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March 2011

Guide to the
NEBOSH International
General Certifcate in
Occupational Health
and Safety

lCC 0609!! v!



Pegislered Charily Number. !0!0444

Telephone. +44 (0) !!6 263 4700
lax. +44 (0) !!6 282 4000

NL8OSH 20!!
d= = = kb_lpe= f~~= d~= `~= =

NK f= N

!.! 8enelils lor employers !
!.2 Prolessional membership 2
!.3 Qualilicalion slandard 2
!.4 Key lopics covered 2
!.5 Course luilion and privale sludy lime requiremenls 2
!.6 Unil examinalions 3
!.7 Lnlry requiremenls 3
!.8 Minimum slandard ol Lnglish required lor candidales 3
!.9 Legislalion 4
!.!0 Legislalive updales 4
!.!! Qualilicalion lype 4
!.!2 Qualilicalion progression 4
!.!3 Programmes ollered by NL8OSH-accrediled course providers 5
!.!4 Lxaminalion dales 5
!.!5 Specilicalion dale 5
!.!6 Syllabus developmenl and review 5
!.!7 lurlher inlormalion lor candidales 5
!.!8 lurlher inlormalion lor accrediled course providers 5
OK n~~== S

2.! Unil assessmenl 6
2.2 Unil slruclure 7
2.3 Achieving lhe overall qualilicalion 7
2.4 Unil pass slandard 7
2.5 Unil cerlilicales 7
2.6 Overall qualilicalion grades 7
2.7 Overall qualilicalion cerlilicales 7
2.8 Pe-silling examinalions 8
PK m= = V

3.! Pequesls lor reasonable adjuslmenls 9
3.2 Pequesls lor special consideralion 9
3.3 Lnquiries aboul resulls and appeals 9
3.4 Malpraclice !0

NL8OSH 20!!
QK= p~=J=kb_lpe=f~~=d~=`~==l~~=e~=~=
p~=Ej~=OMNN=~F= NN
QKN r=fd`NW==j~~==~~=~=~=~= NQ

Llemenl !. loundalions in heallh and salely !4
Llemenl 2. Heallh and salely managemenl syslems ! - Policy !6
Llemenl 3. Heallh and salely managemenl syslems 2 - Organising !8
Llemenl 4. Heallh and salely managemenl syslems 3 - Planning 2!
Llemenl 5. Heallh and salely managemenl syslems 4 - Measuring, audil
and review 25
QKO r=fd`OW=`==~~=~== OU

Llemenl !. Workplace hazards and risk conlrol 28
Llemenl 2. Transporl hazards and risk conlrol 32
Llemenl 3. Musculoskelelal hazards and risk conlrol 34
Llemenl 4. Work equipmenl hazards and risk conlrol 37
Llemenl 5. Lleclrical salely 39
Llemenl 6. lire salely 4!
Llemenl 7. Chemical and biological heallh hazards and risk conlrol 43
Llemenl 8. Physical and psychological heallh hazards and risk conlrol 46

QKP r=fd`PW=f~~=~=~=~=~~=~~= QU

4.2.! Purpose and aim 48
4.2.2 Marking 49
4.2.3 Assessmenl localion 49
4.2.4 Assessmenl requiremenls 49
4.2.5 Submission ol compleled work 50
4.2.6 lurlher inlormalion 50
RK p~=~~=~= RN

5.! Unil lCC!. Managemenl ol inlernalional heallh and salely 5!
5.2 Unil lCC2. Conlrol ol inlernalional workplace risks 54
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NK= f=

The lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale in Occupalional Heallh and Salely is suilable lor managers,
supervisors and slall based oulside lhe UK lrom all lypes ol organisalions making day-lo-day
decisions al work lhal need a broad underslanding ol heallh and salely issues and be able lo
manage risks elleclively. Over !3,000 people having achieved lhis qualilicalion since il was
inlroduced in 2004.

The NL8OSH lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale is also suilable lor lhose embarking on a career in
heallh and salely, providing a valuable loundalion lor lurlher prolessional sludy (such as lhe
NL8OSH lnlernalional Diploma in Occupalional Heallh and Salely).

The lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale is modelled on lhe NL8OSH Nalional Ceneral Cerlilicale in
Occupalional Heallh and Salely, lhe mosl widely recognised heallh and salely qualilicalion ol
ils kind in lhe UK. The key dillerence belween lhe lwo qualilicalions is in lhe applicabilily ol
legal requiremenls. Palher lhan be guided by a specilically UK lramework, lhe lnlernalional
Ceneral Cerlilicale lakes a risk managemenl approach based on besl praclice and inlernalional
slandards, such as lnlernalional Labour Organisalion (lLO) codes ol praclice, wilh special
relerence lo lhe model proposed in lhe lLO's "Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh
Managemenl Syslems" (lLO-OSH 200!). Local laws and cullural laclors lorm parl ol lhe sludy
programme where relevanl and appropriale.

NKN= _===

Despile lhe increasing global recognilion ol lhe imporlance ol heallh and salely al work,
accidenls and work-relaled ill-heallh conlinue lo allecl all lypes ol workplaces and occupalions.
The lLO eslimales lhal 6,300 people daily as a resull ol occupalional accidenls or work-relaled
diseases - more lhan 2.3 million dealhs worldwide per year. Al leasl !0' ol lhese dealhs are
due lo lhe 337 million accidenls al work lhal occur annually. There are an eslimaled 500
2000 non-lalal injuries lor every lalal injury (including !60 million cases ol work-relaled
disease), many ol which resull in losl earnings, losl jobs and permanenl disabilily and poverly.

ln addilion lo lhe direcl cosls ol sick pay and absence, employers can lind lhemselves dealing
wilh criminal proseculion, claims lor compensalion, adverse publicily and harm lo bolh business
repulalion and prolilabilily. ln lhe UK alone, lhe eslimaled annual cosl ol occupalional injury
and illness in 2005/6 is 3 billion lo UK employers and !3 billion lo lhe 8rilish economy. ln
2003, lhe lLO eslimaled lhe cosl lo lhe global economy al an eslimaled $!.25 lrillion
($!,250,000 million).

The vasl majorily ol workplace injuries, accidenls and ill-heallh are avoidable by good heallh
and salely managemenl. 8y saving money, improving produclivily and raising worklorce
morale, elleclive heallh and salely managemenl should be recognised as an essenlial elemenl
ol a successlul managemenl slralegy.

Many larger organisalions choose lhe NL8OSH qualilicalions as a key parl ol lheir supervisors'
or managemenl developmenl programme. 8y ensuring lhal line managers have a sound
underslanding ol lhe principles ol risk managemenl lhey build an elleclive salely cullure in lhe
organisalion. Smaller organisalions, operaling in lower risk environmenls, ollen choose lhe
NL8OSH lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale in Occupalional Heallh and Salely as lhe appropriale
qualilicalion lor lhe manager laking lhe lead on heallh and salely issues.

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NL8OSH 20!!


This course can be delivered wilhin an organisalion, or employees can allend accrediled
lraining courses run by our nelwork ol accrediled course providers. NL8OSH accrediled course
providers oller a variely ol llexible course lormals, so lraining can be arranged according lo
employer needs.
NKO= m~==
The NL8OSH lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale in Occupalional Heallh and Salely meels lhe
academic requiremenls lor Technician membership (Tech lOSH) ol lhe lnslilule ol Occupalional
Salely and Heallh (lOSH and Associale membership (AllPSM) ol lhe
lnlernalional lnslilule ol Pisk and Salely Managemenl (llPSM
NKP= n~~=~~===
The NL8OSH lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale is based on lhe NL8OSH Nalional Ceneral
Cerlilicale and designed lo be assessed al lhe same level.

The NL8OSH Na||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e is raled wilhin lhe Scollish Credil and Qualilicalions
lramework (SCQl - al SCQl Level 6, comparable lo a Vocalionally-Pelaled
Qualilicalion (VPQ) al Level 3 wilhin lhe Nalional Qualilicalions lramework (NQl) or
Qualilicalions and Credil lramework (QCl) in Lngland, Wales and Norlhern lreland or A-Level

lor lurlher inlormalion regarding UK qualilicalion levels, please reler lo lhe ua||||ca||on: can
cro:: boundar|e: comparison charl issued by lhe UK regulalors, available al lhe Ollice ol lhe
Qualilicalions and Lxaminalions Pegulalor (Olqual - and Scollish
Qualilicalion Aulhorily (SQA - websiles.
NKQ= h===
lnlernalional slandards lor heallh and salely al work
lmplemenlalion ol heallh and salely managemenl syslems
ldenlilicalion ol workplace hazards
Melhods ol risk conlrol
Praclical applicalion ol knowledge and underslanding
NKR= `==~=~====
r=fd`NW=36 hours luilion and 23 hours privale sludy q~W=RV==
r=fd`OW=42 hours luilion and 26 hours privale sludy q~W=SU==
r=fd`PW=2 hours luilion and 4 hours privale sludy q~W===S==
= =
A programme ol sludy lherelore needs lo be based around a minimum ol UM= ~=
and approximalely=RP===~= lor an overall lolal ol NPP=K=

A lull-lime block release course would be expecled lo lasl lor a minimum ol lwo weeks (len
working days) and a parl-lime day release course would be spread over al leasl len weeks. lor
candidales sludying by open or dislance learning, lhe luilion hours should be added lo lhe
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NL8OSH 20!!

recommended privale sludy hours lo give lhe minimum number ol hours lhal lhis mode ol
sludy will require.

Quoled hours do no| include assessmenl lime, ie, silling wrillen examinalions or lhe praclical
applicalion unil (see !.6).
NKS= r=~~=
Assessed by a lwo hour wrillen examinalion marked by exlernal examiners appoinled by
Assessed by a lwo hour wrillen examinalion marked by exlernal examiners appoinled by

A praclical assessmenl carried oul in lhe candidale's own workplace. lCC3 is marked by an
inlernal assessor - a person proposed lo NL8OSH by an accrediled course provider and
moderaled by exlernal moderalors appoinled by NL8OSH.
NKT= b==
There are no specilic barriers, in lerms ol academic qualilicalions, skills or experience lo enlry lo
lhe NL8OSH lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale programme. However, il should be noled lhal
where lhe assessmenls are sel in Lnglish lhey musl be answered in Lnglish only. This includes
lhe requiremenl lo wrile a shorl reporl based on lhe candidale's own workplace. Candidales
should discuss lhis wilh lhe accrediled course provider belore underlaking lhe qualilicalion.
NKU== j=~~==b===~~=
The slandard ol Lnglish required by candidales sludying lor lhe NL8OSH lnlernalional Ceneral
Cerlilicale musl be such lhal lhey can bolh undersland and arliculale lhe concepls conlained in
lhe syllabus. ll is imporlanl lo slress lhal lhe onus is on accrediled course providers lo
delermine lheir candidales' slandards ol proliciency in Lnglish.
NL8OSH recommends lo accrediled course providers lhal candidales underlaking lhis
qualilicalion should reach a minimum slandard ol Lnglish equ|va|en| lo an lnlernalional Lnglish
Language Tesling Syslem score ol SKM or higher in lLLTS lesls in order lo be accepled onlo an
lnlernalional Conslruclion Cerlilicale programme.
lor lurlher inlormalion please see lhe lalesl version ol lhe lLLTS Handbook or consull lhe lLLTS


Candidales wishing lo assess lheir own language experlise may consull lhe lLLTS websile lor
inlormalion on laking lhe lesl. hllp.//
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NL8OSH 20!!

