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No. 408

Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology
FEATURES New Nano-composite coating material achieves extraordinary heat resistance and hardness. This is attained due to the new composite layer, consisting of nano-crystal material (Oxidizing temperature: 1100C, Layer hardness: HV 3600). Achieves extraordinary performance in high-speed cutting, and high efficient machining of hardened steel, machining efficiency is more than twice as effective as other manufacturers solid carbide end mills. Ensuring long life and reliability in hardened steel applications (45-60HRC) Material examples: 1.2080, 1.2344, and 1.2379, ASP Powder Steels, High Speed Steels and Stainless Steels The coating generates less heat during cutting; therefore it is well suited to dry machining conditions. Garantisce una vita del tagliente e unaffidabilit straordinaria per applicazioni con materiali temprati (45-65 HRC). Esempi per materiali sono: 1.2080, 1.2344, 1.2379, Acciai HSS a polvere sinterizzato (ASP), Acciai Super Rapidi (HSS) e acciai inossidabili. Il rivestimento crea un calore minore durante il processo di taglio; come conseguenza la fresa lavora bene a secco. VENTAJAS El nuevo Nano-Recubrimiento tiene una extraordinaria dureza y resistencia al calor. Esto se logra gracias a la nueva composicin, formada por materiales nanocristalinos (Temperatura de oxidacin 1100C, Dureza: 3600 HV) Especialmente eficaz mecanizando materiales templados en alta velocidad. En comparacin con las fresas de otros fabricantes se logra duplicar su rendimiento y duracin. Garantiza una gran duracin y fiabilidad en aplicaciones en acero templado (45-60 HRC) como por ejemplo 1.2080, 1.2344, y 1.2379, ASP sinterizado, acero rpido (HSS) y acero inoxidable. El recubrimiento genera menos calor durante el mecanizado por lo que es ideal para el mecanizado en seco. CARACTRISTIQUES Nouveau Revtement NANO PVD Epoch Revtement TH . Celle-ci est atteinte grce la nouvelle composition des couches, constitues dune matire nano- cristallin (Temprature doxydation 1100C, duret de la couche HV 3600) Obtenir dextraordinaires performances en UGV, et haut rendement dusinage dans les aciers traits, lefficacit dusinage est plus de deux fois suprieure aux autres fabricants de fraises carbure . Assure une grande dure de vie et fiabilit dans les aciers traits (45-60HRC). Exemples de matire : 1.2080, 1.2344 et 1.2379, Acier fritt ASP, Acier Super Rapide et Acier Inoxydable Le revtement gnre moins de chaleur pendant la coupe, aussi est-il trs recommand dusiner sec

BESONDERHEITEN Die bemerkenswert hohe Hitzebestndigkeit und Hrte des neuen Nano-Composite Beschichtungsmaterials (Oxidierungstemperatur: 1.100C, Hrte der Beschichtung: HV 3.600). Verantwortlich dafr ist eine neuartige MischBeschichtung, bestehend aus einem Nano-Kristall-Material Die auerordentlichen Zerpanungsleistungen in HSCBearbeitungen und die hohe Leistungsfhigkeit bei der Bearbeitung von gehrteten Sthlen, ermglichen eine Steigerung der Bearbeitungseffizienz um das 2-fache gegenber Vollhartmetall-Werkzeugen anderer Hersteller (oder gegenber herkmmlich beschichteten Vollhartmetall-Werkzeugen). Die garantiert hohen Standzeiten und WiederholGenauigkeiten bei der Bearbeitung von gehrteten Sthlen (HRC 45-60) wie: 1.2080, 1.2344 und 1.2379, ASP Pulversthle, HSS-Sthle und rostfreie Sthle Die geringe Hitzeentwicklung whrend der Bearbeitung, prdestiniert diese Beschichtung fr die Trocken-Bearbeitung. PARTICOLARIT Il nuovo nano-rivestimento straordinariamente resistente al calore e alla durezza grazie a strati composti costituiti da materiale micro-cristallizzato. La temperatura di ossidazione circa 1100C con una durezza dello strato di circa 3600 HV. Raggiunge alte prestazioni per la fresatura ad alta velocit e per lefficiente lavorazione di acciai temprati. Il rendimento pi del doppio rispetto ad altri produttori di frese in metallo duro integrale.

