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1 Background Technological development does not only give positive impacts, but also negative impacts. One of the negative impacts of pollution is through various media, such as water, air, soil, noise, and so on. Moreover, technological developments that occurred in countries are developing in a vast rate. Booming population is one of the factor that multiplies the negative impact brought about by advances in technology. At this time, it is very difficult to get clean air in growing cities. Human population growth along with the number of car users, particularly in Indonesia, to be one of the causes of difficulty to find clean air. Construction of the building, the layout of the ventilation in the room that is not well placed also causing difficulties to get clean air despite have been in a room. Dirty air, of course detrimental to the society, given the potentially dirty air cause various diseases in people in their daily life simply can not be separated from areas of contaminated air. Diseases that arise can be cured by making investments on health. More severe disease can also attack and instead require greater health investment. Dirty air problem has become quite crucial for the society as an investment for the diseases caused by dirty air is quite large. Nowadays, many technologies that support efforts to clean up the air. One such technology is the air purifier. Air purifiers generally to clean air by filtering pollutants found in the air so that the air becomes cleaner and no pollutants are inhaled. Pollutants in the air such as dust, bacteria, viruses, volatile organic components, and smoke particles, and others. Indonesias tropical climate has always encouraged high sales of air treatment products, although recent developments in the Indonesian climate have boosted demand for air treatment products even further. Towards the end of the review period, Indonesias climate patterns became even more uncertain, with an overall trend towards rising temperatures
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amidst irregular rain patterns. The overall rise in temperature in Indonesia has encouraged higher volume sales in air treatment products, volume growth in air treatment products even higher in 2011 than the robust growth recorded during 2010. As the Indonesian climate is set to become even more unpredictable during the forecast period amidst growing concerns over the potentially negative effects of global warming on Indonesia, demand for air treatment products is set to become even stronger. Even with the already strong penetration of air treatment products and the robust growth recorded during the review period, air treatment products is still expected to record particularly healthy growth during the forecast period. Air purifier product market share is large enough. In addition, air purifier products are also increasingly needed by people who live in a place filled with pollutants. People are beginning to realize the importance of clean air for health. Market growth is also driven by rising demand in the community with increasing purchasing power. On the other hand, the presence of a room air purifier should be able to fit in well in the sense that the air purifier can serve as decor. Making the air purifier should also be based on the aesthetic aspect as this will increase the selling value. 1.2 Objectives The objective of this report is to fulfill the task of product design courses. In addition, the manufacture of this report aims to train members of the group in the manufacture of products by conducting simulation experiments, from the stage of survey, survey data processing, to the making the prototype for air cleaning products. More than that, we are trained to be innovative by planning a new product which will compete with existing products in the market. 1.3 Problem Formulation The conceptual framework manufacturing air purifier room decoration is done in the design of this product is associated with the use
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of factor products. Some products still cause problems of noise, power consuming, less attractive design, no air purifier products are still produced little ozone at work. Products are currently not able to answer the problems, especially regarding the price and still many people who do not have knowledge about the air purifier. 1.4 Problem Identification Here is the identification of problems of air purifier products: 1. Prices are quite expensive for the air purifier on the market because the technology used is quite expensive. 2. Generally, air purifier products enough energy consuming. Air purifier which consumes a lot of energy wasteful and environmentally harmful. 3. The appearance of air purifier that is still less attractive. 4. Air purifier is still poorly known in Indonesia. The majority of people still have no idea about how the air purifier works. 1.5 Problem Limitation For the discussion of the air purifier not going so far, then the problem is limited by a few things, namely: 1. Air purifier products are designed with a more affordable price. 2. Air purifier products are within the scope of the technology is still limited, the case is that previous products are still using the existing technology. 3. Air purifier products to be designed considering the state of the environment, especially in terms of power consumption. 4. The main target of the air purifier products to be made are the upper middle class people who care about the quality of the air 5. Popularize air purifier because air purifier product are still less known by people

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CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Air Air is a gas mixture contained in a layer that surrounds the earth and component gas mixture is not always constant. The air is also the atmosphere around the earth whose function is essential for human life in this world. The air consists of 78.6% nitrogen, 20.8% oxygen, and other gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor. Air is vital to living things, due to every organism breathes. Atmospheric air is inhaled by living creatures composed of 78.62% nitrogen, 20.85%, and the remainder in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor. Air quality can be reduced if contaminated by air pollutants, bacteria, viruses, and odors. Decline in air quality causes health problems for living things that breathe. 2.1.1 Indoor Air Quality From the definitions in general, indoor air quality is the quality of air in a confined space that can affect the user's room, as well as the comfort of the room. If indoor air quality is not good, then the consequences will cause illness for residents who are old / live in it. Diseases caused by indoor air quality poor include asthma, burning eyes, skin rashes and so on. According to the World Health Organization, definition of health is a state of fully healthy and did not suffer any pain, and the human rights to a healthy environment in the room including the right to breathe clean air at a comfortable temperature as well as the rights of visually healthy and comfortable. According to ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Coinditioning Engineers) requires a level of comfort, influenced by: indoor air temperature, room humidity, and wind speed in the room. Limitation comfort effective temperature

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23 C - 27 C, air velocity 0.1 to 1.5 m / s, relative humidity between 30-60%. 2.1.2 Air Pollution Air pollution is a phenomenon of the presence of chemicals and particulates that should not be contained in the air with the amount that exceeds the limit. Air quality is a measure of the quantity of impurities contained in dlamanya. Clean air is air that is free of pollutants, bacteria, viruses, odors and odor. Sources of indoor air pollution according to the research of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) broken down into 5 including: 1. Pollution caused by the activities of occupants in the building such as cigarette smoke, pesticides, cleaning materials room. 2. Pollution from the exterior of the building includes the entry of motor vehicle exhaust gases, due to the placement of the kitchen chimney ventilation hole locations are not exact. 3. Pollution from indoor building materials such as formaldehyde, glue, asbestos, fiibreglass, and other materials. 4. Microbial contamination includes bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa that can be found in the airways and the air conditioning system and all. 5. Lack of fresh air coming in due to the disruption of air ventilation systems and the lack of maintenance of ventilation equipment. Conditions of indoor air quality is associated with contamination microorganism (mold, bacteria), chemicals (CO, radon), allergens and causes stress that can affect health. Now it can be proven that indoor air more polluted than the air outside, but using good ventilation contamination can be reduced. Indoor air quality (indoor air quality) is actually defined as intentionally or unintentionally by the occupants of the room itself.
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There are buildings that are specifically regulated, both the temperature and the frequency of air exchange using special ventilation equipment, some are done by utilizing the natural weather conditions to regulate the building can be opened. Indoor air quality is also affected by temperature and humidity can affect the comfort and health of occupants. Thus, the air quality is not free in the room varies. If there is no free air in the room the air pollutants in concentrations sufficient to have the opportunity to enter the body of its inhabitants. In general, health problems come from poor indoor air quality, which lead to things such as skin irritation, neurotoxic symptoms, hypersensitivity, and odor and taste symptoms. The term syndrome hospital or sick building used to describe the condition is very severe, at first it may irritate the skin, eyes and throat, headache, but if left unchecked will cause cancer and respiratory problems. 2.1.3 Air Pollutant Air pollutants are chemical substances which should not be available in the air because it can cause health problems for living things that breathe. Pollution in a room can be caused by gases or particles spread through the air. The source of the gas is building materials, cigarettes, cleaning products, cosmetics products, fireplaces, furniture, and HVAC systems. Poor air quality can also be caused by insufficient outside air into the can removes all particles. The following arethe parametersabout thecontent ofcontaminantsin the airandthe extent which is permitted:
Table 2.1. Parameter and Performance Criteria

No. 1.

Parameter Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

Performance criteria
288 3 1 hour average 40 3 long term average
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Carbon monoxide

100 3 15 minute averaging time 60 3 30 minute averaging time 30 3 1 hour averaging time 10 3 8 hours averaging time

3. 4. 5.

VOCs Ozone Mould Growth

3003 8 hours averaging time 100 3 (not applicable to dwellings)

No visible mould on external walls in a properly heated building Contaminant Parameter

In general, the source of particles in a clean room system are divided into two categories, namely internal sources and external sources: Internal Source The particles in the clean room systems derived from individuals who came into the room, the wall surface is peeling clean room systems, the process of the tool being used, and the manufacturing process itself. Largest internal source of particles comes from individuals who fit into the clean room systems. External Source Sources of particles that enter the clean room system from outside, usually through doors, windows, and walls of pipes, channels, and so on. But the largest external source is derived from air-conditioning equipment. Air pollutant can cause adverse to health. The table below is a list of air pollutant with the impact to health
Table 2.2. List of Pollutants and The Effect to Health

Pollutant Cigarette smoke

Main source Cigarette

Effect to health Respiratory irritation;

bronchitis and pneumonia on children; emphysema;

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lungs cancer; and heart attack Carbon monoxide Damaged gas producing Headache; equipment; wood convulsions, nausea; eyes and mental damaged; fatal in high concentration Nitrogen oxide Damaged gas producing Eyes, nose, and throat equipment irritation; respiratory

burning stoves; cigarette

infection on children Volatile Organic Aerosol spray; solvent; Eyes, nose, and throat glue; cleaning ahent; irritation; headache; liver paint; , brain, and kidney

Compound (VOC)

pesticide; drycleaned treated

clothing, damage; various type of water, air cancer

freshener; and mosquito repellent Formaldehyde Wood product such as Eyes, nose, and throat triplex; wallpaper; material Respirable Particles Cigarette; aerosol spray; Eyes, nose, and throat and dust irritation; bronchitis, and respiratory infection and liver cancer Biological Agents Dust; pet; bed; dirty AC; Allergic reaction, asthma; humidifier; humid places Eyes, nose, and throat or damp; furniture irritation; influenza, and fever, another furniture; irritation; headache;

woven allergic reaction, cancer

infection disease Asbestos Broken divider; fireproof Asbestosis, lungs cancer, paint; and acoustical mesothelioma, and

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materials Lead

another cancer

Sanding or open-flame Nerves and brain damage, burning of lead paint; usually dust on children;

anemia; kidney damage; hampered growth




buildings, Lung cancer

building materials that come from soil or water soil


Bacteria Bacteria are often maligned as the causes of human and animal disease (like this one, Leptospira, which causes serious disease in livestock). However, certain bacteria, the actinomycetes, produce antibiotics such as streptomycin and nocardicin; others live symbiotically in the guts of animals (including humans) or elsewhere in their bodies, or on the roots of certain plants, converting nitrogen into a usable form. Bacteria put the tang in yogurt and the sour in sourdough bread; bacteria help to break down dead organic matter; bacteria make up the base of the food web in many environments. Bacteria are of such immense importance because of their extreme flexibility, capacity for rapid growth and reproduction, and great age - the oldest fossils known, nearly 3.5 billion years old, are fossils of bacteria-like organisms. Bacteria are present in the air, soil and water. Bacteria are ubiquitous, present in the soil, air and water around you. Some bacteria can be beneficial, while other bacteria causes illness and even death. Pathogenic bacteria, those organisms that cause disease, relentlessly bombard your body daily. Your body's immune system fights off most of these invaders. Some types of bacteria cause more harm to humans than others, overwhelming your body's defenses and frequently causing death in terrifying ways and at alarming speeds. Some examples of dangerous
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bacteria are Bacillus Anthracis, Clostridium Botulinum, Escherichia Coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 2.3 Virus Viruses are tiny organisms that may lead to mild to severe illnesses in humans, animals and plants. The virus particles are 100 times smaller than a single bacteria cell. The bacterial cell alone is more than 10 times smaller than a human cell and a human cell is 10 times smaller than the diameter of a single human hair. Viruses by themselves are not alive. They cannot grow or multiply on their own and need to enter a human or animal cell and take over the cell to help them multiply. These viruses may also infect bacterial cells. Examples of common human diseases caused by viruses include the common cold, influenza, chickenpox, and cold sores. Many serious diseases such as ebola, AIDS, avian influenza, and SARS are caused by viruses

Figure 2.1. Size of Bacteria and Virus Source:


Cause of Odor Smell Free flowing air can contain odor smell that come from: Cigarette smoke Air pollutant that is caused by NOx VOC Rotten food Smell of animals

Smell from these sources can cause disturbance in our respiratory system. 2.5 Types of Air Purifier
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Different air purifier filters target different types of air pollution. Because different air purifier technologies have different strengths and weaknesses, many modern air purifiers combine two or more filter or media types in the same unit. For example, our #1-selling Austin Air Healthmate utilizes a HEPA filter along with an to help eliminate dust and odors. Regardless of the filter media used, always look for some mention of a "sealed system" or similar terminology. The best filter in the world is literally worthless if the unit leaks air and allows purified and dirty air to mix. Below is the list of types air filter and technology that have been used in the air purifier: 2.5.1 HEPA Air Filter

Figure 2.2. HEPA Filter Source:

HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air and this air purification technology was originally developed during World War II to remove radioactive dust particles from the air to protect soldiers respiratory systems. Today they are often used to filter household air with the capacity to trap 99.97% of all airborne particles that are as small as 0.3 microns in size and 95% of minute particles down to 0.1 micron. When air contaminants are inhaled, the bodys natural defense system is more vulnerable to small
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particles below 0.5 microns. That is why HEPA air filters are the most recommended by Allergists and Doctors because of their ability to remove the majority of air contaminants down to the microscopic level. HEPA filters are able to remove all of the contaminants above because they are larger than 0.3 micron. HEPA filters alone do not capture chemicals, fumes, and cigarette smoke because their microns are smaller than 0.3. This is why it is important to purchase a HEPA air filter that includes an activated carbon filter that will capture these allergens that the HEPA cannot. HEPA filter is designed to remove smaller pollutant with mechanism as shown below. Interception, particle follows the flow track of air and stick to the filter. Impaction, bigger particles couldnt avoid the fiber by following the curve contour within the airflow and are forced to stick to the fiber directly. This event will increase along with the fiber separation and greater airflow. Diffusion is an increasing mechanism where it is resulted ofrom the impact between gas molecules with smaller particles, especially below 0.1 m, by blocking and delaying the screening in the filter. The advantages of using the HEPA filter:

Removes dust, pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and other allergens.

