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becomeswhatyouphysically experience. Fear of beingwithout moneybecomes the circumstances in whichyouare without money. Fear of beingalone,rejected or attacked all becomethatphysicalexperience unlessyoudealwiththesourceof the energywhichmanifests thesethings- YOU. So itsno goodblaming anyoneelse for yourlife.You haveeithercreatedit by yourownthoughts andfeelingsor the Brotherhood has doneso becauseyouhaveallowedyourthoughts andfeelingsto be manipulated by religion, themedia,politics, doctors, teachersandall therest. Whichever it is, theone responsible foryourlifeis...YOU. No getting awayfromit, Imafraid,youare stuckwithit.Butthen,thisnewsis justwonderful. Itmeansthatif youcreatedthepresentreality thatyoudontlike,youcan justas easilycreatea new reality thatyoudo like.You are in control. You haveall theanswers.You are the centre of yourownuniverse andyoucan makeit whatever youchoose.You are simply incredible. Feel it,liveit andyourworldwillbe transformed. My book,I Am Me, I Am Free,is all aboutthisneedto restoreourmentaland emotional powersbecauseunlesswe do so we can neverbe free.Butwe needto do more thanthat.We needto set ourselves free,yes,butjustas importantly we needto set each otherfree.We havebeenmanipulated by theBrotherhood intoourpersonalprisons and theprisoners havebeenfurther manipulated intopolicingeachother.Humanity is both thesheepandthesheepdog.The Brotherhood set thereligious, political, medical and scientific normsby controlling thoseprofessions and,therefore, thenormspromoted by themesmerised media.Mostpeoplethenlivetheirliveswithinthesenormsand allow themto programme theirsenseof possibility, potential andwhoor whattheyare. This is theeggshellandif peoplewantto concedetheiruniqueness andinfinite powerin this way,fine,go ahead.Couldntcareless.Butwhathappensis thatthosewholivein these prisonsare notsatisfied withthat.Theyinsistthateveryone else does thesame.Its notenoughforthemto believein a religion, theyalso seekto imposethatbeliefon everyone else or condemnthemif theydo notacceptthatreligions viewof life. There wouldbe no religious warsif we respected eachothersrightto believewhatever we choose,so longas we dontimposeit on anyoneelse.I donthavea problem with peopletakingpartin Satanicritualif everyone involved is makingthatchoicewhile in complete controlof theirownthinking processes.Peoplewantto sacrificeeach other andall involved havemadea freechoice?Go ahead,butplease,someoneclearup the mess.Eventually theywilllearnfromtheexperience andevolveto a higherlevelof understanding. IfGeorgeBush,HenryKissinger, theWindsorsandtherestof the gang wantto starta self-contained community andrunit as a fasciststatewitheveryone willingly takingpart,pleasefeelfree.Theyllhaveno challengefromme.Im interested whenthesethingsare imposedon peoplethrough secrecyand manipulation

or by physical, mentalor pharmaceutical force.Surelywe can summon thematurity to thinkforourselves andallowothersto do thesame?Is thatreallytoomuchto ask? Ifit is, we are in serioustrouble. The onlywaythefewcan controltheworldis if themasseshelpthemto do it:and we do.I havespokento audiencesaboutfreedom andhadwildapplause, butdo we understand whatthewordmeans?Yes, freedom, thatswhatwe want!Oh really? Then whydo manyof thesesamepeoplewhowildlyapplaudtheconceptof freedom, insistthat thosewhoare notChristians are lesserhumanbeingsor theDevilincarnate? Why do they insist(theMuslims,HindusandJews,as well)thattheirchildrenare brought up from birthto believewhattheybelieve,at theexpenseof otherviewsandinformation? The timesI havebeenaskedat meetings in Americaif I ama Christian, as if I become more credibleandbelievable if I am.The veryneedto ask thatquestion is confirmation thatthe questioner is in mentalservitude to a beliefsystemof Brotherhood creation. And thatsthe point.We are imprisoned by whatwe are manipulated to believe.The powerof beliefto entrapa mindis incredible. The Brotherhood do notcarewhatyoubelieveas long as you believesomething to theexclusionof otherpossibilities. I amquitehappyto change my viewson anyor all theinformation