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Trabajo de revisin bibliogrfica

Integrantes Madelaine FLORES Fiorella HERMOZA Claudia PUENTE Henry OROPEZA U20113651 U201120873 U201115684 U201120933

Abril de 2013


INTRODUCCIN En el presente texto se presentaran cuatro reseas bibliogrficas de libros relacionadas con los estudios de la Traduccin y su relevancia segn nuestra perspectiva como estudiantes de Traduccin. Cada resea esta compuesta por una pequea introduccin a la biografa del autor, seguido de la resea en s del libro, comentarios generales y las razones por las cuales cada estudiante decidi resear cada uno de los libros.

RESEA BIBLIOGRFICA 1 El primer libro es El espejo Traductolgico por Mara Calzada Prez (2007), consider conveniente resear este libro pues permite el anlisis de diversas teoras y didcticas, herramientas bsicas para nuestro aprendizaje como traductores. Adems, en este libro la autora desarrolla no solo sus ideas, sino tambin las de reconocidos traductlogos y explica con claridad sus diferentes puntos de vista de manera critica. Considero que conociendo las didcticas y teoras de la Traduccin, el estudiante puede apoyarse en ellas al momento de traducir y responder ante problemas que se puedan presentar al momento de traducir.

Mara Calzada Prez

Mara Calzada Prez es Licenciada en Traduccin por la Universidad de Granada. Realiz un master en the Theory and Practice of Literary Translation en la Universidad de Essex (Inglaterra, Reino Unido) y un doctorado en la Universidad de Heriot-Watt (Escocia, Reino Unido), con el Dr. Ian Mason. Es Investigadora Principal del Grupo de Investigacin ECPC (European Comparable and Parallel Corpora) en el que participan traductlogos de la talla de Mona Baker, Dorothy Kenny, Silvia Bernardini, entre otros. Actualmente, es Catedrtica de Universidad del Departamento de Traduccin y Comunicacin de la Universitat Jaume I de Castelln de la Plana (Espaa), desde donde coordina el proyecto bilinge: E-translating the Wikipedia/Aprendices de traduccin con Wikipedia. Como docente, lleva siendo la profesora mejor valorada del Departamento de Traduccin e Interpretacin desde que se implant un ranking de productividad en este sentido en 2007. Ha obtenido el Premio de Mejora de Innovacin Docente en 2005. Como traductora, es Premio de Traduccin Alfonso X El Sabio y publica artculos para la revista Archivos de la Filmoteca (de la Generalitat Valenciana), es co-traductora (junto con Jung Ha Kang de El Cine documental en Amrica Latina (2003) y traductora de El Lenguaje en Psiquiatra: Un Manual de Prctica Clnica (2007). En el mbito del MUTE, imparte docencia en la asignatura Metodologas y lneas de investigacin en traduccin editorial. 2

Es autora de libros como: La aventura de la traduccin 2001, El espejo Traductolgico- 2007, Transitivity in Translating- 2007. Es editora de Apropos of ideology. Translation Studies on Ideology - Ideologies in Translation Studies (2003), de dos nmeros del International Journal of Translation (2009) centrados en la metodologa de corpus - Corpus-based translation Studies y de Text and Context (2010), ste ltimo junto con Mona Baker y Maeve Olohan. Ha publicado artculos en las revistas ms prestigiosas del campo de la traductologa como en The Translator, Target, Meta, Babel, Text, Lingstica, Antverpiensia, Perspectives, etc. Autor: Mara Calzada Prez Libro: El Espejo Traductolgico. Teoras y didcticas para la formacin del traductor Editorial: Octaedro (2007) Introduccin

