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Maung Phone Myat Kyaw D.A.Psy - II - 30




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Maung Phone Myat Kyaw D.A.Psy - II - 30

A Term-paper submitted to the Board of Examiners in Psychology Department, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Psychology and accepted on the recommendations of:

Daw Khin Lat Chairperson Part-Time Professor Department of Psychology University of Yangon

Daw Thet Htar Win External Examiner Associate Professor (Retd.) Department of Psychology University of Distance Education

Dr. Maung Maung Naing Supervisor Assistant Lecturer Department of Psychology University of Yangon



THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Definition of Health and Lifestyle Theories of Lifestyle Change Health Education and Promotion Healthy Lifestyle


METHODOLOGY 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Purpose Participants Instrument Procedure


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 4.2 Results Discussion





I would like to express my gratitude to Pro-Rector Dr. Aung Myat Kyaw Sein, Mawlamyaing University for his supervision, advice, guidance and help to complete this term paper properly. To late Professor Dr. Khin Aye Win, Retired Professor and Head of Psychology Department, University of Yangon, for letting us to know how important Psychology is for our daily life and her greatest effort in teaching during the course. To Professor Daw Khin Lat, Retired Professor and Head of Psychology Department, Dagon University, for invaluable lectures along the course of study on the Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Psychology. I would like to thank to Supervisor Dr. Maung Maung Naing, Assistant Lecturer, Psychology Department, University of Yangon, for helping me to complete the term paper. Thanks are also to all students from Applied Psychology 14th batch for their extremely helpful contribution and cooperation in collecting the necessary data and information. It is our pleasure to express our sincere thanks to all members of the teachers and staffs of Psychology Department, University of Yangon, for their constant encouragement and help during this term paper work. Finally, I wish to deeply express gratitude and appreciation to all persons who have helped in writing this term paper.

This paper was entitled A Study on Healthy Lifestyle of Applied Psychology Students. The purpose was to study the healthy lifestyle of Applied Psychology students, Department of Psychology, University of Yangon. This study was designed to analyze the lifestyle factors upon health of the eighty participants who attended Applied Psychology Class, Department of Psychology, University of Yangon. The lifestyle questionnaire, comprised 22 items were constructed as instrument that based on theoretical background and administered to the participants. In this study, it was generally found that most of the participants from this study had bad habits such as eating food from street vendors, and not doing regular exercise and medical check-up regularly and some used to smoke and narcotic drug even they had higher education and health knowledge. On the other hand, it was good to see that all the participants would have the great healthy life style if they avoid their unhealthy habits.

1.0 Introduction
Health is freedom from disease and sickness. Without being in good health, we cannot do anything and also cannot get any success and cannot improve our life. Therefore, we cannot deny that health is the primary need for every one of us. Health is the mother of happiness. Health is the best wealth. It is better than grain and gold. It is much better than land or building. You may be the master of millions. But if you are in bad health, what the sure one you have to face is you cannot get any pleasure by using and applying your wealth and properties. In addition, if you are suffering physically painful and if you are ill in bed, you cannot earn anymore. On contrary, if you have good health, you have energy to earn for your wealth and resistance in any struggle. Good health knowledge and awareness contributes to good health behaviour and in turn results in good health status. The health knowledge about the impact of imbalanced diet, unhealthy lifestyle, and nature and etiology of common communicable diseases and noncommunicable diseases, are the basics concepts of healthy living. Health belief is belief that the individual has acquired from his community and from his past experience to give him a basic to explain and to take action in matters related to health and illness. Health psychology is one of the fields of applied psychology that is just over ten years old although the issues involved have been concern for a very long time. Health psychology is the study of psychological or behavioural factors effecting physical health and illness. At one time, our major health problems involved infectious diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Now, however, these problems have been largely brought under control. Currently, the major health problems faced by citizens of industrialized nations are preventable disorders such as heart diseases, cancer, obesity, and

diabetes. These problems are called preventable because they result at least in part from health behaviours that people can control. Health behaviours are actions undertaken by people who are healthy to enhance or maintain their good health. The importance of basic health habits was illustrated in a classic study conducted by the scientists, Bellow and Breslow (1972). They began by defining seven important health habits: sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night, not smoking, eating breakfast each day, having no more than one or two alcoholic drinks each day, getting regular exercise, not eating between meals, and being no more than 10 percent overweight. The results of the study reflected healthy lifestyle of students from Applied Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Yangon. The prosperity of Nation depends upon the health of its citizens. Thus, it was considered to be interesting and beneficial to study of healthy lifestyle of Applied Psychology students. 1.1 Objective The objective was to study the healthy lifestyle of Applied Psychology students, Department of Psychology, University of Yangon.


