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Make and Do

Los dos significan "hacer". Sin embargo, existe una diferencia: do pone nfasis en el hecho de llevar a cabo o realizar algo en general, teniendo como sinnimos carry out / execute / complete / perform. Make expresa una idea de fabricacin, elaboracin, manufactura teniendo como sinnimos build / create / manufacture / produce / fabricate. Comparar: to do something = hacer algo; to make something= fabricar algo Por desgracia, existen tantas excepciones a esta regla, que hay que aprenderse muchas veces de memoria las distintas expresiones con do y make. Expresiones comunes con DO Se usa "do" para acciones, actividades, y trabajos. Se utiliza en un sentido amplio, como de "realizar". En general, estas acciones y actividades no producen un objeto fsico. a favour / justice / honour / an exercise / the washing / the cleaning / the / shopping / the housework / one's duty (cumplir con deber) / good / business / gymnastics / a job / right / wrong / a sum / my best / the accounts (cuentas) / everything I can / nothing Otras expresiones that will do: servir. it won't do: no sirve, no puede ser. to do well: prosperar, ir bien. well done: bien hecho (carne...), bravo! to do one's hair: arreglarse el pelo. to do a good turn: hacer un favor. to do a bad turn: hacer una faena. to have to do with: tener que ver con.

Expresiones comunes con MAKE Se utiliza "make" en el sentido de "fabricar", "elaborar" o "crear". Se usa para actividades en que se crea algo que se puede tocar, un objeto fsico. a noise / somebody do something / a plan / a change / a speech (discurso) / a mistake / money / an experiment / friends / friends with (entablar amistad) / an effort / progress / an appointment / a discovery / the beds / an agreement / an offer / a journey / a phone call / room (hacer espacio) / way / use of / war / an arrangement (acordar, programar) / a difference / an exception / an excuse / an attempt (intentar) / a complaint (reclamar) / contacts / a decision / something better / a bid (intentar) / a call on somebody / something clear / a profit (ganar) / a loss (perder dinero) / a mess (desordenar, fracasar) / a note / a promise / progress / a start / a suggestion / sure (asegurarse)

Otras expresiones make a living: ganarse la vida. make it: triunfar en la vida. make much of: estimar mucho. make believe: pretender ser. make the most of: sacar el mayor provecho de. What do you make of it all?: Qu conclusiones sacas de todo sto? make the best of a bad job: a mal tiempo, buena cara. make do with: arreglrselas con. make eyes at: lanzar miradas insinuantes a. make a face at: hacer burla a.


It can be difficult to know when to use "make" and when to use "do". Here are some tips to help you make the right choice. We use "make" for more creative activities: "She makes her own clothes." "He made a beautiful hat for the wedding." We also use "make" to describe functions of speech - what we are doing when we speak: You make an offer (I'll pay you $500 for your car) an appointment (Can we meet at 9 am?) an arrangement (Let's meet at the station.) a promise (I'll help you with this photocopying.) a threat (If you do that again, I'll tell him.) a compromise a decision a suggestion a point a promise a complaint a mistake an excuse There are also some "fixed expressions" with "make": "They made friends when they were at primary school." "He made fun of her new hairstyle." Other expressions are: make a fuss make a fortune make money make a profit / a loss make a journey make an effort make progress make a mess make a telephone call make a choice

One expression that uses either "do" or "make" is: Make a deal / Do a deal (I'll do it if you help me.) Using do We use "do" to refer to jobs, or responsibilties. These are often routine things, which do not involve much creativity or fun: "I do the shopping once a week." "He does the gardening every weekend." "We have to do a lot of work on the house." You also do: your homework the housework a job the paperwork an exam There are some fixed expressions that you can learn which use "do": "She does a lot of good in the community." "This chemical can do a lot of harm." "She always does favours for her colleagues." (Do someone a favour - help someone) Other expressions are: do something well / badly do your best do something right / wrong do the minimum / the maximum do damage Do good (hacer el bien) Do right (hacer bien) Do wrong (hacer mal) Do damage (hacer dao) Do one's best (hacer lo posible) Do a favor (hacer un favor) Do justice (hacer justicia) Do research (investigar) Do harm (hacer dao) Do business (hacer negocios) Do one's hair (arreglarse el pelo) Do wonders (hacer maravillas)

MAKE - SIGNIFICADOS Make a decision (tomar una decisin) Make a choice (hacer una eleccin) Make a plan (trazar/hacer un plan) Make arrangements (hacer preparativos) Make an appointment (pedir cita/hora, concertar una cita) Make a mistake (cometer un error) Make money (ganar dinero) Make an excuse (dar una excusa) Make an effort (hacer un esfuerzo)

Make an attempt (hacer un intento) Make fun of (rerse/burlarse de) Make progress (hacer progresos) Make an offer (hacer una oferta) Make [a] noise (hacer [un] ruido) Make peace (firmar la paz) Make war (hacer la guerra) Make a phone call (hacer una llamada) Make an exception (hacer una excepcin) Make a confession (hacer una confesin) Make a discovery (hacer un descubrimiento) Make a change (hacer un cambio) Make amends (reparar el dao [causado al alguien]//desagraviar a) Make a comment (hacer un comentario) Make a statement (hacer una declaracin/afirmacin) Make a speech (pronunciar/hacer un discurso) Make a difference (hacer diferencias/marcar la [una] diferencia) Make friends (hacer amigos) Make love (hacer el amor) Make a fire (encender un fuego) Make an impression (causar impresin) Make a mess (hacer un lio) Make a point (dar un argumento concreto) Make a promise (hacer una promesa) Make a suggestion (hacer una sugerencia) Make time (encontrar tiempo) Make the bed (hacer la cama)

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