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Chemosphere 50 (2003) 237–246

Methane emission from fields with differences in

nitrogen fertilizers and rice varieties in Taiwan paddy soils
Rey-May Liou , Shan-Ney Huang b, Chin-Wei Lin c

Department of Environmental Engineering and Health, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan 717, Taiwan, ROC
Food and Agriculture Department, Council of Agriculture, Taipei 100, Taiwan, ROC
Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station, Tainan 701, Taiwan, ROC
Received 18 June 2001; received in revised form 24 January 2002; accepted 19 February 2002

Importance of this paper: Methane is an important greenhouse gas, and successful mitigation strategies for agricultural
sources of CH4 require overall understanding of agricultural practices on fluxes of CH4 and on controlling mechanisms in
flooded rice fields. In the previous studies, the methane fluxes were affected greatly with fertilization, rice plant, soil type
and environmental conditions. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer and rice variety on methane fluxes were determined in this
paper, methane fluxes were observed by the static chamber method once per two weeks during the overall growing period.
We attempt to search for promising mitigation candidates to reduce CH4 emission in wetland rice agriculture. Results
indicated that combination of (NH4 )2 SO4 application and Japonica rice plantation would be appropriate methane miti-
gation strategy in Taiwan paddy soils.


Flooded rice fields are one of the major biogenic methane sources. In this study, methane emission rates were
measured after transplanting in paddy fields with application of two kinds of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium sulfate,
4 –N and potassium nitrate, NO3 –N) and with two kinds of rice varieties (Japonica and Indica). The experiment
was conducted in fields located at Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station in Chia-Yi county (23°250 0800 N,
120°160 2600 E) of southern Taiwan throughout the first and the second crop seasons in 1999. The seasonal methane flux
in the first crop season with NHþ  2
4 –N and NO3 –N ranged from 2.48 to 2.78 and from 8.65 to 9.22 g CH4 m ; and the
values ranged 24.6–34.2 and 36.4–52.6 g CH4 m in the second crop season, respectively. In the first crop season, there
were significantly increased 3.1–3.7-fold in methane emission fluxes due to plantation of Indica rice. In comparison of
two rice varieties, the Indica rice variety showed a tendency for larger methane emission than the Japonica rice variety
in the second crop season. Moreover, ammonium sulfate treatment significantly reduced CH4 emissions by 37–85%
emissions compared to potassium nitrate plots. It was concluded that the CH4 emission was markedly dependent on the
type of nitrogen fertilizer and rice variety in Taiwan paddy soils.
Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Methane emission; Paddy field; Nitrogen fertilizer; Rice variety

1. Introduction

Methane is an important greenhouse gas due to the

recent worldwide atmospheric increase at the rate of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-6-2660035; fax: +886-6- 0.5–0.8% year1 , as well as its strong absorption of in-
2667323. frared–red radiation and heat, which is contributes to
E-mail address: (R.-M. Liou). changes in atmospheric chemistry and may cause global
0045-6535/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 5 - 6 5 3 5 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 5 8 - 3
238 R.-M. Liou et al. / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 237–246

