ,usL pr|or Lo Lhe end ol wor|d
war || |n |urope.
/msLerdam rema|ns a home lor lreedom and
|ndependence |n |Ls many lorms, and as such, a|ongs|de
commemoraL|ng evenLs ol I94b, ||oeraL|on |ay a|so
ce|eoraLes conLemporary lreedom.
||oeraL|on |esL|va|
The ||oeraL|on |esL|va| (Bevr|,d|ngslesL|va|) lorms Lhe
ce|eoraLory enLerLa|nmenL oackoone ol Lhe day w|Lh one ol
Lhe many h|gh||ghLs oe|ng Lhe mus|c programme. |uLch
and |nLernaL|ona| oands and |Js perlorm on sLages
erecLed LhroughouL Lhe c|Ly. |esL|va| |ocaL|ons |n 20I3
|nc|ude. |oesL (C.aar |eLersLraaL 2I3B), Lhe Ta|enLhu|s |n
/msLerdam N|euwwesL, Lhe |ure NarkL aL |ark
|rankendae|, B||,ourg, N|SNwharl, Nesp|e|n, wesLermarkL,
|od|um No.a|ek and a|so |n Lhe d|sLr|cL ol Zu|doosL.
Numerous resLauranLs and cu|Lura| cenLres LhroughouL
/msLerdam are a|so |nvo|ved |n a spec|a| ||oeraL|on |easL
(Vr|,he|dmaa|L|,d), a|med aL or|ng|ng peop|e LogeLher Lo
share |n a un|Led d|n|ng exper|ence.
0pen|ng hours. bLh ol Nay
AmsIerdam ride 2013
27Lh ol Ju|y - 4Lh ol /ugusL 20I3
/msLerdam |r|de 20I3
/msLerdams lamous ||oera|m|ndedness over Lhe years
has encouraged a we|com|ng and sale env|ronmenL lor
gays, |eso|ans and Lransgenders Lo ooLh v|s|L and ||ve |n.
/msLerdams gay r|ghLs h|sLory, lrom ear|yday Lo|erance
Lo modern Nayora| ce|eoranLs has meanL /msLerdam has
a|ways oeen aL Lhe wor|d lorelronL |n sLr|v|ng lor equa||Ly
lor Lhe gay commun|Ly.
we are proud
/s a resu|L /msLerdam 0ay |r|de rema|ns one ol Lhe oesL
ce|eoraL|ons ol |Ls k|nd around Lhe g|ooe. The 20II
|espons Top I00 survey even reporLed LhaL |L |s oc|a||y
Lhe o|ggesL recurr|ng evenL he|d |n Lhe c|Ly. |L Lrad|L|ona||y
Lakes p|ace over Lhe lrsL weekend ol /ugusL every year,
draw|ng more Lhan 3b0,000 gay and sLra|ghL parL|c|panLs
and v|s|Lors Lo sLay and p|ay |n /msLerdam.
The c|Ly |s a ra|noow ol evenLs |n gay and sLra|ghL venues
a||ke, lrom dance parL|es Lo l|m lesL|va|s, sporL|ng evenLs,
cu|Lure and more. The 20I3 Lheme |s |elecL,
encourag|ng relecL|on on Lhe oeg|nn|ngs ol Lhe |0BT
movemenL and Lhe conL|nued |mporLance ol d|vers|Ly.
whaLever loaLs your ooaL
The cana| parade |s Lhe lesL|va|s cenLrep|ece, where
|av|sh|y decoraLed oarges g|ve Lhe Lerm loaL a ||Lera|
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
mean|ng. 0n Lhe SaLurday ol Lhe lesL|va| (|n 20I3, LhaLs
Lhe 3rd ol /ugusL) parL|c|panLs on 80 vesse|s soak up Lhe
|uLch sun and puL on a show w|Lh Lhe|r onooard |Js,
showsLopp|ng Lhemes and p|enLy ol sm||es, p|eas|ng a||
specLaLors on Lhe oanks ol Lhe |r|nsengrachL and /msLe|
0pen|ng hours. 27Lh ol Ju|y - 4Lh ol /ugusL 20I3
|nLerneL. www.amsLerdampr|de.n|
LanaI FesIivaI
I6Lh - 2bLh ol /ugusL 20I3
Var|ous |ocaL|ons
|nLer|ng |Ls I6Lh year, Lh|s h|gh|y successlu| lesL|va| |s
expecLed Lo aLLracL over b0,000 v|s|Lors lrom Lhe
NeLher|ands and aoroad. /|ongs|de Lhe spec|a| |ocaL|ons,
producL|ons and programmes, Lhe 0rachLenlesL|va|
Lrad|L|ona||y prov|des a sLage lor young La|enLed
mus|c|ans, g|v|ng Lhem every opporLun|Ly Lo Lake Lhe nexL
sLep |n Lhe|r mus|ca| careers.
Un|que |ocaL|ons
The 0rachLenlesL|va| w||| oe he|d ooLh |ndoors and
ouLdoors on ponLoons |n Lhe cana|s, on ooaLs, |n sp|end|d
I7LhcenLury cana|s|de houses, and |n numerous oLher
exLraord|nary |ocaL|ons.
0pen Lo a||
The organ|sers ensure LhaL L|ckeL pr|ces are kepL
a1ordao|e and severa| opena|r concerLs are lree Lo Lhe
|r|nsengrachL ConcerL
0ne ol Lhe annua| h|gh||ghLs ol Lhe 0rachLenlesL|va| (Cana|
|esL|va|) |s Lhe |r|nsengrachL ConcerL, a specLacu|ar
c|ass|ca| exLravagan.a on Lhe cana|. Th|s years evenL |s on
24 /ugusL 20I3 and |s head||ned oy Lhe |oya|
ConcerLgeoouw 0rchesLra, who are m|dway Lhrough Lhe|r
I2bLh ,uo||ee ce|eoraL|ons.
C|ass|ca| greaLs
Team|ng up w|Lh Lhe orchesLra |s Lhe Na|Lese Lenor
Joseph Ca||e,a, who |s sure Lo enrapLure aud|ences w|Lh a
numoer ol we|||oved ar|as, |nc|ud|ng Lhe ce|eoraLed
1 Nessun |orma lrom |ucc|n|s TurandoL. The orchesLra
w||| a|so oe perlorm|ng Tcha|kovskys a|waysspecLacu|ar
I8I2 0verLure. The concerL w||| oe conducLed oy /nLon|o
|nLerneL. www.grachLenlesL|va|.n|
/ugusL 30 SepLemoer I 20I3
Cu|Lura| season opens |n /msLerdam
/nnua||y aLLracL|ng more Lhan 4b0,000 v|s|Lors, Lhe
U|LmarkL |s one ol Lhe counLrys mosL popu|ar cu|Lura|
evenLs and Lhe Lrad|L|ona| open|ng ol Lhe cu|Lura| season.
The lesL|va| leaLures more Lhan 4b0 perlormances oy
some 2,000 arL|sLs. |rom c|ass|ca| Lo k|dlr|end|y, h|phop
Lo dance and LheaLre Lo ,a.. Lheres someLh|ng lor
/ w|de range ol perlormers, Lroupes and cu|Lura|
|nsL|LuL|ons come LogeLher Lo make each ed|L|on Lru|y
|am||y lun and more
|n add|L|on Lo perlormances aL Lhe lesL|va|s |arge ouLdoor
venues, Lheres a|so a oook markeL, U|LmarkL Jun|or lor Lhe
k|ds and an aoundance ol |nlormaL|on oooLhs and sLands.
Because a|| Lhe arL|sLs and organ|saL|ons |nvo|ved
vo|unLeer Lhe|r L|me, Lhe U|LmarkL has managed Lo rema|n
a lree lesL|va|.
0eL seL lor U|LmarkL 20I3
0rgan|sed oy Lhe /msLerdam U|Louro, Lhe evenL
Lrad|L|ona||y Lakes p|ace |n Lhe |asL weekend ol /ugusL.
/msLerdams Nuseump|e|n, |e|dsep|e|n and Lhe
surround|ng area prov|de Lhe seLL|ng lor Lhe lesL|va|s
perlormances, evenLs, sLands and sLa||s.
/ccess. V|s|Lors are adv|sed Lo use puo||c LransporL. The
lesL|va| |ocaL|ons are access|o|e on looL and oy Lram lrom
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
/msLerdam CenLra| SLaL|on.
/ddress. Nuseump|e|n/|e|dsep|e|n
|nLerneL. www.u|LmarkL.n|
HoIIand FesIivaI
IsL - 26Lh ol ,une
Var|ous |ocaL|ons
/ |ead|ng |nLernaL|ona| perlormance arLs lesL|va| |n Lhe
NeLher|ands, Lhe |o||and |esL|va| reLurns Lo /msLerdam
lrom I Lo 26 June 20I3. S|nce I947, Lhe lesL|va| has oeen
prov|d|ng |uLch and |nLernaL|ona| LheaLregoers w|Lh a
survey ol Lhe oesL and mosL w|de|yacc|a|med
perlormance p|eces lrom around Lhe wor|d, and 20I3 |s
seL Lo oe an exLra spec|a| year lor Lhe lesL|va|.
/|| over Lhe /msLerdam
The |o||and |esL|va| graces Lhe sLages ol some ol Lhe
c|Lys mosL exc|L|ng LheaLr|ca| |ocaL|ons, such as Lhe
Nu.|ekgeoouw aan L |J, |oya| TheaLre Carre, Lhe
Nu.|ekLheaLer, SLadsschouwourg /msLerdam and Lhe
wesLergaslaor|ek. |erlormances a|so pop up |n a|| manner
ol un|que and |nnovaL|ve |ocaL|ons.
||gh||ghLs ol |o||and |esL|va| 20I3 |nc|ude Lhe Ber||ner
|nsemo|es perlormance ol BrechLs The |es|sL|o|e ||se ol
/rLuro U|, and a spec|a| opera/3| l|m oy |uLch
composer Van der /a and Lhe ce|eoraLed |ng||sh nove||sL
|av|d N|Lche||.
|nLerneL. www.ho||andlesL|va|.n|
LoncerIs in Ihe ark
23rd ol June 20I3
/msLerdams mosL lamous concerL ha||, Lhe
ConcerLgeoouw, and |Ls wor|drenowned orchesLra, Lhe
|oya| ConcerLgeoouw 0rchesLra, have |ong oeen Lreasures
- noL ,usL ol Lhe c|Ly ouL |Ls peop|e. So |Ls espec|a||y
lLL|ng LhaL as ooLh ce|eoraLe Lhe|r I2bLh ann|versar|es |n
20I3, a numoer ol perlormances w||| oe oeamed Lo parks
around Lhe c|Ly Lo share w|Lh Lhe peop|e ol /msLerdam.
The lour evenLs w||| see a co|ourlu| se|ecL|on ol mus|c
oroadcasL ||ve around /msLerdam. /cL|v|L|es oeg|n |n June,
as Lhe |oya| ConcerLgeoouw 0rchesLras ouLdoor
perlormance |n Bra.|| |s oeamed Lo Nuseump|e|n.
SuosequenL concerLs lrom Lhe ConcerLgeoouw w||| Lhen
exp|ore ,a.., rock and voca| mus|ca| Lhemes w|Lh a g|uL ol
spec|a| guesLs. So nao your p|cn|c spoL and en,oy Lhe very
oesL ol Lhe ConcerLgeoouw and Lhe |oya| ConcerLgeoouw
|nLerneL. hLLp.//www.||n/20
Lhurch NighI
22nd ol June 20I3
Var|ous |ocaL|ons
Church N|ghL |s a naL|ona| n|ghL ol acL|v|L|es around many
ol Lhe mosL p|cLuresque and |mporLanL churches |n Lhe
|or Church N|ghL |n /msLerdam on SaLurday 22 June, Lhe
locus |s spec|lca||y on I2 ol Lhe c|Lys churches |ocaLed oy
Lhe cana|s. wheLher youre re||g|ous or noL, |Ls a lne
opporLun|Ly Lo exper|ence and |earn more aoouL Lhe c|Lys
grandesL p|aces ol worsh|p. |n /msLerdam, Lh|s means
h|sLor|c |ocaL|ons such as Lhe 0ude |erk, |ng||sh
|elormed Church, Noorderkerk and |e N|euwe |erk.
