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efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493263007022

Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
OMB No 1545-0047

Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung
benefit trust or private foundation)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
organ1zat1on may have to use a copy ofth1s return to sat1sfy state reporting requirements
Open to Public
A For the 2011 calendar year or tax year beginning 01-01-2011 and ending 12-31-2011
B Check 1f applicable
C Name of organ1zat1on
D Employer identification number
Houston Zoo Inc
I Address change 74-1590271
I Name change
Do1ng Bus1ness As E Telephone number
I Imt1al return
(713) 53 3-6 7 2 5
Number and street (or P 0 box 1f mall 1s not delivered to street address) I Room/suite
I Terminated
1513 Cambndge
G Gross rece1pts $ 36,855,312
I Amended return City or town, state or country, and ZIP+ 4
I Application pend1ng
Houston, TX 77030
F Name and address of pnnc1pal off1cer
H(a) Is th1s a group return for
Deborah Cannon
aff1l1ates7 I Yes F No
1 5 1 3 N MacGregor
Houston, TX 77030
H(b) Are all affiliates included? I Yes F No
If "No," attach a l1st (see 1nstruct1ons)
Tax-exempt status [7 501(c)(3)
I 501(c) ( ) "'IIIII (Insert no) I 4947(a)(1) or 1527
Group exemption
J wvvvv houstonzoo org
K Form of orgamzat1on F Corporation I Trust I AssoCiation I L Year of fomnat1on 1920 M State of legal dom1c1le TX
1 Bnefly descnbe the organ1zat1on's m1ss1on or most s1gn1f1cant act1v1t1es
We stnve to be a zoo that pract1ces exemplary an1mal care, del1vers an outstanding guest expenence, creates a workplace that
.., 1nst1lls respect and teamwork, prov1des learn1ng opportun1t1es, promotes conservation awareness, and 1nsp1res commun1ty support

2 Check th1s 1fthe organ1zat1on d1scont1nued 1ts operations or disposed of more than 25% of 1ts net assets
3 Numberofvot1ng members ofthe governing body (Part VI, l1ne la) 3 34
4 Number of Independent vot1ng members of the governing body (Part VI, l1ne 1 b) 4 34

5 Total number of 1nd1v1duals employed 1n calendar year 2011 (Part V, l1ne 2a) 5 471

6 Total number of volunteers (estimate 1f necessary) 6 330
7a Tot a I unrelated bus 1 ness revenue from Part VI II, column (C), l1ne 12 7a 0
b Net unrelated bus1ness taxable 1ncome from Form 990-T, l1ne 34 7b
Prior Year Current Year
8 Contnbut1ons and grants (Part VIII, l1ne 1 h) 3,620,843 8,840,516

9 Program serv1ce revenue (Part VII I, l1ne 2 g) 11,890,116 23,801,424
10 Investment 1ncome (Part VIII, column (A), l1nes 3, 4, and 7d) 302,832 416,075 :;..
11 Other revenue (Part VIII, column (A), l1nes 5, 6d, 8c, 9c, lOc, and lle) 50,296 113,552
Total revenue-add l1nes 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII, column (A), l1ne
15,864,087 33,171,567
13 Grants and s1m1lar amounts pa1d (Part IX, column (A), l1nes 1-3 ) 220,613 1,057,300
14 Benef1ts pa1d to or for members (Part IX, column (A), l1ne 4) 0
Sa lanes, other compensation, employee benef1ts (Part IX, column (A), l1nes
8,723,947 17,317,209
16a Profess 1ona I fundra 1s 1 ng fees (Part I X, column (A), 11 ne 11 e) 20,000

b Total fundra1s1ng expenses (Part IX, column (D), line 25)
17 0 ther expenses (Part I X, column (A), l1nes 11 a-ll d, 11 f- 24 e) 5,945,878 11,914,526
18 Total expenses Add l1nes 13-17 (must equal Part IX, column (A), l1ne 25) 14,890,438 30,309,035
19 Revenue less expenses Subtract l1ne 18 from l1ne 12 97 3,649 2,862,532

Beginning of Current
End of Year


20 Total assets (Part X, l1ne 16) 86,755,869 87,684,993
21 Total liabilities (Part X, l1ne 26) 5,42 7,43 5 3,990,126
22 Net assets or fund balances Subtract l1ne 21 from l1ne 20 81,328,434 83,694,867
:F-1 i Signature Block
Under penalties of perJury, I declare that I have exammed th1s return, mcludmg accompanymg schedules and statements, and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than officer) is based on all information of which preparer has any

I 2012-09-19
Signature of off1cer Date

Deborah Cannon President & CEO
Type or pnnt name and t1tle
Date Check 1f Preparer's taxpayer ldent1f1cat1on number
Jody Blazek self- (see 1nstnuct1ons)
Paid employed p-
Preparer's F1mn's name (or yours Blazek & Vetterling
Use Only
1f self-employed),
address, and ZIP + 4 2900 Weslayan Su1te 200
Phone no

(713) 439-5739
Houston, TX 770275132
May the IRS d1scuss th1s return w1th the preparer shown above7 (see 1nstruct1ons) F Yes I No
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. Cat No 11282Y Form 990 (20 11)
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) Page 2
1@101 Statement of Program Service Accomplishments
Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response to any quest1on 1n th1s Part III .I
1 Bnefly descnbe the organ1zat1on's m1ss1on
The Houston Zoo prov1des a fun, un1que, and 1nsp1rat1onal expenence fostenng apprec1at1on, knowledge, and care for the natural world
2 D1d the organ1zat1on undertake any s1gn1f1cant program serv1ces dunng the year wh1ch were not listed on
the pnor Form 990 or 990-EZ7
If"Yes," descnbe these new serv1ces on Schedule 0
I Yes F No
3 D1d the organ1zat1on cease conducting, or make s1gn1f1cant changes 1n how 1t conducts, any program
serv1ces 7 I Yes F No
If"Yes," descnbe these changes on Schedule 0
4 Descnbe the organ1zat1on's program serv1ce accomplishments for each of 1ts three largest program serv1ces, as measured by
expenses Sect1on 50 1(c)(3) and 50 1(c)(4) organ1zat1ons and sect1on 494 7(a)(1) trusts are requ1red to report the amount of
grants and allocations to others, the total expenses, and revenue, 1f any, for each program serv1ce reported
(Code ) (Expenses$ 23,084,998 1nclud1ng grants of$ ) (Revenue$ 22,775,260 )
Asp1r1ng to be one of the best zoos 1n the country, the Houston Zoo 1s focused on that v1s1tors from Houston, and abroad, feel like they have been as close
to the w1ld as they can get The Houston Zoo's ammal care team, Education Department and Zoo Rangers, and our Guest Relations personnel lead th1s effort The
Zoo's an1mal keepers are among the best 1n the nat1on, our guests that every v1s1t to the Houston Zoo 1s f1lled w1th wonder and a sense of awe th1s
reporting per1od, the Houston Zoo conducted 8,340 Meet the Keeper Talks and presentations representing more than 5,995 hours of keeper staff t1me Prov1d1ng
diverse learning experiences, the Houston Zoo's Education Department promotes connections w1th the natural world, empowering our guests to 1nqu1re, act, and
conserve th1s reporting per1od, the Houston Zoo's Education Department personnel presented 2,159 1nterpret1ve programs on grounds reaching
approximately 46,206 part1c1pants Zoo Rangers a constant presence on Zoo grounds, prov1d1ng a of serv1ces The pr1mary function of the highly
knowledgeable Zoo Rangers 1s to engage Zoo guests and prov1de 1nformat1on about Zoo operations, exh1b1ts and an1mals Collectively 1n 2011, Zoo Rangers
prov1ded more than 32,000 hours of on-grounds guest serv1ce
(Code ) (Expenses$ 1,916,651 including grants of$ 1,057,300) (Revenue$
The Houston Zoos Wildlife Conservation Program was 1n1t1ated 1n 2004 to facilitate leadership 1n conservation efforts related to the surv1val of threatened Wildlife, the
w1se use of natural resources, and the appreCiation of our natural world As of f1scal year 2010, we currently support 24 proJects 1n 9 countries around the world
Accordingly, the Houston Zoo has committed 2% of 1ts annual operating budget to support th1s program, wh1ch compares favorably w1th other zoos, most of wh1ch
do not make such substantial commitments to conservation from the1r operating budget The Houston Zoo recogmzes the need to work both close to home,
supporting a number of Wildlife re1ntroduct1on proJects r1ght here 1n Texas, both also across the globe where we support cnt1cal efforts to support elephant, cheetah,
rh1no and chimpanzee conservation efforts These programs qu1te often focus as much on the human commumt1es We believe conservation 1s not JUSt about sav1ng
spec1es but about 1mprov1ng the lives of the local commumt1es so they see the benefits of sustainable harvesting Holistic programs that have economic 1ncent1ves
and cultural sens1t1v1ty are the only way that local commun1t1es w1ll buy 1nto conservation 1n1t1at1ves Through partnerships w1th local, nat1onal, and 1nternat1onal
conservation agenc1es and non-governmental orgamzat1ons (NGOs), such as the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the Texas Nature Conservancy, and the
AssoCiation of Zoos and (AZA), the Houston Zoo act1vely part1c1pates 1n programs des1gned to protect both an1mals and the1r natural habitats worldwide
(Code ) (Expenses$ 1,324,958 including grants of$ ) (Revenue$ 726,615 )
Each year, the Zoo welcomes hundreds of thousands of students to explore the Zoo on f1eld tr1ps The Zoo's Informal education programs serve thousands of people
w1th weekend classes, summer camps, da1ly programs, overmght programs, and spec1al events School f1eld Tr1ps (1/1- 12/31/ll)Total Persons Served
107,569Academlc Programs (1/1- 12/31/ll)Total Programs 177Total Persons Served 7,579Through other commun1ty outreach programs, the Zoo also works w1th
numerous local schools, organ1zat1ons and InStitUtions, including Texas Children's Hospital, M D Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Hermann Children's Hospital, and
the Hams County Hospital D1str1ct's Ben Taub Hospital to reach thousands of children and adults annually 1n schools, hospitals, and parks where they can
st1ll experience the Zoo when they are unable to v1s1t Zoomob1le programs (1/1- 12/31/ll)Total Tr1ps 333Total Persons Served 17,839
Other program serv1ces (Descnbe 1n Schedule 0 )
(Expenses$ 1nclud1ng grants of$ ) (Revenue $
Total program service 26,326,607
Form 990 (20 11)
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) page 3
l:fl'i.,,... Checklist of Required Schedules
Is the orga n1zat1on desc nbed 1n sect1on 50 1 (c )(3) or 4 9 4 7 (a )(1) (other than a pnvate foundation )7 If "Yes,"
complete Schedule .
Is the organ1zat1on requ1red to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contnbutors(see 1nstruct1ons)7
D1d the organ1zat1on engage 1n d1rect or 1nd1rect pol1t1cal campa1gn act1v1t1es on behalf of or 1n oppos1t1on to
ca nd1dates for public off1ce 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part .
Section 501(c)(3) organizations. D1d the organ1zat1on engage 1n lobbying act1v1t1es, or have a sect1on 501 (h)
elect1on 1n effect dunng the tax year7 If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Part .
Is the organ1zat1on a sect1on 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organ1zat1on that rece1ves membership dues,
assessments, or s1m1lar amounts as def1ned 1n Revenue Procedure 98-197 If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Part III

6 D1d the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n any donor adv1sed funds or any s1m1lar funds or accounts for wh1ch donors have the
nght to prov1de adv1ce on the d1stnbut1on or Investment of amounts 1n such funds or accounts? If "Yes," complete
Schedule 0, Part .
7 D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve or hold a conservation easement, 1nclud1ng easements to preserve open space,
the environment, h1stonc land areas or h1stonc structures? If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part .
8 D1d the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n collections of works of art, h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets7 If "Yes,"
complete Schedule 0, Part I I I .
9 D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount 1n Part X, l1ne 21, serve as a custodian for amounts not listed 1n Part X, or
prov1de cred1t counseling, debt management, cred1t repa1r, or debt negot1at1on services? If "Yes,"
complete Schedule 0, Part .
10 D1d the organ1zat1on, directly or through a related organ1zat1on, hold assets 1n temporanly restncted endowments,
permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0,
11 If the organ1zat1on's answer to any of the following questions 1s 'Yes,' then complete ScheduleD, Parts VI, VII,
VIII, IX, or X as applicable
a D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for land, bu1ld1ngs, and equipment 1n Part X, llne107 If "Yes,"complete
Schedule 0, Part
b D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for Investments-other secunt1es 1n Part X, l1ne 12 that 1s 5% or more of
1ts tot a I assets reported 1 n Part X, 11 ne 16 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part
c D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for Investments-program related 1n Part X, l1ne 13 that 1s 5% or more of
1ts tot a I assets reported 1 n Part X, 11 ne 16 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part VII
d D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for other assets 1n Part X, l1ne 15 that 1s 5% or more of 1ts total assets
reported 1n Part X, l1ne 16 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part
e D 1d the orga n1zat1on report an a mount for other l1a b1l1t1es 1n Part X, l1ne 2 57 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part X.
f D1d the organ1zat1on's separate or consolidated f1nanc1al statements for the tax year Include a footnote that
addresses the organ1zat1on's l1ab111ty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons under FIN 48 (ASC 740 )7 If "Yes," complete
Schedule 0, Part
12a D1d the organ1zat1on obta1n separate, Independent aud1ted f1nanc1al statements for the tax year7 If "Yes,"comple
Schedule 0, Parts XI, XI I, and XI I I
b Was the organ1zat1on Included 1n consolidated, Independent aud1ted f1nanc1al statements for the tax year7 If
"Yes," and If the orgamzat1on answered 'No' to !me 12a, then completmg Schedule 0, Parts XI, XII, and XII I 1s opt1ona

