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Luminosos de obstculos de baja intensidad
Conformidad con las Normas OACI: Anexo 14, Volumen I, Apartado 6.3 STNA Luz de Obstculo de Baja Intensidad. El balizamiento luminoso de los obstculos est destinado a reducir el peligro para las aeronaves sealizando la presencia de tales obstculos. Los objetos en superestructura, fijos o mviles, deben sealizarse cuando se encuentren en determinadas situaciones susceptibles de provocar riesgo de colisin en las proximidades de los aeropuertos o helipuertos que se utilizan de noche. Fuera de los espacios cercanos a un aeropuerto, puede ser necesario para sealizar los obstculos de gran altura que sobresalen en una zona de circulacin de aviones o de helicpteros, como por ejemplo antenas de radio, chimeneas o lneas de alta tensin. Las instrucciones relativas a estas obligaciones pueden obtenerse de las autoridades aeroportuarias o de los servicios locales de navegacin area. Las recomendaciones mnimas en trminos de balizamiento de los obstculos estn contempladas en el Anexo 14, Volumen I, Apartado 6.3 de la OACI. De acuerdo con tales recomendaciones, los obstculos deben sealizarse utilizando luces de color rojo de baja intensidad. - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310


Verde ref. DC10XXX Amarillo ref. DC10XXX Rojo ref. DC10XXX Azul ref. DC10XXX Blanco ref. DC10XXX

ref. DC10XXX

Balizas pequeas LED

Balizas para Helipuertos
Usado para sealizacin del permetro de pista de aterrizaje y localizaciones donde puede haber transito frecuente de, aviones, aeronave, vehculos de mantenimiento, ect. Caractersticas - Construido en aleacin de aluminio. - La prueba de presin asegura su proteccin de la humedad. - Extraccin del prisma y reemplazo sin necesidad de pegamentos ni selladores. - La ptica preenfocada simplifica el mantenimiento. - Acabado anodizado resistente a la corrosin. - Disponible en 12-24 VDC. - Reemplazo directo. - Disponible para aplicaciones no aeroportuarias, como iluminacin arquitectural con LED. Especificaciones - Perfil bajo: 10mm. - Excede los requerimientos fotomtricos L-861 cuando se usa a media potencia sealizando la pista de aterrizaje. - Disponible para aplicaciones en carretera. - Dimetro 203mm: Peso neto 3kg. - Bajo consumo, menos de 8W. - Bajo mantenimiento (vida til estimada del led 50.000h). - Puede ser usada en 120V/240V, 50Hz/60Hz. - Fuente de alimentacin incluida.

RoHS - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310


ref. DC10XXX

Radio Control VHF

Unidad de radio control para helipuertos

ref. DC10XXX

Unidad de radio control para activacin de circuitos de balizamiento desde el helicoptero mediante pulsos en el micrfono de la emisora FM. El controlador es apto para el uso con Reguladores de Corriente Constante o Sistemas de Tensin Constante. El balizamiento se activa a distancia por el piloto del helicptero mediante pulsos en el microfono de la emisora. 3 pulsos en 5s para activar un circuito, 5 pulsos para activar un segundo circuito y 7 pulsos para un tercero (modelo RC3 para comando de tres circuitos). Si se acta sobre un Regulador de Corriente Constante estos tres rels variarn los tres niveles de brillo. Si se acta sobre un Sistema de Tensin Constante cada rel puede gobernar un sistema de luces diferente, tal como luces de pista, rodaje, etc. Al tercer pulso se cierra el primer rel, el quinto pulso se cierra el segundo rel y al septimo el tercero. El temporizador interno apagar el balizamiento despus de quince minutos. Se puede pulsar en cualquier momento de esos quince segundos el micrfono con la secuencia correcta para reiniciar el ciclo de quince minutos. El modelo con un nico rel, RC1, funciona de un modo similar sobre un nico circuito. La unidad de radio control se suministra sintonizada para recibir la frecuencia a definir por el usuario, entre 118 y 136 Mhz, normalmente canal 122,8 Mhz. Caractersticas - Versiones: RC1, un circuito; y RC3, tres circuitos. - Frecuencia:118.00 a 136.00 Mhz. - Envolvente. - Armario intemperie estanco NEMA 4 - Adosado pared. - Antena. - Alimentacin: 230 Vac 50 Hz. - Temperatura: -55 a +50C. - Dimensiones: Alto 305mm, Ancho 254mm, profundidad 127mm. - Peso 6,8kg.