Removes most bacteria Solid particles captured are not released into the air again

The disadvantages of using the HEPA filter:

Does not remove chemical fumes, cigarette smoke, or odors. Not as effective in capturing the smallest viruses Micro-organisms captured in filter can breed or reproduce, resulting in increased micro-organism populations
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Ionizer Technlogy An air ionizer is built around a negative ion generator. This generator sends out a stream of negative ions that attract positive airborne dust and allergen particles in the air. As a result, these particles become too heavy to remain airborne and fall to the floor. As the majority of surfaces in a room are positively charged, the particles from the ionic air are attracted to these surfaces as well. This means that the area around the ionic filter tends to get dark spots on nearby walls and floors. Some ionizers however, have special electrostatic precipitators which trap particles on a metal plate. To remain effective, these plates need to be cleaned regularly. Ionizers are a relatively inexpensive way to clear second hand smoke. However, if you have a problem with dust or pollen an ionizer air purifier may not be the best choice because the particles are not completely eliminated. The main health concern related to ionic air purifiers is the fact that they produce ozone as a byproduct. When ozone is inhaled directly into the lungs, it can pose a health risk. The EPA classifies ozone as a toxic gas that causes lung damage, triggers asthma attacks, and can even lead to increased risk of death. These are all facts that need to be taken into consideration when purchasing the right air purifier. The advantages of using the ionic air filter:

Removes ultra-fine particles as small as 0.01 microns Sterilizes bacteria, viruses, smoke, and other toxic fumes Very quiet because there are no fans or motors

The disadvantages of using the ionic air filter:

Removes particles from the air, but not from the room. Particles land on floors, walls, & furniture and may be easily put back in the air.

Produces ozone as a by-product Does not remove odor

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Ultraviolet Light Air Purifiers

Figure 2.3. UV Filter Source:

This purifier uses a UV light that has electromagnetic radiation that will destroy bacteria and other pathogens by breaking the molecular bonds in their DNA. UV air filters kill these particles without any actual filtration, but rather use rays of ultraviolet light to eliminate them as they pass. A UV light air purifier works well to kill bacteria, viruses, molds, and yeasts that may remain in the air. Unfortunately they will not take care of dust, allergens, or solids in the air. UV light can be beneficial to those who get sick often because they help prevent illness and diseases. Air purifiers with UV filters are often used in sterile environments such as hospitals, kitchens, daycares, and labs. In residential use, they are great for controlling mold. Optimal performance is attained when these air filters are used in unison with other types of air filters. That way they can work together to remove a wider spectrum of air contaminants such as odor, chemical fumes, and allergens that UV air purifiers do not remove. Some ultraviolet filters generate ozone to kill bacteria and sometimes may not be properly dispersed, posing a serious health concern. If purchasing an Ultraviolet light air purifier, make sure to find a system that does not produce ozone.
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The advantages of using the ultraviolet light air filter:

Ability destroy micro-organisms, such as germs, bacteria and mold.

Helps prevent illness and disease

The disadvantages of using the ultraviolet light air filter:

Does not remove most allergens, dust, or solids in the air Does not remove chemical fumes, gases, or cigarette smoke


Zeolite Adsorbent

Figure 2.4. Zeolite Adsorbent source:

Zeolites are most useful commercially because of their unique crystal structure, which allows them to act as molecular sieves selectively sorting molecules based on particle sizes that adsorb gases and liquids. For example, zeolites are used in the United States in pet litter, animal feed, horticulture (fertilizers and soil additives), laundry detergent, air purifier, and water purification. Zeolite-containing volcanic tuffs are also still mined to use as dimension stone, lightweight aggregate and in cement. Zeolite adsorbs and absorbs moisture, fumes, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, formaldehyde, and most indoor chemical gases. Zeolite also remove ammonia odors, diaper pails, mold, mildew, duct system, and also in basements.


Activated Carbon Adsorbent

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Figure 2.5. Activated Carbon Filter Source:

Active carbon is an effective adsorbent material because it has a great number of big porous. Because of that, the activated carbon have a great number of surface area. A 2 gram activated carbon will have about 100 m2 surface area. Activated carbon will use the adsorption process with can der Waals force, dragging the material to the surface of the carbon. Adsorption on the activated carbon can be summarized into 3 basic steps: 1. Substance adsorped to the outside surface of granule crabon 2. Substance move to the porous of the carbon 3. Substance adsorped to the inside wall of the carbon Activated carbon and charcoal filters excel at adsorbing odors and gases and neutralizing smoke, chemicals, and fumes. "Adsorb" is not a typo; "adsorption" occurs when materials attach through chemical attraction. Activated carbon has been treated with oxygen, opening up millions of pores in the carbon. There are so many of these tiny pores that one pound of activated carbon has a surface area of 60 to 150 acres. This huge surface area makes it ideal for adsorbing gases and odors.

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Figure 2.6. Activated Carbon Trapping Components Source:

These chemicals and gases are too small to be trapped by a HEPA filter, but they bond to the enormous surface area in the activated carbon. The bigger the carbon filter, the more chemicals it will be able to absorb and the longer it will keep on working. When it's full, it can't adsorb any more and has to be replaced. Impregnated carbon filters contain an additional chemical (a "chemisorbent") to eliminate certain chemicals like VOCs by rendering them harmless or trapping them within the filter media. Activated carbon filters are rarely used alone to purify the air, but they are often used in conjunction with other filters. The advantages of using the activated carbon filter:

The most absorbent filter available Captures chemical fumes, gases, cigarette smoke, and odors Does not release contaminants back into the air

The disvantages of using the activated carbon filter:

Does not remove dust and other allergens Does not remove micro-organisms

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Photocatalytic Filter

Figure 2.7. Photocatalytic Filter Source:

Photocatalyst is a process that combine a photochemical process and a catalyst. Photocatalyst is a synthesis proses with the involvement of light. Light becomes the trigger of the process and catalyst accelerates the transformation process. Catalyst that is used as photocatalyst have the ability to adsorp photon energy. Materials that can be used as a photocatalyst have area with zero energy which is called energy bandgap. The materials should be semiconductor. Semiconductor materials will function as catalyst if light contact with it and it has the same energy or larger than the energy bandgap on the semiconductor. The event causes electron to be excitated. Titanium oxide (TiO2) is a semiconductor that is often used as photocatalyst in the application of photocatalytic reaction because of its superiority. 1. TiO2 is photostable ( stable when contacts with light) 2. Resistance to photocorrosion 3. Stable chemical properties 4. Non-toxic 5. High activities of photocatalytic 6. The price is not really expensive
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In photocatalytic air purifiers, the catalyst that cleans the air is typically titanium dioxide (sometimes called titania) and it is energized by ultraviolet (UV) light. The photocatalytic air purifier is based on photocatalytic oxidation (PCO), an emerging air purifier technology that converts fine particles and toxic gasses into safer compounds. PCO is FDA approved for reducing bacteria in poultry and pork processing, and is used to cleanse pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Photocatalytic air cleaner uses broad spectrum ultraviolet light, which reacts with a thin-film titanium dioxide-based chemical catalyst, in the presence of water, to create hydroxyl radicals and super-oxide ions which oxidize volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and eliminate microorganisms adsorbed on the catalyst surface. Free radicals are uncharged atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons. Unpaired electrons are highly reactive, so free radicals are likely to quickly engage in chemical reactions. Hydroxyl radicals are among the most powerful oxidizers in the world, stronger than chlorine, ozone, and peroxide, and consequently very short lived. Superoxide is created by the addition of one electron to oxygen. This free radical has a relatively long half-life: less than one second. Organic substances, like germs and volatile organic compounds, are held together by carbon-carbon, carbon-oxygen or carbon-hydrogen bonds. Oxidizers chop these bonds and cut the molecule into smaller compounds which are broken over and over until only carbon dioxide and water are left. A photocatalytic purifier can eliminate particles down to 0.001 microns from air, including the very tiny lung penetrating particles I keep hollering about. Remember most HEPA air filters balk at particles smaller than .3 microns.

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Pollens, dust mite allergens, pet dander, mold, bacteria, and viruses in the air, are on the list of items removed. Larger particles, such as pet hair, require a prefilter. Photocatalytic air purifiers can eliminate toxic gas phase VOC pollutants including formaldehyde, exhaust fumes, benzene, toluene, and odors like ammonia and hydrogen sulphide from our air. Even gases like carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide, untouched by every other technology on this site, are destroyed. During the catalytic free radical generation process ozone is temporarily created. Some escapes, with varying claims from vendors. Some assert zero ozone while others publish ozone tests ranging from .01-.04 ppm. Most people can smell ozone at .01 ppm. The advantages of using the photocatalytic filter: 2.5.7 Capture most pollutants Mainly destroy pollutant, no need to clean the material so often

The disadvantages of using the photocatalytic filter: Produce a small amount of ozone

Electrostatic Filter

Figure 2.8. Electrostatic Filter Source:

Electrostatic filter work on the same principle of electricity as ion generators and ozone generators, but electrostatic precipitators capture impurities rather than simply forcing them to
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cling to an external surface. Electrostatic precipitators use electronic cells to charge particles within the purifier and immediately trap the impurities on collector plates. The main advantage with this type of air purifier is that the collector plates never have to be replaced; they can be easily washed in the dishwasher. Be aware that some electrostatic precipitators also generate ozone. 2.5.8 Ion Cluster Technology Ion cluster technology is a sanitising technology that purifies the air by emitting positive and negative ions. Plasmacluster ions, which is pioneered by Sharp Corporation, show the most promise for the future of ionic air purifier technology. Ion cluster technology deactivates suspended airborne mould, viruses, dust mite allergens and bacteria. It also attacks a wide range of odours including pet, cooking, garbage, and cigarette smoke. 2.5.9 Pre-Filter Pre-filters remove pet hair and other large particles prior to primary filtration and come with nearly all air purifiers. Most prefilters are either foam or some sort of non-woven nylon, and some have electrostatic properties to increase filtration. Pre-filters usually are combined with another filters. 2.5.10 Photoplasma Photoplasma technology enhance the benefits of ultraviolet light and photocatalytic oxidation through the creation of photoplasma. The ultraviolet light, photocatalysts and photoplasma remove contaminants from air and surfaces by utilizing the principles of photochemistry, photoplasma, and photoionization through the photoelectric effect. The synergy of their interaction produces a unique and superlative way of cleaning air and surfaces of contaminants.
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Using plasmas for contaminant removal is a relatively new technology. However, since contaminant destructuion actually occurs through attack by atomic oxygen and oxygen radicals created by plasma, the science of contaminant removal is universally understood. 2.5.11 Water Surface Trapping Technology Water surface trapping technology relies on water surface to trap contaminants. Air is suck with a vacuum with certain angle so that the air flow is forced to contact with water surface. By doing so, pollutants are trapped in the water. Water surface trapping best used for trapping larger pollutants. dust, pollen, pet dander, etc. 2.6 Interior Decoration 2.6.1 History of Interior Decoration The existence of an interior decorator is expected to begin appearing in 1720 in Western Europe. Famous interior decorator at the time was William Kent, that although the profession is primarily a painter, he was also doing decorations include furniture selection, color space and aesthetic elements of the room such as paintings and other decoration. In London, interior decoration work was also done by upholsters (people working in the field of chairs and wall coating), while in Paris conducted by 'marchand-Mercier' / merchant of goods, namely furniture dealer who once served as the general contractor. The architects in the UK and continental Europe also play a double to an interior decorator. This is because the expertise decorate the room is also one of the areas of expertise of an architect.


