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Comparison of Research Designs Template

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Comparison of Research Designs Template

Comparison of Research Designs Template

The following seven tables are part of a template that will guide you through the comparison of research designs assignment. The tables include: Descriptions of basic research designs. Types of basic research designs. Main characteristics. Followed steps. Appropriate usage. Purpose statement and sample questions. Associated research paradigms.

This template directs you to portions of the course text, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Creswell, 2008). Each table includes chapter numbers and page numbers to guide you to the most relevant sections of the text book. Reference Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Comparison of Research Designs Template

Descriptions of Basic Research Designs

Develop an original and concise description of each research design. The appropriate sections of the Creswell text are listed to guide you; however, the end product should be your own paraphrase. Each description should be about one to three sentences in length. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed. You can leave it in the first cell and consider it to be part of your assignment.
Research De sig n Fa mil ies Creswell T e xt R ef er e n c e
Pages 20-22 and Chapter 10. An experimental research design uses quantitative procedures to determine whether an activity or materials (an intervention) makes a difference for participants. Two groups are formed: a control group and an experimental group. The experimental group receives the intervention and the control group does not. The performance of each group is assessed by measuring key variables and the measurements are compared statistically to see if the intervention made a difference.


Experimental Designs

Correlational Designs

Pages 20-22 and Chapter 11. Pages 20-22 and Chapter 12. Pages 20-22 and Chapter 13. Pages 20-22 and Chapter 14. Pages 20-22 and Chapter 15. Pages 20-22 and Chapter 16.

Survey Designs

Grounded Theory Designs

Ethnographic Designs

Narrative Research Designs Mixed Methods Designs

Comparison of Research Designs Template

Action Research Designs

Pages 5962 and Chapter 17.

Comparison of Research Designs Template

Types of Basic Research Designs

Develop a concise list of the names of the various types of each research design presented in the Creswell text. The appropriate sections of the text are listed to guide you. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed. You can leave it in the first cell and consider it to be part of your assignment.
Research De sig n Fa mil ies Creswell T e xt R ef er e n c e
Chapter 10, beginning on page 307. 1. Between Group Designs a. True Experiments b. Quasi Experiments c. Factorial Designs 2. Within-Group or Individual Designs a. Time Series i. interrupted time series ii. equivalent time series b. Repeated Measures c. Single-Subject Designs i. A/B design ii. Multiple baseline design iii. Alternating treatments


Experimental Designs

Correlational Designs

Chapter 11, beginning on page 339. Chapter 12, beginning on page 377. Chapter 13, beginning on page 424. Chapter 14, beginning on page 464. Chapter 15, beginning on page 503.

Survey Designs

Grounded Theory Designs

Ethnographic Designs

Narrative Research Designs

Comparison of Research Designs Template

Mixed Methods Designs

Chapter 16, beginning on page 539. Chapter 17, beginning on page 579.

Action Research Designs

Comparison of Research Designs Template

Key Characteristics
Develop a concise list of the main characteristics of each research design presented in the Creswell text. The appropriate sections of the text are listed to guide you. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed. You can leave it in the first cell and consider it to be part of your assignment.
Research De sig n Fa mil ies Creswell T e xt R ef er e n c e
Chapter 10, beginning on page 296. 1. Random assignment 2. Control over extraneous variables 3. Manipulation of the treatment conditions 4. Outcome Measures 5. Group comparisons 6. Threats to validity

Key Characteristics

Experimental Designs

Correlational Designs

Chapter 11, beginning on page 342. Chapter 12, beginning on page 380. Chapter 13, beginning on page 431. Chapter 14, beginning on page 468. Chapter 15, beginning on page 505. Chapter 16, beginning on page 548. Chapter 17, beginning on

Survey Designs

Grounded Theory Designs

Ethnographic Designs

Narrative Research Designs Mixed Methods Designs

Action Research Designs

Comparison of Research Designs Template

page 586.

Comparison of Research Designs Template

Steps Followed
Provide a concise list of the steps that are followed when using each research design presented in the Creswell text. The appropriate sections of the text are listed to guide you. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed. You can leave it in the first cell and consider it to be part of your assignment.
Research De sig n Fa mil ies Creswell T e xt R ef er e n c e
Chapter 10, beginning on page 322. 1. Decide if an experiment addresses your research problem 2. Form hypotheses to test cause-and-effect relationships 3. Select the experimental unit and identify study participants. 4. Select an experimental treatment and introduce it. 5. Choose the type of experimental design. 6. Conduct the experiment. 7. Organize and analyze the data. 8. Develop an experimental research report.