13 Is the organ1zat1on a school descnbed 1n sect1on 170(b)(1)(A)(11)7 If"Yes,"completeScheduleE
14a D1d the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n an off1ce, employees, or agents outs1de ofthe Un1ted States?
b D1d the organ1zat1on have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmak1ng, fundra1s1ng, bus1ness, Investment,
and program serv1ce act1v1t1es outs1de the Un1ted States, or aggregate fore1gn Investments valued at $100,000 or more7 If "Yes," com pie
Schedule F, Part I
Yes No
10 Yes
llf No
12a Yes
12b No
13 No
14a No
14b Yes
D1d the organ1zat1on report on Part IX, column (A), l1ne 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any I
organ1zat1on or ent1ty located outs1de the U S 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Part II and IV . f---+----+---
Did the organ1zat1on report on Part IX, column (A), l1ne 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance to I
1nd1v1duals located outs1de the U S 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Part III and IV . . .
D1d the organ1zat1on report a total of more than $15,000, of expenses for professional fundra1s1ng serv1ces on
Part I X, column (A), l1nes 6 and 11 e7 If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I
!---I +---------+---
D1d the organ1zat1on report more than $15,000 total offundra1s1ng event gross 1ncome and contnbut1ons on Part I
VIII, l1nes 1c and 8a7 If "Yes,"complete Schedule G, Part II . .
!---I +---------+---
D1d the organ1zat1on report more than $15,000 of gross 1ncome from gam1ng act1v1t1es on Part VIII, l1ne 9a7 If
"Yes "complete Schedule G Part I I I .
' '
D 1d the orga n1zat1on operate one or more hos p1ta Is 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule H
If"Yes" to l1ne 20a, d1d the organ1zat1on attach 1ts aud1ted f1nanc1al statement to th1s return? Note. All Form 990
f1lers that operated one or more hospitals must attach aud1ted f1nanc1al statements
Form 990 2011
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 )
Checklist of Required Schedules (continued)
21 D1d the organ1zat1on report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to governments and organ1zat1ons 1n
the U n1ted States on Part IX, column (A), l1ne 17 If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and II . ~
22 D1d the organ1zat1on report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to 1nd1v1duals 1n the U n1ted States
on Part IX, column (A), l1ne 27 If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and III . ~
23 D1d the organ1zat1on answer "Yes" to Part VII, Sect1on A, questions 3, 4, or 5, about compensation of the
organ1zat1on's current and former off1cers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated
employees 7 If "Yes "complete Schedule J ~
24a D1d the organ1zat1on have a tax-exempt bond 1ssue w1th an outstanding pnnc1pal amount of more than $100,000
as of the last day of the year, that was 1ss ued after December 31, 2 0 0 2 7 If "Yes," answer questions 24b-24d and
complete Schedule K. If "No," go to !me 25
b D1d the organ1zat1on 1nvest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary penod exception?
c D1d the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any t1me dunng the year
to defease any tax-exempt bonds7
d D1d the organ1zat1on act as an "on behalf of" 1ssuer for bonds outstanding at any t1me dunng the year7
2Sa Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations. D1d the organ1zat1on engage 1n an excess benefit transaction w1th
a d1squal1f1ed person dunng the year7 If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part I
b Is the organ1zat1on aware that 1t engaged 1n an excess benefit transaction w1th a d1squal1f1ed person 1n a pnor
year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organ1zat1on's pnor Forms 990 or 990-EZ7 If
"Yes," complete Schedule L, Part I
26 Was a loan to or by a current or former off1cer, director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, or
d1squal1f1ed person outstanding as of the end of the organ1zat1on's tax year7 If "Yes,"completeScheduleL,
Part II
27 D1d the organ1zat1on prov1de a grant or other assistance to an off1cer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial
contnbutor, or a grant selection committee member, or to a person related to such an 1nd1v1dual7 If "Yes,"
complete Schedule L, Part I I I
28 Was the organ1zat1on a party to a bus1ness transaction w1th one of the following partles7 (see Schedule L, Part IV
1nstruct1ons for applicable f1l1ng thresholds, cond1t1ons, and exceptions)
a A current or former off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes,"complete Schedule L, Part
b A fam1ly member of a current or former off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes,"
complete Schedule L, Part IV
c An ent1ty of wh1ch a current or former off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a fam1ly member thereof) was
an off1cer, director, trustee, or owner7 If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV
29 D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve more than $25,000 1n non-cash contnbutlons7 If "Yes,"completeSchedutetvff!J
30 D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve contnbut1ons of art, h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets, or qual1f1ed
conservation contn but1ons 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule M ~
31 D1d the organ1zat1on l1qu1date, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If "Yes," complete Schedule N,
Part I
32 D1d the organ1zat1on sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of 1ts net assets7 If "Yes," complete
Schedule N, Part I I
33 D1d the organ1zat1on own 100% of an ent1ty disregarded as separate from the organ1zat1on under Regulations
sect1ons 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-37 If "Yes,"complete ScheduleR, Part I
34 Was the organ1zat1on related to any tax-exempt or taxable entlty7 If "Yes,"complete ScheduleR, Parts II, III, IV,
and V, !me 1
3Sa Is any related organ1zat1on a controlled ent1ty of the f1l1ng organ1zat1on w1th1n the mean1ng ofsect1on 512(b)(13)7
b D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve any payment from or engage 1n any transaction w1th a controlled ent1ty w1th1n the
mean1ng of sect1on 512 (b)(13 )7 If "Yes," complete ScheduleR, Part V, /me 2
36 Section 501(c)(3) organizations. D1d the organ1zat1on make any transfers to an exempt non-chantable related
organ1zat1on7 If "Yes," complete ScheduleR, Part V, !me 2
37 D1d the organ1zat1on conduct more than 5% of 1ts act1v1t1es through an ent1ty that 1s not a related organ1zat1on
and that 1s treated as a partnership for federal 1ncome tax purposes? If "Yes,"complete ScheduleR, Part VI
38 D1d the organ1zat1on complete Schedule 0 and prov1de explanations 1n Schedule 0 for Part VI, l1nes 11 and 197
Note. All Form 990 f1lers are requ1red to complete Schedule 0
Page 4
2Sa No
2Sb No
27 No
28a No
3Sa No
3Sb No
Form 990 (20 11)
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 )
l@lfl Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance
Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response to any quest1on 1n th1s Part V
la Enterthe number reported 1n Box 3 ofForm 1096 Enter-0- 1fnotappl1cable
b Enter the number of Forms W-2G Included 1n l1ne 1a Enter-0- 1f not applicable
c D1d the organ1zat1on comply w1th backup w1thhold1ng rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable
gam1ng (gambling) w1nn1ngs to pnze wlnners7
2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax
Statements f1led for the calendar year end1ng w1th or w1th1n the year covered by th1s
return 2a
b If at least one 1s reported on l1ne 2a, d1d the organ1zat1on f1le all requ1red federal employment tax returns?
Page 5
Yes No
lc Yes
2b Yes
Note. If the sum of l1nes 1a and 2a 1s greater than 250, you may be requ1red to e-f1le (see 1nstruct1ons)
3a D1d the organ1zat1on have unrelated business gross 1ncome of $1,000 or more dunng the
b If "Yes," has 1t f1led a Form 9 9 0- T for th1s yea r7 If "No," prov1de an explanation m Schedule 0
4a At any t1me dunng the calendar year, d1d the organ1zat1on have an Interest 1n, or a s1gnature or other authonty
over, a f1nanc1al account 1n a fore1gn country (such as a bank account or secunt1es
If"Yes," enter the name ofthe fore1gn country ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
See 1nstruct1ons for f1l1ng requirements for Form TD F 90-22 1, Report of Fore1gn Bank and F1nanc1al Accounts
Sa Was the organ1zat1on a party to a proh1b1ted tax shelter transaction at any t1me dunng the tax year7
b D1d any taxable party not1fy the organ1zat1on that 1t was or 1s a party to a proh1b1ted tax shelter transaction?
c If"Yes" to l1ne Sa or Sb, d1d the organ1zat1on f1le Form 8886-T7
6a Does the organ1zat1on have annual gross rece1pts that are normally greater than $100,000, and d1d the
organ1zat1on sol1c1t any contnbut1ons that were not tax deductible?
b If"Yes," d1d the organ1zat1on Include w1th every sol1c1tat1on an express statement that such contnbut1ons or g1fts
were not tax deductible?
7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c).
a D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve a payment 1n excess of $7 5 made partly as a contnbut1on and partly for goods and
serv1ces prov1ded to the payor7
b If"Yes," d1d the organ1zat1on not1fy the donor of the value of the goods or serv1ces provided?
c D1d the organ1zat1on sell, exchange, or otherw1se dispose of tangible personal property for wh1ch 1t was requ1red to
f1l e Form 8 2 8 2 7
d If"Yes,"lndlcatethenumberofForms8282flleddunngtheyear I 7d I 0
e D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve any funds, directly or 1nd1rectly, to pay prem1ums on a personal benefit
f D1d the organ1zat1on, dunng the year, pay prem1ums, directly or 1nd1rectly, on a personal benefit contract?
g If the organ1zat1on rece1ved a contnbut1on ofqual1f1ed Intellectual property, d1d the organ1zat1on f1le Form 8899 as
3a No
3b No
Sa No
6a No
6b No
7a Yes
7b Yes
7c No
7e No
7f No
No requlred7 7g
h If the organ1zat1on rece1ved a contnbut1on of cars, boats, airplanes, or other vehicles, d1d the organ1zat1on f1le a
Form 1 0 9 8 - C 7 7h No
Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section S09(a)(3) supporting organizations. D1d
the supporting organ1zat1on, or a donor adv1sed fund ma1nta1ned by a sponsonng organ1zat1on, have excess
business holdings at any t1me dunng the year7
9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds.
a D1d the organ1zat1on make any taxable d1stnbut1ons under sect1on 49667
b D1d the organ1zat1on make a d1stnbut1on to a donor, donor adv1sor, or related person?
10 Section S01(c)(7) organizations. Enter
a In1t1at1on fees and cap1tal contnbut1ons Included on Part VIII, l1ne 12
b Gross rece1pts, Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 12, for public use of club
11 Section S01(c)(12) organizations. Enter
a Gross 1ncome from members or shareholders
b Gross 1ncome from other sources (Do not net amounts due or pa1d to other
sources aga1nst amounts due or rece1ved from them)
l1oa I
12a Section 4947(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organ1zat1on f1l1ng Form 990 1n l1eu of Form 10417
112b I
b If"Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt Interest rece1ved or accrued dunng the
13 Section S01(c)(29) qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers.
a Is the organ1zat1on licensed to 1ssue qual1f1ed health plans 1n more than one state7
Note. All 501(c)(29) organ1zat1ons must l1st 1n Schedule 0 each state 1n wh1ch they are licensed to 1ssue
qual1f1ed health plans, the amount of reserves requ1red by each state, and the amount of reserves the organ1zat1on
allocated to each state
b Enter the aggregate amount of reserves the organ1zat1on 1s requ1red to ma1nta1n by
the states 1n wh1ch the organ1zat1on 1s licensed to 1ssue qual1f1ed health plans
c Enter the aggregate amount of reserves on hand
14a D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve any payments for 1ndoor tann1ng serv1ces dunng the tax year7
b If "Yes," has 1t f1led a Form 7 2 0 to report these payments 7 If "No," prov1de an explanation m Schedule 0
8 No
9a No
9b No
12a No
13a No
14a No
14b No
Form 990 2011
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) page 6
l@lfd Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each "Yes" response to lmes 2 through 7b below, and for
a "No" response to lmes Sa, Sb, or lOb below, descnbe the Circumstances, processes, or changes m Schedule
0. See mstruct1ons.
Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response to any quest1on 1n th1s Part VI .[7
Section A Governing Body and Management
Yes No
la Enter the number of vot1ng members of the governing body at the end of the tax
year la 34
b Enter the number of vot1ng members Included 1n l1ne 1 a, above, who are
Independent lb 34
2 D1d any off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee have a fam1ly relat1onsh1p or a business relat1onsh1p w1th any
other off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee? 2 No
3 D1d the organ1zat1on delegate control over management dut1es customanly performed by or under the d1rect
superv1s1on of off1cers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person?
4 D1d the organ1zat1on make any s1gn1f1cant changes to 1ts governing documents s1nce the pnor Form 990 was
flled7 4 No
5 D1d the organ1zat1on become aware dunng the year of a s1gn1f1cant d1vers1on of the organ1zat1on's assets7 5 No
6 D1d the organ1zat1on have members or stockholders? 6 No
7a D1d the organ1zat1on have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appo1nt one or
more members of the governing body7 7a Yes
b Are any governance dec1s1ons of the organ1zat1on reserved to (or subJect to approval by) members, stockholders, 7b No
or persons other than the governing body7
8 D1d the organ1zat1on contemporaneously document the meet1ngs held or wntten act1ons undertaken dunng the
year by the following
a The governing body7 Sa Yes
b Each committee w1th authonty to act on behalf of the governing body7 Sb Yes
9 Is there any off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee l1sted 1n Part VII, Sect1on A, who cannot be reached at the
organ1zat1on's ma1l1ng address? If"Yes," prov1de the names and addresses 1n Schedule 0 9 No
Sect1on B. Pohc1es (Th1s Sect1on B requests mformat1on about polic1es not requ1red by the Internal
Revenue Code.)
Yes No
lOa D1d the organ1zat1on have local chapters, branches, or aff1l1ates7 lOa No
b If"Yes," d1d the organ1zat1on have wntten pol1c1es and procedures governing the act1v1t1es of such chapters,
aff1l1ates, and branches to ensure the1r operations are consistent w1th the organ1zat1on's exempt
lOb No
lla Has the organ1zat1on prov1ded a complete copy ofth1s Form 990 to all members of1ts governing body before f1l1ng
the form7 lla Yes
b Descnbe 1n Schedule 0 the process, 1f any, used by the organ1zat1on to rev1ew the Form 990
12a D1d the organ1zat1on have a wntten conflict of Interest pollcy7 If "No," go to /me 13 12a Yes
b Were officers, directors or trustees, and key employees requ1red to disclose annually Interests that could g1ve
nse to conflicts? 12b Yes
c D1d the organ1zat1on regularly and consistently mon1tor and enforce compliance w1th the pollcy7 If"Yes," descnbe
1n Schedule 0 how th1s was done 12c Yes
13 D1d the organ1zat1on have a wntten wh1stleblower pollcy7 13 Yes
14 D1d the organ1zat1on have a wntten document retention and destruction pollcy7 14 Yes
15 D1d the process for determ1n1ng compensation of the following persons Include a rev1ew and approval by
Independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substant1at1on of the del1berat1on and dec1s1on7
a The organ1zat1on's CEO, Execut1ve Director, or top management off1c1al 15a Yes
b 0 ther officers or key employees of the organ1zat1on 15b Yes
If "Yes," to l1ne 15a or 15b, descnbe the process 1n Schedule 0 (see 1nstruct1ons)
16a D1d the organ1zat1on 1nvest 1n, contnbute assets to, or part1c1pate 1n a JOint venture or s1m1lar arrangement w1th a
taxable ent1ty dunng the year7 16a No
b If"Yes," d1d the organ1zat1on follow a wntten pol1cy or procedure requ1nng the organ1zat1on to evaluate 1ts
part1c1pat1on 1n JOint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the
organ1zat1on's exempt status w1th respect to such arrangements?
16b No
Sect1on C. Disclosure
17 L1st the States w1th wh1ch a copy ofth1s Form 990 1s requ1red to be f 1 l e d ~
18 Sect1on 6104 requ1res an organ1zat1on to make 1ts Form 1023 (or 1024 1f applicable), 990, and 990-T (501(c)
(3 )s only) available for public 1nspect1on Ind1cate how you made these available Check all that apply
I Own webs1te F Another's webs1te F Upon request
19 Descnbe 1n Schedule 0 whether (and 1f so, how), the organ1zat1on made 1ts governing documents, conflict of
Interest pol1cy, and f1nanc1al statements available to the public See Add1t1onal Data Table
20 State the name, phys1cal address, and telephone numberofthe person who possesses the books and records ofthe organ1zat1on ~
L1la Soussan
1513 Cambndge
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 533-6725
Form 990 (20 11)
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 )
i:b'ilfdl Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated
Employees, and Independent Contractors
Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response to any quest1on 1n th1s Part VII
Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees
Page 7
la Complete th1s table for all persons requ1red to be l1sted Report compensation for the calendar year end1ng w1th or w1th1n the organ1zat1on's
tax year
L1st all of the organ1zat1on's current officers, directors, trustees (whether 1nd1v1duals or organ1zat1ons), regardless of amount
of compensation, and current key employees Enter -0- 1n columns (D), (E), and (F) 1f no compensation was pa1d
L1st all of the organ1zat1on's current key employees, 1f any See 1nstruct1ons for def1n1t1on of "key employee"
L1st the organ1zat1on's f1ve current highest compensated employees (other than an off1cer, director, trustee or key employee)
who rece1ved reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the
organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons
L1st all of the organ1zat1on's formeroff1cers, key employees, or highest compensated employees who rece1ved more than $100,000
of reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons
L1st all of the organ1zat1on's former directors or trustees that rece1ved, 1n the capac1ty as a former director or trustee of the
organ1zat1on, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons
L1st persons 1n the following order 1nd1v1dual trustees or directors, 1nst1tut1onal trustees, officers, key employees, highest
compensated employees, and former such persons
I Check th1s box 1f ne1ther the organ1zat1on nor any related organ1zat1ons compensated any current or former off1cer, director, or trustee
Name and Title
See Add1t1onal Data Table
Pos1t1on (do not check
more than one box,
unless person 1s both
an off1cer and a
d 1 rector/trustee)
from the
organ1zat1on (W-
from related
(W- 2/1099-
amount of other
from the
organ1zat1on and
Form 990 (20 11)
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) page 8
i@lfdi Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees (contmued)
Name and Title
Pos1t1on (do not check
more than one box,
unless person 1s both
an off1cer and a
d 1 rector/trustee)
from the
organ1zat1on (W-
from related
(W- 2/1099-
See Add1t1onal Data Table
lb Sub-Total
c Total from continuation sheets to Part VII, Section A
d Total (add lines lb and lc)
2 Total number of 1nd1v1duals (1nclud1ng but not l1m1ted to those l1sted above) who rece1ved more than
$100,000 of reportable compensation from the
3 D1d the organ1zat1on I 1st any former off1cer, director or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated employee
on l1ne 1 a7 If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such mdJvJdual
4 For any 1nd1v1dual listed on l1ne 1 a, 1s the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the
orga n1zat1on and related orga n1zat1ons greater than $15 0,0 0 0 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such
5 D1d any person l1sted on l1ne 1a rece1ve or accrue compensation from any unrelated organ1zat1on or 1nd1v1dual for
serv1ces rendered to the orga n1zat1on7 If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such person
Section B. Independent Contractors
1 Complete th1s table for your f1ve highest compensated Independent contractors that rece1ved more than
$100,000 of compensation from the organ1zat1on Report compensation for the calendar year end1ng w1th
or w1th1n the organ1zat1on's tax year
(A) (B)
Name and bus1ness address Descnpt1on of serv1ces
2 Total number of Independent contractors (1nclud1ng but not l1m1ted to those listed above) who rece1ved more than
$100,000 of compensation from the organ1zat1on
amount of other
from the
organ1zat1on and
Yes No
Form 990 2011
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) Page 9
Statement of Revenue
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Total revenue Related or Unrelated Revenue
exempt business excluded from
funct1on revenue tax under
revenue sect1ons

