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EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS COMBINED ANNUAL FINANCIAL AND ‘COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2006 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS, COMBINED ANNUAL FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2006 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Reference Certificate of Board of Director... Independent Auditor's Report- ‘Unqualified Opinion on Financial Statements General-Purpose Financial Statements: ‘Statement of Financial Position Exhibit A-1 Statement of Activities Exhibit A-2 Exhibit A-3 ‘Statement of Cash Flows... Notes to Financial Statements Specific-Purpose Financial Statements Statement of Financial Position mm ‘Statement of Activities-Unrestricted Fund, ‘Statement of Activities-Temporarily Restricted Fund .. Statement of Activities-Temporarily Restricted Fund Statement of Cash Flows... Supplementary Schedules: Schedule of Expenses... Schedule of Capital Assets. Budgetary Comparison Schedules ‘Compliance and Other Reports: Independent Auditor's Report- Report on Internal Control over Finan (Other Matters Based on and Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards. Independent Auditor's Report- Report on Compliance with Requirements Applic Major Program Internal Control over Compliance with OMB Circular A-133 : ble to Each ‘Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs... ‘Schedule of Prior Year Audit Findings... Exhibit G-t Action Plan... Correct su Exhibit H-1 ‘Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards. EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS COUNTY-DISTRICT NO. AS FOLLOWS: EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-ABILENE 21801 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-BEAUMONT 123802 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-BROWNSVILLE 031802 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-BRYAN 021802 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-DALLAS 057823 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-DEL RIO 233801 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-FT. WORTH 220807 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-LAREDO 240802 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-LUBBOCK 152804 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-MIDLAND 165803 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-MCALLEN 108806 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-SAN ANTONIO 015818 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-TYLER 212802 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-WACO 161804 EAGLE ACADEMIES OF TEXAS-ADMINISTRATION NIA COMBINED ANNUAL FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE REPORT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2006 TIFICATE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS ‘We, the undersigned, certify that the attached Annual Financial and Compliance Report of Eagle ‘Academies of Texas was reviewed and (check one)__ ‘approved __ disapproved for the year ended August 31, 2006, ata ‘meeting of the governing body of said charter school on the __ day of _O/ -26- 9 52007. 5 Mahe, Signature of Board President NOTE: _ Ifthe governing body of the charter school does not approve the independent auditors’ report, it must forward a written statement discussing the reason(s) for not approving the report.

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