2.1 Definition of Health and Lifestyle 2.1.1 Definition of Health World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 2.1.2 Definition of Lifestyle Lifestyle is one of the most significant factors affecting health. Lalonde (1975) defines lifestyle as the health-related decisions and behaviours that are, to an extent, controlled by individuals. Lifestyle plays a critical role in health promotion and the prevention and treatment of disease. Lifestyle involves many of the psychological and social factors that are excluded from the biomedical model. 2.2 Theories of Lifestyle Change Operant conditioning is just one factor in the development of healthy lifestyles. Several theories have been applied to the problem of understanding health-related behaviours. Three of the most commonly used theories are self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977), health belief model (Becker, 1974), and reasoned action theory (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). 2.2.1 Self-efficacy Theory Self-efficacy is the degree to which we believe we are capable of meeting some particular challenge. According to Bandura (1982), our self-efficacy judgments determine our choice of activities and settings. Self-efficacy also influences how much effort we will expend when we are faced with obstacles.

2.2.2 Health Belief Model The health belief model was developed to apply specifically to healthrelated behaviours (Becker, 1974). According to this model, our healthrelated behaviours can be predicted by our assessments of (1) the perceived threat of illness or injury, and (2) the costs and benefits of the particular behaviour (Becker & Rosenstock, 1984). 2.2.3 Reasoned Action Theory Reasoned action theory (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975; Ajzen & Fishbein 1980) states that intention is the best predictor of behaviour. An intention toward behaviour is influenced by our attitude toward that behaviour. This attitude is influenced by the strength of belief that the behaviour will result in a certain outcome and the evaluation of the outcome. Intention is also determined by what we believe other people think about our ability to obtain a certain outcome and how they evaluate that outcome. That is called the subjective norm. 2.3 Health Education and Promotion Education is an important mechanism for enhancing the health and well-being of individuals because it reduces the need for health care, the associated costs of dependence, lost earning and human suffering. It also helps promote and sustain healthy lifestyles and positive choices, supporting and nurturing human development, human relationships and personal, family and community well-being. Health education improves the health status of individuals, families, communities, states and the nation. Health education enhances the quality of life for all people. Health education reduces premature deaths. By focusing on prevention, health education reduces the costs (both financial and human) that individuals, employers, families, insurance companies, medical facilities, communities, states and the nation would spend on medical treatment.

2.4 Healthy Lifestyle 2.4.1 Healthy Diet and Unhealthy Diet A healthy is one of that helps maintain or improve general health. It is important for lowering many chronic health risks, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all essential nutrients and an adequate amount of water. A healthy diet needs to have a balance of macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), calories to support energy needs, and micronutrients to meet the needs for human nutrition without including toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming. An unhealthy diet is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases including: high blood pressure, diabetes, abnormal blood liquids, overweight/obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. 2.4.2 Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder marked by (1) an insistence on below-normal body weight, (2) intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, (3) distorted body image and (4) amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). It is usually suspected when weight is 15 percent below the expected weight for a given age and height. Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder marked by recurrent episodes of binge eating accompanied by a sense of loss of control. 2.4.3 Obesity Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat, most notably in the subcutaneous tissues located immediately beneath the skin (Dox, Melloni, & Eisner, 1985). Weight control diets aim to maintain a controlled weight. In most cases dieting is used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight in those who are overweight or obese.

Diets to promote weight loss are generally divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie. 2.4.4 Drug Addiction Drug addiction can be defined as the compulsive use of a psychoactive substance to produce pleasure or to avoid physical or emotional discomfort. The drug controls the behaviour of the user who is driven by a strong, overpowering urge to use the substances. The behaviour may be described as abusive or compulsive, irresistible, or habitual. The drug is a psychoactive or mind-altering substance. A

psychoactive drug is one that reaches the central nervous system and modifies brain functions. These modifications may include changes in mood, feeling, thinking, perception, and behaviour. The drug act as a reinforce that strengthens the tendency for the individual to self-administer it. Addiction occurs through positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement brings pleasure and negative reinforcement reduces distress or pain. 2.4.5 Smoking and Passive Smoking Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use and is a practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco or cannabis, is burned and the smoke is tasted or inhaled. The most common methods of smoking today are through cigarettes. Other smoking implements include pipes, cigars, hookahs, vaporizers, and bongs. Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. Today medical studies have proven that smoking tobacco is among the leading causes of many diseases such as lung cancer, heart attacks, can also lead to birth defects and so on.