la Federated campaigns la
2:;::1 b Membership dues lb
c Fundra1s1ng events lc

d Related organ1zat1ons ld
......,.-e e
Government grants (contnbut1ons)
All other contnbut1ons, g1fts, grants, and
- ....
s1m1lar amounts not Included above
g Noncash contnbut1ons Included 1n
;:::: 0

l1nes 1a-lf $
h Total. Add l1nes 1a-lf
... 8,840,516
Bus1ness Code
2a Educ prog r & events c 611600 2,094,240 2,094,240

b Concessions contract 722210 2,463,672 2,463,672
c City management fee 561499 8,497,443 8,497,443
Adm1ss1on fees 900099 10,746,069 10,746,069

f All other program serv1ce revenue
g Total. Add l1nes 2a-2f .... 23,801,424
3 Investment 1ncome (1nclud1ng d1v1dends, Interest
and other s1m1lar amounts)
... 314,818 314,818
Income from Investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds ... 0
5 Royalties
... 0
(1) Real (11) Personal
6a Gross rents
Less rental
Rental 1ncome
or (loss)
d Net rental 1ncome or (loss)
... 0
(1) Secunt1es (11) Other
Gross amount 3,547,237
from sales of
assets other
than Inventory
Less cost or 3,445,980
other bas1s and
sales expenses
Gain or (loss) 101,257
d Net ga1n or (loss)
... 101,257 101,257
Sa Gross 1ncome from fundra1s1ng
events (not 1nclud1ng

of contnbut1ons reported on l1ne 1c)
ev See Part IV, l1ne 18

b Less d1rect expenses b
c Net 1ncome or (loss) from fundra1s1ng events
113,552 113,552
9a Gross 1ncome from gam1ng act1v1t1es
See Part IV, l1ne 19
b Less d1rect expenses b
c Net 1ncome or (loss) from gam1ng act1v1t1es
... 0
lOa Gross sales of Inventory, less
returns and allowances
b Less cost of goods sold b
c Net 1ncome or (loss) from sales of Inventory
... 0
Miscellaneous Revenue Bus1ness Code
d A II other revenue
e Total. Add l1nes 11a-lld
12 Total revenue. See Instructions
33,171,567 23,801,424 529,627
Form 990 2011
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 )
l@lf!i Statement of Functional Expenses
Sect1on 50 1(c)(3) and 50 1(c)(4) organ1zat1ons must complete all columns
All other organ1zat1ons must complete column (A) but are not requ1red to complete columns (B), (C), and (D)
Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response to any quest1on 1n th1s Part IX
Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, (A)
(B) (C)
7b, 8b, 9b, and lOb of Part VIII.
Total expenses
Program serv1ce Management and
expenses general expenses
1 Grants and other assistance to governments and organ1zat1ons
1n the U n1ted States See Part IV, l1ne 21
762,807 762,807
2 Grants and other assistance to 1nd1v1duals 1n the
U n1ted States See Part IV, l1ne 22
23,000 23,000
3 Grants and other assistance to governments,
organ1zat1ons, and 1nd1v1duals outside the U n1ted
States See Part IV, l1nes 15 and 16 271,493 271,493
4 Benef1ts pa1d to or for members 0
5 Compensation of current off1cers, directors, trustees, and
key employees 943,154 468,861 257,649
6 Compensation not Included above, to d1squal1f1ed persons
(as def1ned under sect1on 4958(f)(1 )) and persons
descnbed 1n sect1on 4958(c)(3)(B) 0
7 Other sa lanes and wages 12,798,811 11,417,906 409,787
8 Pens1on plan contnbut1ons (Include sect1on 401(k) and sect1on
403(b) employer contnbut1ons) 370,689 336,946 7,142
9 Other employee benef1ts 2,157,871 1,971,926 68,237
10 Payroll taxes 1,046,684 915,312 42,592
11 Fees for serv1ces (non-employees)
a Management 0
b Legal 39,922 23,758 9,950
c Accounting 56,607 56,607
d Lobbying 0
e Profess 1ona I fundra 1s 1 ng See Part IV, !me 17 20,000
f Investment management fees 0
g Other 1,377,164 1,190,238 7,892
12 Advert1s1ng and promotion 1,018,777 1,000, 723
13 Off1ce expenses 869,699 534,526 80,454
14 Information technology 903,544 401,817 350,927
15 Royalties 0
16 Occupancy 418,270 411,522 4,647
17 Travel 263,035 238,270 12,236
18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal,
state, or local public off1c1als 0
19 Conferences, conventions, and meet1ngs 152,959 98,700 2,175
20 Interest 0
21 Payments to aff1l1ates 0
22 Deprec1at1on, depletion, and amort1zat1on 3,496,537 3,496,537
23 Ins ura nee 309,914 204,706 105,208
24 Other expenses Item1ze expenses not covered above (List
miscellaneous expenses 1n l1ne 24f If l1ne 24f amount exceeds 10% of
l1ne 25, column (A) amount, l1st l1ne 24fexpenses on Schedule 0)
a Supplies 2,071,368 2,010,511 2,985
b Pnnt1ng and Publ1cat1ons 561,115 181,474 1,074
c Grounds/Events 133,219 133,219
d Equipment expense 242,396 232,355 4,963
f A II other expenses 0
25 Total functional expenses. Add l1nes 1 through 24f 30,309,035 26,326,607 1,424,525
26 Joint costs. Check h e r e ~ j1ffollow1ng
SOP 98-2 (ASC 958-720) Complete th1s l1ne only 1fthe
organ1zat1on reported 1n column (B) JOint costs from a
combined educational campa1gn and fundra1s1ng sol1c1tat1on
Page 10
Fund ra 1s1ng
Form 990 2011
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) Page 11
I:F.fiS!a Balance Sheet
(A) (B)
Beg1nn1ng of year End of year
1 Cas h-non-1nterest- be a nng 5,492,057 1 5,105,547
2 Sav1ngs and temporary cash Investments 10,405,970 2 7,460,201
3 Pledges and grants receivable, net 6, 747,671 3 2,303,590
4 Accounts receivable, net 620,314 4 257,688
5 Receivables from current and former off1cers, directors, trustees, key employees, and
highest compensated employees Complete Part II of
Schedule L 5 0
6 Receivables from other d1squal1f1ed persons (as def1ned under sect1on 4958(f)(1 )) and
persons descnbed 1n sect1on 4958(c)(3)(B) Complete Part II of
Schedule L 6 0
7 Notes and loans receivable, net 7 0
8 Inventones for sale or use 135,153 8 223,297
9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 470,746 9 512,950
lOa Land, bu1ld1ngs, and equipment cost or other bas1s Complete 76,809,513
Part VI of Schedule 0 lOa
b Less accumulated deprec1at1on lOb 13,888,120 57,918,914 lOc 62,921,393
11 Investments-publicly traded secunt1es 4,965,044 11 8,900,327
12 Investments-other secunt1es See Part IV, l1ne 11 12 0
13 Investments-program- related See Part IV, l1ne 11 13 0
14 Intangible assets 14 0
15 Other assets See Part IV, l1ne 11 15 0
16 Total assets. Add l1nes 1 through 15 (must equall1ne 34) 86,755,869 16 87,684,993
17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 5,311,566 17 3,481,025
18 Grants payable 18 366,666
19 Deferred revenue 115,869 19 142,435
20 Tax-exempt bond liabilities 20
21 Escrow or custodial account l1ab111ty Complete Part IV of Schedule 0 21
22 Payables to current and former officers, directors, trustees, key
employees, highest compensated employees, and d1squal1f1ed
Complete Part I I of Schedule L 22
23 Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated th1rd part1es 23
24 Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated th1rd part1es 24
25 Other liabilities (1nclud1ng federal 1ncome tax, payables to related th1rd part1es,
and other liabilities not Included on l1nes 17-24) Complete Part X of Schedule
D 25
26 Total liabilities. Add l1nes 17 through 25 5,427,435 26 3,990,126
Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here ~ p- and complete lines 27
through 29, and lines 33 and 34.
27 U nrestncted net assets 67,054,303 27 76,883,800
28 Temporanly restncted net assets 10,787,916 28 3,323,263
29 Permanently restncted net assets 3,486,215 29 3,487,804
Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ~ I and complete
'- lines 30 through 34.
30 Capital stock or trust pnnc1pal, or current funds 30
31 Pa1d-1n or cap1tal surplus, or land, bu1ld1ng or equipment fund 31
32 Reta1ned earn1ngs, endowment, accumulated 1ncome, or other funds 32