Definition of Interior Decoration

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The word decor is derived from the English word "decorate" meaning decorate, while "decration" mentioned in the same source means ornaments. From the sense of the word, an understanding can be defined that decoration is associated with the activities of ornamental decoration-decorate or an activity that aims to beautify something. The interior decor is generally associated with something that involves finishing (painting, coating), surface processing, furniture arrangement and wall coating. Although the decor is a key element of the interior design, but no specific reference to human interaction and habits that constitute the field of interior designers work. It could be assumed that the interior decoration is a sub part of the interior design field related activities-decorate ornamental. The interior decor is smaller than the scope of work of interior design, and a small part of the interior design work. The interior decor is generally associated with elements of the interior coating. There are no government regulations governing the work of decorators and do not need formal education requirements to become an interior decorator.

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CHAPTER III NEEDS AND IDEAS 3.1 Collecting Data In a market research survey to conclude customers needs air purifier products, the authors performed a simple concept first from the results of the review of existing literature, both patent and benchmarking. This is done to prepare questions to both the user and not the product. The author conducted a special interview to users who have existing products in order to get the exact needs. The author conducted a study of literature and discussions with experts to examine the types and groups of questions aimed to determine whether the charging instructions, constructs the questions, and the words used in the question can be understood by the respondents. The author does not make a variable and test reliability and validity because this interview is exploratory and not quantitative. Test reliability and validity will be done when the needs are summarized and the authors have compared with expert judgment or patent and product benchmarking in determining specifications. Respondents were mostly obtained by visiting the office, elite housing, apartments, dormitory, hospitals, research laboratories, and visited several discussion forums such as environmentalists, community respiratory disease (ISPA), and individuals were detected using the product. In addition, respondents who are not writers get the user questionnaires spread made with type and group interviews with a few questions. All respondent writers from Jakarta, Bekasi and Depok, considering the already polluted air in these areas. Initially, the authors have trouble finding air purifier product users because users of these products are among the minority who are concerned with health, users who desperately need clean air due to certain illnesses such as respiratory or allergy, users who work with environmental and labor-intensive activity. Users of these products are also very dependent of a certain economic level. In this discussion, the authors will describe the
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demographic profile of respondents and analysis of the findings and the results of interviews and concluded quiz needs of air purifier products.We divide the interpretation of respondents by people who use the air purifier and people who does not use the air purifier. 3.1.1 Air Purifier User

Figure 3.1. Demographic Age of Respondents Source: Researchers Personal Data







theagedistribution ofrespondents consisted ofage15-20 years, 20-30 years, 30-40 years, 40-50 yearsandabove 50years old. Each categoryconsists of 6% of thetotalrespondents54 peopleforthe age category15-20 years, and 20-30 yearsof ageforclassificationas much as31%, age30-40 yearsby 52% which is thehighestage rangeorin figurescertainlyby 28respondents, aged 40-50thenthere are 5people orabout 9%, and theage categoryabove 50years ofabout 2%. Percentageof theacquisition, the agedistribution

ofmostusersarein the age rangeof 30-40 yearsfollowed bythe age range of20-30 years. atthe top Itinterpretssomethings, ofthe pyramidof


productiveage(prolific workforce). This will bedirectly related to theage ofthelevel of awareness ofa healthy environmentandthe purchasing power ofthe product.

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Figure 3.2. Demographic Data of Respondents Education Last Taken Source: Researchers Personal Data

Educationswhich dividedinto





junior/equivalent, high school/equivalent, Diploma, S1, S2, andS3. Based on the datashown infigure above, as theeducation levelof respondentsundergraduatefinalin first placewith anumber of23 respondents(42%), followed in successionby

thediplomacategoryby 11respondents(20%), graduate from high school is 9respondents(17%), doctoralrespondent is2%,

andgraduate from SD/equivalentas much as 1respondent(2%). In this case,norespondent represent fromjunior highschool graduate. Diagram above will give theinterpretationthatusers of airpurifieristheeducation levelis high enough.This is related tothe level ofknowledgeabout the environment. Job and Income of Respondents Occupation of respondents is divided into four categories, namely unemployed, civil servant, private company, and entrepreneur. From the data which have been get from respondents, the majority of respondents in this research, the number of 37 respondents working in private company (72%), followed successively by 7 respondents who worked as entrepreneur (14%),

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6 respondents as unemployed (12%), and 1 respondent worked as a civil servant (2%).

Figure 3.3. Demographic Data of Jobs Respondents Source: Researchers Personal Data

The chart abovecomeswith adiagram ofthe monthlyincome ofthe respondents, which is as follows.

Figure 3.4. Respondents Income Source: Researchers Personal Data

Demographic data onmonthly incomeof respondentswas divided into fivecategories,namely<2millions, 2-5 millions, 5-10 millions, 10-20 millions, and >20 millions. Based on

dataassummarizedin the figure above, the respondentshavea monthlyincome ofas much as 5-10millionsamajorityof 24

respondents (45%), followed in successionby therespondents withan income ofseveralmillions10-2 millions are 14 people(26%),
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11 respondentswith amonthly incomeof 2-5millions(20%), 4 respondentswitha monthly income of >20millions(7%), and 1respondents witha monthlyincome of<2millions(2%). Interpretationof datafrom theemploymentand incomeof respondentswastheability ofthe economy andjob stability. This classificationwill andeconomic provide amajorimpactonthe the awareness ofair





Figure 3.5. Air Purifier Usage Source: Researchers Personal Data

Based on the results of the 54 respondents interviewed users of air purifier, it was found that the largest percentage was in office locations as much as 44%, followed by the house as much as 39%, other 13%, the 4% and 0% dormitory. Other includes hospitals, laboratories, and hotels. Air purifier usage location data above, it can be seen that the respondent is a user actually being in one place where the company/agency providing air purification system. The percentage in this group by 61%. Therefore, the interpretation of data related to the economic level (purchasing power) can be deleted much as 61%.However, this does not determine the syllogism related to environmental awareness and urgency of air purification.

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Description of Interview Findings The clean air contaminant by the respondents is as follows.

Figure 3.6.Condition of Air Pollutant Source: author's personal preparations

From the diagram above, the need for water purifier respondent is to reduce and eliminate contaminants dust particles (66%), smoke (24%), smoke kitchen (10%). Contaminants dust as the largest percentage because most respondents were employees in a labor-intensive businesses, people in desease, Jakarta and surrounding environment contaminated with microbiological and inorganic substances detrimental to the free air. This of course will bring water purifier variants that suit your needs to clear the air of contaminants that have been mentioned above. The same thing also arise from the question whether the water purifier in the form required or not. A total of 78% said it was important to say and the rest is not important.

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Figure 3.7.Importance of Air Purifier Source: author's personal preparations

When further analyzed, 78% were needed water purifier and 22% said no need water purifier, depending on the respondents' perception of products, which is of the following questions as a perceived shortage of the product's user respondents.

Disadvantage of Recent Product

Not in Optimum noise Function 4% 4%

maintainance 44%

Price 48%

Figure 3.8.Disadvantage of Recent Product Source: author's personal preparations

From the picture above, the lack of existing products which is 48% of respondents use a heavy price. Variable pricing becomes dominant product shortages exist is indeed proven that the early middle-income to high-45% of respondents considering the monthly income of 2-5 millions and 26% with incomes 5-10
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millions-and a relatively high level of education not directly proportional to the product presumption exists for 2-5 millions (benchmarking). This of course raises some hypotheses such as the ignorance of the market price of the product as 44% of respondents are users of water purifier provided by the company / institution. Following qualifying price range of water purifier user's desired respondent.

Figure 3.9.Desire Price Range Source: author's personal preparations

In addition, the function of the water purifier itself is be a fatal drawback for respondents. Having explored, respondents wanted water purifier capable of removing all types of air contaminants. However, the reasons for the impracticality of products related to the comfort of the air are also revealed by the respondents as a deficiency. Respondents take seriously the concept of air-water purifier with energy efficiency reasons, pricing, maintenance, and use. Hope respondents also associated with additional functions such as the fragrances that can be refilled with the product. The authors also do not forget to ask customers to evaluate the product advantages exist that are used with exposure in the following diagram.
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Advantage of Recent Product

maintainanc Another e function, air 2% freshner 6% Price 11%
noise harmless 9% 4%

Optimal Function 68%

Figure 3.10.Advantage of Recent Product Source: author's personal preparations

Excess respondents which are revealed by the picture above is a legitimate function of a water purifier and an affordable price with each percentage of 68% and 11%. As for the others with a percentage of less than 10% of the evaluation does not cause side effects 9%, not 6% noise, air freshener 4%, and 2% maintenance easy. If you look at the percentage composition diagram needs to be a shortage of products that the consumer voice and compared with the evaluation of the diagram above, the authors looked at the lack of information be balanced with qualifications. However, if further investigated using analysis of distribution and demographic data, it can be seen that the average shortfall which dates to 44% and 48% to the price and function with optimal exposure energy efficiency, tools, and the use of products such as those described above, not directly with numbers below 10% said that the lack of it is an advantage in products that already exist. That is, the rate of more than 0.4 on a scale 1, the product of the strengths of the existing products still needs customers, i.e. price, energy efficiency, tools, and use.
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The last question is about the artistic from the water purifier. 48% of respondents put the product to be hung on a wall, 35% placed on the floor, 13% of other such moves as needed, and 4% were placed on the table. This of course raises the idea of a framework to tailor product packaging variants, which means customers need the flexibility to be placed with a variant of the previously mentioned.

Figure 3.11.Air Purifier Placement Source: author's personal preparations

This is confirmed by the next question that not only laying the flexibility needed products, but also the need for decorating room that can be met by the product water purifier in the room. Some 50% of respondents said the room decor is important, 29% said it was important, and 17% said fairly important.

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Figure 3.12.Importance of Room Decoration Source: author's personal preparations

Of the many questions of exploration through direct interviews of the 54 respondents are spread across multiple locations, the authors ask final questions, which is equal to the effect that the respondents felt puriefier water. A total of more than 50% said very significantly affect 41% said the effect, and only about 5% said it had no effect.

Figure 3.13.Impact on Health Source: author's personal preparations

The author also asks a history of diseases related to air, both the spread of bacteria or viruses and respiratory genetically to further worsen by airborne contaminants. This question writer freed respondents to select more than one disease at a time often suffered ever. In general, air purifier from the user community
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among people with respiratory infections, people with diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, and others suffer continuously from ISPA most severe level to the least light. Parameter is the most severe patients should be on clean air environment at all times. Meanwhile, the respondents other than ARI community, such as office workers, residents of a house or apartment, hospital and laboratory personnel, the disease is a disease that often affects cough, flu, allergies, and others. Activities related to the respondent's activity room and field activities that they do. Users of air purifier to the respondents, there are seven disease distillate exploratory diseases, such as the diagram below.

Disease Chart
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

42 36 26 14 11 5

Figure 3.14. Disease chart of respondent Source: author's personal preparations

In the diagram above, it is known that the disease cough and influenza highest ranks of the disease profile of respondents. From the interview the author, it was found that the disease is almost never affects 75% of respondents. So it is with strep throat. It is concluded that the air purifier is very necessary to purify the air in the room and in the field events as well as requiring a
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specific variant of air purifier that fits with any illness / existing air contaminants. 3.1.2 Air Purifier Non-User In addition to conducting interviews, the authors also distributing questionnaires addressed to the audience who are not users of air purifier. It aims to obtain information on whether the respondent knew or not that product. In addition, this questionnaire also serves as a process of gathering user needs by category instead of the product.

40 - 50 30 - 40 4% 12%

Age of Users
> 50 4% 15 - 20 29%

20 - 30 51%

Figure 3.15. Demographic Data of Respondents Age Source: Researchers Personal Data

From the diagram above, it can be seen that the age distribution of respondents consisted of age 15-20 years, 20-30 years, 30-40 years, 40-50 years and above 50 years old. Each category comprises 29% of the total respondents were 49 people for the age category 15-20 years, then for classification aged 20-30 years which is the age range most or the exact figure as many as 25 respondents or 51%, age 30-40 year by 12%, then the age of 40-50 are 2 or about 4%, and so did the age category above 50 years of around 4%.

