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The Public Library Helper

by Edward J. Elsner
Edward Elsner Library Consulting

Aim for the Third Star to the Right.

Chapter 2. Planning & Statistics
Did You Know?


A Practical Approach to Planning

Public Library Roles

Community Profile


Sample Surveys (Publisher 2000)

Sample Surveys (PDF)


Sample Statistics

National Averages

Staffing Allocation

Programming and Services Allocation

Programming Desires

Collection Allocation

The 80/20 Rule

Facility & Technology Allocation


Steps to Plan a Program

Selected Yearly Events to Work Library Programming Around



Hey, glad to see you have a general understanding of the laws affecting your
small public library. Now we're going to look at planning because without
knowing where the library is going and what your mission and goals are, there
is no way you can possibly be a successful small public library. Serving the
public is great, but lots of places serve the public: how does your library serve
the public and in what ways; are you a community center; do you supply
reading material, research material, or education? There are many different
things the library can do; planning allows the library to look at the community's
needs and how the resources of the library can best be used to meet those
needs. If you are unsure of how to proceed, simply follow the practical steps
listed in this chapter. After the practical discussion are sections discussing
community assessments, surveys, and statistics -- three important planning
tools -- followed by brief allocation and evaluation discussions. Finally, the
basic steps for planning a program with a calendar of yearly events for public
library programs are listed.

Did you know?

• There are more public libraries in the United States than there are
• Three times as many Americans visit libraries as attend movie theaters
each year!1
• Public libraries entertain and educate many more people with their
programming each year than attend top tier college football games.2
• Each resident in the United States checks out an average of 6.5 items
while only spending about $27 a year in taxes for their public library,
equivalent to the cost of one new best seller.3
• Nationally, public libraries receive less than 1% of all tax dollars, but are
used by more than 50% of all adults.4


What does the community, and the individual patron, pay the library for? What
is the library's mission? Work with these two questions to provide the
community the services they need. Always look at your mission and the needs
of the community before deciding to fund, or to continue funding, any service
or program of the library. Ask yourself: is this in line with our mission; does it
advance our goals and objectives? If either answer is ever "no," then work to
slowly phase out that aspect of your service. Integrate planning, budgeting,
and evaluation so all activities are heading towards the library's mission and

The budget is your library's plan expressed in financial terms so people looking
at your budget can determine what is truly important to your library. Think
several years at a time, using a spreadsheet to forecast revenues and
expenditures and creating both pessimistic and optimistic forecasts as well as
those containing the best possible educated guesses. Identify all costs
associated with providing a service, even the cost of what the library or others
freely provide. Building, equipment, staff, and administrative costs should be
calculated by what percentage of use a program or service takes. Multiply the
total cost by the service's percentage to determine its share of the overhead. If
more funds are needed, ask for them! Stand up for all of the people who use
your library and demand they receive services they are entitled to. Publicize
all the library does, how little it costs in comparison to other government
services, and how many people take advantage of your services. People use
their libraries more than any other government service! Convince the
politicians and funders of the amazing value you offer. "Library support has
ranged from one to two percent of U.S. municipal budgets for a century, rarely
reaching the full two percent. For that comparative pittance, libraries know
they serve about 25 percent of the population on a regular basis, and a much
larger percentage less frequently. Very few agencies, public or private, can
claim to provide that much service. We don't know of any that do it on a
shoestring and still manage to deliver satisfaction at the rate of 95 percent."5
Library patrons are much more likely to vote than non-patrons; never let the
politicians forget. Between the surprising value offered and the general love of
the people for public libraries, you should never have to face a funding crisis.
Be a leader and an entrepreneur, marketing the amazing library services you
have and looking for opportunities to offer new services within your mission.
Listen to the staff and your patrons regarding what they perceive as the needs
and wants of the community since they are probably right. Be willing to try
new things as you never know when you might succeed. The future is always
moving so be prepared. The Boy Scouts were on to something.

