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Tel./faks/ 32-39-553 i 32-43-576

31. maj 1999. godine


U ju~era{wim i no}a{wim dejstvima vi{e desetina civila je poginulo, a NATO-agresor je napadao ne {tede}i ni sanatorijum starih lica u Surdulici, gde je, prema prvim saznawima, poginulo 10 osoba. Na meti avijacije NATO-a koja iz dana u dan poja~ava dejstva po civilnim i privrednim objektima bila su mnoga mesta u centralnim delovima i unutra{wosti zemqe. Agresor nastavqa uni{tavawe elektropostrojewa, putne i `elezni~ke infrastrukture, telekomunikacionog sistema, poqoprivrednih resursa, stambenih objekata u gradovima i selima. ^ini to sistematski i svakodnevno ve} 69. dan kako bi uve}ao humanitarnu katastrofu do naj{irih razmera. VRAWE: (07,25) U ju~era{wem napadu na tu varo{ agresor je ispalio sedam projektila . Jedan projektil pogodio je privatnu ku}u u kojoj je poginuo Mane An|elkovi}, a te{ko je rawena wegova supruga. Vi{e desetina ku}a je uni{teno, a neprijateq je dejstvovao i po selima Katun i Meredovac. U 10,50 ~asova sa dva projektila ga|ano selo Borovac nedaleko od Bujanovca. Oko 14,20 ~asova ga|an repetitor RTS na planini Besna kobila, nedaleko od Vrawa. Od 18,15 do 19,52 avioni NATO-a ispalili su 33 projektila na sela Dowi Neradovac, Dap~evac, Soderce, Bunu{evac u okolini grada. U 19,45 ~asova na meti agresora bilo je selo Slavujevac u op{tini Pre{evo, pri ~emu je povre|eno sedam lica i sru{eno vi{e ku}a. Samo za 15 sati dejstva NATO je na Vrawe i okolne op{tine Bujanovac i Pre{evo ispalio 60 projektila. SMEDEREVO: (08,48) Sa jednim projektilom vazduh-zemqa ga|an taj grad. BEOGRAD: (09,20) Masovni napadi neprijateqeve avijacije od ranih prepodnevnih ~asova ju~e, nastavqeni tokom popodneva i no}as izvr{eni su na glavni grad i prigradska naseqa. Sa po tri projektila agresor dejstvovao po nasequ Kumodra`, naseqima ispod Avale, po Rakovici, brdu Stra`evica, Ostru`nici, Maki{u i Bubaw Potoku. Tri detonacije registrovane i u pravcu Obrenovca.U no}a{wim dejstvima NATO-agresora na meti je bilo vi{e objekata i naseqa.Od 03,50 do 04,15 neprijateq je dejstvovao po selu Ripaw gde je poginulo jedno lice, nasequ Zvezdara u kojem je vi{e lica povre|eno, Maki{kom poqu, Miqakova~koj {umi, elektroinstalacijama u obrenova~koj Termoelektrani i Batajnici. Na napade agresora sna`no je uzvra}ala PVO Vojske Jugoslavije. HERCEG NOVI, TIVAT: (11,00) Nekoliko FOTO sna`nih detonacija registrovano na podru~ju Bokokotorskog zaliva izme|u ta dva grada. PRI[TINA: (11,00) Cela ju`na srpska pokrajina ju~e i no}as je bila pod dejstvom neprijateqeve avijacije. Voza~ Neboj{a Radojevi} (38) poginuo je, a raweni su francuski filozof Danijel [ifer i novinarka