in thisbookif thatis wherenewinformation leads me. I amnotattached to it becauseI amonlyseekingthetruth, whatever it is. Ifit is something different to whatI thinknow,fine.So be it.Rigidbeliefsdefendthemselves fromall comersbecausethebeliefbecomesthepersonssenseof self,theirsenseof security, andso theywouldratherclingon to thebeliefthanface thementalandemotional challengeof letting it go.Butwe are nowfacinga timeof themostphenomenal changein which all beliefsare goingto crumble. You can writethefutureon a blankpieceof paperfar easier thanone thatis fullof old data.You can plantnewflowerson an emptypieceof gardenfar easierthanone stillconsumed by weeds.Itis timeto clearourmindsof beliefand be open to all possibility. Onlythencan we be freeto tapintoinfinity. WhatI havedetailedin thisbookis one levelof thepicture, theone whichmost directly affectspeoplein humanbodiestoday.Butthereare otherlevelsto consider also.Itis important to realisethattwoconflicting statements can bothbe equally true depending on thelevelfromwhichyouobservethesamesituation. An exampleis to say on one handthatthisworldis imperfect andon theotherthateverything that happenson theEarthis perfection. How can bothbe true?Welltheyare.Fromthe perspective of everyday life,theworldis notperfect. We havewars,hunger, disease,

unhappiness andpainof all kinds.Thatstrue.Butfromtheperspective of the evolution of humanity everything is perfect. Thatsequallytrue.The onlywaywe can evolveis by learning fromexperience andthatmeansexperiencing theconsequences of our thoughts andactions.Iftherewereno unpleasant consequences forouractions,howcould we possiblylearnandevolveto higherlevelsof understanding? Itwouldbe likea child daubingpaintall overthewallsof yourhouseor throwing stonesthrough your windows. Ifthechilddidnotface theconsequences andsee thatsuchbehaviour is deeply upsetting forthehomeowner,whatwouldhappen?The childwouldgo on daubingpaintover otherhousesandsmashing morewindows. Humanity has givenitsmindawayall these thousands of yearsandif we are to regainthatpowerto consciously controlourown destiny, we haveto be kickedin thebacksideby facingtheconsequences until,at last, thepennydropsandthelightgoes on.So we havethewarsandconflicts and manipulations of all kinds.I donthatethesereptilians. I wantto lovethembecause that is whattheyneedso desperately Theirbehaviour can onlycomefroma lackof selflove becauseonlyby lovingyourself forwhatyouare,can youbeginto trulyloveothers for whattheyare.So I loveyouQueenof England,QueenMother,PrinceCharles, Prince Philip,Pindar,HenryKissinger, GeorgeBush,EdwardHeathandall therest.If these peoplewouldonlylovethemselves thisnightmare (andtheirnightmare) wouldbe over. Untiltheydo,theirheartconnection to theirinfinite soul(purelove)willremain closed andtheywillcontinue to manifest thesesameattitudes andthisbehaviour. I would also stressagain,beforeI finish,thatwhenI talkof reptilians I amtalking onlyof those who are seekingto manipulate humanity, notthespeciesas a whole.Manyof the reptilian speciesare trying to helpus breakthespellandeventhemanipulating reptilians are possessedby a fifthdimensional force.Intheendwereall One,anyway. I knowthatmanypeoplewhoare awareof theBrotherhood anditsAgendafeelthe onlywayto respondis by stockpiling weaponsandpreparing foran armeddefence of theirliberties. I cantthinkof a responsemorecertainto bringabouttheveryfascist statetheysay theywantto avoid.The ideaof meeting violencewithviolenceis so obviously contradictory andso utterly devoidof thefaintest sparkof intelligence, that one wondershowfewbraincellsmustbe activated to conjuresucha thought. When youmeetviolencewithviolencewhatdo yougeteverytime?Twicetheviolence. Yes, thatsgoingto makean enormous contribution to peace.Also,whenanyoneuses violenceagainstthesystem, it givestheBrotherhood a publicexcuseto use its hightech weaponry to blowawaytheopposition in thenameof theruleof law.I thinkwe needto be justa touchmoresubtlethanstockpiling weapons,somehow. I havemet