En este libro la autora presenta las teoras y didcticas traductolgicas, desde su perspectiva como docente de Traduccin General en la actualidad. El libro se encuentra dividido en 5 partes, en el primer captulo se resume las ideas y puntos principales a tratar en el libro. El segundo captulo cumple con una labor esencial como bien subraya la autora, la cual es oponerse a las dicotomas creadas en nuestra disciplina1, pues amenazan nuestra labor como traductores, asimismo, hace un recuento de las dicotomas ms resaltantes relacionadas tanto con la practica como la teora de la traduccin. Sin embargo, se centra solo en dos de ellas, teora/practica y Estudios Culturales/Estudios Lingsticos. En el tercer captulo, se hace un llamado a la metarreflexin de la disciplina, a travs de un anlisis de la percepcin de importantes traductlogos que han delimitado el campo anteriormente con el fin de aprender de sus reescrituras, las cuales pueden estructurase en: como parte de un todo (Nida, Hurtado Albir), de manera diacrnica (Hermans, Rabadn, Santoyo), mediante el empleo de la palabra clave (Bassnett, Hatim, Chesterman), desde posicionamientos viscerales o somticos (Newmark, Venuti), de aplicaciones eclcticas (Munday) y, compendios de reflexiones traductolgicas (Lpez Garca, Shulte y Biguenet, Chesterman, Venuti)2. En el cuarto captulo, la autora profundiza en las races tericas de su propia didctica como docente, en ella postula su propia rescritura, con el fin de desarrollar las teoras que han marcado sus pensamientos pedaggicos. Aqu plantea que, el estudio de nuestra disciplina se ha desarrollado desde al menos 9 focalizaciones o perspectivas distintas: focalizacin en la lengua; en la naturaleza comunicativa de los textos; en la finalidad de la comunicacin mediante textos; en el vnculo entre traduccin y cultura meta; en la nueva tica traductora; en el traductor como ser racional y emocional; en corpus traductores; en el metalenguaje y la autocrtica, y de naturaleza hbrida. El quinto captulo desarrolla las evoluciones de las teoras y didcticas en el mbito Traductolgico a travs de su experiencia como docente y las relaciona con las nueve focalizaciones desarrolladas en el captulo cuatro. Finalmente, la autora seala el beneficio que se producira en cursos de
1 2

Cfr Calzada 2007: 12 Cfr Calzada 2007: 12

Traduccin e Interpretacin, si estos no fomentaran la dicotoma o integrismos unitarios y sino que la practica traductora se desarrolle de una manera hbrida. Captulo 2: Reflexiones en torno a dos dicotomas traductolgicas

Este captulo inicia con una breve referencia a los autores Basil Hatim e Ian Mason y su libro Discourse and the Translator , siendo este uno de los libros que para la autora ha causado gran influencia en su forma de concebir la teora y la didctica de la Traduccin, ya que desarrolla con mayor prudencia diversos temas de gran relevancia en el mundo de la traduccin y brinda un mayor acercamiento a las diversas formas de entender la tarea de traducir. Este captulo, adems, deja en claro el punto de vista de la autora, el cual se opone a las dicotomas clsicas formadas en torno a los estudios Traductolgicos, ratificando tambin de este modo, la posicin de los autores antes mencionados en su libro Unity in diversity3 . Asimismo, desarrolla y analiza con mayor amplitud dos de las dicotomas sealadas, teora/practica y Estudios Culturales/Estudios Lingsticos. El primero, se apoya en la opinin de algunos autores como Hatim y Mason, Julio Csar Santoyo o Luz Mery Arrojo, las cuales se resumen con la concepcin de que ambas teora y prcticas se encuentran entrelazadas, seala tambin, una verdad muy cierta que las teoras bien pueden provenir de la practica, pues en la mayora de los casos surgen de esta, se nutren y desarrollan, debido a la influencia de muchos de nuestros actos como traductores. El segundo nos presenta afirmaciones de Mona Baker, Susan Bassnett, Lawrence Venuti o Antoine Berman, los cuales concluyen con la concepcin de que nuestra disciplina no puede ser reducida a dos simples mbitos, puesto que esta es muy amplia y seria absurdo querer reducirla a esto. Con esto la autora concluye con la recomendacin de revisar y aprovechar los contornos tericos de la traduccin con el fin de ligarlos, con los avances didcticos, para de este modo lograr una mayor reflexin en las aulas de Traductologa y traduccin. Conclusin

Mi opinin acerca del captulo ledo es que considero la posicin de la autora muy correcta, pues si bien el mundo de la traduccin se encuentra llena de dicotomas, ests en lugar de ser vistas como campos en constante diferencia y oposicin deben ser usados de manera que ambos logren consolidarse y complementarse. En el caso explicito de la dicotoma formada por la teora y la practica, considero que ambos son imprescindibles entre ellos, pues como Albert Ribas menciona La practica, a su vez, solo puede ser eficaz si se articula en una teora, frase que ratifico, pues la practica y teora se interrelacionan siendo esta ltima la responsable de la creacin de nuestra disciplina. Con respecto a los Estudios Culturales/Estudios Lingsticos, algo que comparto con la autora es que no se puede tratar de reducir a dos grandes bloques una disciplina con distintos matices y riquezas, pues esta es esencialmente interdisciplinaria y en este caso considero que se debera buscar la relacin entre estas dicotomas mas que su diferencia.