londonskog "Tajmsa" Iv Prentis, kada su borbeni avioni NATO-a napali novinarski konvoj kod mesta Krk Bunar na putu Prizren-Brezovica. U blizini mesta napada nije bilo ni vojnih ni policijskih jedinica kao ni objekata takve namene. Dva projektila ispaqena su na Zubin Potok. Glavni grad Kosmeta ga|an je sa sedam projektila, a karaula Vojske Jugoslavije sa devet projektila. U 18,30 sa jedanaest projektila dejtvovano po selu Zagradska Ho~a kod Prizrena, a u 19,30 sa {est projektila ga|ano selo Saz kod Gwilana. Oko 19,20 ~asova sa tri projektila ga|an repetitor RTS na planini Brezovici. U 19,50 sa tri projektila ga|ano pri{tinsko izleti{te Grmija, a u 20,00 sa ~etiri projektila ga|an pograni~ni pojas u blizini \akovice. U 22,00 ga|ano Staro Selo kod Uro{evca a pola sata kasnije sa dva projektila dejstvovano po okolini Prizrena. ARIQE: (12,50) Nekoliko detonacija registrovano u selu Grivsko u okolini varo{ice. KRU[EVAC: (13,00) Jedanaest qudi je poginulo a oko 40 lica te`e ili lak{e je raweno u napadu na most preko Velike Morave u varo{ici Varvarin. KRAGUJEVAC, GRU@A: (13,10) ^etiri projektila ispaqena su na selo Leskovac kod Gru`e. LESKOVAC: (14,20) Raketiran ]enova~ki most na putu za Lebane. Dve osobe su povre|ene. U 14,30 ~asova sa dva projektila ga|ano selo Velika Grabovnica nedaleko od grada. Oko pono}i sa {est projektila pogo|eno podno`je brda Hisar, a selo Velika Grabovica ponovo ga|ano jednim projektilom. PIROT: (14,36) Sa ~etiri projektila ga|an repetitor RTS na Crnom vrhu nedaleko od grada. To je deveti put od po~etka agresije kako je taj repetitor na meti. NI[: (15,00) U napadu na severni deo grada ispaqena ~etiri projektila. Tokom napada od zaostale kasetne bombe te{ko je rawen ^edomir Dini}. Trideset minuta posle pono}i pogo|ena trafo stanica "Ni{ 2", posle ~ega je grad ostao bez struje. SOMBOR: (17,45) U napadu na grad ga|ana su postrojewa za preradu vode "Vodokanala". Izvori{te "Jaro{" na kome se nalazi fabrika pitke vode, ga|ano je sa tri projektila. U dva navrata sa po dva projektila ga|ano je skladi{te "Naftagas-prometa", desetak kilometara od grada izme|u sela ^onopqe i Kqaji}evo. RA[KA: (21,40) Napad NATO avijacije na selo Brvenik u {iroj okolini varo{ice. SURDULICA: Ta~no u pono} pogo|en je Stara~ki dom u ~ijoj zgradi se nalazi i Sanatorijum za plu}ne PHOTO bolesnike. Do sada je iz ru{evina izvu~eno 13 poginulih. Strahuje se da pod ru{evinama ima jo{ stradalih. ALEKSINAC: (00,35) Ga|an isto~ni deo Aleksinca sa dva projektila. NOVI SAD: (03,50) Sa dva projektila ga|ana su elektri~na postrojewa u Rimskim [an~evima nedaleko od grada. SUBOTICA: Troje qudi je povre|eno tokom sino}weg raketirawa Pali}a, izleti{ta nedaleko od grada.