warming (Bouwman, 1991). Irrigated rice fields are es- paddy soils of southern Taiwan, and to provide the data
timated to contribute between 25.4 and 54 million ton for estimation of the mitigation potentials in wetland
per year (Cole et al., 1995) of the total 410–660 million rice agricultural systems.
ton per year emitted globally (Houghton et al., 1995).
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the major food crop for
people living in Asia, and about 80% of it is grown under 2. Materials and methods
irrigated wetland conditions (Roger and Watanabe,
1986). Furthermore, the world’s annual rice production 2.1. Experimental site
must increase from 518 million tons in 1990 to 760
million tons in 2020 (International Rice Research In- Experimental paddy fields were located at the Tainan
stitute, 1989). Flooding of irrigated rice fields produces District Agricultural Improvement Station (23°250 0800 N,
anaerobic soil conditions conducted to production of 120°160 2600 E), Chia-Yi county, southern Taiwan, and the
methane (Neue, 1993). Demand for rice over the next 30 methane emission data were collected between February
years may require an additional 50 million ha to be and November in 1999. Climatic properties of test paddy
cultivated (International Rice Research Institute, 1989). fields are listed in Table 1, and the properties of test
Owing to conversion of upland soils to wetland rice paddy soils are listed in Table 2. All experiments were
cultivation, global methane emissions to the atmosphere performed in triplicate.
may increase 20% over the next decade. Rice is an im-
portant food crop for people living in Taiwan; the cul- 2.2. Rice varieties and nitrogen fertilizers
tivation area in 1997 was 202 010 ha for the first crop
season and 162 202 ha for the second crop season in Taichung sen 10, a Japonica rice and Taikeng 8, an
Taiwan. There has been considerable research world- Indica rice (O. sativa L.) were planted in 1999. Taifei
wide on developing farmer-friendly, eco-friendly and No. 5 (N:P2 O5 :K2 O ¼ 16:8:12 wt.%, Taiwan Fertilizer
cost-effective technologies to mitigate methane emission Corporation, Taiwan) was applied as basal fertilizer
from rice paddies. Changes in water management, nu- (400 kg ha1 ) before rice transplanting. In the 1999 field
trient management, cultural practices, and cultivars se- experiment, methane emission from fields with 140
lection may have potential to increase rice production kg N ha1 for NO 3 –N (potassium nitrate) and NH4 –N
and productivity, as well as reduce CH4 fluxes in Taiwan (ammonium sulfate) were applied as the first and second
(Yang et al., 1994; Yang and Chang, 1998, 1999; Liou top-dressing fertilizers at the active tillering and the
et al., 1999; Huang et al., 2000). Thus, successful miti- booting stages, respectively. There were four plots, plot
gation strategies for agricultural sources of CH4 require A was Japonica rice and ammonium sulfate, plot B was
overall understanding of agricultural practices on fluxes Indica rice and ammonium sulfate, plot C was Japonica
of CH4 and on controlling mechanisms. The objectives rice and potassium nitrate, plot D was Indica rice and
of this study were to investigate the effects of various potassium nitrate. Agricultural practices of test paddy
nitrogen fertilizers and rice varieties on methane emis- fields are shown in Table 3. Rice field operations in the
sion throughout the growth stages of rice from the first crop season were as follows: plowing on 7 February,

Table 1
Climatic properties of Lu-Tsao rice fields in 1999
Growing season Mean temperature (°C) Total precipitation Rainy days Sunshine duration
(mm season1 ) (d season1 ) (h season1 )
First crop 23.3 337.4 39 667.5
Second crop 26.4 1153.5 65 724.7

Table 2
Properties of test paddy soils in four plots
Plot Treatment Soil characteristics Organic matter Total nitrogen
pH Sand (%) Clay (%) Silt (%) (g kg1 ) (g kg1 )

A Japonica rice and 7.7  0.1 59.9 28.8 11.3 11.5  0.2 0.82  0.04
(NH4 )2 SO4
B Indica rice and (NH4 )2 SO4 7.5  0.2 59.6 27.3 13.1 12.5  0.8 0.94  0.02
C Japonica rice and KNO3 6.6  0.1 58.4 28.6 13.0 14.1  0.6 1.08  0.07
D Indica rice and KNO3 6.5  0.1 61.4 26.4 12.2 14.7  0.9 1.31  0.02
R.-M. Liou et al. / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 237–246 239

Table 3
Properties of Lu-Tsao rice fields during cultivation
Growing Season length Plot Basal fertilizer Rice variety Topdressing fertilizer
season (day) Type kg ha 1
Type kg N ha1
First crop 128 A Taifei No.5 400 Taichung sen 10 Japonica (NH4 )2 SO4 140
1999 128 B Taifei No.5 400 Taikeng 8 Indica (NH4 )2 SO4 140
128 C Taifei No.5 400 Taichung sen 10 Japonica KNO3 140
128 D Taifei No.5 400 Taikeng 8 Indica KNO3 140
Second 112 A Taifei No.5 400 Taichung sen 10 Japonica (NH4 )2 SO4 140
crop 1999 112 B Taifei No.5 400 Taikeng 8 Indica (NH4 )2 SO4 140
112 C Taifei No.5 400 Taichung sen 10 Japonica KNO3 140
112 D Taifei No.5 400 Taikeng 8 Indica KNO3 140