Spec|a| programm|ng Lyp|ca||y |nc|udes mus|ca|
perlormances, l|m screen|ngs and gu|ded Lours.
Renewed Rijksmuseum open once again
I3Lh ol /pr|| - |ecemoer 20I3
0n SaLurday I3 /pr|| 20I3, Lhe ||,ksmuseum was once
more opened Lo Lhe puo||c w|Lh an enL|re|y relreshed
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
|ayouL, lu||y renovaLed ou||d|ng, new puo||c lac|||L|es, new|y
|andscaped garden, and |emorandLs 1 The N|ghL waLch
reLurn|ng Lo |Ls or|g|na| ga||ery. 0vera||, 80 ha||s d|sp|ay
8,000 p|eces ol arL and h|sLory, wh|ch |s more Lhan even
Lhe mosL lervenL museum v|s|Lor can d|gesL |n one day.
/ddress. NuseumsLraaL I
|nLerneL. www.r|,ksmuseum.n|
van Gogh Museum Reopens
IsL ol Nay - |ecemoer 20I3
Van 0ogh Nuseum
The Van 0ogh Nuseum |s one ol Lhe ma,or m||esLones ol
Lhe /msLerdam 20I3 ce|eoraL|ons. |eopen|ng on I Nay
20I3, |L w||| mark 40 years ol Lhe museum on
Nuseump|e|n, as we|| as Lhe I60Lh ann|versary ol V|ncenL
van 0oghs o|rLh. |n Lhe process, Lhe exLens|ve exh|o|L|on
Van 0ogh aL work presenLs pa|nL|ngs, draw|ngs and |eLLers
LhaL or|ng Lo ||le h|s arL|sL|c deve|opmenL.
|nLerneL. www.vangoghmuseum.n|
Dpening Keukenhof Gardens
2I Narch 20 Nay 20I3
|very spr|ng |eukenhol |s a leasL lor Lhe eye. Come see
m||||ons ol Lu||ps o|oom|ng and exper|ence an
overwhe|m|ng d|sp|ay ol co|our |n Lh|s oeauL|lu| park. |n
20I3, Lhe |eukenhol w||| locus on Lhe Lheme ol Lhe The
Un|Led ||ngdom - |and ol 0reaL 0ardens.
|nLerneL. www.keukenhol.n|
Frans HaIs: Lye Io Lye wiIh RembrandI,
Rubens and 1iIian
23 Narch 28 Ju|y 20I3
|rans |a|s Nuseum (|aar|em)
Ce|eoraL|ng |Ls cenLenary year dur|ng 20I3, Lhe |rans |a|s
Nuseum |s sLag|ng a |andmark exh|o|L|on aoouL |Ls
namesake. 0o|den /ge pa|nLer |rans |a|s. Noreover, as
parL ol Lhe ce|eoraL|ons, a new permanenL exh|o|L|on w|||
Lake cenLre sLage |n Lhe museum. Th|s mu|L|med|a
presenLaL|on named The |henomenon ol |a|s, as we|| as
Lhe Lemporary exh|o|L|on |rans |a|s. |ye Lo |ye w|Lh
|emorandL, |uoens and T|L|an, w||| open Lhe|r doors on Lhe
23rd ol Narch.
/ddress. 0rooL |e|||g|and 62, |aar|em
0pen|ng hours. Tue |r| I0.00 I7.00, SaL, Sun & |uo||c |o||days II.00
|nLerneL. www.lransha|smuseum.n|
AmsIerdam HeriIage Days
24 Narch, 26 Nay, I4 Ju|y & I4/Ib SepLemoer 20I3
Var|ous |ocaL|ons |n /msLerdam
/msLerdam |er|Lage |ays annua||y exp|ores and
ce|eoraLes arch|LecLure and her|Lage, ooLh |n /msLerdam
and Lhe counLry aL |arge. BuL as parL ol Lhe /msLerdam
20I3 ce|eoraL|ons, |nsLead ol ,usL one weekend, lour
spec|a| ed|L|ons are com|ng Lo Lhe c|Ly over Lhe course ol
Lhe year.
|ur|ng each 20I3 ed|L|on ol Lhe /msLerdam |er|Lage
|ays, monumenLs a|| over Lhe c|Ly w||| Lhrow open Lhe|r
doors, ra|||ngs and gaLes Lo Lhe puo||c, a|| lree ol charge.
The Lhemes ol Lhe lrsL Lwo ed|L|ons are /msLerdams lree
Lh|nkers and men ol la|Lh (24 Narch), and Lhe Lrade,
|ndusLry and Lechno|ogy ol Lhe 0o|den /ge (26 Nay).
/ddress. Var|ous |ocaL|ons |n /msLerdam
Nore |nlo. www.|
ArIis, ark in BIoei {ark in BIoom)
27 Narch |ecemoer 20I3
/rL|s |oya| Zoo
|eop|e have oeen com|ng Lo /rL|s |oya| Zoo LogeLher Lo
en,oy see|ng Lhe an|ma|s, Lhe p|anLs, Lhe Lrees and Lhe r|ch
her|Lage lor I7b years. /rL|s w||| oe |n lu|| o|oom
LhroughouL 20I3 |n order Lo ce|eoraLe Lh|s |mporLanL
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
0n SaLurday even|ngs LhroughouL summer, parLy an|ma|s
|n /rL|s gaLher expecLanL|y |n Lhe|r enc|osures. Y|p,
Z00meravonden (Summer |ven|ngs) aL /rL|s |oya| Zoo
|eLs v|s|Lors |earn whaL Lhe an|ma|s geL up Lo alLer hours
oy sLay|ng open unL|| sunseL on every SaLurday |n June,
Ju|y and /ugusL.
/cL|v|L|es and ||ve mus|c
|ur|ng Z00meravonden, /rL|s o1ers p|enLy ol acL|v|L|es lor
lam|||es, ch||dren and Lhe creaLure cur|ous. Some an|ma|s
may oe s|eep|ng ouL lor Lhose sL||| w|deeyed, why noL
sLea| an up c|ose and persona| encounLer w|Lh Lhe lurry
and leaLhered k|nd7 There are spec|a| gu|ded Lours, lace
pa|nL|ng, scavenger hunLs, puppeL shows and an|ma| La|ks.
Neanwh||e, ||ve mus|c perlormances oy we|| known
perlormers olLen appea| Lo adu|L crowds. You can even
oook a readymade p|cn|c Lo co||ecL aL Lhe gaLe.
I7bLh Juo||ee
/s Lhe .oo ce|eoraLes |Ls I7bLh ,uo||ee dur|ng 20I3, many
more spec|a| Z00meravonden acL|v|L|es w||| oe announced
and Lhe park w||| oe a specLacu|ar sea ol co|our |n
ce|eoraL|on, w|Lh hundreds ol Lhousands ol new lowers
and p|anLs oursL|ng |nLo o|oom.
/ddress. ||anLage |erk|aan 38 40
0pen|ng hours. Nov I Nar 3I da||y lrom 9.00 I7.00, /pr I 0cL 3I
da||y lrom 9.00 I8.00, every SaLurday |n June, Ju|y & /ugusL lrom 9.00
|nLerneL. www.arL|s.n|
Dpening DbservaIory FeIix MeriIis
I9 /pr|| 20I3
|e||x Ner|L|s
The 0oservaLory ol |e||x Ner|L|s |s Lhe o|desL sc|enL|lc
ooservaLory |n Lhe NeLher|ands, ouL Lh|s secreL spoL on Lhe
ou||d|ngs rool hasnL oeen open Lo Lhe puo||c |n more Lhan
200 years. ThaL changes |n apr|| 20I3, when Lhe
0oservaLory once aga|n oecomes one ol Lhe mosL spec|a|
ooservaL|on po|nLs |n /msLerdam. Come and v|s|L Lh|s
h|dden Lreasure |n Lhe cenLre ol /msLerdam and Lhe
ad,acenL exh|o|L|on /msLerdam ol /oove /msLerdam ol
Be|ow Lo ce|eoraLe Lhe 22bLh o|rLhday |e||x Ner|L|s'
/ddress. |e|.ersgrachL 324
0pen|ng hours. /pr I9 Nay 3I Non |r| lrom I3.30 I6.30, SaL lrom
I6.00 I9.00, Jun I /ug 3I Non wed lrom I3.30 I6.30, Thu |r|
lrom Ib.00 I9.00, SaL lrom Ib.00 2I.00, Sep I 0cL 3I Non |r| lrom
I3.30 I6.30, SaL lrom I6.00 I9.00
|nLerneL. www.le||x.mer|L|s.n|
/msLerdams b0 museums hosL a range ol exc|L|ng
exh|o|L|ons. |rom work ol esLao||shed masLers such as
V|ncenL Van 0ogh, Lo currenL and upcom|ng modern and
conLemporary arL|sLs as N|ke |e||ey, |L |s a|| on d|sp|ay |n
/msLerdam' /dd|L|ona||y, |n 20I3 Lhere are severa|
exh|o|L|ons ded|caLed Lo Lhe h|sLory ol /msLerdam, |Ls
renowned Cana| ||ng, and Lhe |uLch 0o|den /ge |n wh|ch
/msLerdam exper|enced unprecedenLed growLh. / perlecL
opporLun|Ly Lo |earn more aoouL /msLerdam and Lhe
h|sLory ol Lhe NeLher|ands aL |arge'
|or a comp|eLe and upLodaLe overv|ew ol exh|o|L|ons |n
and around /msLerdam, p|ease v|s|L
1he GoIden Age - GaIeway Io Dur worId
I4 |ecemoer 20I2 3I /ugusL 20I3
Us|ng cuLL|ngedge new med|a a|ongs|de wor|dc|ass
h|sLor|c p|eces, Lhe /msLerdam Nuseum de|ves |nLo Lhe
|uLch 0o|den /ge ||ke never oelore. The exh|o|L|on Le||s
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
Lhe r|veL|ng sLory ol Lhe |uLch 0o|den /ge, us|ng Lhe |aLesL
mu|L|med|a Lechn|ques and a Lreasure Lrove ol wor|dc|ass
works oy arL|sLs |nc|ud|ng |emorandL and ||eLer de
|ooch. The 0o|den /ge 0aLeway Lo 0ur wor|d runs lrom
I4 |ecemoer 20I2 Lo 3I /ugusL 20I3.
/ddress. |a|versLraaL 92 & S|nL |uc|ensLeeg 27
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom I0.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.amsLerdammuseum.n|
Adriaan DorIsman {1635 -1682) 1he ldeaI
8 |eoruary 9 June 20I3
Nuseum Van |oon
|rom |eoruary 8 unL|| June 9, 20I3 Nuseum Van |oon
shows /dr|aan |orLsman (I63b I682) The |dea| Cana|. |L
|s Lhe lrsL L|me LhaL so much ol Lhe |orLsman ouvre w|||
oe on v|ew Lo Lhe puo||c. |orLsman |s respons|o|e lor Lhe
des|gn ol numerous cana| ou||d|ngs |n /msLerdam,
|nc|ud|ng Nuseum van |oon |Lse|l. Come and |earn aoouL
Lhe h|sLory ol Lhese ou||d|ngs and ce|eoraLe 400 years ol
/msLerdam Cana|s'
/ddress. |e|.ersgrachL 672
0pen|ng hours. |a||y II.00 I7.00, c|osed on Tuesdays
|nLerneL. www.museumvan|oon.n|
Booming AmsIerdam
Ib |eoruary 26 Nay 20I3
SLadsarch|el /msLerdam
|ur|ng Lhe 0o|den /ge, Lhe growLh ol /msLerdam was
specLacu|ar. Trade and sh|pp|ng lrom a|| corners ol Lhe
g|ooe meanL LhaL Lhe c|Ly and Lhe area around Lhe ||ver |J
grew |nLo one ol |uropes mosL |mporLanL meLropo||ses.
|or /msLerdam 20I3, Lhe /msLerdam C|Ly /rch|ves w|||
pay spec|a| respecL Lo Lh|s monumenLa| growLh per|od
w|Lh |Ls exh|o|L|on Boom|ng /msLerdam, show|ng or|g|na|
I7LhcenLury maps, arch|ve oo,ecLs and Le|||ng Lhe sLory ol
Lh|s phenomena| growLh. /s we|| as Lhe arLelacLs, you w|||
oe we|comed oy a oeauL|lu||y an|maLed |nLroducL|on,
show|ng I00 years ol c|Ly evo|uL|on r|ghL oelore your own
/ddress. V|,.e|sLraaL 23
0pen|ng hours. Tue |r| I0.00 I7.00, SaL Sun I2.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. sLadsarch|el.amsLerdam.n|
eIer Ihe GreaI, an lnspired 1sar
9 Narch - I3 SepLemoer 20I3
|erm|Lage /msLerdam
/s h|gh||ghL ol Lhe NeLher|ands - |uss|a 20I3
ce|eoraL|ons, The |erm|Lage /msLerdam presenLs a ma,or
exh|o|L|on devoLed Lo |eLer Lhe 0reaL. |eaLur|ng arL,
pr|ce|ess exh|o|Ls and Lhe Tsars persona| e1ecLs, Lhe ||le
ol Lh|s peer|ess ru|er, deLerm|ned Lo change h|s counLry aL
Lhe age ol I7, |s skeLched. |eLer Lhe 0reaL, an |nsp|red
Tsar runs lrom 9 Narch unL|| I3 SepLemoer 20I3.