Nonsmokers who are forced to breathe smoke-filled air are called passive smokers. Passive smoking is the involuntary exposure of nonsmokers to the effects of tobacco smoke. Passive smoke has been known to cause higher rates of lower respiratory infections, including bronchitis and pneumonia. It also contributes to an increased amount of upper respiratory irritation and infections. 2.4.6 Alcoholism Alcohol is a colorless, flammable liquid made from fermented sugars and starches. It serves many purposes and comes in many forms, from solvent to fine wines. There may be actually being two types of alcoholism (Goodwin, 1988). These are most often referred to as Type 1 and Type 2 alcoholism. Type 1 alcoholism is described as a mild from that tends to appear later in life and rarely requires treatment. Type 2 alcoholism is a severe form that is more likely to require treatment. The short-term effects of alcohol can range from impaired decision making to death. Large amounts of alcohol consumed in short periods can paralyze the most primitive vital reflex centers. The long-term effects of excessive alcohol use are associated with malnutrition and a variety of central nervous system disorders, including dementia, vision problems, inability to stand or walk, mental confusion, apathy, and memory problems (Charness, Simon, & Greenberg, 1989). People who drink heavily are at higher risk for cancers of the head and neck, large bowel, liver, and breast, all of which have been linked to excessive alcohol intake (Greenwald & Sondik, 1986). The symptoms of alcohol withdraw may include nausea and vomiting, insomnia, nightmares, confusion, and agitation. Signs of autonomic hyperactivity may also be present, such as; rapid heartbeat, extremely high fever, and profuse sweating.

2.4.7 Stress and Coping Stress is an emotional and physical response to threats from outside the world. Is also mental and physical condition that occurs when a person must adjust or adapt to the environment. Stress is the process of adjusting to dealing with circumstances that disrupt, or threaten to disrupt a persons physical or psychological functioning. There are two kinds of stress, Eustress is a good kind of stress and Distress is a negative stress that in the long term can jeopardize health. Coping refers to the process by which we attempt to manage stressful demands. Cognitive coping strategies involve changing how people interpret stressors. It replaces catastrophic thinking with thoughts in which stressors are viewed as challenges rather than threats to selfesteem. Cognitive coping does not eliminate stressors, but it can make them less threatening and disruptive. Behaviour coping strategies paying attention to the total load of stressors and acting to keep it within manageable limits. Time management is one form of behavioural coping. People also cope with stress by directly altering their physical responses before, during, or after stressors occurs. 2.4.8 Exercise The human body was designed for an active life. We become painfully aware of this fact when we sit in front of a computer terminal all day or spend long hours in a cramped airplane or car. Exercise appears to help in the management of diabetes, obesity, and depression (Koplan, Caspersen, & Powell 1989). Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons including strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, as well as for the purpose of enjoyment.

3.1 Purpose The main purpose was to study the healthy lifestyle of Applied Psychology students from Department of Psychology, University of Yangon. 3.2 Participants A total number of participants were eighty persons. 28 Males and 52 females were participants. Their age range is from 21 to 53 years. 3.3 Instrument A questionnaire named a study of life style factors upon health was used as instrument that based on theoretical background. This included 22 items which consisted of Yes and No. Items were described as positive and negative items. The negative items were items no. 5, 12, 13, 14 and 15. The remaining items were positive items. 3.4 Procedure Eighty Applied Psychology students were given the questionnaire, in the class room of applied psychology course, Department of Psychology, University of Yangon. They had to choose one answer from the given question. All items must be attempted. Finally, data were analyzed by computing percentages.



Under this topic, results of lifestyle factors upon health of the Applied Psychology students, Psychology Department, University of Yangon were presented. And the last part under this topic was discussions for the findings.

4.1 Results Results were analyzed by computing percentages. The results were presented in the following tables. Table (1) Item No 1 Response to Item No 1 Item Your present health status? f % Good 39 48.8 Normal 41 51.2 Total 80 100

Table (1) shows the present health status of participants. In this table, 48.8% of participants answered they were in good health and 51.2% of participants answered they were in normal health. Table (2) Item No 2 Response to Item No 2 Item Do you take a regular exercise for your health? f % Yes 27 33.8 No 53 66.2 Total 80 100

Table (2) shows the status of participants who take regular exercise for their health. In this table, 33.8% of participants answered Yes and 66.2% of participants answered No. It can clearly see that most of the participants are rarely take regular health exercise.