4) 33 Total net assets or fund balances 81,328,434 33 83,694,867
34 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances 86,755,869 34 87,684,993
Form 990 2011
Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 )
l!ifil!u Reconcilliation of Net Assets
Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response to any quest1on 1n th1s Part XI
1 Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), l1ne 12)
2 Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), l1ne 25)
3 Revenue less expenses Subtract l1ne 2 from l1ne 1
4 Net assets or fund balances at beg1nn1ng of year (must equal Part X, l1ne 33, column (A))
5 0 ther changes 1n net assets or fund balances (explain 1n Schedule 0)
6 Net assets or fund balances at end of year Comb1ne l1nes 3, 4, and 5 (must equal Part X, l1ne 33, column
Financial Statements and Reporting
Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response to any quest1on 1n th1s Part XII
Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 I Cash p- Accrual lather _____ _
If the organ1zat1on changed 1ts method of accounting from a pnor year or checked "Other," explain 1n
Schedule 0
2a Were the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements compiled or rev1ewed by an Independent accountant?
b Were the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements aud1ted by an Independent accountant?
c If"Yes," to 2a or 2b, does the organ1zat1on have a committee that assumes respons1b1l1ty for oversight of the
aud1t, rev1ew, or comp1lat1on of 1ts f1nanc1al statements and selection of an Independent accountant?
If the organ1zat1on changed e1ther 1ts oversight process or selection process dunng the tax year, explain 1n
Schedule 0
d If"Yes" to l1ne 2a or 2b, check a box below to 1nd1cate whether the f1nanc1al statements for the year were 1ssued
on a separate bas1s, consolidated bas1s, or both
p- Separate bas1s I Consolidated bas1s I Both consolidated and separated bas1s
3a As a result of a federal award, was the organ1zat1on requ1red to undergo an aud1t or aud1ts as set forth 1n the
Page 12
Yes No
2a No
2b Yes
2c Yes
S 1 n g I e A u d 1 t Act and 0 M B C 1 rc u I a r A -1 3 3 7 3a No