RoHS - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

ref. DC10XXX


Verde ref. DC10XXX Amarillo ref. DC10XXX Rojo ref. DC10XXX Azul ref. DC10XXX Blanco ref. DC10XXX


Balizas elevadas
Balizas para Helipuertos
Usado para sealizacin del permetro de pista de aterrizaje y localizaciones donde puede haber transito frecuente de, aviones, aeronave, vehculos de mantenimiento, ect.
DIMENSIONES - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

Principales Ventajas - Escaso consumo: nicamente 75 W para FATO, 60 W para TLOF / Taxiway / Estacionamiento y 100 W para la aproximacin. - Alimentacin elctrica: 230 Vac 50/60 Hz. - Vida til de las lmparas: superior a 2.000 horas. - La frangibilidad del pie de la luz se conforma a las normas FAA. - Cambio de la lmpara sumamente fcil con slo desatornillar el vidrio. - El cable de alimentacin est protegido por el hecho de pasar por el interior del soporte. - Concepcin sencilla, pero slida. - De poco peso: Inferior a 1,5 kg con la lmpara. - Las luces instaladas en el suelo (sobre tubo de ruptura) pueden ir opcionalmente equipadas con un cono de balizamiento diurno. Caractersticas Tcnicas - Lmpara: Lmpara con portalmparas E27 de 75, 60 100 W. La vida til de las lmparas es superior a 2.000 horas. - Alimentacin elctrica : 230 Vac, mediante un cable de 2 x 1,5 mm. - Fotometra : El reparto y la homogeneidad se conforman al Apndice 2 del Anexo 14 de la OACI. - Color : Se obtiene por coloracin del vidrio en la masa. Las cromaticidades se conforman a las recomendaciones del Apndice 1 del Volumen I del Anexo 14 de la OACI. Factores de transicin: Azul = 0,04, Amarillo = 0,45. - Acabado: La montura est hecha de poliamida cargada de fibra de vidrio, tintada de amarillo aviacin en la masa. Los accesorios de montaje (tubo de ruptura, poste, manguito de ruptura y base trpode) son de aleacin de aluminio. Todos los muelles y tornillos son de acero inoxidable. - Altura de la luz : 250 mm (montaje sobre tubo de ruptura corto), 340 mm (montaje sobre tubo de ruptura largo), de 350 mm a 1,8 m (montaje sobre poste) y ms de 1,8 m (sobre poste abatible). - IP : 54 - Clase : 2 - Energa de choque : 5 J - Peso neto : Inferior a 1,5 kg con la lmpara Instalacin - A nivel del suelo sobre tubo de ruptura largo. - A nivel del suelo sobre tubo de ruptura corto. - Hasta una altura de 1,8 m sobre poste y manguito de ruptura. - Entre 1,8 m y 8,10 m sobre poste abatible. - Sobre cualquier soporte de seguridad que termina en un adaptador de un dimetro exterior de 60 mm.


IP54 - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

ref. DC10XXX


Verde ref. DC10XXX Amarillo ref. DC10XXX Rojo ref. DC10XXX Azul ref. DC10XXX Blanco ref. DC10XXX


Balizas elevadas
Area Perimetral
Usado para sealizacin del permetro de pista de aterrizaje y localizaciones donde puede haber transito frecuente de, aviones, aeronave, vehculos de mantenimiento, ect.
DIMENSIONES - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

Our heliport perimeter lights provide an LED based solutionto the ICAO touchdown and lift-off area perimeter style ofsteady-burning lights. The lights are currently available inblue, green, yellow, red or clear LEDs operating at 120, 240VAC or 12, 24 VDC. Each configuration is available asoriginal equipment or as direct lens/lamp field retrofit toexisting conventional light bases. This fixture may be mountedon a base plate, junction box or stake, sold separately.

- LED life rated up to 70,000 hours. - 95% less power than an equivalent incandescent light. - 5-watts power consumption. - Available in blue, green, yellow, red or clear LEDs. - Weather/corrosion resistant. - Self contained wiring compartment eliminates additionalboxes. - Resistant to shock and vibration. - Direct replacement for existing incandescent lighting. - 5 year warranty.


IP54 - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

ref. DC10XXX ref. DC10XXX

ref. DC10XXX

ref. DC10XXX


ref. DC10XXX

ref. DC10XXX

Wind Cone
ApplicationsProvides visual indication of wind direction and velocity at a location on an aireld. Wind cones are used on smaller airelds, heliports and as supplemental wind indicators near runway touchdown areas on large airelds. - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

Key Specifications - Available externally lighted, inter-nally lighted, or unlighted. - LED or halogen lamps. - The LED models feature: - 50,000 to 100,000 hour lamp life, virtually maintenance free. - Multiple lamp circuits, for im-proved reliability. - 80-90% less power consumption than halogen lamps. - A long-life LED obstruction light. - Integral power ada. - Incandescent obstruction light included on halogen-lighted models. - Size 1 (18 diameter x 8 long) wind sock. - 1.9 inch diameter steel pole, with frangible coupling at base. - One piece welded aluminum bas-ket with pre-installed bearings. - Raincaps protect the bearings from weather. - May be mounted directly to an light base, 2 inch NPT base-plate (sold separately). - The nylon sock is treated for rot, mildew, and water repellency. - Powder coat painted international orange.