flooding on 14 February, transplanting on 18 February, 2 m) which was packed with Porapak Q (80/100 mesh).
and harvesting on 25 June in the first crop season (total The column temperature was set at 100 °C, and the in-
cultivation period of 128 days). The second crop season jection and the detector temperature were set at 130 °C.
schedule was plowing on 5 July, flooding on 12 July, Methane concentration was calculated with a standard
transplanting on 19 July and harvesting on 10 Novem- curve from 0.1 to 1000 mg kg1 (vol.) (Yang and Chang,
ber in 1999 (total cultivation period of 112 days). Rice 1997).
straw was removed from the field after each harvest.
2.5. Estimation of methane emission
2.3. Gas sampling period and method
Methane emission from paddy soil was estimated by
Methane flux methodology followed the recommen- the following equation of Rolston (1986), based on the
dation of previous studies (Yang et al., 1994; Buendia following equation:
et al., 1998; Yang and Chang, 1998). Gas samples were
collected using closed-chamber technique (IAEA, 1992; f ¼ ðV =AÞðDC=DtÞ
Yang and Chang, 1997) every 2 weeks at 6:00–7:00 a.m.
and 12:00–13:00 p.m. over the whole growth stage. where f is the methane emission rate (mg m2 h1 ), V the
Stainless steel chambers (25  25  20 cm3 ) were pushed volume of chamber above the soil (m3 ), A the cross-
into the soil approximately 7–15 cm depending on soil section of chamber (m2 ), DC the concentration difference
moisture content at the time of the sampling, and each between zero and t times (mg m3 ), and Dt is the time
one was equipped with a custom-made acrylic chamber duration between the two sampling periods (h). Daily
(23  23  40, or 23  23  100 cm3 ). Each chamber en- mean of methane flux was calculated as arithmetic mean
closed a single plant, four chambers were used in each of measurements taken at 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. Annual
measurement in the test field (Yang and Chang, 1997). amounts of fluxes were computed using the summation
After the chamber was pushed into the soil, the electric of methane emission in the different sampling stages of
fan on the lid was turned on for 10–15 min to homog- rice plants.
enize the air inside the chamber. Portions (15 ml) of gas
sample were withdrawn by syringe from the headspace 2.6. Analytical methods
immediately after the mixing (t0 ) and again at 30 (t1 ) and
60 (t2 ) min after the initial sample were taken, four gas Soil pH was determined at 1:1 (w/w) soil to water
samples were taken from each chamber. Samples were suspension using a pH meter. Total nitrogen was mea-
then stored in 2 ml vacuumed (0.08 mbar) crimp-sealed sured by the modified Kjeldahl method (Yang et al.,
vials, and the analysis was performed within 2 weeks 1991). Soil organic matter was determined by the wet
after the sample was taken (Yang and Chang, 1997). oxidation of Walkey–Black method (Nelson and Som-
mer, 1982). Air, water and soil temperatures were mea-
2.4. Analysis of methane concentration of gas samples sured with a thermometer. Plant heights and tiller
numbers were determined after drainage in the crop
Methane emission was determined at 0.5 h intervals fields. Crop yields were measured at harvest. Treatments
for 1.0 h by examining the changes of methane con- were replicated three times and flux data subjected to
centration in the chamber. The gas sample was injected analysis of variance and Duncan’s multiple range test
into a Shimadzu 14A gas chromatography equipped with (p ¼ 0:05) using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS,
a flame ionized detector and a glass column (0:26 mm  1990).
240 R.-M. Liou et al. / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 237–246

3. Results and discussion

The study was conducted during the first and the

second crop seasons from February to December 1999.
Flux measurements were initiated on 2 March, 1999, a
week after transplantation, and continued until 9 De-
cember, 1999, a week before harvesting for the second
crop season.