/ddress. /msLe| bI
0pen|ng hours. |a||y 09.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.herm|Lage.n|
Frans HaIs: Lye Io Lye wiIh RembrandI,
Rubens and 1iIian
23 Narch 28 Ju|y 20I3
|rans |a|s Nuseum (|aar|em)
Ce|eoraL|ng |Ls cenLenary year dur|ng 20I3, Lhe |rans |a|s
Nuseum |s sLag|ng a |andmark exh|o|L|on aoouL |Ls
namesake. 0o|den /ge pa|nLer |rans |a|s. |or Lhe very
lrsL L|me, key works oy |a|s w||| oe d|sp|ayed a|ongs|de
Lhose oy such lamous peers as T|L|an, |emorandL, Van
|yke, Jordaens and |uoens - w|Lh many ol Lhese works
on |oan lrom some ol Lhe wor|ds greaLesL museums. |n
do|ng so, Lhe exh|o|L|on p|aces |a|ss masLerlu| orushwork
and Lhe d|recLness ol h|s approach Lo h|s suo,ecLs |n a
oroader conLexL, shedd|ng new ||ghL on h|s amo|L|ons and
pos|L|on |n Lhe I7Lh cenLury - an age when deve|op|ng an
|nd|v|dua| sLy|e and surpass|ng oLher arL|sLs were
|mporLanL asp|raL|ons lor pa|nLers.
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
/ddress. 0rooL |e|||g|and 62, |aar|em
0pen|ng hours. Tue |r| I0.00 I7.00, SaL, Sun & |uo||c |o||days II.00
|nLerneL. www.lransha|smuseum.n|
van Gogh aI work
I Nay 20I3 I3 January 20I4
Van 0ogh Nuseum
|o||ow|ng a n|nemonLh reluro|shmenL, Lhe Van 0ogh
Nuseum reLurns Lo |Ls Nuseump|e|n home on I Nay,
where |L Lurns |Ls aLLenL|on Lo Lhe I60Lh ann|versary ol Lhe
arL|sLs o|rLh.
NaLura||y, Lhe Van 0ogh Nuseum |s a|ready Lhe prem|ere
spoL |n Lhe wor|d Lo v|ew Van 0oghs mosL lamous
pa|nL|ngs, ouL Van 0ogh aL work |s Lhe cu|m|naL|on ol
seven years ol lasL|d|ous research |nLo h|s oeuvre and
deve|opmenL as an arL|sL. Nore Lhan 200 pa|nL|ngs, works
on paper, skeLchoooks and |eLLers oy Van 0ogh and h|s
peers o1er new |ns|ghLs |nLo Lhe lasc|naL|ng creaL|ve
processes oeh|nd h|s pa|nL|ngs and draw|ngs. |ans wonL
oe d|sappo|nLed'
/ddress. |au|us |oLLersLraaL 7
0pen|ng hours. TB/
|nLerneL. www.vangoghmuseum.n|
/msLerdams lanLasL|c arch|LecLure |s oesL seen lrom a
s|ghLsee|ng ooaL on Lhe cana|s. BuL /msLerdam |s a|so a
greaL c|Ly Lo exp|ore oy o|ke or looL. S|gn up lor a group
Lour or excurs|on or lee| ||ke a |oca| and d|scover
/msLerdam on your own. whaLever su|Ls you oesL, Lhe |
amsLerdam C|Ly Card |s an ouLsLand|ng way Lo exp|ore
everyLh|ng Lhe c|Ly has Lo o1er'
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
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t Explore on your own
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t All drivers speak English
There are hundreds of Dutch experiences that lie
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Amsterdam. Most of them only minutes from where
you are now. Fancy a bit of Dutch countryside and
fun? Do as the Dutch do and take the local bus!
Buy your tickets at our busstop
at the north exit of Central Station.
More info:
LycIe AmsIerdam
See /msLerdam Lhe way |oca|
see |L - oy o|ke' |am|||ar|se
yourse|l w|Lh /msLerdam and
|Ls d|verse ne|ghoourhoods
and arch|LecLure, cyc|e a|ong
Lhe waLerlronL, and en,oy a
|oca| oeer across lrom an |con|c w|ndm|||.
Tours run da||y. Nore wa|k|ng Lours are ava||ao|e lrom
Uroan /dvenLures.
|hone. 3I 299 4II III
Nore |nlo. |o|ders ol Lh|s gu|de rece|ve I0/ o1. Book on||ne and use
promo code /0|U aL checkouL.
More cycIing in AmsIerdam
/msLerdam |s one ol Lhe mosL o|cyc|elr|end|y c|L|es |n Lhe
wor|d. /msLerdammers are oorn on o|kes, and you|| see
Lhem a|| over Lhe p|ace' Thanks Lo Lhe many o|ke paLhs |n
Lhe c|Ly, peda| power |s a|| you need Lo uncover Lhe c|Lys
gems on your own, or as parL ol a gu|ded o|ke Lour. |or
more |nlormaL|on aoouL Lhe poss|o|||L|es and L|ps lor sale
cyc||ng, check www.|
|nLerneL. www.|
LanaI cruises
Bes|des prov|d|ng an sLunn|ng oackdrop Lo Lhe c|Lys
h|sLor|ca| cenLre, loaL|ng down /msLerdams cana|s |s one
ol Lhe mosL memorao|e ways Lo d|scover Lhe c|Ly. wheLher
youre a lrsLL|me or lrequenL v|s|Lor, everyLh|ng |n
/msLerdam seems a o|L more mag|ca| when v|ewed lrom
a ooaL.
/msLerdams many cana| cru|se operaLors genera||y o1er
a cons|sLenL |eve| ol qua||Ly and cusLomer serv|ce. There
are a numoer ol deparLure po|nLs LhroughouL Lhe c|Ly and
Lhe Lours are ava||ao|e |n a mu|L|Lude ol |anguages. / lew
ol Lhe oesLknown operaLors |nc|ude |o||and |nLernaL|ona|,
Cana| Company, B|ue BoaL, |eder|, |oo|,, |eder|, ||as and
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
|overs. |l youd ||ke Lo oreak up your cana| cru|se w|Lh
some s|ghLsee|ng, Lhen Lhe hopon hopo1 serv|ce o1ered
oy Cana| Bus |s an exce||enL opL|on.
|nLerneL. www.|
LiIy 5ighIseeing AmsIerdam Hop Dn and Hop
w|Lh d|sL|ncL|ve ouses and lr|end|y sLa1, Lhe cho|ce |n
se|ecLed c|L|es oeLween mu|L|||ngua| commenLary or ||ve
gu|de s|ghLsee|ng has never oeen so much lun. |op 0n
and |op 01 as much as you ||ke aL any ol Lhe ous sLops
on Lhe rouLe and see a|| Lhe oesL s|ghLs and aLLracL|ons
LhaL /msLerdam has Lo o1er.
|nLerneL. www.c|Lys|ghLsee|ngamsLerdam.n|
waIking Iours
w|Lh so many p|aces ol |nLeresL so c|ose LogeLher,
/msLerdam |s a greaL wa|k|ng c|Ly. Nowhere e|se w||| you
lnd so many po|nLs ol |nLeresL w|Lh|n a s|ng|e square
k||omeLre. Jo|n one ol Lhe var|ous Nee |n Nokum
(/msLerdams n|ckname) wa|k|ng Lours, or d|scover Lhe
areas oeyond /msLerdams c|Ly cenLre on your own oy
us|ng Lhe wa|k|ng Lours ava||ao|e on www.|
or aL Lhe o|c|a| Lour|sL |nlormaL|on oces.
|nLerneL. www.| / www.g||deamsLerdam.n|
l amsIerdam LiIy Lard
|xp|ore everyLh|ng /msLerdam has Lo o1er w|Lh Lhe |
amsLerdam C|Ly Card. Th|s card |s your puo||c LransporL
pass, your L|ckeL Lo /msLerdams Lop aLLracL|ons and your
voucher lor greaL d|scounLs and lree surpr|ses. V|s|L
wor|dc|ass museums, Lake a cru|se Lhrough Lhe charm|ng
cana|s and samp|e Lhe |oca| de||cac|es. /|| lor lree or a
s|gn|lcanL d|scounL' The | amsLerdam C|Ly Card |s Lru|y
your key Lo Lhe c|Ly.
Choose lrom a 24, 48 or 72 hours | amsLerdam C|Ly Card
lor 042, 0b2 and 062.
|nLerneL. www.|amsLerdamc|
Nore |nlo. /va||ao|e aL Tour|sL 0ce NoordZu|d |o||ands |oehu|s,
SLaL|onsp|e|n I0, |o||and Tour|sL |nlormaL|on aL Sch|pho| /|rporL /rr|va|s
ha|| 2 and oLher |ocaL|ons.
/msLerdam |s home Lo a var|eLy ol wor|dlamous
museums. / Lr|p Lo Lhe c|Ly |snL comp|eLe w|LhouL
sLopp|ng oy Lhe ||,ksmuseum, Lhe Van 0ogh Nuseum or
Lhe /nne |rank |ouse. |owever, /msLerdam has much
more Lo o1er. / sLro|| Lhrough Lhe hearL ol Lhe c|Ly and
oeyond w||| revea| Lhe counL|ess aLLracL|ons, Lhereoy
caLer|ng Lo young and o|d. Take some L|me Lo d|scover
Lhem a||'
T|p. Nany museums and aLLracL|ons o1er lree or
d|scounLed enLrance w|Lh Lhe | amsLerdam C|Ly Card. |or
more |nlormaL|on aoouL Lh|s card, and/or Lhe exLens|ve
range ol museums and aLLracL|ons v|s|L
The ||,ksmuseum |s Lhe |argesL and mosL |mporLanL
museum ol Lhe NeLher|ands w|Lh a co||ecL|on ol near|y I
m||||on oo,ecLs, |nc|ud|ng many masLerp|eces. |ur|ng Lhe
renovaL|on, Lhe very oesL ol |Ls co||ecL|on |s on show |n Lhe
|h|||ps w|ng as parL ol The NasLerp|eces. |o||ow|ng years
ol exLens|ve renovaL|ons, Lhe ||,ksmuseum w||| open |Ls
doors Lo Lhe puo||c on I3 /pr|| 20I3 w|Lh an enL|re|y
relreshed |ayouL. 0n|y |emorandLs The N|ghL waLch
reLurns Lo |Ls or|g|na| ga||ery'
/ddress. NuseumsLraaL I
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom 9.00 I8.00
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
|nLerneL. www.r|,ksmuseum.n|
Nore |nlo. |ue Lo lna| preparaL|ons lor Lhe open|ng, Lhe enL|re
||,ksmuseum w||| oe c|osed lrom I8 Narch Lo I2 /pr|| 20I3.
van Gogh Museum
|ue Lo ma,or resLoraL|on work Lhe Van 0ogh Nuseum w|||
oe c|osed unL|| Lhe end ol /pr|| 20I3. Because Lhe
museum aLLracLs over one and a ha|l m||||on v|s|Lors every
year, Lhe |erm|Lage /msLerdam has oeen chosen as a
presenLaL|on area lor a |arge parL ol Lhe co||ecL|on. 0n Nay
I Lhe The Van 0ogh Nuseum w||| reopen |Ls doors aL |Ls
cusLomary |ocaL|on on Lhe Nuseump|e|n, and ce|eoraLes
|Ls open|ng w|Lh Lhe exh|o|L|on Van 0ogh aL work.