IP54 - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310


PACK_01 ref. DC10XXX PACK_02 ref. DC10XXX PACK_03 ref. DC10XXX

PACKS Helicopter System Controller

General Description
LEDBITE low voltage heliport system controller is designed to provide safer and more energy efficient control of LED based heliport lighting systems, and may help buildings earn points for LEED certification. Lighting control is provided by a low voltage DC signal, which is safer than higher voltage AC control signals. This low power design allows systems to be run entirely on solar power. The controller activates the output by internal on/ off switch, or options such as an external on/off switch, photocell, programmable timer, or VHF radio control. The system is fully protected from input transients, output overload, over-voltage, and over-temperature conditions. The watertight NEMA 4 compliant enclosure and lock provides protection from adverse weather and security from unauthorized access. - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

Heliport Low Voltage LED System Benefits Safety - Low voltage DC is inherently safer than AC controlled systems. Lower Maintenance Costs - Fully integrated control and power distribution system simplifies system setup and maintenance. - The long life expectancy of LED lamps reduces the frequency of lamp replacements. Lower Power and Operating Costs - Low power LED technology reduces power consumption and operating costs. - Solar power option utilizes free renewable energy for the utmost in long term savings and environmental friendliness. Flexibility - Ability to control the system operation by various means: on/off switch, photocell, timer, and radio control. - Lights can be dimmed at night to reduce glare. Features - Low voltage DC output control. - Solar power option available. - Dimming option available - brightness control selector allows lights to be dimmed at night to reduce glare. - Universal operating voltage: 85-265 VAC, 47-63 Hz. - Simple operation: internal on/off power switch. - Optional output power capability: 150 watt (standard) or 300 watt (optional). - 100W maximum output for Solar Powered version. - Wide operating temperature range: -10C to + 55C. - Input transient protection. - Output overload and over-voltage protection. - Over-temperature shut-down protection. ref. DC10XXX - Weatherproof NEMA 4 enclosure with security lock.

Heliport System Controller Options

Photocell Option Use of a photocell is recommended for dusk-to-dawn control of operations of non-solar-powered systems. Photocell is supplied in a UL stabilized high-impact polypropylene housing which contains the cadmium sulfide light sensitive element. Surge protection is provided by a metal oxide varistor rated at 320 joule. It turns on at 1-3 foot candles, has a minimum rated life of 5,000 operations, and an operating temperature range of -40F to 170F. Measures 3.07 diameter by 2.15 high. Programmable Timer Option The programmable timer option is recommended for precise control of operating times. The programmable timer is a 12 hour, 8 event clock based timer. Multiple on/off times may be programmed into the timer. Each day can be programmed with its own unique timing pattern. An internal battery is capable of maintaining the clock and program memory for up to 3 months without external power. - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

ref. DC10XXX

Radio Control Option w/wo Remote Antenna The radio control option allows activation of lighting by pilots as they approach the heliport. Pilots may control the lighting with key clicks from their AM transceiver over the VHF aircraft frequency band. System features include a 5 mile minimum operating range (depends on antenna height and a clear line of sight), user selected operating frequency (factory set between 118.0 and 137.0 MHz in 25 KHz increments), optional response settings (system may be set to respond to 3, 5, or 7 clicks), and adjustable activation duration (user programmable from 1 to 35 minutes in 1 minute intervals). The standard version includes an antenna which mounts on the controller enclosure. The receiver with remote antenna option comes with an antenna, antenna mount, 30 RG58 cable, and surge suppressor. Dimming Option With the dimming option, the lights can be dimmed at night to reduce glare. Three brightness levels can be selected. Radio Controlled Dimming Option The Dimming Radio Controller allows pilots to control light intensity by clicking their microphone on and off over the VHF aircraft frequency band. Pilots can reduce glare and adjust system brightness by selecting from low (3 clicks), medium (5 clicks) or high intensity (7 clicks) which provides 25%, 50%, or 100% output as they approach the heliport. System features include a 5 mile minimum operating range (depending on antenna height and line of sight), user selected operating frequency (factory set between 118.0 and 137.0 MHz in 25 KHz increments) and adjustable activation duration (user programmable from 1 to 35 minutes in 1 minute intervals). Power Option The standard model supplies up to 150 watts of power and is capable of controlling most small heliport lighting systems. For larger heliports, the power option may be added, extending the output power capability to 300 watts.
Solar Power Option The solar power option equips the system to run with free, renewable energy from the sun. Unprecedented in the industry, this green feature is the ideal long-term investment. Ongoing savings afforded by utilizing solar energy are calculated over the lifetime of the installation. The maximum output power is 100 watts, which will drive up to 16 LED fixtures. - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

Heliport Low Voltage LED System Packages

Elevated Low Voltage LED System - Improved safety: low voltage DC operation. - Easy installation. - Lowered maintenance: LED life expectancy exceeds 50K hours. - Lowered operating costs: low power LED technology.

