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Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education

Hamidah Suryani Engineering Faculty Makassar State University
Abstract: The efforts to improve students skill are related to the quality of human resources.The learning model TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) is included in cooperative learning that can be used to improve the computer design skill. One of cooperative learning characteristics is the ability of students to cooperative in a small heterogen group. Each member in a group has equal tasks. As in cooperative learning the success of a group is concerned so that the clever students will also take responsibility to help their friends who lacks in studying in their group to improve their skills in designing computer especially designing textiles by using software Adobe Photoshop. With the implementation of TAI learning model, it can help students to solve their problems, can increase their motivation in developing their own potential, can encourage the students to interact more with their fellow students in other groups and work together in solving problems so in the end, they can reach and obtain satisfying skill results. Keywords: Textile design Software Adobe Photoshop, Cooperative learning model Team Assited Individualization (TAI) type

Basically, learning is a synergy result of three main learning components which are students, lecturers competency and learning facilities. The computer design learning is a process or activity which is conducted by lecturers in computer design subject to teach students how to design objects by using computer, where in this subject the lecturers try to create situation and service to students ability, potential, talents, and needs about various computer design. These lead to the optimal interaction between lecturers and students and among themselves. (Suyitno, 2004:2). By creating the situation or service, the essential things for students and lecturers are how to understand students ways to gain knowledge through their learning activities. Students should learn to design objects by using computer through building new knowledge from existing experiences and knowledge. The computer design learning can be performed by involving the entire students. It means that learning process can be held as effective and joyful as possible. If the lecturers can understand the process to obtain the knowledge , then they can decide the approprioate learning strategy to their students. This becomes the challenge for lecturers in designing computer subject to always have creative thinking and acting. With the large number of media and learning resources which can be used in designing computer learning, the students cannot put much hope from their lecturers. Students can be given more opportunity to study independently by using these various learning resources. The future tasks for lecturers is not only teaching but also how to make their students can learn. The efforts to improve students skill is related to the quality of human resources. Human Capital Teory emphasizes that human as the main resource has a role either as a subject to improve their life level or to maintain and make use of their environment in wise ways. By this theory, Becker (dalam Hijrah, 2009: 2) explains that educational concepts should be based on the assumption that provision that human must have in themselves consists of manner, knowledge, skill and inspiration.. 960

Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education The improvement of students skill becomes their important provision that can support the competency process that they faced during studying and also can give them opportunities to compete and have a role in their society in general and especially in global era. By this skill in designing textile that supported by technology, students can be expected to help their family financial and of course themselves and also can face the global challenge in fashion world. This is similar to what a very famous designer Ghea S Panggabean (in Rosmawaty, 2006: 2 ) said: 1) Makin pesatnya perkembangan sekolah mode tanah air; 2) Banyak Departemen Store yang melibatkan para desainer kita; 3) Konsumen atau buyers dari luar negeri banyak yang terus berdatangan; 4) Sekarang ini banyak Butik atau Galeri yang buka untuk menampung dan menjual karya para desainer; 5) Adanya kalangan media massa yang sangat proaktif terhadap kegiatan para desainer kita. Learning model TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) are included in cooperative learning. One characteristic of cooperative learning is the ability of students to work together in small heterogeneous groups (Suyitno, 2004: 9). Each member of the group has equal duties. Due to the success of cooperative learning groups are concerned, it is a smart student take responsibility for helping a friend who is weak in the group. Thus, the good one can develop the ability and skills, while students who are weak will be helped in understanding the problems solved in the group. Based on the above, in order to make learning can achieve results in line with the planned objectives, faculty need to consider effective teaching and learning strategies. Discussion 1. Textile Design Using Adobe Photoshop Program Adobe Photoshop is a graphic design program created for ease of editing and effects creation in a computerized drawing. According to Indonesian Wikipedia / encyclopedia (16/10/2009) that "Adobe Photoshop, or commonly called Photoshop, is a image editor software made by Adobe Systems is devoted to editing photos / pictures and making effects". Besides, it can be used to edit image/ Photoshop photo and easy to use. This program is very popular among many people, from professional until beginner . In line with that Kurniadi (2003: 1) explains that "Photoshop is an image editor or image editing program that works to create, edit, and modify digital images contained in the computer". Further Kurniadi (2003:1) adds that: Photoshop is an image editing program which is the most powerful and most popular to date. Capabilities as well as complete facilities make it attractive to artists, professionals, and beginners who need a complete drawing program, but easy to use. Before operating the Photoshop, you should first know and understand the environment of Photoshop. The Photoshop environment is every corner of the Photoshop program itself from the main window, menu bar, toolbox, options bar, dock palette and the image window. Photoshop is composed of a main window (application window) and some other small general floating in it. More details see the image below:


Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education
Menu Line Image Window

Panel options Toolbox Palette Dock

Figure 1. The Display of Adobe Photoshop window There are various ways in select / activate each tool / subtool in the toolbox: select the tool with the mouse and select the tool with the keyboard. Some of the tools in the toolbox have a submenu that is characterized by a black triangle on the bottom right corner of the tool. In addition to knowing the name of every tool and shortcut keys on the keyboard (tool tip), simply by placing the cursor exactly on the desired tool. Note the picture below: :

Figure 2. Tool dan Submenu

Figure 3. Tool Tip From some opinion above, it can be concluded that Adobe Photoshop is a popular image editing program that used by both the professional and beginners who are still try to explore interests, talents and creativity to create, edit, and even modify the drawings or photographs that had existed in the computer, not only that Adobe System software is also able to create an effect. While the relationship with textile design, Adobe Photoshop can be used to create the desired surface textile design by the designer. 1) Making Design Dwimatra 2D Textile To create a textile design in the form of dwimatra (2D) by using Adobe Photoshop, it begins with a motif first. In this stage , a designer tries to explore his creative ideas for the creation of a motif with still regard to the design elements. The designed Motif is the flora motif, which is then repeated through offset process and become allover design (full motif). After that, the 962

Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education design is added with color window that represents colors that has been used in textile design. This design will represent color way as an alternative of different color combination. For details, it can be seen in the figure below :

Color window

Color way

Figure 4. Textile Design Dwimatra a. The Application of Textile Design (trimatra) Trimatra (3D) textile design is the design that applied in the form of three dimensions. It means that the design can be viewed in 3D so that it will be monoton (rigid). The trimatra (3D) Design is also explained by Said (2006: 10) that Trimatra Design is usually called as three dimensional design which is a design in three dimensions form (have three side which is length, width and height). The Process to design textile is applied in the form of trimatra by using Adobe Photoshop through several stages. After going through several stages, textile motif will be then applied into a cloth picture/image of a model that has been determined in computer. This technique is called drapping model technique. This technique is also explained by Permana (2009: 8) that drapping model is a technique to insert a motif to a model cloth. The stages are choosing image/ phot which will be processed, then inserting motif which has been made in the previous dwimatra design. This image/photo will be then proceeded and will be added with some shadow and brightness so that it can create three dimensions feeling in the cloth model that has been inserted by flora motif. The result in trimatra form can present the textile design which in the form of a model cloth. For details, it can be seen in the figure below:

Figure 5. Before and After Drapping Model Process


Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education After the image passing through drapping model technique, then dimatra and trimatra design will be combined to make a whole unit and supported each other. For details, it can be seen in the figure below:

