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A National Statement "What is Education?"
In the Name of the Gods and Earths I Greet You In Allah Peace. The issue that the National Statement address at this time is EDUCATION.
people do not understand the question, nor the context of the answer. _:" 'When a people are in a condition that makes them a - slave of a mental death and power, causing them to , worship that, that which they know not of, how can they civilize anyone, if in fact, they are not civilized? The general assumption that exists is if a person can lead certain material and become well versed in said will .material, that person becomes educated.

Many people in the American society have different definitions concerning education. Most people feel if !...2.erson has a diEloma or college- degree, they are ~onsidered an educated person. For over four hundred years (400 yrs.) in America, the so-called American Negro has been taught to hate anything natural about self. The foundation of !he Blackman's condition in America, in this day and . time, is based on the perception ofanotherriiarls _education.' ~_educatio.n of any peopleiSthe-fieTa of operation from which their seeds grow and a6v8i:-_QQ.

-As a people we must distinguish the differences - between a man made theory and actual facts.


?the definition of civilize in the Asiatic World means to \.teach knoWledg~na wisdoiTiOf the human families Ion the planet Earth. IncWebsters dictionary, civiliZe-.means "educate in the 'usages of*organized society." yvtlat we have here is two definitions - oN:based on, the theory of applicatio_n and the other on actual facts ' "of accomplishments._ _._- ., ___ -=-m

i -Brothers 'and sisters-;-AJlahtaughfthat-the-greatest

education a person can have is the knowledge of self. Whe.o! s~ak.9f ,~~'y'ing_ thJ~-;-knowl~~(Lo.f self, ,it. 'is ~~~context ofKnov~mg how ~glJ~~g_12q -aeCI~itIT.~e-rstarfCmg. infact, tfiis--is-tne, misconcepti6nfffiif many people have become a vieof, causing them to Ii\&a condition of being dead people, talking and quoting what they know not of. .----------; , ~~lIah stated "the greatest education, is a person having knowledge of self." , ,



(.r:: \3-')

The questions I present at this time are as follows: ., / "\ ~ If a per on has a degree or diploma, is that person educate, . 1 'tim If a person has the know how to quote lessons, ISthat person educated? As you continue to read this National Statement, I hope you will gain a better understanding of the term education. Many brothers and sisters in our midst teach that the devil is not a civilized man, and his foundation of education is rooted in tricks and lies. .According to mel truth that was put il]to motion bt Allah, history reveals that the root of knowledge and high science originated from the 1996, the Blackman is at the bottom-of the ladder in r~9ards to educational and economical development.


Let's examine the above statement, erson comes into the knowled e of self, ,they are born within the realm of enlightenment, which is the foundation of learning how t6 examine .one's resourceS:--Ravmg'lm~9cige of self,brOtfierS ~andsisters enables you to understand your past and present, realizing theeffectandTmpactlnaTlffiadar .~_asupon you. That is the firs~~ge of coming into_. 1tle knowledge. Next. you must IdentifYlhe control- , ,1J.n.g source of Rower that created such, conditrOnS-:-' ' )his is called cause and effect. " !f you are true to this process of reviewing..Y.Q.VLP...t ~nd present history, your natural birth right as be~.!l9 ,the original people com~s int9 deyelqpment ,This means the way of Wisdom will force yOy to ask the following questions. '



170r30 years I have listened to peo.~e quote the 18th 9egree in the 1-40, What is the Ou!y'_of a CivilizedPerson?

The amazing thing about this degree is that many

1.) Who am I?'


2.) What are my mental &. physical powers'[ , ,:~ ,.. . 3.) What are my original roots? 4.) Why am I in this condition?




J.! we aqce-Etthe Father's teaching and under..~ndir:lfL ,,~hat when' the original man comes back into the knowledge of self, hiS Ilfe is predicted. and he must learn how to live that life. .,
As beneficiaries of the Father's teaChing, we must IEmm aha understand'our ongln In thiS wona,ancfnoIqnger fear the unlike (devil). I know many brothers and sisters may have doubts, and not accept this understanding. So, the following questions I put forth for all doubters. . @ow was the.devJl pr~plcte.d 9,000 years before he was born? ..,. How did the wise men of the East, Blackman make his!.ory 25,000 years to equal the circumference of the planet earth? and livel . that history out right and exact? ' ..-' -'. .

5.) What must I do to change these


When a person begins to answer these questions, they are applying the resources of understanding to develop the power of one's nature.


'.Ha,,-in~ ~nmyledseot self is the seed of development that ol'logs forth your birth record in this cipher of history. FACT: _'The Father taught that when a person got t<nOWfedgeof self, his life is predicted. " (EXAMINE): the original people make history to equal-fheir'home circumference by predicting history every 25,000 years, our life can also be predicted and controlled by that very same power that predicts history. First we must understand that the essence of puilding "in an onglniil--state--=orrnin'Cf1snot the-same ~s being conditioned by another man's thinking or ideas.
,J,If your perception of life and history is within a man


is the -Original Man? '

How could the Gods giVe the. devil, the power to rule the earth for 6,000 years and come in one a.avaDd.takethe devil off ourearth? " , ffyo~ apPly the theory of a'Sducated fool. you;Jiib;- searching for tiillions of years for the answer. Gods and Earths, we are here to build and develop the true essence of a nation. Therefore, we must \ leam the sciences that originated from our ancestors, \ r.e. biology, chemistry, mathematics and all major . academical .disciplines that would enhance our efforts in America and all over the wortd. Brothers=arla Sisters, we must1earrfsJ<iIIs and trades._7 'Those'of us who are enroIl9Oii'icOllegesana-uruver. . . sines must understand our stations in this endeavor. Withoutfhe resources of understanding and commitment, you will become indoctrinatedand assimilat~~_ into another man's perception of education: If we ,teach that the original man is the Father .Qf CivilizatiofJJ.we are bonded by our birth right to regain this knowledge and sciences that originated from our forebearers .