Successful planning is built on a foundation of great communication. Before,

during, and after planning -- the better your communication with community
and staff, the better your plan and the more likely it is to be followed and
appreciated. Good communication allows you to obtain feedback on what
works and what doesn't so future planning is better informed. Provide regular
feedback on the success of individual communication efforts and encourage
everyone else in the library to do the same for you when you are
communicating with them. Let people know what was unclear or what confused
you; let them know what you thought of their presentation, where you think it's
excellent, and where you think improvements are possible. Effectively
communicating with staff and volunteers will motivate and persuade them to
support and uplift the plan. Opening lines of communication with other groups
and organizations in your area will create partnering possibilities through
sharing resources and efforts with other community service organizations and
private organizations, especially the schools. You can get more for your dollar
together and reach more people working hand in hand than you can on your

"Yet planning requires more than discovering where you want to end up; it
involves a logical process of anticipation and the deliberate assessment of both
opportunities and potential obstacles. Effective planning requires knowledge
and information (about both the status quo and projected possibilities) upon
which to base the dreams of what the future might be like. Organizational
planning has to be a shared activity with input from everyone directly involved
and also those potentially affected by proposed changes."6
A Practical Approach to Planning

All workforms and instructions from The New Planning for Results are available
online from eLearn Libraries at

Step One: Learn / Review the Basics of Planning. Familiarize yourself with
techniques for exploring possibilities, such as discussions and brainstorming,
and reaching agreement in groups, such as consensus building and forced
choice. Know how to communicate clearly in a variety of situations and how to
present the data you will collect. See the Communication section in Chapter 6,
Management, for more on communication. All this can be accomplished by
reading the tool kit section of The New Planning for Results (pp. 221-278).7

Step Two: Create a Community Profile and Develop Surveys. From existing
data sources, compile a general profile of your community. Work up surveys for
gathering data on both the community's needs for a library and its perceptions
of the library. Example surveys are included so you can simply fill in the blanks,
photocopy, and go or you can choose the questions you like and create your
own survey. Have professors and students in library science or statistics help
you gather and distill the data.

Step Three: Collect Library Information including SWOT. Gather information

on the library's current resources and service offerings; write down what the
library has and what it provides the community. Perform a SWOT analysis
looking at the library's strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and
threats surrounding it. Determine where your library currently focuses.

Step Four: Select a Community Planning Committee. While steps two and
three are in progress, start selecting a community-based planning committee,
giving your governing body say over the final committee. Include a staff
member, a board member, and a representative from any active Friends of the
Library organization. Look for representation from each of your major user
groups and from active organizations in your community -- ask school, business,
professional, and government leaders. Make sure the final committee
represents a cross section of the ages, educational background, and ethnicity
found in your community. Each committee member can represent several
groups, so you do not need a huge committee, 13 members may work fine. For
more information, see "Design the Planning Process" in The New Planning for
Results (pp. 23-31).

Step Five: Develop a Community Vision and Determine Community Needs.

The planning committee, working with your collated and synthesized data,
determines the needs of your community using the process of "Vision - Current
Conditions = Needs." Keep the focus on your community and not simply the
library while considering specific groups in the community and what they will
need. Conflicting visions are fine since you can include all possibilities in this
process. Perform a SWOT analysis to determine strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. For additional tips and hints see "Imagine" in The
New Planning for Results (pp. 48-54).

Step Six: Determine which Needs the Library will Meet. The planning
committee, looking at both existing and possible resources, decides which of
the needs the library is best positioned to meet. Keep in mind that some needs
are being met by other organizations in the community to avoid duplication and
provide ideas for partnerships.

Step Seven: Develop the Library Mission Statement. The planning committee
develops a mission statement for your library specifying which community
needs you will attempt to meet. This should be a positive statement, i.e. the
_____________ Library is a community center and a cultural center for the
area. Take this mission to the board for discussion and approval at their next

Step Eight: Write Goals and Objectives. The planning committee writes goals
to meet your new mission and determines how you will measure progress
toward these goals. Write objectives that concretely state both the measure
and what change the library wants to see in it using terms such as "increase" or
"at least" along with a percentage. Some examples are to increase summer
reading participation by 13% or to have at least 20% of older citizens attend a
program. More possible measures are listed with each service response in The
New Planning for Results (pp. iv, 151-220). Include a deadline within the next
year or two for each objective when success or failure will be determined.
Discuss the goals and objectives with the staff and then the board as both
groups need to accept and support them before you can move forward.