TH Coatings Hardness and Oxidization-Resistance compared to conventional coatings Hrte und Oxidations-Widerstandsfhigkeit der TH 45+ Beschichtung im Vergleich zu herkmmlichen Beschichtungen Durezza e Resistenza di ossidazione del rivestimento TH a confronto con i rivestimenti convenzionali Dureza y resistencia a la oxidacin del recubrimiento TH comparada con los recubrimientos convencionales La duret et la rsistance loxydation du revtement TH compares aux revtements conventionnels
Highly accurate finish machining is achievable = Less Re-work and polishing The tool exhibits its power to cut various materials, from prehardened steels (35 HRC) to high hardened steels (65 HRC). The Epoch Hard is especially for high-speed cutting. This End Mill can achieve a lot higher tool life than conventional coated tools. Direct milling of high-hardened die steel is easily accomplished. Radius tolerance: +/- 0.005 mm (under 6), Highly accurate finish machining is possible.

FEATURES Newly developed TH Coating has excellent oxidation-resistant properties, this achieves: High speed cutting of hard steels = High Efficiency Improvement in tool life = Lower tooling costs The newly designed flute geometry increases rigidity, with the improved high radius accuracy producing higher tolerance, and smoother surface finish. Direct milling of hardened steel is now possible = Faster production times

2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology
4000 Alta precisione di finitura superficiale raggiungibile = tempi di ripresa e lucidatura sono percettibilmente ridotti. Lutensile rende possibile la fresatura di materiali diversi, da bonificati (da 35 HRC in su) a acciai di alte durezze (fino 65 HRC). LEpoch Duro stato fatto particolarmente per lavorazioni ad Alta Velocit. Questa fresa garantisce una vita dellutensile pi elevata in confronto a frese con un rivestimento convenzionale. La fresatura diretta dei materiali temprati facilmente raggiunta. Tolleranza del raggio: 0.005 mm (< 6) per richieste di finitura superficiale accurata.


H1gf Hardness 2000






TH Coating

BESONDERHEITEN Die exzellente Oxidations-Widerstandsfhigkeit der neu entwickelten TH 45+ Beschichtung ermglicht HSC-Bearbeitungen in gehrteten Sthlen = Hohe Effizienz Verbesserung der Werkzeugstandzeit = Niedrigere Werkzeugkosten Die durch eine neu entwickelte Schneidengeometrie enorm gesteigerte Steifigkeit und eine erhhte Radius-Genauigkeit ermglichen Die direkte Bearbeitung von gehrteten Sthlen = krzere Produktionszeiten Hochgenaue Schlichtbearbeitungen = Weniger Nach- oder Polierarbeiten Die Strken dieses Werkzeugs liegen in der Fhigkeit, die unterschiedlichsten Werkstoffe zu zerspanen, ob vorgehrtete Sthle (HRC 35) oder Werkstoffe mit hohen Hrten (HRC 65). Der Epoch Hard ist speziell fr die HSC-Bearbeitung entwickelt worden und erreicht wesentlich hhere Standzeiten als herkmmlich beschichtete Werkzeuge. Die direkte Bearbeitung von hoch-gehrteten Sthlen bereitet mit diesem neuen Werkzeug keinerlei Probleme mehr. Die Radius-Toleranz von +/- 0,005 mm (unter 6 mm), ermglicht hchstgenaue Schlichtbearbeitungen. ASPETTI PARTICOLARI Lultimo sviluppo di rivestimenti "TH ha eccellente propriet di resistenza allossidazione e permette: Lavorazione ad alta velocit di materiali temprati = alta efficienza Grande allungamento di vita dellutensile = Costi pi bassi degli utensili Il disegno di nuova concezione del corpo tagliente incrementa la rigidit che, unita allestrema precisione della geometria raggio utensile, garantisce un alto livello di precisione e un grado di finitura superficiale eccezionale. La fresatura diretta dei materiali temprati adesso possibile = tempi di esecuzione ridotti