Figure. 6 The Outcome of Textile Design by Using Adobe Photoshop From some opinions above of the textile design using Adobe Photoshop, it can be concluded that textile design is the process of designing a motif or pattern on the surface of the material / fabric through a process of thinking in accordance with science, technology, and art and design related to textiles that can be called a design textiles that its form dwimatra / two dimensions are then applied in the form three-dimensional models drapping techniques. In the process, while considering the rationale / ideas, concepts, design elements, design principles, pricing, layout and think the market demands in order to meet consumer needs (sold). The design motif or pattern is then be embodied in a tangible form as we often find in fabric stores. 2. Cooperative Learning Model Cooperative learning involves a small group of students who working together as a team to solve a problem, completing a task, or doing something to achieve a common goal. Slavia (in Wahidah, 2009:9) suggests that the model of cooperative learning students work together in teams of four or more to master the material was originally presented by the lecturers. The purpose of cooperative learning is creating a situation of individual success which is affected or determined by the success of the group. Cooperative learning in textile design using Adobe Photoshop program will be able to help students to increase positive attitudes of students in computer design, especially in designing textiles. For the student as individual is to build confidence on his ability to solve problems in designing a computer using Adobe Photoshop program specially designed textiles, so that it will reduce or even eliminate the anxiety of how to design computer program Adobe Photoshop in creating textile designs.


Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education According to Subrata (2008:100), cooperative learning emphasizes the presence of students who interact among fellow peers as a team to resolve or discuss a problem or task. So cooperative learning can be defined as a system of teaching where students are given the opportunity to work separately with other students in a heterogeneous group with members between four to six people. Heterogeneity of group members is in terms of gender, ethnicity, achievement, and social status. There are several things that need to be met in order to ensure cooperative learning students work cooperatively. These things include: a. b. The students joined in a group must feel that they are part of a team and have a common goal to be achieved. The students who joined in a group should realize that the problems they face are their problems and the success of the group will depend on them and will be the responsibility shared by all members of the group. To achieve maximum results, students who join the group should talk to one another in discussing about the faced problems. Students who join a group of workers should be aware that each student has a direct effect on the success of the group. The characteristic of cooperative learning model are as follows: Students work in groups in cooperative will listen, express opinions and make decisions together, The group was formed of students of high , medium and low quality, Whenever possible, attempts were made to each group consisted of race, ethnicity, culture, different sexes, Award more on work-oriented group then on individuals.

c. d.

a. b. c. d.

According to Lie (in Anita 2002:34), in cooperative learning model there are six main steps, starting with the steps where the teacher presents the objectives of learning and learning to motivate the rest to end with a move to reward the efforts of groups and individuals. Then, cooperative learning steps from beginning to end can be seen in the following table: Table. 1. Steps in Cooperative Learning Indicator Teacher Acts Deliver the goals and motivate A teacher delivers all learning goal students that will be achieved in the process and motivate his students Present Information A teacher will present information to students by demonstration or through reading material Organize students in learning groups A teacher explains to students how to form learning groups and helps each group so that the transition will be efficient. Supervise groups in working and A teacher supervises group when learning they are working in their tasks.

Phase 1


Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education 5 Evaluation A teacher evaluates learning results about material that has been studied or each group will present their work. A teacher finds a way to reward learning efforts or results

Give rewards

3. Cooperative Learning of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Type According to Slavin (in Robert E, 2005), students who are in each class will be provided with knowledge, skill and different motivation, so that when a teacher presents a subject in class with various knowledge, it is possible that some of students will not have prerequisted skills to learn the subject. It makes them waste time to learn the subjects quickly. According to Natsir (2004:74), the cooperative learning type Team Assistad Individualization is combined in many unique learning material and have its own realization guidelines. Type of cooperative learning Assistad Team is a form of cooperative learning Individualization of eight components, namely: a. Team or group Group was formed consisting of 4 to 6 students. The group is a heterogeneous group, which represents the academic results in the classroom, gender and ethnic or sense. Group function is to ensure that all group members join to learn and more specifically is preparing its members for the test well. Based on the above according Uthai Natsir (2004:47), measures the type of cooperative learning Assistad Team Individualization (TAI), namely: 1) Placement test Students tested at the beginning of the learning program. They are placed in the appropriate program based on their test results. 2) Curriment materials or learning tools For majority of teaching, students work in curriculum material individually that contains learning concept. In learning, problems and word problems emphasize on the content. Each unit has their own parts as follows : (a) One instruction sheet, contains the concept that proposed by a teacher in learning groups (to discuss shortly) and gives methods step by step in solving problems (b) Some practice skill sheets, each practice skill introduce a sub skill that will bring into the mastery of the skills. (c) Formative Test (d) A unit test is a final unit in each cycle (e) Answer sheer for exercise problem and unit and formative test. 3) Team study or Learning group After following the placement test, the teacher taught the first lesson. Then students will be given a unit of learning tools individually. That unit will be written in students book. The students learn according to their unit in a team by following steps below :