Step Nine: Identify then Select Activities to Meet each Objective. Create a
list of possible activities for each objective. Go through this list three times
looking at (1) whether the activity increases your chance of meeting the
objective, (2) what resources are required, and (3) the interest and excitement
it will generate. Eliminate activities unlikely to help you meet your objective
by its deadline then rank the remaining activities by resource requirements and
fun factor. Select activities needing the fewest resources while generating the
most fun. Don't forget to talk with the staff! For more information, see
"Identify Preliminary Activities" in The New Planning for Results (pp. 97-102).

Step Ten: Share the Results! Write out the final activities, objectives, goals,
and mission statement to share with the board, staff, and planning committee.
Write up a summary, including your mission and goals, to share with patrons
and the whole community.
Step Eleven: Implement the New Plan. Follow up with resource allocation,
integration, and implementation of your library's new plan, budgeting for each
activity. Look at the service responses in The New Planning for Results (pp. iv,
151-220) for help with resource allocation. Each resource -- staff, collection,
facility, and technology -- has a certain capacity, utilization, access, and
condition. You can also look at "Determine Resource Requirements" (pp. 104-
115), "Allocate or Reallocate Resources" (pp. 132-141), and "Monitor
Implementation" (pp. 141-144).

Public Library Roles

1. Community Activities Center

2. Community Information Center
3. Formal Education Support Center
4. Independent Learning Center
5. Popular Materials Center
6. Preschoolers' Door to Learning,8 supports parents gathering and

Community Profile

Data to Gather:

• last two U.S. Censuses for your service area

• library statistics of libraries with similar service populations in your state
• education reports for your area, including number of home schooled and
privately schooled students
• special education and free lunch figures from the schools
• any local studies that have already been done whether demographic,
business, environmental, or other
• list of programs and the number attending from any county extension
• list of local governments, organizations, and state and county agencies
affecting your area9
• regional or local quality of life index

Create a community profile from this information, including percentage tables

of residents from different age groups, ethnic groups, spoken languages, and
educational level achieved. Compare the two censuses to see how the
population in your area is changing, paying close attention to preschoolers (0-5)
and senior citizens (65+). Particularly note changes in overall educational level
since the more educated citizens are, the higher their expectations for library
service. Homeschoolers also make greater demands of the library collection
and its services. Look both at your overall service population as well as the
various governmental areas you serve, possibly creating simpler, separate
community profiles for each village or town. You may want to combine several
census groups into one group for your profile as below.

Age distribution

• 0-5 years
• 6-17 years
• 18-29 years
• 30-44 years
• 45-64 years
• 65+

Educational attainment

• No diploma
• H.S. grad or GED
• Some college
• Associate degree
• Bachelor degree
• Higher degree


Four simple questions to guide your efforts are to ask your patrons:

• What are we doing right?

• What are we doing wrong?
• What could we be doing that we're not?
• What should we stop doing?10

To get meaningful data from a survey, whether of materials in the library or

people in the community, your sample needs to be randomly selected from and
fairly represent the whole -- every item or person should have an equal chance
of being included in the survey. To make sure each subgroup is represented in
the sample first order the entire list by said subgroup, i.e. for including each
neighborhood in your area first order the list by neighborhood. Divide the total
number of members by the sample size you want. Use a random number
between 1 and the answer to select the first member for your sample then
simply count down by the answer in the list to select each member for your
sample. If there are small subgroups you definitely want to include, select all
or part of their members anyway making sure you adjust for this over-inclusion
when doing your later calculations by determining the subgroup's average and
multiplying by the number, or fraction, of members the subgroup would
regularly have had in your sample. "If you want to be 95 percent confident that
your study findings are accurate within ±5 percentage points of the population
parameters, you should select a sample of at least 400."11 For results to be
accurate within ±4%, your sample should be 625, to increase up to ±3% requires
1100, and ±2% requires 2500. Remember, all of these sizes are for a 95%
confidence level. If you have a small population you can ask everyone for a
100% confidence level!

Surveys of forced choice questions are the best, i.e. listing the level of services
possible and how much a person would have to pay for each, then asking
respondents to choose what they would be willing to pay for. See the sample
surveys included here for examples of forced choice questions where
respondents or interviewers would circle a provided answer. The sample
surveys also have open-ended questions asking respondents to list their favorite
areas or write in what they perceive as problems. Open-ended questions allow
data you could not foresee during survey creation to be gathered.