someof themoreextreme Christian patriots in theUnitedStatesandas I saidto one:I dontknowwhichI dislikemore,theworldcontrolled by theBrotherhood, or theone youwantto replaceit with.This particular guytalkedaboutfreedom andtheneedto defendit witharmedresistance whileclaiming thatblackpeopleweregenetically inferior to whitesandthattheNativeAmericans wereonlylookingafterthelandsof Americauntilwe (thewhites) arrived. He wouldhavegoton so wellwithhis hero, the FoundingFatherThomasJefferson. Butherewe see thethemeagain.Peoplelike this chapwill,Imsure,endup in armedconflictwiththeBrotherhood forcesat some point. Indeedit is inevitable unlesshe changeshis attitudes, becausewhatwillhappenis that thetwosamestatesof beingunderdifferent names(theBrotherhood andthe extreme Christian Patriots) willattract eachotherintotheirlivesto playouttheirdramaof mutual violence. Theybothbelievein theuse of violenceandso theyare bothin thesame frequency range.Theymaycall themselves by different names,buttheyare not opposites, theyare oppo-sames. The confrontation has to happenforthemto evolveand learnthatviolencesolvesnothing. Neverhas,neverwill.Whenyouhearthe Christian Patriotsdescribetheiralternative to theBrotherhood Agendatheysay theywantto have One nationunderGod.OK, butwhosversionof God? The Christian God? The MuslimGod? The HinduGod? The God as visualised by Ethelin New Yorkor Bill in Los Angeles?No, theymean,of course,theChristian God,thevisionof God that they believein.Theydontactually wantto replacetheBrotherhood Agendawith freedom, butwiththeirownversionof dictatorship. Again,becausebothwantto imposetheir will on othersandsuppressotherlifestyles andbeliefs,theyare boundto attract each other becausetheyare operating withinthesamefrequency range.Whatis trueof the extreme Christians is equallytrueof theextreme Muslims,Hindus,Jews andotherreligions. To an extentthesamewas trueof theNativeAmericans whenthewhiteEuropeans came. The NativeAmerican culturecontainssometremendous wisdomandhas a far greater understanding of theconnection of all things. Butletsnotgo overboard hereas so many in theNew Age Movement oftendo withtheirstarry-eyed visionof NativeAmerica. Beforethewhitescamescoresof NativeAmerican tribesusedto warwitheach other simplybecausetheywerein different tribes.Therewas muchslaughter andconflict. Sucha macho,war-paint mentality willattract intoitslifeanother energythatequally thinksthatviolenceis justified. Whenever youhavetwogroupswhothinkviolenceis an optiontheyare a vibrational confrontation waiting to happen. Fortunately manyChristians, Muslims,Hindus,Jews andNativeAmericans are notextreme andthereis an alternative to violence. We can eitherlearnfromthe hardestandmostpainfulof experience or we can use ourintelligence andourlove

to observethissituation andchangeourstateof beingwithout a gunbeingfired.Then theseconfrontations willbe avoidedbecausetherewillno vibrational attraction betweentheBrotherhood andthosewhowishto scuppertheirAgenda.We can do it without confrontation. The reptilian vibrational connection to humanity is through theemotion of fear.Theyare themselves consumed by fearwhichis whythey behaveas theydo.Iftheycan manipulate humanity intoa stateof fear,as they have, theymakethevibrational connection whichallowsthemto controlthehuman psyche.Theyare also playingat home,youmightsay,becausetheyare expertson theemotion of fear.This reptilian groupare theveryexpression of it.Ifwe seekto stopthereptilian-Brotherhood witha confrontation on theirhomegroundof fearby usinghatred, aggression andviolence, thenforgetit. The gameis alreadyover.Butif we meetthischallenge froma frequency rangetheBrotherhood cannoteven conceiveof - love- we willtransform theworldandthe reptilian controlwillbe no more.Thereare many reasonsforthis.Firstly,whenwe openourheartsto love,theheartchakraspinswithtremendous speedand power,whipping up thefrequency of ourincarnate consciousness to thehighest vibrational expression of life,purelove.As oursoulis purelove,we reconnect with the awesomepowerof ourmultidimensional self(seeFigure64).The eggshell explodes. The fast,short,wavelength of lovealso activates theantennain ourDNA which reconnects us withthecosmosandan openheartchakratunesintothecosmic pulse fromtheEarth,theSun