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the proverbs study group

Chapter 30 - Eagles, Ants & Lions Hallerin Hilton Hill

Last week...
Senseless anger is too heavy to hold. Let it go so you can be free. We all need friends. They sharpen us. We sharpen them. Find one. Be one.

This weeks main point(s).

Act like an animal.*

Doubters vs. Knowers The chapter starts with a comparison between the doubter and the knower. Have you settled once and for all that there is a God and that you were created by and belong to him? Do you KNOW Him for yourself? Without condence in God you cant please Him and you cannot truly benet from his wisdom in your life. You cannot listen to people who dont have credibility with you. Oh, you can hear them! You hear the sounds. You may even link the words together but if you dont respect them you wont be impacted by them. The Word says, without faith it is impossible to please himwe must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Slander Speak NO slander not even against the wickedfor so poisonous is slander that in the end it is the slanderer who will be called wicked. Proverbs 30:10-14 This one is a tough one for me. I can do the dont talk bad about people thing (in general) but when someone has treated me like a sack of poo-poo then sometimes I almost feel like I have permission to express my feelings about them. I mean in the spirit of keeping it real, when someone swings at me I want to swing back. This verse says no. It says that is not the way of wisdom. If you become the thing you detest trying to kill the thing you detest thou you make kill your opponent the spirit of slander lives on in you. Your opponent is dead (so to speak) but poison of slander lives on. Talk about ways youve held your tongue from slander.

Have you ever used your tongue to tear someone down? The Animal Kingdom Solomon was fascinated with the Animal Kingdom. The ways of nature revealed to him the awesome wonder and power of the God he reverenced and loved. The same God who made them made us and there is so much we can learn from the animals highlighted in this chapter. Lets explore. Eagles: Vision, loyalty, perspective There are 3 things beyond my comprehensionthe ight of an eagle in the sky Proverbs 30:18-19 Eagles glide for hours at time. Eagles are known for their vision. In fact, eagles' vision is among the sharpest of any animal. Wedge-tailed Eagles, for instance, can see twice as far as people. Studies suggest that some eagles can spot an animal the size of a rabbit up to two miles away. In part, eagles have excellent vision because their eyes, which are very large in proportion to their heads, are densely packed with sensory cells. While humans typically have 200,000 light-sensitive cells per square millimeter of retina, eagles may have 1 million -- ve times more. Similarly, while humans have only one fovea, a funnel-shaped part of the retina where vision is sharpest, eagles have two. Finally, where people see just three basic colors, eagles see ve, enabling them to pick out even wellcamouaged prey. The largest, including the Harpy Eagle and the Philippine Eagle, can weigh more than 20 pounds and have wings that spread eight feet across. Using their massive, sharp talons, these giants can kill and carry off prey as large as deer and monkey Hows your vision? Are you staying high enough so that you have a long range perspective? Are you looking at life through your bifocals or Gods Ants: Strength, focus, discipline, preparation Are you focused? Are you prepared for winter? Are you using your strength? Ants are strong. They can lift 20 times their weight. Ants only live 45 60 days. They have eyes within eyes. They have hyper-sensitive antennae used for touch and smell. They have two stomachs, one for them and one to use to store food for others. Lions: Condence, strength, power Do you walk with Godly condence?

Lions normally walk 2.4 miles per hour (4 kmh), but can run 29-35 miles per hour (48-59 kmh). They are also able to leap distances of up to 36 feet (12 m)! A single lion needs approximately 10-20 large animals per year to sustain it! Most lion hunts fail. Of 62 lion stalks observed in one study, only 10 were successful! A lion's roar can be heard up to ve miles away. A male coalition rarely holds onto a pride longer than two to three years before being run off by erce challengers.

Grow. Help others grow. Be Encouraged. Wisdom House Publishing

(c) 2012 Hallerin Hilton Hill

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