VENTAJAS El nuevo recubrimiento TH tiene una excelente resistencia a la oxidacin que le permite: Mecanizar a alta velocidad materiales templados = Alta eficacia Mayor vida de herramienta = Menor coste Una nueva geometra que aumenta la rigidez, y una mejorada precisin de radio, permiten mecanizar con tolerancias muy exigentes y obtener rugosidades superficiales ptimas El mecanizado directo de material templado = Menor tiempo de produccin El mecanizado de alta precisin = Menos ajuste y pulido. La herramienta demuestra su eficacia en diversos materiales, desde 35 HRC hasta 65 HRC. La Epoch Hard esta especialmente diseada para el mecanizado alta velocidad. La duracin de esta herramienta es muy superior a la de fresas convencionales. El mecanizado directo de aceros altamente templados es fcilmente realizable. Tolerancia del radio: +/- 0.005 mm (hasta 6), Permite mecanizar con una altsima precisin. DESCRIPTIONS Le nouveau revtement TH offre dexcellentes proprits la rsistance loxydation, ceci implique : Hautes vitesses de coupe des aciers traits = Grande efficacit Augmentation de la dure de vie = Baisse des cots doutillage Le nouveau dessin de la gomtrie de la dent augmente la rigidit, de plus lamlioration de la tolrance du rayon produit une meilleure tolrance dusinage et un meilleur tat de surface . Usinage direct dans les aciers traits est maintenant possible = Temps de production raccourcis Haute tolrance en usinage de finition = Moins dopration de reprise Loutil dmontre son pouvoir de coupe dans diffrentes matires, des aciers prtraits (35HRC) aux aciers traits (65 HRC) . LEpoch Hard est recommande pour l'UGV . Ces fraises obtiennent une plus grande dure de vie que les outils avec un revtement standard . Lusinage direct de matrice en aciers traits est facilement ralisable . Tolrance du rayon: +/- 0.005mm (outil 6). Trs haute tolrance en usinage de finition ralisable .

Oxidized depth (10+3 nm)

3 TiAlN 2 TiCN TiN 1

0 600 800 1000 1200 Temperature (K) 1400

Chrystal Control in TH Coating


2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology

Cutting Performance
Direct Milling of Hardened Steel

EPBT-2100 1.2344 (50HRC)

n = 5,700 min-1 Vc = 180 m/min Vf = 2,050 mm/min fz = 0.18 mm/tooth ap x ae = 1 x 3 mm Dry (Air Blow) M/C ISO 40 Milling time: 24 min

Epoch TH Hard Ball

A: TiAlN Coating

Center area 0.028 mm

Flank wear
80 mm

0.07 mm
Flank wear

100 mm

10 mm Machining depth

3 Pocketing

Boundary area 0.028 mm

Flank wear

0.23 mm

EPBT-2100 1.2379 (58HRC)

n = 4,500 min-1 Vc = 140 m/min Vf = 1,080 mm/min fz = 0.12 mm/tooth ap x ae = 0.5 x 2 mm Dry (Air Blow) M/C ISO 40 Milling time: 33 min

Epoch TH Hard Ball

A: TiAlN Coating

Center area 0.02 mm

Flank wear
80 mm

0.045 mm
Flank wear

100 mm

5 mm Machining depth

Boundary area 0.037 mm

Flank wear

3 Pocketing

0.25 mm

2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology

Cutting Performance
High Speed Finish Cutting of Hardened Die Steel (62HRC)

Epoch TH Hard Ball

Flank wear VB (mm) 0.2 Epoch TH Hard Ball

A: TiAlN Coating

B A 0.1

EPBT-2100 1.2379 (62HRC)

n Vf = 8,000 = 1,600 fz = 0.1 ap x ae = 0.4 x 0.2 min-1 mm/min mm/tooth mm

0.2 mm

0.4 mm

100 200 300 Cutting length (m)


Straight down cut, air blow

High Speed Cutting of Hardened Die Steel (52HRC)

0.3 Flank wear VB (mm)

Epoch TH Hard Ball


A: TiAlN Coating

0.2 Epoch TH Hard Ball 0.1

EPBT-2100 1.2343 (52HRC)

n Vf = 8,000 = 1,600 fz = 0.1 ap x ae = 0.5 x 0.2 min-1 mm/min mm/tooth mm

0.2 mm

0.5 mm

Straight down cut, air blow 0 100 200 Cutting length (m)

Field Data HSC (High Speed Cutting) 3D / Semi-Finishing EPBT-2100 (R5x10) W = 1.2080 (60HRC)
n Vf fz = 4,700 = 1,200 = 0.13 ap x ae = 0.3 x 0.5 min-1 mm/min mm/tooth mm