andthecentreof theGalaxy,andtransmits thatchanging drumbeat to ourbrainandeverycell in ourbodies.This willdramatically transform our minds,emotions andphysicalformas theysynchronise withthequickening vibrations at thistimeof unbelievable changeandevolution. The subsequent leapin our personal frequencies willliftus outof thevibrational pitof fearandontolevelsfarbeyondthe lowerfourth dimension. The reptilian controlwillbe overbecausetheywillbe on a different radiostation, if youlike,andtheywillhaveto face theconsequences of their ownactionson theirroadto enlightenment. The choiceis ours,fearor love,prison or freedom. Ifthereptilians didnotexistwe wouldhaveto inventthembecausetheircurrent stateof beingrepresents something thathumanconsciousness hadto experience. If thatwas notso, thereptilians wouldbe manipulating someoneelse.We wouldnot haveattracted them.Theyhavegivenus a giftin oureternalevolution, a giftof experiencing theconsequences of fearandof concedingourinfinite powerto another force,be it a parent, boss,peerpressure, or,ultimately, thereptilian-Brotherhood. The evolutionary processis aboutlove,notpunishment. Itdoes notpunishus forour actions,it givesus theconsequences of them,whichis verydifferent. Without that we cannotevolve.We are lovedalongthisjourney by consciousness levels(other aspects

of self)whichseekto helpus to becomemorelovingandmoreenlightened, to be mastersof ourselves. Ourchoiceis howmuchof thisexperience we needbefore we learnandmoveon.Are we goingto changenowor do we requiremorewars, hunger, andsuffering, beforethelightbulbflashes?Are we goingto walkthrough the fastapproaching gateway to a wholenewstateof being?Or are we goingto staywherewe are andface another cycleof incarnation andreincarnation untilanother opportunity comes?The reptilian groupI havehighlighted are deeplyimbalanced becausethey are Figuw64:Whenpeopleare conditioned to closedowntheir consciousness theydelinkfromtheireternalsoulandall thelove, wisdom, knowledge andinspiration waiting to be tapped. Itis notthat we needto seekenlightenment - we are enlightened. We justneedto removethebarriers of fearwhichdisconnect us fromourown enlightenment outsidetheegg shell.disconnected fromthoselevelsof selfwhich resonateto therhythm of love.Butthey are stillpartof everything thatexists,theyare stillyouandme,an aspectof the glorious wholewe call Cod. So if we hatethem,we hateourselves. Ifwe are violentto them, we are violentto ourselves. And it wouldbe all so selfdefeating. I say:forgivethemfor theyknownotwhattheydo.By forgiveandby love,I dontmeanto walkawayand let themgeton withit.Theyare seekingto imposetheirwillandtherefore thereis a legitimate causefora challengeto that.Butif thisBrotherhood controlis causedby givingourminds,powerandresponsibility away,andby insisting thatothersdo the same,it is ourselves we needto address,notonlythebehaviour of thereptilians. If we takebackourpowerandset ourselves andeachotherfreefromimposition of thought, beliefandlifestyle, it doesntmatter whattheBrotherhood do.Controlfromthe centre willbe impossible becauseyoucannotcentralise controlof diversity, onlyuniformity. Threethingswilltransform lifeon Barthandremovethereptilian controlof the human psyche: 1 We letgo of ourfearof whatotherpeoplethinkof us andwe expressour uniqueness of viewandlifestyle, even(no,especially) if it differsfromthenorm.At thispoint we cease to be a sheepfollowing theflock. 2 We alloweveryone else to do thesamewithout fearof beingridiculed or condemned forthecrimeof beingdifferent. Whenwe do thiswe cease to be thesheepdogfor therestof theflock,pressuring themto conform to whatwe believeis right. 3 No-oneseeksto imposewhattheybelieveon anyoneelse,so alwaysrespecting free willandfreechoice. Thereis no waytheBrotherhood Agendacan survivesuchchangesin attitude. People ask mewhattheyshoulddo in responseto myinformation, butI neveranswerthat question. The onlypersonwhoknowswhatis bestforyou,is you.The trickis to clearthe channelto yourhigherdimensions so youcan connectwiththehighestlevelof your wisdom, loveandinspiration to guideyouto do whatis mostappropriate foryou.

