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We know, from looking back at previous cycles, that the Mars/Saturn cycle corresponds to situations that bring attacks (Mars) on the body (Saturn) or to energy (Mars) being put into structuring the framework (Saturn) of one's life. Saturn by itself has been shown to correlate to anything hard and dark - and this applies to all planes of manifestation, so mental hardship (depression); the colour black (darkness); hard materials that form structures (bone, steel, coalfaces etc); physical striving or hardship (endurance, ambition, inhibition). Using these as our Saturn keywords and adding Mars (energy, heat, anger, cuts, attacks) into the mix AND looking at the houses naturally ruled by Mars (1st house- you and your physicality) and Saturn (10th house; authority figures including parental ones, bosses, leaders, Presidents*; one's status, profession, reputation) we can arrive at relevant themes. So a lack (Saturn) of forward impetus, energy and progress (Mars) may occur, or anger/energy (Mars) towards boss, leaders or other authority figures (Saturn) can often be observed during the 0, 45, 90, 135, 180 junctures of this cycle. This cycle also speaks of anger, effort and energy (Mars) towards our physicality (Saturn) in the form of operations, dental work, endurance sports,fights/boxing etc. Tests of strength and fortitude may be apparent, while at the other end of the spectrum some may experience complete lassitude and feelings of impotence. Those wanting to work with the Mars/Saturn energy in a positive way should be speaking out in a cool, calm and controlled way or hitting the gym more than usual at this time, rather than picking fights with parents or authority figures or 'beating up' on themselves mentally. On the collective level we are seeing Mars/Saturn play out now in a lack of energy supplies and power cuts. Physical attacks (Mars) on authority figures(Saturn) are a real possibility at this time. Cutbacks (Mars) - job losses - in professional and respected institutions (Saturn). Authority figures having their

reputations attacked. Heated (Mars) boardroom (Saturn) battles. The end of agreements, relationships and certain daily routines is also marked as this aspect (2008) occurs in the sign of Virgo. Virgo, like Gemini, is ruled by Mercury, so trade, transport, communications, contracts that we use in a routine way in our day to day life can come under attack or endure problems. In any Mars/Saturn cycle, stopping and starting, on/off situations, interest/disinterest, open/shut, blowing hot/cold - are all very much Mars/ Saturn related themes. Putting energy (Mars) into establishing one's authority/reputation when taken to the extreme can result in abusive situations. We can abuse ourselves by overworking but those prone to give, or be on the receiving end of, domestic abuse should be watched carefully in this period. Whilst many will be making heated efforts and expending energy (Mars) in the direction of their career, reputation, status at this time, others will feel a lack of vitality due to stress. There's no 'water or femininity' in a Mars/Saturn conjunction so it points to arid, hot conditions or those that solidify. Strength, masculinity and brute force come to the fore. The Mars/Saturn cycles bring up news stories of heroics and superhuman efforts. The military and police force - those whose job it is to enforce law and order - often hit the headlines at these times more than usual. Expect the police to have to use force at the G8 summit. Mars/Saturn equates to situations that strip things bare. Thus we often hear of fires or attacks with fire (or firearms) and heatwaves. Having said that it is interesting to note many 'depressions' of the tropical variety i.e, hurricanes, storms and severe weather fronts appear at these times. Putting it all together we can say that the fires in California should soon be brought under control and subside - in line with the completion of the Mars/Saturn conjunction after the 10th July 2008 -12th July 2008. However as we approach the peak in intensity on the 10- 12th, for some the frustration and feelings of 'hard times' may feel almost unbearable. The words survival and survivor comes to the fore.....people fighting for survival in some respect. There may be a rise in the number of grim and bleak news reports that reach our eyes and ears around this cycle. Mars/Saturn is also famously associated with the cutting-