Cfr Calzada 2007: 16

RESEA BIBLIOGRFICA 2 Professor Christina Schffner She studied English and Russian at Leipzig Univeristy, Germany. After completion of her PhD, she worked briefly at Leipzig University, teaching English language, translation and interpreting. From 1982 till 1992, she was the head of a research team at the Saxon Academy of Arts and Sciences at Leipzig, which conducted research in the fields of political vocabulary, text linguistics and translation studies. Since 1992, she has been at Aston University where she has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in translation studies, interpreting, text analysis and has supervised PhD students in these areas. For several years, she has been a member of the international CETRA staff (annual summer school for PhD students in translation studies), and was CETRA chair professor in 2011. She is responsible for one of the four sub-projects of the Marie Curie initial training network TIME (Translation Research Training: an integrated and intersectoral model for Europe) established with support from the European Commission. She was the chair of the organising committee of the 6th International Critical Link conference, held at Aston University from 26-30 July 2010. Books SCHFFNER, C and BASSNETT, S. (eds) (2010). Political Discourse, Media and Translation. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. SCHFFNER, C. (ed) 2004. Translation research and Interpreting research: Traditions, gaps and synergies. Multilingual Matters, Clevedon. CHILTON, P and SCHFFNER, C (eds) 2002. Politics as Text and Talk. Analytic Approaches to Political Discourse. (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 4) Benjamins. Amsterdam and Philadelphia. SCHFFNER, C (ed) 2002. The role of discourse analysis for translation and translator training. Multilingual Matters, Clevedon. SCHFFNER, C with WIESEMANN, U. 2001. Annotated texts for Translation: Functionalist approaches illustrated (English-German). Multilingual Matters, Clevedon. SCHFFNER, C and ADAB, B (eds) 2000. Developing Translation Competence. Benjamins. Amsterdam and Philadelphia. SCHFFNER, C (ed) 1999. Translation and Norms. Multilingual Matters. Clevedon.

Author: Christina Schffner Title: Translation research and Interpreting research: Traditions, gaps and synergies Publisher: Multilingual Matters (2004) The prologue in the first two pages reinforces the wrong concept many people have about the terms translation and interpreting. Even though some of them are aware of the main trait that differences translation and interpreting (translation deals with written texts while interpreting with oral speech), this is still a general idea. After further research, these two concepts are explained in more detail. For instance, the role of the Time Factor which is crucial when it comes to translate and interpret (translation takes more time and could have as many attempts as the translator needs before finishing it). The skills required for being a translator and an interpreter are different as well. Also, it is mentioned the fact that both translation and interpreting are considered interchangeable and that the translation work is not valued enough just because translators are not visible at the moment they translate. Only few interpreters have the fortune to be taken into account if they are next to a very important person. However, translation and interpreting have common features too. They share the label of mediated communication or language mediation. From this point, many questions are presented referring to a specialized research that could explain translation and interpreting. According to Daniel Gile4, interpreting as an activity is older than translation but translation has been used more times as a research topic and has more written material than interpreting. In addition, Translation Studies (TS) has a short time of existence as a discipline. Apart from this, when it comes to topics, translation has a wide variety such as linguistic aspects, textual features, cultural issues among others. As a consequence, the notion of translation changes from the language mediation notion mentioned before. On the other hand, the initial research of interpreting was the conference interpreting which occurs simultaneously and is focused on the interpreting process, but now other forms of interpreting (community interpreting) are receiving more attention. Then Giles claims that both translation and interpreting have to work together because, despite the differences between them, they have much in common. For other authors (Miriam Shlesinger5, Franz Pchhacker6, Andrew Chesterman7), this idea is counter-productive though. For most of them, translation and interpreting are part of Translation Studies. In other words, they are considered as sub-disciplines. Actually, Translation Studies covers both modalities (written and oral), but sometimes there might be confusion at the moment when somebody tries to use the term translation with reference to the written mode or the sense in general. In other languages, this could be avoided.
4 5

Daniel Gile is a prolific author on interpreting. He is graduated from the Universit Lumiere Lyon 2 in France. Miriam Shlesinger is a published author and a translator. 6 Franz Pchhacker is an Associate Professor of Interpreting Studies at the University of Vienna. 7 Andrew Chesterman was a Professor of Multilingual Communication in the University of Helsinki.