Moderni varvari NATO-a ponovo su civile i most proglasili za legitimne vojne ciqeve i razorili ih visokosofisticiranim bombama. To progla{ewe ovog puta u Varvarinu tokom hri{}anskog praznika Svete trojice i usred pija~nog dana odnelo je 11 nevinih `ivota. Vi{e od 40 civila je povre|eno.

Modern age NATO Barbarians have once again attacked civilians on a bridge calling it a legitimate military target they can test their highly sophisticated bombs on. This time the attentive selection of targets killed 11 people and wounded more than 40 in the town of Varvarin where maqny had gathered for the Holy Trinity festivity.


Tel./fax/ 32-39-553 and 32-43-576

May 31th 1999


Dozens of people have been killed in the NATO raids, and the aggressor stooped down to attacking an old-age-home in Surdulica, where according to the initial reports - ten people have died. NATO air-force intensifying its attacks from day to day, targeted numerous townships in the central part of the country. The aggressor continues to destroy the power grid, road and rail infrastructure, telecommunication systems, agricultural resources, residential areas in the towns and suburbs. All this is being done systematically and uninterruptedly for 69 days with the clear intent to aggravate the humanitarian catastrophe to an intolerable level. VRANJE: (07:25) In the attack on this little town the aggressor forces launched seven missiles. One of them hit a private house where the owner - Mane Andjelkovic was killed and his wife suffered heavy injuries. Dozens of houses have been destroyed, and the enemy also attacked the villages of Katun and Meredovac. At 10:50 two missiles were launched on the village of Borovac in the vicinity of Bujanovc. Around 14:20 the Serbian TV relay tower on Mt. Besna Kobila not far from Vranje was attacked. Between 18:15 and 19:52 NATO planes fired 33 missiles on the villages of Donji Neradovac, Dapcevac, Soderce and Bunusevac - all near Vranje. At 19:45 the enemy attacked the village of Slavujevac in the Presevo County. Seven people have been injured and various private houses demolished. In an attack on Vranje and the nearby counties of Bujanovac and Presevo that lasted for 15 hours - 60 missiles were launched. SMEDEREVO: (08:48) One air-to-surface missile has been fired at the municipal area. BELGRADE: (09:20) Mass enemy attacks that started yesterday morning, were continued in the afternoon and went on through the night - targeting the Yugoslav capital and the suburban zones. Three missiles have been launched by the enemy on the quarter of Kumodraz, and as many were used in the attacks on settlements at the foot of Mt. Avala, Rakovica, Strazevica Hill, Ostruznica, Makis and Bubanj Potok. Three detonations were registered in the direction of Obrenovac as well. Last night's NATO raids were directed at a number of facilities and quarters. Between 03:50 and 04:15 the enemy attacked the village of Ripanj where one person was killed, the quarter of Zvezdara where there were several casualties, as well as Makisko Polje, Miljakovacka Suma, installations at the Obrenovac power plant and the suburb of Batajnica. Enemy attacks were met with fierce resistance by the YA Air Defence. HERCEG NOVI, TIVAT: (11:00) Several loud detonations were registered between these two sea towns in the Bay of Kotor. PRISTINA: (11:00) Yesterday and last night the entire southern Serbian Province was under enemy attack. Driver Nebojsa Radojevic (38) was killed, and the French philosopher Daniel Schiffer, and The Times reporter Eve-Ann Prentice, during a NATO attack on a press convoy near the village of Krk Bunar on the Prizren-Brezovica road. In the attack area there were no military or police units or facilities. Two missiles have been launched at the locality of Zubin Potok. The capital of the Kosovo and Metohija has been targeted with missiles, and the YA garrison with nine missiles. At 18:30 eleven missiles were used in the attack on the village of Zagradska Hoca near Prizren, and at 19:30 six missiles hit the village of Saz near Gnjilane. Around 19:20 three missiles were used in the attack on the Serbian Broadcasting Corp. relay tower on Mt. Brezovica. At 19:50 three more missiles were fired at the Grmija outing grounds, and at 20:00 four missiles were used in the raid on the border belt near Djakovica. At 22:00 the community of Staro Selo near Urosevac was attacked and half an hour later two missiles were fired at the Prizren area. ARILJE: (12:50) Several detonations were heard in the nearby village of Grivsko. KRUSEVAC: (13:00) Eleven people were killed and at least 40 suffered injuries in the attack on the bridge on the Velika Morava river in the town of Varvarin. KRAGUJEVAC, GRUZA: (13:10) Four missiles were fired at the village of Leskovac near the town of Gruza. LESKOVAC: (14:20) Cenovacki Bridge on the road to Lebane was targeted. Two people were killed. At 14:30 two missiles were fired at the village of Velika Grabovnica near the town. Around midnight six missiles hit the zone at the foot of the Hisar Hill, and the village of Velika Grabovica was struck by a missile. PIROT: (14:36) Four missiles were fired at the Serbian Broadcasting Corp. relay tower on Mt. Crni Vrh near the town. It was the ninth attack at the TV tower since the NATO raids started. NIS: (15:00) In the attack on the northern part of the town four missiles were launched. In the attack cluster bomblets wounded Cedomir Dinic. At 00:30 the "Nis 2" electric power transformer was hit plunging the town into darkness. SOMBOR: (17:45) The "Vodokanal" water supply facilities were targeted in the attack. The "Jaros" spring where a drinking water processing plant operates has been targeted with three missiles. Two missiles were fired in each of the two attacks on the "Naftagas-promet" depot, some 10 kilometers from the town, between the villages of Conoplja and Kljajicevo. RASKA: (21:40) The village of Brvenik in the outskirts of the town was attacked by NATO aircraft. SURDULICA: At midnight the old-age-home which also includes a pulmonary disease sanatorium was bombed. The rescue teams have unearthed 13 bodies until now. It is feared that there are other victims under the debris. ALEKSINAC: (00:35) Two missiles were fired at the eastern part of the town of Aleksinac. NOVI SAD: (03:50) Two missiles were launched at the power company facilities in the suburb zone of Rimski Sancevi. SUBOTICA: Three people have been killed last night in the NATO attack on the Palic tourist resort in the vicinity of Subotica.

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