HPC (High Precision Cutting) 3D / Fine-Finishing EPBT-2010 (R0.5x1) W = 1.2379 (58HRC)

n Vf fz = 13,000 = 400 = 0.015 ap x ae = 0.01 x 0.03 min-1 mm/min mm/tooth mm

High Speed M/C, Oil mist

High Speed M/C, Oil mist

2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology

EPBT | Epoch Ball TH-Coating

V max
High Speed
Roughing Semi-Finishing Finishing


No. of Teeth

R D l d

Micro Grain

Nano-PVD Coating

Rake Angle

R D d

0.005 0/-0.01 h5

ID Code EP 255 EP 256 EP 257 EP 258 EP 259 EP 260 EP 261 EP 262 EP 263

Item No. EPBT-2010 EPBT-2020 EPBT-2030 EPBT-2040 EPBT-2050 EPBT-2060 EPBT-2080 EPBT-2100 EPBT-2120


Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

R 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6

D 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12

l 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 12 15 18


l1 4 7


ln2 8.5 8.5


L 50 50 70 70 80 90 100 100 110

d 4 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 12

Type A A A A A B B B B

2.5 11 5.5 14

15.3 11.3 12.7 5.7

8.5 11.3 2.8

= Stock | Germany

2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology

EPHT | Epoch Hard TH-Coating

V max
High Speed
Semi-Finishing Finishing


No. of Teeth

No. of Teeth

D l L

d D D

d I L L

Micro Grain

-0.014/-0.028 -0.020/-0.038 -0.025/-0.047 h6

Nano-PVD Coating

Rake Angle

3~6 6~20 d

ID Code EP 244 EP 264 EP 245 EP 265 EP 246 EP 247 EP 248 EP 249 EP 250 EP 251 EP 252 EP 253 EP 254

Item No. EPHT-4010 EPHT-4015 EPHT-4020 EPHT-4025 EPHT-4030 EPHT-4040 EPHT-4050 EPHT-6060 EPHT-6080 EPHT-6100 EPHT-6120 EPHT-6160 EPHT-6200


Z 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6

D 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20

l 3.5 5 7 8 10 12 15 15 20 25 30 40 45






L 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 75 80 100 110 125

d 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 12 16 20

Type A A A A A A A B B B B B B

= Stock | Germany

2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology

Cutting Performance
High Speed Cutting of Hardened Die Steel (52HRC) 52HRC
Epoch TH Hard 600 Tool life (m) B A 400

0.4 mm

EPHT-6080 1.2344 (52HRC)

= 300~500 m/min = 0.07 mm/tooth ap x ae = 8 x 0.4 mm
fz Straight down cut, air blow


8 mm


200 400 600 Cutting speed (m/min)

High Speed Cutting of Hardened Die Steel (60HRC) 60HRC


0.4 mm

EPHT-6080 1.2379 (62HRC)

Epoch TH Hard

Tool life (m)


= 50~150 m/min = 0.05 mm/tooth ap x ae = 8 x 0.4 mm

fz Straight down cut, air blow


8 mm

A 20 B

50 100 150 Cutting speed (m/min)


Field Data HSC (High Speed Cutting) Side-Milling / Roughing EPHT-6100 (10) W = 1.3343 (58HRC)
n Vc Vf fz ap x ae = 6,400 = 201 = 3,840 = 0.1 = 20 x 0.2 min-1 m/min mm/min mm/tooth mm

HPC (High Precision Cutting) Side-Milling / Finishing EPHT-6100 (10) W = 1.3343 (58HRC)
n Vc Vf fz ap x ae = 2,000 = 62.8 = 150 = 0.0125 = 20 x 0.02 min-1 m/min mm/min mm/tooth mm, Zero-cut

M/C, ISO 40, Oil mist

M/C, ISO 40, Oil mist

2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology

Recommended cutting conditions EPHT

Side Milling



Work piece Material

Condition ap Range ae ap=1.5-2D


Tool Steel (25-35HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.1D ap=1.5-2D


ae=0.1D ap=1.5-2D

Pre-hardened High Speed ae=0.1D III steel ap=1.5-2D (35-45HRC)


ae=0.1D ap=1.5-2D

Hardened IV steel (45-55HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.03D ap=1.5-2D


ae=0.06D ap=1-1.5D

Hardened V steel (55-65HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.02D ap=1-1.5D


ae=0.04D ap=1-1.5D

Hardened V steel (65-70HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.02D ap=1-1.5D



Cutting Condition n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth) n (min-1) Vc (m/min) Vf (mm/min) fz (mm/tooth)

1 79,600 250 2,550 0.008 19,100 60 610 0.008 79,600 250 2,550 0.008 19,100 60 380 0.005 63,700 200 1,780 0.007 19,100 60 380 0.005 47,800 150 1,150 0.006 19,100 60 310 0.004 31,800 100 640 0.005 12,700 40 200 0.004