Table (3) Item No 3

Response to Item No 3 Item Do you maintain your body weight? f % Yes 34 42.5 No 46 57.5 Total 80 100

Table (3) shows the status of participants who maintain their body weight. In this table, 42.5% of participants answered Yes and 57.5% of participants answered No. According to the data, people have no strong sense that maintains their body weight. Table (4) Item No 4 Response to Item No 4 Item Do you eat regularly at mealtime for your health? f % Yes 39 48.8 No 41 51.2 Total 80 100

Table (4) shows the status of participants who have their mealtime regularly for their health. In this table, 48.8% of participants answered Yes and 51.2% of participants answered No. It can clearly see that nearly half of the participants have their meal regularly for their health. Table (5) Item No 5 vendors? Response to Item No 5 Item Do you eat food from street f % Yes 55 68.8 No 25 31.2 Total 80 100

Table (5) shows the status of participants who use to have food from street vendors. In this table, 68.8% of participants eating food from street vendors and 31.2% of participants answered No. It shows that most of the participants buy and eat food from the street vendors.


Table (6) Item No 6

Response to Item No 6 Item Do you keep away from the food that is not good for your health? f % Yes 52 65 No 28 35 Total 80 100

Table (6) shows the condition of participants who keep away from the food that is not good for their health. In this table, 65% of participants answered Yes and 35% of participants answered No. It can clearly see that most of the participants do not use to have the food that is not good for their health. It can also assume that they have a sense of not to take the bad food. Table (7) Item No 7 Response to Item No 7 Item Do you meditate for health? f % Yes 30 37.5 No 50 62.5 Total 80 100

Table (7) shows the situation participants who meditate for health. In this table, 37.5% of participants answered Yes and 62.5% of participants answered No. According to the data, it can see that only few participants have meditation exercise for their health.


Table (8) Item No 8

Response to Item No 8 Item Do you consult with health personnel for your health? f % Yes 42 52.5 No 38 47.5 Total 80 100

Table (8) shows the status of participants who use to consult with health personnel for their health. In this table, 52.5% of participants answered Yes and 47.5% of participants answered No. It shows that only half of the participants used to consult with health personnel for their health. Table (9) Item No 9 Response to Item No 9 Item Do you follow the instruction of health personnel? f % Yes 47 58.8 No 33 41.2 Total 80 100

Table (9) shows the number of participants who follow the instruction of health personnel. In this table, 58.8% of participants answered Yes and 41.2% of participants answered No. The data shows that over half of the participants believe and rely on health personnel for their health. Table (10) Item No 10 regularly? Response to Item No 10 Item Do you have medical check-up f % Yes 13 16.2 No 67 83.8 Total 80 100

Table (10) shows the status of participants who use to have medical check-up regularly. In this table, 16.2% of participants answered Yes and 83.3% of participants answered No. It can clearly see that most of the participants are not use to check-up their health regularly.


Table (11) Item No 11

Response to Item No 11 Item Do you read health education papers and magazines or watch health educational programs on TV? % 82.5 17.5 100 f Yes 66 No 14 Total 80

Table (11) shows the status of participants who use to read health education papers and magazines or watching health educational programs on TV. In this table, 82.5% of participants answered Yes and 17.5% of participants answered No. The data shows that most of the participants use to read health related articles through varieties of media such as, journal, magazines and TV program. It can be assumed that participants can get health awareness through these media. Table (12) Item No 12 Response to Item No 12 Item Do you usually smoke? f % Yes 5 6.2 No 75 93.8 Total 80 100

Table (12) shows the status of participants who have smoking habit. In this table, 6.2% of participants usually smoking and 93.8% of participants answered No. According to the above data, almost all the participants do not smoke and it can show that they are practicing a good health habit.


Table (13) Item No 13

Response to Item No 13 Item Do you usually betel chewing? f % Yes 4 5 No 76 95 Total 80 100

Table (13) shows the number of participants who usually chew betel. In this table, 5% of participants usually betel chewing and 95% of participants answered No. It can clearly see that most of the participants rarely chew the betel. Table (14) Item No 14 Response to Item No 14 Item Do you usually drink alcohol? f % Yes 1 1.2 No 79 98.8 Total 80 100

Table (14) shows the status of participants who usually drink alcohol. In this table, 1.2% of participants usually drink alcohol and 98.8% of participants answered No. According to the data, nearly all participants have no habit of drinking alcohol. Table (15) Item No 15 Response to Item No 15 Item Have you (experience) tried narcotic drugs? f % Yes 6 7.5 No 74 92.5 Total 80 100

Table (15) shows the status of participants who used to try narcotic drugs. In this table, 7.5% of participants have experience to use narcotic drugs and 92.5% of participants answered No. The data shows that most of the participants never try to take narcotic drugs.


