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The link between Liver and Cholesterol Cholesterol which is a waxy lipid is one of the primary components that

the body requires. It is actually produced in the liver in all animals. Cholesterol which is a vital part of the body is required to maintain proper fluidity and permeability. However, it can cause several damages to the human body as well. It can cause life threatening diseases and can make the liver to malfunction. The actual link between the liver and cholesterol is established during its synthesis in the liver. Initially 2 molecules named acetyl-CoA and acetoacetyl-CoA react with each other and go through a lot of processes and conversion before turning into cholesterol. Though only 20 to 25 percent of the total body cholesterol is produced in the liver it supplies them to a large part of the body. This is the first point at which the cholesterol and liver come into contact. After the synthesis, the liver transports the cholesterol to the other parts of the body using the blood. It also has specific deliveries to certain cells and tissues. For this purpose it makes use of lipoproteins. The liver further extends its affinity to cholesterol by synthesizing the bile acids from the cholesterol. These acids are very essential to the human body for proper digestion of food. It is also responsible for the emulsification of fat and the absorption of fat by the various parts of the body. However this is where the problem arises and the levels of cholesterol comes into the stage. If the levels of cholesterol are very high, they block the passage of blood. Besides this, they deposit plaques along the blood vessels. This is the major reason for the hardening of arteries and cause of several strokes. Cirrhosis which is a liver disease leading to hyper tension in a human. When excess cholesterol flows through the blood, it is deposited on the path leading to the liver. This blocks the path of the blood that comes in and flows out of the liver. This severely damages the blood vessels and prevents the blood from performing its duties. When the blood cannot flow easily, internal pressure increases. This increases the risk of having ruptured blood vessels. The liver is not only responsible for synthesizing the cholesterol but it is also responsible for the removal of the excess cholesterol content. The liver breaks down the excess cholesterol and sends it out of the body through the intestines. However, when the liver is already damaged by the excess cholesterol, its ability to control it is severely reduced. Thus, an ideal level of cholesterol must be maintained in the body for it to function properly. Life threatening diseases can be avoided by maintaining the cholesterol levels. This can be done by monitoring the diet. Reducing the food which contains fat is always advisable and effective in controlling the cholesterol. Exercises and physical activities also have a great impact on the cholesterol content in the body.

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