b If"Yes," d1d the organ1zat1on undergo the requ1red aud1t or audlts7 If the organ1zat1on d1d not undergo the requ1red 3b No
aud1t or aud1ts, explain why 1n Schedule 0 and descnbe any steps taken to undergo such aud1ts
Form 990 (20 11)
efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493263007022
(Form 990 or 990EZ)
OMB No 1545-0047
Public Charity Status and Public Support
Complete if the organization is a section 501(c)(3) organization or a section
4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust.
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
,... Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ.,... See separate instructions.
Open to Public
Name of the organ1zat1on
Houston Zoo Inc
Employer identification number
Reason for Public Charity Status (All organ1zat1ons must complete th1s part.) See mstruct1ons
The organ1zat1on 1s not a pnvate foundation because 1t 1s (For l1nes 1 through 11, check only one box)
1 I A church, convention of churches, or assoc1at1on of churches section 170(b)(1)(A)(i).
2 I A school descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Attach Schedule E )
A hospital or a cooperative hospital serv1ce organ1zat1on descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii).
A med1cal research organ1zat1on operated 1n conJunction w1th a hospital descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the
hospital's name, c1ty, and state
5 I An organ1zat1on operated for the benefit of a college or un1vers1ty owned or operated by a governmental un1t descnbed 1n
section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv). (Complete Part II )
6 I A federal, state, or local government or governmental un1t descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(v).
7 I An organ1zat1on that normally rece1ves a substantial part of 1ts support from a governmental un1t or from the general public
descnbed 1n
section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (Complete Part II )
8 I A commun1ty trust descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (Complete Part II )
9 p- An organ1zat1on that normally rece1ves (1) more than 331/3% of 1ts support from contnbut1ons, membership fees, and gross
rece1pts from act1v1t1es related to 1ts exempt functions-subJect to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 3 31/3% of
1ts support from gross Investment 1ncome and unrelated business taxable 1ncome (less sect1on 511 tax) from businesses
acqu1 red by the orga n1zat1on after June 3 0, 19 7 5 See section 509(a)(2). (Complete Part I II )
10 I An organ1zat1on organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety Seesection 509(a)(4).
11 I An organ1zat1on organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of
one or more publicly supported organ1zat1ons descnbed 1n sect1on 509(a)(1) or sect1on 509(a)(2) See section 509(a)(3). Check
the box that descnbes the type of supporting organ1zat1on and complete l1nes 11e through 11h
a I Type I b I Type II c I Type III- Functionally Integrated d I Type III- Other
e I By checking th1s box, I certify that the organ1zat1on 1s not controlled directly or 1nd1rectly by one or more d1squal1f1ed persons
other than foundation managers and other than one or more publicly supported organ1zat1ons descnbed 1n sect1on 509(a)(1) or
sect1on 509(a)(2)
f If the organ1zat1on rece1ved a wntten determ1nat1on from the IRS that 1t 1s a Type I, Type II or Type III supporting organ1zat1on,
check th1s box I
g S1nce August 17, 2006, has the organ1zat1on accepted any g1ft or contnbut1on from any of the
following persons?
(i) a person who directly or 1nd1rectly controls, e1ther alone or together w1th persons descnbed 1n (11)
and (111) below, the governing body of the the supported organ1zat1on7
(ii) a fam1ly member of a person descnbed 1n (1) above7
(iii) a 35% controlled ent1ty of a person descnbed 1n (1) or (11) above7
h Prov1de the following 1nformat1on about the supported organ1zat1on(s)
Type of
Is the
(v) (vi)
(i) organ1zat1on
D1d you not1fy the Is the
organ1zat1on 1n
Name of (ii) (descnbed on
organ1zat1on 1n organ1zat1on 1n
col (1) l1sted 1n
supported EIN l1nes 1- 9 above
col (1) of your col (1) organized
organ1zat1on or I RC sect1on
your governing
support? 1n the U S 7
1 ns truct1o ns)) Yes No Yes No Yes No
Yes No
A mount of
For Paperwork Reducbon Act Nobce, see the lnstrucbons for Form 990 Cat No 11285F Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011
S c he d u I e A (Form 9 9 0 or 9 9 0- E Z) 2 0 11 page 2
M!ifiiiM Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 170(b)(l)(A)(iv) and 170(b)(l)(A)(vi)
(Complete only 1f you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I or 1f the organ1zat1on fa1led to qualify
under Part III. If the organ1zat1on falls to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part III.)
Sect1on A. Public Support
Calendar year (or fiscal year beg1nn1ng
1 G1fts, grants, contnbut1ons, and
membership fees rece1ved (Do not
Include any "unusual
2 Tax revenues lev1ed for the
organ1zat1on's benefit and e1ther
pa1d to or expended on 1ts
3 The value of serv1ces or fac111t1es
furnished by a governmental un1t to
the organ1zat1on Without charge
4 Total. Add l1nes 1 through 3
5 The port1on of total contnbut1ons
by each person (other than a
governmental un1t or publicly
supported organ1zat1on) Included on
l1ne 1 that exceeds 2% of the
amount shown on l1ne 11, column
6 Public Support. Subtract l1ne 5 from
l1ne 4
Sect1on B. Tota Support
Calendar year (or f1sca I year beg1 nn1ng
7 Amounts from l1ne 4
8 Gross 1ncome from Interest,
d1v1dends, payments rece1ved on
secunt1es loans, rents, royalties
and 1ncome from s1m1lar
9 Net 1ncome from unrelated
business actiVIties, whether or
not the business 1s regularly
earned on
10 Other 1ncome (Explain 1n Part
IV ) Do not Include ga1n or loss
from the sale of cap1tal assets
11 Total support (Add l1nes 7
through 10)
(a) 2007 (b) 2008
(a) 2007 (b) 2008
12 Gross rece1pts from related actiVIties, etc (See 1nstruct1ons)
(c) 2009 (d) 2010 (e)2011 (f) Total
(c) 2009 (d) 2010 (e)2011 (f) Total
I 12 I
13 First Five Years If the Form 990 1s for the organ1zat1on's f1rst, second, th1rd, fourth, or f1fth tax year as a 501 (c)(3) organ1zat1on,
check th1s box and stop here ..,..,
Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage
14 Public Support Percentage for 2011 (l1ne 6 column (f) d1v1ded by l1ne 11 column (f))
15 Public Support Percentage for 2010 Schedule A, Part II, l1ne 14
16a 331/3/osupport test-2011. If the organ1zat1on did not check the box on l1ne 13, and l1ne 14 IS 33 1/3% or more, check th1s box
and stop here. The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported organ1zat1on ..,..,
b 331/3/osupport test-2010. If the organ1zat1on did not check the box on l1ne 13 or 16a, and l1ne 15 IS 33 1/3% or more, check th1s
box and stop here. The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported organ1zat1on ..,..,
17a 10/o-facts-and-circumstancestest-2011. If the organ1zat1on did not check a box on l1ne 13, 16a, or 16b and l1ne 14
1s 10% or more, and 1fthe organ1zat1on meets the "facts and circumstances" test, check th1s box and stop here. Explain
1n Part IV how the organ1zat1on meets the "facts and circumstances" test The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported
organ 1zat1 on
.... ,
b 10/o-facts-and-circumstances test-2010. If the orga n1zat1on did not check a box on 11 ne 13, 16 a, 16 b, or 17 a and 11 ne
15 1s 10% or more, and 1fthe organ1zat1on meets the "facts and circumstances" test, check th1s box and stop here.
Explain 1n Part IV how the organ1zat1on meets the "facts and circumstances" test The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly
supported organ1zat1on
Private Foundation If the organ1zat1on d1d not check a box on l1ne 13, 16a, 16b, 17a or 17b, check th1s box and see
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011
S c he d u I e A (Form 9 9 0 or 9 9 0- E Z) 2 0 11
Page 3
M!ifilhM Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 509(a)(2)
(Complete only 1f you checked the box on line 9 of Part I or 1f the organ1zat1on fa1led to qualify under
Part II. If the organ1zat1on falls to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part II.)
s bl" s ect1on A. Pu IC up port
Calendar year (or f1sca I year beg1 nn1ng
(a) 2007 (b) 2008 (c) 2009 (d) 2010 (e)2011 (f) Total
1 G1fts, grants, contnbut1ons, and
membership fees rece1ved (Do
5,755,509 14,681,814 6,824,688 3,620,843 8,840,516 39,723,370
not Include any "unusual
2 Gross rece1pts from adm1ss1ons,
mere ha nd1se sold or serv1ces
performed, or fa c 1l1t1es fu rn 1 shed
21,810,339 22,283,536 23,505,356 11,890,116 23,801,424 103,290,771
1n any act1v1ty that 1s related to
the organ1zat1on's tax-exempt
3 Gross rece1pts from act1v1t1es
that are not an unrelated trade or
business under sect1on 513
4 Tax revenues lev1ed for the
organ1zat1on's benefit and e1ther
pa1d to or expended on 1ts
5 The value of serv1ces or fac111t1es
furnished by a governmental un1t
to the organ1zat1on Without
6 Total. Add l1nes 1 through 5
27,565,848 36,965,350 30,330,044 15,510,959 32,641,940 143,014,141
7a Amounts Included on l1nes 1, 2,
and 3 rece1ved from d1squa l1f1ed
1,579,326 8,193,277 2,605,054 697,523 552,132 13,627,312
b Amounts Included on l1nes 2 and
3 rece1ved from other than
d1squal1f1ed persons that exceed
the greaterof$5,000 orl% of
the amount on l1ne 13 for the
c Add l1nes 7a and 7b
1,579,326 8,193,277 2,605,054 697,523 552,132 13,627,312
8 Public Support (Subtract l1ne 7c
from l1ne 6 )
s t" ec 1on B T t I S oa uppor t
Calendar year (or fiscal year
(a) 2007 (b) 2008 (c) 2009 (d) 2010 (e) 2011 (f) Total
beg1nn1ng 1n)
9 Amounts from l1ne 6
27,565,848 36,965,350 30,330,044 15,510,959 32,641,940 143,014,141
lOa Gross 1ncome from Interest,
d1v1dends, payments rece1ved
on secunt1es loans, rents,
862,130 340,457 369,884 98,092 314,818 1,985,381
royalties and 1ncome from
s 1 m1la r sources
b Unrelated business taxable
1ncome (less sect1on 511
taxes) from businesses
acqu1red after June 30, 197 5
c Add l1nes lOa and lOb
862,130 340,457 369,884 98,092 314,818 1,985,381
11 Net 1ncome from unrelated
bus1ness act1v1t1es not Included
1n l1ne lOb, whether or not the
bus1ness 1s regularly earned on
12 Other 1ncome Do not Include
ga1n or loss from the sale of
cap1tal assets (Explain 1n Part
IV )
13 Total support (Add l1nes 9, lOc,
28,427,978 37,305,807 30,699,928 15,609,051 32,956,758 144,999,522
14 F1rst F1ve Years If the Form 990 1s for the organ1zat1on's f1rst, second, th1rd, fourth, or f1fth tax year as a 501 (c)(3) organ1zat1on,
check th1s box and stop here ,...,
Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentaqe
15 Public Support Percentage for 2011 (l1ne 8 column (f) d1v1ded by l1ne 13 column (f))
16 Public support percentage from 2010 Schedule A, Part III, l1ne 15
Section D. Computation of Investment Income Percentage
17 Investment 1ncome percentage for 2011 (l1ne lOc column (f) d1v1ded by l1ne 13 column (f))
18 Investment 1ncome percentage from 2010 Schedule A, Part III, l1ne 17
15 89 230%
16 85 380%
1 370%
1 730%
19a 331/3/osupport tests-2011. If the organ1zat1on did not check the box on l1ne 14, and l1ne 15 IS more than 33 1/3% and l1ne 17 IS not
more than 33 1/3%, check th1s box and stop here. The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported organ1zat1on ,..p-
b 331/3/osupport tests-2010. If the organ1zat1on did not check a box on l1ne 14 or l1ne 19a, and l1ne 16 IS more than 33 1/3% and l1ne
18 1s not more than 33 1/3%, check th1s box and stop here. The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported organ1zat1on ,...,
20 Private Foundation If the organ1zat1on d1d not check a box on l1ne 14, 19a or 19b, check th1s box and see 1nstruct1ons ,...,
Schedule A Form 990 or 990-EZ 2011
5 c he d u I e A (Form 9 9 0 or 9 9 0- E Z) 2 0 11 page 4
M!ifil(fM Supplemental Information. Supplemental Information. Complete th1s part to prov1de the explanation
requ1red by Part II, lme 10; Part II, lme 17a or 17b; or Part III, line 12. Also complete th1s part for any
add1t1onal mformat1on. (See mstruct1ons).
Facts And Circumstances Test
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011
Additional Data
Software ID: 11000144
Software Version: 2011vl.2
EIN: 74-1590271
Name: Houston Zoo Inc
Form 990, Special Condition Description:
I Special Condition Description
Form 990, Part VII- Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest
Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Name and Title Average Pos1t1on (check all Reportable Reportable
hours that apply) compensation compensation
from the from related
- ::lo:E.i organ1zat1on (W- organ1zat1ons
'l:l::O ....,:J
2/1099-MISC) (W- 2/1099-
Q . ~ $!
~ X ~
~ E -
2 :3 0
6"2. ;:;: (')
"V 3
.... -
~ 0 u
(/) oi> ::;
oi> 'h
[ [.- a
[.- <[>
Aust1n Young
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
E W B1ll Wnght III
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
George R Willy
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Thomas R Walters
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Lon Vetters
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Herman L Stude
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Tony Sanchez III
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Barbara Samuels
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
R1cky Raven
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Charles 0 nstead
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Suzanne N1mocks
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Stephen D Newton
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Bobbie Nau
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
All Mosh1n
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Walt M ISCher Jr
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Stacy Methvin
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Jacqueline Jack1e Mart1n
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Neal Manne
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Glenn L Lowenstein
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Stephen Kaufman
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Martyn Goossen
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Dr Cullen Geiselman
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Anne Duncan
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
L1nnet De1ly
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Jonathan Day
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
amount of other
from the
organ1zat1on and
Form 990, Part VII- Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest
Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Name and Title Average Pos1t1on (check all Reportable Reportable
hours that apply) compensation compensation
from the from related
- :3o;i5 organ1zat1on (W- organ1zat1ons
Q _ ~
~ ~
2/1099-MISC) (W- 2/1099-
~ -
3 0
C ) ~
::0 ::0
_. _.
~ 0 u
rp 11> ::;
rr:- ~
11> 'b
(I (I.- a
(I.- i[:o
Rufus Corm1er Jr
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Roberto Contreras
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Michael Corda
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Joe Cleary
1 00
Board Member
X 0 0
Rafael Bustillo
1 00 X 0 0
Board Member
Barbara Goldfield
1 00 X X 0 0
Sec ret a ry
Cathryn Selman
1 00 X X 0 0
V 1ce C ha1rman
Donald R Kendall Jr
1 00 X
V 1ce C ha1rman
X 0 0
Robert Graham
4 00 X X 0 0
C ha1rman
Lesl1e Forest1er
40 00 X 135,892 0
Rodnck Barong1
40 00 X 259,553 0
Exec Director
Deborah Cannon
40 00
President & CEO
X 316,309 0
Dav1d Brady
40 00 X 166,000 0
VP Marketing & Dev
Sharon Joseph
40 00
VP An1mal Prgms
X 139,232 0
Joseph Kalla
40 00
V P 0 perat1ons
X 135,766 0
Shen Lytle
40 00 X 124,539 0
Human Resources
LOUISe Partello
40 00
System Support
X 123,917 0
L1la Soussan
40 00
X 113,586 0
amount of other
from the
organ1zat1on and
(Form 990 or 990-EZ)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities
For Organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501 (c) and section 527
if the organization is described below.
to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. separate instructions.
If the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, Line 3, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 46 (Political Campaign Activities),
Sect1on 501(c)(3) organ1zat1ons Complete Parts 1-A and B Do not complete Part 1-C
Sect1on 501(c) (other than sect1on 501(c)(3)) organ1zat1ons Complete Parts 1-A and C below Do not complete Part 1-B
Sect1on 527 organ1zat1ons Complete Part 1-A only
If the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, Line 4, or Form 990-EZ, Part VI, line 47 (Lobbying Activities), then
Sect1on 501 ( c )(3) organ1zat1ons that have flied Form 5768 (election under sect1on 501 (h)) Complete Part II-A Do not complete Part 11-B