Table (16) Item No 16

Response to Item No 16 Item Do you like early sleeping and early wake-up habit? f % Yes 52 65 No 28 35 Total 80 100

Table (16) shows the status of participants who have the habit of early sleeping and early wake-up habit. In this table, 65% of participants answered Yes and 35% of participants answered No. It can clearly see that over half of the participants have a good habit. Table (17) Item No 17 health? Response to Item No 17 Item Do you eat vegetables for your f % Yes 77 96.2 No 3 3.8 Total 80 100

Table (17) shows the status of participants who have vegetables for their health. In this table, 96.2% of participants answered Yes and 3.8% of participants answered No. The data shows that nearly all the participants have vegetables for their health and it shows that they want to possess a healthy life.


Table (18) Item No 18

Response to Item No 18 Item Do you supplement medicines and nutritious foods for your health? f % Yes 43 53.8 No 37 46.2 Total 80 100

Table (18) shows condition of the participants who add-on medicines and nutritious foods for their health. In this table, 53.8% of participants answered Yes and 46.2% of participants answered No. According to the data, over half of the participants depend on supplement medicines and nutritious food for their health. Table (19) Item No 19 foods? Response to Item No 19 Item Do you like Chinese / Indian f % Yes 62 77.5 No 18 22.5 Total 80 100

Table (19) shows the status of participants who like to have Chinese / Indian foods. In this table, 77.5% of participants answered Yes and 22.5% of participants answered No. Table (20) Item No 20 Response to Item No 20 Item Do you like to cook food? f % Yes 65 81.2 No 15 18.8 Total 80 100

Table (20) shows the number of participants who like to cook food. In this table, 81.2% of participants answered Yes and 18.8% of participants answered No.


Table (21) Item No 21

Response to Item No 21 Item Do you like fresh fish, meat and prawn? f % Yes 77 96.2 No 3 3.8 Total 80 100

Table (21) shows the status of participants who like fresh fish, meat and prawn. In this table, 96.2% of participants answered Yes and 3.8% of participants answered No. Table (22) Item No 22 Response to Item No 22 Item Do you like vegetables? f % Yes 77 96.2 No 3 3.8 Total 80 100

Table (22) shows the status of participants who like vegetables. In this table, 96.2% of participants answered Yes and 3.8% of participants answered No.


4.2 Discussion Eighty Applied Psychology students (28 Males and 52 Females) from the Applied Psychology class, Psychology Department, University of Yangon were asked to answer a constructed questionnaire comprising 22 items. Their age range is from 21 to 53 years. According to the results, the health status of Applied Psychology students in this study is generally normal. Few of them take regular exercise and do meditate for their health. Nearly half of them maintain their body weight and eating regular mealtime. Furthermore, although almost all the participants have a strong sense that having food from the street vendors can give negative effect on their health they still buy and have from the street vendors. In addition, they use to keep away from the food which is not fresh and can get negative effect for their health. Just few participants from this study do meditate. Over half of participants consult with health personnel for their health and follow the instruction of health personnel because of their knowledge and attitudes towards good health. Thus, it can clearly see that people depend on health personnel for their health. It is rare for the participants to take medical check-up regularly. According to the findings, it can see that they hardly take medical checkup because people in those days are loaded with jobs. Majority of Myanmar families residing in country side has household medicines and traditional medicines when they suffered a minor illness. They take selftreatment with household medicines or some other traditional remedies but most of the city people go to the general clinic when they are ill. Nearly all the participants get health education from different kinds of sources such as, health education papers, magazines and also health education TV programs.