2 39,800 250 2,870 0.018 19,100 120 1,380 0.018 39,800 250 2,550 0.016 15,900 100 700 0.011 31,800 200 1,780 0.014 12,700 80 510 0.010 23,900 150 1,240 0.013 9,600 60 350 0.009 15,900 100 760 0.012 6,400 40 200 0.008

3 26,500 250 3,070 0.029 12,700 120 1,470 0.029 26,500 250 2,760 0.026 10,600 100 760 0.018 21,200 200 1,950 0.023 8,500 80 540 0.016 15,900 150 1,340 0.021 6,400 60 380 0.015 10,600 100 810 0.019 4,200 40 220 0.013

4 22,300 280 3,750 0.042 11,100 140 1,860 0.042 20,700 260 3,150 0.038 9,600 120 1,000 0.026 18,300 230 2,420 0.033 8,000 100 740 0.023 14,300 180 1,720 0.030 6,400 80 540 0.021 10,400 130 1,120 0.027 4,800 60 360 0.019

Tool (mm) 6 8 14,900 11,100 280 280 5,360 5,330 0.060 0.080 7,400 5,600 140 140 2,890 2,860 0.065 0.085 13,800 10,400 260 260 4,550 4,680 0.055 0.075 6,400 4,800 120 120 1,540 1,580 0.040 0.055 12,200 9,200 230 230 3,660 3,590 0.050 0.065 5,300 4,000 100 100 1,110 1,080 0.035 0.045 9,600 7,200 180 180 2,590 2,590 0.045 0.060 4,200 3,200 80 80 760 770 0.030 0.040 6,900 5,200 130 130 1,660 1,720 0.040 0.055 3,200 2,400 60 60 580 580 0.030 0.040

10 8,900 280 5,340 0.100 4,500 140 2,700 0.100 8,300 260 4,480 0.090 3,800 120 1,480 0.065 7,300 230 3,500 0.080 3,200 100 1,060 0.055 5,700 180 2,390 0.070 2,500 80 750 0.050 4,100 130 1,600 0.065 1,900 60 510 0.045

12 7,400 280 4,880 0.110 3,700 140 2,440 0.110 6,900 260 4,140 0.100 3,200 120 1,340 0.070 6,100 230 3,290 0.090 2,700 100 970 0.060 4,800 180 2,300 0.080 2,100 80 690 0.055 3,500 130 1,470 0.070 1,600 60 480 0.050

16 5,600 280 4,370 0.130 2,800 140 2,180 0.130 5,200 260 3,430 0.110 2,400 120 1,150 0.080 4,600 230 2,760 0.100 2,000 100 840 0.070 3,600 180 1,940 0.090 1,600 80 620 0.065 2,600 130 1,250 0.080 1,200 60 400 0.055

20 4,500 280 4,590 0.170 2,200 140 2,240 0.170 4,100 260 3,690 0.150 1,900 120 1,200 0.105 3,700 230 2,890 0.130 1,600 100 860 0.090 2,900 180 2,090 0.120 1,300 80 620 0.080 2,100 130 1,390 0.110 1,000 60 450 0.075

1. Use as highly rigid and accurate machine as available. 2. The cutting conditions in the above table are a general guide. For your actual work piece adjust the conditions according to the machining shape, purpose and the machine tool to be used. 3. If the rpm speed available is lower, adjust the feed rate to the same ratio with the rpm.

1. Utilizar la mquina ms rgida y precisa posible. 2. Las condiciones de corte de la tabla son una orientacin general. Para un trabajo especfico hay que ajustar las condiciones en funcin de la geometra de la pieza, el resultado esperado y el tipo de mquina que vamos a utilizar. 3. Si las rpm de la maquina son inferiores, hay que ajustar el avance en proporcin a las mismas.

1. Nutzen Sie fr die Bearbeitungen die Maschine mit der hchsten Genauigkeit und der hchsten Steifigkeit 2. Die in der Tabelle angegebenen Schnittbedingungen stellen eine generelle Empfehlung dar. Die Werte sollten immer an die jeweilige Bearbeitung, deren Form und die verwendete Maschine angepasst werden. 3. Sollte die Ihnen verfgbare Drehzahl niedriger als der in der Tabelle angegebene Wert sein, sollte der Vorschub im gleichen Verhltnis reduziert werden.