!!Jade condition that was created to enslave your I')ature, you will never think free or be educated. '''Vhen a peor;>le have mental and spiritual freedom, ,they can make choices and decisions that affect their lives and surroundings. In other words, you have the esources of understanding to develop goals.

EVIEW: The trader made a promise that they, Gods, mastering 120 degrees is a comer stone in wout receive more gold for their labor, more thaI'! ~our educational development. Please do not be !!2.~.Y could receive from their own endeavors. The !!li!Jist~L!<nQws lh.atw.b.e.n..a_p_eLs.O.ILdieJOe.Y_wiILnoT fooled or misled by a person that can quote lessons, .~d have no understanding on what is being quoted. come back from the grave and reveal to the living Your lessons are like a map, giving directions as you tnaf'thetra-der-liea. fravel, trom one stage to the next. Plus lessons is the, ' understanding of your experiences within the travels My brothers and sisters, how do you renew your hisof your life. ~essons alone don't make you educated I tory? What medium do you use? The gold of the ~


or cblilized, in fact, it is only one of the many resources we must obtain to insure our success.' ~ :l:~CV Masterinj; 120 degrees is nO,t the same as quoting 1'20 degrees. Those of us that master 120 deg'teas can quote the lessons and apply proper understanding to the knowledge and wisdom.

. puters, ~'yring that ourc.hiI.Q(e.n are building on an _~u~ or cibove-lev~1 with all the human ramll~f" Jhe P et Earth.. ..


(fAQ:kWe spend hundreds 9f dollarS on brand name" . jtems that are advocating another perSon's' name. , .. o, why not invest in your own seed. S .----Again I ask the questiC?n. How do you rene~9ur 81story? Brothers and Sisters, if you fail to see what

Obtaining a diploma, a degree or any technical skills . . is very beneficial to the Natlons development. Degrees and diplomas without true knowledge of self breeds an educated fool. Having lessons without mastering them breeds a quoting fool. . - . So, this National Statement is to give a clear understanding to brothers and sisters who have been halfstepping concerning the educational growth in our Nation. At the same time, we would like to thank the brothers and sisters that are putting forth the effort and time to obtain the proper skills, trades, degrees and resources to uplift this Nation. . EDUCATION IS THE KEY THAT SETS YOU FREE IN ORDER TO HELP THE GODS .....

your ass and allow your brain~thin~ degree in the Student Enrollment_ a ut thelfrSf flaving knowledge of self allows ~....Qpt~_!Q_.Q~ real rabout the condition th~_ar~ in. As an individual and a people, we must begi.T\oreco9!!!zeciu!_~@lJgft!I and weaknesses in order to correct the errors of our past. There are too many people in our midst that are vicJtms of the 6th dearee in th~ 1:14. which in -tefm,iUfNI renews the8th degree in the Student F;orqJlmenJ.

In Allah World Manifest. our educational process [-encompasses economical development, cultural enlightenment and most importantly, collective work land responsibilities. Our educational process eliminates the seeds of laziness out of a person and instills. ~elf esteem and self-confidence in our people. Gods and Earths, lets put our best minds forward and begin to teach the youth the importance of learning skills, trades and educational developments that enhances our goals of having a government and land we can call our own. -=.- '-'- ~ .As parents we send our children to schools thinking that another man or woman will teach our children to be the best they can be. lo..tQ80!y, this concept is the . ~orm of today. Inreali~ it Is-only the traders with another promise that wlFnot be kegt The differences this time around, is that, broth~rs. and sisters, and parents who advocate the d!:l~f a _civilized person, is not afraid to be accountable. The Gods an,J;Earths have aareed, no longer to sueport...:, a 6,000 v~ar old svstem that aoolauded the nurse (trader) '-vmen they feed our babies to a wild beast (diabolical conditions). All parents within our Nation must become more involved in the educational' .Qrocess of where they send their children. As a people. we must participate and form our own parents associations, to insure a rite of passage in education for our children. We must invest in com-

If you play you will pay, If you build, you will be successful in Allah's


This is the year to born your egualit}!. Yl?umust learn to deal equal with yourself, becoming a master of time management, reading, 'ffieaitation, tastingaild'participating in posf~activities. Thes'e can only help you be a stronger person within a strong Nation.

-How can a person help anyone, if that person is not

" helping self. How can you civilize the uncivilized if you are not educated to civilize your self. This Nation needs builders. not mind stealers. . FACT: POEM OF THE MONTH: Love Your Self, . Thafs the Power that will help you Endure, Proving you are sure About the GREATEST EDUCATION, Which is Allah's Manifestation that KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY TO YOUR ELEVATION So Understand this NATIONAL REVELATION.


National Representative Dumar Wa'de~

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