NKV== i~=
The syllabus relers lo inlernalional convenlions and recommendalions. Where lhis qualilicalion
is delivered overseas, accrediled course providers may reler lo examples ol local legislalion as
parl ol lhe course programme bul examinalion queslions will nol reler lo specilic legislalion,
bul will reler lo lnlernalional convenlions, recommendalions and good praclice as indicaled in
lhe syllabus.
NKNM= i~=~=
Pelevanl new inlernalional convenlions and recommendalions will become examinable in delail
six monlhs aller lheir dale ol inlroduclion. However, candidales will be expecled lo be
essenlially up-lo-dale al lhe lime ol lhe examinalion and, whilsl a delailed knowledge will nol
be expecled, relerence lo new or impending inlernalional convenlions and recommendalions,
where relevanl lo an examinalion queslion, will be given credil.

Please nole, NL8OSH will nol ask queslions relaled lo inlernalional convenlions and
recommendalions lhal have been repealed, revoked or olherwise superseded.

k_W Accrediled course providers are expecled lo ensure lheir course noles remain currenl wilh
regard lo new inlernalional convenlions and recommendalions.
NKNN= n~~==
NL8OSH ollers Vocalionally-Pelaled Qualilicalions (VPQs) in Lngland, Wales and Norlhern

VPQs provide lhe knowledge and praclical skills required lor parlicular job roles lhrough a
slruclured sludy-based lraining programme, lhal combine lhe lesling ol knowledge and
underslanding in wrillen examinalions wilh praclical applicalion ol learning in lhe workplace.

VPQs are a popular lype ol qualilicalion because lhey are nalionally recognised, llexible and
oller roules lor progression lo employmenl or lurlher sludy.
ln Scolland, VPQs are known as 'Olher accrediled qualilicalions'.
NKNO= n~~==
Unil lCC! is common lo.

NL8OSH lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale in Occupalional Heallh and Salely
NL8OSH lnlernalional Cerlilicale in Conslruclion Heallh and Salely

This enables sludenls seeking lo develop specialisl knowledge lo combine unils across lhese
NL8OSH qualilicalions. lCC! unil holders do nol need lo re-sil lhis examinalion providing il
was successlully achieved wilhin lhe live year complelion period lor each qualilicalion.

Candidales wishing lo lurlher develop lheir heallh and salely experlise may consider sludying.

NL8OSH lnlernalional Diploma in Occupalional Heallh and Salely.

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NL8OSH 20!!

This is designed lo provide sludenls wilh lhe experlise required lo underlake a career as a
heallh and salely praclilioner and also provides a sound basis lor progression lo poslgraduale

lurlher inlormalion regarding our qualilicalion porllolio can be lound on our websile.
NKNP= m~===kb_lpeJ~===
Accrediled course providers can be localed using lhe 'Where lo sludy' lab on our websile.

k_W Candidales are advised lo check up-lo-dale inlormalion on course dales wilh accrediled
course providers direclly.
NKNQ= b~~=~=
'Slandard' examinalion dales lor lhis qualilicalion are available in March, June, Seplember and
December annually. Accrediled course providers may requesl 'local' (on-demand) examinalions on
a dale ol lheir choosing lor lhis qualilicalion.
NKNR= p~=~=
The March 20!! specilicalion lor lhis qualilicalion replaces lhe Seplember 2007 specilicalion lor
all examinalions lrom (and including) ! January 20!2.
NKNS= p~==~==
The syllabus has been developed by NL8OSH lollowing exlensive consullalion wilh key
slakeholders, nolably accrediled course providers, prolessional bodies, employers, slandards
selling organisalions, enlorcemenl bodies and subjecl experls. NL8OSH would like lo lake lhis
opporlunily lo lhank all lhose who parlicipaled in lhe developmenl and implemenlalion ol lhis
NKNT= c=~==~~=
lurlher inlormalion lor candidales regarding lhe qualilicalion including a syllabus summary,
qualilicalion overview leallel, praclical guidance and a sample examiner's reporl can be lound
via lhe NL8OSH websile ( Lxaminers' reporls and pasl
examinalion papers may be purchased lrom lhe NL8OSH online shop
( lurlher general inlormalion lor sludenls can be lound here.
NKNU= c=~==~===
lurlher inlormalion lor accrediled course providers including policies and procedures and
guidance on lhe praclical unil can be lound in lhe accrediled Course Providers' seclion ol lhe
NL8OSH websile.
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NL8OSH 20!!

OK= n~~==
OKN= r=~=
The lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale in Occupalional Heallh and Salely is divided inlo lhree


Unil lCC! is a laughl unil, assessed by one lwo-hour wrillen examinalion
Lach wrillen examinalion consisls ol len 'shorl-answer' queslions (8 marks each) and one
'long-answer' queslion (20 marks)
Lach examinalion paper covers lhe whole unil syllabus wilh al leasl one queslion per unil
elemenl and all queslions are compulsory
Candidale scripls are marked by exlernal examiners appoinled by NL8OSH
A sample examinalion paper can be lound in Seclion 5.

Unil lCC2 is a laughl unil, assessed by one lwo-hour wrillen examinalion
Lach wrillen examinalion consisls ol len 'shorl-answer' queslions (8 marks each) and one
'long-answer' queslion (20 marks)
Lach examinalion paper covers lhe whole unil syllabus wilh al leasl one queslion per unil
elemenl and all queslions are compulsory
Candidale scripls are marked by exlernal examiners appoinled by NL8OSH
A sample examinalion paper can be lound in Seclion 5.


Unil lCC3 is assessed by a praclical examinalion carried oul in lhe candidale's own
This is held on a dale sel by lhe accrediled course provider and musl be laken wilhin !4
days ol a wrillen examinalion
The praclical examinalion is inlernally assessed a person proposed lo NL8OSH by an
accrediled course provider and moderaled by exlernal moderalors appoinled by NL8OSH.
Cuidance lor candidales and accrediled course providers is available in a separale documenl
available on lhe NL8OSH websile (
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NL8OSH 20!!


Where relevanl and appropriale, NL8OSH lollows lhe CC5|, CC|, |r|nc|pa| |earn|ng and
|rojec| code o| prac||ce published by lhe regulalory aulhorilies in Lngland, Wales and
Norlhern lreland in relalion lo examinalion selling and marking. Once an exlernally-assessed
examinalion (wrillen examinalions and assignmenls marked by NL8OSH) has been compleled,
scripls are senl lo NL8OSH and undergo rigorous marking, checking and resulls delerminalion
processes lo ensure accuracy and consislency. The lalesl version ol lhe code ol praclice is
available on lhe Olqual websile (
OKO= r==
Candidales may choose lo lake one, lwo or all lhree unils al lhe same lime or al dillerenl

k_W lor candidales planning lo do lwo or all lhree unils, Unil lCC3 (lnlernalional heallh and
salely praclical applicalion) is nol normally ollered independenlly ol lhe laughl unils
(lCC!/lCC2). Candidales will be required lo complele lhe lCC3 assessmenl wilhin !4 days ol
silling lhe examinalion lor unil lCC! and/or lCC2, on a dale lo be agreed wilh lheir accrediled
course provider.
OKP== ^==~=~~=
Candidales will need lo pass ~= = = wilhin a = ~ period lo achieve lhe overall
qualilicalion. The live years commences lrom lhe resull declaralion dale ol lhe lirsl successlul
OKQ= r=~=~~=
The pass slandard lor each unil may vary according lo pre-delermined crileria bul is normalised lo
45' lor lhe wrillen papers (lCC! and lCC2) and 60' lor lhe praclical applicalion unil (lCC3).
OKR= r=~=
Candidales who are successlul in an individual unil will be issued wilh a unil cerlilicale,
normally wilhin 8 weeks ol lhe issue ol lhe resull nolilicalion. Unils are nol graded and lhe
unil cerlilicales will show a 'Pass' only.
OKS= l~=~~=~=
When candidales have been awarded a unil cerlilicale lor all lhree unils (ie, have achieved a Pass
in unils lCC!, lCC2 and lCC3), lhe marks are added logelher and a linal grade is awarded as

m~ !50 - !79 marks
`= = !80 - 209 marks
a 2!0 marks or more
OKT= l~=~~=~=
Once a candidale has achieved a Pass in all lhree unils and lhe overall qualilicalion grade
awarded lhey are normally considered lo have compleled lhe qualilicalion and an overall
N|bO5| |n|erna||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e |n Occupa||ona| |ea||h and 5a|e|y
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qualilicalion parchmenl will be issued, wilhin lhree monlhs ol lhe resull declaralion dale lor
lhe lhird successlully compleled unil.

However, once lhe resull ol lhe lhird successlully compleled unil has been issued lhe candidale
has = lrom lhe dale ol issue ol lhal resull lo eilher.

lnlorm NL8OSH in wriling ol lheir inlenlion lo re-sil a successlul unil lor lhe purposes ol
improving a grade
Submil an Lnquiry aboul resull (LAP) requesl (see Seclion 3.3).
OKU= oJ=~~= =
ll a candidale's perlormance in a unil is lower lhan a pass, candidales may re-regisler lor each
unil or lhe whole qualilicalion al a laler dale il lhey so wish. Candidales may re-sil jusl lhe unil
in which lhey have been unsuccesslul providing lhal lhey re-sil = = ~ = =
= = = = = K Candidales should lake lhis lo mean lrom lhe resull
declaralion dale lor lheir lirsl successlul unil.

Candidales who wish lo improve lhe mark lrom a unil lhey have successlully passed in order lo
improve lheir qualilicalion grading lo a credil or dislinclion, may do so providing lhal lhey re-sil
lhe examinalion wilhin 5 years ol lhe silling ol lhe lirsl successlul allempl. Any candidale who
re-sils a successlul unil, and does nol surpass lheir original mark, eg, is relerred in lhe paper,
will keep lhe or|g|na| mark awarded. Pe-sil marks are nol capped. There is no limil lo lhe
number ol re-sils wilhin lhis live year period.

Candidales who regisler lor any unil ol lhe lnlernalional Ceneral Cerlilicale while awailing a
resull lrom a previous silling ol an examinalion lor lhe same qualilicalion may nol seek a
relund ol lhe regislralion lee il lhey relrospeclively claim exemplion lrom any parl ol lhe
qualilicalion, subsequenl lo lhe issue ol lhe awailed resull.

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NL8OSH 20!!

PK= m=
PKN= o==~~=~=
Peasonable adjuslmenls are arrangemenls which are approved in advance ol an examinalion lo
allow allainmenl lo be demonslraled by candidales wilh eilher a permanenl or long-lerm
disabilily or learning dillicully, or lemporary disabilily, illness or indisposilion.