Sect1on 501( c)(3) organ1zat1ons that have NOT flied Form 5768 (election under sect1on 501(h)) Complete Part 11-B Do not complete Part II-A
If the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, Line 5 (Proxy Tax) or Form 990-EZ, line 35c (Proxy Tax), then
Sect1on 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organ1zat1ons Complete Part Ill
Name of the organ1zat1on
Houston Zoo Inc
Employer ldent1f1cat1on number
Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c) or is a section 527 organization.
1 P rov1de a descnpt1on of the organ1zat1on's d1rect and 1nd1rect pol1t1cal campa1gn act1v1t1es on behalf of or
1n oppos1t1on to candidates for public off1ce 1n Part IV
Pol1t1cal expenditures
3 Volunteer hours
lld:l Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(3).
$ ______ _
1 Enter the amount of any exc1se tax Incurred by the organ1zat1on undersect1on 4955
$ _______ _
2 Enter the amount of any exc1se tax Incurred by organ1zat1on managers under sect1on 4955
$ _______ _
3 If the orga n1zat1on 1 nc urred a sect1on 4 9 55 tax, d1d 1t f1le Form 4 7 2 0 for th1s yea r7
4a Was a correction made7
b If "Yes," descnbe 1n Part IV
I Yes F No
I Yes F No
1@113 Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c) except section 501(c)(3).
1 Enter the amount directly expended by the f1l1ng organ1zat1on for sect1on 527 exempt funct1on act1v1t1es $ ---------
Enter the amount ofthe f1l1ng organ1zat1on's funds contnbuted to otherorgan1zat1ons forsect1on 527
exempt funt1on act1v1t1es
Total exempt funct1on expenditures Add l1nes 1 and 2 Enter here and on Form 1120-PO L, l1ne 17b
D1d the f1l1ng organ1zat1on f1le Form 1120-POL for th1s year7
$ ______ _
$ ______ _
I Yes I No
5 Enter the names, addresses and employer ldent1f1cat1on number (EIN) of all sect1on 527 pol1t1cal organ1zat1ons to wh1ch the f1l1ng
organ1zat1on made payments For each organ1zat1on listed, enter the amount pa1d from the f1l1ng organ1zat1on's funds A I so enter the
amount of pol1t1cal contnbut1ons rece1ved that were promptly and directly delivered to a separate pol1t1cal organ1zat1on, such as a
separate segregated fund or a pol1t1cal act1on committee (PAC) If add1t1onal space 1s needed, prov1de 1nformat1on 1n Part IV
(a) Name (b) Address (c) E IN (d) Amount pa1d from
(e) A mount of pol1t1cal
f1l1ng organ1zat1on's
contnbut1ons rece1ved
funds If none, enter -0-
and promptly and
directly delivered to a
separate pol1t1cal
organ1zat1on If none,
enter -0-
For Pnvacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Not1ce, see the mstruct1ons for Form 990.
Cat No 500845 Schedule C Form 990 or 990-EZ 2011
S c he d u I e C (Form 9 9 0 or 9 9 0- E Z) 2 0 11 p a e 2
Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(3) and filed Form 5768 (election
under section 501(h)).
A Check I 1fthe f1l1ng organ1zat1on belongs to an aff1l1ated group (and l1st 1n Part IV each aff1l1ated group member's name, address, EIN,
expenses, and share of excess lobbying expenditures)
B Check I 1fthe f1l1ng organ1zat1on checked box A and "l1m1ted control" prov1s1ons apply
Limits on Lobbying Expenditures
(a) F1l1ng
0 rgan1zat1on's
(The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred.)
Total lobbying expenditures to Influence public op1n1on (grass roots lobbying)
Total lobbying expenditures to Influence a leg1slat1ve body (d1rect lobbying)
Totallobby1ng expenditures (add l1nes 1a and 1b)
0 ther exempt purpose expenditures
Total exempt purpose expenditures (add l1nes 1c and 1d)
Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following table 1n both
If the amount on line le, column (a) or (b) is: The lobbying nontaxable amount is:
Not over $500,000 20% of the amount on line 1e
Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000
Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000
Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000
Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000
Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 2 5% of l1ne lf)
Subtract l1ne 1g from l1ne 1a If zero or less, enter -0-
Subtract l1ne 1 f from l1ne 1 c If zero or less, enter -0-
Ifthere 1s an amount other than zero on e1ther l1ne 1h or l1ne 11, d1d the organ1zat1on f1le Form 4 720 reporting
sect1on 4911 tax forth1s year7
4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h)
(b) Aff1l1ated
I Yes I No
(Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five
columns below. See the instructions for lines 2a through 2f on page 4.)
Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period
Calendar year (or fiscal year
(a) 2008 (b) 2009 (c) 2 010 (d)2011 (e) Total
beginning in)
Lobbying non-taxable amount
Lobbying ce1l1ng amount
(150% of l1ne 2a column(e))
Total lobbying expenditures
Grassroots non-taxable amount
Grassroots ce1l1ng amount
(150% of l1ne 2d, column (e))
Grassroots lobbying expenditures
Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011
5 c he d u I e C (Form 9 9 0 or 9 9 0- E Z) 2 0 11 p a e 3
Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(3) and has NOT filed Form 5768
(election under section 501(h)).
1 Dunng the year, d1d the f1l1ng organ1zat1on attempt to Influence fore1gn, nat1onal, state or local
leg1slat1on, 1nclud1ng any attempt to Influence public op1n1on on a leg1slat1ve matter or referendum,
through the use of
a Volunteers?
b Pa1d staff or management (Include compensation 1n expenses reported on l1nes 1c through 11)7
c Med1a advertisements?
d Ma1l1ngs to members, legislators, or the publlc7
e Publ1cat1ons, or published or broadcast statements?
f Grants to other organ1zat1ons for lobbying purposes?
g D1rect contact w1th legislators, the1r staffs, government off1c1als, or a leg1slat1ve body7
h Rallies, demonstrations, sem1nars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any s1m1lar means7
i Otheract1v1t1es7 If"Yes," descnbe 1n Part IV
j Total l1nes 1c through 11
2a D1d the act1v1t1es 1n l1ne 1 cause the organ1zat1on to be not descnbed 1n sect1on 501(c)(3)7
b If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax Incurred under sect1on 4912
c If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax Incurred by organ1zat1on managers under sect1on 4912
Yes No
d If the f1l1ng organ1zat1on Incurred a sect1on 4912 tax, d1d 1t f1le Form 4720 forth1s year7 I No
:r.nniCJ.!.1 Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(4), section 501(c)(S), or section
Were substantially all (90% or more) dues rece1ved nondeductible by members?
D1d the organ1zat1on make only In-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less7
3 D1d the organ1zat1on agree to carryover lobbying and pol1t1cal expenditures from the pnor year7 3
Yes No
:r.nna:t Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(4), section 501(c)(S), or section
501(c)(6) 1f BOTH Part III-A, hnes 1 and 2 are answered "No" OR 1f Part III-A, lme 3 IS
answered "Yes".
1 Dues, assessments and s1m1lar amounts from members 1
2 Sect1on 162(e) non-deductible lobbying and pol1t1cal expenditures (do not includeamountsof political
expenses for which the section 527(f) tax was paid).
a Current year
b Carryover from last year 2b
c Total 2c
3 Aggregate amount reported 1n sect1on 6033(e)(1)(A) not1ces of nondeductible sect1on 162(e) dues 3
4 If not1ces were sent and the amount on l1ne 2c exceeds the amount on l1ne 3, what port1on of the excess
does the organ1zat1on agree to carryover to the reasonable est1mate of nondeductible lobbying and
pol1t1cal expenditure next year7 4
5 Taxable amount of lobbying and pol1t1cal expenditures (see 1nstruct1ons) 5 Supplemental Information
Complete th1s part to prov1de the descnpt1ons requ1red for Part 1-A, l1ne 1, Part 1-B, l1ne 4, Part 1-C, l1ne 5, and Part 11-B, l1ne 11
Also complete th1s part for any add1t1onallnformat1on
Part II-B, L1ne 11
Ret urn Reference
Part II-B, L1ne 11- Other Act1v1t1es
Houston Zoo, Inc contracted w1th a consultant dunng the year
The consultant set up meet1ngs w1th Houston area
Congressional Representatives, and worked w1th the1r local and
Washington staffs to keep them Informed of act1v1t1es and
programs at the Zoo
Schedule C (Form 990 or 990EZ) 2011
efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493263007022
(Form 990)
OMB No 1545-0047
Supplemental Financial Statements
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
if the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990,
Part IV, line 6, 7, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 12a, or 12b
to Form 990. separate instructions.
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Houston Zoo Inc
Employer identification number
Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts. Complete 1f the
orqa n1zat1on a nswe re Yes to Form Part IV me d " 990 I 6
(a) Donor adv1sed funds (b) Funds and other accounts
Total number at end ofyear
Aggregate contnbut1ons to (dunng year)
Aggregate grants from (dunng year)
Aggregate value at end of year
D1d the organ1zat1on Inform all donors and donor adv1sors 1n wnt1ng that the assets held 1n donor adv1sed
funds are the organ1zat1on's property, subJect to the organ1zat1on's exclus1ve legal control?
6 D1d the organ1zat1on Inform all grantees, donors, and donor adv1sors 1n wnt1ng that grant funds may be
I Yes
used only for chantable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor adv1sor, or for any other purpose
confernng ImpermiSSible pnvate benefit I Yes
l@iil Conservation Easements. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, lme 7.
1 Purpose(s) of conservation easements held by the organ1zat1on (check all that apply)
I Preservation of land for public use (e g, recreation or pleasure) I Preservation of an h1stoncally Importantly land area
I Protection of natural hab1tat I Preservation of a cert1f1ed h1stonc structure
I Preservation of open space
2 Complete l1nes 2a-2d 1fthe organ1zat1on held a qual1f1ed conservation contnbut1on 1n the form of a conservation
easement on the last day of the tax year
I No
I No
Held at the End of the Year
a Total number of conservation easements
b Total acreage restncted by conservation easements
c Numberofconservat1on easements on a cert1f1ed h1stonc structure Included 1n (a)
d Number of conservation easements Included 1n (c) acqu1red after 8/17/06
3 Number of conservation easements mod1f1ed, transferred, released, ext1ngu1shed, or terminated by the organ1zat1on dunng
the taxable
4 Number of states where property subJect to conservation easement 1s located
5 Does the organ1zat1on have a wntten pol1cy regarding the penod1c mon1tonng, 1nspect1on, handling of v1olat1ons, and
enforcement of the conservation easements 1t holds7 I Yes I No
6 Staff and volunteer hours devoted to mon1tonng, 1nspect1ng and enforcing conservation easements dunng the
7 A mount of expenses Incurred 1n mon1tonng, 1nspect1ng, and enforcing conservation easements dunng the year
______ _
Does each conservation easement reported on l1ne 2(d) above sat1sfy the requirements of sect1on
170(h)(4 )(B)(1) and 170(h)(4 )(B)(11)7 I Yes
9 In Part XIV, descnbe how the organ1zat1on reports conservation easements 1n 1ts revenue and expense statement, and
balance sheet, and Include, 1f applicable, the text of the footnote to the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements that descnbes
the organ1zat1on's accounting for conservation easements
1101 Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets.
Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 8.
1a If the organ1zat1on elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, not to report 1n 1ts revenue statement and balance sheet works of
art, h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education or research 1n furtherance of public serv1ce,
prov1de, 1n Part XIV, the text of the footnote to 1ts f1nanc1al statements that descnbes these 1tems
b If the organ1zat1on elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, to report 1n 1ts revenue statement and balance sheet works of art,
h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education, or research 1n furtherance of public serv1ce,
prov1de the following amounts relat1ng to these 1tems
I No
(i) Revenues Included 1n Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 1
(ii)Assets Included 1n Form 990, Part X
_______ _
_______ _
2 If the organ1zat1on rece1ved or held works of art, h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets for f1nanc1al ga1n, prov1de the
following amounts requ1red to be reported under SFAS 116 relat1ng to these 1tems
Revenues Included 1n Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 1
_______ _
Assets Included 1n Form 990, Part X
For Priva Act and Pa erwork Reduction Act Notice see the Intructions for Form 990 Cat No 52283D Schedule D Form 990 2011
S c he d u I e D (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 page 2
l@ihj Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets (contmued)
3 Us1ng the organ1zat1on's access1on and other records, check any of the following that are a s1gn1f1cant use of 1ts collection
1tems (check all that apply)
a p- Public exhibition d p- Loan or exchange programs
b p- Scholarly research e p- Other Conservation
c p- Preservation for future generations
4 P rov1de a descnpt1on of the organ1zat1on's collections and explain how they further the organ1zat1on's exempt purpose 1n
Part XIV
5 Dunng the year, d1d the organ1zat1on sol1c1t or rece1ve donations of art, h1stoncal treasures or other s1m1lar
assets to be sold to ra1se funds rather than to be ma1nta1ned as part of the organ1zat1on's collection? I Yes
liifil(fj Escrow and Custodial Arrangements. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990,
Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21.
la Is the organ1zat1on an agent, trustee, custodian or other 1ntermed1ary for contnbut1ons or other assets not
1 n c I u de d on Form 9 9 0, Part X 7
b If "Yes," explain the arrangement 1n Part XIV and complete the following table
c Beg1nn1ng balance
d Add1t1ons dunng the year
e D1stnbut1ons dunng the year
f End1ng balance
2a D1d the organ1zat1on Include an amount on Form 990, Part X, l1ne 217
b If"Yes," explain the arrangement 1n Part XIV
Endowment Funds. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990
Part IV
I Yes
I Yes
line 10.
I No
I No
(a)Current Year (b)Pnor Year (c)Two Years Back (d)Three Years Back (e) Four Years Back
la Beg1nn1ng of year balance
4,873,111 3,527,496 3,238,591
b Contnbut1ons
62,246 879,075 3,225
c Investment earn1ngs or losses
-20,106 481,000 312,877
d Grants or scholarships
e Other expenditures for fac1l1t1es
and programs
f Adm1n1strat1ve expenses
48,983 14,560 27,197
g End of year balance
4,866,268 4,873,111 3,527,496
2 Prov1de the estimated percentage of the year end balance held as
a Board designated or quasi-endowment ~
19 530%
b Permanent endowment ~
71 670%
c Term endowment ~ 8 800%
3a Are there endowment funds not 1n the possession of the organ1zat1on that are held and adm1n1stered for the
organ1zat1on by
(i) unrelated organ1zat1ons
(ii) related organ1zat1ons
b If"Yes" to 3a(11), are the related organ1zat1ons l1sted as requ1red on Schedule R7
4 Descnbe 1n Part XIV the Intended uses of the organ1zat1on's endowment funds
l:r.H.'U Lan d "ld" Bu1 mgs, an d Equipment. See Form 990 Part X me 10.
Yes No
I 3a(i) No
I 3a(ii) No
3b No
Descnpt1on of property
(a) Cost or other (b )Cost or other (c) Accumulated
(d) Book value
bas1s (Investment) bas1s (other) deprec1at1on
la Land
b Bu1ld1ngs
c Leasehold Improvements 69,656,572 10,375,502 59,281,070
d Equipment 4,951,177 3,512,618 1,438,559
e Other 2,201, 764 2,201, 764
Total. Add l1nes 1a-1e (Column (d) should equal Form 990, Part X, column (B), !me 10(c).) ~ 62,921,393
Schedule D (Form 990) 2011
5 c he d u I e D (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11
I :E.Tilill T' .. Investments Other Securities. See Form 990 Part X lme 12.
(a) Descnpt1on of secunty or category
(b)Book value
(c) Method ofvaluat1on
(1nclud1ng name of secunty) Cost or end-of-year market value
(1 )F1nanc1al denvat1ves
(2)Ciosely-held equ1ty Interests
Total. (Column (b) should equal Fof7Tl 990, Part X, col (B) /me 12)
:r.Til .. T J" Investments Program Related. See Form 990 Part X lme 13.
(a) Descnpt1on of Investment type (b) Book value
(c) Method ofvaluat1on
Cost or end-of-year market value
Total. (Column (b) should equal Fof7Tl 990, Part X, col (B) /me 13)
:r.n : tl Other Assets. See Form 990 Part X line 15.
(a) Descnpt1on (b) Book value
Total. (Column (b) should equal Form 990, Part X, co/.(8) !me 15.) . ~
Other Liabilities. See Form 990 Part X line 25.
(a) Descnpt1on of L1ab111ty
(b) A mount
Federal Income Taxes
Total. (Column (b) should equal Fof7Tl 990, Part X, col (B) /me 25)
2. F1n 48 (ASC 740) Footnote In Part XIV, prov1de the text of the footnote to the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements that reports the