/ddress. |au|us |oLLersLraaL 7
0pen|ng hours. TB/
|nLerneL. www.vangoghmuseum.n|
Nore |nlo. UnL|| Lhe 2bLh ol /pr|| 20I3, Lhe Van 0ogh Nuseum |s
Lemporare|y hosLed oy Lhe |erm|Lage /msLerdam, /msLe| bI. Nore
HermiIage AmsIerdam
The |erm|Lage /msLerdam |s Lhe |uLch oranch ol Lhe
wor|dlamous |erm|Lage |n Sa|nL |eLersourg, |uss|a.
|ocaLed on Lhe oanks ol Lhe /msLe| ||ver, Lhe |erm|Lage
/msLerdam |s an exh|o|L|on space and cu|Lura| educaL|on
cenLre w|Lh a locus on |uss|an h|sLory and cu|Lure. |n
20I3, Lhe |erm|Lage /msLerdam p|ays a key ro|e |n Lhe
/msLerdam 20I3 ,uo||ee ce|eoraL|ons as parL ol Lhe
NeLher|ands|uss|a Lheme year w|Lh Lhe exh|o|L|on |eLer
Lhe 0reaL, an |nsp|red Tsar lrom 9 Narch Lo I3 SepLemoer
/ddress. /msLe| bI
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom 09.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.herm|Lage.n|
5IedeIijk Museum
The SLede||,k Nuseum /msLerdam |s an |nLernaL|ona|
|nsL|LuL|on ded|caLed Lo modern and conLemporary arL and
des|gn. The museum a|ms Lo prov|de a home lor arL,
arL|sLs and a oroad range ol puo||cs, where arL|sL|c
producL|on |s acL|ve|y losLered, presenLed, proLecLed,
recons|dered and renewed. |or an overv|ew ol exh|o|L|ons,
p|ease see Lhe |xh|o|L|ons secL|on or v|s|L Lhe weos|Le'
/ddress. Nuseump|e|n I0
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom I0.00 I8.00, Thurdays unL|| 22.00
|nLerneL. www.sLede||,k.n|
Frans HaIs Museum
|aar|ems |rans |a|s Nuseum |s home Lo Lhe |argesL
co||ecL|on ol pa|nL|ngs oy |rans |a|s |n Lhe wor|d. |a|s, Lhe
mosL lamous |aar|em pa|nLer ol Lhe 0o|den /ge,
spec|a||sed |n porLra|Ls. The |rans |a|s Nuseum |s one ol
Lhe key m||esLones ol Lhe /msLerdam 20I3 ,uo||ee
ce|eoraL|ons, w|Lh Lhe museum mark|ng |Ls cenLenary
LhroughouL Lhe year. |n Narch |L w||| |aunch a new
permanenL mu|L|med|a |nsLa||aL|on aoouL Lhe ||le and work
ol |rans |a|s. /nd lrom 23 Narch Lo 28 Ju|y 20I3, Lhe
exh|o|L|on |rans |a|s. |ye Lo |ye w|Lh |emorandL, |uoens
and T|L|an shows h|s mosL |mporLanL works |n conLexL
w|Lh many ol h|s 0o|den /ge peers.
/ddress. 0rooL |e|||g|and 62, |aar|em
0pen|ng hours. Tue |r| I0.00 I7.00, SaL, Sun & |uo||c |o||days II.00
|nLerneL. www.lransha|smuseum.n|
AmsIerdam Museum
The /msLerdam Nuseum Le||s Lhe compe|||ng sLory ol Lhe
growLh and heyday ol Lhe |uLch cap|La|. ||scover seven
cenLur|es ol Lhe c|Lys h|sLory - once a sma|| seLL|emenL on
Lhe oanks ol Lhe /msLe|, and now a ousL||ng, d|verse
meLropo||s. The r|ch co||ecL|on ol works ol arL, oo,ecLs and
archaeo|og|ca| lnds or|ngs Lo ||le Lhe lorLunes ol Lhe
/msLerdammers ol days gone oy. |hoLos and l|m maLer|a|
show Lhe happy L|mes as we|| as Lhe drama ol Lhe modern
c|Lys |nhao|LanLs. CurrenL|y Lhe /msLerdam Nuseum
hosLs Lhe exh|o|L|on The 0o|den /ge 0aLeway Lo 0ur
wor|d, Lhereoy de|v|ng |nLo Lhe |uLch 0o|den /ge ||ke
never oelore.
/ddress. |a|versLraaL 92 & S|nL |uc|ensLeeg 27
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom I0.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.amsLerdammuseum.n|
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
Anne Frank Huis {Anne Frank House)
The /nne |rank |ouse |s Lhe h|d|ng p|ace where /nne
|rank wroLe her lamous d|ary dur|ng wor|d war ||. Now a
museum, |L recreaLes Lhe war years and ho|ocausL.
uoLaL|ons lrom Lhe d|ary, phoLographs, l|ms and or|g|na|
oo,ecLs oe|ong|ng Lo Lhe peop|e |n h|d|ng and Lhose who
he|ped Lhem a|| serve Lo |||usLraLe Lhe evenLs wh|ch
occurred aL Lh|s |ocaL|on. /nnes or|gna| d|ary |s on d|sp|ay
|n Lhe museum as we||.
/ddress. |r|nsengrachL 267
0pen|ng hours. Ib Sep 20I2 I4 Nar 20I3 da||y lrom 9.00 I9.00
(SaLurdays unL|| 2I.00), Ib Nar 20I3 I4 Sep 20I3 da||y lrom 9.00
2I.00 (SaLurdays unL|| 22.00), |n Ju|y and /ugusL da||y lrom 9.00
HeI GrachIenhuis
/ v|s|L Lo |eL 0rachLenhu|s (Lhe Cana| |ouse) |s Lhe
perlecL way Lo |earn more aoouL Lhe h|sLory ol
/msLerdams cana| r|ng. The museum |ooks aL Lhe
I7LhcenLury c|Ly expans|on pro,ecLs LhaL |ed Lo
/msLerdams r|ng ol cana|s wh|ch rece|ved UN|SC0 wor|d
her|Lage sLaLus |n 20I0. /lLer see|ng Lhe |nLeracL|ve
d|sp|ays, you|| |ook aL /msLerdam |n a who|e new ||ghL
when wander|ng Lhrough Lhe c|Lys sLreeLs or Lak|ng a
cana| cru|se.
/ddress. |erengrachL 386
0pen|ng hours. Tue Sun lrom I0.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.heLgrachLenhu|s.n|
LYL FiIm lnsIiIuIe NeIherIands
|l you |ove l|ms and c|nemaLography oe sure Lo v|s|L Lhe
|Y| |||m |nsL|LuLe NeLher|ands. |Y|, |ocaLed |n a new
u|Lramodern ou||d|ng a|ong Lhe |J waLerway, |s home Lo an
|nLernaL|ona||yrenowned co||ecL|on ol l|ms cover|ng Lhe
who|e h|sLory ol c|nema. The museums exLens|ve
programme |nc|udes exh|o|L|ons and evenLs exam|n|ng Lhe
h|sLory ol l|m and conLemporary c|nemaLograph|c
deve|opmenLs, and moreover screens c|ass|c and
arLhouse mov|es on a da||y oas|s.
/ddress. |Jpromenade I
0pen|ng hours. |xh|o|L|on da||y lrom II.00 I8.00, T|ckeL 0ce Sun
Thu I0.00 22.00, |r| SaL I0.00 23.00 (var|es, dependenL on Lhe
sLarL|ng L|me ol Lhe |asL screen|ng)
|nLerneL. www.eyel|m.n|
Nore |nlo. To geL Lo |Y|, Lake Lhe lree 24/7 lerry serv|ce Lo
Bu|ks|oLerweg oeh|nd /msLerdam CenLra| SLaL|on
whaL was |emorandLs ||le ||ke7 where d|d |o||ands mosL
renowned arL|sL eLch and pa|nL h|s masLerp|eces7 where
d|d Lhe mosL dramaL|c evenLs ol h|s ||le Lake p|ace7 ||nd
ouL aL |emorandLs lormer house |n /msLerdams
JodenoreesLraaL, where you can |mag|ne yourse|l |n
|emorandLs day.
/ddress. JodenoreesLraaL 4 6
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom I0.00 I8.00
|nLerneL. www.remorandLhu|s.n|
N|N0 |s Lhe |argesL sc|ence cenLre |n Lhe NeLher|ands.
w|Lh lve loors lu|| ol exc|L|ng Lh|ngs Lo do and d|scover, |L
|s Lhe perlecL p|ace lor anyone w|Lh an |nqu|r|ng m|nd.
|veryLh|ng |n N|N0 |s connecLed Lo sc|ence and
Lechno|ogy. |xh|o|L|ons, LheaLre perlormances, l|ms,
workshops and demonsLraL|ons. you w||| sme||, hear, lee|
and see how Lhe wor|d works. /lLer a v|s|L Lo N|N0, you
w||| know why or|dges are so sLrong, whaL you w||| |ook ||ke
|n 30 years, why you |ook so much ||ke your parenLs, how
Lo pur|ly waLer, whaL happens when you k|ss, how
||ghLn|ng and saLe|||Les work and much more. |n oLher
words, a day aL N|N0 |s a preLLy smarL Lh|ng Lo do'
/ddress. 0osLerdok 2
0pen|ng hours. Tue Sun lrom I0.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.enemo.n|
|oam /msLerdam exh|o|Ls a|| genres ol phoLography. |Ls a
museum w|Lh |nLernaL|ona| a||ure and a creaL|ve huo
where phoLographers can meeL and parL|c|paLe |n lorums
and sympos|ums. /|ong w|Lh |arger exh|o|L|ons ol
esLao||shed lamous phoLographers, |oam a|so exh|o|Ls
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
emerg|ng young La|enL |n sma||er shorLLerm shows.
/ddress. |e|.ersgrachL 609
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom I0.00 I8.00, Thu/|r| unL|| 2I.00
Museum of Bags and urses
Trave| Lhrough L|me, h|sLory and lash|on |n Lhe company ol
Lhe |mpress|ve co||ecL|on ol oags |n Lhe Nuseum ol Bags
and |urses. Be|ng Lhe on|y museum |n Lhe wor|d w|Lh such
an exLens|ve and spec|a||.ed co||ecL|on, Lhe Nuseum ol
Bags and |urses Le||s Lhe h|sLory ol Lhe wesLern handoag
lrom Lhe |aLe N|dd|e /ges r|ghL up Lo Lhe presenL.
/ddress. |erengrachL b73
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom I0.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.Lassenmuseum.n|
1he NaIionaI MariIime Museum
The NaL|ona| Nar|L|me Nuseum |nv|Les |Ls v|s|Lors Lo
exp|ore Lhe ways |n wh|ch our cu|Lure has oeen shaped oy
Lhe sea. Th|s can oe seen and exper|enced dur|ng Lhe
c|ar|ly|ng, sL|mu|aL|ng and |nsp|r|ng exh|o|L|ons and
perlormances. The ou||d|ng has oeen comp|eLe|y resLored
and modern|sed, Lhe courLyard now oe|ng covered oy a
g|ass rool. The 0pen ||eyn a||ows you Lo eas||y lnd your
way Lo Lhe exh|o|L|ons, aLLracL|ons, Lhe resLauranL, Lhe g|lL
shop and Lhe waLers|de Lerrace. NaLura||y, Lhe rep||ca ol
Lhe |uLch |asL |nd|a Company sh|p /msLerdam w||| oe
|y|ng aL Lhe ,eLLy aga|n.