Pequesls lor reasonable adjuslmenls musl be made lo NL8OSH by accrediled course providers
al leasl one monlh belore lhe assessmenl.

lor lurlher delails see lhe NL8OSH |o||cy and procedure: on rea:onab|e adju:|men|: and
:pec|a| con:|dera||on available lrom lhe NL8OSH websile (
PKO= o==~=~=
Special consideralion is a procedure lhal may resull in an adjuslmenl lo lhe marks ol candidales
who have nol been able lo demonslrale allainmenl because ol lemporary illness, injury,
indisposilion or an unloreseen incidenl al lhe lime ol lhe assessmenl.

Candidales who leel disadvanlaged due lo illness, dislraclion or any olher reason during lhe
assessmenl musl reporl lhis lo lhe invigilalor (or lhe accrediled course provider in lhe case ol a
praclical examinalion) belore leaving lhe examinalion room and requesl lhal lheir wrillen
slalemenl, logelher wilh lhe invigilalor's commenls on lhe slalemenl, be senl by lhe
accrediled course provider lo NL8OSH.

Pequesls lor special consideralion musl be made lo NL8OSH by lhe accrediled course provider
as soon as possible and no more lhan seven working days aller lhe assessmenl.

lor lurlher delails see lhe NL8OSH |o||cy and procedure: on rea:onab|e adju:|men|: and
:pec|a| con:|dera||on available lrom lhe NL8OSH websile (
PKP= b=~==~=~~=
NL8OSH applies delailed and lhorough procedures lo moderale and check assessmenl resulls
belore lhey are issued. This includes a parlicular review ol borderline resulls. ll lhereby ensures
lhal lhe declared resulls are a lair and equilable relleclion ol lhe slandard ol perlormance by

There are, however, procedures lor candidales or accrediled course providers lo enquire aboul
resulls lhal do nol meel lheir reasonable expeclalions. An 'enquiry aboul resull' (LAP) musl be
made in wriling wilhin one monlh ol lhe dale ol issue ol lhe resull lo which il relales.

lor delails see lhe NL8OSH |nqu|r|e: and appea|: po||cy and procedure: documenl available
lrom lhe NL8OSH websile (
N|bO5| |n|erna||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e |n Occupa||ona| |ea||h and 5a|e|y
(|arch 2011 :pec|||ca||on

NL8OSH 20!!


PKQ= j~~=
Malpraclice is delined as any deliberale aclivily, neglecl, delaull or olher praclice by candidales
and/or accrediled course providers lhal compromises lhe inlegrily ol lhe assessmenl process,
and/or lhe validily ol cerlilicales. Malpraclice may include a range ol issues lrom collusion or
use ol unaulhorised malerial by candidales, lo lhe lailure lo mainlain appropriale records or
syslems by accrediled course providers, lo lhe deliberale lalsilicalion ol records in order lo claim
cerlilicales. lailure by an accrediled course provider lo deal wilh idenlilied issues may in ilsell
conslilule malpraclice.

lor lurlher delails see lhe NL8OSH |a|prac||ce po||cy and procedure: documenl available
lrom lhe NL8OSH websile (
N|bO5| |n|erna||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e |n Occupa||ona| |ea||h and 5a|e|y
(|arch 2011 :pec|||ca||on

NL8OSH 20!!

QK== p~=J=kb_lpe=f~~=d~=`~==
The qualilicalion is divided inlo lhree unils. Unil lCC! is lurlher divided inlo live elemenls and
Unil lCC2 inlo eighl elemenls.

! loundalions in heallh and salely 6 |551-6, ,3-9 !4

Heallh and salely managemenl
syslems - Policy

4 |551-4 ,3-9 !6

Heallh and salely managemenl
syslems - Organising

6 |551-6, 3-9 !8

Heallh and salely managemenl
syslems Planning

!! |551-4,6 ,3-9 2!

Heallh and salely managemenl
syslems - Measuring, audil and review

9 |551, J-, 3-9 25

PS= = =


N|bO5| |n|erna||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e |n Occupa||ona| |ea||h and 5a|e|y
(|arch 2011 :pec|||ca||on

NL8OSH 20!!

r=fd`OW= `==~~=~==

Workplace hazards and risk conlrol

8 HSS!-4, 6, 8-9 28

Transporl hazards and risk conlrol

4 |551-4, 6, 3-9 32

Musculoskelelal hazards and risk

6 |551-4, 6, 3-9 34

Work equipmenl hazards and risk

6 |551-4, 6, 3-9 37

Lleclrical salely

3 |551-4, 6, 3-9 39

lire salely

6 |551-4, 6, 3-9 4!

Chemical and biological heallh
hazards and risk conlrol

6 |551-4, 6, 3-9 43

Physical and psychological heallh
hazards and risk conlrol

3 |551-4, 6, 3-9 46




N|bO5| |n|erna||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e |n Occupa||ona| |ea||h and 5a|e|y
(|arch 2011 :pec|||ca||on

NL8OSH 20!!



lnlernalional heallh and salely praclical

2 |551-6, 3-9 48





j=~=== UM=




NL8OSH 20!!

QKN= r=fd`NW== j~~==~~=
== = = = ~=~=~==

b=NW== c~==~=~=~==

NKN= q==~=~==~~=~=~=~=
The mulli-disciplinary nalure ol heallh and salely, lhe barriers lo good slandards ol
heallh and salely (complexily, compeling and conllicling demands, behavioural
Meanings and dislinclions belween.
- heallh, salely, wellare and environmenlal proleclion.
NKO= q= ~I= ~= ~= = ~= = ~~= ~= = =
The size ol lhe heallh and salely 'problem' in lerms ol lhe numbers ol work-relaled
lalalilies and injuries and incidence ol ill-heallh
Socielal expeclalions ol good slandards ol heallh and salely
The need lo provide a sale place ol work, sale planl and equipmenl, sale syslems ol
work, lraining and supervision, and compelenl workers
The business case lor heallh and salely. cosls ol insured and uninsured accidenls
and ill-heallh, employers' liabilily insurance.
NKP= q= = = ~~= = ~= ~~= = = ~= ~=
Lmployers' responsibililies
Workers' responsibililies and righls
The role ol enlorcemenl agencies and lhe consequences ol non-compliance
lnlernalional slandards and convenlions (eg, lnlernalional Slandards Organisalion
(lSO) and lhe lnlernalional Labour Organisalion - lLO)
Sources ol inlormalion on Nalional Slandards.

NL8OSH 20!!




Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh Managemenl Syslems (lLO-OSH 200!) can be
downloaded lree lrom lLO web sile. hllp.//
lLOLLX (lLO dalabase ol lnlernalional Law) hllp.//
Occupalional Heallh and Salely Assessmenl Series (OHSAS !8000). Occupalional Heallh and
Salely Managemenl Syslems OHSAS !800!.2007 lS8N978 0 580 50802 8, OHSAS
!8002.2008 lS8N. 978 0 580 6!674 7
Occupalional Salely and Heallh Convenlion (C!55), lLO hllp.//
Occupalional Salely and Heallh Pecommendalion (P!64), lLO hllp.//

NL8OSH 20!!

b=OW== e~=~=~=~~==N==
= = = J=m==


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

2.! Oulline lhe key elemenls ol a heallh and salely managemenl syslem
2.2 Lxplain lhe purpose and imporlance ol selling policy lor heallh and salely
2.3 Describe lhe key lealures and appropriale conlenl ol an elleclive heallh and salely

OKN== q====~=~=~=~=~~==
Selling policy
Planning and implemenling
Lvalualion (moniloring, review, measuremenl, invesligalion)
Aclion lor improvemenl (prevenlalive and correclive aclion, conlinual
OKO== q==~=~=====~=~=~=
The role ol lhe heallh and salely policy in decision-making, lhe needs ol dillerenl
OKP= q= = ~= ~= ~~= = = ~= = ~= ~= ~=
Slaling lhe overall aims ol lhe organisalion in lerms ol heallh and salely
- general slalemenl ol inlenl, selling overall objeclives and quanliliable largels,
basic concepl ol benchmarking, signalory lo slalemenl

Delining lhe heallh and salely roles and responsibililies ol individuals wilhin lhe
- organising lor heallh and salely. allocalion ol responsibililies, lines ol
communicalion, leedback loops, lhe role ol lhe line managers in inlluencing
lhe heallh and salely policy and moniloring ellecliveness

Specilying lhe arrangemenls lor achieving general and specilic aims.

NL8OSH 20!!

- heallh and salely arrangemenls. lhe imporlance ol specilying lhe organisalion's
arrangemenls lor planning and organising, conlrolling hazards, consullalion,
communicalion and moniloring compliance wilh, and assessing lhe
ellecliveness ol, lhe arrangemenls lo implemenl lhe heallh and salely policy
The circumslances lhal may lead lo a need lo review lhe heallh and salely policy
(eg, passage ol lime, lechnological, organisalional or legal changes, resulls and
Slandards and guidance relaling lo heallh and salely policy.

Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh Managemenl Syslems (lLO-OSH 200!) lS8N-
Occupalional Heallh and Salely Assessmenl Series (OHSAS !8000). Occupalional Heallh and
Managemenl Syslems OHSAS !800!.2007 lS8N-0- 580-50802-8, OHSAS !8002.2008 lS8N

NL8OSH 20!!

b=PW== e~=~=~=~~==O==

On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

3.! Oulline lhe heallh and salely roles and responsibililies ol employers, managers,
supervisors, workers and olher relevanl parlies
3.2 Lxplain lhe concepl ol heallh and salely cullure and ils signilicance in lhe managemenl
ol heallh and salely in an organisalion
3.3 Oulline lhe human laclors which inlluence behaviour al work in a way lhal can allecl
heallh and salely
3.4 Lxplain how heallh and salely behaviour al work can be improved
3.5 Oulline lhe need lor emergency procedures and lhe arrangemenls lor conlacling
emergency services
3.6 Oulline lhe requiremenls lor, and elleclive provision ol, lirsl aid in lhe workplace.

PKN== l~~~= ~= ~= ~= = ~= = = I=
Organisalional roles ol direclors/managers
Top managemenl demonslraling commilmenl by.
- ensuring availabilily ol resources so lhe occupalional heallh and salely
managemenl syslem is eslablished, implemenled and mainlained
- delining roles and responsibililies
- appoinling member ol senior managemenl wilh specilic responsibilily lor heallh
and salely
- appoinling one or more compelenl persons and adequale resources lo provide
assislance in meeling lhe organisalion's heallh and salely obligalions
- role in reviewing perlormance
The roles and responsibililies ol.
middle managers and supervisors lor lhe heallh and salely ol workers
persons wilh primary heallh and salely lunclions
workers lor lhe heallh and salely ol lhemselves and olhers who may be allecled
by lheir acls or omissions
persons in conlrol ol premises lor lhe heallh and salely ol lhose who are nol
direclly employed by lhe organisalion using lhe premises as a place ol work and
lor lhose using planl or subslances provided, eg, conlraclors
lhe sell-employed lor lhe heallh and salely ol lhemselves and olhers

NL8OSH 20!!