Sample Surveys (Publisher 2000)

Sample Surveys (PDF)

Ask people outside of your organization -- the community, politicians, funders,

community leaders, different community groups -- how they view the library's
image and what they perceive as its strengths and weaknesses. Always ask your
heavy users, those using the library once or more a week, and include them in
the planning process. The average library user is only there once or twice a
month while study after study shows public library heavy users to be young
mothers with 3 or more children under the age of 12. Asking what the
community wants will give you many wishes, dreams, and desires; take these
into consideration. Evaluate the wants to unearth the community's current
needs and consider what issues the community will have to deal with in the
future. Work to solve or provide information and services to deal with these
needs and issues.

Write up a summary of the data gathered, sticking to the facts. Look at

percentage, average, range, variance, and standard deviation. Use graphic
representations of your data whenever practical such as bar charts, pie charts,
and line graphs. Most spreadsheet packages can automatically generate these
from the data you enter. There are many more observations to be made from
this summarized data: list all of the ways your library can fit into the
community, list all of the existing and developing needs the public library can
meet, etc.

Compile statistics at least quarterly to share with the board. Include new users
and what part of your service area they are coming from, computer usage,
visits to the library, items and catalog records added, program attendance, and
circulation. If possible, compare the current statistics with the same quarter
from a year ago and yearly graph the trends for the past two to three years.
This is a simple way for the board and staff to keep up with what the library is
doing and watch for growing trends.

Percentages are great measures since they can be compared across different
organizations easily. Any percentage measure means taking the item of
interest, dividing it by the total of that area, and then multiplying by 100. If
the library above had 5,000 people with library cards, then the percentage of
the population that were patrons would be 55.6% = 5,000 / 9,000 * 100. When
doing budget preparations, prepare reports or graphs showing how the budget
is distributed between staff, materials, technology, and facilities; a pie chart
would be excellent. Any per capita measure simply involves taking the original
measure and dividing it by the total population of your service area, i.e. a
library receiving $250,000 a year in revenues for a service area of 9,000 people
would have a per capita, or per person, income of $27.78. Multiplying a per
capita calculation by 1,000 then gives you the same measure per 1,000
population. When I refer to uses, I add up the yearly circulation, reference
transactions, computer usage, and program attendance.

Sample Statistics

• percentage of service population that are patrons

• percentage of patrons from each township, city, or other geographic
• staff per 10,000 population
• visits per staff hour = yearly attendance / number of hours staff worked
in the year
• uses per staff hour
• service cost per use = total cost to provide service / number of people
using the service
• graph expenditures vs. uses over the years
• graph advertising vs. uses over the years
• operating income per capita
• wages and benefits / FTE staff
• percent of budget for staff
• percent of budget for materials
• materials expenditures per capita
• collection items per capita
• number of computers available to the public per 1,000 population
• materials turnover = yearly circulation / total items in circulating
• visits per capita
• circulation per capita
• browser's fill rate = number of browsers finding something / number of
• document delivery rate = percentage of material requests filled within a
certain number of days
• program attendance per 1,000 population
• program attendance per program = total program attendance / number
of programs

Compare usage vs. maximum possible usage, i.e. all computers used every hour
the library is open, every item always checked out, or every staff member
answering questions every 15 minutes. Any collection or area of the library
approaching maximum usage should be expanded or updated. All statistics can
be compared to national and local averages available from the National Center
for Education Statistics,
National averages, fiscal year 2002, for the 6,809 libraries serving populations
from 0 to 20,000 people (and in parenthesis for the 8,106 libraries serving 0 to
50,000) are:

• 7.2 (6.9) staff per 10,000 population

• 3.7 (3.7) visits per staff hour
• 6.9 (7.0) uses per staff hour
• $32.47 ($32.53) income per capita
• $4.99 ($4.88) materials expenditures per capita
• 17.9% (17.4%) of budget for materials
• 8.1 (7.3) collection items per capita
• 184 (175) audios per 1,000 population
• 272 (248) videos per 1,000 population
• 19.2 (17.3) subscriptions per 1,000 population
• 1.73 (1.54) Internet computers per 1,000 population
• 1.34 (1.49) materials turnover rate
• 5.62 (5.54) visits per capita
• 8.26 (8.13) circulations per capita
• 289 (254) children's program attendance per 1,000 population

Once you select the data, include the entire set for each element -- do not
report only the good responses or only the circulation increases; look at the
whole. Be able to explain why you chose the data elements used and where the
information came from if your report is ever questioned. Double check all the
numbers and calculations you use to avoid including any inaccuracies or typos;
one small mistake can sink your entire presentation. When organizing your data
you can put them in their:
• chronological order showing trends over time,
• priority order starting with the most important data and then backing it
up with related data, or
• narrative order arranging the data to tell an overall story starting with
what your audience already knows and leading them to your conclusion.