3.1. Effect of temperature on methane emission

Methane is produced by methanogens, a group of

anaerobes which require very low redox potentials; use
CO2 , H2 or acetate; and rely on a common set of en-
zymes (Schimel and Gulledge, 1998). Methane is an end-
product of anaerobic decomposition of organic residues
in flooded paddy (Conrad et al., 1989), methanogens
using the products of fermentation to produce CH4 . Soil
Fig. 1. Temporal variation of methane emission rate and soil
temperature is known as an important factor for CH4
temperature from two nitrogen fertilizers and two rice varieties
production in paddy soils, therefore the air, soil and on at 6:00 a.m. during the first crop season in 1999 in the Lu-
water temperature were determined in the early morning Tsao rice fields: plot A (NH4 )2 SO4 and Japonica rice d–d; plot
and at noon at each sampling date. There are two crop B (NH4 )2 SO4 and Indica rice s–s; plot C KNO3 and Japonica
seasons for paddy rice in Taiwan; the first of which is rice r–r; and plot D KNO3 and Indica rice }–}. Each data
longer than the second due to lower temperature in the point is an average of four replicate plots. Bars indicate SD.
first crop season. Total growth period of paddy rice for
the first crop season (February–July) was 128 days and it
was 112 days for the second crop season (July–Decem-
ber). Air temperature was 22.8, 23.5, 25.3, 30, and 30 °C
at the transplanting, active tillering, booting, flowering
and ripening stages, respectively in the first crop season.
In the second crop season, it was 31.8, 30.5, 29, 26.6, and
25.5 °C, respectively. The fluctuation of water and soil
temperatures was narrower than air temperature. Water
and soil have high heat capacity that adjusted the tem-
perature variation. Soil temperature in different crop
seasons can show different variation, being low in the
early morning, and high at noon. Soil temperature in-
creased during cultivation in the first crop season (from
16 to 29 °C, Figs. 1 and 2) and decreased in the second
crop season (from 34 to 23 °C, Figs. 3 and 4). Methane
emission at different growth stages of the rice plant is
shown in Table 4. The integrated seasonal average of
methane emission rate was 1.78 and 13.7 mg m2 h1 for
the first and the second crop season, respectively. The Fig. 2. Temporal variation of methane emission rate and soil
correlation coefficient between methane emission rate temperature from two nitrogen fertilizers and two rice varieties
and temperature was high in the active tillering stage, on at 12:00 p.m. during the first crop season in 1999 in the Lu-
and was moderate in other growth stages (Table 5). Tsao rice fields: plot A (NH4 )2 SO4 and Japonica rice d–d; plot
From the statistical analysis, soil temperature had the B (NH4 )2 SO4 and Indica rice s–s; plot C KNO3 and Japonica
highest correlation coefficient with methane emission rice r–r; and plot D KNO3 and Indica rice }–}. Each data
among the test temperatures in the active tillering stage, point is an average of four replicate plots. Bars indicate SD.
while the value was low between the booting and rip-
ening stages. In the present study, results indicated that afternoon, then declined gradually until leveling off at
methane emission at noon was about 1.7–2-fold higher night in the Philippines. Methane emission patterns in
than that in the early morning in the second crop season. the present studies at different growth stages with two
Neue and Sass (1994) showed that methane emission cropping seasons were different from those found
rate increased rapidly after sunrise, peaked early in the in Texas, Korea and Japan (Yagi and Minami, 1990;
stage of rice due to the low temperature and the small
season, methane emission was low at the early growth
Sass et al., 1991; Shin et al., 1995). In the first crop

dicate SD.
Each data point is an average of four replicate plots. Bars in-
Japonica rice r–r; and plot D KNO3 and Indica rice }–}.
plot B (NH4 )2 SO4 and Indica rice s–s; plot C KNO3 and
Lu-Tsao rice fields: plot A (NH4 )2 SO4 and Japonica rice d–d;
on at 12:00 p.m. during the second crop season in 1999 in the
temperature from two nitrogen fertilizers and two rice varieties
Fig. 4. Temporal variation of methane emission rate and soil

point is an average of four replicate plots. Bars indicate SD.