The supply chain and lhe general dulies ol suppliers, manulaclurers and designers
ol arlicles and subslances lor use al work in relalion lo lhe heallh and salely ol
lheir producls and lhe provision ol inlormalion
The relalionship belween clienl and conlraclor and lhe dulies each has lo lhe olher
and lo lhe olher's workers, elleclive planning and co-ordinalion ol conlracled
work, procedures lor lhe seleclion ol conlraclors
Shared responsibililies in lhe case ol joinl occupalion ol premises. co-operalion and
PKO `==~=~=~==~==~===~~==
Meaning and exlenl ol lhe lerm 'heallh and salely cullure'
Pelalionship belween heallh and salely cullure and heallh and salely perlormance
lndicalors which could be used lo assess lhe ellecliveness ol an organisalion's
heallh and salely cullure.
- langible oulpuls or indicalors ol an organisalion's heallh and salely cullure (eg,
accidenls, absenleeism, sickness rales, slall lurnover, level ol compliance wilh
heallh and salely rules and procedures, complainls aboul working condilions)
lnlluence ol peers.

PKP e~=~===~=~==

Organisalional laclors.
- eg, cullure, leadership, resources, work pallerns, communicalions
Job laclors.
- eg, lask, workload, environmenl, display and conlrols, procedures
lndividual laclors.
- eg, compelence, skills, personalily, allilude and risk perceplion
Link belween individual, job and organisalional laclors.

PKQ e=~=~=~=~=~==~===
Securing commilmenl ol managemenl
Promoling heallh and salely slandards by leadership and example and appropriale
use ol disciplinary procedures=
Compelenl personnel wilh relevanl knowledge, skills and work experience=
Llleclive communicalion wilhin lhe organisalion.=
- merils and limilalions ol dillerenl melhods ol communicalion (verbal, wrillen
and graphic)
- use and ellecliveness ol nolice boards and heallh and salely media such as
lilms, videos, poslers, loolbox lalks, memos, worker handbooks

NL8OSH 20!!

- co-operalion and consullalion wilh lhe worklorce (roles and benelils ol worker
parlicipalion, salely commillees and worker leedback)
- lhe ellecl ol lraining on human reliabilily
- opporlunilies and need lor lraining provision (induclion and key heallh and
salely lopics lo be covered, job change, process change, inlroduclion ol new
legislalion, inlroduclion ol new lechnology).=
PKR b==~==~~==~===
lmporlance ol developing emergency procedures
Arrangemenls lor conlacling emergency and rescue services.

PKS o=I=~===I=J~===~=
lirsl-aid requiremenls
Pole, lraining and number ol lirsl-aiders
Pequiremenls lor lirsl-aid boxes
Coverage in relalion lo shill work and geographical localion.

Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh Managemenl Syslems (lLO-OSH 200!) lS8N
Occupalional Heallh and Salely Assessmenl Series (OHSAS!8000). Occupalional Heallh and
Salely Managemenl Syslems OHSAS !800!.2007 (lS8N 978 0 580 50802 8), OHSAS
!8002.2008 lS8N. 978 0 580 6!674 7
Occupalional Salely and Heallh Convenlion (C!55) 2003, lLO hllp.//
Occupalional Salely and Heallh Pecommendalion (P!64) 2006, lLO
lirsl-Aid al Work (ACOP) (L74), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978 0 7!76 !050 !
Peducing Lrror and lnlluencing 8ehaviour (HSC48), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-2452-2

NL8OSH 20!!

b=QW== e~=~=~=~~==P==


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

4.! Lxplain lhe imporlance ol planning in lhe conlexl ol heallh and salely managemenl
4.2 Lxplain lhe principles and praclice ol risk assessmenl
4.3 Lxplain lhe general principles ol conlrol and a basic hierarchy ol risk reduclion measures
4.4 ldenlily lhe key sources ol heallh and salely inlormalion
4.5 Lxplain whal laclors should be considered when developing and implemenling a sale
syslem ol work lor general aclivilies
4.6 Lxplain lhe role and lunclion ol a permil-lo-work syslem.
QKN= f~==~=
Syslem lo eslablish, implemenl and mainlain occupalional heallh and salely
Selling heallh and salely objeclives including consideralion ol.
- who is going lo sel objeclives
- documenling and selling each lunclional level
- legal and olher requiremenls
- hazards and risks
- lechnological oplions
- linancial, operalional, and business requiremenls
- views ol inleresled parlies
- specilic, measurable, achievable, reasonable, lime bound (SMAPT) objeclives
ldenlilying and keeping up-lo-dale wilh legal requiremenls.
QKO m=~=~===~=
Wilh relerence lo legal requiremenls (Llemenl !)
Meaning ol hazard, risk and risk assessmenl.
- hazard. 'somelhing wilh lhe polenlial lo cause harm (lhis can include arlicles,
subslances, planl or machines, melhods ol work, lhe working environmenl and
olher aspecls ol work organisalion)'
- risk. 'lhe likelihood ol polenlial harm lrom lhal hazard being realised'
- risk assessmenl. 'idenlilying prevenlive and proleclive measures by evalualing
lhe risk(s) arising lrom a hazard(s), laking inlo accounl lhe adequacy ol any
exisling conlrols, and deciding whelher or nol lhe risk(s) is acceplable'

NL8OSH 20!!

Objeclives ol risk assessmenl, prevenlion ol workplace accidenls
Dislinclion belween dillerenl lypes ol incidenl. ill-heallh, injury accidenl, dangerous
occurrence, near-miss, damage-only, lypical ralios ol incidenl oulcomes and lheir
relevance in lerms ol lhe proporlion ol non-injury evenls, ulilily and limilalions ol
accidenl ralios in accidenl prevenlion (8ird's Triangle)=
Pisk assessors.
- composilion ol risk assessmenl leam
- compelence
Crileria lor a 'suilable and sullicienl' risk assessmenl
ldenlilicalion ol hazards
- sources and lorm ol harm, lask analysis, legislalion, manulaclurers' inlormalion,
incidenl dala
ldenlilying populalion al risk.
- workers, operalors, mainlenance slall, cleaners, conlraclors, visilors, public, elc
Lvalualing risk and adequacy ol currenl conlrols.
- likelihood ol harm and probable severily
- risk raling / priorilisalion
- residual risk, acceplable / lolerable risk levels
- use ol guidance, sources and examples ol legislalion
- principles ol prevenlion hierarchy, applicalion based on priorilisalion ol risk
- applying conlrols lo specilied hazards
- dislinclion belween priorilies and limescales
Pecording signilicanl lindings.
- lormal, inlormalion lo be recorded
Peviewing. reasons lor review (eg incidenls, process/equipmenl/slall/legislalive
changes, passage ol lime)
Special case applicalions lo young persons, expeclanl and nursing molhers, disabled
workers and lone workers.
QKP= d~====~=~=~=~====~==
Ceneral principles ol prevenlion.
- avoiding risks
- evalualing unavoidable risks
- combaling risks al source
- adapling work lo lhe individual
- adapling lo lechnical progress
- replacing lhe dangerous wilh lhe non-dangerous/less dangerous
- developing an overall coherenl prevenlion policy
- giving priorily lo colleclive proleclive measures over individual proleclive
- giving appropriale inslruclions lo workers

NL8OSH 20!!


Ceneral hierarchy ol conlrol.
- eliminalion
- subslilulion
- engineering conlrols
- signage/warnings and/or adminislralive conlrols
- personal proleclive equipmenl.
QKQ= p==~=~=~=~=
lnlernal lo lhe organisalion (eg, accidenl/ill heallh/absence records, inspeclion,
audil and invesligalion reporls, mainlenance records)
Lxlernal lo lhe organisalion (eg, manulaclurers' dala, legislalion, LU (Luropean
Union) / HSL (Heallh and Salely Lxeculive) publicalions, lrade associalions,
lnlernalional, Luropean and 8rilish Slandards, lLO (lnlernalional Labour
Organisalion) Occupalional Salely and Heallh Adminislralion (USA), Worksale
(Weslern Auslralia) and olher aulhorilalive lexls, lT sources).

=QKR= c~= ~= = = = = = ~= = ~= ~=
Lmployer's responsibilily lo provide sale syslems ol work
Pole ol compelenl persons in lhe developmenl ol sale syslems
lmporlance ol worker involvemenl in lhe developmenl ol sale syslems
lmporlance and relevance ol wrillen procedures
The dislinclion belween lechnical, procedural and behavioural conlrols
Developmenl ol a sale syslem ol work
Analysing lasks, idenlilying hazards and assessing risks
lnlroducing conlrols and lormulaling procedures
lnslruclion and lraining in lhe operalion ol lhe syslem
Moniloring lhe syslem
Delinilion ol and specilic examples ol conlined spaces and lone working and
working and lravelling abroad in relalion lo sale syslems ol work.

QKS= o=~===~=JJ==
Meaning ol permil-lo-work syslem
Pole and lunclion in conlrolling a permil-lo-work
Operalion and applicalion ol a permil-lo-work syslem

NL8OSH 20!!

Circumslances in which a permil-lo-work syslem may be appropriale, wilh relerence
lo. hol work, work on eleclrical syslems, machinery mainlenance, conlined spaces,
work al heighl.
Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh Managemenl Syslems (lLO-OSH 200!) lS8N-
Occupalional Heallh and Salely Assessmenl Series (OHSAS !8000). Occupalional Heallh and
Salely Managemenl Syslems OHSAS !800!.2007 (lS8N-0-580-50802-8), OHSAS
!8002.2008 (lS8N 9780-580-6!674-7)
live Sleps lo Pisk Assessmenl (lNDC!63), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978 0 7!76 6!89 3.
Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh Managemenl=Syslems (lLO-OSH 200!) lS8N-
lSO 70!0.2003, Craphical symbols Salely colours and salely signs used in workplaces and
public areas=
Sale Work in Conlined Spaces (ACOP) (L!0!), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978 0 7!76 !405 9
Permil-lo-Work Syslems (lNDC98), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!33!-3
Salely in lhe Clobal Village, lOSH lnlormalion Sheel, !999,

NL8OSH 20!!

b=RW== e~=~=~=~~==Q==
= J=j~I=~=~==

On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

5.! Oulline lhe principles, purpose and role ol aclive and reaclive moniloring
5.2 Lxplain lhe purpose ol, and procedures, lor heallh and salely audiling
5.3 Lxplain lhe purpose ol, and procedures lor, invesligaling incidenls (accidenls, cases ol
work-relaled ill-heallh and olher occurrences)
5.4 Describe lhe legal and organisalional requiremenls lor recording and reporling incidenls
5.5 Lxplain lhe purpose ol, and procedures lor, regular reviews ol heallh and salely

RKN= ^=~=~==
Aclive moniloring procedures including lhe moniloring ol perlormance slandards
and lhe syslemalic inspeclion ol planl and premises
Pole ol salely inspeclions, sampling, surveys and lours and lheir roles wilhin a
moniloring regime
laclors governing lrequency and lype ol inspeclion, compelence and objeclivily ol
inspeclor, use ol checklisls, allocalion ol responsibililies and priorilies lor aclion=
Llleclive reporl wriling. slyle, slruclure, conlenl, emphasis, persuasiveness, elc=
Peaclive moniloring measures including dala on incidenls, dangerous occurrences,
near misses, ill-heallh, complainls by worklorce and enlorcemenl aclion.
RKO= e~=~=~=~=
Meaning ol lhe lerm 'heallh and salely audil'
Scope and purpose ol audiling heallh and salely managemenl syslems, dislinclion
belween audils and inspeclions
Pre-audil preparalions, inlormalion galhering, nolilicalions and inlerviews, seleclion
ol slall, compelence ol audilors, lime, resources
Pesponsibilily lor audils
Advanlages and disadvanlages ol exlernal and inlernal audils
Aclions laken lollowing audil (eg, correcling nonconlormilies).