Use graphic representations of your data whenever practical, making sure your
document showing this data is visually appealing, attractive, easy to read, and
clearly shows the information. The best layout is a balance between empty
space, text, and graphics that guides the reader's eyes to your information --
simple is always better than crowded. Put together a listing of some basic
statistics to circulate in the community.

Staffing Allocation

Work "with the smallest percentage of labor possible."12 In labor-intensive

fields, like libraries, this achieves the greatest efficiency possible and will
allow the library to do more overall. Personnel costs are a significant and often
growing portion of a public library's budget. Stick to the basics, focus, and be
damn sure you can pay for it before branching into new areas. Most library
staff are already fully employed in doing the jobs for which they were hired, so
to change they must either work faster and smarter at the tasks at hand or stop
one task when adding in another, more important task. Make sure work is being
focused on your goals and objectives through identifying and eliminating
activities unrelated to your mission as well as extra steps in all activities
moving you toward your mission. It is also important to look at the overall work
distribution among staff since everyone needs to have similar workloads, be
contributing to the goals and objectives of the library, and feel they are being
treated fairly. It is hard to justify adding staff or hours in today's climate and
reallocating hours or positions also poses many challenges. "Demand for a
service rarely falls away completely, which means difficult choices have to be
made and political support has to be developed for these choices."13

Programming & Services Allocation

Increase the value of your services: offer home computer help, introduce
people to the Internet and email, help them set up their PC system, take credit
cards both to pay for fees and fines and for donations, have drive up drop off
and pick up for materials, allow remote access to holdings, reserves, ILL
requests, renewals, and more, rent the latest bestsellers or videos, find rare or
out of print items for a fee, or download and compile audio CD's. Many of the
ever-expanding palette of services and programs available to the small public
library can be set up to pay for themselves with fees.

There is a real desire today to interact with other people and talk about what
is going on in the world as we become more and more isolated. Everything is
now available delivered into our homes and experienced singularly so cultural
programming is very important. Simply having a weekly time to gather for
coffee and cookies at the library might be a wonderful service. There is also a
greater demand than ever for children's programs, although you sometimes
have to take them on the road to day cares. Other important programming can
include tutoring, a homework center, or after school programs. Put up a
bulletin board for community events. Provide connection and support in your

While interacting is important and valuable, people still come to the library for
a quiet place to sit and read or study too. Suggest these people try to use the
library while the children are attending school and, if possible, create quiet
spaces where the rest of the library can be shut out. Plan the library hours and
location to be most convenient for the majority. Due to physical, medical, or
other reasons, people exist in every community who cannot get to your library
so arrange for volunteers or other means to get the materials to these people.
Always include a postage paid return envelope if offering books by mail.

Expect people to be independent in their library and computer use. In general

there is little staff interaction with a patron; 80% of people using the library
find what they are looking for and then leave. Help everyone through great
signage and information in the stacks where it might be needed or sought. A
patron's first contact with staff should also be their last, i.e. the staff should
be the hero and be able to handle the patron's question or problem themselves
without checking with a supervisor.

Programming Desires

Kids want fun, prizes, recognition, and something to take home. Generally boys
want strength, power, good vs. evil, control, and silliness and girls want beauty,
a glamorous lifestyle, strength, control, and silliness. Many of these wants
overlap -- you can target boys and girls with the same program. You make deep
connections with the kids by fulfilling their wants starting with the program
theme which needs to be in active words implying power, strength, and
control. Their parents usually want reading, learning, activities, a place to
socialize, to keep their kids busy, a safe place, and participation with their
children. Senior citizens want a place to share and discuss, to create
community, to share their love of reading, and to create memories. Visitors
want rainy day activities, interaction with other children, to make friends, a
connection to their vacation community, and to support programs through

The cause of most problem children is the parents, or lack thereof. Even if a
child has parents, if their parents are not involved in the kid's lives and
providing them with learning opportunities, it makes little difference. A
support group for parents is needed at every level in the community. Work on
creating many networks for sharing, learning, and caring. Look at troubled kids
as abandoned and needy, not dangerous. Every person, no matter what they
have done, has worth and should have hope for the future. Pull out their
strengths and build on them and let them earn privileges by helping others.

