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From: Team 8/John Farmer & Dana Hyde

RE: DoD Document Production
Otis Air Force Base
Date: October 20, 2003

Our understanding coming out of the Commission meeting last week is that we are to
follow closely and keep the Commission apprised of DoD and in particular NORAD's
compliance with our document requests. Outlined below is a memo regarding our
experience at Otis Air Force Base. We are scheduled to visit NEADS next week and
will provide the Front Office with a similar summary of our findings there. As you can
see, our experience at Otis closely mirrors our experience with the FAA, but we will
reserve judgment until we return from NEADS.


On June 13, 2003 the Commission submitted to DoD a request seeking, inter alia:

(1) All transcripts, tapes and other documents of the Air Force Bases from which
aircraft were scrambled in support of NEADS's response on 9/11, related to the
response of such aircraft to the hijackings of 9/11; (Request No. 4, Item 7)
(2) All transcripts, tapes and other documents of the parent wings of aircraft
scrambled in support of NEADS's response on 9/11, related to the response of
such aircraft to the hijackings of 9/11; (Request No. 4, Item 6)
(3) The pilot logs for each pilot that was scrambled in support of NEADS' response
to the hijackings on 9/11, including but not limited to the pilots that scrambled out
of Otis Air Force Base, Langley Air Force Base, Andrews Air Force Base, Toledo
Air Force Base and Selfridge Air Force Base. (Request No. 4, Item 8)

The items were due to the Commission on June 30,2003. In response to these requests,
the Commission received a one-page mission report (NCT#23730) a two-page log
(NCT#26398-99) and a two-page flight data form. (NCT#23731-32).


On October 14-15, John Farmer and John Azzarello visited Otis Air Force Base and met
with the following three individuals: (l.j [(Command Post Duty Controller)'
(2) Maj. Daniel Nash (one of two pilots scrambled out of Otis); and .(.31 I
(Wing historian). Other personnel involved in the air defense operation on 9/11 --
including the lead pilot from Otis and the Wing Commander - were unavailable to meet
with us and therefore we will need to return to 6tis.

In the course of these interviews we uncovered the existence of the following documents,
noneof which were produced to the Commission pursuant to our requests:

9/11 Personal Privacy

I 9/11 Personal Privacy

(1) Audio and video interviews of personnel involved on 9/11: We learned that a
person from the baseJ "1 conducted audio and video interviews
of the pilots and other personnel involved on 9/11. The people we spoke with
said that! ~|(\vho is now stationed in Japan) was not "officially"
asked to conduct these interviews. However, the tapes of the interviews are in the
possession of the Base and the people we spoke to repeatedly referred to this
project as the only "after action report" from the Base.
(2) Tapes from the cockpit: We learned that the two pilots scrambled from Otis -
Duffy and Nash - recorded all of their activities in the cockpit. These tapes
reportedly include all communications with controllers as well as video and radar
data from the mission.
(3) Logs from Command Post, SOF and Operations Desk: Otis provided one two-
page log from the day; we were told of the existence of one or possibly two other
(4) Historian's Report: The wing historian wrote a history and kept notes from the
day, both of which he provided to us during his interview.

In addition, Nash informed us that both he and Duffy wrote personal accounts of their
involvement in the scramble that day. Nash pledged to provide us - through the DoD
process -- with a copy of his statement; he also will check with Duffy to see if he is
willing to provide the Commission with a copy of his statement.

With the possible exception of the pilots' personal accounts of the day, all of the above
items fall within the ambit of our requests. It is not clear - based on our conversations
with the three individuals we interviewed - what if anything Otis was tasked to produce
to the Commission prior to our visit. The fact that five pages of documents were
delivered is evidence that Otis was asked to produce something to the Commission.
Having said that, it is clear that Otis and the wing stationed there (the 102nd Fighter
Wing) did not produce "all transcripts, tapes and other documents" related to the
hijackings of 9/11.

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