organ1zat1on's l1ab111ty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons under FIN 48 (ASC740)
Page 3
Schedule D (Form 990) 2011
S c he d u I e D (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 Page 4
: r . n ~
Reconciliation of Change in Net Assets from Form 990 to Financial Statements
Total revenue (Form 990, Part VIII, column (A), l1ne 12) 1 33,171,567
Total expenses (Form 990, Part IX, column (A), l1ne 25) 2 30,309,035
Excess or (def1c1t) for the year Subtract l1ne 2 from l1ne 1 3 2,862,532
Net unrealized ga1ns (losses) on Investments 4 -496,099
Donated serv1ces and use offac1l1t1es 5
Investment expenses 6
P nor penod adJustments 7
Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIV) 8
Total adJustments (net) Add l1nes 4- 8 9 -496,099
Excess or (def1c1t) for the year per f1nanc1al statements Comb1ne l1nes 3 and 9 10 2,366,433
l:fl'i.:HI Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return
1 Total revenue, ga1ns, and other support per aud1ted f1nanc1al statements 1 32,975,252
2 Amounts Included on l1ne 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 12
a Net unrealized ga1ns on Investments 2a -496,099
b Donated serv1ces and use offac1l1t1es 2b 121,812
c Recovenes of pnor year grants 2c
d Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIV) 2d
e Add l1nes 2a through 2d 2e -374,287
3 Subtract l1ne 2e from l1ne 1 3 33,349,539
4 Amounts Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 12, but not on l1ne 1
a Investment expenses not Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 7b
b Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIV) 4b -177,972
c Add l1nes 4a and 4b 4c -177,972
5 Total Revenue Add l1nes 3 and 4c. (Th1s should equal Form 990, Part I, l1ne 12 ) 5 33,171,567
:r.n:n Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return
1 Total expenses and losses per aud1ted f1nanc1al 30,608,819
statements 1
2 Amounts Included on l1ne 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, l1ne 25
a Donated serv1ces and use offac1l1t1es 2a 121,812
b Pnor year adJustments 2b
c Other losses 2c
d Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIV) 2d 177,972
e Add l1nes 2a through 2d 2e 299,784
3 Subtract l1ne 2e from l1ne 1 3 30,309,035
4 Amounts Included on Form 990, Part IX, l1ne 25, but not on l1ne 1:
a Investment expenses not Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 7b
b Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIV) 4b
c Add l1nes 4a and 4b 4c
5 Total expenses Add 11 n e s 3 and 4c. (T h 1 s s h o u I d e qua I Form 9 9 0, Part I, 11 n e 18 ) 5 30,309,035
Supplemental Information
Complete th1s part to prov1de the descnpt1ons requ1red for Part II, l1nes 3, 5, and 9, Part III, l1nes 1a and 4, Part IV, l1nes 1 band 2b,
Part V, l1ne 4, Part X, Part XI, l1ne 8, Part XII, l1nes 2d and 4b, and Part XIII, l1nes 2d and 4b Also complete th1s part to prov1de any
add1t1onal 1nformat1on
Identifier Ret urn Reference Explanation
Part XIII, L1ne 2d Part XIII, L1ne 2d Other expenses D 1rect donor benef1ts $17 7 9 7 2
and losses per aud1ted F/S
Part V, L1ne 4 Part V, L1ne 4 Intended uses of the To support programs and fac1l1ty 1n accordance w1th restnct1ons
endowment fund
Part III, L1ne 4 Part III, L1ne 4 Descnpt1on of The Houston Zoo 1s a conservation, education, and recreation
organ1zat1on's collections and how 1t organ1zat1on dedicated to the reproduction, protection, and
furthers 1ts purpose exh1b1t1on of an1mals 1n the1r hab1tats The Houston Zoo prov1des
a fun, un1que and 1nsp1rat1onal expenence fostenng apprec1at1on,
knowledge and care for the natural world
Part III, L1ne 1a Part III, L1ne 1a If organ1zat1on In accordance w1th Industry pract1ce, the Houston Zoo does not
elected under SFAS 116 to not report cap1tal1ze an1mal and horticultural collections, acqu1s1t1ons are
are, h1stoncal treasures, o reported as expenditures 1n the penod of acqu1s1t1on The
Houston Zoo 1s responsible for the health and welfare of 1ts
an1mal and horticultural collections The Houston Zoo ma1nta1ns
records of 1ts collections and any exchanges w1th other
organ1zat1ons Under the d1rect1on of the Board of Directors, the
President, and the curatonal staff, collections cont1nue to be
cared for, used, and expanded In 2011 and 2010, the Houston
Zoo expended approximately $150,000 and $645,000,
respectively, to expand 1ts collections In an ongo1ng
commitment to enhance worldwide reproduction and
conservation of an1mals, the Houston Zoo exchanges an1mals
w1th other organ1zat1ons Consistent w1th Industry pract1ce, the
Houston Zoo does not record any l1ab111ty for such exchange
arrangements as generally these arrangements are Without
monetary cons1derat1on
Schedule D Form 990 2011
efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493263007022
(Form 990)
Statement of Activities Outside the United States
OMB No 1545-0047
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
.,. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990,
Part IV, line 14b, 15, or 16 .
.,. Attach to Form 990 . .,. See separate instructions.
Open to Public
Name of the organ1zat1on
Houston Zoo Inc
Employer identification number
General Information on Activities Outside the United States. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered
"Yes" to Form 990 Part IV lme 14b.
1 For grantmakers. Does the organ1zat1on mamta1n records to substantiate the amount of the grants or
ass1stance, the grantees' el1glbil1ty for the grants or ass1stance, and the select1on cntena used to award
the grants or assistance? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Yes I No
2 For grantmakers. Descnbe 1n Part V the organ1zat1on's procedures for mon1tonng the use of grant funds outside the
U n1ted States
3 Act1v1tes per Reg1on (Use Part V 1f add1t1onal space 1s needed)
(a) Reg1on (b) Number of (c) Number of (d) Act1v1t1es conducted 1n (e) If act1v1ty listed 1n (d) 1s a
off1ces 1n the employees or reg1on (by type) (e g , program serv1ce, descnbe
reg1on agents 1n reg 1on or fundra1s1ng, program speCific type of
Independent serv1ces, Investments, grants serv1ce(s) 1n reg1on
contractors to reCipients located 1n the
South A menca 0 0 Program Conservation
Central Amenca/Canbbea 0 0 Program Conservation
Europe 0 0 Program Conservation
East As1a/Pac1f1c 0 0 Program Conservation
3a Sub-total
b Total from cont1nuat1on sheets
to Part I
c Totals (add l1nes 3a and 3b)
(f) Total
expenditures for
reg 1on/ Investments
1n reg1on
3 0,215
271 494
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat No 50082W Schedule F (Form 990) 2011
S c he d u I e F (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 Page 2
liifilil Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990,
Part IV, I me 15, for any rec1p1ent who rece1ved more than $5,000. Check th1s box 1f no one rec1p1ent rece1ved more than $5,000 . . . . . . . . ,... I
U P V f dd I d d se art I a 1t1ona space 1s nee e
1 (b) IRS code (c) Reg1on (d) Purpose of (e) Amount of (f) Manner of (g) A mount of (h) Descnpt1on (i) Method of
(a) Name of sect1on grant cash grant cash of non-cash of non-cash valuation
organ 1zat1 on and EIN (If disbursement assistance assistance (book, FMV,
applicable) appraisal, other)
South A menca See Part V 3 0,215 W1re transfer
Europe See Part V 46,717 W1re transfer
East As1a/Pac1f See Part V 68,717 W1re transfer
Central Amenca See Part V 10,000 W1re transfe
2 Enter total number of rec1p1ent organ1zat1ons listed above that are recogn1zed as chant1es by the fore1gn country, recogn1zed as
tax-exempt by the IRS, or for wh1ch the grantee or counsel has prov1ded a sect1on 501(c)(3) equ1valency letter ,...
3 Enter total number of other organ1zat1ons or ent1t1es .
Schedule F (Form 990) 2011
5 c he d u I e F (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 page 3
1@101 Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals Outside the United States. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 16.
Use Part V 1 f dd I d d a 1t1ona space 1s nee e
(a) Type of grant or (b) Reg1on (c) Number of (d) A mount of (e) Mannerofcash (f) A mount of (g) Descnpt1on (h) Method of
assistance rec1p1ents cash grant disbursement non-cash of non-cash valuation
assistance assistance (book, FMV,
appraisal other)
Carnivore Programing East As1a/Pac1f1c 1 7,200 W1re transfer
Amph1b1an Conservation Central Amenca 1 103,282 W1re transfer
Schedule F (Form 990) 2011
5 c he d u I e F (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 Page 4
IUffil4fj Foreign Forms
1 Was the organ1zat1on aU 5 transferor of property to a fore1gn corporation dunng the tax year7 If "Yes," the
orgamzat1on may be requ1red to file Form 926 (see instructions for Form 926) I
Yes p- No
2 D1d the organ1zat1on have an Interest 1n a fore1gn trust dunng the tax year7 If" Yes," the orgamzat1on may be
required to file Form 3520 and/or Form 3520-A. (see instructions for Forms 3520 and 3520-A) I
Yes p- No
3 D1d the organ1zat1on have an ownership Interest 1n a fore1gn corporation dunng the tax year7 If "Yes," the
orgamzat1on may be requ1red to file Form 5471, Information Return of U.S. Persons w1th respect to Certain Fore1gn
Corporations. (see instructions for Form 5471) I
Yes p- No
4 Was the organ1zat1on a d1rect or 1nd1rect shareholder of a pass1ve fore1gn Investment company or a qual1f1ed
elect1ng fund dunng the tax year7 If "Yes," the orgamzat1on may be required to file Form 8621, Return by a
Shareholder of a Pass1ve Fore1gn Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund. (see instructions for Form 8621) I
Yes p- No
5 D1d the organ1zat1on have an ownership Interest 1n a fore1gn partnership dunng the tax year7 If "Yes," the
orgamzat1on may be requ1red to file Form 8865, Return of U.S. Persons w1th respect to Certain Fore1gn Partnerships.
(see instructions for Form 8865) I
Yes p- No
6 D1d the organ1zat1on have any operations 1n or related to any boycotting countnes dunng the tax year7 If "Yes,"
the orgamzat1on may be requ1red to file Form 5713, International Boycott Report (see instructions for Form
5713). I
Yes p- No
Schedule F (Form 990) 2011
5 c he d u I e F (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 Page 5
IQffilfl Supplemental Information
Complete th1s part to prov1de the mformat1on (see mstruct1ons) requ1red m Part I, line 2, and any add1t1onal
I dent1f1er ReturnReference Explanation
Grantmaker's Descnpt1on of How ~ h e Houston Zoo's selection standards for awarding grants are
Grants are Used 1n Fore1gn Country based on our m1ss1on statement goals and long term development
of reg1onal programs We do not sol1c1t proposals nor do we have a
formal process for rece1v1ng and evaluating grant requests
Instead we act1vely seek out proJects that f1t 1n w1th the areas of
Interest to the Zoo and 1ts staff We then meet w1th the
researchers to see how well they would f1t w1th our zoo We never
spend much money up front unt1l we are sat1sf1ed that they w1ll
communicate and Interact w1th the zoo (web, med1a, reports,
speaker requests, art1cles, etc) and the1r program 1s sustainable
over the next 1-3 years we 1 ntend to partner w1th them We
mon1tor the1r progress through penod1c s1te v1s1ts where
practicable and request that they prov1de penod1c reports of
Schedule F Form 990 2011
efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493263007022
(Form 990 or 990-EZ)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
Supplemental Information Regarding
Fundraising or Gaming Activities
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Fonn 990, Part IV, lines 17, 18, or 19,
or if the organization entered more than $15,000 on Fonn 990-EZ, line 6a.
,... Attach to Form 990 or Fonn 990-EZ.,... See separate instructions.
OMB No 1545-0047
Open to Public
Ins ection
Name of the organ1zat1on
Houston Zoo Inc
Employer identification number
l:tfill Fundraising Activities. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 17.
1 I nd1cate whether the organ1zat1on ra1sed funds through any of the following act1v1t1es Check all that apply
a F Mall sol1c1tat1ons e F Sol1c1tat1on of non-government grants
b F Internet and e-ma1l sol1c1tat1ons
c I Phone sol1c1tat1ons
d F In-person sol1c1tat1ons
f F Sol1c1tat1on of government grants
g F Spec1al fundra1s1ng events
2a D1d the organ1zat1on have a wntten or oral agreement w1th any 1nd1v1dual (1nclud1ng officers, directors, trustees
or key employees listed 1n Form 990, Part VII) or ent1ty 1n connection w1th professional fundra1s1ng services?
r Yes P No
b If"Yes," l1st the ten highest pa1d 1nd1v1duals or ent1t1es (fundra1sers) pursuant to agreements underwh1ch the fundra1ser 1s
to be compensated at least $5,000 by the organ1zat1on Form 990-EZ f1lers are not requ1red to complete th1s table
(i) Name and address of (ii) Act1v1ty (iii) D1d (iv) Gross rece1pts (v) Amount pa1d to (vi) Amount pa1d to
1nd1v1dual fund ra 1 s e r have from act1v1ty (or reta1ned by) (or reta1ned by)
or ent1ty (fundra1ser) custody or fundra1ser l1sted 1n organ 1zat1 on
control of col (i)
Yes No
Lat1mer & Assoc
3000 Weslayan No 20,000
Houston, TX 77027
Total. ..... 20,000
3 L1st all states 1n wh1ch the organ1zat1on 1s registered or licensed to sol1c1t funds or has been not1f1ed 1t 1s exempt from reg1strat1on or
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat No 50083H Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011
5 c he d u I e G (Form 9 9 0 or 9 9 0- E Z) 2 0 11 Page 2
liifilil Fundraising Events. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, lme 18, or reported
more than $15,000 on Form 990-EZ, lme 6a. List events w1th gross rece1pts greater than $5,000.
(a) Event #1 (b) Event #2
(c) Other Events (d) Total Events
(Add col (a) through
Conserv Gala Feast w/Beast
1 col (c))
(event type) (event type)
(total number)
; 1
Gross rece1pts
512,332 424,697 20,2 50 957,279
2 Less C ha nta ble
408,905 188,732 8,325 605,962
3 Gross 1ncome (l1ne 1
103,427 235,965 11,9 2 5 3 51,317
m1nus l1ne 2)
4 Cash pnzes
Non-cash pnzes
6 Rent/fac1l1ty costs 3,009 48,877 672 52,5 58
7 Food and beverages 29,392 2 9,7 64 6,265 65,421
8 Entertainment 26,492 7 3,800 500 100,792
9 Other d1rect expenses 900 16,890 1,204 18,994
10 D1rect expense summary Add l1nes 4 through 9 1n column (d). ....
( 237,765)
11 Net 1ncome summary Comb1ne l1nes 3 and 10 1n column (d). ....
I :.F.T i .... Gaming. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, lme 19, or reported more than
$15,000 on Form 990-EZ, line 6a.
~ (a) B1ngo (b) Pull tabs/Instant (c) Other gam1ng (d) Total gam1ng
b1ngojprogress1ve b1ngo (Add col (a) through
col (c))
1 Gross revenue
<./) 2 Cash pnzes
3 Non-cash pnzes
4 Rent/fac1l1ty costs
0 5 Other d1rect expenses
6 Volunteer labor
I Yes
I Yes
I Yes
I No I No I No
D1rect expense summary Add l1nes 2 through 5 1n column (d). ....
( )
8 Net gam1ng 1ncome summary Comb1ne l1nes 1 and 7 1n column (d). ....
9 Enter the state(s) 1n wh1ch the organ1zat1on operates gam1ng act1v1t1es
a Is the organ1zat1on licensed to operate gam1ng act1v1t1es 1n each of these states?
rYes r No
b If "No," Explain
lOa Were any ofthe organ1zat1on's gam1ng licenses revoked, suspended orterm1nated dunng the tax year7 rYes r No
b If"Yes," Explain
Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011
5 c he d u I e G (Form 9 9 0 or 9 9 0- E Z) 2 0 11
11 Does the organ1zat1on operate gam1ng act1v1t1es w1th nonmembers?
12 Is the organ1zat1on a grantor, benef1c1ary or trustee of a trust or a member of a partnership or other ent1ty
formed to adm1n1ster chantable gamlng7
13 I nd1cate the percentage of gam1ng act1v1ty operated 1n
a The organ1zat1on's fac1l1ty
b An outs1de fac1l1ty
13a I
. 13b
14 Prov1de the name and address of the person who prepares the organ1zat1on's gam1ngjspec1al events books and
1Sa Does the organ1zat1on have a contract w1th a th1rd party from whom the organ1zat1on rece1ves gam1ng
b If "Yes," enter the amount of gam1ng revenue rece1ved by the organ1zat1on,.. $----------and the
amount of gam1ng revenue reta1ned by the th1rd party,..$----------
c If "Yes," enter name and address
16 Gam1ng manager 1nformat1on
Gam1ng manager compensation,..$---------------------------------------------
Descnpt1on of serv1ces prov1ded,..
I D1rector/off1cer I Employee I Independent contractor
17 Mandatory d1stnbut1ons
a Is the organ1zat1on requ1red under state law to make chantable d1stnbut1ons from the gam1ng proceeds to
reta1n the state gam1ng license?
b Enter the amount of d1stnbut1ons requ1red under state law d1stnbuted to other exempt organ1zat1ons or spent
1n the organ1zat1on's own exempt act1v1t1es dunng the tax year,.. $
Page 3
I Yes I No
I Yes I No
I Yes I No
I Yes I No
l!ifil(fj Complete th1s part to prov1de add1t1onal mformat1on for responses to quuest1on on Schedule G (see
Ident1f1er ReturnReference Explanation
Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011
efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493263007022
Schedule I
(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
