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666) IPH POjUel Numerical Method: Using MATLAB Third Edition John H. Mathews: California State Universi Fullerton Kurtis D. Fink Northwest Missoun State Universit Hagskoten i Vestioic Bubliotwket - Borre Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NI O7458 Contents 2a 22 23 24 25 ul Preface vii Preliminaries Review of Calculus 2 Binary Numbers 13 ror Analysis 24 ‘The Solution of Nonlinear Equations fx=0 40 eration for Solving x = g(x) 4 Bracketing Methods for Locating a Roct $1 Initia Approsimation and Convergeme Ctiteia 02 Newion-Raphson and Scan Meshads 70 ‘Althe’s Process and Stffensen's and Malie’s Metiogs (Uptoraly 0 The Solution of Linear Systems AX =B 101 Invevvction ‘a Veer and Maircns 207 costes 32 Properies of Vectors and Matrices /09 35 UpperiangularLinet Systems 120 3A Gauisian Elimination and Photing 125 35 ThangularFactoriason [47 36 Meratve Methods for Linear Systems 150 7 teraunn tor Nontisear Systems; Seidel and Neoton's Method (Options!) 167 Yoterpolation and Polynomial Approximation 186 4.1 Tavlor Series und Caleulation of Functions 187 42 Inodetion to Interpolation 199 43 Lagrange Approximation 206, 4 Newioe Polymouials 229 45 Chebyshev Potwmomsials(Ontional) 230 4 Padé Approximations 243 Curve Fitting 252 5.1 Leaseaquares Lice 253 52 CurveFitung 263 53 Interpolation by Spine Funstions 279 $4 ounerSeries and THgonomeisc Polynomials 297 Numerical Differentiation 370 61 Approximating The Desvatve 317 62 Numerica Differentiation Formulas 329 Numerical Integration 342 11 nraduction Quadrature 543 12 Composite Tapezoidl ana Simpsoe's Rule 354 73 Recunive Rules and Romberg Integration 268 TA Acaptive Quadrature 382 75 Gauss-Legendee Integration (Optional) 389 contests 8 81 on 92. 9a 94 95 vo 98 99 he 2 to 102 103 11 a U2 3 ne Numerical Opti Minimization of ¢ Funesion 400 Solution of Differential Equations 426 Invoduetion o Differential Equations 427 Evier's Method 423 Heun's Method 443 Taylor Series Method 450 Runge-Kutta Methods 458 redictor-Corrector Methods 474 Systems of Differertia! Eqeations 487 Boundary Velue Problems 497 Finite-tiffereace Method 505 Soiution of Partial Differential Kquations = 5/4 Hypesboiic Equations 516 Parabolic Equasions 526 Elliptic Equations 53 igenvalues and Eigenvectors 555, Homogeneous Systems: The Bigenvalue Problem $56 Power Method 568 Jaeobi's Methed 987 Figenvaluecif Symmetric Matriows S04 Appendix: An Introduction to MATLAB 608 Some Suggested References for Reports 616 Bibliography and References 619 Answers to Selected Exercises 631 Index 655 Preface ‘This book srovides a fundamental introduction to numerica: analvsis suitable for ur

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