/ddress. |aLLenourgerp|e|n I
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom 09.00 I7.00
|nLerneL. www.heLscheepvaarLmuseum.n|
Gassan Diamonds
|very day |n Lhe h|sLor|c and oeauL|lu| hearL ol
/msLerdam, rough d|amonds are Lranslormed |nLo da..||ng
,ewe|s. /nd you can exper|ence Lhe sensaL|on ol d|amond
cuLL|ng lrsLhand and v|ew every sLage ol Lhe process.
SLep |nLo Lhe exc|L|ng wor|d ol more Lhan lour cenLur|es ol
cralLsmansh|p and Lrad|L|on. |L |s sure Lo oe an
unlorgeLLao|e exper|ence.
/ddress. N|euwe U||enourgersLraaL I73I7b
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom 9.00 I7.00
House of BoIs LockIaiI & Genever Lxperience
/ v|s|L Lo |ouse ol Bo|s CockLa|| & 0enever |xper|ence |s
an unlorgeLLao|e |nLeracL|ve exper|ence ol Lhe g|amorous
wor|d ol cockLa||s and oarLend|ng. V|s|Lors lnd ouL a||
aoouL |ucas Bo|s Lhe o|desL d|sL|||ed sp|r|L orand |n Lhe
wor|d, wh|ch has oeen made |n /msLerdam s|nce Ib7b.
The Lour ends |n Lhe revo|uL|onary N|rror Bar, where
proless|ona| oarLenders m|x de||c|ous 0enever CockLa||s |n
Lhe lavour ol your cho|ce.
/ddress. |au|us |oLLersLraaL I4
0pen|ng hours. |a||y I2.00 I8.30 (|asL adm|ss|on I7.30), |r| unL|| 22.00
(|asL adm|ss|on 2I.00), SaL unL|| 20.00 (|asL adm|ss|on I9.00)
|nLerneL. www.houseoloo|
Madame 1ussauds AmsIerdam
You wonL see Lh|s many ce|eor|L|es LogeLher anywhere
e|se. |rom l|m sLars Lo sporL|ng heroes, lrom Lhe 0o|den
/ge Lo modern L|mes, naL|ona| and |nLernaL|ona| arL|sLs,
Nadame Tussauds Lru|y has someLh|ng lor everyone. who
wou|d you ||ke Lo meeL7
/re you |ook|ng lor anoLher acL|v|Ly Lo comp|eLe your day
ouL |n /msLerdam7 Then oook a como|naL|on L|ckeL w|Lh a
v|s|L Lo The /msLerdam |ungeon.
/ddress. |am 20
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom I0.00 I8.30 uur (|asL adm|ss|on aL I7.30)
|nLerneL. www.madameLussauds.n|
Heineken Lxperience
The lormer |e|neken Brewery |n /msLerdam, a naL|ona|
monumenL and ||sLed |n Lhe |uropean |ouLe ol |ndusLr|a|
|er|Lage, o1ers some 3000 square meLres ol spec|a|
exh|o|L|on space. N||||ons ol hecLo||Lres ol |e|neken oeer
were orewed here unL|| I988, when Lhe |e|neken orewery
|n ZoeLerwoude Look over producL|on lrom Lhe /msLerdam
orewer. |earn more aoouL |e|nekens r|ch h|sLory, Lhe
Lrad|L|on and cralL ol orew|ng, and Lhe peop|e oeh|nd Lh|s
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
mu|L|naL|ona| company aL Lh|s monumenLa| ou||d|ng
|ocaLed aL Lhe SLadhouderskade. 0ood Lo know. Lwo dr|nks
are |nc|uded |n Lhe adm|ss|on pr|ce'
/ddress. SLadhouderskade 78
0pen|ng hours. |a||y lrom II.00 I9.30
|nLerneL. www.he|nekenexper|
FIower markeI
The S|nge| lower markeL |s one ol /msLerdams mosL
co|ourlu| aLLracL|ons. The sma|| shops are |ocaLed |ns|de a
row ol loaL|ng oarges - a ho|dover lrom Lhe days when
lowers arr|ved |n /msLerdam every day lrom Lhe
counLrys|de oy ooaL. /L Lhe lower markeL you|| lnd Lu||ps
ol every co|our - e|Lher |n oouqueLs or as ou|os Lo p|anL aL
home. |l you p|an Lo ouy ou|os Lo Lake ouL ol Lhe counLry,
oe sure Lhey have a cusLoms c|eared sLamp on Lhe packeL
so you wonL have Lrouo|e aL Lhe oorder'
/ddress. S|nge|
0pen|ng hours. Non SaL lrom 09.00 I7.30, Sun lrom II.00 I7.30
|nLerneL. www.|
|ook|ng lor a qu|ck snack, a relresh|ng dr|nk or a romanL|c
Lhreecourse d|nner7 /msLerdam has a|| ol LhaL and more'
|rom grand cales and h|sLor|ca| waLer|ng ho|es Lo
N|che||n sLars and Lhe oesL |n seasona| produce, keep
read|ng lor L|ps on where Lo have a memorao|e mea| or
dr|nk |n /msLerdam.
|or more |nlormaL|on aoouL eaL|ng and dr|nk|ng |n
/msLerdam, |nc|ud|ng Lhe Lop I0 spoLs lor |uLch lood and
green eaL|ng, p|ease v|s|L www.|'
KiIchen & Bar van Rijn
||Lchen & Bar Van ||,n |s |ocaLed on Lhe |emorandLp|e|n |n
/msLerdam and |s |nsp|red oy Lhe oeauLy and Lhe
masLerp|eces ol |emorandL van ||,n. |n a cosmopo||Lan
aLmosphere w|Lh open k|Lchen, you can en,oy auLhenL|c
|uLch cu|s|ne lor |unch and d|nner. /L weekends Lhere us
even ||ve mus|c and a |J. ||Lchen & Bar Van ||,n |s Lhe
u|L|maLe p|ace lor a de||c|ous |unch or d|nner, a cup ol
co1ee on Lhe Lerrace and a p|ace Lo en,oy w|Lh your lr|ends
aL n|ghL'
/ddress. |emorandLp|e|n I7
0pen|ng hours. 3I 20 4b00 bbb
Nore |nlo. www.vanr|,namsLerdam.n|
CreaL|ve, dynam|c, d|verse, access|o|e, Lemporar||y and |asL
ouL noL |easL. good lood. ThaL |s whaL B/UT |s a|| aoouL.
ThroughouL Lhe day and dur|ng Lhe n|ghL, oarresLauranL
B/UT |s one ol Lhe mosL re|axed hoLspoLs |n Lown. Chel
N|ch|e| van der |erde and h|s Br|gade w||| serve you
d|shes lrom a|| over Lhe wor|d |n Lh|s Lrendy p|ace |n
/msLerdam |asL. UnL|| |ecemoer 3I, 20I4, B/UT |s open
seven days a week lor oreaklasL, |unch, dr|nks and d|nner,
ouL a|so lor arL, des|gn, mus|c and more. |n oLher words,
everyLh|ng you need lor a |ove|y n|ghL ouL'
/ddress. w|oauLsLraaL I2b
0pen|ng hours. Sun Thu lrom II.00 0I.00, |r| & SaL lrom II.00
|nLerneL. oauLamsLerdam.n|
LieI BIeu
|xper|ence heaven on earLh aL a resLauranL where Lhe
gasLronomy and persona| serv|ce w||| repeaLed|y surpass
a|| ol your expecLaL|ons. Chels 0nno |okme|,er and /r,an
Spee|man and Lhe|r Leam w||| serve you dar|ng or|g|na|
d|shes |nsp|red oy |rench cu|s|ne wh||e you Lake |n Lhe
panoram|c v|ew ol /msLerdam. / cho|ce se|ecL|on ol
c|ass|c and |nnovaL|ve w|nes comp|eLe Lh|s unpara||e|ed
cu||nary exper|ence. The resLauranL |s Lhe proud ho|der ol
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
Lwo N|che||n sLars and |s |ocaLed on Lhe 23rd loor ol
|oLe| 0kura.
/ddress. |erd|nand Bo|sLraaL 333
|hone. 3I 20 678 74b0
|nLerneL. www.c|e|o|eu.n|
The Lao|es are seL w|Lh a|| k|nds ol d|1erenL g|assware,
cuL|ery and crockery. The wa||s are l||ed w|Lh hundreds ol
lramed and unlramed p|cLures a|ong w|Lh anL|que pans,
p|aLes and o|scu|L L|ns. Noeders |s characLer|.ed oy an
|nlorma| aLmosphere and lr|end|y serv|ce and |s known lor
severa| |uLch spec|a||L|es (hachee, sudderv|ees and
sLamppoL). |or Lhose who donL wanL Lo en,oy a|| ol Lh|s,
Lhere are p|enLy ol oLher Lh|ngs Lo choose lrom Lhe
exLens|ve, |nLernaL|ona| menu.
/ddress. |o.engrachL 2bI
|hone. 3I 20 626 79b7
1he lJ-kanIine
The |J|anL|ne |s more Lhan ,usL a canLeen on Lhe |J. Th|s
sLr|k|ng and LransparenL orasser|e w|Lh |Ls laou|ous Lerrace
on Lhe N|SN haroour has ,usL aoouL everyLh|ng. |n Lhe
morn|ng you can go Lhere lor co1ee, dur|ng Lhe day you
can have a roya| |unch, |n Lhe even|ng en,oy a cockLa|| nexL
Lo Lhe lrep|ace |n Lhe |ounge and aL d|nner L|me, eaL
d|shes such as w||d sea oass, poLaLo canne||on| and ha|l
/ddress. NT. 0nd|naweg IbI7
|hone. 3I 20 633 086b
|nLerneL. www.|,kanL|ne.n|
||lLeen /msLerdam |s a |uLch resLauranL oased on Lhe
successlu| concepL ol Jam|e 0||vers ||lLeen |n |ondon.
|very year llLeen young peop|e w|Lh ||m|Led luLure
prospecLs are chosen and Lra|ned Lo oecome chels. Th|s
huge resLauranL (200 seaLs) |s seL up |n a lormer
warehouse and serves modern Ned|Lerranean d|shes.
||lLeen has an a |a carLe menu w|Lh |ove|y d|shes such as
anL|pasL|, homemade pasLas and greaL desserLs.
/ddress. Jo||emanhol 9
|hone. 3I 20 b09 b0Ib
|nLerneL. www.llLeen.n|
1he LuIinaire werkpIaaIs
|e Cu||na|re werkp|aaLs (The Cu||nary workshop) |s a
nove| cook|ng and eaL|ng exper|ence |ocaLed oppos|Le
/msLerdams wesLergaslaor|ek. |L o|ends a des|gn sLud|o,
workshop, resLauranL, cook|ng sLud|o, oakery and ga||ery
w|Lh a lew oLher secreL |ngred|enLs. ||ne |n an |nlorma|
seLL|ng, p|ck up Lake away lrom Lhe de||caLessen or |earn
aoouL conLemporary cook|ng oy ,o|n|ng a workshop'
/ddress. |ann|us Scho|LensLraaL I0
|hone. 3I 6 b4 64 6b 76
|nLerneL. www.decu||na|rewerkp|aaLs.n|
Brasserie Harkema
Brasser|e |arkema |s a conLemporary vers|on ol Lhe
c|ass|c |ar|s|an orasser|e |n Lhe hearL ol /msLerdam. The
esLao||shmenL |s a p|easanL and sLy|elu| meeL|ng p|ace
where you can en,oy exce||enL mea|s and spec|a| w|nes aL
reasonao|e pr|ces. Brasser|e |arkema |s open seven days
a week, o1er|ng aL each momenL ol Lhe day a
cosmopo||Lan env|ronmenL |n wh|ch Lo |unch, Lo have
co1ee alLer shopp|ng, Lo d|ne, Lo dr|nk a ooLL|e ol w|ne w|Lh
oar snacks or Lo have supper alLer a LheaLre v|s|L.
/ddress. Nes 67
|hone. 3I 20 428 2222
|nLerneL. www.orasser|eharkema.n|
1he ancake Bakery
/ cosy pancake house |ocaLed |n a I7LhcenLury |uLch
|asL |nd|a Company cana| house aL Lhe |r|nsengrachL |n
/msLerdam. The lamous |nLernaL|ona| pancakes are
oased on var|ous d|shes lrom a|| over Lhe wor|d.
