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February ___, 2013

The Honorable ___________________, The most concerning thing about last Novembers Presidential election was not the outcome, but that almost 60 million people thought reelecting Barak Obama was a good idea. How did a man who openly supports unfettered abortion, homosexual marriage, record setting deficit spending and the redistribution of wealth garner the support of nearly 60 million voters? The reason: That is what the voters have been taught in an educational system that is controlled by the Federal Government. Beginning with LBJs Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Federal Government began an unconstitutional power grab over public education. Then in 1991, President George H. W. Bush tied American education into the standards set by the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization. Since then, every few years the Federal government rolls out the latest version of the same old UN standards. Whether you call it Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, or Core Curriculum its the same old junk and we keep buying it. The Founders design was for local control of education. Unfortunately, the school busses in my town still say ___________ Public Schools, but they really arent. They are the local branch of an educational system controlled by Washington D.C. We voluntarily have sold our freedom for the sake of funds that come from a bankrupt government, that forces conservative, God fearing Oklahoma children to abide by the government mandated curriculum which is birthed by UNESCO with the intent on creating a sustainable earth without borders. We have kicked God out of school and replaced Him with Darwin and Marx. If there is no God, then government is the grantor of all rights including my Obamaphone and Obamacare. That is why American Exceptionalism is no longer taught, but evil American Imperialism is. Rather than teaching our kids to be thrifty, hardworking and self-reliant, we are taught government dependency. Since God doesnt exist, there is no absolute truth and consequently right and wrong has been replaced with tolerance and intolerance. We are taught that Islam is good and Christianity is bad. We are not taught to be good citizens (as our founders demanded) we are taught to be global citizens. We are taught about "rights", but we aren't taught responsibility. We arent taught that no one has a right to do wrong. Core Curriculum may be the most dangerous Trojan Horse that has yet been brought to our gates for the following reason. With the new push toward the Core Curriculum Standards, the ACT and SAT tests are adjusting to reflect those same standards. All text books will then conform to these new standards as even homeschool and private school will be forced to be taught to the test. If we do not stop this program now, it will become Americas next Medicare or Social Security and millions of children will be lost inside a one size fits all system to create equal mediocrity among the new global citizens. Lets restore American exceptionalism and reject the Core Curriculum. Were smart enough to make decisions about our own children and our own schools. Lets return Oklahoma Schools to Oklahoma control. Respectfully,

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