Collection Allocation

All small public libraries need to plan for providing best sellers, children's
books, basic information, popular magazines, and local and regional
newspapers. You may be able to share foreign language and ethnic collections
with a larger group, either a regional or statewide network of libraries.
Purchase large print, audio books, and adaptive technology since people live
longer and need help accessing the information and stories available. We are
also an increasingly busy society and audio books allow us to do other things
while experiencing these stories. Be very aware of emerging disabilities as your
patrons age; hearing and vision loss are common with aging, but the patron will
be uncomfortable with the loss and with adaptive technology. Help them
without embarrassing them -- let them find and use the technology on their
own through signs and simple instructions, i.e. a bin of magnifiers near the
card catalog. Work with senior apartments, homes, and groups to get their
residents signed up for Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
services. LBPH will mail books on tape and/or large print materials directly to
anyone who qualifies. Your library can keep a rotating collection of large print
and audio books in central locations at nursing homes and senior apartments
too. Other great places to have small rotating collections are subsidized meal
sites, head start, daycare, clothing or food assistance sites, etc. See if your
Friends group or the location will pay for a bookcase. Library programming can
also take place at these rotating collection sites. Art and music are especially
appropriate. Be sure to plug the library and its full range of services at each
program. Once the basics are covered, consider branching out to videos, music,
interactive games, puppets, and realia.

The 80/20 Rule:

• 80% of your circulation will come from 20% of your items, the newest
• 80% of your use will come from 20% of your users
• customer service should aim to satisfy 80% of your interactions with

Do not try to do the impossible. Handle the remainder of your interactions with
classes, tutors, making appointments, charging fees for the service, or

Facility & Technology Allocation

When planning a new library building, addition, or renovation consider adding

space for performances or exhibits -- a large room could even be used for both.
Being able to hold large audiences and invite area crafters and artists to
exhibit is a wonderful opportunity to share the library and its resources with
the community. Either put aside money yearly for major maintenance projects
or educate funders about upcoming expenses, i.e. a new roof. As technology
progresses, plan for more space to be taken up by computers and less by
reference material. All small public libraries need to plan for providing high-
speed Internet access and replacing your technology. Purchasing a fifth of your
computers every year means no computer is ever more than five years old.


A plan is required to describe your programs and services and how they are
evaluated. "The library should be constantly evaluating itself, its services, the
needs of the community, and the environment in which it operates. Feedback
from the community, in the form of patron surveys, presentations at service
clubs, projects of library Friends groups, and other public contacts provide
valuable information about current service programs and other services which
the library might provide. It is equally important to know about other library
activities within the community and region and the opportunities they offer to
provide better service, new programs, or reduce costs."14 Look at other sources
of programs and materials available to your community and find out what is
available through nearby library systems and state networks. Measure your
activities, programs, and services. Compare what you do with model public
libraries, small public libraries in your region, and book and video stores. This
benchmarking gives you a general idea of where your library stands and where
you can make changes. Small libraries can do a better job than big libraries
because they are closer to the patron and have daily interactions with them;
this constant contact and feedback allows your plans and educated guesses to
be more accurate.

Programs and services all need measurable outcome objectives, i.e. what will
be different in the community or with the patron as a result? Feel free to
project the ripple effect forward through all of the people influenced by the
patron who partook of the actual program. Outcome measures are always in
terms of the patron, individually or as groups, and come from several different
areas: physical costs, psychological costs, financial costs, time, value, quality,
and ease of delivery. Some common outcomes are increased library visibility,
families now using the library, enhanced job preparedness, using technology to
access information, increases in skills, and changes in behaviors. Outcome data
can be collected by surveys, evaluations, testing before and after, focus
groups, interviews, and observations. Use the Outcome Evaluation Toolkit
available at Information Behavior in Everyday Context (IBEC). Go to and then click on Tools and Resources to
find the Outcome Toolkit. It has a wonderful section, Step 2 Topic b, on
creating open-ended questions libraries can use to determine outcomes.