NL8OSH 20!!

RKP= f~===
Pole and lunclion ol incidenl invesligalion as a reaclive moniloring measure
Dillerenl lypes ol incidenl. by oulcome, injury, ill-heallh, dangerous occurrence,
near miss, damage only
8asic incidenl invesligalion procedures
lnlerviews, plans, pholographs, relevanl records, checklisls
lmmediale causes (unsale acls and condilions) and rool causes (managemenl
syslems lailures)
Pemedial aclions.
RKQ o=~===
lnlernal syslems lor collecling, analysing and communicaling dala
Organisalional requiremenls lor recording and reporling incidenls
Peporling ol evenls lo exlernal agencies. Typical examples ol major injuries,
diseases and dangerous occurrences lhal mighl be reporlable lo exlernal agencies
Lessons learnl.
RKR o==~=~=~=~=
Purpose ol reviewing heallh and salely perlormance
Who should lake parl in review
Peview al planned inlervals
Assessing opporlunilies lor improvemenl and lhe need lor change
Peview lo consider.
- evalualions ol compliance wilh applicable legal and organisalional requiremenls
- accidenl and incidenl dala, correclive and prevenlive aclions
- inspeclions, surveys, lours and sampling
- absences and sickness
- qualily assurance reporls
- audils
- moniloring dala/records/reporls
- exlernal communicalions and complainls
- resulls ol parlicipalion and consullalion
- objeclives mel
- aclions lrom previous managemenl reviews
- legal/good praclice developmenls
Mainlenance ol records ol managemenl review
Peporling on heallh and salely perlormance
leeding inlo aclion and developmenl plans as parl ol conlinuous improvemenl
Pole ol 8oards, Chiel Lxeculive/Managing Direclor and Senior Managers.

NL8OSH 20!!


Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh Managemenl Syslems (lLO-OSH 200!) lS8N
Occupalional Heallh and Salely Assessmenl Series (OHSAS !800). Occupalional Heallh
and Salely Managemenl Syslems OHSAS !800!.2007 lS8N 978 0 580 50802 8, OHSAS
!8002.2008 lS8N 9780 580 6!674 7
Successlul Heallh and Salely Managemenl (HSC65), HSL 8ooks !997 lS8N 978 0 7!76
!276 5.
Pecording and Nolilicalion ol Occupalional accidenls and Diseases, lLO Code ol Praclice,
Ceneva, !996 lS8N 92-2-!0945!-0
lnvesligaling lncidenls and Accidenls al Work HSC245 HSL 8ooks 2004 lS8N 978 0 7!76
2827 8.
lncidenl al Work Misc769 HSL Web 2007,

NL8OSH 20!!


QKO= r=fd`OW= `==~~=~==
b=NW= = t~=~~=~=== =


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.
!.! Oulline common heallh, wellare and work environmenl requiremenls in lhe workplace
!.2 Lxplain lhe risk laclors and appropriale conlrols lor violence al work
!.3 Lxplain lhe ellecls ol subslance misuse on heallh and salely al work and conlrol
measures lo reduce such risks
!.4 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures lor lhe sale movemenl ol people in lhe
!.5 Oulline lhe hazards and conlrol measure lor sale conslruclion and demolilion work
!.6 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures lor sale working al heighl
!.7 Lxplain lhe hazards ol, and conlrol measures lor, excavalions.

NKN= e~I=~=~====
Heallh and wellare provisions.
- supply ol drinking waler
- washing lacililies
- sanilary conveniences
- accommodalion lor clolhing
- resl and ealing lacililies
- sealing
- venlilalion
- healing and lighling
The ellecls ol exposure lo exlremes ol lemperalure, prevenlive measures.
NKO= s=~==
Pisk laclors relaling lo violence al work (bolh belween workers and lhird parlies)
Conlrol measures lo reduce risks lrom violence al work.
NKP= p~==~==
Pisks lo heallh and salely lrom alcohol and drugs al work
Conlrol measures lo reduce risks lrom misuse ol alcohol and drugs al work.

NL8OSH 20!!

NKQ=== j===
Hazards lo pedeslrians.
- lypical hazards causing. slips, lrips and lalls on lhe same level, lalls lrom a
heighl, collisions wilh moving vehicles, slriking by moving, llying or lalling
objecls, slriking againsl lixed or slalionary objecls
- condilions and environmenls in which each hazard may arise
Conlrol slralegies lor pedeslrian hazards.
- risk assessmenl
- slip resislanl surlaces
- spillage conlrol and drainage
- designaled walkways
- lencing and guarding
- use ol signs and personal proleclive equipmenl
- inlormalion, inslruclion, lraining and supervision

- Mainlenance ol a sale workplace.
- cleaning and housekeeping requiremenls
- access and egress
- environmenlal consideralions (healing, lighling, noise and dusl) including during
mainlenance aclivilies.
NKR= `=~~=~==
Scope ol conslruclion, including building, mainlenance, renovalion and demolilion
Sale slacking and slorage ol malerials and llammable subslances
Main hazards and conlrols relaling lo conslruclion and demolilion, including.
- machinery/vehicles (eg, lork-lill lrucks, dumper lrucks, cemenl mixers)
- sile securily
- eleclricily
- working al heighl
- excavalions

Managemenl conlrols lhal can be applied lor signilicanl conslruclion projecls.
- assessmenl, seleclion and conlrol ol conlraclors.
NKS= t=~===
Lxamples ol work aclivilies involving a risk ol injury lrom lalling lrom heighl, and
lhe signilicance ol such injuries
8asic hazards and laclors allecling risk lrom working al heighl including.
- verlical dislance
- lragile rools
- delerioralion ol malerials
- unprolecled edges
- unslable/poorly mainlained access equipmenl
- wealher and lalling malerials

NL8OSH 20!!

Melhods ol avoiding working al heighl
Main precaulions necessary lo prevenl lalls and lalling malerials, including proper
planning and supervision ol work, avoiding working in adverse wealher condilions
Pequiremenls lor emergency rescue
Provision ol equipmenl, lraining, inslruclion and olher measures lo minimise
dislance and consequences ol a lall
Pequiremenls lor head proleclion
Sale working praclices lor common lorms ol access equipmenl, including ladders,
slepladders, scallolds (independenl lied and mobile lower), mobile elevaling work
plallorms, lreslles, slaging plallorms and leading edge proleclion syslems
lnspeclion requiremenls.
NKT== b~~=
Hazards ol work in and around excavalions, buried services, lalls ol
persons/equipmenl/malerial inlo excavalion, collapse ol sides, collapse ol adjacenl
slruclures, waler ingress, conlaminaled ground
Conlrol measures lo prevenl injury/loss when working in and around excavalions,
including basic melhods ol supporling excavalions, means ol access, crossing poinls,
barriers, lighling and signs, sale slorage ol spoil, checks lor buried services,
posilioning and rouling ol vehicles, planl and equipmenl, personal proleclive
lnspeclion requiremenls lor excavalion supporl.

NL8OSH 20!!



Managemenl ol alcohol and drug relaled issues in lhe workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice) !999
lS8N 978922!094055
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice), lS8N 92-2-!!628-X
Workplace Transporl Salely Cuidance lor Lmployers HSC!36, HSL 8ooks 2005 lS8N 978 0
7!76 6!54 !.
lSO 70!0.2003, Craphical symbols Salely colours and salely signs used in workplaces and
public areas=
The Workplace (Heallh, Salely and Wellare) Pegulalions !992 (ACOP) (L24), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-
7!76-04!3-5 hllp.//
Sale Use ol Work Lquipmenl (ACOP) (L22), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-6295-!
C !20 Hygiene (Commerce and Ollices) and (P !20),
!964, hllp.//!20
P !02 Wellare lacililies Pecommendalion, !956,
Workplace Transporl Salely Cuidance lor Lmployers (HSC!36),
HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-6!54-! hllp.//!36.hlm
Lighling al Work (HSC38), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!232-!
Sealing al Work (HSC57), HSL 8ooks lS8N 07!76!23!4
Work al Heighl Pegulalions 2005 (Amended) A 8riel Cuide HSL 8ooks (lNDC40! rev!) 0-7!76-
Violence al work - A guide lor employers HSL 8ooks lNDC69 HSL 8ooks
Drug misuse al work - A guide lor employers HSL 8ooks lNDC9!
Salely and Heallh in Conslruclion Convenlion (C!67), lLO,
Salely and Heallh in Conslruclion Pecommendalion (P!75), lLO,
Salely and Heallh in Conslruclion (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 92-2-!07!04-9
Heallh and Salely in Conslruclion (HSC!50), 3rd edilion, HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-2!06-5

NL8OSH 20!!

b=OW= q~=~~=~===
On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

2.! Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures lor lhe sale movemenl ol vehicles in lhe
2.2 Oulline lhe laclors associaled wilh driving al work lhal increase lhe risk ol an incidenl
and lhe conlrol measures lo reduce work-relaled driving risks.
OKN= p~======~==
Hazards lrom workplace lransporl operalions.
- lypical hazards leading lo loss ol conlrol. overlurning ol vehicles, collisions wilh
olher vehicles, pedeslrians and lixed objecls
- non-movemenl relaled hazards, ie, loading, unloading and securing loads,
sheeling, coupling, and vehicle mainlenance work
- condilions and environmenls in which each hazard may arise.
Conlrol measures lor sale workplace lransporl operalions.
- suilabilily and sulliciency ol lrallic roules
- managemenl ol vehicle movemenls
- environmenlal consideralions (visibilily, gradienls, changes ol level, surlace
- mainlenance ol vehicles
- driver proleclion and reslrainl syslems
- segregaling ol pedeslrians and vehicles and measures lo be laken when
segregalion is nol praclicable
- proleclive measures lor people and slruclures (barriers, marking signs, warnings
ol vehicle approach and reversing)
- sile rules
- seleclion and lraining ol drivers
- managemenl syslems lor assuring driver compelence including local codes ol
OKO= a=~==
Signilicance ol work-relaled road injuries
laclors associaled wilh driving al work lhal increases lhe risk ol being involved in a
road lrallic incidenl (dislance, driving hours, work schedules, slress due lo lrallic
and wealher condilions, elc)
Managing work-relaled road salely
- policy covers work-relaled road salely
- syslems lo manage work-relaled road salely

NL8OSH 20!!

