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Ingredient selecter:

1 gallon jug 1 gallon jug 1 gallon jug

Water Resevoir

Solenoid valve


^ | | Y
Wheel tray

Rice cooker

Slow cooker

| | v

Plastic bag

<---- X ---->

How ingredient selecter works: 1. The only moving part is a board with a single hole. It can move along ballberrings or rails or something on two axis: X to select which ingredient, and Y to measure out a portion of that ingredient, and then dispense it. 2. The one hole is in fact the size of a standard "measurement". In one position of Y it is lling up, then it moves to the other position to dispense below. see youtube arduino pet feeder for this mechanism. 3. The jugs should be standard size such as 1 gallon jugs, making getting them / re-lling easy, and you just screw them into holes (cut out the bottom of hte cap and glue it to the inside of a drilled out hole) 4. Increasing number of ingredients is cheap and easy as it is only drilling a new hole. 5. Ingredient jugs could have QR codes and there is a scanner so it knows which ingredient it is in front of.

expanded view:

side view:

QR code scanner | v

side view (lling): <---- X ---->

Various parts: --------------------------------* Run by a single Rasberry Pi, running python web server with user interface, etc. * Everything is modular, both in code... - Ingredients is meta-data based food registry, types of beans, types of rice, of spices, etc.. Ingredients meta-data info can make intelligent substitutions / substitution suggestions, possible adjust for cook-times. - Higher level orcehstrator, ie machine.add(2*cups).of(rice).to(rice_cooker) - Similar to recipe interface, which just stores machine instructions: recipe.add(..) - Sensors and motors are also high-level modular, and provide "roles". So, a Role might be: "WaterMeasurer", "HopperSwitch", "PipeSwitch", etc. * ...and in hardware... - Bins are separate objects attached only by the (long) sensor wire. You can pick 'em up move em around etc and then just rest them on top of the surface. The surface thus has to have a lot of little holes to position the valve over. - Appliances are only lightly fastened down. Any number of home appliances can be used. * Has phone-based web-app to help with setup, calibration. * When building it, you take photos of various parts and it then can "circle" the part that has something wrong with it. ---UI * Online interface lets you... * Create new Recipes - Three types: 1) Simple (just specify ingredients, cook time, and pot) - 2) Adanced (drag and drop instructions, for when to add ingredients, etc) - 3) Expert (Python interface) * Schedule a recipe for a certain time or re-accuring time * Check reserves (if sensors are attached) * Single speaker attached to rasberry pi that lets you know when stu is ready. No other UI is necessary on the device. * ---Social * Social network built around sharing recipes (and tips) that can be integrated right into web UI


<---- Y ---->

dispensing a single serving:

<---- Y ---->

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