We dontneedto sitaroundin smokefilledroomsor startnewpolitical parties. We need to removetheegg shellof lowvibrational emotion - fear-andthelawof vibrational attraction willconnectus withall thepeopleandorganisations we needto transform the planet. Whenwe getourselves right, theworldmustcomerightbecausewe are the world andtheworldis us.Whatwe call societyis thesumtotalof humanthinking and feeling. Itis a reflection of ourattitudes. Whenwe changethem,we changesocietyWe are onlya changeof mindawayfromrealfreedom, thefreedom to expressourCod-given uniqueness andcelebrate thediversity of gifts,perceptions andinspiration thatexist withinthecollective humanpsyche.The creative forceis withinus all anddesperate to expressitself.Itis thesuppression of thisenergywhichleadsto so muchpent-up frustration andtherefore violenceanddepression. Imagine youare a giftedartistor dancer,butpeerpressure, parentpressureandthedemandsof thesysteminsist thatyou workin a bankor sitnextto a factory machineall day.Or youwantto expressyour creativity andmakea contribution to theworld,buttheBrotherhood manipulation of the financial systemmeansthatyoucantfinda job.Thatall-powerful creative force within youcannotbe suppressed, so it comesoutin an imbalanced way,impregnated with the vibration of anger,despairor frustration, andso we haveviolenceandthedemand for drugsandalcoholto shutofftheemotional pain.Ifwe respected thevalueof all creativity andsoughtwaysof allowing it to be expressed, thesethingswouldnothappenon thescale thattheydo.Instead we demandthatsuchcreativity mustpayforitselfor contribute to theeconomy- theBrotherhoods economy. We knowthepriceof everything andthe value of nothing. If,however, we couldopenourheartsto a greater visionof possibility, we wouldunleashthecreative forcein everyone andallowit to expressitsuniqueness. Whata worldof incredible diversity andinspiration we wouldthenexperience. A world guidedby theflowof thecreative forceandnotby theprofitdemandsof theBrotherhood bankers. I talkedat thestartof thebookaboutthinking theunthinkable. The information here has challenged youto do that.To considertheevidencethatreptilians on another dimension of existence havemanipulated humanity forthousands of years.To consider thatfarfrombeingordinary andpowerless, youare extraordinary andall powerful. Bothare unthinkable formostpeoplegiventhecurrent levelof conditioning. But they are notunfeelable. Thereis sucha difference. You thinkwithyourintellect andthat is so vulnerable to programming through theeyesandearsby thedailydietof lies, suppression andmisrepresentation in themediaandby all thoseBrotherhood clonesto

whichit offersa platform. Butwhenwe feel,we are tapping intoourheartcentre, our intuition, thatconnection withthecosmos.How oftenhas whatyouthinkandwhat you instinctively feelbeenin conflict?Whattransformed mylifemorethananything was themoment I decidedto followmyintuition whenever it was at oddswithmy intellect. EverytimeI havedonethis,myintuition has turnedoutto be correct. Itcan be challenging andpainfulsometimes becauseyourintuition, whichis unbounded by the needto follownorms,oftenstandsoutagainstconvention. Butit willalwayslead you to do whatis bestforyouandyoureternaljourney of evolution through experience. For mostpeoplewhentheyinstinctively feelto do something, thechatterbox mind beginsto listall thereasonswhytheyshouldnotdo it.You cantdo that,whatwillthe neighbours say,or yourfamily, thepeopleat work,andtheguysdownthebar?... You cantdo that,youvegota mortgage, a car,a family, andthelifeinsurance policiesto payfor.... You cant,youcant,youcant.Butyoucan,youcan,youCAN. Thereis nothing wrongwiththeintellect. Itkeepsyougrounded, storesandprocessesthisworld information, andit has an important partto playItis whenit becomesourcontrolling forceandsole decision-maker thatwe findourselves in theprisonof themind.The intellect is thereto makephysicaltheguidanceandinspiration of theintuition, notto dictatetheodds.Dontworkforyourmind,makeyourmindworkforyou. So itsnotwhatyouthinkabouttheinformation in thisbookthatmatters, it is what youfeelaboutit.Someof thecontent willchallengeyourintellect to breaking point, butyourintuition willhaveno suchproblem. To thatlevelof you,it eitherfeelsright, or it doesnt.Ifit doesnt,walkawayI amnottrying to convert anyoneto a belief.I could notcareless whatyouthinkor feelaboutmeandmywork.ButI carepassionately aboutyourrightto hearwhatis currently beingdeniedto you.How youreactto it is noneof mybusiness,letalonemyconcern.You