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Taller de Traduccin Cientfico-Tcnica 2012 Prof. Trad.

. Paola Puppato Traduzca el tercer prrafo del siguiente texto sobre medicina. Marque los trminos que incluira en el glosario e incluya fuentes relevantes consultadas. Comente brevemente sobre dificultades relacionadas con el proceso de traduccin que tuvo que resolver. Transmission of Infectious Diseases during Commercial Air Travel Introduction Over 1billion passengers travel by air annually; 50 million of these travel to the developing world. Although infrequently reported and very difficult to assess accurately, there is risk of disease transmission during commercial air travel and this risk has become the focus of heightened attention. The growing mobility of people and popularity of airline transportation has amplified the potential for disease to be transmitted to passengers not only during but also before and after flights. Here, we review knowledge about transmission of infectious diseases associated with commercial air travel, with particular emphasis on transmission within the aircraft passenger cabin. Conclusions Commercial airlines are a suitable environment for the spread of pathogens carried by passengers or crew. The environmental control system used in commercial aircraft seems to restrict the spread of airborne pathogens, and the perceived risk is greater than the actual risk. Transmission of infectious diseases probably happens more frequently than reported for various reasons, including reporting bias and the fact that most diseases have a longer incubation period than air travel. Important questions include: what factors affect the transmission of infectious diseases within the aircraft cabin? How effective are the ventilation systems used within commercial aircraft with regard to emerging infections? Further assessment of risk through mathematical modelling is needed and will provide insight into disease transmission within the aircraft cabin as well as control of outbreaks of different diseases. The International Health Regulations adopted worldwide in 1969 to limit the international spread of disease are being revised to provide a means for immediate notification of all disease outbreaks of international Agostina Minini 1

Taller de Traduccin Cientfico-Tcnica 2012 Prof. Trad. Paola Puppato importance. Outbreaks will be characterised by clinical syndrome rather than specific diagnosis to expedite reporting. These new regulations and continued vigilance by countries, health authorities, airlines, and passengers will keep to a minimum but not eliminate the risk of disease spread by aircraft. The aviation industry and medical community should educate the general public on health issues related to air travel and infection control. El Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI) fue adoptado a nivel mundial en 1969 con el propsito de limitar la transmisin internacional de enfermedades. El RSI es ajustado a fin de proporcionar un medio para notificacin inmediata de todos los brotes de enfermedades que exijan atencin a nivel internacional. Los brotes se determinarn en funcin de sndromes clnicos en vez de un diagnstico preciso para acelerar la notificacin. El nuevo reglamento y la constante vigilancia realizada por los pases, autoridades sanitarias, aerolneas y pasajeros mantendrn el riesgo de trasmisin de enfermedades dentro del avin en niveles mnimos aunque no lo eliminarn. La industria de la aviacin y la comunidad mdica deben educar al pblico general sobre cuestiones de salud relacionadas con vuelos comerciales y el control de infecciones. Palabras para agregar al glosario: outbreak- disease outbreakclinical syndrome specific diagnosis- infection control Diccionarios consultados: Wordreference Online, Oxford bilinge, Blacks Medical Dictionary (42nd edition). La dificultad con la que me encontr al traducir el prrafo fue de comprensin de una parte del mismo ( are being revised to provide ), ya que luego de varias lecturas profundas no comprenda a qu se refera, situacin que luego resolv al darme cuenta que se refera a las regulaciones adoptadas por el organismo internacional.

Agostina Minini

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