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City o of Revelstoke Pres ss Rele ease

June 5, 2013 City Restructuring to o Reduce Costs C and Improve C Customer S Service
The City of Revelstoke is restruc cturing City Hall H to optim mize human a and financial resources that er an improv ved custome er experience e and reduc ce operating costs. This restructurin ng will delive process will w impact engineering, e planning, bu uilding inspe ection, admin nistration, an nd public wo orks operation ns. A signific cant distinguishing feature of the res structuring is s a shift away y from the m more ambigu uous long term m planning in nitiatives. Th he Director of o Planning p position will be eliminate ed and repla aced ure efficient processing of day to da by a man nager of building and development who w will ensu ay applicatio ons. Addition nal realignm ment and reduction of em mployee and contract pos sitions will c come with the restructuring r g. Some ex xpected outc comes includ de: A leaner, mor re efficient organization. o . Significant S im mprovements s to custome er service in planning an nd engineerin ng. In ncreased foc cus on core municipal se ervices. Im mproved technical suppo ort for city se ervices. Im mproved cor rporate comm munications. Im mproved long term organ nizational alignment with h community y priorities. Im mproved acc cessibility in City Hall for r those with mobility cha allenges and others. Reduced R liab bility and lega al risk to the City. Highlight ts of the first phase of Ci ity Hall restr ructuring incllude: 1. Director D of En ngineering to o assume ne ew role as D Director of En ngineering a and Development overseeing engineering, building insp pection, plan nning, and development t services. M of en ngineering, planning p and d building ins spection sta aff on the low wer level of C City 2. Merging Hall. H 3. New N service entrance e on Second Str reet that cele ebrates City Halls histor rical importa ance. 4. Transfer T of by ylaw enforce ement and bylaw b develo opment to Co orporate Adm ministration 5. Establishmen E nt of Corpora ate Administ tration / Com mmunications s position 6. Restructuring R g of administ trative servic ces towards a more integ grated mode el to improve e se ervice. 7. Elimination E of f several pos sitions and the t creation of new integ grated ones. . 8. Concentration C n of public works w service es

In commenting on this restructuring Palmer stated A realignment of exempt, contract and CUPE positions is needed to support cost reductions and a refocusing on our core tasks. This restructuring will result in elimination of some positions, creation of new positions that better meet the organizational and community service needs. The impact on full time employees will be minimized through attrition. Overall the City will see a reduction of positions in the Engineering, Planning/Development Services and in Public Works/Parks, the reduction of contracted services, and the merging of administrative positions. Mayor David Raven commented that: Council is committed to these proactive steps to address our debt, infrastructure deficit, and business sector demands to reduce tax increases. It is also a favorable time for our employees to take advantage of change to improve their workplace environment. This is more about the creation of opportunities to improve than the reduction of services. This restructuring initiative supports all of Councils 2013 Objectives of achieving: and Enhancing Communications This phase of the City Hall Restructuring is expected to be completed by early fall. The City met with the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 363 (CUPE) last week to advice of impending changes to the workplace. Further meetings over the coming weeks will take place with CUPE and employees to ensure successful input and transition. A second phase that integrates the refurbishing of City Hall exterior with further organizational improvements and cost reductions is expected to commence in 2014. Efficient operation of City programs Improved fiscal policies Completion of Operations Reviews Protecting Infrastructure


For Further Information Contact: David Raven, Mayor, 250-837-2911 Tim Palmer, Chief Administrative Officer, 250-837-2911

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