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(Each Question Carries Two Marks) 1. Distinguish between hard water and soft water. 2. What is break-point chlorination? 3. Why chloramine better than chlorine for sterilization of water? 4. How are exhausted ion-exchange resins regenerated? 5. Differentiate between Scale and Sludge? 6. How zeolite softener is regenerated? 7. Why is boiled water not always 100% safe for drinking purposes? 8. What is brackish water? 9. Calgon conditioning is better than phosphate conditioning-Justify. 10. What are ion exchange resins? 11. Mention four harmful effects of acid rain. 12. What is green house effect? 13. What is BOD? 14. Distinguish between primary and secondary sewage treatments. 15. Mention the importance of BOD measurements. 16. What is COD? 17. What is the importance of dissolved oxygen in water? 18. What are green house gases? 19. Mention any two coagulants? 20. State any two harmful effects of silica present in water? 21. How does ozone get depleted? 22. What is reverse osmosis? 23. Name three substances used for sterilization of water? 24. Why is water softened by zeolite process unfit for use in boilers? 25. What is electrodialysis?

(Each Question Carries Twelve Marks) 1. Describe the demineralization process of treating water. Mention the Advantages of this method. 2. Write in brief, how water is purified for drinking purpose by municipalities. 3. What is desalination? Name the different methods of desalination. Explain any one in detail. 4. Define zeolite. How does zeolite function in removing the hardness of water. 5. Explain:

(1)Calgon conditioning (2)Phosphate conditioning (3)Carbonate conditioning 6. Write short notes on the following: (1)Sewage (2)Trickling filter process (3)Biological oxygen demand (4)Activated sludge process 7. Explain the various steps involved in primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of sewage. 8. Write short notes on: (1)Ozone layer depletion (2)Acid rain and their effects 9. Write about (1) The removal of Si, iron and manganese from hard water (2)Green house effect 10. Discuss the need for water treatment and self purification of natural water systems. UNIT-II : FUELS PART A (10X2=20)


What is meant by calorific value of a fuel? What is the main purpose of proximate analysis of coal? What is meant by octane number of a gasoline? Arrange LPG. Water gas, Producer gas and biomass in increasing order of their calorific values? 5. Write two examples of nuclear fusion? 6. What is nuclear fission? 7. What is nuclear fusion? 8. Difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission? 9. Write any four uses of producer gas? 10. Write any two use of natural gas? 11. Differentiate between coal and coke? 12. Write commercial name for synthetic petrol? 13. What is the composition of natural gas? 14. Write any four uses of water gas? 15. What are the compositions of water gas? 16. Give any two examples for nuclear fission reaction. 17. how the power reactor affect the marine? 18. What is meant by heavy water? 19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of LPG over gasoline?. 20. What is nuclear binding energy? 21. What is nuclear chain reaction?

22. Give the composition of producer gas. 23. What are by-products of synthetic petrol? 24. What is meant by isotopes? 25. What is an isobar? ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS (5x12=60)

1. What is mean by LPG? What is its composition? What are the advantages of LPG over other gaseous fuels for domestic use. 2. Write short notes on (i) Nuclear binding energy (ii) Nuclear fission (iii) Environmental aspects of nuclear power reactor? 3. What is the approximate composition of producer gas? How is it manufactured? What are its uses? 4. Explain the purification and stabilization of synthetic petrol. 5. What is water gas? How is it manufactured? What are its uses? Write the Chemical reactions taking place in different zones. 6. Write notes on i) Natural gas ii) Condition for maintaining/sustaining chain reactions. 7. Explain : i) FisherTropsch Synthesis ii) Bergius process 8. Write short note on i) Breeder reactor ii) Nuclear power reactors. 9. What are the methods available for manufacturing synthetic petrol? 10. List all important gaseous fuels with their composition, calorific values and uses. UNIT-III-THERMODYNAMICS AND CHEMICAL KINETICS PART A ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: (10X2=20) 1. State and explain first law of thermodynamics. 2. Define entropy. 3. When will entropy be zero? 4. Define exothermic reaction? Give examples 5. Write the criteria for spontaneity in terms of entropy. 6. What do you mean by rate of a reaction? 7. Give the rate law. 8. Define enthalpy? 9. Write Gibbs Helmholtz equation? 10. Define order of a reaction. 11. What is a zero order reaction? 12. Give the examples for first order reaction? 13. What is reversible reaction? 14. State second law of thermodynamics. 15. What do you mean by internal energy?