Steps to Plan a Program

1. Plan a budget and stick to it.

2. Pick a date that doesn't conflict with other community activities.
3. Contact entertainers, speakers, guests, and volunteers. Let them know
the program format and expected attendance. Allow plenty of time.
4. Plan publicity and send out notices at the appropriate times.
5. Be there to greet all special guests.
6. Publicly acknowledge those who helped and also send thank you notes.
7. Evaluate how the program went and write down any ideas for a better
program next time.

Selected yearly events to work library programming around:

January National Hobby Month

January 15 Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
January 21 National Hugging Day
February Black History Month
February 14 Valentine's Day
February, 3rd Monday President's Day
March School Library Month
March Women's History Month
March 1-7 Return the Borrowed Books Week
March 2 Read Across America Day / Dr. Seuss's Birthday
March 17 St. Patrick's Day
April National Poetry Month
April 2 International Children's Book Day
April 22 Earth Day
April, 2nd full week National Library Week (sometimes the 1st full week)
May Asian Pacific Americans Heritage Month
May Older Americans Month
May 5 Cinco de Mayo
May, 2nd Sunday Mother's Day
May, last Monday Memorial Day
June Gay and Lesbian Book Month
June 1-7 International Volunteers Week
June, 3rd Sunday Father's Day
July 4 Independence Day
August 26 Women's Equality Day
September Library Card Sign-Up Month
September, 1st Monday Labor Day
September, 1st Sunday Grandparent's Day (must be after Labor Day)
September 15-October 15 Hispanic Heritage Month
September, last week Banned Books Week
October Computer Learning Month
October National Storytelling Month
November American Indian Heritage Month
November 1 National Family Literacy Day
November, 3rd week Children's Book Week
November 25 Andrew Carnegie's Birthday
November, 4th Thursday Thanksgiving
December Universal Human Rights Month

See the Kaboose site, Kids Domain, at

for information and wonderful crafts and activities for dozens of holidays!

1. Michigan Public Libraries Data Digest, 2000 (Lansing, Mich.: Library of

Michigan, 2000): 2.
2. Public Libraries in the United States, Fiscal Year 2001, June, 2003,
available at Accessed 1
October 2004. 2002 NCAA College Football Attendance, available at
e/summary. Accessed 1 October 2004.
3. Why Do Books Cost so Much? by Christopher Dreher, December 3, 2002,
available at
Accessed 1 October 2004.
4. Michigan Public Libraries Data Digest, 2003 (Lansing, Mich.: Library of
Michigan, 2003): 2.
5. Paul John Cirino, The Business of Running a Library (Jefferson, N.C.:
McFarland & Company, 1991): 16-17.
6. Barbara Conroy and Barbara Schindler Jones, Improving Communication
in the Library (Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1986) :71-72.
7. Sandra Nelson, The New Planning for Results (Chicago: American Library
Association, 2001).
8. Charles R. McLure…et. al., Planning and Role-Setting for Public Libraries:
A Manual of Operations and Procedures (Chicago: American Library
Association, 1987).
9. Linda Fox, The Volunteer Library: A Handbook (Jefferson, N.C.:
McFarland, 1999): 34-35.
10. Hannah/Gold Communications, 16 Tips You Can Use By Next Thursday.
11. Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research, 8th ed. (Belmont, Calif.:
Wadsworth, 1998): 209.
12. Paul John Cirino, The Business of Running a Library (Jefferson, N.C.:
McFarland & Company, 1991): 37.
13. Diane Mayo and Jeanne Goodrich, Staffing for Results: A Guide to
Working Smarter (Chicago: American Library Association, 2002): 2.
14. Malcolm K. Hill, Budgeting and Financial Record Keeping in the Small
Library, Second Edition (Chicago: American Library Association, 1993): 2.


• Durance, Joan C. and Karen E. Fisher. How Libraries and Librarians Help:
A Guide to Identifying User-Centered Outcomes. Chicago: American
Library Association, 2005.
• Fox, Linda. The Volunteer Library: A Handbook. Jefferson, N.C.:
McFarland, 1999.
• Hage, Christine Lind. The Public Library Start-Up Guide. Chicago:
American Library Association, 2004.
• Nelson, Sandra. The New Planning for Results. Chicago: American Library
Association, 2001. All workforms and instructions for this title are
available online from eLearn Libraries at

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© Edward J. Elsner, 2005

Edward Elsner Library Consulting

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