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SMP S2 S3 SD 0% 4% 2% 2% S1 31% SMA 61% D3 0%

Figure 3.16. Demographic Data of Respondents Education Last Taken Source: Researchers Personal Data

Educations which are last taken by the respondents are divided into seven categories, namely SD/equivalent,

junior/equivalent, high school/equivalent, Diploma, S1, S2, and S3. Based on the data shown in figureabove, respondents were high school graduates as education final in first place with a number of 30 respondents (61%), followed in succession by the S1 graduate category by 15 respondents (31%), S2 graduate with 2 respondents (4% ), and respondents were primary school graduates and S3 are both numbered 1 person (2%). In this study, no respondents represent junior high school/equivalent and diploma. Respondents Income Demographic data on monthly income of respondents was divided into five categories, namely <2 millions, 2-5 millions, 5-10 millions, millions 10-20,> 20 millions. Based on data as summarized in the figure below, respondents with a monthly income of as much as <2 millions a majority of respondents in this study were 31 people (63%), followed successively by 8 respondents with a monthly income of 2-5 millions (17%), respondents who have an income of 5-10 millions number 4 people
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(8%), and 3 people each respondent with millions of monthly income by 10-20 and> 20millions (7%).

10 - 20 million > 20 million rp rp 6% 5 - 10 million 6% rp 8% 2 - 5 milllion rp 17%

< 2 million 63%

Figure 3.17. Demographic Data of Respondents Income Source: Researchers Personal Data

Figure 3.18. Demographic Data of Respondents Living Source: Researchers Personal Data

For the category of respondents who do not have it, we also asked respondents type of dwelling, such as a house, apartment, or dormitory. Based on the interview to the 49 respondents not users of air purifier, it was found that the largest percentage of on-site housing as many as 33 people (67%), followed kostan as many as
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13 people (27%), 2 respondents who live in apartments (4%), and others as many as 1 person. Importance of Clean Air of the Respondents

Quite important 4%
Important 27%

Importance of Clean Air

Not very important 2%

Very important 67%

Figure 3.19. Demographic Data of Importance of Clean Air Source: Researchers Personal Data

From the figure above we can estimate how important are clean air for the non-user respondents. The categories start from very important, important, quite important, not very important and not important at all. From the total of 49 respondents, most of respondents think that clean air is very important or rather essential, since 33 respondents (67%) are in very important category. For the important category, there are 13 respondents (27%), quite important get 2 respondents (4%), not very important stands for 1 respondent (2%), and there is no one that think that clean air is not important at all. History of Diseases For authors distribute questionnaires, there are questions about the history of illness and disease that often affects the course closely linked to the air. From the diagram below, a disease that often affects the respondents claimed 23 people with flu and cough followed by as many as 8 people. Things are different with a
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disease that often affects (in the diagram below). Respondents noted that even 26 people who frequently suffer from cold and cough followed dengan19 diseased. In addition, asthma, sinusitis, allergies still amounts to 2-3 people.

Disease Chart
25 20 15 10 5 1 0 8 3 1 3 1 2 2 23

Figure 3.20. Disease Chart of Respondents Source: Researchers Personal Data

Deviation of the respondents' answers to the questionnaire does not measure the reliability and validity of which raises the number of respondents will differ from the recognition of a history of the disease and the disease often suffer because the question is explorative of the non-users of air purifier. However, from the refined diagram above, of course, that the segment of non-users is still thick with disease transmitted by air and require significant air purification equipment. Dominant Air Pollutants of the Respondents Living Based on the interview to the 49 respondents non-users of air purifier, it was found that the most dominant of air pollutant as many as 32 votes is dust, followed by cigarette as many as 27

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votes, third is pollution from outdoor which got 20 votes, smoke of cooking activity that has 11 votes and others as many as 9 votes.

Dominant Air Pollutants

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Cigarette smoke Dust Smoke of cooking activity Pollution from outdoor Other

Figure 3.21. Demographic Data of Dominant Air Pollutants Source: Researchers Personal Data

Desired Air Purifier

Desired Air Purifier

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 12

36 27 33 27 30







Figure 3.22. Demographic Data of Desired Air Purifier Source: Researchers Personal Data

For the category of respondents who do not have any air purifier, we also asked respondents what advantages that they want
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if the eventually buy any air purifier. They can choose more than one advantage at a time (in one sophisticated air purifier). Desired Price Range

Desired Price Range

5 - 7 million 0% 3 - 5 million 20% > 7 million 7% < 1 million 43%

1 - 3 million 30%

Figure 3.23. Demographic Data of Desired Price Range Source: Researchers Personal Data

Demographic data on desired price range of the air purifier itself was divided into five categories, namely <1 millions, 1-3 millions, 3-5 millions, 5-7 millions, and >7 millions. Based on data as summarized in the figure above, respondents with desired price range of <1 million as a majority of respondents in this study were 20 people (43%), followed successively by 14 respondents with a desired price range (of the air purifier) of 1-3 millions (30%), respondents who have a thought of having a 3-5 millions air purifier reach 9 people (20%), 0% of respondents that wanted a 5-7 million air purifier, and 3 respondents (7%) want >7 millions of air purifier. Importance of Room Decoration From the diagram below, it can be seen that the importance of room decoration for respondents consisted of 49 respondents and five categories, they are very important, important, quite important, not very important, and not important at all. For 7
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respondents (15%), room decorations are very important. In the other hand there are 13 people (29%) who thought that room decoration are each important and quite important. And for some other respondents, 8 respondents (18%) say that room decorations are not very important, where the other 4 respondents (9%) say that room decorations are not important at all.

Importance of Room Decoration

Not very important 18%
Not important at all 9% Very important 15% Important 29%

Quite important 29%

Figure 3.24. Demographic Data of Importance of Room Decoration Source: Researchers Personal Data

Desired Decoration

Desired Decoration
Displays 31% Paint Art 39% Plant 30% Sclupture 0%

Figure 3.25. Demographic Data of Desired Decoration Source: Researchers Personal Data

For the desired decoration, the categories are paint art, sculpture, decorative plants, and displays. There are 49 totals of respondents, and most of them choose paint art as the most desired
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paint art which get 39% or 20 respondents attention. Displays and decorative plants are each gain 16 (31%) and 15 (30%) respondents. When, in the other hand, the sculpture gains none of attention of respondent.

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3.2 Interpreting Data

Table 3.26 List of Questions , Answer, and Needs

No 1

Question Kind of disease which is the most frequently suffered What brand or type of air purifier do you know (for non-user) What do you know about air purifier?

Answer Allergy, Influenza, Asthma, TBC, Chickenpox, Mumps, Sore eyes, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Pneumonia, Sinusitis Mostly just answer one brand which have had big promotions Device to purify the air from dust bacteria, viruses, pollutant, and odor. Usually air purifier technology can be found in air conditioner Smokes, Dust, Vehicle pollution

Need Air purifier product which have anti-allergen function Air purifier product which have disinfect function

Air purifier product with good promotion Air purifier product which is easily obtained / found Air purifier product which can filter dust Air purifier product which have disinfect function Air purifier product which have detoxification function Air purifier product which have deodorized function Air purifier product which can filter smoke Air purifier product which can filter dust Air purifier product which have detoxification function

What kind of pollutant which most potentially pollute your room?

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Table 3.26 (Continued)

What kind of purifier that you want?

Air purifier with optimal function ; have lower prices, have another function as air fragrance, easy to clean, practical maintenance, have ideal size, easy to use, don't produce too much noise, harmless or don't have side effect, have other function as air conditioner, stable, air purifier with artistic design, freshen up the air, have pollutant indicator, have remote control, have automatic system, can be mosquito repellant, consuming lower energy

Air purifier product which could clean the air immediately (quick work) Air purifier product which have wide coverage area Air purifier product which have lower price compared to market price Air purifier product with air fragrance function Air purifier product with practical maintenance Air purifier which is easy to clean Air purifier product with ideal size Air purifier product with ideal weight Air purifier which is easy use Air purifier product which don't produce too much noise Air purifier product which is harmless Air purifier product with air conditioner function Air purifier product which is stable Air purifier product with interesting design Air purifier product which freshen up the air Air purifier product with humidifier function Air purifier product with pollutant indicator
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Table 3.26 (Continued)

Air purifier product with remote control Air purifier product with on/off sensor Air purifier product with mosquito repellent function Air purifier product which is saving energy 5. 6. Price of purifier which you want For the user, what is the advantage of air purifier that you use? Most of respondent answer below Rp 1 million and Rp 1 3 million Air Purifier have optimal function Price is reasonable Air purifier have another function as air freshener Maintenance is easy and practical The Air purifier dont produce too annoying noise Air purifier dont harmless or dont negative side effect for health Air purifier with lower price from the market Air purifier product which could clean the air immediately (quick work) Air purifier product which have wide coverage area Air purifier product which have lower price compared to market price Air purifier product which freshen up the air Durable air purifier product Air purifier product with practical maintenance Air purifier product which don't produce too much noise Air purifier product which is harmless

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Table 3.26 (Continued)


For the user, what is the disadvantage of air purifier that you use?

Price is too expensive, difficult maintenance, The function is not optimal, produce too much noise

Air purifier with lower price from the market Air purifier product which can clean the air immediately (quick work) Air purifier product which have wide coverage area Durable air purifier product Air purifier product with practical maintenance Air purifier product with interesting design Air purifier product which can be placed on the wall Air purifier product which can be placed on the floor

8. 9.

How important room decoration in your romm? What kind of decoration do you like?

Mostly respondent answer important Paint, decorative plant, displays, sculpture

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Tidying up the Data From the respondent interview data about air purifier, we couldinterpret the respondent answer as consumer need. In this interview, there are two groups which were users and non-users of air purification. For users group, the interview was more to the emphasizing about the advantages and disadvantages about their air purifier. Meanwhile, for comprehend non - users group the interview was about what kind of air purifier that they want. The interpretation of respondent showed consumer needs from both group. From the interpretation, we could make list of needs that is showed in table 3.2.
Table 3.27. List of Needs

No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

List of Needs Air purifier product which have anti-allergen function Air purifier product which have disinfect function Air purifier product which is easily obtained / found Air purifier product with good promotion Air purifier product which can filter dust Air purifier product which have detoxification function Air purifier product which have deodorized function Air purifier product which can filter smoke Air purifier product which can clean the air immediately (quick work) Air purifier product which have wide coverage area Air purifier product which have lower price compared to market price Air purifier product with air freshner function Air purifier product with practical maintenance Air purifier which is easy to clean Air purifier product with ideal size Air purifier product with ideal weight Air purifier which is easy to use Air purifier product which don't produce too much noise Air purifier product which is harmless
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Table 3.27. (continued)

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32

Air purifier product with air conditioner function Air purifier product which is stable Air purifier product with interesting design Air purifier product which freshen up the air Air purifier product with humidifier function Air purifier product with pollutant indicator Air purifier product with remote control Air purifier product with on/off sensor Air purifier product with mosquito repellent function Air purifier product which is saving energy Durable air purifier product Air purifier product which can be placed on the wall Air purifier product which can be placed on the floor


Grouping and Rating the Needs From the list of needs, we can group them in to several groups which are performance, regulation, retailing, variant, physics specification, usage and maintenance, and placing. This grouping helps us to map consumer need. Beside of grouping, each need description is also rated. The grouping and rating is done so that we can know which group is essential for product design and which group is not too important to be considered if we design a product. Rank of needs is as follow: 1. Undesirable 2. Not important 3. Nice to have 4. Highly desirable 5. Essential Needs grouping and ranking shows in table 3.3

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Table 3.28. Grouping and Ranking


No 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 23 29 3

Need Description Air purifier product which have anti-allergen function Air purifier product which have disinfect function Air purifier product which can filter dust Air purifier product which have detoxification function Air purifier product which have deodorized function Air purifier product which can filter smoke Air purifier product which can clean the air immediately (quick work) Air purifier product which have wide coverage area Air purifier product which is stable Air purifier which freshen up the air Air purifier product which is saving energy Air purifier product which is easily obtained / found Air purifier product with good promotion Air purifier product which have lower price Air purifier product which don't produce too much noise Air purifier product which is harmless Air purifier product with practical maintenance Air purifier which is easy to clean Air purifier which is easy use Durable air purifier product Air purifier product with air freshner function Air purifier product with air conditioner function Air purifier product with interesting design Air purifier product with humidifier function Air purifier product with pollutant indicator

Rank 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 5 3 3 5 5 5 3 4 4 5 3 3 3 3 3