rice r–r; and plot D KNO3 and Indica rice }–}. Each data
B (NH4 )2 SO4 and Indica rice s–s; plot C KNO3 and Japonica
Tsao rice fields: plot A (NH4 )2 SO4 and Japonica rice d–d; plot
on at 6:00 a.m. during the second crop season in 1999 in the Lu-
temperature from two nitrogen fertilizers and two rice varieties
Fig. 3. Temporal variation of methane emission rate and soil

R.-M. Liou et al. / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 237–246

Table 4
Methane emission from paddy soil at different growth stage of rice plant over the first and the second crop seasons in 1999a
Stage First crop season Second crop season
Japonica rice Indica rice Japonica rice Indica rice Japonica rice Indica rice Japonica rice Indica rice
(NH4 )2 SO4 (NH4 )2 SO4 KNO3 KNO3 (NH4 )2 SO4 (NH4 )2 SO4 KNO3 KNO3
Transplanting 0.62  0.23b 0.18  0.05b 0.07  0.04b 0.05  0.01b 0.34  0.03b 0.29  0.17b 0.53  0.11b 9.42  5.42a
0.04  0.03c 0.01  0.00c 0.03  0.02c 0.03  0.00c 0.39  0.06c 0.39  0.02c 11.85  1.05b 49.43  6.43a
Active tillering 1.24  0.88c 0.44  0.11c 1.50  0.20c 1.57  0.66c 18.50  6.64b 18.97  4.43a;b 21.59  4.84a 21.97  6.44a
0.95  0.72d 0.37  0.06d 1.57  0.26d 1.67  0.79d 19.21  7.63c 32.81  4.89b 29.33  2.74b 39.45  5.60a
Booting 0.47  0.14c 0.67  0.03c 4.09  0.51b 4.46  2.2b 0.90  0.73c 4.80  1.18a;b 3.12  0.45b 6.77  3.17a
0.73  0.06c 1.00  0.02c 6.01  0.10a;b 8.60  6.15a 0.92  0.43c 4.50  1.20a;b;c 3.40  0.48b;c 7.00  3.93a;b
Flowering 1.04  0.68c;d 0.36  0.05d 6.92  1.01a 6.69  1.04a 2.08  0.20c 1.71  0.88c 3.49  0.71b 6.82  0.05a
1.68  0.58d 0.74  0.28d 7.10  0.94b 7.19  2.44b 3.66  0.15c 3.98  1.04c 7.21  1.78b 9.84  0.46a
Ripening 0.09  0.03a;b 0.05  0.02b 0.17  0.04a 0.15  0.03a 0.16  0.06a 0.15  0.05a 0.14  0.10a 0.15  0.01a
0.07  0.01a 0.05  0.04a;b 0.06  0.03a 0.04  0.02a;b 0.01  0.01b 0.05  0.02a;b 0.05  0.03a;b 0.07  0.00a
Average 0.90  0.52 0.41  0.08 2.82  0.36 3.00  1.18 9.17  3.28 12.70  2.43 13.56  2.08 19.54  3.78
Rice cultivation was described in the text. All values are given in mg m2 h1 . Means  SD (n ¼ 3), in the same row that do not share the same alphabetic superscript are
significantly different at 5% level according to Duncan’s multiple range test. The data showed range of methane emission in the early morning (6 a.m., low value) and at noon (12
p.m., high value) in each measurement.

