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Resourceful Squirrel

A Guide for Parents

Behaviour for Learning at Rowledge School

Ready Rabbit

The 5 Rs of Learning
Readiness Resourcefulness Resilience Responsibility Reflectiveness
The information in this leaflet has been taken from the Rowledge C of E Primary School Behaviour for Learning Policy 2010. Should you wish to read this policy in full or would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. All school policies are available for parents to read. Please either look on the school website or ask at the school office to access them. Resilient Tortoise Reflective Owl Responsible Dog

Learning is an innate ability in all of us, just like running. In the same way that we can learn to become faster runners we can also learn to become better learners. The 5Rs of Learning are learning behaviours that can be isolated, practiced and honed. By focussing on and improving individual learning behaviours the learner can learn more effectively. It is our belief that the learning skills developed in this way will better equip our children for optimum learning in Rowledge and beyond. To help the children remember the 5Rs of Learning we have linked each R with an animal. In school we will be focussing on different Rs /animals over time and helping the children to improve in these areas. So if your child comes home talking about Ready Rabbit you now know what they are talking about.

The 5Rs of Learning for Key Stage 2

1. Readiness the rabbit I find links between what I am learning and what I already know. I like to ask questions - what, who, when, where, and how? I know what makes me a good learner. I can adapt my learning to different situations. 2. Resourcefulness the squirrel I can plan ahead in my learning and know what will help me learn. I know where to find information, including through ICT and use it in my work. I can talk about what I am going to do and what I have done. I can think creatively and differently about problems and record my work in a variety of ways. I take risks and will have a go. I know who to ask to help me learn. 3. Resilience the tortoise I stick at things even when they are difficult. I try to remember what I already know to help me work out something difficult. I use a range of strategies to help me when I am stuck. If I make a mistake I learn from it and use it to help me learn and grow.

The 5Rs of Learning for Key Stage 1

1. Readiness the rabbit I always want to learn new things 2. Resourcefulness the squirrel I use lots of different things to help me. 3. Resilience the tortoise I always try my best 4. Responsibility the dog I take care with everything 5. Reflectiveness the owl I think about what I do and what I have done

4. Responsibility the dog I can work well on my own and can work collaboratively with other people. I help others which helps me understand what I know. I know my targets for my own learning and work towards them. I can work with others to learn effectively. I consider other peoples learning. I challenge myself beyond the class expectations.

5. Reflectiveness the owl I can experiment with different ways of learning. I can use different ways of assessing my learning. I can make connections between my learning in school and outside school. I do not accept second best and look for ways to improve. I look for feedback from my teachers and peers and think about how I can use this to improve.

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