4 11


18 19 13

Usage and maintenance

14 17 30 12 20


22 24 25

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Table 3.28. (Continued)

26 27 28 Physical Specification 15 16 31 Placing 32

Air purifier product with remote control Air purifier product with on/off sensor Air purifier product with mosquito repellent function Air purifier product with ideal size Air purifier product with ideal weight Air purifier product which can be placed on the wall Air purifier product which can be placed on the floor

3 4 3 4 3 3 3

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CHAPTER IV PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 4.1 List of Specification From the group of needs, we can determine specifications of our product. The specification is stated in magnitude and metric unit. This magnitude and metric unit translate the consumer needs in to technical specifications so that help us to consider the design specification product. The list specification is showed in table 4.1.
Table 4.1. List of Specification



Need Description Air purifier product which have anti alergen function Air purifier product which have disinfect function Air purifier product which can filter dust Air purifier product which have detoxification function Air purifier product which have deodorized function Air purifier product which can filter smoke

Specifications Filtration capability Filtration efficiency Disinfection Capability Filtration capability Removal toxic chemicals capability Removal VOC capability Reduce toxic chemicals capability Volume Flow Rate Design Ergonomic Coverage Area Vibration frequency Relative humidity Temperature Power Quantity Packaging and appearance Price

Metric Unit mikron % CFU/L mikron %

Rank 5 5 5 5 5

1 2 5 6


% m3/h subj subj m2 Hz %


5 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 3 3 5

Air purifier product which can clean the air immediately (quick work) Air purifier product which have wide coverage area Air purifier product which is stable Air purifier which freshen up the air Air purifier product which is saving energy Air purifier product which is easily obtained / found Air purifier product with good promotion Air purifier product which have lower price

10 21 23 29 3

watt unit subj Rp


4 11


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Table 4.1. (continued)



Air purifier product which don't produce too much noise Air purifier product which is harmless Air purifier product with practical maintenance Air purifier which is easy to clean Air purifier which is easy use Durable air purifier product Air purifier product with air freshnerfunction Air purifier product with air conditioner function Air purifier product with interesting design Air purifier product with humidifier function Air purifier produt with pollutant indicator Air purifier product with remote control Air purifier product with on/off sensor Air purifier product with mosquito repellent function

Noise Level Concentration of Ozone Design for maintenance Ergonomic Design for cleaning Ergonomic Design for usage Ergonomic material strength Aroma Concentration of fragrance Relative humidity Temperature Design Relative humidity Temperature Pollutant indicator Remote control Sensor on/off Concentration/ Weight of Mosquito Repellant Volume (dimension) Design



ppb subj subj subj subj subj subj bar subj ppm %

5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3

Usage and maintenance


14 17 30 12

20 22 24 25 26 27 28

3 3 3 3 3 4 3


subj %

Y Y Y M or gram mm3 subj kg Subj Subj


4 4 3 3 3



Air purifier product with ideal size

16 31 32

Air purifier product with ideal weight Air purifier product which can be placed on the wall Air purifier product which can be placed on the floor

weight design and ergonomic design and ergonomic


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Performance Group
N o 5 2 1

Metric Needs

Air purifier product which have anti alergen function Air purifier product which have disinfect function Air purifier product which can filter dust

Need Description

Filtration capability Filtration efficiency

% CFU/L % % m3/h m2 Hz %

C Watt Unit Subj Rp dB ppm Subj bar Subj ppm subj Yes M or gram mm3 kg
Price Design Aroma Feature

Disinfection Capability Removal VOC capability Removal toxic chemicals capability Volume Flow Rate Coverage area Vibration frequency Relative Humidity Temperature Electricity Power Product Quantity on Market

Table 4.2. Matrix of Metrics and Needs


Packaging and appearance

Noise Levels Concentration of Ozone

Material strength

Concentration og fragrance Ergonomic


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Concentration/Weight of Mosquito Repellant Volume (dimension) weight


Table 4.2. (continued) 6 7 8 Air purifier product which have detoxification function Air purifier product which have deodorized function Air purifier product which can filter smoke Air purifier product which can clean the air immediately (quick work) Air purifier product which have wide coverage area Air purifier product which is stable Air purifier which freshen up the air Air purifier product which is saving energy Air purifier product which is easily obtained / found Air purifier product with good promotion Air purifier product which have lower price Air purifier product which don't produce too much noise Air purifier product which is harmless

Performance Retailing Regulation

9 10 21 23 29 3 4 11 18 19

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Table 4.2. (continued)

Usage and maintenance

13 14 17 30 12 20 22

Air purifier product with practical maintenance Air purifier which is easy to clean Air purifier which is easy use Durable air purifier product Air purifier product with air freshner function Air purifier product with air conditioner function Air purifier product with interesting design Air purifier product with humidifier function Air purifier product with pollutant indicator Air purifier product with remote control Air purifier product with on/off sensor Air purifier product with mosquito repellent function Air purifier product with ideal size Air purifier product with ideal weight


24 25 26 27 28

Physical Specification



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Table 4.2. (continued) 31 32 Air purifier product which can be placed on the wall Air purifier product which can be placed on the floor


4.3 Benchmarking After we define the specifications and the matrics, we need to compare every specification among competitors. The benchmarking is very useful to design a product. Benchmarking helps us to spot opportunities between existing products. The specifications will be compared among 5 air purifier in the market.

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4.3.2 Benchmarking on Metrics

Table 4.3. List of Specification No 1,5 1,5 2 6,7 6,8 9 10 21 20,23,24 20,23,25 29 3 4 11 Metric Filtration capability Filtration efficiency Disinfection Capability Removal VOC capability Removal toxic chemical capability Volume flowrate Coverage area Vibration frequency Relative Humidity Temperature Electricity Power Product Quantity on Market Packaging and appearance Price 5 3 3 5 Rank 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 Metric Unit m % CFU/L % (1 hr) % (1 hr) m3/h m2 Hz % C Watt Unit Subj Rp Own Performance > 0,3 99,97 < 50 < 50 - 6 40 m2 45 65 24 30 > 0,3 99,97 22 45 65 24 30 35 - 120 Retailing > 0,3 99,97 48 40 -70 ambient 8.8 50 4.799.000/unit > 0,3 99,97 38 45 65 24 30 44 2.900.000/unit > 0,3 99,97 50 45 65 24 30 14 3.900.000/unit 6-9 35 - 60 16 30 330 2.900.000/unit A B C D E

Rp 2.000.000 4.825.000/unit Rp 4.500.000 Regulation < 29 < 10 32 56

18 19

Noise Level Less concentration of Ozone

5 5

dB Ppm



< 29

< 30

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Table 4.3. (continued) Usage and Maintenance No No Yes 0 416 x 643 x 295 11 No No Yes 0 402 x 574 x 252 8.9 No No No 0 460 x 330 x 600 7.7 No Yes No 0 860 x 292 x 223 8.5

13 14 17 30 12 12 22 25 26 27 28

Design for Maintenance Design for usage Design for cleaning Material strength Aroma Concentration of fragrance Interesting Design Pollutant Indicator Remote Control Sensor on/off Concentration/Weight of Mosquito Repellant

3 4 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 4 3

Subj Subj Subj Pa Subj Ppm Subj Yes Yes Yes M or gram mm3 (W x H x D) Kg


No No No 0

15 16 9, 12,22 31,32 9,10,13, 14,17, 31,32

Volume (dimension) weight Physical Design Ergonomic 4 4

4 3

Physical Specification 533 x 432 x - 241 11 - Placing

Subj Subj

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Notes: Dot shows qualitative level of specifications. Comparison using dot is done when data of specifications is hard to be found. More dots means better specification. In this benchmarking, we use range 1 5 dot where 5 dots means the specification value approach the ideal value. Volume flowrate: A = 100 255 m3/h and D = up to 378m3/h Penetration Efficiency : means good capability Less ozone concentration : (2 dots) means < 20 ppb Aroma and Concentration of fragrance : (1 dot) means theres no air freshener function,; (4 dots) means the air purifier have air freshener function Product Quantity on Market: (4 dots) mean easy to found Vibration frequency: (4 dots) mean stabil Material strength: means no visible damage with 2500 pa pressure differential for 60 minutes 4.3.3Description about air purifier in benchmarking: Air Purifier A Air Purifier A






performance. This air purifier consists of pre-filter where large particles are trapped, the electrostatic HEPA-type filter where the small particles are trapped, and the ionization chamber where the air mixes with negative ions. When the air cycles back through the unit, the charged particles cling to the electrostatic filter media. The unit contains one polypropylene 3-stage progressive filter that contains millions of ultra-thin fibers with each state trapping progressively smaller harmful particles as they pass through the pleats. It also have a progressive carbon filter with a honeycombtype structure that improves airflow and has hundreds of odor and gas absorbing carbon pellets. The filter contains 2.0 lbs of coconut shell activated carbon impregnated with a 70/30 blend of Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) and Potassium Iodide (KI). The
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carbon eliminates volatile organic compounds (VOC), which are responsible for odors. This air purifier using durable construction that is made of galvanized steel and is powder coated for durability and environmental protection that produces no chemical off gassing. Air Purifier B Air purifier B represents air purifier with humidifier feature. Its using ion cluster technology (7000 ion/cm3) produce OH radical, which able to degradate pollutant. The age of ions in the air will be longer double times by humidifying function. Besides that, this air purifier have automatic function, which is equipped with a sensor that can detect air quality levels of dust, odor, and air humidity in the room where the air purifier is placed Air Purifier C This air purifier represents a good looking design air purifier. Air purifier with brand C could collect dust for air clearness, eliminates airborne viruses, bacteria, fungi, mold and allergens with S-Plasma ion technology. It has triple air purifying filters. The pre-filter blocks large dust such as pollen, animal fur, etc. The HEPA filter screens microscopic dust and harmful substances in the air. Also the deodorization + DNA filter eliminates unpleasant odors so you have healthy and fresh indoor air for you & your family. The DNA filter removes effectively PAHs and carcinogenic substances fromthe air including dioxin and benzopyrene that are harmful to human body. Air Purifier D Air purifier D represent sharmless air purifier because do not use ionizer technology. This air purifier special filter system
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efficiently reduces the levels of air pollutants such as pollen, dust, animal hair, mites, smoke and odors creating a room climate suitable for allergy sufferers, in particular. The 2 HEPA filters (High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter) and the active carbon filter capture 99.97% of particles larger than 0.3 microns, ensuring a dramatic reduction in a room's pollutant content. 2 HEPA filters capture allergens such as pollen, dust, animal hair and mites Pollutant/odor filter (active carbon filter) is now more efficient due to a new system design. Special features of this air purifier are: easy filter replacement; fragrance capsule for use with essential oils; easy cleaning and operation. Air Purifier E Air Purifier E represents air conditioner with air purifier features. It is using plasmacluster high density (7000 ion/cm3) technology which could deactivate viruses, bacteria, fungi, and the smell. Another feature from this air conditioner are powerful jetstream which could cool the room quickly and instantly; a set of cooling propagate slowly through the roof ceiling that resembles the pattern of natural cooling in the forest and prevent too cold at night; includes pre-filter, green coated silver ions (Ag +) to reduce odor; auto Re-start function - allows air back in operation after power returns to normal in the event of a sudden power outages arrived and remote control with 12H clock mode. 4.3 Ideal versus Marginal Value After we compare specification of competitor, we define the marginal value and ideal value air purifier. Ideal value is ideal value for each specification. Marginal value is real value for each specification which can be tolerated by consumer.