242 R.-M. Liou et al. / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 237–246

Table 5 sulfate account for 80–90% of the total nitrogen fertilizer

The correlation coefficient between methane emission rate at required in rice cultivation (FAO, 1997). The effects of
different rice growth stagesa and temperature of air, water, and nitrogen fertilizers depend on form and amount of the
soil fertilizer, as well as on mode and time of application.
Crop growth Air Water Soil The effects of NHþ 
4 –N and NO3 –N fertilizers on meth-
season temperature temperature temperature anogenesis are not clearly understood and are often
Transplanting 0.36 0.32 0.27 contradictory (Wassmann et al., 1993). Figs. 1–4 show
Active tillering 0.72 0.67 0.81 the methane emission rates in the early morning and at
Booting 0.21 0.24 0.24 noon throughout the growth period from the Lu-Tsao
Flowering 0.20 0.06 0.26 paddy field. The seasonal methane emission in the first
Ripening 0.10 0.11 0.12 crop season with NHþ 
4 –N and NO3 –N ranged 1.2–2.6
a 2
Rice cultivation was described in the text. and 8.3–8.8 g CH4 m ; and the value ranges were 34.3–
36.7 and 36.6–58.6 g CH4 m2 in the second crop season,
respectively. In the first crop season, methane emission
size of rice plants; similar results were also found in the
rates from NHþ 4 -plots increased slightly from the active
northern Taiwan (Yang et al., 1994; Yang and Chang,
tillering stage to the flowering stage of rice growth, while
1997; Yang and Chang, 2001). The amount of methane
the NO 3 -plots fluctuated with time, having a peak in the
emission in the second crop season was about 4–13 times
flowering stage and being generally larger than those
higher than that at the first crop season in the southern
from NHþ 4 plots. In the second crop season, application
Taiwan, compare to about 2–6 times higher in northern
of potassium nitrate did not enhance methane emission
Taiwan (Yang and Chang, 1997, 1999). Methane emis-
significantly (p < 0:05) over that of the NHþ 4 –N plots
sion was high during the booting and flowering stages in
(shown in the Figs. 3 and 4). The methane emission rates
the first crop season and the values were also high during
were high at the transplanting and the active tillering
the early (from transplanting stage to active tillering
stages, and was low at the flowering and the ripen-
stage) growth stage in the second crop season. The
ing stages due to the lower temperature and drainage
means of CH4 fluxes in the first crop season were smaller
treatment in the second crop season. Plot D (Indica rice
than those in the second crop season. In the early stage
amended with potassium nitrate) had the largest meth-
(3 weeks after transplantation), the largest CH4 emission
ane emission rates in the all treatments. Methane emis-
rate (74.1 mg m2 h1 ) was obtained in the plot D (In-
sion rates from the NO 3 -plots were 1.5–3.7-fold higher
dica rice amended with NO 3 –N fertilizer) in the second than the NHþ 4 -plots throughout the growth period.
crop season. Yang and Chang (1998) found that meth-
Researchers have reported that the major controlling
ane production rate increased with temperature and had
factors for CH4 emission from paddies are water man-
a linear relationship between 15 and 37 °C in laboratory
agement, organic amendments, fertilization, rice culti-
studies. High temperature would increase the degrada-
vars, and cultural practices (Neue et al., 1996; Minami
tion of organic matter, and enhance the activities of
and Takata, 1997). However, the results from numerous
methanogens. Sensitivity analysis showed that the tem-
studies on the application of nitrogen fertilizer relation
perature–soil moisture interaction is critical (Cao et al.,
to methane emission have so far been inconsistent,
1996). CH4 emission was enhanced by a temperature
ranging from stimulation (Banik et al., 1996; Cicerone
increase of less than 2 °C, but higher temperature caused
and Shetter, 1981; Lindau, 1994) to inhibition (Neue and
reduced CH4 emissions due to the associated reduction
Sass, 1994; Sch€ utz et al., 1989) on methane emission.
in soil moisture content. In Taiwan paddies, intermittent
The influence of various nitrogen fertilizers on methane
irrigation from the late booting to the ripening stages
emission to the atmosphere was reported by Kimura
(based on the tillering stage of rice growth) is a common
(1992), who indicated that the CH4 emission rates from
practice to lower ineffective tillers and the accumulation
a pot experiment with ammonium sulfate treatment was
of organic acids in rhizospheric soils. After drainage, the
the lowest, followed by ammonium chloride and then
methane fluxes would decrease sharply. This strategy of
urea fertilization by broadcasting and foliar spray. Such
water management is an important factor in rice pad-
an inhibition effect of ammonium sulfate was also ob-
dies; a short aeration period at tillering and before
served in this study. It seems that the forms of nitrogen
harvest has been shown to increase yield and reduce
fertilizer application strongly influenced the methane
CH4 emission (Huang et al., 2000; Yang and Chang,
emission in this study. Based on these results, it was
shown that there was significant inhibition of the
methane fluxes with addition of ammonium sulfate, es-
3.2. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on methane emission pecially in the first crop season. Methane production is
the final step in a series of sequential reduction pro-
Nitrogen fertilizers are commonly used in rice culti- cesses, with nitrate as the electron acceptor, that occurs
vation to increase crop yields. Urea and ammonium the first after the depletion of oxygen followed by
R.-M. Liou et al. / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 237–246 243