- moniloring perlormance lo ensure policy is elleclive eg, colleclion ol
inlormalion, reporling ol work-relaled road incidenls by employees
- organisalion and slruclure (lo allow cooperalion across deparlmenls wilh
dillerenl responsibililies lor work-relaled road salely)
- legal responsibililies ol individuals on public roads
Pisk assessmenl
Lvalualing lhe risks
- lhe driver (compelency, lilness and heallh, lraining)
- lhe vehicle (suilabilily, condilion, salely equipmenl, salely crilical inlormalion,
ergonomic consideralions)
- lhe journey (roules, scheduling, sullicienl lime, wealher condilions)
Conlrol measures lo reduce work-relaled driving risks.



Workplace Transporl Salely Cuidance lor Lmployers HSC!36, HSL 8ooks 2005 lS8N 978 0
7!76 6!54 !.
Sale Use ol Work Lquipmenl (ACOP) (L22), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-6295-!
lSO 70!0.2003, Craphical symbols Salely colours and salely signs used in workplaces and
public areas
Salely and Heallh in Conslruclion (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 92-2-!07!04-9
Hours ol Work and Pesl Periods (Poad Transporl) Convenlion !979 (No. !53) and ils
accompanying Hours ol Work and Pesl Periods (Poad Transporl) Pecommendalion
!979 (No. !53). hllp.//!53
Driving al Work Managing Work-Pelaled Poad Salely HSL 2003 lNDC382 lS8N 9780 7!76
2740 0.

NL8OSH 20!!


b=PW= = j~=~~=~===
= = = = ==

On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

3.! Lxplain work processes and praclices lhal may give rise lo work-relaled upper limb
disorders and appropriale conlrol measures
3.2 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrol measures which should be considered when assessing
risks lrom manual handling aclivilies
3.3 Lxplain lhe hazards, precaulions and procedures lo reduce lhe risk in lhe use ol lilling
and moving equipmenl wilh specilic relerence lo manually operaled load moving
3.4 Lxplain lhe hazards and lhe precaulions and procedures lo reduce lhe risk in lhe use ol
lilling and moving equipmenl wilh specilic relerence lo mechanically operaled load
moving equipmenl.

PKN tJ~====
Meaning ol musculoskelelal disease and work relaled upper limb disorders
Lxamples ol repelilive operalions such as keyboard operalion, assembly ol small
componenls, bricklaying and checkoul operalors, assessmenl ol a display screen
equipmenl workslalion
Malching lhe workplace lo individual needs ol workers
The ill-heallh ellecls ol poorly designed lasks and workslalions
The laclors giving rise lo ill-heallh condilions. lask (including repelilive, slrenuous),
environmenl (including lighling, glare), equipmenl (including user requiremenls,
Appropriale conlrol measures.
PKO= j~~=~=~~I==~==~=
Common lypes ol manual handling hazard and injury
Assessmenl ol manual handling risks by considering lhe lask, lhe load, lhe individual
and lhe working environmenl
Means ol minimising lhe risks lrom manual handling wilh relerence lo lhe lask,
load, individual and working environmenl, eg, design, aulomalion/mechanisalion

NL8OSH 20!!

Lllicienl movemenl principles lor manually lilling loads lo reduce risk ol
musculoskelelal disorders due lo lilling, poor poslure and repelilive or awkward
PKP= j~~=~=~=~==
Hazards, precaulions and procedures lor common lypes ol manually operaled load
handling aids and equipmenl. lrucks and lrolleys, pallel lrucks, people handling
hoisls, people handling aids.
PKQ==== j~~=~=~=~==
Hazards, precaulions and procedures lor lork-lill lrucks, lills, hoisls conveyors and
Pequiremenls lor lilling operalions.
- slrong, slable and suilable equipmenl
- posilioned and inslalled correclly
- visibly marked, eg, sale working load
- ensure lilling operalions are planned, supervised and carried oul in sale manner
by compelenl people
- special requiremenls lor lilling equipmenl lor lilling people
The need lor periodic examinalion/lesling ol lilling equipmenl.

NL8OSH 20!!


lSO !2!00. 20!0, Salely ol machinery Ceneral principles lor design Pisk assessmenl and
risk reduclion lS8N 978-0-580-6742!-!
Manual Handling (Cuidance) (L23), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-2823-0
Salely in Working wilh Lill Trucks (HSC6), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-!78!-4
Sale Use ol Lilling Lquipmenl (L!!3), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!628-2
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 92-2-!!628-X
lSO !2!00 - !. 2003, Salely ol machinery, basic concepls, general principles lor design,
basic lerminology, melhodology lS8N 0-580-42922-9
lSO !2!00 - 2. 2003, Salely ol machinery, basic concepls, general principles lor design,
lechnical principles lS8N 0-580-42923-7
Manual Handling (Cuidance) (L23), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-2823-0
A Pain in Your Workplace? Lrgonomic Problems and Solulions (HSC!2!), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-
Display Screen Lquipmenl Work (Cuidance) (L26), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-2582-6
Salely in Working wilh Lill Trucks (HSC6), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-!78!-4
Sale Use ol Lilling Lquipmenl (L!!3), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978- 0-7!76-!628-2
Lrgonomic Checkpoinls, lLO lS8N 92-2-!09442-!
Work Organizalion and Lrgonomics, lLO lS8N 92-2-!095!8-5

NL8OSH 20!!

b=QW= t==~~=~===


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

4.! Oulline general principles lor seleclion, use and mainlenance ol work equipmenl
4.2 Lxplain lhe hazards and conlrols lor hand-held lools
4.3 Describe lhe main mechanical and non-mechanical hazards ol machinery
4.4 Lxplain lhe main conlrol melhods lor reducing risk lrom machinery hazards.


QKN= d~===I==~=~~====
Types ol work equipmenl, including hand lools, power lools and machinery
Suilabilily lor lhe lask including meeling basic salely slandards
The need lo reslricl lhe use ol equipmenl wilh specilic risks lo appropriale persons
Provision ol inlormalion, inslruclion and lraining lo operalors, mainlenance slall and
The need lor equipmenl lo be mainlained and mainlenance lo be conducled salely
The need lor periodic examinalion and lesling ol pressure syslems
lmporlance ol operalion and emergency conlrols, slabilily, lighling, markings and
warnings, clear unobslrucled workspace
Whal is expecled ol operalors.

QKO= e~~=~===~J==
Hazards and misuse ol hand lools and conlrols lor sale use, in parlicular lheir
condilion, lilness lor use, suilabilily lor purpose and localion in which lhey are used
(eg, llammable almosphere)
Hazards ol porlable power lools (eg, drill, sander) and lhe means ol conlrol.

QKP== j~=~~=
Main mechanical and non-mechanical hazards and how harm may resull lrom lhem
Hazards presenled by a range ol equipmenl, including ollice machinery (eg,
pholocopier, documenl shredder), manulacluring/mainlenance machinery (eg,
bench-lop grinder, pedeslal drill), agricullural/horlicullural machinery (eg, cylinder
mower, slrimmer / brush-culler, chain-saw), relail machinery (eg, compaclor,

NL8OSH 20!!

checkoul conveyor syslem) and conslruclion machinery (eg, cemenl mixer, bench-
mounled circular saw).
QKQ= `=~=====~=~~=
The basic principles ol operalion, merils and limilalions ol lhe lollowing melhods ol
- lixed guards, inlerlocked guards, lrip devices, adjuslable/sell-adjusling guards
- proleclive devices lwo-hand conlrols, hold-lo-run proleclive appliances,
emergency slop conlrols, personal proleclive equipmenl
- jigs, holders, push slicks
- inlormalion, inslruclion, lraining and supervision
Applicalion ol lhe above melhods lo lhe range ol equipmenl lisled in 4.3
8asic requiremenls lor guards and salely devices.
- compalible wilh process, adequale slrenglh, mainlained, allow mainlenance
wilhoul removal, nol increase risk or reslricl view, nol easily by-passed.


Sale Use ol Work Lquipmenl (ACOP) (L22 3rd edilion) 2008,
HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-6295-!
lSO !2!00-!.2003, Salely ol machinery, basic concepls, general principles lor design, basic
lerminology, melhodology lS8N 0J580-42922-9
lSO !2!00-2.2003, Salely ol machinery, basic concepls, general principles lor design,
lechnical principles lS8N 0-580-42923-7
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 92-2-!!628-X

NL8OSH 20!!

b=RW= = b~=~=

On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

5.! Oulline lhe principles, hazards and risks associaled wilh lhe use ol eleclricily in lhe
5.2 Oulline lhe conlrol measures lhal should be laken when working wilh eleclrical syslems
or using eleclrical equipmenl in normal workplace condilions.

RKN== mI= ~~= ~= = ~~= = = = = = = =
Principles ol eleclricily.
- basic circuilry, relalionship belween vollage, currenl and resislance
Hazards ol eleclricily.
- eleclric shock and ils ellecl on lhe body, laclors inlluencing severily. vollage,
lrequency, duralion, resislance, currenl palh, eleclrical burns. direcl and indirecl
- eleclrical lires. common causes
- porlable eleclrical equipmenl. condilions and praclices likely lo lead lo accidenls
(unsuilable equipmenl, inadequale mainlenance, use ol deleclive apparalus)
- secondary hazards (eg, lalls lrom heighls).
RKO= `=~=
Conlrol measures.
- proleclion ol conduclors
- seleclion and suilabilily ol equipmenl
- advanlages and limilalions ol proleclive syslems. luses, earlhing, isolalion ol
supply, reduced and low vollage syslems, residual currenl devices, double
- use ol compelenl persons
- use ol sale syslems ol work (no live working unless no olher oplion), isolalion,
localing buried services, proleclion againsl overhead cables
- emergency procedures lollowing an eleclrical incidenl
- inspeclion and mainlenance slralegies. user checks, lormal inspeclion and lesls ol
lhe eleclrical inslallalion and equipmenl, lrequency ol inspeclion and lesling,
records ol inspeclion and lesling, advanlages and limilalions ol porlable appliance
lesling (PAT).

NL8OSH 20!!

Lleclricily al Work Sale Working Praclices HSC85 HSL 8ooks 2003 lS8N 978 0 7!76 2!64
Mainlaining Porlable and Transporlable Lleclrical Lquipmenl HSC!07 HSL 8ooks 2004 lS8N
978 07 !76 2805 6

NL8OSH 20!!

b=SW= c=~=

On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

6.! Describe lhe principles ol lire inilialion, classilicalion and spread
6.2 Oulline lhe principles ol lire risk assessmenl
6.3 Describe lhe basic principles ol lire prevenlion and lhe prevenlion ol lire spread in
6.4 ldenlily lhe appropriale lire alarm syslem and lire-lighling equipmenl lor a simple
6.5 Oulline lhe laclors which should be considered when implemenling a successlul
evacualion ol a workplace in lhe evenl ol a lire.