Inset Low Voltage LED System Safety: low voltage DC operation. Knockdown proof: low profile, used in high traffic areas. Easy installation.

- Lowered maintenance: LED life expectancy exceeds 50K hours. - Lowered operating costs: low power LED technology.

Inset Low Voltage Dimming LED System - Safety: low voltage DC operation. - Knockdown proof: low profile, used in high traffic areas. - Dim lights at night to reduce glare - select from three brightness levels.

- Lowered maintenance: LED life expectancy exceeds 50K hours - Lowered operating costs: low power LED technology.


IP54 - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310


Verde ref. DC10XXX Amarillo ref. DC10XXX Rojo ref. DC10XXX Azul ref. DC10XXX Blanco ref. DC10XXX

Read the Right Glide Slope

The heliport approach path indicator (CHAPI) provides the pilot with a safe and accurate glide slope on final approach to the helipad. A row of CHAPI light housing assemblies (LHAs) placed perpendicular to the approach path are seen by the pilot in combinations of red, green, and white to indicate a path that is too high, too low or correctly on slope. The CHAPI system has a filter inserted between the white and red filters of each lens to provide a 2 wide green sector that, when visible from both units, signals the proper glide slope angle of 6. Angle deviations that are too high show one or two white lights, and those that are too low show one or two red lights.

Configuration Options

The CHAPI uses only two LHAs and provides simplified glide slope information. The CHAPI can be configured to read white/green/red for use on heliports. The LHAs use either 2 lamps (ZA757) or 3 lamps (ZA737). The 3 lamp configuration permits normal operation with one lamp out.

Power Options

Three energy styles are available: Style A operates from a 240VAC (120V is also available), single phase, 60 Hz power supply. 120V and 50Hz are also available. Style B is current powered and operates on 6.6 amp series circuits from an L828 constant current regulator. Lamp brightness is controlled by the output setting on the regulator. Style C is a 48V system powered by auto batteries. This style is of particular value on remote airstrips where it would be uneconomical to bring in power lines.

Operating Conditions

CHAPIs are manufactured to meet two temperature standards: Class I for normal operation to as low as -35 C, and Class II, with lens heaters, for temperatures to -55 C. - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

Performance Advantages

- Outstanding photometric performance. Pilots say they see this CHAPI before they see any competing brand. - Four-leg design makes each light housing assembly very stable, resulting in fewer shut-downs for realignment thereby reducing maintenance and increasing airfield utilization. (EMT legs not included with domestic orders). - LED indicator identifies tilt switch circuit fault. - Quartz halogen average rated lamp life is 1200 hours! - Competitors lamps rated at only 1000 hours.

Maintenance Advantages

- Dust proof LHA is standard. Enhances lamp life, improves photometric performance and reduces maintenance cost. - No optical bench or special tools required for servicing. Special access doors speed lamp changes in the field. - Off-the-shelf lamps reduce life-cycle costs. - Circuit breaker and on/off switch in power adapter (Style A) and in each LHA (Style B) protect equipment at all times. - Extremely reliable power adapter features WAGO terminal blocks, gas-tight ferrelled connections and Teflon wire.


- Custom configured remote control uses radio modems instead of hard wiring to control CHAPIs. - Aiming device simplifies setting tilt switch and azimuth angles. - ICAO version (no tilt switch). - Field setup and alignment training by Flight Light technicians. - International packing - four 2 EMT legs per LHA with all units and hardware double boxed. - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

- Lamps: 200 W 6.6A quartz. - Frangible cast aluminum floor flange. - Tilt switch assembly. - Photo control 208-277 VAC. - Filter glass, red - ZA757/4. - Filter spring - ZA757/4. - Reflector assembly - ZA757/4. - Resistor - 25 W, 0.47 ohm (lens heater Class 2 only). - Relay, contactor / 30 amp DPDT, 240 VAC. - Tool for WAGO terminal blocks. - Timer, D-O-B adjustable - 24 VAC/DC. - Photo control base. - Precision spirit level, 6.



IP54 - Avda. Central, 4 - 28120 (Algete) MADRID - Tel. 916 523 310

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