manganese (IV), iron (III), sulfate, and carbon dioxide, nism; diffusion loss of CH4 across the water surface is
a series that can be explained with thermodynamic the- another process. Therefore, up to 90% of the methane
ory (Zehnder and Stumm, 1988). The electron acceptors released from rice fields to the atmosphere may be dif-
are ordered according to their redox potential, which fusive transport through the aerenchyma of the rice
determines the energy yield of the process. Previous plant (Sch€ utz et al., 1989). The production and transport
studies have shown that nitrate reducers, ferric iron re- of methane to the atmosphere depend on the charac-
ducers and sulfate reducers successfully compete with teristics of rice plant. Root exudates and degrading roots
methanogens for H2 , thus inhibiting CH4 production are also important sources of carbon for methane pro-
when nitrate, ferric iron or sulfate is added to metha- duction, especially at the later growth stage. As shown in
nogenic rice field soil (Achtnich et al., 1995a,b; Kluber Fig. 4, the maximum methane emission rate for Japonica
and Conrad, 1998). The main mechanism for nitrate rice was 34:4  17:6 and 58:8  3:1 mg m2 h1 at noon
inhibition of methanogenesis was the formation of toxic in the second crop season with ammonium sulfate and
denitrification intermediates rather than competition potassium nitrate, respectively, whereas Indica rice was
between denitrifiers and methanogens for substrate (Roy 68:6  11:8 and 74:1  11:1 mg m2 h2 . The Indica rice
and Conrad, 1999). In the Chia-Yi county, the rainy variety showed a tendency for larger methane emission
season concentrated from April to September, the rain- than the Japonica rice variety, even though the growing
fall was 337.4 mm (the late growth stage, from April to season was sometimes shorter. Larger methane emission
June) in the first crop season and was 1153.5 mm (the from the Indica rice variety was correlated with the tiller
early growth stage, from July to September) in the sec- number, which is larger than for the Japonica rice va-
ond crop season. In this study, the inhibition effect of riety (Table 6). (NH4 )2 SO4 application plots recorded a
nitrate on methane emission was not observed probably higher crop yield than the KNO3 application plots, while
due to the NO 3 –N was easier leaching to soil profiles. the reverse order was observed in the methane fluxes.
Therefore, addition of ammonium sulfate to paddy soils Aerenchyma in leaf blades, leaf sheaths, culm, and roots
in the first crop season would significantly inhibit the provide an efficient gas exchange medium between the
methane emission caused by an immediate decrease atmosphere and the anaerobic soils. Nouchi et al. (1990)
in the hydrogen partial pressure and sulfate reducers reported that methane was mostly released from the
competing with methanogens for common substrates culms of rice plants but not from the leaf blades. Wang
(Achtnich et al., 1995b). The similar result was also et al. (1997) found that no methane was emitted via
observed that the rate of the induced sulfate reduction transpiration, and leaves were the major release sites in
in the methanogenic soil slurry was 32 nmol g1 h1 the early growth stage. The nodes became more im-
(Chidthaisong and Conrad, 2000). It was concluded that portant in the later growth stage. Aerenchyma system
the amendment of ammonium sulfate was probably a development and/or root exudates and root litter pro-
very useful strategy for methane mitigation for the first duction have been suggested and may influence methane
crop season in Taiwan paddy fields. production and transport from rice plants (Bouwman,
1991; Wassmann et al., 1993). Semi-dwarf varieties pro-
3.3. Effect of rice varieties on methane emission duced 36% less methane than tall varieties in the USA
(Lindau et al., 1995). In the continuous flooding treat-
Rice plants play an important role in the flux of ment, the average methane flux of IR-64 was 20
methane, and there are three processes by which CH4 is mg m2 h1 , greater than that of Cisadane variety (14
released into the atmosphere from rice paddies. Methane mg m2 h1 ). In the intermittent irrigation treatment, the
loss as bubbles from paddy soils is a common mecha- average methane flux of IR-64 was about equal to that