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Table 4.4. Ideal and Marginal Value No 1,5 1,5 2 6,7 6,8 9 10 21 20,23,24 20,23,25 29 3 4 Needs Specification Filtration capability Filtration efficiency Disinfection Capability Removal VOC capability (1 hr) Removal toxic chemical capability (1hr) Volume flow rate Coverage area Vibration frequency Relative Humidity Temperature Electricity Power Product Quantity on Market Packaging and appearance Rank 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 Metric Unit m % CFU/L % % m3/h m2 Hz % C Watt Unit subj Rp 2.000.000 Rp 4.500.000 < 29 < 10 Own > 0,3 99,97 < 50 < 50 - 6 40 m2 Marginal value > 0,3 99,97% - < 50 < 50 Ideal value > 0,3 99,97% < 30 < 30

- -
(6 50 m2)

- -
40 60 % 18 30 oC

45 65 24 30

35 70 % 16 30 C

(14 330 W)

- - -
Rp 2.000.000 Rp 5.000.000 < 85 dB* < 50 ppm*

- -
Rp 2.000.000 Rp 7.000.000 23 56 dB 1,2 14,1 ppm* (1 hr)




18 19 13 14 17 30 12 12 22 25 26 27

Noise Levels Concentration of Ozone and Other Design for maintenance Design for usage Design for cleaning Material strength Aroma Concentration of fragrance Interesting Design Pollutant Indicator Remote Control Sensor on/off

5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4

dB ppm subj subj subj Pa subj ppm subj Yes Yes Yes

- - - - - - - - - -

- - -

- - -

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28 15 16 9, 12,22 31,32 9,10,13, 14,17, 31,32

Concentration/Weight of Mosquito Repellant Volume (dimension) Weight Physical Design Ergonomic

3 4 3 4 4

M or gram mm (W x H x D) kg subj subj


- -

- - - -

- - - -

*standard regulation Notes: Red dot () in this section represented value. More dot means bigger value. In the qualitative rating, more dot mean better specification. The dot value is also could be written in a range. Some of ideal values are standard value from health regulation. We decide to take the regulation standard as ideal value, because theres no data about ideal value for some specifications and also we can assume that under the standard value was an ideal value of healthy and clean air. This standard shows maximum value of pollutant that could be contained in the air. Air purifier product will not surpass this value. Marginal value of concentration of ozone is taken from evaluation of ozone emission from portable indoor air cleaners: electrostatic precipitators and ionizers by California Environment Production Agency. They evaluate some brands of ionizer air cleaner and prove that ionizer technology potentially produce ozone emission. Fortunately, this emission is still under the standard value. For feature remote control, sensor on/off, and pollutant indicator, (1 dot) means the feature is not attach in the product; (3 dots) means the feature is attach in the product.

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We have searched for products related to air purifier in the market by doing benchmarking of few products. We also have analyzed consumer needs about the air purifier. The next step is to transfer those ideas for air purifier products. There are few steps to create new air purifier concepts: 5.1 Splitting Problem To observe problems in concept generation, itis better to start from the theme of the product. Room Decoration RoomDecoration Are displayscould be used as an air purifier? Is ornamental plant could be used as an air purifier? Air Purifier Are the problems could be solved by planting around the house? Are the problemscould be solved with a good ventilation? Are the problemscould be avoided by using equipment that doesnt produce VOC and can address every activity in the house? Are the problems could be avoided by isolated the room? Observe what will happen if no air purifier is used in a room. As we clustered the theme into few points of question, we also should point out things if no air purifier is used in a room: Pollutants in the air are not cleaned by air purifier and worst if the ventilation is bad, which are: VOC (Volatile Organic Compound, such as Formaldehydefrom furniture) Smoke Microorganism (Bacteria, virus, fungi) Allergen Dust Pet dander
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Air Purifier


What will happen if air purifier doesnt have attractive design for room decoration? More people are less interested in it Lessenaesthetic of a room We also made a few questions that needs to be considered when creating a new concept: Current available methods What is the lack of current methods? Can it take care of most of the pollutant in the air? How long can it maintain its optimal performance? What is the result of using it? Does it cause problem to the environment? 5.2 ExistingProduct Concept Air purifier products that were sold in the market are made of a series of combined air purifying technology which is used to remove various pollutant in the air. However, some of the drawbacks, notably the ionizer, are producing ozone as the side product and it is dangerous to health. Moreover, the other drawback is that filters are not designed to do a self-cleaning. With another fact that Indonesia climatic condition is highly concentrated with water and warm temperatures, this cause filter to be a very good place for pollutants, such as fungi, bacteria and other microorganism. Nevertheless, most of the air purifiers in the market possess a great performance and are able to compete. Other drawback which is basically subjective is that the design of air purifier on the market is monotone. Most of the shapes have not been designed to be artistic or decorative. Thus, it is still not capable to be room decoration objects. The mind map of existing product is shown below:

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Figure 3.1 Mind Map of Existing Product Concept

Figure 5.1 Mind Map of Existing Air Purifier Concept

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New Product Concept In air purifier technology, some technologies are combined so that we can get good performance to clean completely the air from pollutant such as microorganism, allergen, dust etc. For the new concept, we propose some technology which are not widely used or is can be used for air purifier, so that better combination technology can be achieved. Our new concept is divided into two group mechanical and chemical. 5.1.1 Mechanical New concepts mechanical means that no reaction/ionization occurred while pollutant is purified.Pollutantswill either be trapped, adsorbed, destroyed, sterilized, or stick depending on the type of filters. Mechanical filters in this new concept are about non-reaction filtering. Few types of mechanical types are: a. Adsorbent Although adsorption have widely use for deodorized and adsorb chemical, we propose new idea about adsorbent material. There are two adsorbent, zeolite and activated carbon, which can be used as adsorbent filter. Zeolite have a high porosity, have selectivity on adsorbed contaminants depending upon the shape, orientation, size hydrophilicity, and chemical nature of zeolite. For activated carbon, we propose to use activated carbon such as coconut shell and palm shell. b. Nano-Membrane This stage of purification features the most advance and unique air purification technology. This nano-membrane is designed to trap pollutants by mechanical means; it is very specific pore size is able to trap all remaining impurities up to 100 nano in size. Nano membrane are divided into two large groups, the inorganic and organic. Inorganic structures are potentially more robust compared to the organic structures. However, organic structures leave more space for trapping compared to inorganic structures. It depends on what is
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prioritized for usage. Nano membrane technology is still not widely used. Therefore, we consider this as a new concept. Nano - size filter is a filter with nano size pore, which can filter airbone in nano-size c. Water Surface Trapping Water surface trapping is a pre-purification stage of an air purifier, using absorption gas-liquid principal. This stage of purification system consists of the dual principals of water current and vacuum-creation working together. Air coming from the inlet of the air purifier is forced across water surface at a specific angle. Impurities as dust, smoke, and other pollutant particles are trapped in water. A fan directs the air flow towards the water surface and also creates a vacuum effect. This stage can trap pollutants up to 10 microns. This technology is still not widely used on the market. Therefore, we consider this as a new concept. 5.1.2 Chemical a. Ionizing Radiation Ionizing radiation is the use of short wavelength, high-intensity radiation to destroy microorganisms. This radiation can come in the form of alpha, beta, or gamma or Xrays that react with DNA resulting in a damaged cell. This technology can be used for disinfection. b. Photoplasma Photoplasma is a technology that has been studied for quite long but relatively a new technology. Photoplasma usually is used with ultraviolet light and photocatalyst to excel in contaminants removal. Photoplasma creates atomic oxygen and oxygen radicals that can destroy contaminants.

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c. Self-cleaning Filter Some of user found that air purifier is too dirty to be cleaned, so that they hardly clean it. With this technology, we can help the user to maintain the performance of air purifier with less cost.Self-cleaning filter concept isa reusable and durable filter in an air purifierthat can cleanthe filter itself without user cleaning. One of self cleaning technology is photocatalyst, not as contaminant purifier, but as self cleaner system. This technology can be used in adsorbent filter or on filter. The thermal characteristics of adsorbent make generation possible. In adsorbent regeneration, the adsorbed gas molecules starting to release back to atmosphere. While incorporating the technology of catalyst oxide inside pores of adsorbent, it will degrade released pollutant. 5.1.3 Prevention In the prevention concept, air pollutant is decreased by decrease contact with indoor pollutant carrier such as human and their activities, furniture, etc. All of these prevention concepts hardly to be done because limit human daily activity. Concepts for prevention consist of: Keep the room dry and warm Decrease the activity an people in a room Avoid using furniture and room cleanser with volatile chemicals Isolated the room

The mind map of new concept idea is shown in figure 5.2

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Figure 5.2 Mind Map of New Air Purifier Concept

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Generate Concept After we have defined existing concept and new concept, we combine both concepts. This combination concept could create a new product and improvement on existing product. The combined concept is drawn in combine mind map, where the connection of the conceptcan be easier seen. In the concept generation, there are few points which are considered as important: Performances boost in cleaning air from pollutants and also work as detoxification, deodorizer, and disinfectant. Ease in maintenance The cost for manufacture Power needed for the technology to work These points are made fromconsumer needs that had been done before. Besides, we also choose concepts that do not cause side effect such as increasing ozone concentration in the air. In making the air purifier, we should adjust technology to our needs; we really want to excel on the performance of an air purifier. For shape and feature of the air purifier, we will try to adjust it to fit with the technology because we consider performance as the first priority. Feature concept, such as mosquito repellant, can be used along in the air purifier as long as it didnt affect the performance in air cleaning. Another feature such as humidifier, sensor, pollutant indicator, and fragrance did not make it to the concept because, as have been said before, it wont affect the performance For shape concept, we did not list it on the mind map because shape will adapt with the technology used. However, concept design will be for the air purifier will be decorative and will take ergonomic aspect into account. Here is the combined concept mind map which is used to generate ideas:

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From existing product mind map and new air purifier mind map, we combine both of the mind map to form:

Figure 5.3. Combination of Existing Concept and New Concept

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The next step after we had found various ideas is to select those concepts. There are two steps in selecting concept: concept screening, concept scoring, and concept testing. By going through these steps, we will be able to produce the best concept which will be universally accepted. For this case, we want to make an air purifier that have the best performance with relatively low cost in production. Concept screening and concept scoring are steps that aid us in filtering and developing concept so that we will be able to obtain lesser promising concepts. Those lesser promising concepts will be going through concept testing and development to be focused on later.

Figure 6.1 Step of Determining Concept


Concept Screening Next step in selecting concept is concept screening where concepts have been selected with few considerations. Concept screening was first developed by Start Pugh in 1980 and often mentioned as Pugh Concept Selection. There are few strategies in screening concepts, such as: a) Scientific Maturity We will prefer design based on scientific knowledge that we already have and understand. b) Engineering ease We will prefer designs that imply straightforward engineering in which already used in established manufacturing
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c) Minimum Risk We do not want to take unnecessary chances. At least we want to know what our chances are. d) Low cost We may want a rough estimate of the relative cost of our ideas e) Safety We want to identify which products are inherently safer or more dangerous than our benchmark f) Low environmental impact We will tend to choose products that cause less pollution Those criteria are things that need an extra attention when it comes to the manufacture process. Since we conclude most specification for our product, we can use them as we grouped some criteria to screening and scoring the concept of our product.

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Table 6.1 Specification Product and Criteria Screening No 1,5 1,5 2 6,7 6,8 9 10 21 20,23,24 20,23,25 29 3 4 11 18 19 13 14 17 30 12 12 22 25 26 27 28 15 16 9, 12,22 31,32 9,10,13, 14,17, 31,32 Needs Specification Filtration capability Filtration efficiency Disinfection Capability Removal VOC capability (1 hr) Removal toxic chemical capability (1hr) Volume flow rate Coverage area Vibration frequency Relative Humidity Temperature Electricity Power Product Quantity on Market Packaging and appearance Price Noise Levels Concentration of Ozone and Other Design for maintenance Design for usage Design for cleaning Material strength Aroma Concentration of fragrance Interesting Design Pollutant Indicator Remote Control Sensor on/off Concentration/Weight of Mosquito Repellant Volume (dimension) Weight Physical Design Ergonomic Rank 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 Metric Unit m % CFU/L % % m3/h m

Own > 0,3 99,97 < 50 < 50 - 6 40 m2

Hz % C Watt Unit subj Rp dB ppm subj subj subj Pa subj ppm subj Yes Yes Yes M or gram mm (W x H x D) kg subj subj

45 65 24 30 Rp 2.000.000 Rp 4.500.000 < 29 < 10

- -

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Other specifications that tell about design or ergonomic factors and features of our product are not that necessary to be included in the screening-scoring criteria. It is because we focus to expand the technology and performance of the product concept. Therefore, the screening (stage two screening) criteria that we used are:
Criteria Scientific Maturity Easy to be Maintained Easy to Use Manufacturing Low Cost Side Effect Power usage Performance


Screening I First step of screening process is to eliminate few concepts based on scientific point of view which is taken from literature and market analysis. From the previous step, we had generated plenty of concepts. Therefore, we need to eliminate ideas to ease us for the next step. Eliminated ideas are based on the next table listed.

Table 6.2 First Step of Concept Screening

Eliminated Concept Nano Size Filter

Reason Nano filter for air has not been developed further rather than other filter. Nano filter can cause great pressure drop which require higher power on usage.


Photoplasma technology release oxygen atoms and oxygen radical, which is potential produce ozone in exceed limit concentration, and also it has same principal as photocatalyst.


Ionizing radiation is harmful for personal air cleaner. Beside that it need good isolation for
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usage. Water Surface Trapping Electrostatic Filter The technology has higher cost in manufacturing and less performance than other The technology has less performance rather than other filter technology in filtration Ozone Ozone has side effect for health in exceed concentration, so that harmful for personal air cleaner. Beside that, it need good isolation for usage.