Para siswa membentuk pasangan atau kelompok dengan empat anggota dalam kelompok mereka.
(a) The students form pairs or groups with four members in their group. The students read their manual pages and asked for help from their friend or teacher if necessary. Then they start with the first practice in their unit. 966

Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education (b) Each student will work on the first problem in their exercise then a friend from their own group will check the answer in the aswers sheet and feedback will be written in the back of their book. If every answer is correct then the students can move to the next exercise. If the answer is wrong then the students should try again until he can solve the problems. If the students face a difficulty in this stage, then it is suggested to ask help from teachers. (c). When a student can solve the problems correctly in the last exercise in formative test, then students can work individually until it finishes. (d). Students finish unit test that is a final test which is held after each cycle finishes. 4) Team scoring and team recognition. Scoring is made based on the average of formative test of group members and the accuracy of formative test. High criteria is made for super group, middle criteria is for great group and minimum criteria is for good group. The group that meets the criteria of super and great will receive interesting rewards and certificate. (5) Teaching group When a teacher start a new topic, the teacher will teach about main topic for ten or fifteen minutes in classical way to students which have been grouped in heterogenous team. Teachers will use a unique learning program concept. In this stage, students will be introduced with main concepts. The teachers will manipulate and make diagrams and do demonstration. In general, students will have concepts that have been introduced to them in group individually. (6) Fact test Twice a week, student will take test for three minutes according to facts. (7) Whole-class units After learning activity finishes, it is necessary to have unit test to know the students ability in learning by using group methods.

1. Textile design can be done by using Adobe Photoshop program which is one of design graphics programs that created to make editing and effects creation easy in drawing by using computer. It consists of: 1) Make textile dwimatra (2D)design and 2) application of trimatra (3D) textile design 2. Cooperative learning consists of a small students group that work together as a team to solve a problem, finish the tasks, or work on something to reach the set goals. 3. The steps in cooperative learning type Team Assistad Individualization (TAI) are: 1) Placement test, 2) Curriment materials or learning tools, 3) Team study or group study, 4) Team Score and Team recognition, 5) Teaching group 6) facts and 7) Whole-class units. References Anita, Lee. 2005. Cooperative Learning. Jakarta: Grasindo Hijrah. 2009. Pemberdayaan Perempuan Melalui Peningkatan Keterampilan Menghias Busana di Desa Barembeng Kecamatan Bontonompo Kabupaten Gowa. Skripsi. Makassar. FT-UNM. Kurniadi, Adi. 2003. Cara Mudah Menguasai Photoshop VII. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo. Permana, Doddie K. 2009. Desain Tekstil Menggunakan Photoshop. Bandung. Informatika Rosmawaty. 2006. Minat Mahasiswa Terhadap Desain Busana pada Program Studi Tata Busana Jurusan PKK FT-UNM. Skripsi. Makassar. FT-UNM. 967

Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education Said, Azis Abdul. 2006. Dasar Desain Dwimatra. Makassar: Badan Penerbit UNM. Subrata, Heru. 2008. Cooperative Learning. Downloaded on 24th May 2011 Slavia, Robert E. 2010. Cooperative Learning. Bandung: Nusamedia Wahidah. 2005. Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa. Thesis. Unpublished. Makassar : UNM


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