out of the physical body i.e. the energy stalls, and death occurs. In the charts of any natural disaster or large- scale tragedy Mars/Saturn aspects are usually prevalent - but this applies to the 45, 90, 135 and 180 not just the conjunction. If you know of anyone who suffers from depression give them a call this week and help them to find a way to vent their feelings. Mars/Saturn is famously linked tosuppressed rage that can be turned in on oneself and so suicide (and suicide bombers) can also be linked to this very tough cycle. Many women giving birth in the coming days may have to endure long, hard labours. It would be intriguing to see if the incidence of Cesarean births occurs at the Mars/Saturn junctures as the controlled cutting of the body - as in the surgeon's incision - is also a hallmark of Mars/Saturn. Anyone beginning a new project, relationship or venture now should note that it will respond to all future movements of Mars to Saturn. Therefore we can say that whatever is agreed at the G8, or that you personally begin at this time, will reach its first testing point when Mars squares Saturn around 15 Dec 2008 but it won't be until August 2009 that we'll be able to take an objective view on where things stand. At that juncture we will be given another opportunity to change course or to see the results of any efforts or new ideas. At the begining of the next cycle in 2010 a new course will be set by World leaders. Mars/Saturn conjunctions are a fantastic time to go on a diet or start a strict exercise regime. You will find the willpower and discipline to stick with it but, as I say, by the first square expect to be tested. The same applies with getting disciplined about any frivolous spending, or getting a handle on credit card debts etc. You can, or may have to, endure strict cut backs now. One person who hit the headlines this week with a perfect Mars/Saturn story was the TV personality Anthea Turner. Anthea was born with a Mars/Saturn -90- and as Jupiter exactly conjoined her natal Saturn, a horse (Jupiter) kicked out, hit her kneecap (Saturn) and smashed it to pieces. Mars and Saturn are also squaring her natal Sun and approaching her natal Pluto. To the metaphysically-minded observer the fact that her husband Grant Bovey's business has become another apparent victim of the the credit crunch, could be bringing Anthea 'to her knees' with worry and leaving her feeling very 'unstable'. Victoria Beckham and Katie Price (Jordan) were born with a Mars/Saturn conjunction,

as were many other people who come to public attention. These two are interesting cases to cite because both are known for their almost ruthless pursuit of fame - and their use of the face (Mars) freezing (Saturn) drug, Botox. Mars/Saturn inclines a person to have quite a severe, hard and even emaciated look. Their Mars/Saturn conjunction is largely responsible for both Katie and Victoria appearing to be very controlling about their professional image. On the positive side because there are obviously many positives about Mars/Saturn aspects too - it gives incredible tenacity, discipline, ambition and single mindedness to achieve one's goals. People with a Mars/Saturn aspect are often also very shrewd, sensible and down to earth individuals. The truth about those who have this aspect in their natal chart by conjunction, square or opposition is that they are usually very shy and lacking in self esteem. All their energy (Mars) goes into covering this up by establishing a strong identity and ego structure (Saturn). Sadly the 'structure' they erect keeps others locked out (Saturn) unable to ever really access, or reach, the real 'soft' person beneath. Consequently many people with Mars/Saturn strong in their chart feel isolated, misunderstood and alone - even in a crowd. For some, their immense drive to achieve fame becomes a curse as it causes them to have to live in a very secure, controlled environment (behind iron gates or bars would be a perfect Mars/Saturn signature) or to keep up the facade of being perfect. Mars/Saturn people also have to spend much of their time defending their good name. This occurs because other people pick up on the mis-match between what the person is presenting and who they really are, thus the Mars/Saturn person subconsciously set themselves up for continual attacks on their reputation. Katie Price recently had to sue for libel as a newspaper attacked (Mars) her parenting (Saturn) skills. Anthea's reputation has never really recovered from her 'Flake Gate' affair possibly because she tried overly hard to control her image in the first place. It's apt that her latest TV shows contain the word 'perfect' - Perfect Housewife being one. She also shows great 'control' of her body in her exercise videos! Whatever planet you have in aspect to your natal Mars will somehow be affecting the free expression of your energy (Mars) and how you meet (1st house) the world. In my experience there is little difference between conjunctions, squares, oppositions and even the minor hard aspects - all are just harmonics of the nature of the two planets. Astrology is not for entertainment purposes only. A birthchart is most definitely the

blueprint that can help to show an individual their patterns of behaviour and why they meet the situations that they do. It can accurately predict the timing of the intensity of cycles, on the personal and collective levels. However, for any astrologer to accurately 'predict' what exact events will happen to a person will always be down to chance rather than ability. Avoid anyone who tells you they can precisely predict your future from a birthchart. You only have to look at how none of us can say for sure who is going to win the Presidential election, even horary astrologers, to see the limitations of this profession. All we can work with is the basic themes and an understanding of the lessons intrinsic in each cycle. In the case of Mars/Saturn it is most definitely a lesson for us all to set firm boundaries but not to be overly cautious, fearful, suspicious or stuck in a self fulfilling poverty consciousness. Mars/Saturn individuals are being prompted to relinquish complete control and trust in an inherently supportive and ordered universe.

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