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Table 6.2 (Continued)


Ionizer is released to the room, potentially produce ozone in the air. The efficiency is so low that there is no standard test for them. The main usefulness is not in cleaning the air, but in releasing negative ions.


Screening II After going through the first step of concept screening, the number of concept has decreased significantly. Here is a list of remaining concept:
Table 6.3 Description of Concept

Technologies Pre - Filter

Description Filter which is have larger pores to filter larger particle. There are many kind of pre filter with many types such mesh filter, adsorbent filter, etc. Work Principal: Filter the air High Efficiency Particulate Air works effectively to filter particles such as pet allergens, dust, and larger smoke particles. HEPA filters rated 99.99% efficient with particles 0.3 microns and larger in diameter. Material : Filter: Fiber glass (become paper like material); Frame: MDF, stainless steel, anodized aluminum and galvanized steel. Work principal: Collect pollutant with 6 methods: interception, inertial impaction, diffusion, electrostatics, sieving,

HEPA Filter

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Table 6.3(Continued)

ULPA Filter

Ultra Low Penetration Air Filter works effectively to filter particles such as pet allergens, dust, and larger smoke particles. ULPA filters rated 99.999% efficient with particles 0.12 microns in diameter and larger diameter. Material : Filter: Fiber glass (become paper like material), Frame: MDF, stainless steel, anodized aluminum and galvanized steel. Work principal: Collect pollutant with 5 methods: interception, inertial impaction, diffusion, electrostatics, sieving,

Adsorbent: Zeolite

Zeolite has a high porosity, have selectivity on adsorbed contaminants depending upon the shape, orientation, size hydrophilicity, and chemical nature of zeolite.Works effectively to remove VOC, odor, and smokes. Material:base material; pyroclastic materials, inceration ash, waste glass, waste diatomaceous earth, and aluminum dross Work principal: Adsorb pollutant (chemicals) that cant be filtered

Adsorbent: Activated Carbon from waste

Activated carbon have a high porosity (very large surface area). Works effectively to remove VOC, odor, and smokes. Low filtration rate. Material: base material: Coconut shell, palm tree Work principal : Adsorb pollutant (chemicals) that cant be filtered

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Table 6.3(Continued)


Photocatalyst will be active when is shone UV light. Produces OH radicals and O2 radicals which are useful for degradating organic compound and microorganism. Material: TiO2; UV A lamp Work Principal: Produce reactive oxygen species and oxidize the pollutant


Combine with HEPA filter. Enzyme immobilized on the surface of carrier which is capble of direct killing or otherwise control of air-bone microorganisms which have been difficult to control, capable of removing this retained microorganisms by killing or otherwise controlling them Material:Enzyme: Lysozime, Glucoses Oxidases, Chitinase; HEPA Filter: boron-silicat glass fiber Work Principal: Microorganisms captured on the filter and the enzyme will kill or otherwise controlled by the lysing action.

Ion Cluster

Ion cluster is an ion formed by the combination of more ions or atoms or molecules of a chemical species often in association with a second species. This technology generate hydroxyl (OH) radicals in the air. Useful for degradating organic compound and microorganism

(deodorizer, sterilized).Material:Metal electrode Work Principal: Produce reactive oxygen species and oxidize the pollutant Plant Air Purifier UVC light radiation Some of plant (such as Areca Palm tree) have detoxification function. UVC light with 254 nm to kill germs and other living organisms, usually can achieve a very high kill-rate. Material : Mercury, tubing: glass Work Principal: Destroy germs and organism cells with high frequency electromagnetic wave.
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Note: In our concept, all photocatalyst, Ion Cluster, and UVC radiation are generated in air purifier or isolated which is safer. The concept of our product is combining these technologies to get good performance for clean air from pollutants and airborne. The combinations are:
Table 6.4 Concepts of Air Purifier




Sterilized function
Isolated Ion Cluster


Pre Filter HEPA Filter

Zeolite with photocatalyst

Pre Filter HEPA Filter Isolated Ion Cluster Zeolite Filter with photocatalyst Arrangement: Pre Filter HEPA Filter Zeolite with photocatalyst Add: UV A lamp Arrangement: Pre Filter HEPA Filter with Enzyme Zeolite with photocatalyst

Pre Filter HEPA Filter



Pre Filter HEPA Filter

Zeolite with photocatalyst


Activated D Pre Filter HEPA Filter Carbon from waste with photocatalyst Isolated Ion Cluster

Arrangement: Pre Filter HEPA Filter Isolated Ion Cluster Activated Carbon from waste with photocatalyst Arrangement: Pre Filter HEPA Filter Photocatalyst Activated Carbon from wasteFilter photocatalyst Add: UV A lamp

Pre Filter HEPA Filter

Activated Carbon from waste

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Table 6.4(Continued)

Activated F Pre Filter HEPA Filter Carbon from waste with photocatalyst Enzyme

Arrangement: Pre Filter HEPA Filter with Enzyme Activated Carbon from waste with photocatalyst Arrangement: Pre Filter ULPA Filter Isolated Ion Cluster Zeolite with photocatalyst Arrangement: Pre Filter ULPA Filter Zeolite with photocatalyst Add: UV A lamp Arrangement: Pre Filter ULPA Filter with Enzyme Zeolite with photocatalyst

Pre Filter ULPA Filter

Zeolite with photocatalyst

Isolated Ion Cluster

Pre Filter ULPA Filter



Pre Filter ULPA Filter

Zeolite with photocatalyst


Activated J Pre Filter ULPA Filter Carbon from waste with photocatalyst Isolated Ion Cluster

Arrangement: Pre Filter ULPA Filter Isolated Ion Cluster Activated Carbon from waste with photocatalyst Arrangement: Pre Filter ULPA Filter Photocatalyst Activated Carbon from waste Filter photocatalyst Add: UV A lamp Arrangement: Pre Filter ULPA Filter with Enzyme Enzyme Activated Carbon from waste with photocatalyst

Activated K Pre Filter ULPA Filter Carbon from waste with photocatalyst

Activated L Pre Filter ULPA Filter Carbon from waste with photocatalyst

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Table 6.4 (Continued)

Arrangement: M Pre Filter HEPA Filter Zeolite with photocatalyst UVC Radiation Pre Filter HEPA Filter UVC lamp - zeolite with photocatalyst Activated N Pre Filter HEPA Filter Carbon from waste with photocatalyst UVC Radiation Arrangement: Pre Filter HEPA Filter UVC lamp - Activated Carbon from waste with photocatalyst Arrangement: O Pre Filter ULPA Filter Zeolite with photocatalyst UVC Radiation Pre Filter ULPA Filter UVC lamp - zeolite with photocatalyst Activated P Pre Filter ULPA Filter Carbon from waste with photocatalyst UVC Radiation Arrangement: Pre Filter ULPA Filter UVC lamp - Activated Carbon from waste with photocatalyst In this concept, activated carbon from waste with Activated Q Carbon from waste with photocatalyst photoatalyst can be made to any shape. Main performance: deodorizer UV source for photocatalyst : Sunshine / lamp In this concept, activated carbon from waste with photoatalyst can be made in R Zeolite with photocatalyst to any shape. Main performance: deodorizer UV source for photocatalyst: Sunshine / lamp
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Table 6.4 (Continued)

This concept was a combination between natural air purifier with device. The vase, which act as a devoce, S Plant Pre Filter Zeolite will be modified with filter and adsorbent (zeolite) so that the system become more efficient. The adsorbed pollutant can be degradated by plant.

Note : Concept adsorbent with photocatalyst is a self cleaning filter concept (as a coating to clean). Meanwhile, for combination between adsorbent and photocatalyst with disinfection function, is a concept where photocatalyst has the sterilized function (as a filter). Concept HEPA Filter and Enzyme can also be self cleaning from microorganism. But we dont combine this technology with Reactive Oxygen Species technology because of oxidator activity can cause enzyme degradation.

Next step is to do the second screening, with the step: Matrix preparation Second step of screening is done by preparing a selection matrix with concept on the top row and screening critria on the right column. Screening concept is to compare the pros and cons from each concept, so that we can determine the best concept. Screening criteria can be determined by consumer needs which has been obtained from previous activities and considering the needs for manufacturing from scientific maturity to safety point of view.

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Rating concept Matrix rating is done by definition listed below: + sign shows that the concept idea is better than the reference concept. sign shows that the concept idea is worse than the reference concept. 0 sign shows that the concept idea is the same as the reference concept. Ranking Concept Ranking concepts used to review screening result and to check which concept is the superior, surpass the criteria, and can go to the next step, concept scoring. At the second screening concept, we can also do a recombination of concept and choose more than one concept.The result of screening is shown in table 6.5. After the screening, we choose 3 best concepts andtwo of the second best concept. The reason for the selection is that concept screening cannot be quantified and the sensitivity is not as good as concept scoring. Here we will choose inferior concept in terms of performance because considering the concept of combining the living plant and device is an attractive idea to be sold in the market. Air purifier is not really well known by people. For that reason, we combine it with living plant, as people rely on living plant more than electronic air purifier. That is why to increase the performance of natural air purifier, we combine it with device so that the efficiency will rise and perform better in every aspect.

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Table 6.5 Screening II

Criteria Scientific Maturity Easy to be Maintained Manufacturing Low Cost Side Effect Power usage Performance Number of + Number of Number 0 Total Rangking

Standard Product 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 14

A 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 3 0 4 3 2

B 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 3 0 4 3 2

C 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 3 0 4 3 2

D 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 2 0 5 2 6 No

E 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 2 0 5 2 6 No

F 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 2 0 5 2 6 No

G 0 + 0 + + 3 2 2 1 9 No

H 0 + 0 + + 3 2 2 1 9 No

I 0 + 0 + + 3 2 2 1 9 No

J 0 + + + 3 3 1 0 14 No

K 0 + 0 + + 3 2 2 1 9 No

L 0 + 0 + + 3 3 2 0 14 No

M 0 + 0 + 2 3 2 -1 17 No

N 0 + 0 + 2 3 2 -1 17 No

O 0 + 0 + 2 3 2 -1 17 No

P 0 + 0 + 2 3 2 -1 17

Q 0 + + + + 4 2 1 3 2

R 0 + + + + + 5 1 1 5 1

S 0 + + + 3 3 1 0 9

No Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes No

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Concept Scoring From the result of concept screening, we got some concepts which

will be analysed to get the best concept. In this step we will quantify the concept in each criteria. There is also different value in each criteria which describe which one of the criteria is the most important in selecting concept. The idea which have the highest score will be the selected concept. The criteria and weight of each criteria from this scoring are: a. Scientific Maturity = 6% Scientific maturity shows how ready the technology we will use to be applied in daily life.The examples aretheorieswhich we will use, or whether it is ready to be produced, orit is still in the research phase. Because our concept is about the technology, it is important to consider the develompment of the technology that ready to be used. b. Easy to Maintain = 7% The description of easy to maintain is divided into: Easy to Clean = 4% Easy to clean is one of consumer needs. The purpose of easy to clean term is that filter in air purifier does not take much time to be cleaned from contaminants, knowing that order




tomaintaindeviceperformance, such as drying under the sun. Easy to re-arrange = 3% To support easy to clean function, the device also have to be easy to be re arranged. So wetried tomake adevice thatis easy to disassemble and assemble the air purifier case componen, filter and make sure that it will not cause any harm to our healthy and environment.

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c. Manufacturing = 10 % The description of safety manufacture is divided into: Safety = 5% In the process ofmanufacturingand assemblydevice, we alsopay attention tothe securityof the tools, materials, and processesthat occurduring manufacture we use. Wewill pay attention tothe presence or absenceof side effectsofthe materials usedinboth human andthe environment. Ease of Manufacture = 5% In manufacturing we will more focus to the ease of production process, we will consider how many steps that we use to assembly the device, how many parts that we use, where we can get the part of our product, etc. d. Low Cost = 10 % One of ourmain purposes is how tocreate an air purifierthat has affordable price. So, in choosing a concept, cheap manufacture cost is one of the important considerations. e. Low Side Effect = 8% Side effect to health is become our concern because we want to create air purifier device that safe to human health by avoiding some type of air purifier which can produce exceed ozone and radiation in indoor environment. f. Power usage = 10% The power usage becomes very important aspect

becauseconsumerstypically need a device thatrequireslowenergy to operate.Power usage depends on air flow, material strength, pressure drop in the purifier system, and also coverage area which is desired. g. Performance Performance of the air purification device is the main thing that we highlight. The air purifier performance consist of:
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Performance of Degradation VOC and Toxic chemicals = 8% One of them is the ability todegradate VOC that cause odor and toxic chemicals. So that we can fulfill the consumer need to clean the air from odor and toxic chemical.