/ddress. |r|nsengrachL I9I
|hone. 3I 20 62b I333
|nLerneL. www.pancake.n|
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
Tapas resLauranL Nan.ano |s |ocaLed aL Lhe |o.engrachL |n
a oeauL|lu| monumenLa| ou||d|ng lrom Lhe year I648. The
p|ace where Lhe lamous |ucas Bo|s once sLarLed Lo d|sL||
h|s ||quors |s now Lurned |nLo one ol Lhe oesL and lnesL
Lapas resLauranLs ol |o||and. w|Lh Lhe|r exLens|ve w|ne
menu, exce||enL sangr|a, lr|end|y sLa1 and lne Lapas Lhey
have a|| Lhe |ngred|enLs lor a greaL n|ghL ouL |n
/ddress. |o.engrachL I06
|hone. 3I 20 6II 9II9
Bazar AmsIerdam
|mmerse yourse|l |n Lhe wondrous cu||nary wor|d ol
Th|s N|dd|e |asLern and NorLh /lr|can resLauranL h|des
oeh|nd Lhe doors ol an o|d church |n Lhe hearL ol |e ||,p
ne|ghoourhood ol /msLerdam. The ou.. ol Lhe /|oerL Cuyp
markeL ouLs|de carr|es over |nLo Lhe resLauranL - a v|s|L Lo |s ||ke sLepp|ng |nLo an easLern la|ry La|e.
/ddress. /|oerL CuypsLraaL I82
|hone. 3I 20 67b 0b44
|nLerneL. www.oa.aramsLerdam.n|
Brasserie FLD AmsIerdam
|n,oy Lhe |rench cu|s|ne aL Brasser|e ||0 /msLerdam.
The resLauranL |s lamous lor |Ls lru|L de mer ou1eL and
c|ass|c |rench menu. 0ysLers, |oosLer and |angousL|nes
ouL a|so escargoLs, sLeak LarLare and creme oru|ee are
a|ways |n Lhe menu. Need|ess Lo say a|| d|shes are
accompan|ed oy greaL w|nes. Brasser|e ||0 /msLerdam |s
opened da||y lor d|nner and lrom Nonday Lo |r|day lor
|unch as we||.
/ddress. /msLe|sLraaL 9
|hone. 3I 20 809 47b7
wheLher youre alLer soak|ng up Lhe aLmosphere ol a
Lrad|L|ona| |uLch orown cale, |oung|ng |n a c|Ly |uxur|ous
grand cale, en,oy|ng a summer dr|nk on one ol Lhe c|Lys
many Lerraces or check|ng ouL Lhe Lhr|v|ng oar scene,
/msLerdam |s Lhe perlecL p|ace Lo en,oy a L|pp|e.
|or more |nlormaL|on aoouL Lhe oesL oars, cales, Lerraces
and cockLa|| oars, v|s|L www.|
XIraLoId lceBar
The name says |L a||. everyLh|ng |n Lhe XLraCo|d |ceBar |s
made ol |ce. The wa||s, Lhe oar, Lhe couch, Lhe lrep|ace
and even Lhe g|asses' when enLer|ng Lhe cale, you are
g|ven spec|a| c|oLh|ng Lo cope w|Lh Lhe |cy co|d
LemperaLure. The oeauL|lu| |ce scu|pLures oy wor|dlamous
arL|sLs prov|de Lhe u|L|maLe |ce exper|ence.
/ddress. /msLe| I94I94
|hone. 3I 20 320 b700
|nLerneL. www.xLraco|
Grand Lafe Dvidius
Cale and orasser|e 0v|d|us |s |ocaLed |n Lhe very hearL ol
/msLerdam, c|ose Lo Lhe |oya| |a|ace, |ns|de Lhe |uxur|ous
shopp|ng ma|| Nagna ||a.a. The ou||d|ng daLes lrom
I89b and |s /msLerdams lormer ma|n posL oce. |L |s
||sLed among Lhe Lop I00 mosL |mporLanL puo||c ou||d|ngs
lrom a cu|Lura| and h|sLor|ca| perspecL|ve, and |s an
exce||enL p|ace lor a oreak dur|ng your shopp|ng spree.
/ddress. Spu|sLraaL I39
|hone. 3I 20 620 8977
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
|nLerneL. www.ov|d|us.n|
Lafe de Jaren
Cale de Jaren |s one ol Lhe |argesL cales |n /msLerdam.
The ou||d|ng leaLures a spac|ous cale on Lhe ground loor
w|Lh an |nLernaL|ona| read|ngLao|e, a p|easanL resLauranL
w|Lh |argecho|ce sa|ad oar on Lhe lrsL loor, as we|| as a
supero cana|v|ew Lerrace.
/ddress. N|euwe |oe|ensLraaL 2022
|hone. 3I 20 62bb 77I
|nLerneL. www.calede,aren.n|
Lafe de rins
Cale de |r|ns |s Lo oe lound on one ol Lhe mosL oeauL|lu|
sLreLches ol Lhe |r|nsengrachL. /cross lrom Lhe
wesLerkerk (wesLern Church) and Lhe /nne |rank |ouse,
on Lhe edge ol Lhe Jordaan, |L |s surrounded oy h|sLory.
/|Lhough Lhe |r|ns has reLa|ned |Ls Lyp|ca| orown cale
characLer, |Ls k|Lchen has oecome one ol |Ls mosL
|mporLanL leaLures |n recenL years.
/ddress. |r|nsengrachL I24
|hone. 3I 20 6249 382
|nLerneL. www.depr|ns.n|
Hard Rock Lafe
|n Lhe cenLre ol /msLerdam you w||| lnd greaL /mer|can
c|ass|c d|n|ng and a museums worLh ol rock memorao|||a
aL |ard |ock Cale. The waLers|de oar and spec|a|Ly
cockLa||s are noL Lo oe m|ssed, ouL |Ls a|so a greaL p|ace
lor de||c|ous appeL|.ers, sandw|ches, enLrees and
mouLhwaLer|ng desserLs.
/ddress. Nax |uwep|e|n b76I
|hone. 3I 20 b23 762b
Laffe RisIreIIo
Ca1e ||sLreLLo |s |ocaLed on Lhe Lop loor ol Nagna ||a.a
Shopp|ng CenLre. The cale o1ers a greaL v|ew aL Lhe |ns|de
ol Lhe monumenLa| ou||d|ng. Bes|des many co1ee
spec|a|L|es Lhey serve a greaL var|eLy ol |unch d|shes such
as sandw|ches, soups, sa|ads and nood|es.
/ddress. N|euwe.|,ds Voorourgwa| I82
|hone. 3I 20 4227 030
|nLerneL. www.ca1er|sLreLLo.n|
roefIokaaI De AdmiraaI
|e /dm|raa| |s one ol Lhe mosL oeauL|lu|, auLhenL|c
decoraLed LasL|ngrooms ol /msLerdam. You w||| oe
surrounded oy d|sL|||ery keLL|es, o|d d|sL|||ery Loo|s and
wooden casks. |e /dm|raa| |s a n|ce p|ace Lo have a qu|eL
dr|nk or a proper mea| w|Lh spec|a| w|nes lrom Lhe
w|ne||sL. You may order a spec|a| ||quor or geneverLasL|ng
lor lr|ends or ous|nessre|aL|ons sLarL|ng lrom I0 peop|e.
/ddress. |erengrachL 3I9
|hone. 3I 20 62b 4334
|nLerneL. www.proelokaa|deadm|raa|.n|
roefIokaaI De Drie FIeschjes
/L Lhe oase ol Lhe New Church |s d|sL|||er BooL.s
samp||nghouse |e |r|e ||esch,es (I6b0). The assorLmenL
compr|ses 2I d|1erenL ||queurs and b orands ol |uLch
genever, amongsL wh|ch Lhe lamous corenw|,n. The
|nLer|or w|Lh Lhe characLer|sL|c wa|| ol vaLs and Lhe sand on
Lhe wooden loor |s auLhenL|c.
/ddress. 0ravensLraaL I8
|hone. 3I 20 6248 443
|nLerneL. www.oo|scorenwyn.n|
'I BIauwe 1heehuis
|n Lhe cenLre ol Lhe I9Lh cenLury Vonde|park |s a ou||d|ng
LhaL |ooks someLh|ng ||ke a ly|ng saucer. Cale L B|auwe
Theehu|s (B|ue Tea |ouse) |s ou||L ||ke Lhree r|ngs on Lop
ol each oLher. Th|s unusua| consLrucL|on and Lhe |arge
surround|ng Lerrace (700 p|aces) aLLracLs hoards ol
creaL|ve /msLerdam res|denLs aL Lhe lrsL ray ol sunsh|ne.
You can even en,oy yourse|l here |n Lhe w|nLer oecause ol
Lhe ouLdoor e|ecLr|c heaLers. 0n Sundays, dee,ays sp|n
|a|doack mus|c.
/ddress. Vonde|park b
|hone. 3I 20 6620 2b4
|nLerneL. www.o|auweLheehu|s.n|
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
The u|Lra cosmopo||Lan Nomo |s |n Lhe |ark |oLe| noL lar
lrom Lhe |e|dsep|e|n. The concepL has oeen very we||
researched and Lhe oesL cooks (|akassan, |onden') have
oeen oroughL |n lrom a|| over Lhe wor|d. There |s a |ounge
area Lo en,oy cockLa||s and Lhe resLauranL serves greaL
pan/s|an d|shes. Th|s corner ou||d|ng w|Lh enormous|y
h|gh w|ndows has oeen decoraLed |n such a way LhaL
/msLerdams |ncrowd and v|s|L|ng |nLernaL|ona| oeauL|es
donL |ook ouL ol p|ace.
/ddress. |oooemakade I
|hone. 3I 20 67I 7474
|nLerneL. www.momoamsLerdam.n|
The dance c|uos |n /msLerdam m|ghL lee| Loo sma|| lor
someoody who |s used Lo lashy c|uos |n NY, |/ or
|ondon. BuL Lhe c|uos |n /msLerdam can oe ,usL as
enLerLa|n|ng and comp|eLe|y cra.y. ||p, |a|doack or
soph|sL|caLed - Lhe cho|ce |s yours'
|or more |nlormaL|on and a comp|eLe overv|ew ol oars and
n|ghL||le, v|s|L www.|
Lanvas op de 7e {Lanvas on Ihe 7Ih)
|ocaLed on Lhe 7Lh loor ol Lhe lormer oce ou||d|ng ol Lhe
Vo|kskranL newspaper, Lh|s oar/c|uo/cale/resLauranL |s
characLer|sed oy an easygo|ng v|oe. Canvas |s renowned
lor |Ls a1ordao|e yeL |ush cockLa||s and a sLunn|ng v|ew ol
/msLerdam wh|ch, |n Lhe summer, can oe Laken |n lu||y
lrom Lhe spac|ous rool Lerrace.
/ddress. w|oauLsLraaL Ib0
0pen|ng hours. Non Thu lrom II.00 0I.00, |r| II.00 03.00, SaL
I2.00 03.00, Sun I2.00 0I.00
|nLerneL. www.canvas7.n|
|ocaLed |n Lhe lormer pr|nL|ng ou||d|ng ol |uLch
newspapers Trouw, |eL |aroo|, N|C and |e Vo|kskranL,
Trouw/msLerdam |s home Lo a resLauranL and one ol Lhe
c|Lys |ead|ng n|ghLc|uos. |ood, dr|nks, dance, arL and
cu|Lure meeL aL Lh|s mu|L|room, mu|L|luncL|ona| |ndusLr|a|
space |n /msLerdam |asL. |ounded |n 20I0, Trouws own
record |aoe| o1ers a creaL|ve ouL|eL lor Lhe organ|saL|ons
crew ol res|denL |Js.
/ddress. w|oauLsLraaL I27
|hone. 3I 20 463 7788
|nLerneL. www.LrouwamsLerdam.n|
/s we|| as oe|ng a n|ghL c|uo w|Lh greaL LheaLre shows, ||ve
mus|c and popu|ar c|uo even|ngs, |anama a|so o1ers a
Lrendy dance sLud|o and a caleresLauranL w|Lh a grand
Lerrace Lo Lhe souLh lor Lhose m|dsummern|ghLs.