Name of the organ1zat1on
Houston Zoo Inc
Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations,
Governments and Individuals in the United States
Complete if the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, line 21 or 22.
jllrr Attach to Form 990
General Information on Grants and Assistance
OMB No 1545-0047
Open to Public
Employer identification number
Does the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and
the selection cntena used to award the grants or assistance?.
Descnbe 1n Part IV the organ1zat1on's procedures for mon1tonng the use of grant funds 1n the U n1ted States
F Yes I No
liifilil Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to
Form 990, Part IV, line 21 for any rec1p1ent that rece1ved more than $5,000. Check th1s box 1f no one rec1p1ent rece1ved more than $5,000. Use
Part IV and Schedule I-1 (Form 990) 1f add1t1onal space IS needed .
... ,
(a) Name and address of (b)EIN (c) IRC Code sect1on (d) A mount of cash (e) A mount of non-
organ 1zat1 on 1f applicable grant
or government
(1) W1ldl1fe Conservation 30-0108469 501(c)(3) 40,800
Network25745 Bassett Lane
LosAitos,CA 94022
(2) WA Dept of F1sh & 91-1632572 Gov't 26,360
W1ldl1fe1111 Washington St
Olympia, WA 98501
(3) The D1an Fossey Gonlla 52-1118866 501(c)(3) 25,000
Fund800 Cherokee Avenue
SE Atlanta,GA 30315
(4) Mtn Gonlla Vet ProJ1876 06-1752363 501(c)(3) 24,500
Mans1on House Dr
Baltimore, MD 21217
(5) Jane Goodall I nst1tute 94-2474731 501(c)(3) 14,697
4245 North Fa1rfax Dnve
Ste 600
Arlington, VA 22203
(6) International Rh1no Fd 75-2815706 501(c)(3) 30,000
201 Ma1n Street Ste 2600
FortWorth,TX 76102
(7) International Elephant 75-2815706 501(c)(3) 14,000
FdnPO Box 366
Azle, TX 76098
(8) Con Breed1ng Spec1al1st 41-1719362 501(c)(3) 10,000
Group12101 Johnny Cake
R1dge Rd
Apple Valley,MN 55124
(9) Baylor College of 74-1613877 501(c)(3) 5 33,000
Med1c1neO ne Baylor Plaza
Houston, TX 77030
(1 0) Art of C onservat1on 20-8119983 501(c)(3) 22,000
2118 H1gh Street
Des M o1nes, IA 50312
Enter total number of sect1on 501 (c)(3) and government organ1zat1ons listed 1n the l1ne 1 table.
Enter total number of other organ1zat1ons listed 1n the l1ne 1 table.
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990.
(f) Method of (g) Descnpt1on of (h) Purpose of grant
valuation non-cash assistance or assistance
(book, FMV,
a ppra 1sa I,
0 0 perat1ng Support
0 Research
0 0 perat1ng Support
0 0 perat1ng support
0 Chimp Conservation
0 0 perat1ng Support
0 0 perat1ng support
0 0 perat1ng Support
0 Research
0 Conservation
Schedule I (Form 990) 2011
5 c he d u I e I (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 p a e 2
Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, lme 22.
Use Schedule 1-1 (Form 990) 1f add1t1onal space IS needed.
(a)Type of grant or assistance (b)N umber of (c)Amount of (d)A mount of (e)M ethod of valuation (book, (f)Descnpt1on of non-cash assistance
rec1p1ents cash grant non-cash assistance FMV, appraisal, other)
(1) Research grant 1 20,500
M@i(+M Supplemental Information. Complete th1s part to prov1de the mformat1on requ1red m Part I, line 2, and any other add1t1onal mformat1on.
Grantmaker's Descnpt1on
of How Grants are Used
Return Reference Explanation
The Houston Zoo's selection standards for awarding grants are based on our m1ss1on statement goals and long term
development of reg1onal programs We do not sol1c1t proposals nor do we have a formal process for rece1v1ng and evaluating
grant requests Instead we act1vely seek out proJects that f1t 1n w1th the areas of Interest to the Zoo and 1ts staff We then
meet w1th the researchers to see how well they would f1t w1th our zoo We never spend much money up front unt1l we are
sat1sf1ed that they w1ll communicate and Interact w1th the zoo (web, med1a, reports, speaker requests, art1cles, etc) and the1r
program 1s sustainable over the next 1-3 years we 1ntend to partner w1th them We mon1tor the1r progress through penod1c
s1te v1s1ts where practicable and request that they prov1de penod1c reports of act1v1t1es
Schedule I (Form 990) 2011
Additional Data Return to Form
Software ID: 11000144
Software Version: 2011vl.2
EIN: 74-1590271
Name: Houston Zoo Inc
Form 990,Schedule I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States
(a) Name and address (b) E IN (c) IRC Code (d) A mount of (e) A mount of (f) Method of (g) Descnpt1on (h) Purpose of
of organ1zat1on sect1on cash grant non-cash valuation of grant
or government 1f applicable assistance (book, FMV, non-cash or assistance
a ppra 1sa I, assistance
Network25745 30-
501(c)(3) 0
0 perat1ng
Bassett Lane 0108469 40,800 Support
WA Dept of F1sh &
Washington St SE Gov't 0 Research
Olympia, WA
1632572 26,360
Form 990,Schedule I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States
(a) Name and (b) E IN (c) IRC Code (d) A mount of (e) A mount of (f) Method of (g) Descnpt1on (h) Purpose of
address of sect1on cash grant non-cash valuation of grant
organ1zat1on 1f applicable assistance (book, FMV, non-cash or assistance
or government a ppra 1sa I, assistance
The D1an Fossey
Gonlla Fund800
52- 0 perat1ng
Cherokee A venue 501(c)(3) 0
SE Atlanta,GA
2 5,000
Mtn Gonlla Vet
ProJ1876 Mans1on
06- 0 perat1ng
House Dr 501(c)(3) 0
Baltimore, MD
Form 990,Schedule I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States
(a) Name and address (b)EIN (c)IRC Code (d) A mount of (e) Amount of (f) Method of (g) Descnpt1on (h) Purpose of
of organ1zat1on sect1on cash grant non-cash valuation of grant
or government 1f applicable assistance (book, FMV, non-cash or assistance
a ppra 1sa I, assistance
Jane Goodall
Instltute4245 North
Fa1rfax Dnve Ste 94-
501(c)(3) 0
600 2474731
Arlington, VA
International Rh1no
Fd201 Ma1n Street
7 5- 0 perat1ng
Ste 2600 501(c)(3) 0
Fort Worth, TX
Form 990,Schedule I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States
(a) Name and address (b) E IN (c) IRC Code (d) A mount of (e) A mount of (f) Method of (g) Descnpt1on (h) Purpose of
of organ1zat1on sect1on cash grant non-cash valuation of grant
or government 1f applicable assistance (book, FMV, non-cash or assistance
a ppra 1sa I, assistance
Elephant FdnPO Box 7 5-
501(c)(3) 0
0 perat1ng
366 2815706
Azle, TX 76098
Con Breed1ng
Spec1al1st Group
12101 Johnny Cake 41-
501(c)(3) 0
0 perat1ng
R1dge Rd 1719362
Apple Valley,MN
Form 990,Schedule I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States
(a) Name and address (b)EIN (c) IRC Code (d) A mount of (e) Amount of (f) Method of (g) Descnpt1on (h) Purpose of
of organ1zat1on sect1on cash grant non-cash valuation of grant
or government 1f applicable assistance (book, FMV, non-cash or assistance
a ppra 1sa I, assistance
Baylor College of
Med1c1neO ne Baylor 74-
501(c)(3) 0 Research
Plaza T100 1613877
5 33,000
Houston, TX 77030
Art of C onservat1on
2118 H1gh Street 20-
501(c)(3) 0
Des M o1nes, IA 8119983
efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493263007022
Schedule J
(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
Compensation Information
For certain Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest
Compensated Employees
if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990,
Part IV, question 23.
to Form 990. separate instructions.
OMB No 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Houston Zoo Inc
Employer identification number
la Check the approp1ate box(es) 1fthe organ1zat1on prov1ded any of the following to or for a person l1sted 1n Form
990, Part VII, Sect1on A, l1ne 1a Complete Part III to prov1de any relevant 1nformat1on regarding these 1tems
I F1rst-class or charter travel
I Travel for companions
I Tax ldemn1f1cat1on and gross-up payments
I D1scret1onary spending account
I Hous1ng allowance or residence for personal use
I Payments for business use of personal residence
I Health or soc1al club dues or 1n1t1at1on fees
I Personal serv1ces (e g, ma1d, chauffeur, chef)
b If any ofthe boxes 1n l1ne 1a are checked, d1d the organ1zat1on follow a wntten pol1cy regarding payment or
reimbursement orprov1s1on of all the expenses descnbed above7 If "No," complete Part III to explain
D1d the organ1zat1on requ1re substant1at1on pnor to re1mburs1ng or allowing expenses Incurred by all
officers, directors, trustees, and the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the 1tems checked 1n l1ne 1a7
3 Ind1cate wh1ch, 1f any, of the following the organ1zat1on uses to establish the compensation of the
organ1zat1on's CEO/Executive Director Check all that apply
F Compensation committee I Wntten employment contract
I Independent compensation consultant F Compensation survey or study
F Form 990 of other organ1zat1ons F Approval by the board or compensation committee
4 Dunng the year, d1d any person l1sted 1n Form 990, Part VII, Sect1on A, l1ne 1a w1th respect to the f1l1ng organ1zat1on
or a related organ1zat1on
a Rece1ve a severance payment or change-of-control payment?
b Part1c1pate 1n, or rece1ve payment from, a supplemental nonqual1f1ed retirement plan7
c Part1c1pate 1n, or rece1ve payment from, an equ1ty-based compensation arrangement?
If "Yes" to any of l1nes 4a-c, I 1st the persons and prov1de the applicable amounts for each 1tem 1n Part III
Only 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations only must complete lines S-9.
5 For persons l1sted 1n form 990, Part VII, Sect1on A, l1ne 1a, d1d the organ1zat1on pay or accrue any
compensation contingent on the revenues of
a The organ1zat1on7
b Any related organ1zat1on7
If "Yes," to l1ne Sa or Sb, descnbe 1n Part III
6 For persons l1sted 1n form 990, Part VII, Sect1on A, l1ne 1a, d1d the organ1zat1on pay or accrue any
compensation contingent on the net earn1ngs of
a The organ1zat1on7
b Any related organ1zat1on7
If "Yes," to l1ne 6a or 6b, descnbe 1n Part III
For persons l1sted 1n Form 990, Part VII, Sect1on A, l1ne 1a, d1d the organ1zat1on prov1de any non-f1xed
payments not descnbed 1n l1nes 5 and 67 If"Yes," descnbe 1n Part III
Were any amounts reported 1n Form 990, Part VII, pa1d or accured pursuant to a contract that was
subJect to the 1n1t1al contract exception descnbed 1n Regs sect1on 53 4958-4(a)(3 )7 If "Yes," descnbe
1n Part III
If"Yes" to l1ne 8, d1d the organ1zat1on also follow the rebuttable presumption procedure descnbed 1n Regulations
sect1on 53 4958-6(c)7
Yes No
2 Yes
4a No
4b Yes
4c No
Sa No
Sb No
6a No
6b No
7 Yes
8 No
9 No
For Priva Act and Pa erwork Reduction Act Notice see the Intructions for Form 990 Cat No 50053T Schedule J Form 990 2011
S c he d u I e J (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 Page 2
llil Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees. Use Schedule J-1 1f add1t1onal space needed.
For each 1nd1v1dual whose compensation must be reported 1n Schedule J, report compensation from the organ1zat1on on row (1) and from related organ1zat1ons, descnbed 1n the
1nstruct1ons on row (11) Do not l1st any 1nd1v1duals that are not l1sted on Form 990, Part VII
Note. The sum of columns (B)(1)-(111) for each listed 1nd1v1dual must equal the total amount of Form 990, Part VII, Sect1on A, l1ne 1a, columns (D) and (E) for that 1nd1v1dual
(A) Name (B) Breakdown ofW-2 and/or 1099-MISC compensation (C) Retirement and (D) Nontaxable (E) Total of columns (F) Compensation
(ii) Bonus & (iii) Other
other deferred benef1ts (B)(I)-(D) reported 1n pnor
(i) Base
1ncent1ve reportable compensation Form 990 or
compensation compensation Form 990-EZ
(1) Sharon Joseph
(1) 139,232 10,958 150,190
(2) Rodnck Barong1
(1) 234,553 2 5,000 13,933 273,486
(3) Joseph Kalla
(1) 135,766 18,80 2 154,568
(4) Deborah Cannon
(1) 291,309 2 5,000 21,6 3 5 337,944
(5) Dav1d Brady
(1) 158,500 7,500 20,115 186,115
Schedule J (Form 990) 2011
5 c he d u I e J (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 Page 3
i@IOM Supplemental Information
Complete th1s part to prov1de the 1nformat1on, explanation, or descnpt1ons requ1red for Part I, l1nes 1a, 1b, 4c, Sa, Sb, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8 Also complete th1s part for any add1t1onallnformat1on
I Identifier
Sch J, Part I,
L1ne 7
Part I, L1ne 7
payments not
l1sted above
The Compensation Committee rev1ews and approves all execut1ve staff sa lanes, the overall ra1se pool for the zoo and approves any d1scret1onary bonuses Based
upon the overall success of the zoo's operations dunng 2011, the Compensation Committee approved the payment of bonuses to employees
Schedule J (Form 990) 2011
(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
NonCash Contributions
.-Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form
990, Part IV, lines 29 or 30.
..-Attach to Form 990.
Open to Public
Ins ection
Name of the organ1zat1on
Houston Zoo Inc
Employer identification number
1 Art-Works of art
2 Art-H1stoncal treasures
3 Art-Fract1onal1nterests
4 Books and publ1cat1ons
5 Clothing and household
6 Cars and other vehicles
7 Boats and pia nes
8 Intellectual property
9 Secunt1es-Publ1cly traded
10 Secunt1es-Ciosely held stock
11 Secunt1es-Partnersh1p, LLC,
or trust Interests
12 Secunt1es-M 1scellaneous
13 Q ual1f1ed conservation
contnbut1on-H 1stonc
14 Q ual1f1ed conservation
contnbut1on-O ther
15 Real estate-Res1dent1al
16 Real estate-Commercial
17 Real estate-Other
18 C ollect1 bles
19 Food Inventory
20 Drugs and med1ca I s uppl1es
21 Taxidermy
22 H1stoncal artifacts
23 Sc1ent1f1c spec1mens
24 Archeological artifacts
(a) (b) (c)
Check Number of Contnbut1ons Contnbut1on amounts
1f or 1tems contnbuted reported on
ppl1cable Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne
Method of determ1n1ng
contnbut1on amounts
25 Other..-(supplles ) X 15 118,242 Cost
26 Other.-( _____ )
27 Other.-( _____ )
28 Other.- ( )
29 Number of Forms 8 28 3 rece1ved by the organ1zat1on dunng the tax year for contnbut1ons
for wh1ch the organ1zat1on completed Form 8283, Part IV, Donee Acknowledgement
Yes No
30a Dunng the year, d1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve by contnbut1on any property reported 1n Part I, l1nes 1-28 that 1t
must hold for at least three years from the date of the 1n1t1al contnbut1on, and wh1ch 1s not requ1red to be used
for exempt purposes for the ent1re holding penod7
b If"Yes," descnbe the arrangement 1n Part II
31 Does the organ1zat1on have a g1ft acceptance pol1cy that requ1res the rev1ew of any non-standard contnbutlons7
32a Does the organ1zat1on h1re or use th1rd part1es or related organ1zat1ons to sol1c1t, process, or sell non-cash
b If"Yes," descnbe 1n Part II
33 If the organ1zat1on d1d not report revenues 1n column (c) for a type of property for wh1ch column (a) 1s checked,
descnbe 1n Part II
31 Yes
32a No
For Privac Act and Pa erwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat No 51227J Schedule M Form 990 2011
Schedule M (Form 990) 2011
Page 2
Supplemental Information. Complete th1s part to prov1de the mformat1on requ1red by Part I, lines 30b,
32b, and 33. Also complete th1s part for any add1t1onal mformat1on.
Schedule M (Form 990) 2011
(Form 990 or 990-EZ)
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Serv1ce
Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on
Form 990 or to provide any additional information.
Name of the organ1zat1on
Houston Zoo Inc
Identifier Return Reference
Form 990, Form 990, Part VI, Line
Part VI, Line 19 Other Organ1zat1on
19 Documents A.Jbl1cly
Form 990, Form 990, Part VI, Line
Part VI, Line 15b Compensation
15b Rev1ew and Approval
A"ocess for Officers and
Key 8nploy ees
Form 990, Form 990, Part VI, Line
Part VI, Line 12c Explanation of
12c Mon1tonng and
Enforcement of Conflicts
Form 990, Form 990, Part VI, Line
Part VI, Line 11 Form 990 Rev1ew
11 A"ocess
~ A t t a c h to Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Employer identification number
These documents are prov1ded upon request
See above for process followed for 1nd1V1duals descnbed 1n quest1on 15b
The Zoo's Board of Directors has a conflict of Interest pol1cy to ensure that both the Zoo and 1ts
directors and officers are protected from concerns of conflict of Interest The pol1cy asks the
directors and officers to disclose the1r relat1onsh1p w 1th other organ1zat1ons or people that mght g1ve
nse to a s1tuat1on 1n w h1ch the officer or director would be subJect to cnt1c1sm for a conflict Each
year we ask the directors and officers of the company to complete and f1le a form w 1th the Zoo to
meet th1s requirement The Chairperson of the Audit Commttee 1s responsible for the oversight
process and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors 1s responsible for addressing any conflicts
that may be disclosed 1n the process
The Form 990 1s rev1ewed by the CEO and the CFO Once rev1ewed Internally, the Form 1s rev1ewed
and approved by the Audit Commttee A copy of the Form 1s prov1ded to each Board member pnor to
f1l1ng w 1th the IRS

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