Performance of Disinfection = 8% Performance of the air purification device is the main thing that we highlight. One of them is the ability to neutralize microorganisms like mildew, bacteria, and virusesso consumers that use air purifier will reduce air spread disease.

Performance Clean the Smoke = 8% Performance of the air purification device is the main thing that we highlight. One of them is the ability to handle the smoke from outdoor pollutant of from any indoor activity.

Performance Dust Filtration = 8% Performance of the air purification device is the main thing that we highlight. One of them is the abilityto filter particles such as dust and larger smoke particles.

Performance of Anti Allergen = 8% Performance of the air purification device is the main thing that we highlight. One of them is the abilityto attract and neutralize odors and pollutants.

After determine the weigh of each criteria, we make the rating concept. The description of the rating are: 1 : very poor 2 : worse 3 : enough 4 : better 5 : very good The concepts that pass the second screening and will be scored are:

Table 6.6 The Concepts for Scoring Universitas Indonesia



Filter Pre Filter HEPA Filter Pre Filter HEPA Filter Pre Filter HEPA Filter

Adsorbent Zeolite with photocatalyst Zeolite Zeolite with photocatalyst Activated Carbon

Disinfection function Isolated Ion Cluster



from waste with photocatalyst

Zeolite/Active Carbon with photocatalyst

Universitas Indonesia


Table 6.7 Scoring Concept

Scientific Maturity Easy to maintain Easy to Clean Component Replacement Manufacturing Safety Ease of Manufacture Low Cost Less Side Effect Power usage Performance
Performance Removal VOC Performance Disinfection Performance Pollutant filtration Performance Reduction Toxic chemicals


Concept A Weighted Rating Score

Concept B Weighted Rating Score

Concept C Weighted Rating Score

Concept Q Weighted Rating Score

Concept R Weighted Rating Score

5% 7% 4% 3% 10% 5% 5% 10% 10% 10% 48% 12% 12% 12%

4 4 4 3 3 3 5 3 4 4 5 4 4

0,2 0 0,16 0,12 0 0,15 0,15 0,3 0,5 0,3 0 0,48 0,48 0,6 0,48 3,92 0,2

4 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 3 5 4 4

0,2 0 0,16 0,09 0 0,15 0,15 0,3 0,5 0,3 0 0,48 0,36 0,6 0,48 3,77 0,2

4 4 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 4 5 3 4

0,2 0 0,16 0,12 0 0,15 0,15 0,3 0,5 0,3 0 0,36 0,48 0,6 0,36 3,68 0,2

4 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 4

0,2 0 0,16 0,15 0 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 2,89 0,2

4 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 4

0,2 0 0,16 0,15 0 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 2,89 0,2

12% SUM 100% Rank

Universitas Indonesia


After the scoring we can get, the final concept which is better than the other concept which is concept A with prefilter, HEPA filter, zeolyter with photocatalyst and isolated ion cluster. Concept Filter Pre Filter HEPA Filter Adsorbent Zeolite with photocatalyst Disinfection function Isolated Ion Cluster

The chosen concept use pre filter to filter bigger pollutant, then is filtered by HEAP filter where smaller pollutant (about 0.3 micron) are stucked in the filter. Air then is exposed with ion cluster which kill microorganism, and degrades most pollutant. Air then go through zeolite filter where VOC/ smoke remain will be adsorbed. 6.3.1 Explanation about the Rating a. Scientific maturity 1 = No Scientific Explanation 2 = Only Journal Provement 3 = Journal and Patent 4 = Journal, Patent and Product 5 = Journal, Patent and > 5 Product b. Easy to maintain Easy to Clean How it should be done 1 = All filters should be changed 2 = All filters should be cleaned with solvent 3 = All filters can be clean with water 4 = All filters can be cleaned with drying 5 = No need for cleaning Component Replacement In a period of time 1 = once a month 2 = once 3 mont 6 month
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3= once 6 month 1 year 4= once 1 year 2 year 5= once > 2 year c. Manufacturing Safety MSDS of the material 1 = 80% component is reactive, flammable, and toxic 2 = 60% component is reactive, flammable, and toxic 3 = 40% component is reactive, flammable, and toxic 4 = 20% component is reactive, flammable, and toxic 5 = < 10% component is reactive, flammable, and toxic Ease of Manufacture 1 = Component is not being sold 2 = Component is hard to obtain 3 = Component is sold by seller 4 = Component is sold by seller in a close area of manufacturing 5 = Component can be found everywhere with decent price d. Low Cost Shown by price of material 1 = > Rp 4.000.000,2 = Rp 3.000.000,- - Rp 4.000.000,3 = Rp 2.000.000,- - Rp = Rp 1000.000,- Rp 2.000.000,5 = < Rp 100.000 e. Side Effect to Health Konsentrasi terbentuknya ozone: 1 = > 80 ppb (8 hr) 2 = 50 - 80 ppb (8hr) 3 = 30 50 ppb (8hr) 4 = 10 30 ppb (8hr) 5 = < 10 ppb (8 hr)
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f. Power usage 1 = > 100 W 2 = < 80 W 3 = < 50 W 4 = < 30 W 5 = < 10 W g. Performance Performance of reduce VOC 1 = < 5% 2 = < 10% 3 = < 30% 4 = < 50% 5 = > 50% Performance of toxic chemicals 1 = < 5% 2 = < 10% 3 = < 30% 4 = < 50% 5 = > 50% Performance of pollutant (dust, allergen) filtration 1 = > 10 mikron particulate 2 = Clean until 10 mikron particulate 3 = Clean until 5 mikron particulate 4 = Clean until 1 mikron particulate 5 = Clean until 0,3 mikron particulate Performance Penetration Microorganism and Virus 1. Very poor capability 2. Poor capability 3. Normal capability 4. Good capability 5. Very good capability

Universitas Indonesia


Because we are not able to find quantitative data about microorganism and virus, specifically in air purifier performance. So, we decide to generalize the performance in subjectively and theoretically.


Concept Testing The last step of selecting concept is to test the selected and ready to be developed concept. This testing must be done to gain respond from consumer, so that the concept idea can be promising if developed and applied as a new product which is accepted by the community. This testing is done to consumer so it is considered to be really potential to be marketed. In the framework of concept testing, we conducted a brief interview with the informant customers selected by a peer group of respondents at the time of the survey for analysis costumers needs. We conducted interviews with the following questions. 1. Reconfirm air purifier user respondents by type, mechanisms, packaging, pricing, and maintenance. 2. Inform the respondent that there are several air contaminants indoors or outdoors, such as smoking, vacuuming carpets, allergents, and so on. In addition, the general concept of pollution by VOC as formaldehyde in furniture, as well as the side effects of the air purifier specification that is generally used to form ozone ionizer. After that, confirm again whether from scientific explanation may cause concern for respondents to airborne contaminants that have been described by author. 3. Asking if there is another solution if the respondent would buy better products, such as the quality of the air purifier that authors have to offer, the system using HEPA filters. In addition, we offer the concept of zeolite and photocatalyst that can handle toxic substances.Handling these toxic substances are already used by the air purifier products that have existed,
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but the use of activated carbon. The conception of the use of zeolite is more clean and refined with photo catalyst adsorbent system which gives the effect of easy care due to cleaning adsorbent just need the sun. Ion cluster is also used in the system, but there is an insulator around so that ions are not release to the room so ozone generation is minimized. However, this concept requires more power. Thus, we ask whether the concept (with consequences), the respondents are interested in buying or what is the consequences of the respondent against the decision. 4. The author offers a variant form of air purifier as a room decoration. Therefore, the author asks whether respondents are interested in the variation of air purifier in the form of light or if there are other suggestions. Respondents interviewed by authors were from

representative peer group, the Association ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut), apartment dwellers, office employees, and community activities in the mall. Representative of each peer group total are 20 people, the writer select capabilities based on the opinion that the discussion can be assumed to represent the voice of customers. These statistical qualitative data interview with exist air purifier users.

Universitas Indonesia


Respondent's Data

15% 30%


People with respiratory disease Apartment Residents Office employees


Traders in the Area Shopping

Figure 6.2 Data Origin of Respondents

Agreement with New Concept Product

3% 6%

44% 39%
Agreed Agreed and interested Agreed but not interested Do not agree Not interested

Figure 6.3 Approvals ofRespondents DatatoNewIdeasConcept and Buying Interest

6.3.1 Data Interpretation of Interviews In general, respondents learned the process of further air contamination in accordance to the author's description above. All respondents stated that the air purifier products that had existed didnot cause biological and environmental pollutants. However, as the authors
Universitas Indonesia


explained, the respondents understood and agreed that the need to act further on the handling of air purification were much better and did not cause side effects. A number of 98% respondent agreed with the idea of HEPA filter with photocatalyst that is easy on maintenance.They were quite amazed by the easy cleaning step.Eleven percent of respondents stated they were quite satisfied with the air purifier that had been circulating in the market. Most of the respondents,who are from ISPA Association, residents of the apartment, and the shopping center, said no problem. Respondents said that the use of relative power greater consequence is a sacrifice price to be paid for cleaner air in the area of Jakarta. After the author alluded to the existence of variation in how such lamps, flower vase, ornaments, and lights sits a charming alternative for respondents who like artistic. There are some interesting suggestions received from respondents. Respondents said that the shape of the wall lamp is suitable for the mall, while residential living, an interesting additional suggestion is a air purifier can be shaped like lanterns and special tools like mini-sized air freshener on the wall. In the meantime, for those respondents who use the product in the office area, a relatively large power usage is needed and is not compatible with the energy saving principle. Higher price gives consideration that the air conditioners (AC) are considered sufficient to provide indoor comfort, especially for the office. This confirmed the return rate when the author gives an idea of the shape variation of air purifier. Respondents proposed if the variation form with a better system and require greater power, very suitable for use in the residential and private
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sectors that have limited space and artistic. Confirmation of the conception of new products offered respondents the authors provide an attractive price to respondents. With the exception of respondents office, a third of respondents agreed air purifier representative authors in the range of USD 2-4 million.

Universitas Indonesia


Concept Test Survey Air Purifier

We are gathering information about our product, air purifier. We hope you can provide any suggestions to improve our product. i. Are you an air purifier user? ii. Are you interested in using the air purifier for better air quality? Our air purifier product is made from a series of advanced technologyfilters that focus on giving the best air quality to the user. We combined these filters, to prevent dust, spore, pollen, pet dander, chemical fumes, odor, smoke, microorganism, and virus from getting into your respiratory system. We use pre-filter to remove larger pollutants, HEPA filters to remove smaller nonorganic pollutants.We also use absorption technology by utilizing zeolite that is able to remove odor, gas, and fumes. We also utilize ion cluster technology. The contaminants will be transported into an isolated room inside the air purifier to be destroyed and sterilized inside the room. Not just that, coated zeolite and wall room will help in cleaning. With our product, it is easier to clean the filter. With just placing the filter under the sun. It will regenerate and clean itself. If the price of the air purifier is around 2 4 million rupiah. Would you buy this product? I will not buy this I will hesitate to buy this Maybe I will buy this I certainly will buy this

Do you have any suggestions for our new product?

Figure 6.4. Brochure of Concept Testing Universitas Indonesia



Air purifier is needed in the society because clean air is starting to get scarce. Technology development and human growth are in a big contrast with the number of fresh air. Demand starts to climb off the chart meanwhile the resource of clean air is declining. People need to realize that air purifier is still needed as it is harder to get a clean air. That is one of the reasons why we started to try making an innovative room decoration air purifier which to accommodate people needs. Survey was done to a number of people. From their input, there were listed a number of needs. From the list of needs, it was ranked based on how important the needs were. Besides listing and ranking needs, it was also important to benchmark the product that we wanted with list of existing products which is quite known in the market. More than that, to find a specific number for the metrics, we listed ideal numbers and marginal numbers to be compared to. Thus, it will be easier for us to develop a good product. From creating concept and concept selection we found that the chosen product is a product that has pre filter, HEPA filter, isolated cluster ions and zeolite adsorbent technology. The selection is based on the concept of consumer needs that have been filtered from the previous activity and also review from manufacture side, such as performance, price, power used, maintenance, manufacturing, manufacturing safety, scientific maturity. The selection criteria are intended to obtain a product that fits the needs of the consumer and could be better than existing products. From the results of the concept has been selected, it was found that most respondents who were interviewed agreed and are interested in this new concept. It is a concept that has gained attention and can be taken to the next stage.

Universitas Indonesia


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