Steps Followed

Experimental Designs

Correlational Designs

Chapter 11, beginning on page 354. Chapter 12, beginning on page 403. Chapter 13, beginning on page 440. Chapter 14, beginning on page 475. Chapter 15, beginning on page 513. Chapter 16, beginning on page 554.

Survey Designs

Grounded Theory Designs

Ethnographic Designs

Narrative Research Designs Mixed Methods Designs

Comparison of Research Designs Template

Action Research Designs

Chapter 17, beginning on page 589.


Comparison of Research Designs Template

Appropriate Use in a Real-Life Setting

Develop an original and concise description of when each research design would be appropriate to use. The context you describe for using the research design should emerge from your own real-life setting and, should reflect your personal research interests. The appropriate sections of the text are listed to guide you but you must create your own original example. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed. You can leave it in the first cell and consider it to be part of your assignment.
Research De sig n Fa mil ies Creswell T e xt R ef er e n c e
Chapter 10 An experimental research design would be a good choice if a researcher wished to find out if a new phonics program influences reading comprehension test results for grade three students at School XYZ.

Appropriate Usage In a Real-Life Setting

Experimental Designs Correlational Designs Survey Designs Grounded Theory Designs Ethnographic Designs Narrative Research Designs Mixed Methods Designs Action Research Designs

Chapter 11

Chapter 12 Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17


Comparison of Research Designs Template

Purpose Statements and Sample Questions

Develop an original research purpose statement and brief research question list suited to each design, your real-life setting, and your research interests. Draw on the settings and contexts you described in the previous chart, as well as the Creswell text, particularly Chapter 5 and the specific sections listed in the table below. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed. You can leave it in the first cell and consider it to be part of your assignment.
Research De sig n Fa mil ies Creswell T e xt R ef er e n c e
Chapter 10

Purpose Statement and Sample Research Questions

Experimental Designs

The purpose of this experiment is to determine if the ABC Phonics Program influences reading comprehension test scores for grade three students attending School XYZ. Research questions: 1. Is there a difference in reading comprehension test scores of students provided with the ABC Phonics Program and those provided with only traditional reading instruction? 2. Is the influence of the ABC Phonics Program on reading comprehension test scores different for boys and girls? 3. Is the influence of the ABC Phonics Program on reading comprehension test scores different for struggling readers and advanced readers?

Correlational Designs Survey Designs Grounded Theory Designs Ethnographic Designs Narrative Research Designs

Chapter 11

Chapter 12 Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15


Comparison of Research Designs Template

Mixed Methods Designs Action Research Designs

Chapter 16

Chapter 17


Comparison of Research Designs Template

Associated Research Paradigms

Imagine you are a scholar-practitioner working in a community college. You notice that nontraditional adult learners have a lower persistence rate at the college than their younger counterparts who enter the college shortly after graduating from high school. You view this research problem through a particular lens, which is associated with one of the six research paradigms described in the Research Paradigms Chart. If you view the problem through a positivist lens, you might decide to investigate the problem using an experimental design or a survey design. As a positivist you would probably not use an ethnographic design or a narrative design because your theoretical lens influences how you choose to research the problem. Conversely, if you view the problem through a critical/advocacy lens you might choose an action research design and set out to improve the circumstances of non-traditional learners at your college. If you view the problem through a pragmatist lens you might choose to conduct a mixed methods research project involving surveys and interviews and take an in-depth look at the reasons why persistence rates are lower for non-traditional students at your college. Beside each research design family in the table below, list those research paradigms that might lead a researcher to use each design to address the research problem identified above. Your goal is to make defensible choices as you complete this exercise. For example, listing positivism and post-positivism beside Experimental Designs would be easily defended choices. Listing Interpretivist/Constructivist or Critical/Advocacy beside Experimental Designs would be much more difficult to defend. Any one choice that you make as you complete this chart will not indicate your level of understanding in these matters. Rather, the sum total of all the choices you make will indicate whether or not you are beginning to understand how the paradigmatic lenses through which researchers view the social world influence the choices they make as they engage in the research process. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed.
Research De sig n Fa mil ies Creswell T e xt R ef er e n c e
Chapter 11.

Associated Research Paradigms

Experimental Designs Correlational Designs

Positivism Post-positivism

Chapter 12.


Comparison of Research Designs Template

Survey Designs Grounded Theory Designs Ethnographic Designs Narrative Research Designs Mixed Methods Designs Action Research Designs

Chapter 13. Chapter 14.

Chapter 15.

Chapter 16.

Chapter 17.

Chapter 18.


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