Overall, Translation Studies is still a young discipline with a lot of potential to emerge as an own field of study. It is irrelevant to judge it if it is just one or two separated disciplines. Along with new forms of research, the partnership between translation and interpreting will help to improve the development and knowledge of Translation Studies. Chapter 10 This chapter is based on a special methodology capable of bringing together the areas of research of both translation and interpreting despite of their differences. But first, before getting deeper, the author mentions the concept of research methodology which is related with the process of research itself. This research process has eight stages which involves all the levels of research (conceptual, methodological and analytical). The conceptual level is where all starts. At this level the researcher begin to ask himself how to solve the specific problem or ask a question and then he eventually gets a hypothesis. Moving on to the methodological level once the hypothesis is obtained; the research has a point of start and can rely on it. It must include all the required details to the proper study. This is when data has to be collected in a systematic way in order to continue with the research. After the data is gathered, it must be analyzed in an objective and systematic manner. In that way, the research will end in a conclusion which has to lead back to the first level (conceptual). The negative effect of this might be the fact that the conclusion could require another hypothesis. The advantages of using this methodology into the field of translation and interpreting are really helpful. For instance, it would allow translators and interpreters to work closely as a team. This means a common research between translators (share and comparison of ideas) However, there are also negative consequences if this methodology is applied. One of them is the lack of training in research in the translation and interpreting disciplines. As a result, it would make complicated the research process for academics, especially at the moment of engaging the levels of research. In addition, another factor is the uncertain academic status which translation and interpreting have. The only way to find out if this is true or not is by doing as much amount of researches as possible.

RESEA BIBLIOGRFICA 3 I've chosen this book (Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and The Meaning of Everything), because its explain is very easy to understand, and the author added many interesting examples about troubles of translating and the different point of view of cultures or languages. On the other hand, I elected David Bellos, because is a great writer with many awards about translating. Additionally, the chapter three is relevant, because are questioning us if we can have an exact translation, and he shows us the important of know more about the view of the other cultures and the origin of some problems that we can have if we think that we can translate all.

David Bellos

He is an English-born translator and biographer. He is the director of the program in Translation and Intercultural Communication at Princeton University, where he is also a professor of French and comparative literature. He has won many awards for his translation, including the Man Booker International Prize for translation. He received the Prix Goncourt for his biography of Georges Perec and also written biographies of Jacques Tati and Romain Gary.

Author: David Bellos Tittle: Is That a Fish In Your Ear? Translation and The Meaning of Everything Review: Chapter three - Why Do We Call It Translation? Great Britain, Penguin Books, 2011
Prologue Review David Bellos tells us a little about when he start his passion about translating, he says that all start when his fellow doesnt want to teach translation about something he dont know, and perpetuate an academic tradition when it is not the same this days. David starts his adult life trying clear up in his books what is? What can we learn from translation? What do people mean when they offer opinions and precepts about the best way to translate? and so on. This book doesnt try to tells us how translate just show us what translating does. Chapter Review In this chapter three, the author, David Bellos, is talking about every possible problem of the work of translation, and tackles all the doubts and criticisms of the concept head on. Also, he tries to explain us through many example using different languages. On the other hand, the main idea here if it is the translation exists or if it is just a word. Additionally, he mentions about a big phenomenon that is causing some troubles for translators, it called the world magic phenomenon. In the first paragraph, the author mentions the difference between a translation and translation. First at all, a translation refers a product. It means any work that it was translated from someone and from one language to another. The second one, translation is a process through the translator can gets a product (a translate). Then, he mentions to English language as a standard language, it means that its linguistic variety is general hypernym, and that it doesnt have specific terms hyponym with other languages and for that reason the English language doesnt possess a facility to make new terms to give a meaningful to this languages that they dont have hyponyms. On the other hand, Bellos says on the text about the origin of the word: translation, which comes 8

from trans meaning across and latum of the verb ferret or to bear in English, those words have been an influence to create the meaning of translation in different languages. Otherwise, the chapter presents a new theme, called Word Magic, meaning of this effect hide things inside the words and make us to use it in a wrong form to create a translation. As a support we can go to know more about the influence of point of views of difference languages and cultures that it will improve our knowing and avoid mistakes in the process of a translation. At least, the writer considers the question: Does translation exist? Or is it just a word? And his opinion there is no an exactly translation (process and product). RESEA BIBLIOGRFICA 4 Escog el libro Translation Studies porque considero que es una gran ayuda para alguien que recin se inicie en este mbito ideal para nosotros como estudiantes de traduccin e interpretacin, ya que nos servira de gua en muchos problemas de traduccin que puedan presentarse.