Moreover, it can say that most of the participants are living in healthy lifestyle because it is rare to see the participants who use to smoke, chew betel, drink alcohol and try narcotic drugs. Furthermore, over half of the participants have the habit of early sleeping and early wake-up habit. Most of participants eat food from street vendors. Few participants take medical check-up regularly. However, a yearly health checkup after the age of 40 is also a must. Nearly all of participants like vegetables, fresh fish, meat and prawn. Over half of the participants take supplement medicines and nutritious foods for their health and it is a must for the people who are over 40 years old. Almost all the participants like to have Chinese / Indian foods. Most of the Chinese foods do not use much oil and most of the Indian foods base by bean that are really good for health. They also like to cook food themselves is one of the healthy habit. Generally, the participants in this study having higher education level and health knowledge but some still usually have bad habits such as eating food from street vendors, not doing regular exercise and medical check-up, betel chewing, drinking alcohol, smoking and trying narcotic drugs. They need to avoid these unhealthy habits to have own healthy lifestyle.


The purpose of this study was to study the healthy lifestyle of Applied Psychology students from Department of Psychology, University of Yangon. The participants in this study were students from Applied Psychology Class, Department of Psychology, University of Yangon. There were altogether eighty participants, 28 males and 52 females. The instrument we used is questionnaire containing 22 items, involved 17 positive items and 5 negative items. Being healthy is the basic need for all human beings. To keep our health well, we should obey the laws of hygiene. Food, exercise, rest and sleep, regular habits, neatness and cleanliness, air and light, punctuality and peace of mind are the primary conditions for good health. Hence, we should eat healthy food and balance diet. Every day we should take exercise in morning and evening. We should be regular in all our daily duties. We should be neat and clean. We should let fresh air and light into our houses. We should be punctual in all our daily duties. Peace of mind is another condition for good health. So, we should not worry over small things of life. Labor must be followed by rest. We should rise early in the morning and sleep in the evening. Regarding with this study, most of students have habits of early sleeping and early wake-up. Few of them take regular exercise and do meditate for their health. Nearly half of them maintain their body weight and eating regular mealtime. People do not have time to exercise which is very essential for good health. Because of this lack of exercise, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, etc. are on the rise even among the young. This has alarming implications for the nation as a whole. If our young people are going to die or fall seriously sick in the most productive years of their life, the countrys future looks very bleak indeed. Only few participants usually smoke, betel chewing, alcohol drinking and have experience to use Narcotic drugs.


To conclude, all participants of the study generally have higher education level and health awareness because of getting health education from different kinds of media such as, health education papers and magazines and also health education TV programs. Even though, being getting health awareness some still usually do bad habits such as eating food from street vendors, not doing regular exercise and medical checkup. On the other hand, it was good to see that all the participants will having the great healthy life style when if they avoid their unhealthy habits. However, it was hoped that they will soon understand their mistakes and will give up their dirty habits. This study revealed only the healthy lifestyle of Applied Psychology students, but not their health status. This study let us know the lifestyle factors upon health of the Applied Psychology students, Department of Psychology, University of Yangon.

Ei Myat Mon. (2011). A Study on Health Awareness of the Children from B.E.P.S (6), North Dagon Township. University of Yangon. Khin Aye Win. Dr. (2012). Diploma in Applied Psychology Course. University of Yangon. Sheridan C.L., Radmacher S.A. (1992). Health Psychology: Challenging the Biomedical Model. John Wiley & Sons. Thet Htar Win. (2012). Stress and Coping. University of Yangon.

A Study of Lifestyle Factors upon Health

Name: Age: Sex: Marital Status: Education: Occupation:

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Please answer following questions correctly. Thanks, Maung Phone Myat Kyaw Roll No: D.A.Psy II 30, 13th Batch

1. Your Present Health Status? (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) Good ---------------------------------------------------- ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Normal ---------------------------------------------------- ( Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- (

2. Do you take a regular exercise for your health?

3. Do you maintain your body weight?

4. Do you eat regularly at mealtime for your health?

5. Do you eat food from street vendors?

6. Do you keep away from the food that is not good for your health? (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

7. Do you meditate for health?

8. Do you consult with health personnel for your health?

9. Do you follow the instruction of health personnel?

10. Do you have medical check-up regularly?

11. Do you read health education papers and magazines or watch health educational programs on TV? (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

12. Do you usually smoke?

13. Do you usually betel chewing?

14. Do you usually drink alcohol?

15. Have you (experience) tried narcotic drugs?

16. Do you like early sleeping and early wake-up habit? (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ---------------------------------------------------- ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

17. Do you eat vegetables for your health?

18. Do you supplement medicines and nutritious foods for your health?

19. Do you like Chinese / Indian foods?

20. Do you like to cook food?

21. Do you like fresh fish, meat and prawn?

22. Do you like vegetables?

A Study of Lifestyle Factors upon Health

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