SKN== c=~I=~~=~=~=
Principles ol lire. lire lriangle, sources ol ignilion, luel and oxygen in a lypical
Classilicalion ol lires. A, 8, C, D and l
Principles ol heal lransmission and lire spread. conveclion, conduclion,
radialion, and direcl burning
Common causes and consequences ol lires in workplace.
SKO== c==~=
laclors lo be addressed in carrying oul lhe assessmenl
Consideralion ol lemporary workplaces and changes lo workplaces.

SKP= c==~====~=
Conlrol measures lo minimise lhe risk ol lire in a workplace.
- eliminalion ol, or reduclion in, lhe use and slorage ol llammable and
combuslible malerials=
- conlrol ol ignilion sources=
- syslems ol work=
- good housekeeping=
Sale slorage and use ol llammable liquids

NL8OSH 20!!

Slruclural measures lo prevenl lhe spread ol lire and smoke. properlies ol common
building malerial, proleclion ol openings and voids=
Use ol suilable eleclrical equipmenl in llammable almospheres.=
SKQ== c=~~==~=J==
lire deleclion, lire warning and lire-lighling equipmenl.
- common lire deleclion and alarm syslems
- porlable lire-lighling equipmenl. siling, mainlenance and lraining requiremenls
- exlinguishing media. waler, loam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, advanlages and
SKR= b~~==~=~=
Means ol escape. lravel dislances, slairs, passageways, doors, emergency lighling,
exil and direclional signs, assembly poinls
Lmergency evacualion procedures
Pole and appoinlmenl ol lire marshals
lire drills, roll call, provisions lor lhe disabled
8uilding plans lo include record ol emergency escape.

lire Salely. an Lmployer's Cuide (HSL, Home Ollice, Scollish Lxeculive, DoL Norlhern lreland),
The Slalionery Ollice lS8N 0-!!3-4!229-0
Salely in lhe Use ol Chemicals al Work seclions 6 and 7 (lLO Code ol Praclice), lLO lS8N 9-
Occupalional Salely and Heallh Convenlion (C!55), lLO hllp.//
Cuidelines on Occupalional Salely and Heallh Managemenl Syslems (lLO-OSH 200!) lS8N-0-

NL8OSH 20!!


b=TW= `~=~=~=~=~~=~=


On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

7.! Oulline lhe lorms ol, lhe classilicalion ol, and heallh risks lrom exposure lo hazardous
7.2 Lxplain lhe laclors lo be considered when underlaking an assessmenl ol lhe heallh risks
lrom subslances commonly encounlered in lhe workplace
7.3 Describe lhe use and limilalions ol Workplace Lxposure Limils including lhe purpose ol
long lerm and shorl lerm exposure limils
7.4 Oulline conlrol measures lhal should be used lo reduce lhe risk ol ill-heallh lrom
exposure lo hazardous subslances
7.5 Oulline lhe hazards, risks and conlrols associaled wilh specilic agenls
7.6 Oulline lhe basic requiremenls relaled lo lhe sale handling and slorage ol wasle.

TKN= c=I=~~=I=~=~===~~=~=
lorms ol chemical agenl. dusls, lumes, gases, misls, vapours and liquids
lorms ol biological agenls. lungi, bacleria and viruses
Main classilicalion ol chemical subslances hazardous lo heallh. irrilanl, corrosive,
harmlul, loxic and carcinogenic
Dillerence belween acule and chronic heallh ellecls.

Poules ol enlry ol hazardous subslances inlo lhe body and body reaclion in lhe
lorm ol superlicial and cellular delence mechanisms wilh parlicular relerence lo lhe
hazardous subslances lisled in 7.5
laclors lo be laken inlo accounl when assessing heallh risks
Sources ol inlormalion.
- producl labels
- LU lisl ol lndicalive Limil Values, HSL lisl ol Workplace Lxposure Limils (UK), -
ACClH lisl ol Threshold Limil Values (US)

NL8OSH 20!!

- manulaclurers' salely dala sheels and responsibilily lor lheir provision,
inlormalion lypically lo be included by supplier
- limilalions ol inlormalion in assessing risks lo heallh
Pole and limilalions ol hazardous subslance moniloring.

TKP= t~===

Purpose ol workplace exposure limils
Applicalion ol relevanl limils (Threshold Limil Values, Workplace Lxposure Limils,
Maximum Allowable Concenlralions, elc)
Long lerm and shorl lerm limils
Limilalions ol exposure limils
lnlernalional varialions and allempls al harmonisalion (eg, LU lndicalive Limil
TKQ= `=~=
Prevenl exposure or, where lhis is nol reasonably praclicable, adequalely conlrol il
Lnsuring lhe workplace exposure limil is nol exceeded
Principles ol Cood Praclice as regards conlrol ol exposure.
- minimisalion ol emission, release and spread ol hazardous subslances lhrough
design and operalion ol processes and lask aclivilies
- ellecliveness and reliabilily ol conlrol oplions lhal minimise lhe escape and spread
ol hazardous subslances
- exposure conlrol lo be proporlional lo heallh risk
- use ol personal proleclive equipmenl in combinalion wilh olher measures where
adequale conlrols cannol be achieved olherwise
- olher proleclive equipmenl and clolhing (gloves, overalls, eye proleclion)
- personal hygiene and proleclion (eg, vaccinalion) regimes
- heallh and medical surveillance
- lurlher conlrols ol subslances lhal can cause cancer, aslhma or damage lo genes
lhal can be passed lrom one generalion lo anolher.

Common measures used lo implemenl Principles ol Cood Praclice above.
- eliminalion or subslilulion ol hazardous subslances or lorm ol subslance
- process changes
- reduced lime exposure, signilicance ol lime weighled averages
- enclosure ol hazards, segregalion ol process and people
- local exhausl venlilalion. general applicalions and principles ol caplure and
removal ol hazardous subslances, componenls ol a basic syslem and laclors lhal
may reduce ils ellecliveness, requiremenls lor inspeclion

NL8OSH 20!!

- use and limilalions ol dilulion venlilalion
- respiralory proleclive equipmenl. purpose, applicalion and ellecliveness, lypes ol
equipmenl and lheir suilabilily lor dillerenl subslances, seleclion, use and
- olher proleclive equipmenl and clolhing (gloves, overalls, eye proleclion)
- personal hygiene and proleclion regimes
- heallh surveillance and biological moniloring
lurlher conlrol ol subslances lhal can cause cancer, aslhma or genelic damage lhal
can be passed lrom one generalion lo anolher.

TKR== p=~=
Heallh risks and conlrols associaled wilh asbeslos
Heallh risks and conlrols associaled wilh olher specilic agenls. blood borne viruses,
carbon monoxide, cemenl, legionella, leplospira, silica, wood dusl, workplace
circumslances in which lhey mighl be presenl.
TKS= p~=~=~=~==~=
8asic environmenlal issues relaling lo sale handling and slorage ol wasle (suilable
PPL, separale slorage ol incompalible wasle slreams).


Salely in lhe Use ol Chemicals al Work (lLO Code ol Praclice, lLO lS8N 9-22!0-8006-4
Slep by Slep Cuide lo COSHH Assessmenl (HSC97), HSL 8ooks
lS8N 978-0-7!76-2785-!
Conlrolling Airborne Conlaminanls al Work A Cuide lo Local Lxhausl Venlilalion
(HSC258), HSL 8ooks lS8N 978-0-7!76-6298-2
C !39 Occupalional Cancer and (P !47), !974, hllp.//!47
C !70 Chemicals and (P !77), !990, hllp.//!77
C !62 Asbeslos and (P !72), !986, hllp.//!72
Personal Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work (Cuidance) (L25),
HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!232-5
Pespiralory Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work A Praclical Cuide (HSC53),
HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-2904-6
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice, lLO lS8N 92-2-!!!628-X
Occupalional heallh services C!6! and P!7! hllp.//!7!

NL8OSH 20!!

b=UW= m~=~=~=~=~~=

On complelion ol lhis elemenl, candidales should be able lo demonslrale underslanding ol lhe
conlenl lhrough lhe applicalion ol knowledge lo lamiliar and unlamiliar silualions. ln
parlicular lhey should be able lo.

8.! Oulline lhe heallh ellecls associaled wilh exposure lo noise and appropriale conlrol
8.2 Oulline lhe heallh ellecls associaled wilh exposure lo vibralion and appropriale conlrol
8.3 Oulline lhe principal heallh ellecls associaled wilh heal, ionising and non-ionising
radialion and basic proleclion lechniques
8.4 Oulline lhe causes and ellecls ol slress al work and appropriale conlrol aclions.


UKN= k
The physical and physiological ellecls on hearing ol exposure lo noise
The meaning ol lerms commonly used in lhe measuremenl ol sound (sound pressure,
inlensily, lrequency), lhe decibel scale and d8(A) and d8 (C)
Acceplable and unacceplable levels ol noise and assessmenl
8asic noise conlrol measures (isolalion, absorplion, insulalion, damping and silencing),
lhe purpose, applicalion and limilalions ol personal hearing proleclion. (lypes,
seleclion, use, mainlenance and allenualion laclors)
Pole ol heallh surveillance
Occupalions wilh polenlial noise exposure problems. eg, conslruclion, unilormed
services, enlerlainmenl, manulacluring, call cenlres.
UKO= s~=
The ellecls on lhe body ol exposure lo vibralion, wilh parlicular relerence lo hand-
arm vibralion and whole body vibralion
The need lor assessmenl ol exposure, exposure limil and aclion values
8asic vibralion conlrol measures including choice ol equipmenl, mainlenance, limiling
exposure (including duralion and magnilude, work schedules, resl periods, clolhing lo
prolecl againsl cold, elc)
Pole ol heallh surveillance.

NL8OSH 20!!

UKP= o~~==
The lypes ol, and dillerences belween, non-ionising and ionising radialion and lheir
heallh ellecls
Typical occupalional sources ol non-ionising and ionising radialion (including radon)
The basic means ol conlrolling exposures lo non-ionising and ionising radialion
The basic means ol conlrolling exposures lo radon
8asic radialion proleclion slralegies
The role ol moniloring and heallh surveillance.
UKQ= p==
Causes, ellecls and prevenlion slralegies (demand, conlrol, supporl relalionships,
role, change).


= =
Ambienl laclors in lhe Workplace (lLO Code ol Praclice), lS8N 92-2-!!628-X
Personal Proleclive Lquipmenl al Work (Cuidance) (L25), HSL 8ooks lS8N 0-7!76-!232-5
Working Lnvironmenl (Air, Pollulion, Noise and Vibralion) C !48 and P !56, !977,
Proleclion ol workers againsl noise and vibralion in lhe environmenl (lLO Code ol Praclice)
!984 lS8N 9-22!0-!709-5
Padialion Proleclion C !!5 and P !!4, !960 hllp.//
Padialion proleclion ol workers (ionising radialions) (lLO Code ol Proleclion) !987 lS8N 9-
Peal Solulions, real people. A managers guide lo lackling work-relaled slress, HSL 8ooks
lS8N 0-7!76-2767-5
HSL Slress Managemenl Slandards hllp.//

NL8OSH 20!!