Table 6
Agronomic traits of rice plant in four plots in 1999
Crop season Treatment Plant height (cm) Tiller (no./hill) Crop production
Nitrogen fertilizer Rice variety (kg ha1 )

First crop (NH4 )2 SO4 Japonica 69  1.4 28  1.4 6460

(NH4 )2 SO4 Indica 69  1.3 34  1.4 6429
KNO3 Japonica 73  2.8 29  0.4 6238
KNO3 Indica 69  3.5 30  1.4 6141
Second crop (NH4 )2 SO4 Japonica 72  2.8 32  0.4 6310
(NH4 )2 SO4 Indica 67  2.5 24  2.1 5813
KNO3 Japonica 72  1.4 28  4.9 6063
KNO3 Indica 71  0.7 32  2.8 5504
244 R.-M. Liou et al. / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 237–246

of the Cisadane variety (both 8.7 mg m2 h1 ) in Indo- and 24.6 g m2 for Japonica and Indica rice in 1999, and
nesia (Husin et al., 1995). The right selection of rice those were 16.0 and 26.7 g m2 for the application of
variety that emits a small amount of CH4 may be an- ammonium sulfate and potassium nitrate, respectively.
other effective mitigation strategy for CH4 emission Total methane emission was calculated between 48 355
from paddy fields. and 109 132 mg in southern Taiwan, which was higher
than 27 352–69 069 mg with intermittent irrigation in
3.4. Seasonal methane emission during the growth period northern Taiwan (Yang and Chang, 1999). The accu-
mulative methane emission was around 40% lower with
Estimating of total methane evolution over the whole ammonium sulfate than with potassium nitrate, and
growing season for each treatment, the seasonal meth- which was 26% lower due to plantation of Japonica rice.
ane flux during the first crop season was calculated to be In Taiwan, the cultivated area of Japonica rice is larger
2.78 g m2 for plot A; 2.48 g m2 for plot B; 8.65 g m2 than the Indica rice, and farmers often apply ammonium
for plot C and 9.22 g m2 for plot D, respectively. There sulfate as nitrogen fertilizer. Annual methane emission
was slightly increased in methane emission fluxes due would be 56% lower with the combination of (NH4 )2 SO4
to plantation of Indica rice and more than 3.1–3.7-fold and Japonica rice than with the combination of KNO3
increase due to application of nitrate fertilizer. In the and Indica rice.
second crop season, the seasonal methane flux of the
four plots were estimated to be 24.6 g m2 for plot A;
34.2 g m2 for plot B; 36.4 g m2 for plot C and 52.6
g m2 for plot D. There were slight increases in methane Acknowledgements
emission due to application of nitrate fertilizer in the
Japonica plots, thus significantly (p < 0:05) increased The authors thank the assistant research fellow J.C.
methane emission flux in Indica plots due to application Lin for her assistance in the statistical analysis, the
of nitrate fertilizer in the Indica plots. National Science Council of the Republic of China for
The harvested area of paddy rice worldwide has in- financial support (NSC87-2621-P-067F-001 and NSC88-
crease from 86  106 ha in 1935 to 148  106 ha in 1990, EPA-Z-067F-001), and the Editor-in-Chief for improve-
which means an annual average increase of 1.05%. The ments to the original draft of the paper.
average annual increase has been 1.23% between 1959
and 1985. About 90% of the world’s harvested area of
rice paddies are located in Asia. Rice has only a single
crop season in Texas, Korea and Japan (Yagi and Mi-
nami, 1990; Sass et al., 1991; Shin et al., 1995), while it Achtnich, C., Bak, F., Conrad, R., 1995a. Competition for
has two crop seasons in Taiwan. In 1999, the cultivated electron donors among nitrate reducers, ferric iron reducers,
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Banik, A., Sen, M., Sen, S.P., 1996. Effects of inorganic
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In this study, methane emission rates in the second 322.
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