1. Utiliser une machine aussi fiable et rigide que possible . 2. Les conditions de coupe du tableau sont indicatives . Pour votre application, ajuster cette base en fonction de votre machine . 3. Si le nombre de tours est insuffisant ajuster les avances dans la mme proportion que la rotation disponible .

1. Usate centri di lavoro pi precisi e rigidi possibile. 2. Le condizioni di taglio indicate sono valori generali. Per ottimizzare il Vostro processo di lavoro analizzate i parametri in funzione delle geometrie che dovete generare e del centro di lavoro a disposizione. 3. Se i giri del mandrino della macchina disponibili sono pi bassi rispetto al valore espresso regolate lavanzamento con lo stesso rapporto.

2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology

Recommended cutting conditions EPBT



Work piece material

Condition Range

ap ae ap=0.06-0.08D


Tool Steel (25-35HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.3D ap=0.06-0.08D


ae=0.3D ap=0.06-0.08D

Pre-hardened III steel (35-45HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.3D ap=0.06-0.08D


ae=0.3D ap=0.05-0.06D

Hardened IV steel (45-55HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.25D ap=0.05-0.06D


ae=0.25D ap=0.03-0.04D

Hardened V steel (55-65HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.25D ap=0.03-0.04D


ae=0.25D ap=0.02-0.03D

Hardened V steel (65-70HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.2D ap=0.02-0.03D



Cutting R0.5/1 Condition n (min-1) 79,600 Vc (m/min) 250 Vf (mm/min) 3,180 fz (mm/tooth) 0.02 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 760 fz (mm/tooth) 0.02 n (min-1) 79,600 Vc (m/min) 250 Vf (mm/min) 3,180 fz (mm/tooth) 0.02 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 760 fz (mm/tooth) 0.02 n (min-1) 76,400 Vc (m/min) 240 Vf (mm/min) 3,060 fz (mm/tooth) 0.02 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 380 fz (mm/tooth) 0.01 n (min-1) 57,300 Vc (m/min) 180 Vf (mm/min) 1,150 fz (mm/tooth) 0.01 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 380 fz (mm/tooth) 0.01 n (min-1) 38,200 Vc (m/min) 120 Vf (mm/min) 760 fz (mm/tooth) 0.01 n (min-1) 15,900 Vc (m/min) 50 Vf (mm/min) 320 fz (mm/tooth) 0.01

R1/2 47,800 300 2,870 0.03 19,100 120 1,150 0.03 47,800 300 2,870 0.03 19,100 120 1,150 0.03 38,200 240 2,290 0.03 15,900 100 640 0.02 28,700 180 1,150 0.02 12,700 80 510 0.02 19,100 120 760 0.02 8,000 50 320 0.02

R1.5/3 31,800 300 3,180 0.05 15,900 150 1,590 0.05 31,800 300 3,180 0.05 15,900 150 1,590 0.05 27,600 260 2,210 0.04 12,700 120 1,020 0.04 21,200 200 1,700 0.04 10,600 100 640 0.03 12,700 120 1,020 0.04 5,300 50 320 0.03

Tool Radius (mm) R2/4 R3/6 23,900 18,000 300 340 3,350 3,960 0.07 0.11 11,900 9,600 150 180 1,670 2,110 0.07 0.11 23,900 18,000 300 340 2,870 3,240 0.06 0.09 11,900 9,600 150 180 1,430 1,730 0.06 0.09 20,700 14,900 260 280 2,480 2,680 0.06 0.09 9,600 7,400 120 140 960 1,180 0.05 0.08 15,900 12,700 200 240 1,590 2,030 0.05 0.08 8,000 6,400 100 120 800 900 0.05 0.07 9,600 8,500 120 160 960 1,360 0.05 0.08 4,000 4,200 50 80 400 590 0.05 0.07

R4/8 13,500 340 4,050 0.15 7,200 180 2,160 0.15 13,500 340 3,510 0.13 7,200 180 1,870 0.13 11,100 280 2,660 0.12 5,600 140 1,230 0.11 9,600 240 1,920 0.10 4,800 120 860 0.09 6,400 160 1,280 0.10 3,200 80 580 0.09

R5/10 10,800 340 3,890 0.18 5,700 180 2,050 0.18 10,800 340 3,460 0.16 5,700 180 1,820 0.16 8,900 280 2,490 0.14 4,500 140 1,170 0.13 7,600 240 1,980 0.13 3,800 120 910 0.12 5,100 160 1,330 0.13 2,500 80 600 0.12