are,however, goingto see unfolding beforeyoureyesin youreverydayexperience, theAgendaI havedescribed. You will neverwatcha newsbulletin, reada paper,or heara political or economic announcement, in thesamewayagain.You willalso see theweather changes advancing andstaggering geological eventsas thetransformation of theEarthsenergyfields continues apace.You willfeelthegathering vibrations in yourheartandyourmind. Your rapidlychangingperception of lifeandyourself willopenyouto unimaginable possibility andpotential. Thinking theunthinkable willbecomea wayof lifeforthose whograspthisopportunity to reconnect withall thatexists.Thereare manywhowill considerthisbooknegative, buttheyhavemisunderstood whatis happening here. This information is risingto thesurfaceafterthousands of yearsat thesametimethat more andmorepeopleare wakingup to whotheyreallyare.The samevibrational changes are responsible forboth.Thereis a healinggoingon andforthehealingto startthe causeof thediseasehas to be addressed. The risingfrequency is bringing to the surface all thathas remained hidden,collectively andindividually, to allowthehealingto

begin.This is whypeoplewhohaveopenedup to thechangingcosmicrhythm have foundthatall hellbreaksloosein theirlivesat first.Relationships breakup,jobsare lost,familyandpeopletheyconsidered friendswalkawayThereare manydifferent experiences thatpeoplehave.Withmeit was massivepublicridiculebecauseI neverdo anything by halves.You can thinkyouhavemadea monumental mistake at the time, butquitetheoppositeis happening. We createourownreality andcontrolourown destinyandthewaywe do thatis overwhelmingly through ourintent. So often people havesaidto methatnothing everhappensin theirlivesandnothing everseemsto work.ButwhenI ask themwhattheyreallywantto do theyreply: I dontknow, reallyWellif thatis theirstateof being,theirphysicalexperience willreflectI dont knowreally,andnothing of significance willhappen.If,instead, youfocusyour intent on a specificgoal,whatyouneedto do to achieveit willalwayscometowards you as one vibrational pattern attracts reflections of itselfin people,experiences and opportunities. This is wherethejourney endsformostpeople.Whentheyare faced with whattheyneedto do to achievetheirgoal,theysuddenly thinkthatperhapsit wasnt sucha goodideaafterall!And thatsthequestion. You say youwantsomething? OK, buthowbadly?Just a littlebit?Fine,thendontwasteyourtime.Witheveryfibreof yourbeing?Well,go forit becausetheworldis yours. I haveseen countlesspeoplesay theywantto transform themselves andtheirlives andtuneintothenewvibration. Butwhenthechallenges havecome,whichare necessaryto makethathappen,theywantoutimmediately andgo backto lifeas before. Yet thesechallenges set us free.The reasonwe face personalandemotional mayhem whenwe startthisjourney is becauseof theneedto cleanoutouremotional cesspit of suppressed andunprocessed emotional debristhatwe havepusheddeepinto our subconscious becausewe dontwantto dealwithit.Ifwe dontcleartheemotional gungeof thisandotherphysicallifetimes, we cantreconnect withour multidimensional self.We cantbe freeof thereptilian manipulation andcontrolfromthelowerfourth dimension. So whenwe say we intendto transform, thatintentdrawsto us the people andexperiences necessaryto bringthatsuppressed emotion to thesurfacewhere we can see it anddealwithit.The sameis happening collectively as theinformation presented in thisbookcomesintothelightof publicattention, so we can see it,addressit and healit. Muchof theNew Age is in denialof thiscollective cesspitbecauseit doesntwantto face itsownpersonalcesspit.Itwouldrathersitarounda candleandkiditselfit is enlightened while,in fact,it is an emotional wreckwitha crystalin itshand.The information in thisbookis partof thehealingof PlanetEarthandthehuman consciousness as theveilliftson all thathas remained hiddenanddenied. Hey,thisis a wonderful timewerelivingthrough here.We are tuningto thecosmic dance,thewindof change,therhythm of reconnection withall thatis, has been,or ever willbe.You havecometo makea difference, foryourself andfortheworld.You have

theopportunity to do thatnow,now,now.Craspit andletsendthisnonsense. A few can onlycontrolbillionsbecausethebillionsletit happen.We donthaveto.And we can changeit justby beingourselves, allowing otherpeopleto be themselves, and enjoying thegiftof life.This is nota timeto fearanditsnota timeto hide.Itis a time to singanda timeto dance. Takeyourpartners, please.Lets go!

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