Susan Bassnett Susan Bassnett born in England in 1945, is a translation theorist and scholar of comparative literature. Shes been ProVice-Chancellor at the University of Warwick for ten years and taught in its Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, which she founded in the 80s. She was educated in several European countries, which gave her experience of diverse languages and cultures, and began her academic career in Italy, lecturing in universities around the world. Author of over 20 books, her Translation Studies, which first appeared in 1980, has remained in print ever since and has become an important international textbook in this field. Her Comparative Literature (1993) has also become internationally renowned and has been translated into several languages. The Translator as Writer (2006) was co-edited with Peter Bush. Her book on Ted Hughes in the 'Writers and Their Work' series, was published in 2008. Translation in Global News (2008) was written with Esperanca Bielsa. Her most recent books are Political Discourse, Media and Translation (2010), co-edited with Cristina Schaeffner, and Reflections on Translation (2011). Author: Susan Bassnett Tittle: Translation Studies Translation Studies is a book that tries to reinforce the objective of the translation discipline. Furthermore, it wants to show that Translation Studies is a discipline in its

own right, not a branch of comparative literary study or a specific area of linguistics, but a vastly complex field with many ramifications. The first chapter Central Issues presents main points that translator should remind .The first one talks about language and culture. This extract depicts how translation involves the transfer of meaning contained in one set of language signs into another set of language ,this process involve extralinguistic criteria .Its relevant to take in account that each language represents a different reality . Then, there are three types of translation, according to Jakobson 8 : Intralingual translation, interlingual translation and intersemiotic translation, this author says that theres a main problem in all types, theres no full equivalence. Another point in this chapter is Decoding and Recoding, this part mentions an example of translating yes and hello into French, German and Italian, this describes a complexity involved in the context of translating. According to Jakobson 9 this would be interlingual position whereas Ludskanov 10 would call it semiotic transformation. Moreover, problems of equivalence is a section in which Neubert 11 postulates that transition equivalence must be considered a semiotic category .Equivalence results from the relation signs themselves. Loss and Gain talks about the impossibility to reach sameness between two languages. What is lost in the translation of a source text to a target text, is a frequent discussed topic. Another factor, untranslatability, on the linguistic field occurs when there is no lexical substitute. According to Catford 12 there are two types, linguistic and cultural. Finally, theres an interrogative about translation theory, it says Science or Secondary Activity? The myth of Translation as a secondary activity can be expelled when the relationship between author. Translator-reader is outlined. I think that translators and students of translation must be aware of all this factors that Susan Bassnett suggests us to consider when translating. She provides us with all the elements which are indispensable for this field in order to produce good products of translation and do not commit mistakes that are frequently when you are just introduced to this complex discipline.
8 9

. Jakobson is a linguist and literary theorist . Jakobson is a linguist and literary theorist. 10 . Alexander Ludskanov is a Bulgarian semiotician. 11 .Albrecht Neubert is writer of the book Translation in Text 12 . Catford is an Scottish linguist and phonetician


BIBLIOGRAFA Aston University (2013) Professor Christina Schffner (consulta: 27 de abril del 2013) BASSNETT, Susan (2002) Translation Studies. 3rd edition London: New Accents BELLOS, David (2011) Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything Great Britain: Penguin Books CALZADA PEREZ Mara (2007) El Espejo Traductolgico: Teoras y didcticas para la formacin del traductor. Barcelona: Octaedro SCHFFNER, Christina (2004) Translation research and Interpreting research: Traditions, gaps and synergies (consulta: 27 de abril del 2013) ation%20studies

Resea Bibliogrfica 1: Fiorella Hermoza Vega Resea Bibliogrfica 2: Henry Oropeza Resea Bibliogrfica 3: Madelaine Flores Resea Bibliogrfica 4: Claudia Puente Leiva


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