/ddress. 0osLe||,ke |ande|skade 4
|hone. 3I 20 3II 8686
|nLerneL. www.panama.n|
|a|s|ng lrom Lhe ashes ol |egendary c|uo |T on Lhe
/msLe|sLraaL |n cenLra| /msLerdam, /||s |nLer|or has oeen
oroughL Lo ||le oy Lhe La|enLed des|gner |mag|naL|on ol
|uLchman Narce| wanders. ||s ||ve|y des|gn leaLures a
hosL ol surpr|ses and Lhe LheaLr|ca|, |nL|maLe resu|L |s a
leasL lor Lhe senses. |ach area has |Ls own sLy|e and lee|
wh|ch |ends an exLra d|mens|on Lo exp|or|ng Lhe c|uo.
/ddress. /msLe|sLraaL 24
|hone. 3I 20 824 0670
|nLerneL. www.a|r.n|
Bourbon 5IreeI
Bouroon SLreeL B|ues C|uo |s hard Lo m|ss when sLro|||ng
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
down |e|dsekru|sssLraaL, around Lhe corner lrom
|e|dsep|e|n Lhe B|ues BroLhers are danc|ng on Lhe rool.
||ve o|ues and rooLs mus|c p|ay every n|ghL ol Lhe week
w|Lh lree enLry oelore 23.00 mosL n|ghLs.
/ddress. |e|dsekru|ssLraaL 68
|hone. 3I 20 623 3440
|nLerneL. www.oouroonsLreeL.n|
1he 5ugar FacIory
The Sugar |acLory has oroughL a new concepL |nLo Lhe
/msLerdam n|ghL||le. an |nLegraL|on ol arL, mus|c, cu|Lure,
LheaLre and c|uo. Nu|L|d|sc|p||nary programm|ng or|ngs
you |nnovaL|ve parL|es, young La|enL, ||ve shows, new d|sco,
progress|ve c|uos, poeLry, dance loor ,a.., arL, o|g oands
and a creaL|ve|y moL|vaLed puo||c.
/ddress. ||,noaansgrachL 238
|hone. 3I 20 627 0008
|nLerneL. www.sugarlacLory.n|
|l you are |ook|ng lor an unusua| d|nner exper|ence |n an
unexpecLed p|ace and are noL alra|d Lo d|scover Lhe
creaL|ve corners ol your persona||Ly Lhen knock on
Supperc|uos door. |reedom |s Lhe keyword aL Supperc|uo.
|Ls a m|x ol lood, mus|c, perlormances, arL, Lhe sLa1 and...
/ddress. Jonge |oe|ensLeeg 2I
|hone. 3I 20 344 6400
|nLerneL. www.supperc|uo.n|
0ne ol /msLerdams o|ggesL and mosL popu|ar n|ghL
c|uos, s|LuaLed on Lhe ||ve|y |emorandLp|e|n, |scape |s
a|ways Leam|ng w|Lh preLLy young Lh|ngs. Nus|ca||y
speak|ng, expecL a|| popu|ar sLy|es ol dance mus|c house,
e|ecLro, Lechno and pop oy ooLh /msLerdams lnesL and
wor|dlamous |Js ||ke T|esLo, |ev|n Saunderson and Todd
/ddress. |emorandLp|e|n II
|hone. 3I 20 622 IIII
|nLerneL. www.escape.n|
|arad|so has oeen a cenLre lor pop cu|Lure s|nce Lhe
I960s. Today, alLer Lhousands and Lhousands ol concerLs,
Lhe pop venue has reached wor|dw|de recogn|L|on.
Though naL|ona| and |nLernaL|ona| pop mus|c |s Lhe
pr|mary locus, programm|ng has now oeen expanded Lo
|nc|ude oLher d|sc|p||nes such as c|ass|ca|, wor|d mus|c,
lesL|va|s and spoken word.
/ddress. weLer|ngschans 68
|hone. 3I 20 626 4b2I
|nLerneL. www.parad|so.n|
|ocaLed |n Lhe ousL||ng hearL ol /msLerdam, Lhe Ne|kweg
(N||ky way) |s one ol Lhe c|Lys |ead|ng enLerLa|nmenL
venues w|Lh Lwo ha||s, a c|nema, a LheaLre and a cale and
a var|ed ||ve programme. The Ne|kweg ooasLs Lhree
ouLsLand|ng ha||s Lo supporL |Ls var|ed ||ve mus|c
programme. The |nL|maLe 0ude Zaa| p|ays hosL Lo
upandcom|ng oands wh||e The Nax regu|ar|y we|comes
esLao||shed names. The |aLesL add|L|on |s Lhe |aoo.aa|. a
modern, mu|L|luncL|ona| ha|| connecLed Lo Lhe
SLadsschouwourg and |dea| lor seaLed concerLs.
/ddress. ||,noaansgrachL 234 /
|hone. 3I 20 b3I 8I8I
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
wheLher youre search|ng lor Lhe oesL souven|r, a un|que
v|nLage dress or Lhe |aLesL des|gner handoag, /msLerdam
has Lhe perlecL shop lor you' |unL lor anL|ques, score
some ||m|Leded|L|on Lra|ners or samp|e |oca| |uLch
de||cac|es. you can lnd |L a|| |n /msLerdam.
Bes|des Lhe ma|n shopp|ng sLreeLs Lhe |a|versLraaL and
|e|dsesLraaL, home Lo a|| Lhe shops you wou|d expecL Lo
lnd |n a |arge |uropean c|Ly ||ke |&N and Zara,
/msLerdam has a |oL Lo o1er Lo Lhe |uxury shopper.
/mongsL Lhe oesL spoLs |n Lown are deparLmenL sLore |e
B|,enkorl, shopp|ng sLreeL |.C. |oolLsLraaL w|Lh |uxury
oouL|ques and des|gner sLores and Lhe exc|us|ve shopp|ng
cenLre Nagna ||a.a. |ook|ng lor anL|ques7 V|s|L Lhe
Sp|ege|kwarL|er, w|Lh|n wa|k|ng d|sLance lrom Lhe
||,ksmuseum, or |l you are a more oudgeL consc|ous
shopper, do noL m|ss ouL on one ol Lhe ne|ghoourhood
Shops |n /msLerdam are genera||y speak|ng open every
day ol Lhe week, ouL hours vary. 0pen|ng L|mes may d|1er
s||ghL|y per shop and d|sLr|cL, ouL here are some genera|
Non, Tues, wed, |r| lrom 09.00 I8.00
Thu lrom 09.00 2I.00
SaL lrom 09.00 I7.00
Sun lrom I2.00 I7.00
||ease v|s|L www.| lor more |nlormaL|on
aoouL Lhe shopp|ng poss|o|||L|es |n /msLerdam'
De Bijenkorf
|e B|,enkorl /msLerdam |s an |nsp|r|ng, LrendseLL|ng and
dynam|c deparLmenL sLore aL |am square. |e B|,enkorl |s
Lhe mu|L|orandsLore ol Lhe NeLher|ands w|Lh |nLernaL|ona|
orands such as |ou|s Vu|LLon, 0ucc|, |ermes, |erragamo,
Buroerry, |ugo Boss, /pp|e, Nespresso, Chane| and N./.C.
CosmeL|cs. The surpr|s|ng and oreaLhLak|ng decoraL|ons |n
de B|,enkorls un|que shop w|ndows make Lhem one ol
/msLerdams rea| aLLracL|ons. ||ve LheaLre, dance and
mus|c perlormances can oe seen Lhere on a regu|ar oas|s.
0ccupy|ng 2I,000 m2, de B|,enkorl /msLerdam |s Lhe
c|Lys |argesL deparLmenL sLore. The sLore |s open seven
days a week.
/ddress. |am I
0pen|ng hours. Non II.00 20.00, Tue wed I0.00 20.00, Thu|r|
I0.00 2I.00, SaL 9.30 20.00, Sun II.00 20.00
|nLerneL. www.deo|,enkorl.n|
Magna Iaza
Nagna ||a.a means |ndoor shopp|ng p|easure |n a
h|sLor|ca| ou||d|ng, r|ghL oeh|nd Lhe |oya| |a|ace. The
lormer posL oce ol /msLerdam was ou||L oy Lhe end ol
Lhe I9Lh cenLury and nowadays |Ls an exc|us|ve shopp|ng
cenLre w|Lh more Lhan 40 orand sLores. 0pen seven days
a week.
/ddress. N|euwe.|,ds Voorourgwa| I82
0pen|ng hours. Non II.00 I9.00, Tue wed I0.00 I9.00, Thu I0.00
2I.00, |r| SaL I0.00 I9.00, Sun I2.00 I9.00
|nLerneL. www.magnap|a.a.n|
9 5IraaIjes
The Negen SLraaL,es (n|ne ||LL|e sLreeLs) |nLersecL Lhe ma|n
cana|s oeLween Lhe |e|dsesLraaL and Lhe Jordaan d|sLr|cL,
and are doLLed w|Lh greaL resLauranLs, cales, arL ga||er|es,
,ewe||ers, oouL|ques and v|nLage sLores. w|Lh an
excepL|ona| array ol sLy|es, Lrends and pr|ces, Lh|s area |s
Lru|y a shoppers parad|se.
/ddress. S|nge||r|nsengrachL
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
|nLerneL. www.de9sLraaL,es.n|
Nore |nlo. BeLween S|nge||r|nsengrachL and
.L. HoofIsIraaI
The |.C. |oolLsLraaL |s /msLerdams mosL exc|us|ve
shopp|ng sLreeL and one ol Lhe mosL lamous sLreeLs |n
The NeLher|ands. |eaLur|ng orands ||ke Chane|, |ou|s
Vu|LLon, ||NY, Nu|oerry, |a|ph |auren, Tommy |||lger
and more, Lhe sLreeL |s |ocaLed |n Lhe museum d|sLr|cL,
r|ghL nexL Lo Lhe ||,ksmuseum. N|ce Lo know. a secreL
survey ol 30 wor|dlamous shopp|ng sLreeLs ranks Lhe |.C.
|oolLsLraaL |n /msLerdam 3rd oesL shopp|ng sLreeL |n Lhe
wor|d. So head Lo Lhe |.C. |oolLsLraaL lor |uxury shopp|ng
aL |Ls oesL'
/ddress. |.C. |oolLsLraaL
|nLerneL. www.|
AIberI Luyp MarkeI
Theres no p|ace ||ke Lhe /|oerL Cuyp sLreeL markeL Lo lnd
your Lyp|ca| /msLerdam sense ol humour and |a|d oack
aLmosphere. S|nce I90b Lhe Cuyp lasc|naLes her v|s|Lors.
The /|oerL Cuyp |s s|LuaLed |n Lhe hearL ol Lhe I9Lh
cenLury quarL|er |e ||,p, /msLerdams uarL|er |aL|n.
/ddress. /|oerL CuypsLraaL
0pen|ng hours. C|osed on Sundays
|nLerneL. www.a|oerLcuypmarkL.n|
1he HaarIemmerdijk
The |aar|emmerd|,k |s a |ong, Lrendy shopp|ng sLreeL,
sLreLch|ng lrom easL Lo wesL Lowards CenLra| SLaL|on. |L |s
a ||ve|y sLr|p where you w||| lnd everyLh|ng lrom shoes,
|ndependenL |aoe|s and secondhand c|oLhes Lo spec|a|Ly
lood producLs, |nLer|or des|gn |Lems and |uLch
|nLerneL. www.|
|or Lhe v|s|Lors whove a|ready seen Lhe oeauL|lu| cana|s,
v|s|Led Lhe h|gh||ghLs, p|oneered Lhe Jordaan and goL Lhe
hang ol our neverend|ng n|ghL||le. |eres news lor you.