R6/12 9,000 340 3,420 0.19 4,800 180 1,820 0.19 9,000 340 3,060 0.17 4,800 180 1,630 0.17 7,400 280 2,220 0.15 3,700 140 1,040 0.14 6,400 240 1,790 0.14 3,200 120 830 0.13 4,200 160 1,180 0.14 2,100 80 550 0.13

1. Use a highly rigid and accurate machine as available. 2. The radial step over (Pf, pick feed) in the above table is for general information. Please select the conditions to suit your actual surface finish requirements, according to the cusp height stated. 3. The cutting conditions in the above table are a general guide. For your actual work piece adjust the conditions according to the machining shape, purpose and the machine tool to be used. 4. If the rpm speed available is lower, adjust the feed rate to the same ratio with the rpm.

3. Le condizioni di taglio indicate sono valori generali. Per ottimizzare il Vostro processo di lavoro analizzate i parametri in funzione delle geometrie che dovete generare e del centro di lavoro a disposizione. 4. Se i giri del mandrino della macchina disponibili sono pi bassi rispetto al valore espresso regolate lavanzamento con lo stesso rapporto.

1. Utilizar la mquina ms rgida y precisa posible. 2. El paso radial (Pf, paso) de la tabla es una informacin general. Hay que utilizar el paso adecuado en funcin del acabado superficial que se pretenda obtener segn la rugosidad mxima prevista (Altura de cresta). 3. Las condiciones de corte de la tabla son una orientacin general. Para un trabajo especfico hay que ajustar las condiciones en funcin de la geometra de la pieza, el resultado esperado y el tipo de mquina que vamos a utilizar. 4. Si las rpm de la maquina son inferiores, hay que ajustar el avance en proporcin a las mismas.

1. Nutzen Sie fr die Bearbeitungen die Maschine mit der hchsten Genauigkeit und der hchsten Steifigkeit 2. Der in der Tabelle angegebene Zeilensprung ist eine generelle Empfehlung. Um die jeweiligen Anforderungen an die Oberflchengte zu erreichen whlen Sie die Bedingungen entsprechend der angegebenen Rautiefe. 3. Die in der Tabelle angegebenen Schnittbedingungen stellen eine generelle Empfehlung dar. Die Werte sollten immer an die jeweilige Bearbeitung, deren Form und die verwendete Maschine angepasst werden. 4. Sollte die Ihnen verfgbare Drehzahl niedriger als der in der Tabelle angegebene Wert sein, sollte der Vorschub im gleichen Verhltnis reduziert werden.

1. Utiliser une machine aussi fiable et rigide que possible . 2. SVP choisissez vos conditions en fonction de ltat de surface requis . 3. Les conditions de coupe du tableau sont indicatives. Pour votre application, ajuster cette base en fonction de votre machine . 4. Si le nombre de tours est insuffisant ajuster les avances dans la mme proportion que la rotation disponible .

1. Usate centri di lavoro pi precisi e rigidi possibile 2. Gli indicazioni sul passo laterale (ae) espresso nella tabella sopra riportata sono valori generali. Per ottimizzare il processo di lavoro usate le relazioni cresta/raggio pi vicine alle Vostre esigenze.


2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

Nano-PVD Technology

Recommended cutting conditions EPBT



Work piece material

Condition Range

ap ae ap=0.05-0.1D


Tool Steel (25-35HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.02-0.06D ap=0.05-0.1D


ae=0.02-0.06D ap=0.05-0.1D

Pre-hardened III steel (35-45HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.02-0.06D ap=0.05-0.1D


ae=0.02-0.06D ap=0.05-0.08D

Hardened IV steel (45-55HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.02-0.04D ap=0.05-0.08D


ae=0.02-0.04D ap=0.04-0.06D

Hardened V steel (55-65HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.02-0.04D ap=0.04-0.06D


ae=0.02-0.04D ap=0.02-0.04D

Hardened V steel (65-70HRC)