QKP= r=fd`PW= f~~=~=~=~== =
= = = ~~=~~=

Demonslrale lhe abilily lo apply knowledge ol lhe unil lCC! and lCC2 syllabus, by successlul
complelion ol an heallh and salely inspeclion ol a workplace
Complele a reporl lo managemenl regarding lhe inspeclion wilh recommendalions.
This unil conlains no addilional syllabus conlenl. However, complelion ol sludy lor unil
lCC!and lCC2 is recommended in order lo underlake lhe praclical applicalion unil lCC3.
QKOKN== m=~=~==
To carry oul, unaided, a salely inspeclion ol a workplace, idenlilying lhe more common
hazards, deciding whelher lhey are adequalely conlrolled and, where necessary, suggesling
appropriale and cosl elleclive conlrol measures

To prepare a reporl lhal persuasively urges managemenl lo lake appropriale aclion,
explaining why such aclion is needed (including relerence lo possible breaches ol
legislalion) and idenlilying, wilh due consideralion ol reasonable praclicabilily, lhe conlrol
measures lhal should be implemenled.

This will require candidales lo apply lhe knowledge and underslanding gained lrom lheir
sludies ol elemenls ol Unils lCC! and lCC2 in a praclical environmenl and lo carry oul an
evalualion ol inlormalion galhered during lhe inspeclion. The praclical applicalion may be
submilled in lhe candidale's own handwriling or be word processed.

The submission musl include.

Compleled observalion sheels covering a number and range ol hazards and good praclice,
idenlilying suilable conlrol measures and limescales

An inlroduclion and execulive summary

Main lindings ol lhe compleled inspeclion

Conclusions which summarise lhe main issues idenlilied in lhe candidale's workplace

Compleled recommendalions lable.

The lime allowed lo complele lhe assessmenl is nol reslricled bul candidales should aim lo
complele lhe inspeclion and lhe reporl in lwo hours.

NL8OSH 20!!


QKOKO== j~=
Praclical applicalions will be marked by an inlernal assessor a person proposed lo NL8OSH by
an accrediled course provider and approved by NL8OSH. lnlernal assessors will have a
minimum ol Craduale membership (Crad lOSH) ol lhe lnslilulion ol Occupalional Heallh and
Salely (lOSH) or equivalenl and working lowards Charlered membership (CMlOSH) or

A marking sheel will be compleled by lhe inlernal assessor lor each candidale and allached lo
lhe candidale's reporl. The lolal percenlage mark lor each candidale will be lranslerred lo a
resulls sheel and relurned lo NL8OSH by no laler lhan 2! days aller lhe examinalion dale ol
lCC! and/or lCC2.

Candidales musl achieve lhe pass slandard (60') in lhis unil in order lo salisly lhe crileria lor
lhe qualilicalion.
QKOKP== ^=~=
The praclical applicalion musl be carried oul in lhe candidale's own workplace. Where lhe
candidale does nol have access lo a suilable workplace, lhe accrediled course provider should
be consulled lo help in making arrangemenls lor lhe candidale lo carry oul lhe praclical
applicalion al suilable premises. Providers seeking lo run lhe praclical unil in lhis way should
conlacl NL8OSH lor advice and approval.

Candidales do nol require supervision when carrying oul lhe praclical applicalion, bul lhe
candidale musl sign a declaralion lhal lhe praclical applicalion is lheir own work.

The candidales, employers and inlernal assessors should be aware lhal lhe slalus ol lhe heallh
and salely inspeclion and reporl underlaken lo lullil lhe requiremenls ol unil lCC3, which is
=~~==. ll doe: no| conslilule an assessmenl lor lhe purposes ol any
legislalion or regulalions.
QKOKQ== ^==
Assessmenl ol lhe praclical unil (lCC3) musl normally lake place wilhin !4 days ol (belore or
aller) lhe dale ol lhe lCC! and/or lCC2 wrillen papers (lhe 'dale ol lhe examinalion'). The
resulls sheel compleled by lhe accrediled course provider musl reach NL8OSH by no laler lhan
2! days aller lhe dale ol lhe examinalion.
Any praclical applicalion nol submilled by lhis deadline will be declared al zero marks. The
candidale will lhen be required lo re-regisler (and pay lhe regislralion lee) al lhe nexl slandard
(or local) silling dale.
ll a candidale is absenl lrom lhe wrillen papers because ol illness corroboraled by a doclor's
nole, bul successlully compleles lhe lCC3 unil wilhin lhe !4 day deadline, lhe resull will sland.
ll a candidale is unable lo complele lhe lCC3 unil under similar circumslances, NL8OSH may
allow il lo be laken al a laler dale beyond lhe normal !4 day deadline.

NL8OSH 20!!

QKOKR== p=====
The accrediled course provider should advise lhe candidale ol lhe lalesl dale by which lhe
compleled praclical applicalion documenls musl be received by lhe accrediled course provider
lor marking. ll is lhe responsibilily ol lhe accrediled course provider lo ensure lhal lhe resulls
ol lhe praclical applicalion (unil lCC3) are available lo NL8OSH by no laler lhan ON=~ aller
lhe dale ol lhe examinalion lor lCC! and/or lCC2 as appropriale.

Candidales planning lo posl lheir reporls lo lhe accrediled course provider are reminded ol lhe
need lo guard againsl loss in lhe posl by sending lheir work by lrackable delivery. Candidales
are lherelore advised lo relain copies ol bolh lheir compleled prolorma and linal managemenl
QKOKS== c=~=
lurlher delailed inlormalion regarding lhe praclical applicalion unil including lorms and mark
scheme can be lound in a separale guidance documenl lor candidales and accrediled course
providers available lrom lhe NL8OSH websile ( Un|| |CCJ. |n|erna||ona|
hea||h and :a|e|y prac||ca| app||ca||on. Cu|dance and |n|orma||on |or accred||ed cour:e
prov|der: and cand|da|e:.

NL8OSH 20!!


RK= p~=~~=~=
RKN= r=fd`NW==j~~==~~=~==
= = = ~=~==
= = = = = = = =


For: NEBOSH International Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety

2 hours, 0930 to 1130

Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions.
The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets.
Start each answer on a new page.
Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate.
This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.

You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE

1 (a) Explain the purposes of the following sections of a health and
safety policy:

(i) statement of intent; (2)

(ii) organisation; (2)

(iii) arrangements. (2)

(b) Outline the issues that are typically included in the arrangements
section of a health and safety policy. (8)

(c) Outline the circumstances that would require a health and safety
policy to be reviewed. (6)

NL8OSH 20!!


You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which
contains TEN questions.

2 Explain reasons for maintaining and promoting good standards of health
and safety in the workplace. (8)

3 There has been a significant deterioration in the health and safety culture
of an organisation.

(a) Give the meaning of the term health and safety culture. (2)

(b) Identify the factors that could have contributed to the
deterioration of the health and safety culture within the
organisation. (6)

4 Due to its limitations personal protective equipment (PPE) should only be
considered after other control measures.

Outline the limitations of using PPE. (8)

5 (a) Identify FOUR reasons why accidents should be reported and
recorded within a workplace. (4)

(b) Outline factors that might discourage workers from reporting
workplace accidents. (4)

6 (a) Explain the difference between consulting and informing workers
on health and safety issues. (2)

(b) Explain how arrangements for consultation with workers may be
made more effective. (6)

7 Outline factors that would determine the frequency with which health and
safety inspections should be undertaken in a workplace. (8)

8 (a) Give the meaning of the term hazard (2)

(b) Give the meaning of the term risk (2)

(c) Identify FOUR means of hazard identification that may be used in
the workplace. (4)

NL8OSH 20!!


9 Outline the factors that should be considered when developing a safe
system of work. (8)

10 (a) Outline the responsibilities of employers towards workers in
respect of health and safety at work. (4)

(b) Outline the responsibilities of workers in respect of health and
safety. (4)

11 Identify the:

(a) active (proactive); (4)

(b) reactive measures (4)

by which an organisation can monitor its health and safety performance.

N|bO5| |n|erna||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e |n Occupa||ona| |ea||h and 5a|e|y
(|arch 2011 :pec|||ca||on

NL8OSH 20!!

RKO= r=fd`OW==`==~~=~==




2 hours, 1400 to 1600

Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. Answer ALL questions.
The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets.
Start each answer on a new page.
Answers may be illustrated by sketches where appropriate.
This question paper must be returned to the invigilator after the examination.

You are advised to spend about half an hour on this section, which contains ONE

1 (a) Identify FOUR hazards associated with the use of a bench-top
grinder. (4)

(b) Other than a guard, outline FOUR control measures that could be
introduced to reduce risk to a worker using a bench top grinder. (4)

(c) Outline the basic requirements that you would consider when
selecting a guard or safety device for a piece of work equipment. (4)

(d) Outline the merits (advantages) AND limitations (disadvantages)
of BOTH:

(i) an interlocking guard; (4)

(ii) a trip device. (4)

N|bO5| |n|erna||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e |n Occupa||ona| |ea||h and 5a|e|y
(|arch 2011 :pec|||ca||on

NL8OSH 20!!


You are advised to spend about one and a half hours on this section, which
contains TEN questions.

2 In relation to the ill-health effects from the use of vibrating hand-held

(a) Identify the typical symptoms that might be shown by affected
individuals; (4)

(b) Outline the control measures that may be used to minimise the
risk of such effects. (4)

3 Outline the factors to consider when carrying out a fire risk assessment
of a workplace. (8)

4 (a) Identify THREE forms of biological agents. (3)

(b) Identify THREE possible routes of entry into the body for a
biological agent. (3)

(c) Give TWO control measures to reduce the risk of exposure to a
biological agent. (2)

5 There are different health effects associated with using solvents in a

(a) Identify:

(i) TWO acute, and; (2)

(ii) TWO chronic (2)

effects of inhalation when working with solvents.

(b) Identify the precautions that could be taken to minimise and
reduce exposure to solvents. (4)

6 (a) Identify the effects on the human body from a severe electric
shock. (4)

(b) Identify FOUR factors that could affect the severity of injury
resulting from contact with electricity. (4)

7 Identify the main hazards associated with excavation work. (8)
N|bO5| |n|erna||ona| Cenera| Cer||||ca|e |n Occupa||ona| |ea||h and 5a|e|y
(|arch 2011 :pec|||ca||on

NL8OSH 20!!


8 Identify control measures to prevent slip and trip hazards in an
engineering workshop. (8)

9 Identify precautions that would need to be considered before welding
work can commence. (8)

10 Identify welfare and work environment requirements that should be
provided in a workplace. (8)

11 A worker is manually loading boxes of components onto metal shelves.

(a) Identify FOUR types of injury that the worker could suffer while
carrying out this activity. (4)

(b) Identify factors in relation to the task that will increase the risk of
injury. (4)

The National Examination
Board in Occupational
Safety and Health
Dominus Way
Meridian Business Park
Leicester LE19 1QW
telephone +44 (0)116 2634700
fax +44 (0)116 2824000

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