16. Define endothermic reaction? Give examples. 17. Give the examples for second order reaction? 18. State first order reaction? 19. What is irreversible reaction? 20. What are the units of rate constant of first order and second order reaction? 21. Define Gibbs free energy? 22. Write a significance of Gibbs Helmholtz equation? 23. What is meant by internal energy? 24. What is reaction rate? 25. Give applications of Gibbs Helmholtz equation? ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS (5x12=60) 1. Derive Gibbs- Helmholtz equation. 2. Derive the rate constant for the hydrolysis of ester by an acid. 3. The catalysed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in aqueous Solution which of first order is followed. By the titration of equal volumes of samples of the solution with potassium permanganate at Standard time as follows Time (min) 0 5 15 25 45 Volume of KMnO4 (ml) 37.0 29.8 19.6 12.3 5.0 Prove that it is a first order reaction. 4. Derive the rate constant for second order reaction. 5. The following data were obtained by the hydrolysis of Ethyl acetate using equal concentration of ester and sodium hydroxide Time (min) 0 5 15 25 35 Vol.of HCl (ml) 16.0 14 6.0 4.0 2.8 Find the rate constant for the above reaction. 6. (i) What is the criteria of spontaneity in terms of free energy, entropy, enthalpy(6) (ii) Give any three examples of first and second order reactions.(6) 7. The concentration of N2O5 in liquid bromine varied with time as follows Time (sec) 0 200 400 600 1000 [N2O5] (molL-1) 0.110 0.073 0.048 0.032 0.014 Confirm that the reaction is first order in N2O5 and determine the rate constant. 8. (i) How is G of a chemical reaction is related to S and H?(6) (ii) What do you understand by the term enthalpy?(6) 9. Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate by NaOH using equal concentrations of the reactants, was studied by titrating 25 ml of the reaction mixture at different time intervals against standard acid. From the data given below, establish that this is a second order reaction. Time(minutes) 0 5 15 25 Acid used (ml) 16.00 10.24 6.13 4.32 (Or)

10. (i) Write down the units of the rate constants of first and second order reactions. (ii) During hydrolysis of cane sugar, cane sugar reacts with water but the reaction is considered as first order reaction why? (iii)Write about reversible and irreversible reactions. Give examples UNIT-IV- ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND CORROSION PART A ANSWER THE FOLLOWING (10X2=20) 1. Define electrode potential. 2. What are the applications of Nernst equation? 3. What is galvanic series? 4. Why do electrochemical cells stop working after some time? 5. Write Nernst equation and explain the terms involved 6. What is Pilling bed worth rule? 7. What is the effect of CO2 on electrochemical corrosion? 8. Rusting of iron is quicker in saline water than in ordinary water. Give reason. 9. What is corrosion? 10. Write any two differences between dry and wet corrosion. 11. Why iron rod gets rusted? 12. What is electrochemical series? 13. What are corrosion inhibitors? Give example? 14. Mention the various factors influencing the rate of corrosion? 15. What is differential aeration corrosion? 16. Copper equipment should not possess a small steel bolt. Give reason. 17. Give three functions of drier in paints 18. Which gases in the atmosphere are likely to accelerate the rusting of iron? 19. Name three most important drying oils? 20. Why is there a change in colour paint film? 21. What is uses of heat resistant and heat retardant paint? 22. Name the ingredients of fire retardant paints. 23. What are the constituents of paints? 24. What is a reversible cell? Give one example. 25. What is electrochemical corrosion? ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS 1. Derive Nernst equation for a single electrode potential. 2. Explain the factors affecting corrosion 3. Explain about special paints. 4.How will you prevent corrosion by cathodic protection method? 5.Before surface coating how will you treat the surface. Explain? 6. Explain the conversion of solar energy to electrical energy. 7.What do you know about constituents of paints? Explain. 8. When iron rod gets exposed into atmosphere, explain the type of corrosion occurs on iron rod. 9. i)Difference between electrochemical series and galvanic series.(6) (5x12=60)

ii) How will you differentiate reversible and irreversible cell reaction?(6) 10.Explain the types of electrodes.


1. Define a polymer? 2. What are resins? 3. Difference between Addition and condensation polymerization? 4. Define thermosetting plastics. Give any two examples. 5. Why is Teflon highly chemical resistant? 6. Why cannot thermosetting plastics be reused and reshaped? 7. Write any four properties of urea-formaldehyde resin. 8. Mention the uses of neoprene. 9. Why cannot Thermosetting plastics be reused and reshaped? 10. What is a monomer? 11. Write the monomer of nylon-66. 12. Name two natural polymers which are used as textile fibres? 13. What is Bakelite? 14. What is natural rubber? 15. How will you prepared PVC? 16. Write the uses of TEFLON? 17. Differentiate between Elastomer and plastics. 18. Write the structure and repeating units in Buna-S-rubber. 19. Mention the special primary compounds in Pyrex glass. 20. What are composite polymers? 21. What are the constituents involved in FRP? 22. Why is Teflon highly chemical resistant? 23. Write the preparation of Neoprene? 24. Give the uses of butyl rubber? 25. Differentiate between homo polymer and co-polymer.

1. What are the differences in properties between the thermoplastics? and thermosetting plastics. Give typical examples for each type and mention their uses. 2.What are elastomers? Give the preparation and uses of i) Buna-S-Rubber ii) Butyl Rubber 3. What are silicones? How they are prepared. What are their characteristics, Properties and applications. 4. Describe the method of preparation, properties and applications of the following

(i)Teflon (ii)Melamine formaldehyde. 5. Mention the preparation, properties and uses of the following i) Neoprene ii) plexiglass 6. How are the following Resins prepared? i) Phenol formaldehyde ii) Urea formaldehyde. Mention their properties and uses. 7.What is a composite? Explain it with a suitable example. 8.Give the preparation and properties and uses of i) Nit rile Rubber ii)Silicone Rubber 9. Write short notes on: i) Sandwitch panel ii) Fiber Reinforced Plastics. 10.Discuss the important properties of Plastics over the other materials.

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