High Speed

ae=0.02-0.03D ap=0.02-0.04D



Cutting Condition R0.5/1 n (min-1) 79,600 Vc (m/min) 250 Vf (mm/min) 7,960 fz (mm/tooth) 0.05 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 1,910 fz (mm/tooth) 0.05 n (min-1) 79,600 Vc (m/min) 250 Vf (mm/min) 7,960 fz (mm/tooth) 0.05 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 1,910 fz (mm/tooth) 0.05 n (min-1) 79,600 Vc (m/min) 250 Vf (mm/min) 6,370 fz (mm/tooth) 0.04 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 1,530 fz (mm/tooth) 0.04 n (min-1) 63,700 Vc (m/min) 200 Vf (mm/min) 3,820 fz (mm/tooth) 0.03 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 1,150 fz (mm/tooth) 0.03 n (min-1) 47,800 Vc (m/min) 150 Vf (mm/min) 2,870 fz (mm/tooth) 0.03 n (min-1) 19,100 Vc (m/min) 60 Vf (mm/min) 1,150 fz (mm/tooth) 0.03

R1/2 47,800 300 5,740 0.06 19,100 120 2,290 0.06 47,800 300 5,740 0.06 19,100 120 2,290 0.06 39,800 250 3,980 0.05 19,100 120 1,910 0.05 31,800 200 3,180 0.05 19,100 120 1,910 0.05 23,900 150 2,390 0.05 14,300 90 1,430 0.05

R1.5/3 31,800 300 4,450 0.07 19,100 180 2,670 0.07 31,800 300 4,450 0.07 19,100 180 2,670 0.07 26,500 250 3,180 0.06 13,800 130 1,660 0.06 21,200 200 2,540 0.06 12,700 120 1,520 0.06 15,900 150 1,910 0.06 9,600 90 1,150 0.06

Tool Radius (mm) R2/4 R3/6 23,900 15,900 300 300 4,300 3,500 0.09 0.11 14,300 9,600 180 180 2,570 2,110 0.09 0.11 23,900 15,900 300 300 4,300 3,500 0.09 0.11 14,300 9,600 180 180 2,570 2,110 0.09 0.11 19,900 14,900 250 280 3,180 3,280 0.08 0.11 10,400 8,000 130 150 1,660 1,760 0.08 0.11 15,900 13,300 200 250 2,540 2,660 0.08 0.10 9,600 8,000 120 150 1,540 1,600 0.08 0.10 11,900 10,600 150 200 1,900 2,120 0.08 0.10 7,200 6,400 90 120 1,150 1,280 0.08 0.10

R4/8 13,900 350 3,340 0.12 8,000 200 1,920 0.12 13,900 350 3,340 0.12 8,000 200 1,920 0.12 11,100 280 2,660 0.12 6,000 150 1,440 0.12 10,000 250 2,200 0.11 6,000 150 1,320 0.11 8,000 200 1,760 0.11 4,800 120 1,060 0.11

R5/10 11,100 350 2,890 0.13 6,400 200 1,660 0.13 11,100 350 2,890 0.13 6,400 200 1,660 0.13 8,900 280 2,310 0.13 4,800 150 1,250 0.13 8,000 250 1,920 0.12 4,800 150 1,150 0.12 6,400 200 1,540 0.12 3,800 120 910 0.12

R6/12 9,300 350 2,600 0.14 5,300 200 1,480 0.14 9,300 350 2,600 0.14 5,300 200 1,480 0.14 7,400 280 2,070 0.14 4,000 150 1,120 0.14 6,600 250 1,720 0.13 4,000 150 1,040 0.13 5,300 200 1,380 0.13 3,200 120 830 0.13

Theoretical cusp height in end milling (m) Die theoretische Rautiefe in der Frsbearbeitung (m) Calculo de altura de la cresta terica en fresado (mm) Cresta terica de fresado (m) Hauteur de crte thorique en fraisage (m)
0.05 0.63 0.31 0.16 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.075 1.41 0.70 0.35 0.23 0.18 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.1 2.51 1.25 0.63 0.42 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.16 0.13 ae (mm) 0.15 0.2 5.66 10.10 2.82 5.01 1.41 2.50 0.94 1.67 0.70 1.25 0.56 1.00 0.47 0.83 0.35 0.63 0.28 0.50 0.3 23.03 11.31 5.63 3.75 2.81 2.25 1.88 1.41 1.13 0.4 41.74 20.20 10.03 6.67 5.00 4.00 3.33 2.50 2.0 0.5 66.99 31.75 15.69 10.43 7.82 6.25 5.21 3.91 3.13

R (mm)

0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Feed pitch and cusp height ae (mm) Zeilensprung Paso y altura de cresta Relacin Paso / Cresta Pas et hauteur de crte

2007 Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH


Product Range Solid Carbide End Mills

Indexable Milling Tools

ESM Speed End Mills EMC Power Drills Milling Chucks

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Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

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2007 by Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH 2nd Edition Printed in Germany

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