/msLerdam |s o|gger Lhan you Lh|nk' There |s p|enLy more
Lo exper|ence. The /msLerdam NeLropo||Lan /rea o1ers a
greaL var|eLy ol producLs and |s a sLunn|ng area LhaL
surrounds our c|Ly. The oeach Lo re|ax, shopp|ng, a d|ve
|nLo our h|sLory, or a oreaLh ol a|r |n our oeauL|lu|
counLrys|de... /|| ol Lhese aLLracL|ons are w|Lh|n reach ol an
hour us|ng puo||c LransporLaL|on'
|or more |nlormaL|on aoouL acL|v|L|es |n Lhe /msLerdam
NeLropo||Lan /rea, p|ease v|s|L
www.|||Lanarea or one ol Lhe VVV
Lour|sL |nlormaL|on cenLers |ocaLed oppos|Le CenLra|
SLaL|on, Sch|pho| /|rporL and Lhe |e|dsep|e|n.
2aanse 5chans
/ musL see |n Lhe /msLerdam NeLropo||Lan /rea |s Lhe
Zaanse Schans w|Lh |Ls Lrad|L|ona| |uLch wooden houses,
m|||s and ||LL|e shops. |ere you w||| exper|ence how
workers |n Lhe I7Lh and I8Lh cenLur|es ||ved and worked.
You|| geL an even oeLLer |mpress|on |l you v|s|L Lhe Zaans
Nuseum Loo, a museum on Lhe r|se ol |ndusLry.
/ddress. Schansend 7, Zaandam
|nLerneL. www..aanseschans.n|
Come L|pLoe Lhrough Lhe Lu||ps, adm|re Lhe amary|||s and
cru|se pasL Lhe crocuses aL Lhe |eukenhol 0ardens |n
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
||sse, Lhe wor|ds |argesL lower gardens. |rom 2I Narch
Lo 20 Nay 20I3, Lhe |eukenhol 0ardens w||| oursL |nLo a
ka|e|doscope ol co|ours as Lhe genL|y ro|||ng grounds are
carpeLed w|Lh o|oom|ng lowers.
/ddress. SLaL|onsweg I66a, ||sse
0pen|ng hours. |rom 2I Narch 20 Nay 20I3, open da||y lrom 8.00
|nLerneL. www.keukenhol.n|
|aar|em |s Lru|y a c|Ly lor lans ol a|| Lh|ngs cu|Lura|. |L has
a r|ch h|sLory w|Lh |arge churches, a caLhedra|, w|ndm|||s,
an |mpress|ve c|Ly ha|| and Lhe lamous |aar|em hol,es
(courLyards) - cosy, ca|m|ng parad|ses |n Lhe m|dd|e ol Lhe
c|Ly. |ave a dr|nk aL Lhe Jopenkerk, a
orewerycaleresLauranL |n Lhe cenLre ol |aar|em, and
donL lorgeL Lhe var|eLy ol cu|Lura| aLLracL|ons such as Lhe
|rans |a|s Nuseum and Tey|ers Nuseum. 0o on a ,ourney
ol d|scovery Lhrough Lh|s oeauL|lu| and characLer|sL|c c|Ly,
on|y Ib m|nuLes oy Lra|n lrom /msLerdam'
Nore |nlo. hLLp.//www.|||Lanarea
C|ose your eyes, oreaLhe |n Lhe lresh sea a|r and lee| Lhe
su|Lry w|nd |n your ha|r. The oeach |s Lhe perlecL p|ace Lo
geL ouL |n Lhe lresh a|r lor Lhe day' To Lhe norLhwesL ol
/msLerdam |s Lhe w|de, qu|eL oeach ol |Jmu|den. |opu|ar
w|Lh naLure|overs and peop|e |ook|ng lor a o|L ol peace
and qu|eL, as we|| as advenLurous pracL|L|oners ol
waLersporLs and sporLy h|kers are |n Lhe|r e|emenL here.
|ocaLed wesL ol /msLerdam you can lnd h|p and Lrendy
B|oemendaa|, renowned lor |Ls w|de oeaches and v|oranL
oeach cales, and ||ve|y and p|easanL ZandvoorL, w|Lh |Ls
ousL||ng oou|evard, shops, and oeauLy and we||ness sa|ons.
SL|ck a sun haL and a good oook |n your oag and re|ax
when Lhe sun |s ouL, or Lake a re|ax|ng wa|k and a oreaLh ol
lresh a|r when you are |ess |ucky, Lhere are p|enLy ol
p|aces where you can geL a hoL cocoa Lo warm you up'
|nLerneL. www.|||Lanarea
FIower aucIion FIoraHoIIand
The NeLher|ands |s Lhe |nLernaL|ona| Lrade cenLre lor
lowers and p|anLs w|Lh |Ls ep|cenLre, ||ora|o||and |n
/a|smeer, oe|ng Lhe |argesL lower aucL|on house |n Lhe
wor|d. The aucL|ons are a lasc|naL|ng s|ghL and we|| worLh
geLL|ng up ear|y lor'
/ddress. |egmeerd|,k 3I3, /a|smeer
|nLerneL. www.loraho||
Ldam, voIendam, Marken and Monnickendam
|dam, Vo|endam, Narken and Nonn|ckendam (Lhe
Sma||Lown |aroours) were once aoouL Lwo Lh|ngs. lsh|ng
and Lrad|ng. |ard|y a surpr|se, s|nce Lhe v|||ages |ay r|ghL
aL Lhe edge ol Lhe Zu|, Lhe area was |aLer
|mpo|dered and now |L |s ca||ed Lhe |Jsse|meer. |orLunaLe|y
Lhe auLhenL|c characLer ol each Lown has oeen preserved,
|nc|ud|ng Lhe|r ||ve|y haroours, wh|ch now have lu||
Lerraces, cosy eaLer|es and |uLch herr|ng carLs. w|Lh a o|L
ol |uck you|| oump |nLo a res|denL wear|ng Lhe Lrad|L|ona|
cosLume, or Lry one on yourse|l' |n shorL, Lhese 0|d |uLch
lsh|ng v|||ages are |uLch lo|k|ore Lhrough and Lhrough.
|nLerneL. www.|
wou|d you ||ke Lo know more aoouL how ||evo|and was
creaLed7 Nuseum N|euw |and (New |and) |n |e|ysLad Le||s
Lhe sLory ol Lhe greaLesL |mpo|der|ng pro,ecL ol a|| L|me.
|e|ysLad |s ||evo|ands cap|La| c|Ly and |s known
LhroughouL Lhe wor|d lor Lhe BaLav|awerl (BaLav|a wharl),
where a reconsLrucL|on ol Lhe |uLch |asL |nd|a Companys
sh|p BaLav|a lrom I628 can oe v|ewed a|| year round. |l
you are |n lor shopp|ng, |e|ysLad has enough Lo o1er w|Lh
shopp|ng ouL|eL BaLav|a SLad, or v|s|L Lhe Narkermeer or
|Jsse|meer (|akes) when youre |n lor some waLeroased
|nLerneL. www.|||Lanarea
ForIress 5IreIch
Ned|aeva| lorLresses w|Lh Lhe|r r|ch h|sLory, green c|Ly
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
wa||s and conv|v|a| aLmosphere. around /msLerdam |L
Leems w|Lh enchanL|ng lorL|led Lowns. Take a wa|k over
o|d Lown ramparLs or a peek |nLo Lhe ||le ol CounL ||or|s V,
who had Lhe casL|e Nu|ders|oL ou||L. 0eL swepL o1 |nLo Lhe
N|dd|e /ges'
|nLerneL. www.|||Lanarea
|hoLo. | |ak|m
/msLerdam /|rporL Sch|pho| |s a modern, ec|enL and
userlr|end|y a|rporL. 90 a|r||nes deparL lrom Sch|pho| Lo
over 2b0 desL|naL|ons wor|dw|de. The eas|esL and
cheapesL way Lo Lrave| lrom Lhe a|rporL Lo /msLerdam |s
oy Lra|n. Th|s Lakes aoouL 20 m|nuLes Lo Lhe CenLra|
SLaL|on and Lra|ns deparL aL |easL every Ib m|nuLes. The
Lra|n sLaL|on aL /msLerdam /|rporL Sch|pho| |s |ocaLed
d|recL|y oe|ow Lhe a|rporL. T|ckeLs (oneway 0 3,90) are lor
sa|e aL Lhe NS serv|ce desk or L|ckeL mach|nes.
Tax|s Lo Lhe c|Ly cenLre cosL aoouL 0 42 and can Lake a
wh||e, depend|ng on Lrac.
|hone. 3I 20 794 0800
|nLerneL. www.sch|pho|.n| / Tra|ns. www.ns.n|
ubIic 1ransporI
|L goes w|LhouL say|ng LhaL v|s|Lors Lo /msLerdam wanL Lo
make Lhe mosL ol Lhe|r sLay and see as much as poss|o|e.
|uo||c LransporL |s Lhe perlecL way Lo v|s|L a|| aLLracL|ons
and Lo exp|ore Lhe c|Ly. V|s|Lors arr|v|ng oy car are adv|sed
Lo park Lhe car aL Lhe || s|Les aL Lhe c|Ly ||m|Ls (0 8 / 24
hours, |nc|. max. b puo||c LransporL L|ckeLs) and Lo use
puo||c LransporL.
|n /msLerdam, I6 Lram ||nes, bb ous ||nes, b (lree) lerry
connecL|ons and 4 meLro ||nes Lake you Lo a w|de range ol
desL|naL|ons LhroughouL Lhe c|Ly. The mosL conven|enL
LransporL L|ckeL |s a 0VB 24/48/72/96 0V ch|p card.
These L|ckeLs enL|L|e ho|ders Lo LransporL on a|| 0VB ||nes,
|nc|ud|ng Lhe n|ghL ouses, and are ava||ao|e aL 0VB T|ckeLs
& |nlo and Lour|sL oces. |r|vers and conducLors a|so se||
Ihour (0 2,80) and 24hours (0 7,b0) d|sposao|e 0V ch|p
cards on Lrams and ouses.
|nLerneL. www.gvo.n|
Tax|s can oe handy when Lrave|||ng Lo and lrom Lhe
a|rporL, |aLe aL n|ghL when Lhe Lrams have sLopped runn|ng
or when youre runn|ng |aLe. |epend|ng on Lhe Lrac
dur|ng peak L|mes however, puo||c LransporL may geL you
Lhere even qu|cker. JusL ha|| a Lax| (ouL p|ease noLe LhaL
Lax|s cannoL sLop anywhere Lhey ||ke), or caLch one aL Lhe
des|gnaLed caosLands near Lour|sL hoLspoLs such as |am
square, |e|dsep|e|n and Lhe |emorandLp|e|n.
|hone. 3I 20 777 7777
|nLerneL. www.LcaLax|.n|
/L Lhe ma|n posL oce, you can phone, lax and ouy maps
and sLamps, |n add|L|on Lo Lhe usua| serv|ces. 0pen|ng
hours. Nonday |r|day 07.30 I8.30, SaLurday 07.30
09.30. SLamps can a|so oe ooughL |n mosL shops.
/ddress. S|nge| 2b0
|nLerneL. www.posLn|.n|
|harmac|es (|n |uLch. apoLheek) are usua||y open Nonday
Lhrough |r|day, lrom 09.00 Lo I7.30. /L n|ghL and |n Lhe
weekends Lhere |s a|ways some pharmacy open on a
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19
roLaL|ng sh|lLs. To lnd ouL wh|ch pharmacy |s open, ca|| a
cenLra| numoer lor pharmac|es (|nlormaL|e d|ensLdoende
|hone. 3I 20 b92 33Ib
Ca|| 3I 20 b70 9b9b lor 24hour denLa| care.
CounLry code. 3I
/rea code. 020
220 V
Euro, 1t = 100 cenIs
De Te|egraaI
HeI Paroo|
NRL Hande|sb|ad
Lmergency numbers
1ourisI informaIion
Noord-Zuld Ho||ands KoIIlehuls
Address: SIaIlonsp|eln 10
Mon-Wed 09.00-18.00
Thu-SaI 09.00-19.00
Sun 09.00-1T.00
Schlpho| AlrporI, Ho||and TourlsI lnIornaIlon
Dal|y 0T.00-22.00
Leldsep|eln-AUB TlckeIshop
Te|: +31 20 201 88 00
Open dal|y
DesIlnaIlon: AnsIerdan
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2013-04-19

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